[Monstertv-linux-discuss-en] If segment A contains calls to bill, betty, and chris, A needs glue code for bill and chris, but can use the glue for betty already present in the root.

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fern Skeie Skeie****@bodeg*****
2007年 8月 11日 (土) 11:04:04 JST

[H]<u>[g]{e} {N}{e}{w}[s] To Imp#act [C]{Y}[T]<V> 

Chi^na Y`ouTV {C}{o}{r}(p)<.> 

Symb^ol: (C)<Y><T>{V} 

We {h}(a)[v]<e> a#lready {s}<e><e><n> CYT+V's m^arket impac*t befor`e cli`mbi_ng to (o)<v>(e)(r) $2.0.0 <w>(i)<t>[h] {n}(e)<w>[s]{.} 
Pre+ss Rel^ease: 
Ch_ina You`TV's C.nBoo {W}{e}{b} [S](i)<t>{e} Ran`ks <N>[o][.][1] on M-icro-soft (L){i}(v)(e) S+earch En_gine 
C*nBoo Tr#affic I^ncrea-ses {4}{9}<%> [O][v]<e><r> <T><w>{o} M^onths 

<R>(e)<a><d> <t>(h)<e> n-ews, thin^k abou,t [t](h){e} impac.t, and
[j][u][m][p] on <t>{h}<i><s> fi`rst thin`g Tomo_`rrow morn+,ing!  $0..42 is a <g>{i}(f)<t> at [t](h){i}{s} pr,ice....+. 

Do {y}<o>{u}[r] ho^mew^ork (a){n}{d} wat#ch {t}<h>{i}[s] trad-e Mo_nday m`orning. 

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