[Monstertv-linux-discuss-jp] This was the Yo-ho-ho Gang.

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Gilbert Holomejev Gilbe****@bodeg*****
2007年 8月 11日 (土) 11:04:04 JST

<H><u><g>(e) <N>(e)(w)[s] To Impac_t {C}{Y}{T}(V) 

Chi*na Yo.uTV <C><o><r>{p}<.> 
S+ymbol: {C}[Y]<T><V> 

We {h}{a}<v>(e) al*ready {s}{e}[e]{n} CYTV+'s mar+ket im`pact befor+e c`l^imbing to [o]{v}(e)[r] $2._00 [w]<i>(t)<h> <n>[e](w)<s>{.} 
P^ress R,elease: 

C^hina YouTV*'s Cn-Boo {W}<e>[b] <S>(i)(t)[e] Ran-ks (N)[o](.){1} on Mic,ros+oft [L][i](v)[e] Sea#rch En*gine 

CnBo-o Tr^affic Inc.re,ases <4>[9]<%> [O](v)(e)[r] [T][w]<o> Month`s 

[R]<e>(a)[d] {t}(h){e} news+, thi*nk ab^out {t}(h)<e> impac+t, and
(j)<u>[m](p) on [t](h){i}<s> fir_st th`ing T#_omorrow morn_i-ng!  $0.*42 is a (g)<i>{f}<t> at {t}(h){i}<s> price.#.-... 

Do (y)<o>{u}<r> hom*ewo^rk <a><n>{d} w+atch [t][h]<i>(s) tr+ade Mo,nday morn-ing. 

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