kirk Distefano
2007年 8月 18日 (土) 01:04:09 JST
H.E,R,E WE GO AG AIN! T'H-E B.I_G O*N E BEFO RE T.H+E SEPTEMBER.RALL *Y! T,H*E M*ARKET IS ABO-UT TO P_O_P., A,N,D SO IS E+X M,T ! Fir m: EXCHA.N*GE MO-BILE T+E.L-E (Ot_her O T,C_: EXMT._PK) T.ick: E,X-M*T A-s*k,: 0,..0,8 5-d,ay pote_ntial,: 0*. 4'0 T h_i,s a gr*eat opp_ortu,nity to at lea st doub.le up! N_o_t o,n+l*y d-o+e.s t-h,i s f.i-r.m h,a'v'e gre+at fu-ndamenta+ls, b'u-t gettin,g t h_i s oppo'rtun'ity at t+h.e rig*ht ti'me, r-ight be'fore t_h_e r+ally is w h-a*t ma_kes t h.i+s d,e a*l so swee+t! Watc_h it s'o a'r,! Pic.king a fig'ht w*i t+h t.h.e bar,man at t*h+e ' Yalt*a'. Be s*u,r'e to ve.rify t.h+e sampl_e or der b_efore convert,*ing an R*G,B f i,l*e to J_F'I,F-. R.i t,a k+n*e w a.bout it. T_h-e g_arden d o-o'r is o_p-e-n a_n-d t,h_e o_d o_r of w,e-t le.aves s'o_p_s in a_n+d t'h'e r,a'i,n bl*ends w*i*t+h Eu'gene+'s a.n'd tr'istess,e. Ro lling to t'h*e s,ide, stayi'ng l+o'w,, I f.ired o_f-f a_nother B_F.G bl-ast d,o-w*n t h'e co_*rridor to t h e l*e.f't.. -------------- next part -------------- HTML$B$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B... Download