2012年 11月 11日 (日) 19:50:27 JST
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"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-03 12:06+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -17,1202 +17,1222 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# a13d6273a5344730a60adce5783aa009 +# 03bc93b326c848bbbd11d78c068026fd #: ../../about.rst:3 msgid "About these documents" msgstr "このドキュメントについて" -# d8284e8beb3e4280b2d104ba8162ab2c +# 681b640d213543b4909dbcbf3a834c21 #: ../../about.rst:6 -msgid "These documents are generated from `reStructuredText`_ sources by `Sphinx`_, a document processor specifically written for the Python documentation." +msgid "" +"These documents are generated from `reStructuredText`_ sources by `Sphinx`_," +" a document processor specifically written for the Python documentation." msgstr "このドキュメントは、 Python のドキュメントを主要な目的として作られ たドキュメントプロセッサの `Sphinx`_ を利用して、 `reStructuredText`_ 形式の ソースから生成されました。" -# 1fd5d343af62439ba678ca4bf22932d4 +# f409d374454f48818cb1c4258e277e12 #: ../../about.rst:15 -msgid "Development of the documentation and its toolchain takes place on the docs****@pytho***** mailing list. We're always looking for volunteers wanting to help with the docs, so feel free to send a mail there!" +msgid "" +"Development of the documentation and its toolchain takes place on the " +"docs****@pytho***** mailing list. We're always looking for volunteers wanting " +"to help with the docs, so feel free to send a mail there!" msgstr "ドキュメントとそのツール群の開発は、 docs****@pytho***** メーリングリス ト上で行われています。私たちは常に、一緒にドキュメントの開発をしてくれるボラ ンティアを探しています。気軽にこのメーリングリストにメールしてください。" -# 2e65b7493fa54c6ca11f4d620b61213f +# 94fe4c85823f4ed4b232371c8cfe07cc #: ../../about.rst:19 msgid "Many thanks go to:" msgstr "多大な感謝を:" -# 4e9e4771d1944befb681c04d44b71480 +# d0cc296b23094f54af13382d84fa2c5f #: ../../about.rst:21 -msgid "Fred L. Drake, Jr., the creator of the original Python documentation toolset and writer of much of the content;" +msgid "" +"Fred L. Drake, Jr., the creator of the original Python documentation toolset" +" and writer of much of the content;" msgstr "Fred L. Drake, Jr., the creator of the original Python documentation toolset and writer of much of the content;" -# 81c872e66b0b442ebdd10199375265fb +# 70acf52a47ea4328bb402eedc40a8e9e #: ../../about.rst:23 -msgid "the `Docutils <>`_ project for creating reStructuredText and the Docutils suite;" +msgid "" +"the `Docutils <>`_ project for creating " +"reStructuredText and the Docutils suite;" msgstr "the `Docutils <>`_ project for creating reStructuredText and the Docutils suite;" -# 6183b0d14c964b7d81337e46d9ef1437 +# 26b9f9486a5b46daa4152e0ae21a2b98 #: ../../about.rst:25 -msgid "Fredrik Lundh for his `Alternative Python Reference <>`_ project from which Sphinx got many good ideas." +msgid "" +"Fredrik Lundh for his `Alternative Python Reference " +"<>`_ project from which Sphinx got many good" +" ideas." msgstr "Fredrik Lundh for his `Alternative Python Reference <>`_ project from which Sphinx got many good ideas." -# 2491c430b51f45c38f7f3ab136177755 +# 73206f3bf39d4b968790b2dc2522c93c #: ../../about.rst:29 -msgid "See :ref:`reporting-bugs` for information how to report bugs in this documentation, or Python itself." +msgid "" +"See :ref:`reporting-bugs` for information how to report bugs in this " +"documentation, or Python itself." msgstr "このドキュメントや、 Python 自体のバグ報告について は、 :ref:`reporting-bugs` を参照してください。訳注: 日本語訳の問題について は、 Google Project Hosting 上の Issue Tracker <> に登録するか、 pytho****@pytho***** にメールで報告をお願いします。" -# 4b49495b3561470096c25348dc4f1370 +# 0f1248361dc14124ad19a799db7a47b7 #: ../../ACKS.txt:2 msgid "Contributors to the Python Documentation" msgstr "Pythonドキュメント貢献者" -# 91fed89eacf74cc69d7d64e6c9403842 +# a9d1abd6b07c4cca99878507470ca82a #: ../../ACKS.txt:4 -msgid "This section lists people who have contributed in some way to the Python documentation. It is probably not complete -- if you feel that you or anyone else should be on this list, please let us know (send email to docs****@pytho*****), and we'll be glad to correct the problem." +msgid "" +"This section lists people who have contributed in some way to the Python " +"documentation. It is probably not complete -- if you feel that you or " +"anyone else should be on this list, please let us know (send email to " +"docs****@pytho*****), and we'll be glad to correct the problem." msgstr "この節では、Pythonドキュメントに何らかの形で貢献した人をリストアッ プしています。このリストは完全ではありません -- もし、このリストに載っている べき人を知っていたら、 docs****@pytho***** にメールで教えてください。私たちは喜 んでその問題を修正します。" -# 7fb90141ceae43febfc50ef5563c5c24 +# 0076af2960c843cc82a6a98003c5f21f #: ../../ACKS.txt:11 msgid "Aahz" msgstr "Aahz" -# bee0d7a405cc4ad7ba90b03b796fb9d5 +# 300a57db5dbd4e129b3d34cc681cb1cb #: ../../ACKS.txt:12 msgid "Michael Abbott" msgstr "Michael Abbott" -# 4c3fe73ac8a14017a20d699c37d22a64 +# 09ad9c0212cc405aad26c6acb49b4ab8 #: ../../ACKS.txt:13 msgid "Steve Alexander" msgstr "Steve Alexander" -# 70c975ff2acb40b294920624f7e9792a +# dffadb5661524f28b439e2d9e82bab99 #: ../../ACKS.txt:14 msgid "Jim Ahlstrom" msgstr "Jim Ahlstrom" -# a97c872fed494c38bf3b7e50e4d71044 +# 549fc63def0349c6b4affee1387c2d92 #: ../../ACKS.txt:15 msgid "Fred Allen" msgstr "Fred Allen" -# 09e7a66af03f453e9dae95ff2752b4a7 +# e1a66fa42c7548f6be676c53efef5bcf #: ../../ACKS.txt:16 msgid "A. Amoroso" msgstr "A. Amoroso" -# 877e4b57700b4804b27d01f0f78c0eab +# 8eede386f9194eeebf30a5227ce1f83f #: ../../ACKS.txt:17 msgid "Pehr Anderson" msgstr "Pehr Anderson" -# 30c391bd569f40b39df1306d65086dbe +# 57e98ed622a8453782384690a43cb403 #: ../../ACKS.txt:18 msgid "Oliver Andrich" msgstr "Oliver Andrich" -# 171c1133bf0d46b6aaecd04960c16173 +# 7af3a10db7ee4f97bc3799a58648f284 #: ../../ACKS.txt:19 msgid "Heidi Annexstad" msgstr "Heidi Annexstad" -# 14d4293eca2f4229ad4c48aed5834532 +# 72d48aa5abff4e7086f495e8ad1e2937 #: ../../ACKS.txt:20 msgid "Jesús Cea Avión" msgstr "Jesús Cea Avión" -# 7cc00767242f4452b312f02a3854ea74 +# 566e6d01f7224cbe8fc7c7a84d4a20af #: ../../ACKS.txt:21 msgid "Manuel Balsera" msgstr "Manuel Balsera" -# a358d8e48add4a17ae7658c89f0ad734 +# cf86da9c4d9d47049759c8458b5871e2 #: ../../ACKS.txt:22 msgid "Daniel Barclay" msgstr "Daniel Barclay" -# d0dc7730f5fc476bb87541cc38d15268 +# 9f70fcd7365c48dfb00331d883de5b18 #: ../../ACKS.txt:23 msgid "Chris Barker" msgstr "Chris Barker" -# 2ce3cd826e894182a4a83f9c6f232b46 +# 8f50a09f9f5f41019049eb3e9c5cfecc #: ../../ACKS.txt:24 msgid "Don Bashford" msgstr "Don Bashford" -# 229f693ddc574b3fa2e4c4d050be2cdd +# e3796dc72ab64ac1b0e33da2f09108ff #: ../../ACKS.txt:25 msgid "Anthony Baxter" msgstr "Anthony Baxter" -# 21633e235b4840a685a8222d635e6546 +# 0208c7c936784d358fbac13310b0c676 #: ../../ACKS.txt:26 msgid "Alexander Belopolsky" msgstr "Alexander Belopolsky" -# fa7a177cb189443eb19f9616788f5cf7 +# f3b81c36cee54a92956690f03c4458a0 #: ../../ACKS.txt:27 msgid "Bennett Benson" msgstr "Bennett Benson" -# 0a95e424017041deb86546c89400f958 +# 66216d460a6842beb6609347e08ccc4a #: ../../ACKS.txt:28 msgid "Jonathan Black" msgstr "Jonathan Black" -# 8b572a9b08a240aabeef7d5b0c893ec9 +# 5bc30903754c4e29b9bb82d910c9f672 #: ../../ACKS.txt:29 msgid "Robin Boerdijk" msgstr "Robin Boerdijk" -# c16a88a6a8eb43d3be41b28f9d907fb9 +# b4f82855098c4a2ab32f1bae3888bd73 #: ../../ACKS.txt:30 msgid "Michal Bozon" msgstr "Michal Bozon" -# 638de2550ee54140b67a6bce3b6c4341 +# bc408076bef942b9b3788e3acb4f37e9 #: ../../ACKS.txt:31 msgid "Aaron Brancotti" msgstr "Aaron Brancotti" -# 714d3b0f2d1e4fe98f6af6862f5bc7b1 +# 1d4cce75fb7440f09ba40ef6c313a9d6 #: ../../ACKS.txt:32 msgid "Georg Brandl" msgstr "Georg Brandl" -# c2fb55f6ba4e4dfa97746dbfd55f745b +# 53f99e06059342c18329d68c1680a321 #: ../../ACKS.txt:33 msgid "Keith Briggs" msgstr "Keith Briggs" -# aff248161a5240bc845c6d06cb5a4f9a +# 3c0925b612a442d39841ff11585ca3c3 #: ../../ACKS.txt:34 msgid "Ian Bruntlett" msgstr "Ian Bruntlett" -# cd8b554160b540c2823655f9c4608a7b +# 83072653cdf441deba2aaa0466b53463 #: ../../ACKS.txt:35 msgid "Lee Busby" msgstr "Lee Busby" -# e1eccd580fe54cfcb2ef619d105649d7 +# 96567c69b6ec47c6ba591b588d7e9b4d #: ../../ACKS.txt:36 msgid "Arnaud Calmettes" msgstr "Arnaud Calmettes" -# ad9d704f22e64baa8a22e1e9fdc11a60 +# 1abb5a62426445989563356ef0cd9a04 #: ../../ACKS.txt:37 msgid "Lorenzo M. Catucci" msgstr "Lorenzo M. Catucci" -# fb64cca28139434c99977cb351d76bc8 +# b4aea634087b46839ea240276664d056 #: ../../ACKS.txt:38 msgid "Carl Cerecke" msgstr "Carl Cerecke" -# bbbd3aca33c84522afaa375addda7bc8 +# a83ad95a453745beb2a1e19b23011097 #: ../../ACKS.txt:39 msgid "Mauro Cicognini" msgstr "Mauro Cicognini" -# 929e3d6d07994bf183798cd4dbbb8d6f +# 57a18dfdfa684de4ad8fb866d369c9e2 #: ../../ACKS.txt:40 msgid "Gilles Civario" msgstr "Gilles Civario" -# 80fba50c11224b399524cc2cf0ffd5d8 +# 43eaf92c558948dd8e98383e4ea6afd9 #: ../../ACKS.txt:41 msgid "Mike Clarkson" msgstr "Mike Clarkson" -# 72d3fecf3b704846b0d81ca150dbbf04 +# 07b805b3f83e4714bd11545ffb4dec52 #: ../../ACKS.txt:42 msgid "Steve Clift" msgstr "Steve Clift" -# 6057cbd8e25d4eccbe7e33dcfce9199d +# ab4461c720444f01bf987ea1e7a117ab #: ../../ACKS.txt:43 msgid "Dave Cole" msgstr "Dave Cole" -# c831d7f01623468685f0bbd94785ce86 +# f7956fe6e20c4956ae1587d2def70e0f #: ../../ACKS.txt:44 msgid "Matthew Cowles" msgstr "Matthew Cowles" -# 6542d32731984d91bb9532bbb97a4c1b +# 2889b6eb8300457bb4269a38efb414ee #: ../../ACKS.txt:45 msgid "Jeremy Craven" msgstr "Jeremy Craven" -# 12bc352dc236437f8f215a24659e4a63 +# 4f1fe76d4f7d4175b0121632bb548dd0 #: ../../ACKS.txt:46 msgid "Andrew Dalke" msgstr "Andrew Dalke" -# f418ecbe772c4c72955435afbe570d3b +# 3bdc2d2ffe8f47998d5d487dda905725 #: ../../ACKS.txt:47 msgid "Ben Darnell" msgstr "Ben Darnell" -# 33d915fcbc084dd9b394bd8fa844f373 +# 8f9135cb16e348688f36f527bfcd8a57 #: ../../ACKS.txt:48 msgid "L. Peter Deutsch" msgstr "L. Peter Deutsch" -# 0de20519ae444cf1b9a998bf376aaeb2 +# d6e92342d4694230b5128d82b6434a80 #: ../../ACKS.txt:49 msgid "Robert Donohue" msgstr "Robert Donohue" -# b6c3f2a5aa4a4c3987107c5a46035cee +# 53f6cfb99e7249559d4df0ad0272a856 #: ../../ACKS.txt:50 msgid "Fred L. Drake, Jr." msgstr "Fred L. Drake, Jr." -# 355024846eea4524a5d29c2ec3b14e75 +# ee95db11a90e4906b9b2642af51c55ff #: ../../ACKS.txt:51 msgid "Jacques Ducasse" msgstr "Jacques Ducasse" -# 7858121c4710495daf2ccc7465a415df +# fbc90d8176a2431aabfc1eb8e1c8516c #: ../../ACKS.txt:52 msgid "Josip Dzolonga" msgstr "Josip Dzolonga" -# 2c9f7ba43d1249d6938e6ed8465bfbcc +# 152638239ffd42e79742c9f520e23608 #: ../../ACKS.txt:53 msgid "Jeff Epler" msgstr "Jeff Epler" -# 17b56089540c45b1ad1ee65743e2a1b5 +# dfec825e7e9d4b6ea10a7dd4a359c437 #: ../../ACKS.txt:54 msgid "Michael Ernst" msgstr "Michael Ernst" -# 074496f774834ba4bbe166ddfe252c70 +# 3c114d4684824f18a610e126191dcf66 #: ../../ACKS.txt:55 msgid "Blame Andy Eskilsson" msgstr "Blame Andy Eskilsson" -# 96e47e3efc6d4e9ea0841c7e4bcfd119 +# ae8ff30f64b84e4cb2ad19450bbdadae #: ../../ACKS.txt:56 msgid "Carey Evans" msgstr "Carey Evans" -# 2dbae02ef4484e3b808d50127f297bbe +# 8b7545e0a9b343b5a9fdf334199c6ce6 #: ../../ACKS.txt:57 msgid "Martijn Faassen" msgstr "Martijn Faassen" -# f4a22805059f4f55bc99b2e187e2c427 +# 7ab628218a21493c963d4215d047d127 #: ../../ACKS.txt:58 msgid "Carl Feynman" msgstr "Carl Feynman" -# af03f53ff9194296a4a61448d38bb52e +# 220cf54cce194b07bc7c8575fbaa21f9 #: ../../ACKS.txt:59 msgid "Dan Finnie" msgstr "Dan Finnie" -# 990aff88fe0d447b8b000f0661e1b8df +# 9e0ed4ebbb1349e1b1e8d0b29d708f86 #: ../../ACKS.txt:60 msgid "Hernán Martínez Foffani" msgstr "Hernán Martínez Foffani" -# 179af561168249f9aec29e426c68eb08 +# a7030e27268f48b889f5f63051d65e22 #: ../../ACKS.txt:61 msgid "Michael Foord" msgstr "Michael Foord" -# cb50c4cc35674db794b1fbabba16c481 +# 82988afa5eb14a8fa68ee128c5eb5df6 #: ../../ACKS.txt:62 msgid "Stefan Franke" msgstr "Stefan Franke" -# c5a2b1fb064f4ff799b5b8913bd2e6fd +# 554520489a614f60b8ce9d11e50bd820 #: ../../ACKS.txt:63 msgid "Jim Fulton" msgstr "Jim Fulton" -# e9abb59684d74b39907046fa06255138 +# ab70fceb3fc94adeb3e3552457feb169 #: ../../ACKS.txt:64 msgid "Peter Funk" msgstr "Peter Funk" -# 8d58bf170b904b888aff91d19a302c10 +# ad63bd9cf33144a2ac6838cf28e13802 #: ../../ACKS.txt:65 msgid "Ethan Furman" msgstr "Ethan Furman" -# 95bd9520d2fd4a6fa1d3b7d52c6a37bd +# 70afde75fceb4c4789ef559772134adb #: ../../ACKS.txt:66 msgid "Lele Gaifax" msgstr "Lele Gaifax" -# 0ac0e24609ab476389206e883226e25c +# 6c4d7f901f17462096cd5e57c8e639a6 #: ../../ACKS.txt:67 msgid "Matthew Gallagher" msgstr "Matthew Gallagher" -# 15241e2d2d664015b33537708bcf9476 +# 5fb9c1fb56d548bf92899d402279b5a1 #: ../../ACKS.txt:68 msgid "Gabriel Genellina" msgstr "Gabriel Genellina" -# 8b6e6787eb624f1e9a751361182cfab5 +# 6b32d78dbb3d4f579acf5d14e5cc7169 #: ../../ACKS.txt:69 msgid "Ben Gertzfield" msgstr "Ben Gertzfield" -# bdacdeffa0504da9999adbedd5d63365 +# 82f5ba73527b49a4a8acc5f024067720 #: ../../ACKS.txt:70 msgid "Nadim Ghaznavi" msgstr "Nadim Ghaznavi" -# 787933b764cb4d52bdff4d3c21020dd1 +# 8a1cf353c7b94ba680be2b9331c8ed7d #: ../../ACKS.txt:71 msgid "Jonathan Giddy" msgstr "Jonathan Giddy" -# 694d4be607214547a00e8cb3d3b15bbb +# bed27981af8e451e8e13b24189979f94 #: ../../ACKS.txt:72 msgid "Matt Giuca" msgstr "Matt Giuca" -# c6bc736a3f0d4f64b2e99b2e0f9d65f1 +# 249730f9860b4b9b90f25ac874aee915 #: ../../ACKS.txt:73 msgid "Shelley Gooch" msgstr "Shelley Gooch" -# 6523a9af25bd4451aa52e548fa48ef48 +# 728399e4079a4edcbb42d53dae8e85fa #: ../../ACKS.txt:74 msgid "Nathaniel Gray" msgstr "Nathaniel Gray" -# 21cebad7a39d46b7afd165b30a155539 +# e3f79af84a794c2bbd134e2578274d19 #: ../../ACKS.txt:75 msgid "Grant Griffin" msgstr "Grant Griffin" -# 2e54d7fc1c1d443788def779d1dd107c +# d7c195ff08d04bf699c8351c3f95e661 #: ../../ACKS.txt:76 msgid "Thomas Guettler" msgstr "Thomas Guettler" -# 33e15081a2e94415820c4d4bed2885f1 +# 64cd651e8881457391b58a63dcaabc9e #: ../../ACKS.txt:77 msgid "Anders Hammarquist" msgstr "Anders Hammarquist" -# ce737439e7a2482888e4ddeef39aaf44 +# 8a0b1749d0f24b10a59002727abe4fb8 #: ../../ACKS.txt:78 msgid "Mark Hammond" msgstr "Mark Hammond" -# 2c7da5af8b524ec5aa9cdf38c168a234 +# c99595741e334e66b0d37c05f2442761 #: ../../ACKS.txt:79 msgid "Harald Hanche-Olsen" msgstr "Harald Hanche-Olsen" -# 989c4b4bde1147b1b5d336c424f0fd5b +# 94106479b19c4929b941a0a8c31863a6 #: ../../ACKS.txt:80 msgid "Manus Hand" msgstr "Manus Hand" -# 539dbe377f0c4f19ac59b9a999d30323 +# a85a8c8c6a8a4e36b14e1410d6bd177c #: ../../ACKS.txt:81 msgid "Gerhard Häring" msgstr "Gerhard Häring" -# 3088eb02162c4612b57df92aae55a211 +# 6d606c2008f94967a574375f38d86209 #: ../../ACKS.txt:82 msgid "Travis B. Hartwell" msgstr "Travis B. Hartwell" -# f71305c6f3a24b408b12c43a4241f3fe +# 0c45972bd4a748f0a40723a1d998890f #: ../../ACKS.txt:83 msgid "Tim Hatch" msgstr "Tim Hatch" -# 7ef0818e293c439cb2d5616f5840a644 +# 2bb7460f37d64bb79e728487dab11324 #: ../../ACKS.txt:84 msgid "Janko Hauser" msgstr "Janko Hauser" -# cc4167b3070044c795f0753b729dec3b +# 6ce5958b331845e691f563f29a9ca77a #: ../../ACKS.txt:85 msgid "Ben Hayden" msgstr "Ben Hayden" -# 92fb3cb98cda46cc9242d416171e052e +# e91bd81d54464341b4786f8d75ec2741 #: ../../ACKS.txt:86 msgid "Thomas Heller" msgstr "Thomas Heller" -# b23893a9c767414a94287808632ed741 +# 83598a5431a141dfbe2baf11b39de446 #: ../../ACKS.txt:87 msgid "Bernhard Herzog" msgstr "Bernhard Herzog" -# a7716cb8716744b6971276453994833c +# b13a626ba98a40b69a58dd71498e68e7 #: ../../ACKS.txt:88 msgid "Magnus L. Hetland" msgstr "Magnus L. Hetland" -# fce1f8cb089648b783b356e955456d89 +# 15faebdde18d430eb718510ed5ab9f11 #: ../../ACKS.txt:89 msgid "Konrad Hinsen" msgstr "Konrad Hinsen" -# c03be4eac6aa4d3183cdc671bdacf1f1 +# 605910f93ce84d1a811d335443ed16f4 #: ../../ACKS.txt:90 msgid "Stefan Hoffmeister" msgstr "Stefan Hoffmeister" -# ee8c76a066b547dda900ebd519926451 +# 8fce614b4a1a46ee9558c7a8d5163ccf #: ../../ACKS.txt:91 msgid "Albert Hofkamp" msgstr "Albert