Dezso Dourado
2007年 8月 20日 (月) 11:02:52 JST
H-E'R_E WE GO AGAIN-! T-H+E B-I'G O,N+E BEFO*RE T H.E SE PTEMBER._RALLY! T.H-E MARK'ET IS AB,OUT TO P_O P*, A*N D SO IS E-X M T+! Tick': E.X.M*T 5.-day poten.,tial: 0_.,4.0 F-irm: EXC'HA.NGE MOBIL,E T'E.L+E (Ot-her O-T'C': EXMT.PK_) A.s'k : 0'. 1+0 (*+25.0-0%) UP TO 2*5+% in 1 day N o-t o n+l_y d-o e,s t h,i_s f i'r_m h a-v'e gr*eat fun_dament_als, b u't t-h+i's oppo.rtuni'ty at t h+e ri+ght t_i*m+e*, befo*re t+h*e rall'y is w'h_a,t mak es t*h_i-s d,e*a,l so sw'eet! T'h,i*s a gr+eat opp*or,tunity to****@lea***** doub_le up! De,finit*ion at l_i,n e 3.1+4 of f,i l*e Pa cket. Par_vati w.a*s wai'ting f+o_r H-arry at t+h*e f.o_o-t of t,h+e s+tairs. T-h-i's s'ervice p o-r,t all ows t-h_e m'anageme,nt syste-m to acc+ess a+l,l's a n d me'mory in t*h.e sys-tem a+n d f acil.itates bootin g', mainte'nanc.e, a-n,d sy'stem monitor*ing-. We_'ll ne.ver g e t clos*e to it agai_n ourse_lves+. T-h-e Bro-+adcast Qu,eue redu*ces t*h*i+s pr+oblem. -------------- next part -------------- HTML$B$NE:IU%U%!%$%k$rJ]4I$7$^$7$?(B...Download