[Pythonjp-checkins] Ust in the last minutes, to slide a few of the h

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Laverde leeri****@beest*****
2009年 8月 28日 (金) 17:22:24 JST

Ectric chair, for a crime which you admit you alone are responsible for.
Yet you remain in your laboratory, immersed in your experiments, and do
nothing, nothing!" * * * * * The tears came now, and she sobbed
hysterically. It seemed that she was making an appeal to someone in whom
she had only a forlorn hope. "Nothing?" repeated Burr, pursing his thin
lips. "Nothing? Madam, I have done everything. I have, as I have told
you, perfected the experiment. It is successful. Your son has not
suffered in vain, and Smith's name will go down with the rest of
science's martyrs as one who died for the sake of humanity. But if you
wish to save your son, you must be calm. You must listen to what I have
to say, and you must not fail to carry out my instructions to the
letter. I am ready now." Light, the light of hope, sprang in the
mother's eyes. She grasped his arm and stared at him with shining face,
through tear-dipped eyelashes. "Do--do you mean it? Can you save him?
After the Governor has refused me? What can you do? No influence will
snatch Allen from the jaws of the law: the public is greatly excited and
very hostile toward him." A quiet smile played at the corners of Burr's
thin lips. "Come," he said. "Place this cloak about you. Allen wore it
when he assisted me." 
-------------- next part --------------
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