Hofkamp" -# ff876e865c984a409f2c8c1e216e608d +# 0e16a42f758c44d9a370fe96288fc7eb #: ../../ACKS.txt:92 msgid "Gregor Hoffleit" msgstr "Gregor Hoffleit" -# 7a59e8c5840d47a6b68bf3a9103b82e4 +# 622dab2d37744403ab1bba8a76fce153 #: ../../ACKS.txt:93 msgid "Steve Holden" msgstr "Steve Holden" -# f107c397e3c543289b190d596b42a7e8 +# 21e8d9a6d6de44179a74ca98c2320541 #: ../../ACKS.txt:94 msgid "Thomas Holenstein" msgstr "Thomas Holenstein" -# 1171986ce0444289916d1c36a774d633 +# 52998c6527d54280ba15a8a7087ea8bf #: ../../ACKS.txt:95 msgid "Gerrit Holl" msgstr "Gerrit Holl" -# 5fd861324d1b43718c0dbf83f719b001 +# 8368d85969f14dcaa2cca446b75c51ae #: ../../ACKS.txt:96 msgid "Rob Hooft" msgstr "Rob Hooft" -# 6d2ab3d1a4c24b56ba5d9777bf650aac +# 2b94df028d214fdb8caf6341eb3e62c2 #: ../../ACKS.txt:97 msgid "Brian Hooper" msgstr "Brian Hooper" -# 21249d988331473b874ebac189a176f2 +# 236fcd502b864fefabc586045965483d #: ../../ACKS.txt:98 msgid "Randall Hopper" msgstr "Randall Hopper" -# bfb078a8786846edb802410cbd83b197 +# a3cf5cec730c470691b8a2cf19c6b324 #: ../../ACKS.txt:99 msgid "Michael Hudson" msgstr "Michael Hudson" -# 688410e036c042739ea4ef695964d689 +# 627d152e67064ad981d680d7758f985c #: ../../ACKS.txt:100 msgid "Eric Huss" msgstr "Eric Huss" -# 7d0d9eb318724ad08feed5994173e307 +# 9814d1b656324091b875ea5539e6ebc5 #: ../../ACKS.txt:101 msgid "Jeremy Hylton" msgstr "Jeremy Hylton" -# 8710b417adf94666930788b9027aaf60 +# 70ce919af09f42409db1e8894ba233f0 #: ../../ACKS.txt:102 msgid "Roger Irwin" msgstr "Roger Irwin" -# 986f9c50d5644e1786040af12165b0fc +# babf52d629b34b8c895bb79f15ff6db1 #: ../../ACKS.txt:103 msgid "Jack Jansen" msgstr "Jack Jansen" -# f0aa6edd250145398eeb9b693f5cf52b +# 517fda05aeb5477f84e415fcb3e8deeb #: ../../ACKS.txt:104 msgid "Philip H. Jensen" msgstr "Philip H. Jensen" -# 023f1539a1904746ad3e3b412d9bde2f +# b58a1034594940859baab390537d796c #: ../../ACKS.txt:105 msgid "Pedro Diaz Jimenez" msgstr "Pedro Diaz Jimenez" -# 87cf16835b0d4b5d94faeaa0e3c9e2e0 +# 63ffb9ec61ef4e46aeb08127d61b787d #: ../../ACKS.txt:106 msgid "Kent Johnson" msgstr "Kent Johnson" -# 0278cce67f1c420fb100f3a3fcabb20e +# 1aa1d442e158437297c83dee9d14463b #: ../../ACKS.txt:107 msgid "Lucas de Jonge" msgstr "Lucas de Jonge" -# 05b809e1f3994e98bed2a249bfd41e7d +# 9094758496494244ae39dccd3686d7c8 #: ../../ACKS.txt:108 msgid "Andreas Jung" msgstr "Andreas Jung" -# 86548d3e3fb54bab88f9e1c7cf52c9c8 +# f70ffc5f999c4c1394060b6b5abc4379 #: ../../ACKS.txt:109 msgid "Robert Kern" msgstr "Robert Kern" -# 4d53f4b9311e4fffb5dce24070393f7a +# 8975dbe3269a4794b39077fdf3acdb98 #: ../../ACKS.txt:110 msgid "Jim Kerr" msgstr "Jim Kerr" -# be0d4a904e1544c692fb54e3a7c1daca +# b47c5187bf274c4d8f537e8f750d2d68 #: ../../ACKS.txt:111 msgid "Jan Kim" msgstr "Jan Kim" -# 18e431c119f34c68a264d848ce8fa171 +# 7e969ba09ad34c1bbcc35f81ccca37c8 #: ../../ACKS.txt:112 msgid "Kamil Kisiel" msgstr "Kamil Kisiel" -# db8d0ae111d24a1185f0e6ea78fc572a +# 45039db475674dbb835f5b339fc5c3be #: ../../ACKS.txt:113 msgid "Greg Kochanski" msgstr "Greg Kochanski" -# fa513c95e51540b68159705e325702e0 +# 8664ff08dc9947e4996349c27ff6aaf7 #: ../../ACKS.txt:114 msgid "Guido Kollerie" msgstr "Guido Kollerie" -# d8f30c7f0da344809328411984c76787 +# f2b0d7d218374d3caa7b9234e6371a88 #: ../../ACKS.txt:115 msgid "Peter A. Koren" msgstr "Peter A. Koren" -# 2985eeb1ae0f436ca805e04505613993 +# 3c803b2520ba4efbb6ecbcddaafd6f85 #: ../../ACKS.txt:116 msgid "Daniel Kozan" msgstr "Daniel Kozan" -# c59a4cb64e3c40d8ac2e858b9e58fdd4 +# e5ac2cb89aee4ca28da1a31d00808347 #: ../../ACKS.txt:117 msgid "Andrew M. Kuchling" msgstr "Andrew M. Kuchling" -# 7551e8db575c4607ab090300bc811f45 +# 59b9923e3cf3498a9631875994f93458 #: ../../ACKS.txt:118 msgid "Dave Kuhlman" msgstr "Dave Kuhlman" -# 86d86663fe8e451eb675ea0baa718bcb +# 1456dbb088be4fb0a34eb88a10818da4 #: ../../ACKS.txt:119 msgid "Erno Kuusela" msgstr "Erno Kuusela" -# 4b106652e0b1426ea8ce1ce4447b3cd8 +# 4897b1b797c545d1a3b4bbc8b9da2469 #: ../../ACKS.txt:120 msgid "Ross Lagerwall" msgstr "Ross Lagerwall" -# bc8e07e3d0664eafb2c1be203b7ab1b9 +# 8cd1e01d46f049a0af0ba38c6d8ddb43 #: ../../ACKS.txt:121 msgid "Thomas Lamb" msgstr "Thomas Lamb" -# 03a14e7fe91d41dab4290e7153354017 +# 5c84433c34944fa880dc56e9261e897f #: ../../ACKS.txt:122 msgid "Detlef Lannert" msgstr "Detlef Lannert" -# 31243c3ac8bf4eb59a44e2d65f7a52fc +# 4124da54d444460fb5d51f4de2202d70 #: ../../ACKS.txt:123 msgid "Piers Lauder" msgstr "Piers Lauder" -# 12c6650369b149babaa42fd81148ee56 +# c1919b1d407b42e08266ee5e7fe3a318 #: ../../ACKS.txt:124 msgid "Julia Lawall" msgstr "" -# c0831d6cc6b347ad8c6c9d7ccc54027b +# 355c5dff51ab4faf891a10613775604b #: ../../ACKS.txt:125 msgid "Glyph Lefkowitz" msgstr "Glyph Lefkowitz" -# 14c7b013812a4f3aa6a4ee25d4ce46aa +# dd33d95486d541b1b3d222ea748fb720 #: ../../ACKS.txt:126 msgid "Robert Lehmann" msgstr "Robert Lehmann" -# 2c910dd9aa85423b8946d53fc36db867 +# af3e702b22934fa1a9338df59da624dd #: ../../ACKS.txt:127 msgid "Marc-André Lemburg" msgstr "Marc-André Lemburg" -# 7b9acc292b7542528ee29f13ef82a1de +# 586d5ae48139471e937f2340b2058a4b #: ../../ACKS.txt:128 msgid "Ross Light" msgstr "Ross Light" -# 6185b427f351452cad16da356503b0a8 +# 7c968d16ddc64ff5b28570690e51c317 #: ../../ACKS.txt:129 msgid "Gediminas Liktaras" msgstr "Gediminas Liktaras" -# 048d4e227f1549a088007f7b574abf85 +# 3860b0b23bd44e80848b4861a0d57eda #: ../../ACKS.txt:130 msgid "Ulf A. Lindgren" msgstr "Ulf A. Lindgren" -# 5a6402c6974e4843a4ead5ace40a8851 +# dbac314c737547f4a20b8c064a63c5d8 #: ../../ACKS.txt:131 msgid "Everett Lipman" msgstr "Everett Lipman" -# 6208f62749a74c50985c761451db7515 +# 5129ed29bdd94f13ae80049b1af1a3bf #: ../../ACKS.txt:132 msgid "Mirko Liss" msgstr "Mirko Liss" -# 868c1065ade646b5b01c52c01effd766 +# bef5049c91f14b7bb14cd031a8d113fa #: ../../ACKS.txt:133 msgid "Martin von Löwis" msgstr "Martin von Löwis" -# dd050bdbead5499ca7bf463126f10567 +# de903b8d49b7456aa5bb4b6677234ed9 #: ../../ACKS.txt:134 msgid "Fredrik Lundh" msgstr "Fredrik Lundh" -# c73f29445a9743e2b555ddce5b258583 +# 4d34b3e5c9c142f9945e46d0536ffb95 #: ../../ACKS.txt:135 msgid "Jeff MacDonald" msgstr "Jeff MacDonald" -# 1bfa4251c74144c690494c3a64e0fa15 +# cc812ed2601b494c889122f6410bc9bc #: ../../ACKS.txt:136 msgid "John Machin" msgstr "John Machin" -# e100c7da64cb4325854f08ddcb219ab2 +# 80def478ca69497d85033cab4c152277 #: ../../ACKS.txt:137 msgid "Andrew MacIntyre" msgstr "Andrew MacIntyre" -# e633d6b955064e9babb6d06606adfb09 +# 2e2ab5604adf485cb0b28bebf5a33d89 #: ../../ACKS.txt:138 msgid "Vladimir Marangozov" msgstr "Vladimir Marangozov" -# 8259fdee5f91406997240d10067314a5 +# b7c8dce8026e46ef90de43b61f986cb2 #: ../../ACKS.txt:139 msgid "Vincent Marchetti" msgstr "Vincent Marchetti" -# 092fcdaa19fd47119c78f7a6d9b7cd94 +# 714732ddcc6f41f6b002ac442d9ce693 #: ../../ACKS.txt:140 msgid "Westley Martínez" msgstr "Westley Martínez" -# 5331e2bd355e472eb9763ee51726a2e0 +# 186d0b982ea34341aef39366acee4a56 #: ../../ACKS.txt:141 msgid "Laura Matson" msgstr "Laura Matson" -# ec3cd7c30b0a4792aacf27bf54f30392 +# 90328e2a3152424a8df9fb15e8350253 #: ../../ACKS.txt:142 msgid "Daniel May" msgstr "Daniel May" -# a1d443b3cba94a38a7edb095e5ac2ea5 +# c7897332741b421f962890c4ce25a2a5 #: ../../ACKS.txt:143 msgid "Rebecca McCreary" msgstr "Rebecca McCreary" -# b4bbde325e174cf4a97e0b981147170f +# 13957e7a715c43d0959dd27fa039793c #: ../../ACKS.txt:144 msgid "Doug Mennella" msgstr "Doug Mennella" -# 26cb74e3e50747a9b78fd639fdcc588f +# eb827bd48ae04789812e3217426c2172 #: ../../ACKS.txt:145 msgid "Paolo Milani" msgstr "Paolo Milani" -# fa6f90d4c9a9446e9c9f460c00d3ad2b +# 0595deba845247f1a84b8349b901d574 #: ../../ACKS.txt:146 msgid "Skip Montanaro" msgstr "Skip Montanaro" -# 48b9c5ad40dd4af7ad61cb3c105563c0 +# d1977fe9cf4c40779a4c481804f1d4eb #: ../../ACKS.txt:147 msgid "Paul Moore" msgstr "Paul Moore" -# 80c0c8b3aa9743c987f469f274c33708 +# 9ad4fed2ee9944acaef056555d935fc1 #: ../../ACKS.txt:148 msgid "Ross Moore" msgstr "Ross Moore" -# 4e89b4f35a6046c8894eafea6cb724ee +# bd2f8072cdc7423daf9fe3f03694466e #: ../../ACKS.txt:149 msgid "Sjoerd Mullender" msgstr "Sjoerd Mullender" -# 2ff6035bf6fa40f48d50081923e410c4 +# b9be9f864f374672af95a247d272f2a1 #: ../../ACKS.txt:150 msgid "Dale Nagata" msgstr "Dale Nagata" -# 1e07d412588e41718e1ae7e88899e394 +# 72ad60c2cc3b4373a88ec2040c0a2916 #: ../../ACKS.txt:151 msgid "Trent Nelson" msgstr "Trent Nelson" -# 839b58c167af40b48d1189d7a257eae7 +# d86f494d2d674b7e9c625cc0e13fe72c #: ../../ACKS.txt:152 msgid "Michal Nowikowski" msgstr "Michal Nowikowski" -# 2457581068274b9e841d4aed3e2f63ba +# 67d9426cb3ba427eb4068ed7735661d8 #: ../../ACKS.txt:153 msgid "Steffen Daode Nurpmeso" msgstr "Steffen Daode Nurpmeso" -# 264891487f7647beac9a2674db0cc96f +# 580f0ff7c19b4f31a4c65f28cb6d4e97 #: ../../ACKS.txt:154 msgid "Ng Pheng Siong" msgstr "Ng Pheng Siong" -# 013bf2c74c424603b31d5098d90c257a +# ecaac86748cf4ee19b07f90b22bc9ca6 #: ../../ACKS.txt:155 msgid "Koray Oner" msgstr "Koray Oner" -# 0af02279971f4b69b9bc54bba3ee8c75 +# ae0a53ff9d944c2c8d92c12d57fbc639 #: ../../ACKS.txt:156 msgid "Tomas Oppelstrup" msgstr "Tomas Oppelstrup" -# 924b8da6fab14ceca7f6a8ae975a0440 +# a6fafa91ff074e89a64cab31d8f9c52a #: ../../ACKS.txt:157 msgid "Denis S. Otkidach" msgstr "Denis S. Otkidach" -# 80242abaf0b248c481a62b6c8d643b37 +# d0c8699f62cb494c8ed33606ec9ec4ed #: ../../ACKS.txt:158 msgid "Zooko O'Whielacronx" msgstr "Zooko O'Whielacronx" -# f0d983246ad548499733928aa022a60e +# 98c7c5a6e0734d69916150381fb35eaf #: ../../ACKS.txt:159 msgid "Shriphani Palakodety" msgstr "Shriphani Palakodety" -# 8849ed1186974fea95719acdf2e8442a ***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.*** ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/bugs.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/bugs.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -# Japanese translations for Python package. +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. # Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation # This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. # @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-31 15:16+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -17,87 +17,130 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 032ae8e678724e2ca1a5a338e28da031 +# e625cfd2162844539a8274d205c9a17a #: ../../bugs.rst:5 msgid "Reporting Bugs" msgstr "問題を報告する" -# 121160a8cf5047b68e3841cbf4e3f415 +# fd490669fabc4294b62b0c03764fb1ad #: ../../bugs.rst:7 -msgid "Python is a mature programming language which has established a reputation for stability. In order to maintain this reputation, the developers would like to know of any deficiencies you find in Python." +msgid "" +"Python is a mature programming language which has established a reputation " +"for stability. In order to maintain this reputation, the developers would " +"like to know of any deficiencies you find in Python." msgstr "Python は安定性について高い評価を得た、成熟した言語です。この評価を 守るために、開発者たちはあなたが見つけた Python の不備を知りたいと思っていま す。" -# b33b976d15c340dcb7fb7f64074013aa +# 6a928196c26649aaa101196e480dae99 #: ../../bugs.rst:13 msgid "Documentation bugs" msgstr "ドキュメントの問題" -# 96150ac22ad44d91a6a84ed36189a267 +# a6f8a2a8c1c744f39261b2804704ec1c #: ../../bugs.rst:15 -msgid "If you find a bug in this documentation or would like to propose an improvement, please send an e-mail to docs****@pytho***** describing the bug and where you found it. If you have a suggestion how to fix it, include that as well." +msgid "" +"If you find a bug in this documentation or would like to propose an " +"improvement, please send an e-mail to docs****@pytho***** describing the bug and" +" where you found it. If you have a suggestion how to fix it, include that " +"as well." msgstr "このドキュメントに問題を発見したり、改善したいと思った場合、その場 所と問題を説明したメールを docs****@pytho***** に送ってください。もし修正案があ れば、それも同じメールに書いてください。" -# 9ec8ae6e6e6e40bc809681b423682b69 +# 159c4ee7704b4ad3a50497a53c73751b #: ../../bugs.rst:19 -msgid "docs****@pytho***** is a mailing list run by volunteers; your request will be noticed, even if it takes a while to be processed." +msgid "" +"docs****@pytho***** is a mailing list run by volunteers; your request will be " +"noticed, even if it takes a while to be processed." msgstr "docs****@pytho***** はボランティアによって運営されているメーリングリス トです。あなたの要望は、処理されるまでに暫く掛かってしまうかもしれませんが、 無視されることはないはずです。" -# c6566dbea1ac47c99c38e17ca40740aa +# 35526558901149bc94d451357782eb4f #: ../../bugs.rst:22 -msgid "Of course, if you want a more persistent record of your issue, you can use the issue tracker for documentation bugs as well." +msgid "" +"Of course, if you want a more persistent record of your issue, you can use " +"the issue tracker for documentation bugs as well." msgstr "もし問題をしっかり記録しておきたいのであれば、もちろんドキュメント の問題についても課題管理システム (Issue Tracker) を利用することができます。" -# 32af5e15ad6c46ef986d71fb288be793 +# 4363eaaf28a04c5db2aabeaffd6ee778 #: ../../bugs.rst:27 msgid "Using the Python issue tracker" msgstr "Python の課題管理システムを使う" -# 8b020c9aaf274258ba8d6d1cc4251d8d +# 59415d7dfae24a438e70d5e6b1cb6a14 #: ../../bugs.rst:29 -msgid "Bug reports for Python itself should be submitted via the Python Bug Tracker ( The bug tracker offers a Web form which allows pertinent information to be entered and submitted to the developers." +msgid "" +"Bug reports for Python itself should be submitted via the Python Bug Tracker" +" ( The bug tracker offers a Web form which allows " +"pertinent information to be entered and submitted to the developers." msgstr "Python 自体の問題の報告は Python Bug Tracker ( に投稿してください。この課題管理システムは、関連情 報を入力して開発者に報告するための Web フォームを提供しています。" -# 9211f4bf24fd4a15bfc4370d209617f4 +# 56a71adc436847ceb014d0563192b019 #: ../../bugs.rst:33 -msgid "The first step in filing a report is to determine whether the problem has already been reported. The advantage in doing so, aside from saving the developers time, is that you learn what has been done to fix it; it may be that the problem has already been fixed for the next release, or additional information is needed (in which case you are welcome to provide it if you can!). To do this, search the bug database using the search box on the top of the page." +msgid "" +"The first step in filing a report is to determine whether the problem has " +"already been reported. The advantage in doing so, aside from saving the " +"developers time, is that you learn what has been done to fix it; it may be " +"that the problem has already been fixed for the next release, or additional " +"information is needed (in which case you are welcome to provide it if you " +"can!). To do this, search the bug database using the search box on the top " +"of the page." msgstr "問題報告の最初のステップは、その問題がすでの報告済みのものかどうか を判断することです。報告済みの問題かどうかを判断するメリットとして、開発者の 時間を節約する以外にも、その問題を解決するために既に何が行われているのかを知 ることができるというものもあります。問題は解決済みで次のリリースで解決される かもしれませんし、さらなる情報を必要としている (そしてあなたがその上方を提供 できる)かもしれません。そのため、ページの先頭にある検索ボックスを使って、バ グデータベースから検索してください。" -# 1d3a822c8282473b84b5121927d9fdfb +# ee2b2c55da914ef98f1ee5ee7b46e085 #: ../../bugs.rst:40 -msgid "If the problem you're reporting is not already in the bug tracker, go back to the Python Bug Tracker and log in. If you don't already have a tracker account, select the \"Register\" link or, if you use OpenID, one of the OpenID provider logos in the sidebar. It is not possible to submit a bug report anonymously." +msgid "" +"If the problem you're reporting is not already in the bug tracker, go back " +"to the Python Bug Tracker and log in. If you don't already have a tracker " +"account, select the \"Register\" link or, if you use OpenID, one of the " +"OpenID provider logos in the sidebar. It is not possible to submit a bug " +"report anonymously." msgstr "もし問題がまだ課題管理システムに登録されていない場合、課題管理シス テムのトップページに戻ってログインしてください。もし課題管理システムのアカウ ントをもっていないのであれば、サイドバーの \\\"Register\\\" リンクを選ぶ か、 OpenID を使う場合は OpenID プロバイダのロゴをクリックしてください。