[Pythonjp-checkins] New business Idea in Indoor Air Pollution Industry

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Boon Kiat Chua, BK boonkiat_chua****@yahoo*****
2005年 7月 20日 (水) 21:29:02 JST

Dear Sir/Madam,

Good day. 

We are a Singapore based company with the mission to provide clean, fresh air for people. It certainly sounds absurd; who would need to pay for the air that we breathe? In fact for the past 5-10 years, have not we already been paying for what we call ‘cool air’; the air conditioning. And even in the hospital, people pay for the oxygen tank too. Can air be a commodity like food and water?

I was working for an America Telco MNC as a Project Officer, managing project implementation, before starting this new industry under a business mentor, 49 years of age. He had been 17 years running his own commercial contracting business before starting this new industry. Right now he is responsible for expansion of this new industry in countries like China, India, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam, United States etc. 

We are looking for business partners for international expansion. If you are open to look into providing clean, fresh air for people and to develop this new business idea with us, please reply with your contact information, location and we will get back to you. Thank you and God bless.

Yours Sincerely,
Boon Kiat Chua, "BK"
Business Development
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