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pg_store_plans records execution statistics for every selected plans and stores the execution plans. pg_store_plans is basically a derivative work of pg_stat_statements so it is very similar to pg_stat_plans since they share the same origin and cl...

System Requirements

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Liberado: 2020-01-30 19:34
pg_store_plans10 1.3.1 (5 files Esconder)

Release Notes

= Version 1.3.1 is fixed a bug since 1.3.

  • The content of the pg_store_plans.plan is converted from storage format (raw string) to printing format. Queries that output the column gets ERROR when the converted string had characters that need encoding after the length of raw string, or when the conversion made the plan string shorter.


  • pg_store_plans.plans の内容は表示前に格納形式から表示形式に変換されます。このカラムを出力するクエリは以下の場合にエラーとなります。
    • 変換後の文字列が変換前の長さよりも後ろにエンコーディングが必要な文字を含んでいた場合
    • 変換後の文字列が変換魔よりも短くなった場合。


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