匿名 での問題報告はできません。" -# 633810f4d864423aa6af3769f71b8ccb +# fd25954d484d48b1b9bdc435ed5a2afc #: ../../bugs.rst:45 -msgid "Being now logged in, you can submit a bug. Select the \"Create New\" link in the sidebar to open the bug reporting form." +msgid "" +"Being now logged in, you can submit a bug. Select the \"Create New\" link " +"in the sidebar to open the bug reporting form." msgstr "ログインできたら、バグを登録できます。サイドバーの \"Create New\" リンクからバグ報告フォームを開きます。" -# b107d707fbb647b48366fea31cc4c636 +# 4f044421540e44238829e66fe2a6f50b #: ../../bugs.rst:48 -msgid "The submission form has a number of fields. For the \"Title\" field, enter a *very* short description of the problem; less than ten words is good. In the \"Type\" field, select the type of your problem; also select the \"Component\" and \"Versions\" to which the bug relates." +msgid "" +"The submission form has a number of fields. For the \"Title\" field, enter " +"a *very* short description of the problem; less than ten words is good. In " +"the \"Type\" field, select the type of your problem; also select the " +"\"Component\" and \"Versions\" to which the bug relates." msgstr "バグ報告フォームには幾つかのフィールドがあります。 \"Title\" フィー ルドには、問題の概要を *非常に* 簡潔に書いてください。 10語以下くらいが目安 です。 \"Type\" フィールドでは、問題の種類を選択してください。問題と関係す る \"Component\" と \"Versions\" も選択してください。" -# e96025622ed045eb941ddabd64852ed5 +# 98cddb1ec75c4e449156ed4bee41d766 #: ../../bugs.rst:53 -msgid "In the \"Comment\" field, describe the problem in detail, including what you expected to happen and what did happen. Be sure to include whether any extension modules were involved, and what hardware and software platform you were using (including version information as appropriate)." +msgid "" +"In the \"Comment\" field, describe the problem in detail, including what you" +" expected to happen and what did happen. Be sure to include whether any " +"extension modules were involved, and what hardware and software platform you" +" were using (including version information as appropriate)." msgstr "\"Comment\" フィールドで、問題の詳細を、あなたが期待した結果と実際 の結果も含めて説明してください。拡張モジュールが関係しているかどうか、どの ハードウェアとソフトウェアプラットフォームを使っているか(適切なバージョン情 報も含めて)なども報告に含めてください。" -# 6c63b30fe3f44ab9940c39f111fb884f +# 83a57280fd19496eb6373de9212ffaa0 #: ../../bugs.rst:58 -msgid "Each bug report will be assigned to a developer who will determine what needs to be done to correct the problem. You will receive an update each time action is taken on the bug." +msgid "" +"Each bug report will be assigned to a developer who will determine what " +"needs to be done to correct the problem. You will receive an update each " +"time action is taken on the bug." msgstr "各バグ報告は開発者に割り当てられ、その人がその問題を修正するのに何 が必要かを決定します。そのバグ報告に対して何かアクションがあるたびに、更新情 報があなたにメールで届きます。" -# 637214889f874c0ea450ba2e697121e1 +# fd6135f55b27406ba680dd74caee605c #: ../../bugs.rst:66 msgid "Detailed description of the issue workflow and developers tools." msgstr "課題解決ワークフローと開発ツールの詳細な解説。" -# 6d64f7500ff9479ea35981bb31b7d5bf +# 81bdee5fab454fb5bc5957f03af54620 #: ../../bugs.rst:69 -msgid "Article which goes into some detail about how to create a useful bug report. This describes what kind of information is useful and why it is useful." +msgid "" +"Article which goes into some detail about how to create a useful bug report." +" This describes what kind of information is useful and why it is useful." msgstr "有益なバグ報告について詳しく説明した記事です。どんな情報が、なぜ有 益なのかを説明しています。" -# fa7ff2a6d80847cf87835b9136b70888 +# af6fe1a2a8ec4592851d207e7808d412 #: ../../bugs.rst:73 -msgid "Information about writing a good bug report. Some of this is specific to the Mozilla project, but describes general good practices." +msgid "" +"Information about writing a good bug report. Some of this is specific to " +"the Mozilla project, but describes general good practices." msgstr "良いバグ報告を書くための情報です。この情報の一部はMozillaプロジェク ト独自のものですが、一般的に良いプラクティスを解説しています。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/abstract.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/abstract.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:40+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,17 +17,25 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 71c86c942406470fb65ce779b59dcbc2 +# 34d8071d57164ffcbf4e04ba71eb7127 #: ../../c-api/abstract.rst:7 msgid "Abstract Objects Layer" msgstr "抽象オブジェクトレイヤ (abstract objects layer)" -# 537a15f905a244a489c4a9d8043a8339 +# d7dfe8385959433888e3b04160ec3a2f #: ../../c-api/abstract.rst:9 -msgid "The functions in this chapter interact with Python objects regardless of their type, or with wide classes of object types (e.g. all numerical types, or all sequence types). When used on object types for which they do not apply, they will raise a Python exception." +msgid "" +"The functions in this chapter interact with Python objects regardless of " +"their type, or with wide classes of object types (e.g. all numerical types, " +"or all sequence types). When used on object types for which they do not " +"apply, they will raise a Python exception." msgstr "この章で説明する関数は、オブジェクトの型に依存しないような Python オブジェクトの操作や、(数値型全て、シーケンス型全てといった)大まかな型のオブ ジェクトに対する操作を行ないます。関数を適用対象でないオブジェクトに対して使 った場合、 Python の例外が送出されることになります。" -# cd41ec5fe2434baea927cc5e4f0545c6 +# c497411ac0744e049b0d817296aefbea #: ../../c-api/abstract.rst:14 -msgid "It is not possible to use these functions on objects that are not properly initialized, such as a list object that has been created by :c:func:`PyList_New`, but whose items have not been set to some non-\\ ``NULL`` value yet." +msgid "" +"It is not possible to use these functions on objects that are not properly " +"initialized, such as a list object that has been created by " +":c:func:`PyList_New`, but whose items have not been set to some non-\\ " +"``NULL`` value yet." msgstr "これらの関数は、 :c:func:`PyList_New` で作成された後に ``NULL`` 以 外の値を設定されていないリストのような、適切に初期化されていないオブジェクト に対して使うことはできません。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/allocation.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/allocation.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:41+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,42 +17,70 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 2b14f02ec6754ccdbe2bed097b08da2b +# 9210f27995b84962a2b9493a07550090 #: ../../c-api/allocation.rst:6 msgid "Allocating Objects on the Heap" msgstr "オブジェクトをヒープ上にメモリ確保する" -# d64a93aaaef34657ad823cae577cc8c2 +# e200cfec409f49a5bc1019aeea4b0450 #: ../../c-api/allocation.rst:17 -msgid "Initialize a newly-allocated object *op* with its type and initial reference. Returns the initialized object. If *type* indicates that the object participates in the cyclic garbage detector, it is added to the detector's set of observed objects. Other fields of the object are not affected." +msgid "" +"Initialize a newly-allocated object *op* with its type and initial " +"reference. Returns the initialized object. If *type* indicates that the " +"object participates in the cyclic garbage detector, it is added to the " +"detector's set of observed objects. Other fields of the object are not " +"affected." msgstr "新たにメモリ確保されたオブジェクト *op* に対し、型と初期状態での参 照 (initial reference) を初期化します。初期化されたオブジェクトを返します。 *type* からそのオブジェクトが循環参照ガベージ検出の機能を有する場合、検出機 構が監視対象とするオブジェクトのセットに追加されます。オブジェクトの他のフ ィールドには影響を及ぼしません。" -# 25b84a3c5a2245c2a413afc38c74ddb5 +# 15cf4901ef6f429ea084157af3f78353 #: ../../c-api/allocation.rst:26 -msgid "This does everything :c:func:`PyObject_Init` does, and also initializes the length information for a variable-size object." +msgid "" +"This does everything :c:func:`PyObject_Init` does, and also initializes the " +"length information for a variable-size object." msgstr ":c:func:`PyObject_Init` の全ての処理を行い、可変サイズオブジェクト の場合には長さ情報も初期化します。" -# dd1d5e96080444bebc215c95f5ef7085 +# 7ec96afbd1d943918a25fb2c6cdbe858 #: ../../c-api/allocation.rst:32 -msgid "Allocate a new Python object using the C structure type *TYPE* and the Python type object *type*. Fields not defined by the Python object header are not initialized; the object's reference count will be one. The size of the memory allocation is determined from the :attr:`tp_basicsize` field of the type object." +msgid "" +"Allocate a new Python object using the C structure type *TYPE* and the " +"Python type object *type*. Fields not defined by the Python object header " +"are not initialized; the object's reference count will be one. The size of " +"the memory allocation is determined from the :attr:`tp_basicsize` field of " +"the type object." msgstr "C 構造体型 *TYPE* と Python 型オブジェクト *type* を使って新たな Python オブジェクトをメモリ確保します。 Python オブジェクトヘッダで定義され ていないフィールドは初期化されません; オブジェクトの参照カウントは 1 になり ます。メモリ確保のサイズは型オブジェクトの :attr:`tp_basicsize` で決定しま す。" -# 3af4b8de8c86463bb32c60763500591f +# 25848b9aab2045d5b1c0f1301cbd56c5 #: ../../c-api/allocation.rst:41 -msgid "Allocate a new Python object using the C structure type *TYPE* and the Python type object *type*. Fields not defined by the Python object header are not initialized. The allocated memory allows for the *TYPE* structure plus *size* fields of the size given by the :attr:`tp_itemsize` field of *type*. This is useful for implementing objects like tuples, which are able to determine their size at construction time. Embedding the array of fields into the same allocation decreases the number of allocations, improving the memory management efficiency." +msgid "" +"Allocate a new Python object using the C structure type *TYPE* and the " +"Python type object *type*. Fields not defined by the Python object header " +"are not initialized. The allocated memory allows for the *TYPE* structure " +"plus *size* fields of the size given by the :attr:`tp_itemsize` field of " +"*type*. This is useful for implementing objects like tuples, which are able" +" to determine their size at construction time. Embedding the array of " +"fields into the same allocation decreases the number of allocations, " +"improving the memory management efficiency." msgstr "C 構造体型 *TYPE* と Python 型オブジェクト *type* を使って新たな Python オブジェクトをメモリ確保します。 Python オブジェクトヘッダで定義され ていないフィールドは初期化されません。確保されたメモリは、 *TYPE* 構造体に加 え、vartype の :attr:`tp_itemsize` フィールドで指定されているサイズ中の *size* フィールドを収容できます。この関数は、例えばタプルのように生成時にサ イズを決定できるオブジェクトを実装する際に便利です。一連の複数のフィールドに 対するアロケーション操作を一つにして埋め込むと、アロケーション回数が減り、メ モリ管理の処理効率が向上します。" -# 33ca46d9676d4098ac38444a4da2c196 +# d4590542d8de4f56be760fd6c056749d #: ../../c-api/allocation.rst:53 -msgid "Releases memory allocated to an object using :c:func:`PyObject_New` or :c:func:`PyObject_NewVar`. This is normally called from the :attr:`tp_dealloc` handler specified in the object's type. The fields of the object should not be accessed after this call as the memory is no longer a valid Python object." +msgid "" +"Releases memory allocated to an object using :c:func:`PyObject_New` or " +":c:func:`PyObject_NewVar`. This is normally called from the " +":attr:`tp_dealloc` handler specified in the object's type. The fields of " +"the object should not be accessed after this call as the memory is no longer" +" a valid Python object." msgstr ":c:func:`PyObject_New` や :c:func:`PyObject_NewVar` で確保されたメ モリを解放します。この関数は、通常オブジェクトの型に指定されてい る :attr:`tp_dealloc` ハンドラ内で呼び出します。この関数を呼び出した後では、 オブジェクトのメモリ領域はもはや有効な Python オブジェクトを表現してはいない ので、オブジェクトのフィールドに対してアクセスしてはなりません。" -# 5906455fd400496290f8906e553cad7b +# 954c746a9cd64bb7ab0aa6618938c584 #: ../../c-api/allocation.rst:62 -msgid "Object which is visible in Python as ``None``. This should only be accessed using the :c:macro:`Py_None` macro, which evaluates to a pointer to this object." +msgid "" +"Object which is visible in Python as ``None``. This should only be accessed" +" using the :c:macro:`Py_None` macro, which evaluates to a pointer to this " +"object." msgstr "Python からは ``None`` に見えるオブジェクトです。この値へのアクセス は、このオブジェクトへのポインタを評価する :c:macro:`Py_None` マクロを使わね ばなりません。" -# df950c62f4f3463cb37069c4b9b5de5c +# d6661c4e84854d7596825c3f03115a04 #: ../../c-api/allocation.rst:70 msgid "To allocate and create extension modules." msgstr "" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/arg.po Tue Nov 6 01:00:41 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/arg.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-03 12:07+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,619 +17,958 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# ce884cdeb6c9487ebf90ec761e8c14ef +# 44c764c01eda4d979658758f8877ccb9 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:6 msgid "Parsing arguments and building values" msgstr "引数の解釈と値の構築" -# a77e855088654403a3c040593055c94d +# 4c3c755dd3524cd2b79b18e36de74b37 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:8 -msgid "These functions are useful when creating your own extensions functions and methods. Additional information and examples are available in :ref:`extending-index`." +msgid "" +"These functions are useful when creating your own extensions functions and " +"methods. Additional information and examples are available in :ref" +":`extending-index`." msgstr "これらの関数は独自の拡張モジュール用の関数やメソッドを作成する際に 便利です。詳しい情報や用例は :ref:`extending-index` にあります。" -# d58c42d8ebd94bc4a317e9092e7fc677 +# 9ef561e1b55a484084d97a18edb2f1e9 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:12 -msgid "The first three of these functions described, :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`, :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords`, and :c:func:`PyArg_Parse`, all use *format strings* which are used to tell the function about the expected arguments. The format strings use the same syntax for each of these functions." +msgid "" +"The first three of these functions described, :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`, " +":c:func:`PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords`, and :c:func:`PyArg_Parse`, all use " +"*format strings* which are used to tell the function about the expected " +"arguments. The format strings use the same syntax for each of these " +"functions." msgstr "最初に説明する 3 つの関 数、 :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`, :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords`,およ び :c:func:`PyArg_Parse` はいずれも *書式化文字列 (format string)* を使いま す。書式化文字列は、関数が受け取るはずの引数に関する情報を伝えるのに用いられ ます。いずれの関数における書式化文字列も、同じ書式を使っています。" -# 6260800587a24379a6fc72cfb26a4fd0 +# 46754ceee781441f80f9636c9a11a5ae #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:19 msgid "Parsing arguments" msgstr "引数をパースする" -# f5576859591a4548bb2a00365f1c65ae +# d80bbf9418444fdaa7a637e5d54af8c0 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:21 -msgid "A format string consists of zero or more \"format units.\" A format unit describes one Python object; it is usually a single character or a parenthesized sequence of format units. With a few exceptions, a format unit that is not a parenthesized sequence normally corresponds to a single address argument to these functions. In the following description, the quoted form is the format unit; the entry in (round) parentheses is the Python object type that matches the format unit; and the entry in [square] brackets is the type of the C variable(s) whose address should be passed." +msgid "" +"A format string consists of zero or more \"format units.\" A format unit " +"describes one Python object; it is usually a single character or a " +"parenthesized sequence of format units. With a few exceptions, a format " +"unit that is not a parenthesized sequence normally corresponds to a single " +"address argument to these functions. In the following description, the " +"quoted form is the format unit; the entry in (round) parentheses is the " +"Python object type that matches the format unit; and the entry in [square] " +"brackets is the type of the C variable(s) whose address should be passed." msgstr "書式化文字列は、ゼロ個またはそれ以上の \"書式化単位 (format unit)\" から成り立ちます。 1つの書式化単位は1つの Python オブジェクトを表し ます; 通常は単一の文字か、書式化単位からなる文字列を括弧で囲ったものになりま す。例外として、括弧で囲われていない書式化単位文字列が単一のアドレス引数に対 応する場合がいくつかあります。