[Prime-cvs] The instance of the on which to invoke the method on.

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Sengorn ewens ewens****@ildol*****
2007年 8月 11日 (土) 20:41:26 JST

H+u,g+e N.e'w.s To Impac.t C'Y T*V 

C+hina YouT-V C,o-r-p.. 
Symbo_l: C-Y_T.V 

We h.a+v e alre'ady s-e e-n CYTV'+s mar ket impa'ct befo.re c-*limbing to o,v*e r $2_.00 w'i.t.h n-e-w,s.. 

P ress Re'lease: 
C hina YouT+V's C*nBoo W*e-b S.i*t,e Ra.nks N*o .'1 on Micros_o_ft L-i*v e Sear+ch E'ngine 
Cn_Boo Traffi+c Inc_-reases 4 9,% O-v,e*r T'w,o Mo_nths 

R e,a-d t h'e n ews, th-ink abou*t t_h*e impa*ct, and

j*u+m*p on t'h.i+s firs.t thin,g Tom_orr'ow morn in g!  $0.4.2 is a g*i f,t at t_h+i*s pric'e...-.. 

Do y.o*u_r homewor''k a.n+d wa_tch t.h,i-s tra_de Monda-y morni ng. 

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