[Prime-cvs] CVS update: prime/lib

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Hiroyuki Komatsu komat****@users*****
2005年 1月 31日 (月) 22:03:36 JST

Index: prime/lib/session-prime08.rb
diff -u /dev/null prime/lib/session-prime08.rb:
--- /dev/null	Mon Jan 31 22:03:36 2005
+++ prime/lib/session-prime08.rb	Mon Jan 31 22:03:36 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+# session-prime08.rb: Session library for the PRIME 0.8 protocol
+# $Id: session-prime08.rb,v 2005/01/31 13:03:36 komatsu Exp $
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Hiroyuki Komatsu <komat****@taiya*****>
+#     All rights reserved.
+#     This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
+# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of 
+# the GNU General Public License version 2.
+require 'prime/session'
+require 'prime/prime-japanese'
+require 'prime/prime-mixed'
+class PrimeSessionPrime08 < PrimeSession
+  include PrimeJapanese
+  include PrimeMixed
+  def initialize (language = nil)
+    super
+    initialize_prime_japanese()
+  end
+  def get_label (pattern)
+    return PrimeTypeConv::convert(pattern).join()
+  end
+  def preedit_convert_input (pattern)
+    return PrimeTypeConv::convert(pattern).join("\t")
+  end
+  def set_context (context)
+    @context = context
+  end
+  def learn_word (pron, literal, pos = "",
+                  context = "", suffix = "", rest = "")
+    pron    = (pron    or "").strip
+    literal = (literal or "").strip
+    pos     = (pos     or "").strip
+    context = (context or "").strip
+    suffix  = (suffix  or "").strip
+    rest    = (rest    or "").strip
+    @engines.command(:learn_word, pron, literal, pos, context, suffix, rest)
+  end
+  def lookup (string)
+    if PRIME_ENV['typing_method'] == 'tcode' or 
+        PRIME_ENV['typing_method'] == 'handwrite' then
+      word_list = lookup_direct(string)
+    else
+      word_list = lookup_compact(string)
+    end
+    return word_list
+  end
+  def lookup_all (string)
+    if PRIME_ENV['typing_method'] == 'tcode' or 
+        PRIME_ENV['typing_method'] == 'handwrite' then
+      word_list = lookup_direct_all(string)
+    else
+      word_list = lookup_compact_all(string)
+    end
+    return word_list
+  end
+  def lookup_hybrid (string)
+    words  = search_hybrid(string, 10)
+    result = PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, words)
+    return result
+  end
+  def lookup_hybrid_all (string)
+    words  = search_hybrid(string)
+    result = PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, words)
+    return result
+  end
+  def lookup_direct (string)
+    results_expansion = lookup_expansion(string)
+    results = PrimeWordList::merge_by_literal(@context, results_expansion)
+    return results[0,3]
+  end
+  def lookup_direct_all (string)
+    #     results_prefix    = lookup_prefix(string)
+    results_expansion = lookup_expansion(string)
+    results_mixed     = lookup_mixed(string)
+    words_japanese  = search_japanese(string)
+    words_overall   = search_overall(string)
+    results = PrimeWordList::merge_by_literal(@context,
+                                                # results_prefix[0, 3],
+                                                results_expansion,
+                                                results_mixed,
+                                                words_japanese,
+                                                words_overall)
+    return PrimeWordList.new(results_expansion[0,3] | results)
+  end
+  def lookup_compact (string)
+    words_compact = search_compact(string)
+    words = PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, words_compact)
+    return words
+  end
+  def lookup_compact_all (string)
+    words_compact  = search_compact(string)
+    words_overall  = search_overall(string)
+    words_japanese = search_japanese(string)
+    results_compact    = PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context,
+                                                         words_compact)
+    results_conversion = PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context,
+                                                         words_overall,
+                                                         words_japanese)
+    return PrimeWordList::concat(results_compact | results_conversion)
+  end
+  def lookup_prefix (string)