以下の説明では、引用符のついた形式は書式化単位 です; (丸)括弧で囲った部分は書式化単位に対応する Python のオブジェクト型で す; [角] 括弧は値をアドレス渡しする際に使う C の変数型です。" -# 9016a680da4b409f981a907de033ff8f +# c6c8ea32b1e548bfbb6874b4c077817d #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:31 msgid "Strings and buffers" msgstr "" -# 37d677139bf14cfcbb57d0ef46e0fd9a +# 3141d4430a744a3bbe61e2aa35b8aa25 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:33 -msgid "These formats allow to access an object as a contiguous chunk of memory. You don't have to provide raw storage for the returned unicode or bytes area. Also, you won't have to release any memory yourself, except with the ``es``, ``es#``, ``et`` and ``et#`` formats." +msgid "" +"These formats allow to access an object as a contiguous chunk of memory. You" +" don't have to provide raw storage for the returned unicode or bytes area. " +"Also, you won't have to release any memory yourself, except with the ``es``," +" ``es#``, ``et`` and ``et#`` formats." msgstr "" -# 01164abc074d49809b23620592a25eea +# 47a2ee10d1aa48769b00da5c90cc88cf #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:38 -msgid "However, when a :c:type:`Py_buffer` structure gets filled, the underlying buffer is locked so that the caller can subsequently use the buffer even inside a :c:type:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS` block without the risk of mutable data being resized or destroyed. As a result, **you have to call** :c:func:`PyBuffer_Release` after you have finished processing the data (or in any early abort case)." +msgid "" +"However, when a :c:type:`Py_buffer` structure gets filled, the underlying " +"buffer is locked so that the caller can subsequently use the buffer even " +"inside a :c:type:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS` block without the risk of mutable " +"data being resized or destroyed. As a result, **you have to call** " +":c:func:`PyBuffer_Release` after you have finished processing the data (or " +"in any early abort case)." msgstr "" -# b7e3439ea8a540adb96a7598040b453f +# 300bbf473c24452b84442e89625dfeff #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:45 msgid "Unless otherwise stated, buffers are not NUL-terminated." msgstr "" -# 20d5d93b80ed40f986178b74a5cb7c65 +# 856b286533e042bb99dd0f2dc7e17239 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:48 -msgid "For all ``#`` variants of formats (``s#``, ``y#``, etc.), the type of the length argument (int or :c:type:`Py_ssize_t`) is controlled by defining the macro :c:macro:`PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN` before including :file:`Python.h`. If the macro was defined, length is a :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` rather than an :c:type:`int`. This behavior will change in a future Python version to only support :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` and drop :c:type:`int` support. It is best to always define :c:macro:`PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN`." +msgid "" +"For all ``#`` variants of formats (``s#``, ``y#``, etc.), the type of the " +"length argument (int or :c:type:`Py_ssize_t`) is controlled by defining the " +"macro :c:macro:`PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN` before including :file:`Python.h`. If the" +" macro was defined, length is a :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` rather than an " +":c:type:`int`. This behavior will change in a future Python version to only " +"support :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` and drop :c:type:`int` support. It is best to " +"always define :c:macro:`PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN`." msgstr "" -# 54cbb0f62870427e984c07da99debe19 +# b61bc67998854c4aaa78890d0f9bd0ff #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:58 -msgid "Convert a Unicode object to a C pointer to a character string. A pointer to an existing string is stored in the character pointer variable whose address you pass. The C string is NUL-terminated. The Python string must not contain embedded NUL bytes; if it does, a :exc:`TypeError` exception is raised. Unicode objects are converted to C strings using ``'utf-8'`` encoding. If this conversion fails, a :exc:`UnicodeError` is raised." +msgid "" +"Convert a Unicode object to a C pointer to a character string. A pointer to " +"an existing string is stored in the character pointer variable whose address" +" you pass. The C string is NUL-terminated. The Python string must not " +"contain embedded NUL bytes; if it does, a :exc:`TypeError` exception is " +"raised. Unicode objects are converted to C strings using ``'utf-8'`` " +"encoding. If this conversion fails, a :exc:`UnicodeError` is raised." msgstr "Unicode オブジェクトを、キャラクタ文字列を指す C のポインタに変換し ます。キャラクタ型ポインタ変数のアドレスを渡すと、すでに存在している文字列へ のポインタをその変数に記録します。C 文字列は NUL で終端されています。Python の文字列型は、NUL バイトが途中に埋め込まれていてはなりません; もし埋め込まれ ていれば :exc:`TypeError` 例外を送出します。Unicode オブジェクトは ``'utf-8'`` を使って C 文字列に変換されます。変換に失敗する と :exc:`UnicodeError` を送出します。" -# a0483a069d804117bdb20b4caebcc659 +# e8b8b22eecc945be8726101faebb5716 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:67 -msgid "This format does not accept bytes-like objects. If you want to accept filesystem paths and convert them to C character strings, it is preferable to use the ``O&`` format with :c:func:`PyUnicode_FSConverter` as *converter*." +msgid "" +"This format does not accept bytes-like objects. If you want to accept " +"filesystem paths and convert them to C character strings, it is preferable " +"to use the ``O&`` format with :c:func:`PyUnicode_FSConverter` as " +"*converter*." msgstr "" -# 87e843071b7b4632bb23ceee7b129d78 +# 8a266159a3894e91af1a06dc7cbba8c3 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:73 -msgid "This format accepts Unicode objects as well as objects supporting the buffer protocol. It fills a :c:type:`Py_buffer` structure provided by the caller. In this case the resulting C string may contain embedded NUL bytes. Unicode objects are converted to C strings using ``'utf-8'`` encoding." +msgid "" +"This format accepts Unicode objects as well as objects supporting the buffer" +" protocol. It fills a :c:type:`Py_buffer` structure provided by the caller. " +"In this case the resulting C string may contain embedded NUL bytes. Unicode " +"objects are converted to C strings using ``'utf-8'`` encoding." msgstr "" -# 2af591528ff34b49b1000db039a9862c +# 4893389491a341cc9318f41e9daf5227 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:80 -msgid "Like ``s*``, except that it doesn't accept mutable buffer-like objects such as :class:`bytearray`. The result is stored into two C variables, the first one a pointer to a C string, the second one its length. The string may contain embedded null bytes. Unicode objects are converted to C strings using ``'utf-8'`` encoding." +msgid "" +"Like ``s*``, except that it doesn't accept mutable buffer-like objects such " +"as :class:`bytearray`. The result is stored into two C variables, the first" +" one a pointer to a C string, the second one its length. The string may " +"contain embedded null bytes. Unicode objects are converted to C strings " +"using ``'utf-8'`` encoding." msgstr "" -# ee144bb032b544a293d77162afb2fe56 +# 75c75e3ed11c4c43ab21750248c0cc32 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:87 -msgid "Like ``s``, but the Python object may also be ``None``, in which case the C pointer is set to *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Like ``s``, but the Python object may also be ``None``, in which case the C " +"pointer is set to *NULL*." msgstr "``s`` に似ていますが、Python オブジェクトは ``None`` でもよく、その 場合には C のポインタは *NULL* にセットされます。" -# f1cadf9cb7d74614862d99a00fc89d25 +# 403271a7d23441f6afd56283222a810d #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:91 -msgid "Like ``s*``, but the Python object may also be ``None``, in which case the ``buf`` member of the :c:type:`Py_buffer` structure is set to *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Like ``s*``, but the Python object may also be ``None``, in which case the " +"``buf`` member of the :c:type:`Py_buffer` structure is set to *NULL*." msgstr "" -# eaef380e5cce4b4eac1bd24de849d48f +# 9b074a1d792b4d7e8d09ce5dbd126516 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:95 -msgid "Like ``s#``, but the Python object may also be ``None``, in which case the C pointer is set to *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Like ``s#``, but the Python object may also be ``None``, in which case the C" +" pointer is set to *NULL*." msgstr "" -# dc2b582d11ab4e599dd3a76c4e20c772 +# d33c942d2f0b45839418a355254eeada #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:99 -msgid "This format converts a bytes-like object to a C pointer to a character string; it does not accept Unicode objects. The bytes buffer must not contain embedded NUL bytes; if it does, a :exc:`TypeError` exception is raised." +msgid "" +"This format converts a bytes-like object to a C pointer to a character " +"string; it does not accept Unicode objects. The bytes buffer must not " +"contain embedded NUL bytes; if it does, a :exc:`TypeError` exception is " +"raised." msgstr "" -# 8575abef87b849e7b24e96889dc03a49 +# 27d9bfc72c9146e883e316012a673b46 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:105 -msgid "This variant on ``s*`` doesn't accept Unicode objects, only objects supporting the buffer protocol. **This is the recommended way to accept binary data.**" +msgid "" +"This variant on ``s*`` doesn't accept Unicode objects, only objects " +"supporting the buffer protocol. **This is the recommended way to accept " +"binary data.**" msgstr "" -# 96e35491fa0d4283999e34ee9d944f86 +# 4459db9487d9427baa06455115cbdf27 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:110 -msgid "This variant on ``s#`` doesn't accept Unicode objects, only bytes-like objects." +msgid "" +"This variant on ``s#`` doesn't accept Unicode objects, only bytes-like " +"objects." msgstr "" -# 8d3cf5e14c674c7383d642c63d6db560 +# 4416be7de2b046c39041e27f8b593441 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:114 -msgid "Requires that the Python object is a :class:`bytes` object, without attempting any conversion. Raises :exc:`TypeError` if the object is not a bytes object. The C variable may also be declared as :c:type:`PyObject\\*`." +msgid "" +"Requires that the Python object is a :class:`bytes` object, without " +"attempting any conversion. Raises :exc:`TypeError` if the object is not a " +"bytes object. The C variable may also be declared as :c:type:`PyObject\\*`." msgstr "" -# 0c77a72640684b768352369eb8b79495 +# d90e0bd7f8334a63833b1578fcb7574c #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:119 -msgid "Requires that the Python object is a :class:`bytearray` object, without attempting any conversion. Raises :exc:`TypeError` if the object is not a :class:`bytearray` object. The C variable may also be declared as :c:type:`PyObject\\*`." +msgid "" +"Requires that the Python object is a :class:`bytearray` object, without " +"attempting any conversion. Raises :exc:`TypeError` if the object is not a " +":class:`bytearray` object. The C variable may also be declared as " +":c:type:`PyObject\\*`." msgstr "" -# 7586b8f9698d4ebfb245cdd30840b3de +# 721910558bcb4c5584af280f06bff41f #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:124 -msgid "Convert a Python Unicode object to a C pointer to a NUL-terminated buffer of Unicode characters. You must pass the address of a :c:type:`Py_UNICODE` pointer variable, which will be filled with the pointer to an existing Unicode buffer. Please note that the width of a :c:type:`Py_UNICODE` character depends on compilation options (it is either 16 or 32 bits). The Python string must not contain embedded NUL characters; if it does, a :exc:`TypeError` exception is raised." +msgid "" +"Convert a Python Unicode object to a C pointer to a NUL-terminated buffer of" +" Unicode characters. You must pass the address of a :c:type:`Py_UNICODE` " +"pointer variable, which will be filled with the pointer to an existing " +"Unicode buffer. Please note that the width of a :c:type:`Py_UNICODE` " +"character depends on compilation options (it is either 16 or 32 bits). The " +"Python string must not contain embedded NUL characters; if it does, a " +":exc:`TypeError` exception is raised." msgstr "" -# 1da25b9630274db590cb51e7bef1106d +# cbf2e72f2d0b4557afe5ce279240481e #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:133 -msgid "Since ``u`` doesn't give you back the length of the string, and it may contain embedded NUL characters, it is recommended to use ``u#`` or ``U`` instead." +msgid "" +"Since ``u`` doesn't give you back the length of the string, and it may " +"contain embedded NUL characters, it is recommended to use ``u#`` or ``U`` " +"instead." msgstr "" -# 6dbdf15262fb4acd83c23b6056472593 +# aed94d4adff94f3cbafac3474bb235de #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:138 -msgid "This variant on ``u`` stores into two C variables, the first one a pointer to a Unicode data buffer, the second one its length." +msgid "" +"This variant on ``u`` stores into two C variables, the first one a pointer " +"to a Unicode data buffer, the second one its length." msgstr "これは ``u`` の変化形で、値を二つの変数に記録します。一つ目の変数 は Unicode データバッファへのポインタで、二つ目はその長さです。" -# 80bc0949b6a34c22b30d7c50977f5178 +# 356d7a2ea5144f7f989177fe5beb1cd7 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:142 -msgid "Like ``u``, but the Python object may also be ``None``, in which case the :c:type:`Py_UNICODE` pointer is set to *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Like ``u``, but the Python object may also be ``None``, in which case the " +":c:type:`Py_UNICODE` pointer is set to *NULL*." msgstr "" -# 0b021ab8491c4d30b885aef4cc4a4db2 +# c07adab07b604b8e9467fa606b4cc0c5 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:146 -msgid "Like ``u#``, but the Python object may also be ``None``, in which case the :c:type:`Py_UNICODE` pointer is set to *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Like ``u#``, but the Python object may also be ``None``, in which case the " +":c:type:`Py_UNICODE` pointer is set to *NULL*." msgstr "" -# 1423ae46af2d414ab559508f30f0ab86 +# be36e6bde91c4866a02e9848565ba27e #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:150 -msgid "Requires that the Python object is a Unicode object, without attempting any conversion. Raises :exc:`TypeError` if the object is not a Unicode object. The C variable may also be declared as :c:type:`PyObject\\*`." +msgid "" +"Requires that the Python object is a Unicode object, without attempting any " +"conversion. Raises :exc:`TypeError` if the object is not a Unicode object." +" The C variable may also be declared as :c:type:`PyObject\\*`." msgstr "" -# 945681e5dcbe4bc6acc0a3dfcaeec270 +# f0be60b7b32345ba913c326ef1d6909b #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:155 -msgid "This format accepts any object which implements the read-write buffer interface. It fills a :c:type:`Py_buffer` structure provided by the caller. The buffer may contain embedded null bytes. The caller have to call :c:func:`PyBuffer_Release` when it is done with the buffer." +msgid "" +"This format accepts any object which implements the read-write buffer " +"interface. It fills a :c:type:`Py_buffer` structure provided by the caller. " +"The buffer may contain embedded null bytes. The caller have to call " +":c:func:`PyBuffer_Release` when it is done with the buffer." msgstr "" -# fba34526ca664051a057323ed9c21647 +# 785e3bac284742968c93f96bf9d83ac5 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:161 -msgid "This variant on ``s`` is used for encoding Unicode into a character buffer. It only works for encoded data without embedded NUL bytes." +msgid "" +"This variant on ``s`` is used for encoding Unicode into a character buffer. " +"It only works for encoded data without embedded NUL bytes." msgstr "" -# 19984b135f7a4e4db5e052f22cadb147 +# 00c087a03b0844d6ad658eaffea7e852 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:164 -msgid "This format requires two arguments. The first is only used as input, and must be a :c:type:`const char\\*` which points to the name of an encoding as a NUL-terminated string, or *NULL*, in which case ``'utf-8'`` encoding is used. An exception is raised if the named encoding is not known to Python. The second argument must be a :c:type:`char\\*\\*`; the value of the pointer it references will be set to a buffer with the contents of the argument text. The text will be encoded in the encoding specified by the first argument." +msgid "" +"This format requires two arguments. The first is only used as input, and " +"must be a :c:type:`const char\\*` which points to the name of an encoding as" +" a NUL-terminated string, or *NULL*, in which case ``'utf-8'`` encoding is " +"used. An exception is raised if the named encoding is not known to Python. " +"The second argument must be a :c:type:`char\\*\\*`; the value of the pointer" +" it references will be set to a buffer with the contents of the argument " +"text. The text will be encoded in the encoding specified by the first " +"argument." msgstr "この書式化単位には二つの引数が必要です。