How to test? (2013-02-18 00:34 by strawmanbobi #67401)
Hi, okamoto.
I have downloaded your DM Server 3.7, got it running, but don't have way to test it. I know there is Android DM Client, but where can I download its source code or apk ? Would you please help me ?
Thanks a lot !
RE: How to test? (2013-02-18 08:01 by okamoto3 #67402)
Thank for download this.
The Funambol DM Client project is also closed and not publicly available now.
I recommend device simulators:
1.SCTS DM Ver1.2
as in the DMDemo manual
2.OMA-DM simulator
RE: How to test? (2013-02-18 23:13 by strawmanbobi #67410)
Hi, okamoto.
Yes, I have tried the simulator, it's nice, but I really need to work out an Android client demo, do you have the source code of Android dm client can send mail to me ?