+    words_prefix = search_prefix(string)
+    return PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, words_prefix)
+  end
+  def lookup_prefix_ex (string)
+    words_prefix      = search_prefix(string)
+    results_expansion = lookup_expansion(string)
+    return PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context,
+					   words_prefix,
+					   results_expansion)
+  end
+  def lookup_exact (string)
+    words_exact = search_exact(string)
+    return PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, words_exact)
+  end
+  def lookup_overall (string)
+    words_overall = search_overall(string)
+    return PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, words_overall)
+  end
+  def lookup_expansion (string)
+    # 「予→予測」
+    expands = PrimeTypeConv::expand(string)
+    query = PrimeQuery.new(expands, nil, :literal_prefix, @context)
+    results = lookup_internal(query)
+    return results
+  end
+  def search (query)
+    query.input.uniq!()
+    words_list =****@engin*****(:search, query)
+    return PrimeWordList::merge(words_list)
+  end
+  def search_prefix (string)
+    # 「よ→予測」
+    expands = PrimeTypeConv::expand(string)
+    query = PrimeQuery.new(expands, nil, :prefix, @context)
+    words = search(query)
+    return words
+  end
+  def search_exact (string)
+    # 「よそく→予測」
+    converted = PrimeTypeConv::convert(string).join()
+    query = PrimeQuery.new([converted, string], nil, :exact, @context)
+    words = search(query)
+    return words
+  end
+  def search_raw (string)
+    ## FIXME: This method is an ad-hoc routine for search_japanese.
+    ## FIXME: <komat****@taiya*****> (2004-02-28)
+    query = PrimeQuery.new([string], nil, :exact, @context)
+    words = search(query)
+    return words
+  end
+  def search_overall (string)
+    # 「1+1=→2」, 「aiueo→アイウエオ」
+    query = PrimeQuery.new([string], nil, :overall)
+    words_overall = search(query)
+    return words_overall
+  end
+  def search_compact (string)
+    words_prefix   = search_prefix(string)
+    ## If the result of search_prefix is empty, this method stops the following
+    ## search_japanese_uniclause for the quickness.
+    if words_prefix.empty? then
+      ## Ruby 1.6 does not keep the class PrimeWordList word[0,1] if the
+      ## value of word is [], and the class of the result of word[0,1]
+      ## becomes Array which is a super class of PrimewordList.
+      return PrimeWordList.new()
+    end
+    words_japanese = search_japanese_uniclause(string)
+    words_compact  = PrimeWordList::merge(words_prefix, words_japanese)[0,1]
+    if words_compact.length > 0 then
+      predict_with_multi_clauses!(words_compact)
+      words_compact[1..-1].each {|word|
+        word.score = words_compact[0].score
+      }
+    end
+    return words_compact
+  end
+  def search_hybrid (string, max = nil)
+    words_prefix   = search_prefix(string)
+    words_japanese = search_japanese(string)
+    words_overall  = search_overall(string)
+    num_prefix = 3
+    num_max_prefix = 10
+    if (num_max_prefix - words_japanese.length) > num_prefix then
+      num_prefix = (num_max_prefix - words_japanese.length)
+    end
+    words = PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, 
+                                            words_prefix[0,num_prefix],
+                                            words_overall,
+                                            words_japanese)
+    if max then
+      words = words[0,max]
+    end
+    predict_with_multi_clauses!(words)
+    return words
+  end
+  private
+  def lookup_internal (query)
+    query.input.uniq!()
+    words_list =****@engin*****(:search, query)
+    return PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, words_list)
+  end
+  def predict_with_multi_clauses!(results)
+    unless results.empty? then
+      word1 = results.first
+      context = (word1.literal + word1.conjugation)
+      query = PrimeQuery.new([""], nil, :context, context)
+      word2 = search(query).first
+      if word2.non_nil? then
+        results.push(_merge_words(word1, word2))
+      end
+    end
+    return results
+  end
Index: prime/lib/prime2.rb
diff -u prime/lib/prime2.rb: prime/lib/prime2.rb:
--- prime/lib/prime2.rb:	Mon Jan 31 03:30:56 2005
+++ prime/lib/prime2.rb	Mon Jan 31 22:03:36 2005
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # prime2.rb: Module for PRIME2 protocol.