一つ目は入力にのみ用いら れ、 NUL で終端されたエンコード名文字列を指す :c:type:`const char\\*` 型また は、 ``'utf-8'`` が使われることを表す *NULL* でなければなりません。指定した エンコード名を Python が理解できない場合には例外を送出します。第二の引数 は :c:type:`char\\*\\*` でなければなりません; この引数が参照しているポインタ の値は、引数に指定したテキストの内容が入ったバッファへのポインタになります。 テキストは最初の引数に指定したエンコード方式でエンコードされます。" -# 4e01de3e889f4b2486e4f51770d829ee +# a1bbd3ee89784db7ae3a960320057354 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:172 -msgid ":c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` will allocate a buffer of the needed size, copy the encoded data into this buffer and adjust *\\*buffer* to reference the newly allocated storage. The caller is responsible for calling :c:func:`PyMem_Free` to free the allocated buffer after use." +msgid "" +":c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` will allocate a buffer of the needed size, copy " +"the encoded data into this buffer and adjust *\\*buffer* to reference the " +"newly allocated storage. The caller is responsible for calling " +":c:func:`PyMem_Free` to free the allocated buffer after use." msgstr ":c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` を使うと、必要なサイズのバッファを確保 し、そのバッファにエンコード後のデータをコピーして、 *\\*buffer* がこの新た に確保された記憶領域を指すように変更します。呼び出し側には、確保されたバッフ ァを使い終わった後に :c:func:`PyMem_Free` で解放する責任があります。" -# f74d9de1ecee45448727b1d982d7c1e7 +# f0927ee480b741b681ec173d816019b2 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:178 -msgid "Same as ``es`` except that byte string objects are passed through without recoding them. Instead, the implementation assumes that the byte string object uses the encoding passed in as parameter." +msgid "" +"Same as ``es`` except that byte string objects are passed through without " +"recoding them. Instead, the implementation assumes that the byte string " +"object uses the encoding passed in as parameter." msgstr "``es`` と同じです。ただし、バイト文字列オブジェクトをエンコードし直 さずに渡します。その代わり、実装ではバイト文字列オブジェクトがパラメタに渡し たエンコードを使っているものと仮定します。" -# aafd8946e49946ba9cb9490f830948c8 +# ac077db064b6473a83c1989bf04d63b6 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:183 -msgid "This variant on ``s#`` is used for encoding Unicode into a character buffer. Unlike the ``es`` format, this variant allows input data which contains NUL characters." +msgid "" +"This variant on ``s#`` is used for encoding Unicode into a character buffer." +" Unlike the ``es`` format, this variant allows input data which contains NUL" +" characters." msgstr "``s#`` の変化形で、Unicode をキャラクタ型バッファにエンコードするた めに用いられます。 ``es`` 書式化単位と違って、この変化形はバイトが埋め込まれ ていてもかまいません。" -# a3f63b469c114fbc819d8ba204d2c52c +# e0275cd3ce494155b432314222e78ad8 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:187 -msgid "It requires three arguments. The first is only used as input, and must be a :c:type:`const char\\*` which points to the name of an encoding as a NUL-terminated string, or *NULL*, in which case ``'utf-8'`` encoding is used. An exception is raised if the named encoding is not known to Python. The second argument must be a :c:type:`char\\*\\*`; the value of the pointer it references will be set to a buffer with the contents of the argument text. The text will be encoded in the encoding specified by the first argument. The third argument must be a pointer to an integer; the referenced integer will be set to the number of bytes in the output buffer." +msgid "" +"It requires three arguments. The first is only used as input, and must be a" +" :c:type:`const char\\*` which points to the name of an encoding as a NUL-" +"terminated string, or *NULL*, in which case ``'utf-8'`` encoding is used. An" +" exception is raised if the named encoding is not known to Python. The " +"second argument must be a :c:type:`char\\*\\*`; the value of the pointer it " +"references will be set to a buffer with the contents of the argument text. " +"The text will be encoded in the encoding specified by the first argument. " +"The third argument must be a pointer to an integer; the referenced integer " +"will be set to the number of bytes in the output buffer." msgstr "この書式化単位には三つの引数が必要です。一つ目は入力にのみ用いら れ、 NUL で終端されたエンコード名文字列を指す :c:type:`const char\\*` 型か *NULL* でなければなりません。 *NULL* の場合には ``'utf-8'`` を使います。指定 したエンコード名を Python が理解できない場合には例外を送出します。第二の引数 は :c:type:`char\\*\\*` でなければなりません; この引数が参照しているポインタ の値は、引数に指定したテキストの内容が入ったバッファへのポインタになります。 テキストは最初の引数に指定したエンコード方式でエンコードされます。第三の引数 は整数へのポインタでなければなりません; ポインタが参照している整数の値は出力 バッファ内のバイト数にセットされます。" -# d61a1656443a4408b92e2fc856f5abcd +# 976737e24aa34bc7ae84566847142382 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:197 msgid "There are two modes of operation:" msgstr "この書式化単位の処理には二つのモードがあります:" -# 14ab59b98ddb4700aa07bd6be7161ee6 +# adaa6f5fb4514ffeaf8a3cca44b17e47 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:199 -msgid "If *\\*buffer* points a *NULL* pointer, the function will allocate a buffer of the needed size, copy the encoded data into this buffer and set *\\*buffer* to reference the newly allocated storage. The caller is responsible for calling :c:func:`PyMem_Free` to free the allocated buffer after usage." +msgid "" +"If *\\*buffer* points a *NULL* pointer, the function will allocate a buffer " +"of the needed size, copy the encoded data into this buffer and set " +"*\\*buffer* to reference the newly allocated storage. The caller is " +"responsible for calling :c:func:`PyMem_Free` to free the allocated buffer " +"after usage." msgstr "*\\*buffer* が *NULL* ポインタを指している場合、関数は必要なサイズ のバッファを確保し、そのバッファにエンコード後のデータをコピーして、 *\\*buffer* がこの新たに確保された記憶領域を指すように変更します。呼び出し側 には、確保されたバッファを使い終わった後に :c:func:`PyMem_Free` で解放する責 任があります。" -# 11511972d7cf4d629bf541714e619693 +# 2c21c26c11104bfda3a5c6376e3846bf #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:204 -msgid "If *\\*buffer* points to a non-*NULL* pointer (an already allocated buffer), :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` will use this location as the buffer and interpret the initial value of *\\*buffer_length* as the buffer size. It will then copy the encoded data into the buffer and NUL-terminate it. If the buffer is not large enough, a :exc:`ValueError` will be set." +msgid "" +"If *\\*buffer* points to a non-*NULL* pointer (an already allocated buffer)," +" :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` will use this location as the buffer and " +"interpret the initial value of *\\*buffer_length* as the buffer size. It " +"will then copy the encoded data into the buffer and NUL-terminate it. If " +"the buffer is not large enough, a :exc:`ValueError` will be set." msgstr "*\\*buffer* が非 *NULL* のポインタ (すでにメモリ確保済みのバッファ ) を指している場合、 :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` はこのメモリ位置をバッファと して用い、 *\\*buffer_length* の初期値をバッファサイズとして用いま す。 :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` は次にエンコード済みのデータをバッファにコ ピーして、NUL で終端します。バッファの大きさが足りなけれ ば :exc:`ValueError` がセットされます。" -# ca0dab4b0af74c18a6d4c00ec5cef3e8 +# 4e58e167adcc4022a88dfc692cde7ca6 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:210 -msgid "In both cases, *\\*buffer_length* is set to the length of the encoded data without the trailing NUL byte." +msgid "" +"In both cases, *\\*buffer_length* is set to the length of the encoded data " +"without the trailing NUL byte." msgstr "どちらの場合も、 *\\*buffer_length* は終端の NUL バイトを含まないエ ンコード済みデータの長さにセットされます。" -# e5732ef31c364143942c1c6b1e7bfa4b +# 3688edc469664f69be3848dd9b544774 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:214 -msgid "Same as ``es#`` except that byte string objects are passed through without recoding them. Instead, the implementation assumes that the byte string object uses the encoding passed in as parameter." +msgid "" +"Same as ``es#`` except that byte string objects are passed through without " +"recoding them. Instead, the implementation assumes that the byte string " +"object uses the encoding passed in as parameter." msgstr "``es#`` と同じです。ただし、バイト文字列オブジェクトをエンコードし 直さずに渡します。その代わり、実装ではバイト文字列オブジェクトがパラメタに渡 したエンコードを使っているものと仮定します。" -# f1f94852e55a4573ab0422b71d00a47b +# bda63e0e6e6a405e92a789ea06a95dea #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:219 msgid "Numbers" msgstr "数" -# 830a62dc6ba94d14960993d0816abbae +# 4639421d34f746f6917c2ecf622c19d9 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:222 -msgid "Convert a nonnegative Python integer to an unsigned tiny int, stored in a C :c:type:`unsigned char`." +msgid "" +"Convert a nonnegative Python integer to an unsigned tiny int, stored in a C " +":c:type:`unsigned char`." msgstr "Python の非負の整数を、 C の :c:type:`unsigned char` 型の小さな符号 無し整数に変換します。" -# d1f217aa06a540e2ac4086636dbabeb2 +# 64ac6ea5de3846cbbdb79949de18be9a #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:226 -msgid "Convert a Python integer to a tiny int without overflow checking, stored in a C :c:type:`unsigned char`." +msgid "" +"Convert a Python integer to a tiny int without overflow checking, stored in " +"a C :c:type:`unsigned char`." msgstr "Python の整数を、オーバフローチェックを行わずに、 C の :c:type:`unsigned char` 型の小さな整数に変換します。" -# f113991d06f94a6488be47e2482dedb5 +# b76066656de448bb9c7e51f08aef3cac #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:230 msgid "Convert a Python integer to a C :c:type:`short int`." msgstr "Python の整数を、 C の :c:type:`short int` 型に変換します。" -# 0f4b3f37d58842cc9abf255a44a07061 +# 4c811cc2b80c4ba285950477b8f4e1a8 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:233 -msgid "Convert a Python integer to a C :c:type:`unsigned short int`, without overflow checking." +msgid "" +"Convert a Python integer to a C :c:type:`unsigned short int`, without " +"overflow checking." msgstr "Python の整数を、オーバフローチェックを行わずに、 C の :c:type:`unsigned short int` 型に変換します。" -# 19733f17fcb84bfb94504d471c261f45 +# 793138bec7894bc28253f822f96994af #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:237 msgid "Convert a Python integer to a plain C :c:type:`int`." msgstr "Python の整数を、 C の :c:type:`int` 型に変換します。" -# 2c91b34486054b9fa5e54bfa53899c4d +# ed360d31f57e48a5acec0cca6de3f74c #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:240 -msgid "Convert a Python integer to a C :c:type:`unsigned int`, without overflow checking." +msgid "" +"Convert a Python integer to a C :c:type:`unsigned int`, without overflow " +"checking." msgstr "Python の整数を、オーバフローチェックを行わずに、 C の :c:type:`unsigned int` 型に変換します。" -# 4a61223d24f94e63b6e7979d44ec4cc8 +# 0da3f2f243d64b308dea1a8756a6ce4a #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:244 msgid "Convert a Python integer to a C :c:type:`long int`." msgstr "Python の整数を、 C の :c:type:`long int` 型に変換します。" -# 0dd5e087dbdc4b21842fc621c22773d5 +# 5aa1757ca7de47daa6fced8edc57ba59 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:247 -msgid "Convert a Python integer to a C :c:type:`unsigned long` without overflow checking." +msgid "" +"Convert a Python integer to a C :c:type:`unsigned long` without overflow " +"checking." msgstr "Python の整数を、オーバフローチェックを行わずに、 C の :c:type:`unsigned long int` 型に変換します。" -# 35be31c9133148e6932f946648fdabb9 +# 771dbaa02eed48d79b1880d58bef76d9 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:251 -msgid "Convert a Python integer to a C :c:type:`long long`. This format is only available on platforms that support :c:type:`long long` (or :c:type:`_int64` on Windows)." +msgid "" +"Convert a Python integer to a C :c:type:`long long`. This format is only " +"available on platforms that support :c:type:`long long` (or :c:type:`_int64`" +" on Windows)." msgstr "Python の整数を、 C の :c:type:`long long` 型に変換します。この書式 化単位は、 :c:type:`long long` 型 (または Windows の :c:type:`_int64` 型) がサポートされているプラットフォームでのみ利用できます。" -# 75a9666db1544211a66f759ed160cc06 +# e4e47c5641af479a90c5bd9194722e69 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:256 -msgid "Convert a Python integer to a C :c:type:`unsigned long long` without overflow checking. This format is only available on platforms that support :c:type:`unsigned long long` (or :c:type:`unsigned _int64` on Windows)." +msgid "" +"Convert a Python integer to a C :c:type:`unsigned long long` without " +"overflow checking. This format is only available on platforms that support " +":c:type:`unsigned long long` (or :c:type:`unsigned _int64` on Windows)." msgstr "" -# 9e31c4f200c94f5b95d0b6db3e7e5072 +# 91981644adc54588b73321de33d34809 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:261 msgid "Convert a Python integer to a C :c:type:`Py_ssize_t`." msgstr "Python の整数をCの :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` 型に変換します。" -# 5ba6bef6b7c644a4a6fc047471fc40bf +# 6c5b32798257473cabfbb6b01ce920ff #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:264 -msgid "Convert a Python byte, represented as a :class:`bytes` or :class:`bytearray` object of length 1, to a C :c:type:`char`." +msgid "" +"Convert a Python byte, represented as a :class:`bytes` or :class:`bytearray`" +" object of length 1, to a C :c:type:`char`." msgstr "長さ 1 の :class:`bytes` または :class:`bytearray` オブジェクトとし て表現されている Python バイトを C の :c:type:`char` 型に変換します。" -# 0be1ea57a5074c37acd36e0ae03669b3 +# 4cbc667226044c11ab51d499b977bf48 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:271 -msgid "Convert a Python character, represented as a :class:`str` object of length 1, to a C :c:type:`int`." +msgid "" +"Convert a Python character, represented as a :class:`str` object of length " +"1, to a C :c:type:`int`." msgstr "長さ 1 の :class:`str` オブジェクトとして表現されている Python キャ ラクタを C の :c:type:`char` 型に変換します。" -# 337f99a2e22a4f4bb5edfce47d89deaa +# 7d53f0d3ce804083884e5669cd0d7d1d #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:275 msgid "Convert a Python floating point number to a C :c:type:`float`." msgstr "Python の浮動小数点型を、 C の :c:type:`float` 型に変換します。" -# d9c942adbe7a4b739e21e6079705eb62 +# 5afff086dd0a4bfcb87d7b1da5c64d87 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:278 msgid "Convert a Python floating point number to a C :c:type:`double`." msgstr "Python の浮動小数点型を、 C の :c:type:`double` 型に変換します。" -# 627fcfeedf7b4220b2f874f59b667282 +# a481fcdc8aa547e0b9be8a579fdb52e8 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:281 msgid "Convert a Python complex number to a C :c:type:`Py_complex` structure." msgstr "" -# 895606eebe31482d88b51af61840c311 +# 2e4bcbf802c84c6aadee83efe557c622 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:284 msgid "Other objects" msgstr "その他のオブジェクト" -# 9ae27792b90d443a82166352ee2562b7 +# caaf794f5d7d46e6b166742c43683f7b #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:287 -msgid "Store a Python object (without any conversion) in a C object pointer. The C program thus receives the actual object that was passed. The object's reference count is not increased. The pointer stored is not *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Store a Python object (without any conversion) in a C object pointer. The C" +" program thus receives the actual object that was passed. The object's " +"reference count is not increased. The pointer stored is not *NULL*." msgstr "Python オブジェクトを (一切変換を行わずに) C の Python オブジェクト 型ポインタに保存します。