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Projeto Descrição

Develop a module to mount Filesys::Virtual module as filesystem.

Currently, developping a Perl interface for Dokan (user-mode file system for Windows) too.

(Same module can be used like:

Dokan -> Perl I/F -> Fuse -> Filesys::Virtual )

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Liberado: 2009-06-27 19:16
Win32::Dokan Win32::Dokan 0.03_1 (2 files Esconder)

Release Notes

* Now you can compile with Strawberry perl.
* Makefile.Pl takes -l option for Dokan Library path.
* "make test" tests drive mounted by dokan.

source files
zipped ppm files for Active Perl

* Strawberry perl でコンパイルできるようにしました。
* Makefile.Pl で -l オプションで dokan ライブラリのパスが指定できるようになりました。
* make test で実際にドライブをマウントしてテストを行うようにしました。

ActivePerl 用の ppm を zip したもの。


* Now you can compile with Strawberry perl.
* Makefile.Pl takes -l option for Dokan Library path.
* "make test" tests drive mounted by dokan.
* Constants are moved to Win32::Dokan::Const

* Now you can compile with Strawberry perl.
* Makefile.Pl takes -l option for Dokan Library path.
* "make test" tests drive mounted by dokan.
* Constants are moved to Win32::Dokan::Const