-# $Id: prime2.rb,v 2005/01/30 18:30:56 komatsu Exp $
+# $Id: prime2.rb,v 2005/01/31 13:03:36 komatsu Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 2004 Hiroyuki Komatsu <komat****@taiya*****>
 #     All rights reserved.
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
 require 'suikyo/suikyo-composer'
 require 'prime/session.rb'
+require 'prime/session-prime08'
 module Prime2
   def initialize_prime2 ()
Index: prime/lib/prime08.rb
diff -u /dev/null prime/lib/prime08.rb:
--- /dev/null	Mon Jan 31 22:03:36 2005
+++ prime/lib/prime08.rb	Mon Jan 31 22:03:36 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+# prime08.rb: Module for the PRIME 0.8 protocol
+# $Id: prime08.rb,v 2005/01/31 13:03:36 komatsu Exp $
+# Copyright (C) 2005 Hiroyuki Komatsu <komat****@taiya*****>
+#     All rights reserved.
+#     This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
+# You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of 
+# the GNU General Public License version 2.
+module Prime08
+  def initialize_prime08 ()
+    @session_prime08 = PrimeSessionPrime08.new()
+  end
+  def get_label (pattern)
+    return @session_prime08.get_label(pattern)
+  end
+  def preedit_convert_input (pattern)
+    return @session_prime08.preedit_convert_input(pattern)
+  end
+  def set_context (context)
+    @session_prime08.set_context(context)
+  end
+  def learn_word (pron, literal, pos = "",
+                  context = "", suffix = "", rest = "")
+    @session_prime08.learn_word(pron, literal, pos, context, suffix, rest)
+  end
+  def lookup (string)
+    return @session_prime08.lookup(string)
+  end
+  def lookup_all (string)
+    return @session_prime08.lookup_all(string)
+  end
+  def lookup_hybrid (string)
+    return @session_prime08.lookup_hybrid(string)
+  end
+  def lookup_hybrid_all (string)
+    return @session_prime08.lookup_hybrid_all(string)
+  end
+  def lookup_direct (string)
+    return @session_prime08.lookup_direct(string)
+  end
+  def lookup_direct_all (string)
+    return @session_prime08.lookup_direct_all(string)
+  end
+  def lookup_compact (string)
+    return @session_prime08.lookup_compact(string)
+  end
+  def lookup_compact_all (string)
+    return @session_prime08.lookup_compact_all(string)
+  end
+  def lookup_prefix (string)
+    return @session_prime08.lookup_prefix(string)
+  end
+  def lookup_prefix_ex (string)
+    return @session_prime08.lookup_prefix_ex(string)
+  end
+  def lookup_exact (string)
+    return @session_prime08.lookup_exact(string)
+  end
+  def lookup_overall (string)
+    return @session_prime08.lookup_overall(string)
+  end
+  def lookup_expansion (string)
+    return @session_prime08.lookup_expansion(string)
+  end
Index: prime/lib/prime.rb
diff -u prime/lib/prime.rb: prime/lib/prime.rb:
--- prime/lib/prime.rb:	Mon Jan 31 04:45:48 2005
+++ prime/lib/prime.rb	Mon Jan 31 22:03:36 2005
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # prime/prime.rb
-# $Id: prime.rb,v 2005/01/30 19:45:48 komatsu Exp $
+# $Id: prime.rb,v 2005/01/31 13:03:36 komatsu Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004 Hiroyuki Komatsu <komat****@taiya*****>