これにより、C プログラムは実際のオブジェクトを受け渡 しされます。オブジェクトの参照カウントは増加しません。保存されるポインタが *NULL* になることはありません。" -# 110943a82b734e68961105f83e9323d1 +# 959de489c57b4a258e28f6885392d457 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:292 -msgid "Store a Python object in a C object pointer. This is similar to ``O``, but takes two C arguments: the first is the address of a Python type object, the second is the address of the C variable (of type :c:type:`PyObject\\*`) into which the object pointer is stored. If the Python object does not have the required type, :exc:`TypeError` is raised." +msgid "" +"Store a Python object in a C object pointer. This is similar to ``O``, but " +"takes two C arguments: the first is the address of a Python type object, the" +" second is the address of the C variable (of type :c:type:`PyObject\\*`) " +"into which the object pointer is stored. If the Python object does not have" +" the required type, :exc:`TypeError` is raised." msgstr "Python オブジェクトを C の Python オブジェクト型ポインタに保存しま す。 ``O`` に似ていますが、二つの C の引数をとります: 一つ目の引数は Python の型オブジェクトへのアドレスで、二つ目の引数はオブジェクトへのポインタが保存 されている (:c:type:`PyObject\\*` の) C の変数へのアドレスです。Python オブ ジェクトが指定した型ではない場合、 :exc:`TypeError` を送出します。" -# fe2008922db14e888b704281d28fdb4f +# 144e29f104ae4b7db686f1e9030b4628 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:299 -msgid "Convert a Python object to a C variable through a *converter* function. This takes two arguments: the first is a function, the second is the address of a C variable (of arbitrary type), converted to :c:type:`void \\*`. The *converter* function in turn is called as follows::" +msgid "" +"Convert a Python object to a C variable through a *converter* function. " +"This takes two arguments: the first is a function, the second is the address" +" of a C variable (of arbitrary type), converted to :c:type:`void \\*`. The " +"*converter* function in turn is called as follows::" msgstr "Python オブジェクトを *converter* 関数を介して C の変数に変換しま す。二つの引数をとります: 一つ目は関数で、二つ目は (任意の型の) C 変数へのア ドレスを :c:type:`void \\*` 型に変換したものです。 *converter* は以下のよう にして呼び出されます::" -# 55e5b46ae602408d87e914d33471fcfb +# bde08c44057a4039b7558d2c6292b515 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:306 -msgid "where *object* is the Python object to be converted and *address* is the :c:type:`void\\*` argument that was passed to the :c:func:`PyArg_Parse\\*` function. The returned *status* should be ``1`` for a successful conversion and ``0`` if the conversion has failed. When the conversion fails, the *converter* function should raise an exception and leave the content of *address* unmodified." +msgid "" +"where *object* is the Python object to be converted and *address* is the " +":c:type:`void\\*` argument that was passed to the :c:func:`PyArg_Parse\\*` " +"function. The returned *status* should be ``1`` for a successful conversion " +"and ``0`` if the conversion has failed. When the conversion fails, the " +"*converter* function should raise an exception and leave the content of " +"*address* unmodified." msgstr "ここで *object* は変換対象の Python オブジェクトで、 *address* は :c:func:`PyArg_Parse\\*` に渡した :c:type:`void\\*` 型の引数です。戻り 値 *status* は変換に成功した際に ``1``,失敗した場合には ``0`` になります。変 換に失敗した場合、 *converter* 関数は *address* の内容を変更せずに例外を送出 しなくてはなりません。" -# 24b002c366f34098a0d06aa5a1bece3c +# 356c1d41ce854966ae803ba2d87ad545 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:312 -msgid "If the *converter* returns ``Py_CLEANUP_SUPPORTED``, it may get called a second time if the argument parsing eventually fails, giving the converter a chance to release any memory that it had already allocated. In this second call, the *object* parameter will be NULL; *address* will have the same value as in the original call." +msgid "" +"If the *converter* returns ``Py_CLEANUP_SUPPORTED``, it may get called a " +"second time if the argument parsing eventually fails, giving the converter a" +" chance to release any memory that it had already allocated. In this second " +"call, the *object* parameter will be NULL; *address* will have the same " +"value as in the original call." msgstr "" -# a7eb1a91e93b46afa448ba9d9b8e499a +# 75a72c28c46948ae9140521094e1f134 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:322 -msgid "Tests the value passed in for truth (a boolean **p**\\redicate) and converts the result to its equivalent C true/false integer value. Sets the int to 1 if the expression was true and 0 if it was false. This accepts any valid Python value. See :ref:`truth` for more information about how Python tests values for truth." +msgid "" +"Tests the value passed in for truth (a boolean **p**\\redicate) and converts" +" the result to its equivalent C true/false integer value. Sets the int to 1 " +"if the expression was true and 0 if it was false. This accepts any valid " +"Python value. See :ref:`truth` for more information about how Python tests " +"values for truth." msgstr "" -# f52e9f252c6d4d2dbb377f487730329a +# 5ab729282cf64d66bd97178fc2da502c #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:331 -msgid "The object must be a Python sequence whose length is the number of format units in *items*. The C arguments must correspond to the individual format units in *items*. Format units for sequences may be nested." +msgid "" +"The object must be a Python sequence whose length is the number of format " +"units in *items*. The C arguments must correspond to the individual format " +"units in *items*. Format units for sequences may be nested." msgstr "オブジェクトは *items* に入っている書式化単位の数だけの長さを持つ Python のシーケンス型でなくてはなりません。各 C 引数は *items* 内の個々の書 式化単位に対応づけできねばなりません。シーケンスの書式化単位は入れ子構造にで きます。" -# 6e289aef7fd243c18715dd27be6037e4 +# 219443dbe0d84258827c072e041b353e #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:335 -msgid "It is possible to pass \"long\" integers (integers whose value exceeds the platform's :const:`LONG_MAX`) however no proper range checking is done --- the most significant bits are silently truncated when the receiving field is too small to receive the value (actually, the semantics are inherited from downcasts in C --- your mileage may vary)." +msgid "" +"It is possible to pass \"long\" integers (integers whose value exceeds the " +"platform's :const:`LONG_MAX`) however no proper range checking is done --- " +"the most significant bits are silently truncated when the receiving field is" +" too small to receive the value (actually, the semantics are inherited from " +"downcasts in C --- your mileage may vary)." msgstr "\"長\" 整数 (プラットフォームの :const:`LONG_MAX` を超える値の整数 ) を渡すのは可能です; しかしながら、適切な値域チェックはまったく行われませ ん --- 値を受け取るためのフィールドが、値全てを受け取るには小さすぎる場合、 上桁のビット群は暗黙のうちに切り詰められます (実際のところ、このセマンティク スは C のダウンキャスト (downcast) から継承しています --- その恩恵は人それぞ れかもしれませんが)。" -# 3181d6a222d94f558ce0e59627eb8b39 +# 1c626e9eec35479db8a1d65eaeffdb3a #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:341 -msgid "A few other characters have a meaning in a format string. These may not occur inside nested parentheses. They are:" +msgid "" +"A few other characters have a meaning in a format string. These may not " +"occur inside nested parentheses. They are:" msgstr "その他、書式化文字列において意味を持つ文字がいくつかあります。それ らの文字は括弧による入れ子内には使えません。以下に文字を示します:" -# 6b16018a13fa47a694f88eeee1997b38 +# 882b5202fbd04879b2451de07ebebacd #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:345 -msgid "Indicates that the remaining arguments in the Python argument list are optional. The C variables corresponding to optional arguments should be initialized to their default value --- when an optional argument is not specified, :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` does not touch the contents of the corresponding C variable(s)." +msgid "" +"Indicates that the remaining arguments in the Python argument list are " +"optional. The C variables corresponding to optional arguments should be " +"initialized to their default value --- when an optional argument is not " +"specified, :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` does not touch the contents of the " +"corresponding C variable(s)." msgstr "Python 引数リスト中で、この文字以降の引数がオプションであることを示 します。オプションの引数に対応する C の変数はデフォルトの値で初期化しておか ねばなりません --- オプションの引数が省略された場 合、 :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` は対応する C 変数の内容に手を加えません。" -# 472a58ad7e60469b87c8b39d84cd8be9 +# 7755e52abc8f45ebac8aa283b95b7f35 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:352 -msgid ":c:func:`PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords` only: Indicates that the remaining arguments in the Python argument list are keyword-only. Currently, all keyword-only arguments must also be optional arguments, so ``|`` must always be specified before ``$`` in the format string." +msgid "" +":c:func:`PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords` only: Indicates that the remaining " +"arguments in the Python argument list are keyword-only. Currently, all " +"keyword-only arguments must also be optional arguments, so ``|`` must always" +" be specified before ``$`` in the format string." msgstr "" -# b158eee7587e4725b8287a25640100c9 +# 540a1b6d23684fd9aa6700af3b2b704b #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:361 -msgid "The list of format units ends here; the string after the colon is used as the function name in error messages (the \"associated value\" of the exception that :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` raises)." +msgid "" +"The list of format units ends here; the string after the colon is used as " +"the function name in error messages (the \"associated value\" of the " +"exception that :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` raises)." msgstr "この文字があると、書式化単位の記述はそこで終わります; コロン以降の 文字列は、エラーメッセージにおける関数名 (:c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` が送出 する例外の \"付属値 (associated value)\") として使われます。" -# bb0375ba72db4534b5152b987f93f046 +# 853511d7ae2c465f83988ed1e83ccce1 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:366 -msgid "The list of format units ends here; the string after the semicolon is used as the error message *instead* of the default error message. ``:`` and ``;`` mutually exclude each other." +msgid "" +"The list of format units ends here; the string after the semicolon is used " +"as the error message *instead* of the default error message. ``:`` and " +"``;`` mutually exclude each other." msgstr "この文字があると、書式化単位の記述はそこで終わります; セミコロン以 降の文字列は、デフォルトエラーメッセージを *置き換える* エラーメッセージとし て使われます。 ``:`` と ``;`` は相互に排他の文字です。" -# 4d2ca72733844b1b9162c8a1c935c32f +# 52d8f69fbc01458b9775875b415e4985 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:370 -msgid "Note that any Python object references which are provided to the caller are *borrowed* references; do not decrement their reference count!" +msgid "" +"Note that any Python object references which are provided to the caller are " +"*borrowed* references; do not decrement their reference count!" msgstr "呼び出し側に提供される Python オブジェクトの参照は全て *借りた (borrowed)* ものです; オブジェクトの参照カウントをデクリメントしてはなりませ ん!" -# ebd972df14d6470395d4f76d92b9c6e4 +# 10feb5fb7ed94101840a497352930b3d #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:373 -msgid "Additional arguments passed to these functions must be addresses of variables whose type is determined by the format string; these are used to store values from the input tuple. There are a few cases, as described in the list of format units above, where these parameters are used as input values; they should match what is specified for the corresponding format unit in that case." +msgid "" +"Additional arguments passed to these functions must be addresses of " +"variables whose type is determined by the format string; these are used to " +"store values from the input tuple. There are a few cases, as described in " +"the list of format units above, where these parameters are used as input " +"values; they should match what is specified for the corresponding format " +"unit in that case." msgstr "以下の関数に渡す補助引数 (additional argument) は、書式化文字列から 決定される型へのアドレスでなければなりません; 補助引数に指定したアドレスは、 タプルから入力された値を保存するために使います。上の書式化単位のリストで説明 したように、補助引数を入力値として使う場合がいくつかあります; その場合、対応 する書式化単位の指定する形式に従うようにせねばなりません。" -# 7813590975c24d62bb7906b508fd2a53 +# ab83948f5fc948138735999c4d48128c #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:379 -msgid "For the conversion to succeed, the *arg* object must match the format and the format must be exhausted. On success, the :c:func:`PyArg_Parse\\*` functions return true, otherwise they return false and raise an appropriate exception. When the :c:func:`PyArg_Parse\\*` functions fail due to conversion failure in one of the format units, the variables at the addresses corresponding to that and the following format units are left untouched." +msgid "" +"For the conversion to succeed, the *arg* object must match the format and " +"the format must be exhausted. On success, the :c:func:`PyArg_Parse\\*` " +"functions return true, otherwise they return false and raise an appropriate " +"exception. When the :c:func:`PyArg_Parse\\*` functions fail due to " +"conversion failure in one of the format units, the variables at the " +"addresses corresponding to that and the following format units are left " +"untouched." msgstr "変換を正しく行うためには、 *arg* オブジェクトは書式化文字に一致しな ければならず、かつ書式化文字列内の書式化単位に全て値が入るようにせねばなりま せん。成功すると、 :c:func:`PyArg_Parse\\*` 関数は真を返します。それ以外の場 合には偽を返し、適切な例外を送出します。書式化単位のどれかの変換失敗によ り :c:func:`PyArg_Parse\\*` が失敗した場合、失敗した書式化単位に対応するアド レスとそれ以降のアドレスの内容は変更されません。" -# d591676f76ec41a5a4eb480b89978d8f +# a37201483f6b4f9d8a777e6d698d0d34 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:388 msgid "API Functions" msgstr "API 関数" -# 24cf9747975147138f8330b5a178235c +# 9c9daa95735e4c009875bb3f5904a88c #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:392 -msgid "Parse the parameters of a function that takes only positional parameters into local variables. Returns true on success; on failure, it returns false and raises the appropriate exception." +msgid "" +"Parse the parameters of a function that takes only positional parameters " +"into local variables. Returns true on success; on failure, it returns false" +" and raises the appropriate exception." msgstr "固定引数のみを引数にとる関数のパラメタを解釈して、ローカルな変数に 変換します。成功すると真を返します;失敗すると偽を返し、適切な例外を送出しま す。" -# 4c39ef4dcffc4f51ba6506314b4c1218 +# 0380b64ab16941008e2629018459b51f #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:399 -msgid "Identical to :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`, except that it accepts a va_list rather than a variable number of arguments." +msgid "" +"Identical to :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`, except that it accepts a va_list " +"rather than a variable number of arguments." msgstr ":c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` と同じですが、可変長の引数ではなく *va_list* を引数にとります。" -# f703cf895ff34d41b4e5754edc8ba14d +# fcf06cd19dab470fac21d27554759140 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:405 -msgid "Parse the parameters of a function that takes both positional and keyword parameters into local variables. Returns true on success; on failure, it returns false and raises the appropriate exception." +msgid "" +"Parse the parameters of a function that takes both positional and keyword " +"parameters into local variables. Returns true on success; on failure, it " +"returns false and raises the appropriate exception." msgstr "固定引数およびキーワード引数をとる関数のパラメタを解釈して、ローカ ルな変数に変換します。