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Willy G. Massey swo****@cente*****
2007年 6月 18日 (月) 09:58:18 JST

Word Is Out, Big News Monday!

Score One Inc.
$0.20 UP 33.3%

This week's news has already been pushing SREA up. Word is out a BIG
news release is expected Monday! Keep your eyes open and get on SREA

They have some great featur They have some great fea

They have some great features
I'm thinking this would be excellent for robotics, installation art,
making a artistic computers, and comically misplacing. It's got to the
point where if someone trailing me on the board passes me I'll go out
and climb a few flights of stairs to try and regain my position. Nothing
gets people motivated to exercise like seeing their position on the
board slip as others get out there and work up a sweat! A fitness point
roughly translates into a calorie, while an activity point allows you to
compare your exercise to anyone else on the site.

A fitness point roughly translates into a calorie, while an activity
point allows you to compare your exercise to anyone else on the site.
Through the social club at work I'm participating in a fitness
scoreboard. I'm thinking this would be excellent for robotics,
installation art, making a artistic computers, and comically misplacing.

They have some great featur

I guess I'm kind of hoping that people's interest wanes a little so I
can get ahead - that's probably wrong of me isn't it?

I need all the preservatives I can get. They have some great fea I'm a
bit disappointed by my position - I thought I'd be higher.

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