 #     All rights reserved.
@@ -12,8 +12,7 @@
 require 'prime/prime-config'
 require 'prime/taiyaki'
 require 'prime/prime2'
-require 'prime/prime-japanese'
-require 'prime/prime-mixed'
+require 'prime/prime08'
 require 'prime/engine/engine-basic'
 require 'prime/engine/engine-english'
@@ -30,8 +29,7 @@
 class Prime
   include Debug
   include Prime2
-  include PrimeJapanese
-  include PrimeMixed
+  include Prime08
   def initialize (engine_files = nil)
     @debug_mode = false
@@ -39,10 +37,9 @@
     @engines = init_engines(engine_files)
-    @context = nil
-    initialize_prime_japanese()
+    initialize_prime08()
     @flag_opened = true
@@ -135,130 +132,6 @@
     return PRIME_ENV[key]
-  def get_label (pattern)
-    return PrimeTypeConv::convert(pattern).join()
-  end
-  def preedit_convert_input (pattern)
-    return PrimeTypeConv::convert(pattern).join("\t")
-  end
-  def set_context (context)
-    @context = context
-  end
-  def learn_word (pron, literal, pos = "",
-                  context = "", suffix = "", rest = "")
-    pron    = (pron    or "").strip
-    literal = (literal or "").strip
-    pos     = (pos     or "").strip
-    context = (context or "").strip
-    suffix  = (suffix  or "").strip
-    rest    = (rest    or "").strip
-    @engines.command(:learn_word, pron, literal, pos, context, suffix, rest)
-  end
-  def lookup (string)
-    if PRIME_ENV['typing_method'] == 'tcode' or 
-        PRIME_ENV['typing_method'] == 'handwrite' then
-      word_list = lookup_direct(string)
-    else
-      word_list = lookup_compact(string)
-    end
-    return word_list
-  end
-  def lookup_all (string)
-    if PRIME_ENV['typing_method'] == 'tcode' or 
-        PRIME_ENV['typing_method'] == 'handwrite' then
-      word_list = lookup_direct_all(string)
-    else
-      word_list = lookup_compact_all(string)
-    end
-    return word_list
-  end
-  def lookup_hybrid (string)
-    words  = search_hybrid(string, 10)
-    result = PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, words)
-    return result
-  end
-  def lookup_hybrid_all (string)
-    words  = search_hybrid(string)
-    result = PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, words)
-    return result
-  end
-  def lookup_direct (string)
-    results_expansion = lookup_expansion(string)
-    results = PrimeWordList::merge_by_literal(@context, results_expansion)
-    return results[0,3]
-  end
-  def lookup_direct_all (string)
-    #     results_prefix    = lookup_prefix(string)
-    results_expansion = lookup_expansion(string)
-    results_mixed     = lookup_mixed(string)
-    words_japanese  = search_japanese(string)
-    words_overall   = search_overall(string)
-    results = PrimeWordList::merge_by_literal(@context,
-                                                # results_prefix[0, 3],
-                                                results_expansion,
-                                                results_mixed,
-                                                words_japanese,
-                                                words_overall)
-    return PrimeWordList.new(results_expansion[0,3] | results)
-  end
-  def lookup_compact (string)
-    words_compact = search_compact(string)
-    words = PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, words_compact)
-    return words
-  end
-  def lookup_compact_all (string)
-    words_compact  = search_compact(string)
-    words_overall  = search_overall(string)
-    words_japanese = search_japanese(string)
-    results_compact    = PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context,
-                                                         words_compact)
-    results_conversion = PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context,
-                                                         words_overall,
-                                                         words_japanese)
-    return PrimeWordList::concat(results_compact | results_conversion)
-  end
-  def lookup_prefix (string)
-    words_prefix = search_prefix(string)
-    return PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, words_prefix)
-  end
-  def lookup_prefix_ex (string)
-    words_prefix      = search_prefix(string)
-    results_expansion = lookup_expansion(string)
-    return PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context,
-					   words_prefix,
-					   results_expansion)
-  end
-  def lookup_exact (string)
-    words_exact = search_exact(string)
-    return PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, words_exact)
-  end
-  def lookup_overall (string)
-    words_overall = search_overall(string)
-    return PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, words_overall)
-  end
-  def lookup_expansion (string)
-    # 「予→予測」
-    expands = PrimeTypeConv::expand(string)
-    query = PrimeQuery.new(expands, nil, :literal_prefix, @context)
-    results = lookup_internal(query)
-    return results
-  end
   def check_existence (pron, pos, literal)
     results =****@engin*****(:check_existence, pron, literal, pos)
     results.each {|result|
@@ -267,112 +140,6 @@
     return false
-  def search (query)
-    query.input.uniq!()
-    p query
-    words_list =****@engin*****(:search, query)
-    return PrimeWordList::merge(words_list)
-  end
-  def search_prefix (string)
-    # 「よ→予測」
-    expands = PrimeTypeConv::expand(string)
-    query = PrimeQuery.new(expands, nil, :prefix, @context)
-    words = search(query)
-    return words
-  end
-  def search_exact (string)
-    # 「よそく→予測」
-    converted = PrimeTypeConv::convert(string).join()
-    query = PrimeQuery.new([converted, string], nil, :exact, @context)
-    words = search(query)
-    return words
-  end
-  def search_raw (string)
-    ## FIXME: This method is an ad-hoc routine for search_japanese.