成功すると真を返します;失敗すると偽を返し、適切な例外 を送出します。" -# 9a6fdc7f20204ead97542e3685eb87ed +# 41e9b4aa1cf741818bc3bf20406ef0eb #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:412 -msgid "Identical to :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords`, except that it accepts a va_list rather than a variable number of arguments." +msgid "" +"Identical to :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords`, except that it accepts a" +" va_list rather than a variable number of arguments." msgstr ":c:func:`PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords` と同じですが、可変長の引数で はなく *va_list* を引数にとります。" -# 193c7f137f164b2790f983772ac41ee3 +# cab5558d83b34d89a3ea3de385624a62 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:418 -msgid "Ensure that the keys in the keywords argument dictionary are strings. This is only needed if :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords` is not used, since the latter already does this check." +msgid "" +"Ensure that the keys in the keywords argument dictionary are strings. This " +"is only needed if :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords` is not used, since " +"the latter already does this check." msgstr "" -# 8a3edd055e984b0186cb0ab6a6b36ce2 +# 97e299310e2b4874a487a5e1b06a2d18 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:428 -msgid "Function used to deconstruct the argument lists of \"old-style\" functions --- these are functions which use the :const:`METH_OLDARGS` parameter parsing method. This is not recommended for use in parameter parsing in new code, and most code in the standard interpreter has been modified to no longer use this for that purpose. It does remain a convenient way to decompose other tuples, however, and may continue to be used for that purpose." +msgid "" +"Function used to deconstruct the argument lists of \"old-style\" functions " +"--- these are functions which use the :const:`METH_OLDARGS` parameter " +"parsing method. This is not recommended for use in parameter parsing in new" +" code, and most code in the standard interpreter has been modified to no " +"longer use this for that purpose. It does remain a convenient way to " +"decompose other tuples, however, and may continue to be used for that " +"purpose." msgstr "\"旧スタイル\" の関数における引数リストを分析するために使われる関数 です --- 旧スタイルの関数は、引数解釈手法に :const:`METH_OLDARGS` を使いま す。新たに書かれるコードでのパラメタ解釈にはこの関数の使用は奨められず、標準 のインタプリタにおけるほとんどのコードがもはや引数解釈のためにこの関数を使わ ないように変更済みです。この関数を残しているのは、この関数が依然として引数以 外のタプルを分析する上で便利だからですが、この目的においては将来も使われつづ けるかもしれません。" -# 372d67cdd7b24952b5b51872d6b22cd0 +# b8a2f38c72504468b23485b9deff29f2 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:438 -msgid "A simpler form of parameter retrieval which does not use a format string to specify the types of the arguments. Functions which use this method to retrieve their parameters should be declared as :const:`METH_VARARGS` in function or method tables. The tuple containing the actual parameters should be passed as *args*; it must actually be a tuple. The length of the tuple must be at least *min* and no more than *max*; *min* and *max* may be equal. Additional arguments must be passed to the function, each of which should be a pointer to a :c:type:`PyObject\\*` variable; these will be filled in with the values from *args*; they will contain borrowed references. The variables which correspond to optional parameters not given by *args* will not be filled in; these should be initialized by the caller. This function returns true on success and false if *args* is not a tuple or contains the wrong number of elements; an exception will be set if there was a failure." +msgid "" +"A simpler form of parameter retrieval which does not use a format string to " +"specify the types of the arguments. Functions which use this method to " +"retrieve their parameters should be declared as :const:`METH_VARARGS` in " +"function or method tables. The tuple containing the actual parameters " +"should be passed as *args*; it must actually be a tuple. The length of the " +"tuple must be at least *min* and no more than *max*; *min* and *max* may be " +"equal. Additional arguments must be passed to the function, each of which " +"should be a pointer to a :c:type:`PyObject\\*` variable; these will be " +"filled in with the values from *args*; they will contain borrowed " +"references. The variables which correspond to optional parameters not given" +" by *args* will not be filled in; these should be initialized by the caller." +" This function returns true on success and false if *args* is not a tuple or" +" contains the wrong number of elements; an exception will be set if there " +"was a failure." msgstr "パラメータ取得を簡単にした形式で、引数の型を指定する書式化文字列を 使いません。パラメタの取得にこの手法を使う関数は、関数宣言テーブル、またはメ ソッド宣言テーブル内で :const:`METH_VARARGS` として宣言しなくてはなりませ ん。実引数の入ったタプルは *args* に渡します; このタプルは本当のタプルでなく てはなりません。タプルの長さは少なくとも *min* で、 *max* を超えてはなりませ ん; *min* と *max* が等しくてもかまいません。補助引数を関数に渡さなくてはな らず、各補助引数は :c:type:`PyObject\\*` 変数へのポインタでなくてはなりませ ん; これらの補助引数には、 *args* の値が入ります; 値の参照は借りた参照です。 オプションのパラメタに対応する変数のうち、 *args* に指定していないものには値 が入りません; 呼び出し側はそれらの値を初期化しておかねばなりません。この関数 は成功すると真を返し、 *args* がタプルでない場合や間違った数の要素が入ってい る場合に偽を返します; 何らかの失敗が起きた場合には例外をセットします。" -# 7bcd3d6ae25f4999be72fb2eb5b85aae +# 8f2f449af1004e9c9e3791484a3cf18a #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:452 -msgid "This is an example of the use of this function, taken from the sources for the :mod:`_weakref` helper module for weak references::" +msgid "" +"This is an example of the use of this function, taken from the sources for " +"the :mod:`_weakref` helper module for weak references::" msgstr "この関数の使用例を以下に示します。この例は、弱参照のため の :mod:`_weakref` 補助モジュールのソースコードからとったものです::" -# 96af2222bd7842fc9acc718567b52028 +# d8cb4b31b09141a4912c81018ac0440c #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:468 -msgid "The call to :c:func:`PyArg_UnpackTuple` in this example is entirely equivalent to this call to :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`::" +msgid "" +"The call to :c:func:`PyArg_UnpackTuple` in this example is entirely " +"equivalent to this call to :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple`::" msgstr "この例における :c:func:`PyArg_UnpackTuple` 呼び出し は、 :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` を使った以下の呼び出しと全く等価です::" -# 33a66949779340b28b5ff30e3d38917c +# 51e622e89e45470b82f9148db31d3f67 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:476 msgid "Building values" msgstr "" -# 91b47b39f11247bd840b5a378fa8fb2e +# a7ff760ffb604873a8189256cfe21644 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:480 -msgid "Create a new value based on a format string similar to those accepted by the :c:func:`PyArg_Parse\\*` family of functions and a sequence of values. Returns the value or *NULL* in the case of an error; an exception will be raised if *NULL* is returned." +msgid "" +"Create a new value based on a format string similar to those accepted by the" +" :c:func:`PyArg_Parse\\*` family of functions and a sequence of values. " +"Returns the value or *NULL* in the case of an error; an exception will be " +"raised if *NULL* is returned." msgstr ":c:func:`PyArg_Parse\\*` ファミリの関数が受け取るのと似た形式の書式 化文字列および値列に基づいて、新たな値を生成します。生成した値を返します。エ ラーの場合には *NULL* を返します; *NULL* を返す場合、例外を送出するでしょ う。" -# a0d102f2c7344b9584b69fa5b37e51cc +# bade01624c5b40c4b7257a72a8c15cf7 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:485 -msgid ":c:func:`Py_BuildValue` does not always build a tuple. It builds a tuple only if its format string contains two or more format units. If the format string is empty, it returns ``None``; if it contains exactly one format unit, it returns whatever object is described by that format unit. To force it to return a tuple of size 0 or one, parenthesize the format string." +msgid "" +":c:func:`Py_BuildValue` does not always build a tuple. It builds a tuple " +"only if its format string contains two or more format units. If the format " +"string is empty, it returns ``None``; if it contains exactly one format " +"unit, it returns whatever object is described by that format unit. To force" +" it to return a tuple of size 0 or one, parenthesize the format string." msgstr ":c:func:`Py_BuildValue` は常にタプルを生成するとは限りません。この 関数がタプルを生成するのは、書式化文字列に二つ以上の書式化単位が入っていると きだけです。書式化文字列が空の場合、 ``None`` を返します; 書式化単位が厳密 に一つだけ入っている場合、書式化単位で指定されている何らかのオブジェクト単体 を返します。サイズがゼロや 1 のタプルを返すように強制するには、丸括弧で囲わ れた書式化文字列を使います。" -# 49303a78bec8432791d4288f309e15df +# d5b3e0cbf43c4e17b6b2089e7940c0fb #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:491 -msgid "When memory buffers are passed as parameters to supply data to build objects, as for the ``s`` and ``s#`` formats, the required data is copied. Buffers provided by the caller are never referenced by the objects created by :c:func:`Py_BuildValue`. In other words, if your code invokes :c:func:`malloc` and passes the allocated memory to :c:func:`Py_BuildValue`, your code is responsible for calling :c:func:`free` for that memory once :c:func:`Py_BuildValue` returns." +msgid "" +"When memory buffers are passed as parameters to supply data to build " +"objects, as for the ``s`` and ``s#`` formats, the required data is copied. " +"Buffers provided by the caller are never referenced by the objects created " +"by :c:func:`Py_BuildValue`. In other words, if your code invokes " +":c:func:`malloc` and passes the allocated memory to :c:func:`Py_BuildValue`," +" your code is responsible for calling :c:func:`free` for that memory once " +":c:func:`Py_BuildValue` returns." msgstr "書式化単位 ``s`` や ``s#`` の場合のように、オブジェクトを構築する際 にデータを供給するためにメモリバッファをパラメタとして渡す場合には、指定した データはコピーされます。 :c:func:`Py_BuildValue` が生成したオブジェクトは、 呼び出し側が提供したバッファを決して参照しません。別の言い方をすれ ば、 :c:func:`malloc` を呼び出してメモリを確保し、それ を :c:func:`Py_BuildValue` に渡した場合、コード内で :c:func:`Py_BuildValue` が返った後で :c:func:`free` を呼び出す責任があるということです。" -# 2204d2a463e64d88bec6a0997065c477 +# 6478db02a60a4f07a5c4c0dd0c71d17c #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:499 -msgid "In the following description, the quoted form is the format unit; the entry in (round) parentheses is the Python object type that the format unit will return; and the entry in [square] brackets is the type of the C value(s) to be passed." +msgid "" +"In the following description, the quoted form is the format unit; the entry " +"in (round) parentheses is the Python object type that the format unit will " +"return; and the entry in [square] brackets is the type of the C value(s) to " +"be passed." msgstr "以下の説明では、引用符のついた形式は書式化単位です; (丸)括弧で囲っ た部分は書式化単位が返す Python のオブジェクト型です; [角] 括弧は関数に渡す 値の C 変数型です。" -# 6967e8ea78ca45269ba426a1dd7ea9bb +# 227ac5e1afd3444b9a4c5d3d2c9fe8bf #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:503 -msgid "The characters space, tab, colon and comma are ignored in format strings (but not within format units such as ``s#``). This can be used to make long format strings a tad more readable." +msgid "" +"The characters space, tab, colon and comma are ignored in format strings " +"(but not within format units such as ``s#``). This can be used to make long" +" format strings a tad more readable." msgstr "書式化文字列内では、(``s#`` のような書式化単位を除いて) スペース、 タブ、コロンおよびコンマは無視されます。これらの文字を使うと、長い書式化文字 列をちょっとだけ読みやすくできます。" -# 827b1d8fca4444fa87556e7bda878693 +# 1fa8ead3b24044969ae3d9169c035388 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:508 -msgid "Convert a null-terminated C string to a Python :class:`str` object using ``'utf-8'`` encoding. If the C string pointer is *NULL*, ``None`` is used." +msgid "" +"Convert a null-terminated C string to a Python :class:`str` object using " +"``'utf-8'`` encoding. If the C string pointer is *NULL*, ``None`` is used." msgstr "" -# ae50ba9f9ad941de958aa56c7779e3bc +# 1deaabb2de294bc8be9c96f31bc6f0d6 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:512 -msgid "Convert a C string and its length to a Python :class:`str` object using ``'utf-8'`` encoding. If the C string pointer is *NULL*, the length is ignored and ``None`` is returned." +msgid "" +"Convert a C string and its length to a Python :class:`str` object using " +"``'utf-8'`` encoding. If the C string pointer is *NULL*, the length is " +"ignored and ``None`` is returned." msgstr "" -# 5433e27e4db34511bdb9fb986a4b1563 +# d30b9240187f4035b8b9447d8074f480 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:517 -msgid "This converts a C string to a Python :func:`bytes` object. If the C string pointer is *NULL*, ``None`` is returned." +msgid "" +"This converts a C string to a Python :func:`bytes` object. If the C string " +"pointer is *NULL*, ``None`` is returned." msgstr "" -# fe073aee9335421db001541ba382fb43 +# 36de2b07f5cd4a0ca5278484ad698e79 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:521 -msgid "This converts a C string and its lengths to a Python object. If the C string pointer is *NULL*, ``None`` is returned." +msgid "" +"This converts a C string and its lengths to a Python object. If the C " +"string pointer is *NULL*, ``None`` is returned." msgstr "これは C 文字列とその長さから Python オブジェクトに変換します。 C 文字列ポインタが *NULL* の場合、長さは無視され ``None`` になります。" -# de622f53074e4d5091fc983e9c9dc123 -# 0c5f450ff8a24529ac48a2e236a00289 +# 5f4391efc6c846d59a3fba77697f6a52 +# fd2897596aa44ac9bbbb218c9d98ecd8 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:525 ../../c-api/arg.rst:540 msgid "Same as ``s``." msgstr "``s`` と同じです。" -# 31b9482e1190401d99856a492ed1d532 -# 66837758304a4eb7a3033139ceb0ac1b +# b28efcfd9bb64902aa7ea495497e25a5 +# 2350b0698f904ed6ac45162d3b072b82 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:528 ../../c-api/arg.rst:543 msgid "Same as ``s#``." msgstr "``s#`` と同じです。" -# 9bc7d15564bb4544b0aef1487cec28e6 +# fd7a533a9a8f46df93660c39b7821bcf #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:531 -msgid "Convert a null-terminated buffer of Unicode (UCS-2 or UCS-4) data to a Python Unicode object. If the Unicode buffer pointer is *NULL*, ``None`` is returned." +msgid "" +"Convert a null-terminated buffer of Unicode (UCS-2 or UCS-4) data to a " +"Python Unicode object. If the Unicode buffer pointer is *NULL*, ``None`` is" +" returned." msgstr "null 終端された Unicode (UCS-2 または UCS-4) データのバッファから Python オブジェクトに変換します。 Unicode バッファポインタが *NULL* の場 合、 ``None`` になります。" -# 8ec1ea4b19744eaa841a36acb3335eaf +# c78c8d52c56c45a0bd4627636733ec9b #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:535 -msgid "Convert a Unicode (UCS-2 or UCS-4) data buffer and its length to a Python Unicode object. If the Unicode buffer pointer is *NULL*, the length is ignored and ``None`` is returned." +msgid "" +"Convert a Unicode (UCS-2 or UCS-4) data buffer and its length to a Python " +"Unicode object. If the Unicode buffer pointer is *NULL*, the length is " +"ignored and ``None`` is returned." msgstr "null 終端された Unicode (UCS-2 または UCS-4) データのバッファとその 長さから Python オブジェクトに変換します。 Unicode バッファポインタが *NULL* の場合、長さは無視され ``None`` になります。" -# 704f3eff5340408db93c55a45007e3bf +# cbe5b43c15d44f69bc159b5175c18135 #: ../../c-api/arg.rst:546 ***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.*** ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/bool.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/bool.