[Phoby-users] iyomitsu

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naee, baragry barag****@0801*****
2007年 9月 21日 (金) 20:19:51 JST

Rum,or N e'w,s+: 

O+nc+ology M e,d+. I-n.c .  (_OTC: ON CO) a C-ancer Treatme,n.t S olutio*ns Grou*p is s a'i-d to h+a'v.e 

e x perienced o'v*e.r a 1,000% incr,e,ase in reven,+ues f_o r t.h+e f'iscal 3+r,d q uarter endi+ng J_u,l-y_, 

2,0.0-7 co_mpa*red w*i*t'h t'h,e pr ior y+e_a*r w'hile f_iscal four th qu.arter re'sults f,o r 2-0*0,7 a+r-e on
t+rack to excee+d t.h'i's y'ear’s thi.rd qu_arter r_esults. 

O N*C-O add*it,ionally pl.ans to in-crea*se se rvice offeri,ng's whi.ch a+r'e current*,ly underwa-y-. 

Do*n’t w,a i*t f.o_r t'h+e n e'w+s to c,o,m.e o,u't a,n-d l-o.s*e t'h+e opp.o'rtunity to g_e+t in f*ront of the
gen-eral i,nvesti+ng pub,lic.  O,ncolog*y M'e_d is in a multibill.io*n doll*ar ind-ustr'y w h'e*r*e 
t.h_e-y a.r+e ga*ining mark.et s,hare rapidl_y. 

C-a-l'l y+o*u*r b+roker n-o-w f.o'r O'N_C O_. 

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