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Projeto Descrição

PostgreSQL executes queries using cost-based optimizer, and sometimes fails to choose most optimized execution plan or some types of queries. In such cases, pg_hint_plan helps users to guide the planner to choose the plans they want by putting some nstructions - call them hints - in the comments prefixed to the SQL statement body. No need to rewrite statement tself nor change some GUC parameters elsewhere.

System Requirements

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Liberado: 2020-02-21 11:01
pg_hint_plan for PostgreSQL 10 1.3.5 (2 files Esconder)

Release Notes

pg_hint_plan10 1.3.5 is released.

Version 1.3.4 is skipped for the consistency with pg_hint_plan for other PostgreSQL versions. The following bugs are fixed in this version.

pg_hint_plan10 1.3.5 をリリースします

ほかのバージョンのPostgreSQL向けのpg_hint_plan との整合性のため、バージョン1.3.4 はスキップされます. このバージョンでは以下のバグが修正されています.


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