[Prime-cvs] (無題)

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eugene myers irisl****@telko*****
2006年 7月 5日 (水) 18:36:19 JST

 Hello Marry,


 Origin history of China Post is long, the own characters record , have had
a history of 3,000 years already, it is one of the countries that sets up
the organized information transmission first in the world. 


ICQ  *292*877*779
email : baoba****@hotma*****
We offer: 
1990 ~ 2005 
Stamp of the whole year 
220$ ~ 120$

Method of delivering goods of  MES 

The looks quality of the stamp product , is comparatively speaking. The
general stamp is easy to get, can select . Every pattern the same, can is it
taste looks quality to compare, is it pick out product looks time to try
one's best, a good collection stands up. If a stamp is extremely rare, it
has been already very precious that can collect one , needn't make excessive
demands on the looks of the product. 

Maintenance of the stamp: 
 Three; Select the fine fair weather to check stamps and get the stamp
collected out and look through, completely completely angry, do completely
until the stamp it is crooked in shape to put on the desk, insert and put in
orienting the volume . 

Prime-cvs メーリングリストの案内
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