-    ## FIXME: <komat****@taiya*****> (2004-02-28)
-    query = PrimeQuery.new([string], nil, :exact, @context)
-    words = search(query)
-    return words
-  end
-  def search_overall (string)
-    # 「1+1=→2」, 「aiueo→アイウエオ」
-    query = PrimeQuery.new([string], nil, :overall)
-    words_overall = search(query)
-    return words_overall
-  end
-  def search_compact (string)
-    words_prefix   = search_prefix(string)
-    ## If the result of search_prefix is empty, this method stops the following
-    ## search_japanese_uniclause for the quickness.
-    if words_prefix.empty? then
-      ## Ruby 1.6 does not keep the class PrimeWordList word[0,1] if the
-      ## value of word is [], and the class of the result of word[0,1]
-      ## becomes Array which is a super class of PrimewordList.
-      return PrimeWordList.new()
-    end
-    words_japanese = search_japanese_uniclause(string)
-    words_compact  = PrimeWordList::merge(words_prefix, words_japanese)[0,1]
-    if words_compact.length > 0 then
-      predict_with_multi_clauses!(words_compact)
-      words_compact[1..-1].each {|word|
-        word.score = words_compact[0].score
-      }
-    end
-    return words_compact
-  end
-  def search_hybrid (string, max = nil)
-    words_prefix   = search_prefix(string)
-    words_japanese = search_japanese(string)
-    words_overall  = search_overall(string)
-    num_prefix = 3
-    num_max_prefix = 10
-    if (num_max_prefix - words_japanese.length) > num_prefix then
-      num_prefix = (num_max_prefix - words_japanese.length)
-    end
-    words = PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, 
-                                            words_prefix[0,num_prefix],
-                                            words_overall,
-                                            words_japanese)
-    if max then
-      words = words[0,max]
-    end
-    predict_with_multi_clauses!(words)
-    return words
-  end
-  private
-  def lookup_internal (query)
-    query.input.uniq!()
-    words_list =****@engin*****(:search, query)
-    return PrimeWordList::merge_with_label(@context, words_list)
-  end
-  def predict_with_multi_clauses!(results)
-    unless results.empty? then
-      word1 = results.first
-      context = (word1.literal + word1.conjugation)
-      query = PrimeQuery.new([""], nil, :context, context)
-      word2 = search(query).first
-      if word2.non_nil? then
-        results.push(_merge_words(word1, word2))
-      end
-    end
-    return results
-  end
   ## This returns an avairable prefix string for the literal.
   ## ex). get_prefix("This", "is") => " "
Index: prime/lib/Makefile.am
diff -u prime/lib/Makefile.am: prime/lib/Makefile.am:
--- prime/lib/Makefile.am:	Mon Jan 31 03:30:56 2005
+++ prime/lib/Makefile.am	Mon Jan 31 22:03:36 2005
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # Makefile.am: Template of Automake for prime/lib.
-# $Id: Makefile.am,v 2005/01/30 18:30:56 komatsu Exp $
+# $Id: Makefile.am,v 2005/01/31 13:03:36 komatsu Exp $
 # Copyright (C) 2003 Hiroyuki Komatsu <komat****@taiya*****>
 #     All rights reserved.
@@ -11,7 +11,8 @@
 SUBDIRS = engine grammar makedict
 RUBY_FILES = prime.rb prime2.rb prime-japanese.rb prime-mixed.rb \
              protocol.rb server.rb session.rb \
-             taiyaki.rb array-agent.rb 
+             taiyaki.rb array-agent.rb \
+	     session-prime08.rb prime08.rb
 EXTRA_DIST = $(RUBY_FILES) prime-config.rb.in

Prime-cvs メーリングリストの案内
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