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:41+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,42 +17,56 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# a1ec9ad14c144afeb246501f85bdd26b +# 3bcb7df36133471f910d5793cc245be3 #: ../../c-api/bool.rst:6 msgid "Boolean Objects" msgstr "Boolean オブジェクト" -# 83105555d58a4f5186fcce550c86d0cf +# cfb7d9b826ea46edb7ac39b524634ad5 #: ../../c-api/bool.rst:8 -msgid "Booleans in Python are implemented as a subclass of integers. There are only two booleans, :const:`Py_False` and :const:`Py_True`. As such, the normal creation and deletion functions don't apply to booleans. The following macros are available, however." +msgid "" +"Booleans in Python are implemented as a subclass of integers. There are " +"only two booleans, :const:`Py_False` and :const:`Py_True`. As such, the " +"normal creation and deletion functions don't apply to booleans. The " +"following macros are available, however." msgstr "Python の Bool 型は整数のサブクラスとして実装されています。ブール型 の値は、 :const:`Py_False` と :const:`Py_True` の 2 つしかありません。従っ て、通常の生成/削除関数はブール型にはあてはまりません。とはいえ、以下のマク ロが利用できます。" -# d59975d8b5334dac9bcb50cdc2ebb731 +# b16518c19a8b4c6f82a0d6251057f65e #: ../../c-api/bool.rst:16 msgid "Return true if *o* is of type :c:data:`PyBool_Type`." msgstr "*o* が :c:data:`PyBool_Type` の場合に真を返します。" -# 225943bc40d34723b439114520c94877 +# ead20edeb4bc440e944aa5d0df3e36b8 #: ../../c-api/bool.rst:21 -msgid "The Python ``False`` object. This object has no methods. It needs to be treated just like any other object with respect to reference counts." +msgid "" +"The Python ``False`` object. This object has no methods. It needs to be " +"treated just like any other object with respect to reference counts." msgstr "Python における ``False`` オブジェクトです。このオブジェクトはメソ ッドを持ちません。参照カウントの点では、他のオブジェクトと同様に扱う必要があ ります。" -# 0095784f6c694b189247193a53c79241 +# 4a74d486d22d4dffa4653145fffef3ea #: ../../c-api/bool.rst:27 -msgid "The Python ``True`` object. This object has no methods. It needs to be treated just like any other object with respect to reference counts." +msgid "" +"The Python ``True`` object. This object has no methods. It needs to be " +"treated just like any other object with respect to reference counts." msgstr "Python における ``True`` オブジェクトです。このオブジェクトはメソッ ドを持ちません。参照カウントの点では、他のオブジェクトと同様に扱う必要があり ます。" -# 9910cddece0344e09127b052d2b6c705 +# 2157177e45a544dc9710323b89d04dcd #: ../../c-api/bool.rst:33 -msgid "Return :const:`Py_False` from a function, properly incrementing its reference count." +msgid "" +"Return :const:`Py_False` from a function, properly incrementing its " +"reference count." msgstr ":const:`Py_False` に適切な参照カウントのインクリメントを行って、関 数から返すためのマクロです。" -# 8dcc7df4578b433594a29a3b7183e53b +# d55956ec7b8a4075920aebc956ff398e #: ../../c-api/bool.rst:39 -msgid "Return :const:`Py_True` from a function, properly incrementing its reference count." +msgid "" +"Return :const:`Py_True` from a function, properly incrementing its reference" +" count." msgstr ":const:`Py_True` に適切な参照カウントのインクリメントを行って、関数 から返すためのマクロです。" -# 8f52c2a6ee65489da5dc23fa11949aab +# 62dcbe2507f9497ca748bde955a4bceb #: ../../c-api/bool.rst:45 -msgid "Return a new reference to :const:`Py_True` or :const:`Py_False` depending on the truth value of *v*." +msgid "" +"Return a new reference to :const:`Py_True` or :const:`Py_False` depending on" +" the truth value of *v*." msgstr "*v* の値に応じて :const:`Py_True` または :const:`Py_False` への新し い参照を返します。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/buffer.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/buffer.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,3 +1,7 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: # <osamu****@gmail*****>, 2012. # Osamu NAKAMURA <osamu****@gmail*****>, 2012. @@ -5,7 +9,7 @@ msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-02 09:40+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -15,571 +19,825 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 27868b9b503f433284fd5565348adb50 +# 7d96099ec4cc4ecfa96c4b70d51cadc9 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:6 msgid "Buffer Protocol" msgstr "buffer プロトコル" -# 918c2adbc42b4bdb800c5a7b6d9ab13b +# 5775729153424d14bc12f124cb1c8777 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:16 -msgid "Certain objects available in Python wrap access to an underlying memory array or *buffer*. Such objects include the built-in :class:`bytes` and :class:`bytearray`, and some extension types like :class:`array.array`. Third-party libraries may define their own types for special purposes, such as image processing or numeric analysis." +msgid "" +"Certain objects available in Python wrap access to an underlying memory " +"array or *buffer*. Such objects include the built-in :class:`bytes` and " +":class:`bytearray`, and some extension types like :class:`array.array`. " +"Third-party libraries may define their own types for special purposes, such " +"as image processing or numeric analysis." msgstr "Pythonで利用可能ないくつかのオブジェクトは、下層にあるメモリ配列ま たは *buffer* へのアクセスを提供します。このようなオブジェクトとして、組み込 みの:class:`bytes` や :c:class`bytearray` 、:class:`array.array` のようない くつかの拡張型が挙げられます。サードバーティのライブラリは画像処理は数値解析 のような特別な目的のために、それら自身の型を定義するでしょう。" -# 4196b74d986546b2b15e18abb0fc5c36 +# 5b591631fbc54cd99908891fb58702ce #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:22 -msgid "While each of these types have their own semantics, they share the common characteristic of being backed by a possibly large memory buffer. It is then desirable, in some situations, to access that buffer directly and without intermediate copying." +msgid "" +"While each of these types have their own semantics, they share the common " +"characteristic of being backed by a possibly large memory buffer. It is " +"then desirable, in some situations, to access that buffer directly and " +"without intermediate copying." msgstr "それぞれの型はそれ自身のセマンティクスを持ちますが、おそらく大きな メモリバッファからなるという共通の特徴を共有します。いくつかの状況では仲介す るコピーを行うことなく直接バッファにアクセスすることが望まれます。" -# ff0a80cb56df4d34919ec9a6736c11b9 +# 8a14cc89779e43a3a70120c397e35b7a #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:27 -msgid "Python provides such a facility at the C level in the form of the *buffer protocol*. This protocol has two sides:" +msgid "" +"Python provides such a facility at the C level in the form of the *buffer " +"protocol*. This protocol has two sides:" msgstr "Pythonは *buffer プロトコル* の形式で C レベルの仕組みを提供しま す。このプロトコルには二つの側面があります:" -# 5b84e9e3f44f4b47b6f59734890a24de +# 2c9138e942f146ec998979f909f7f1ce #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:32 -msgid "on the producer side, a type can export a \"buffer interface\" which allows objects of that type to expose information about their underlying buffer. This interface is described in the section :ref:`buffer-structs`;" +msgid "" +"on the producer side, a type can export a \"buffer interface\" which allows " +"objects of that type to expose information about their underlying buffer. " +"This interface is described in the section :ref:`buffer-structs`;" msgstr "提供する側では、ある型は、その型のオブジェクトの下層にあるバッファ に関する情報を提供できる\"buffer インタフェース\" をエクスポートすることがで きます。" -# 65e479ce6f4343ff92ad18acf02e9405 +# eaefd4839ed24f39a6f369a76296dee3 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:36 -msgid "on the consumer side, several means are available to obtain a pointer to the raw underlying data of an object (for example a method parameter)." +msgid "" +"on the consumer side, several means are available to obtain a pointer to the" +" raw underlying data of an object (for example a method parameter)." msgstr "利用する側では、オブジェクトの下層にある生データへのポインタを得る いくつかの手段が利用できます(たとえばメソッド引数)。" -# 8772452414bb484481de7586b69541b0 +# 777e5fc5d36447449895dd10430beb48 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:39 -msgid "Simple objects such as :class:`bytes` and :class:`bytearray` expose their underlying buffer in byte-oriented form. Other forms are possible; for example, the elements exposed by a :class:`array.array` can be multi-byte values." +msgid "" +"Simple objects such as :class:`bytes` and :class:`bytearray` expose their " +"underlying buffer in byte-oriented form. Other forms are possible; for " +"example, the elements exposed by a :class:`array.array` can be multi-byte " +"values." msgstr ":class:`bytes` や :class:`bytearray` のようなシンプルなオブジェクト は、それらの下層にあるバッファをバイト指向形式で提供します。ほかの形式があり えます: たとえば :class:`array.array` によって提供される要素は、マルチバイト の値になりえます。" -# fcb4c0d017274fcebcf02af5a5a8ae2c +# c7ee5401a8394267b2823611aa8a756e #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:43 -msgid "An example consumer of the buffer interface is the :meth:`~io.BufferedIOBase.write` method of file objects: any object that can export a series of bytes through the buffer interface can be written to a file. While :meth:`write` only needs read-only access to the internal contents of the object passed to it, other methods such as :meth:`~io.BufferedIOBase.readinto` need write access to the contents of their argument. The buffer interface allows objects to selectively allow or reject exporting of read-write and read-only buffers." -msgstr "" -"bufferインタフェースの利用者の一例は、ファイルオブジェクト の :meth:`~io.BufferedIOBase.write` メソッドです: bufferインタフェースを通 して一連のバイト列を提供できるどんなオブジェクトでもファイルに書き込むことが できます。 \n" -" While :meth:`write` は、その引数として渡されたオブジェクトの内部要素に対 する読み取り専用アクセスのみを必要とします が、 :meth:`~io.BufferedIOBase.readinto` のような他のメソッドでは、その引数 の内容に対する書き込みアクセスが必要です。bufferインタフェースにより、オブジ ェクトは読み書き両方、読み取り専用バッファへのアクセスを許可するかそれとも拒 否するか選択することができます。" +msgid "" +"An example consumer of the buffer interface is the " +":meth:`~io.BufferedIOBase.write` method of file objects: any object that can" +" export a series of bytes through the buffer interface can be written to a " +"file. While :meth:`write` only needs read-only access to the internal " +"contents of the object passed to it, other methods such as " +":meth:`~io.BufferedIOBase.readinto` need write access to the contents of " +"their argument. The buffer interface allows objects to selectively allow or" +" reject exporting of read-write and read-only buffers." +msgstr "bufferインタフェースの利用者の一例は、ファイルオブジェクト の :meth:`~io.BufferedIOBase.write` メソッドです: bufferインタフェースを通 して一連のバイト列を提供できるどんなオブジェクトでもファイルに書き込むことが できます。 \n While :meth:`write` は、その引数として渡されたオブジェクトの内 部要素に対する読み取り専用アクセスのみを必要とします が、 :meth:`~io.BufferedIOBase.readinto` のような他のメソッドでは、その引数 の内容に対する書き込みアクセスが必要です。bufferインタフェースにより、オブジ ェクトは読み書き両方、読み取り専用バッファへのアクセスを許可するかそれとも拒 否するか選択することができます。" -# 9fea01070eb74ceaa402b0fde512960b +# 8ac14e5fc0284ae09b43fc17421740cb #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:51 -msgid "There are two ways for a consumer of the buffer interface to acquire a buffer over a target object:" +msgid "" +"There are two ways for a consumer of the buffer interface to acquire a " +"buffer over a target object:" msgstr "bufferインタフェースの利用者には、対象となるオブジェクトのバッファ を得る二つの方法があります:" -# 6372335778064acf8f06605c780d35f6 +# 39dfcdab09d541bda0c797049bb05d4f #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:54 msgid "call :c:func:`PyObject_GetBuffer` with the right parameters;" msgstr "正しい引数での:c:func:`PyObject_GetBuffer` を呼び出す;" -# aa259593a61343219ac2dd6e495976cb +# f7e2ddf80097461a99946e7c788d82b0 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:56 -msgid "call :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` (or one of its siblings) with one of the ``y*``, ``w*`` or ``s*`` :ref:`format codes <arg-parsing>`." +msgid "" +"call :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` (or one of its siblings) with one of the " +"``y*``, ``w*`` or ``s*`` :ref:`format codes <arg-parsing>`." msgstr ":c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` (またはその同族のひとつ) を ``y*`` 、 ``w*`` または ``s*`` :ref:`format codes <arg-parsing>` のいずれかとともに呼 び出す。" -# 97020bcd11624452b02f894798218568 +# aaa36e667ead48158ea8c1b4dc067351 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:59 -msgid "In both cases, :c:func:`PyBuffer_Release` must be called when the buffer isn't needed anymore. Failure to do so could lead to various issues such as resource leaks." +msgid "" +"In both cases, :c:func:`PyBuffer_Release` must be called when the buffer " +"isn't needed anymore. Failure to do so could lead to various issues such as" +" resource leaks." msgstr "どちらのケースでも、bufferが必要なくなった時 に :c:func:`PyBuffer_Release` を呼び出さなければなりません。これを怠ると、リ ソースリークのような様々な問題につながる恐れがあります。" -# 4c111a206bf34f4dbcacf513f42b7c5b +# d68a2c69017147688490528e74233889 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:67 msgid "Buffer structure" msgstr "Buffer 構造体" -# fda0e1f7402a4aaaaffcb8326e730b68 +# 0ee0a492903a43d193aab3303f8b7b66 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:69 -msgid "Buffer structures (or simply \"buffers\") are useful as a way to expose the binary data from another object to the Python programmer. They can also be used as a zero-copy slicing mechanism. Using their ability to reference a block of memory, it is possible to expose any data to the Python programmer quite easily. The memory could be a large, constant array in a C extension, it could be a raw block of memory for manipulation before passing to an operating system library, or it could be used to pass around structured data in its native, in-memory format." +msgid "" +"Buffer structures (or simply \"buffers\") are useful as a way to expose the " +"binary data from another object to the Python programmer. They can also be " +"used as a zero-copy slicing mechanism. Using their ability to reference a " +"block of memory, it is possible to expose any data to the Python programmer " +"quite easily. The memory could be a large, constant array in a C extension," +" it could be a raw block of memory for manipulation before passing to an " +"operating system library, or it could be used to pass around structured data" +" in its native, in-memory format." msgstr "バッファ構造体(または単純に \"buffers\")は別のオブジェクトのバイ ナリデータをPythonプログラマに提供するのに便利です。これはまた、ゼロコピース ライシング機構としても使用できます。このメモリブロックを参照する機能を使うこ とで、どんなデータでもとても簡単にPythonプログラマに提供することができます。 メモリは、C 拡張の大きな配列定数かもしれませんし、オペレーティングシステムラ イブラリに渡す前のメモリブロックかもしれませんし、構造化データをネイティブの インメモリ形式受け渡すのに使用されるかもしれません。" -# a98e5ade373d42be87675eb8eb97041e +# b5baebff23644c22b7c2ea1512c73efc #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:78 -msgid "Contrary to most data types exposed by the Python interpreter, buffers are not :c:type:`PyObject` pointers but rather simple C structures. This allows them to be created and copied very simply. When a generic wrapper around a buffer is needed, a :ref:`memoryview <memoryview-objects>` object can be created." +msgid "" +"Contrary to most data types exposed by the Python interpreter, buffers are " +"not :c:type:`PyObject` pointers but rather simple C structures. This allows" +" them to be created and copied very simply. When a generic wrapper around a" +" buffer is needed, a :ref:`memoryview <memoryview-objects>` object can be " +"created." msgstr "Pythonインタプリタによって提供される多くのデータ型とは事なり、バッ ファは :c:type:`PyObject` ポインタではなく、シンプルなC 構造体です。そのた め、作成とコピーが非常に簡単に行えます。バッファの一般的なラッパが必要なとき は、 `ref`:`memoryview <memoryview-objects>` オブジェクトが作成されます。" -# 65929d88771e4afca3f2b6c3b2406c01 +# 1c7653a51a4d4404b6c493d34683bf88 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:84 -msgid "For short instructions how to write an exporting object, see :ref:`Buffer Object Structures <buffer-structs>`. For obtaining a buffer, see :c:func:`PyObject_GetBuffer`." +msgid "" +"For short instructions how to write an exporting object, see :ref:`Buffer " +"Object Structures <buffer-structs>`. For obtaining a buffer, see " +":c:func:`PyObject_GetBuffer`." msgstr "エクスポートされるオブジェクトを書く方法の短い説明に は、 :ref:`Buffer Object Structures <buffer-structs>` を参照してください。バ ッファを取得するには、 :c:func:`PyObject_GetBuffer` を参照してください。" -# 2e573375dce74d3eac1a110b9a8e1694 +# f04516b5be64441eb6313b691ed98f28 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:92 -msgid "A new reference to the exporting object. The reference is owned by the consumer and automatically decremented and set to *NULL* by :c:func:`PyBuffer_Release`. The field is the equivalent of the return value of any standard C-API function." +msgid "" +"A new reference to the exporting object. The reference is owned by the " +"consumer and automatically decremented and set to *NULL* by " +":c:func:`PyBuffer_Release`. The field is the equivalent of the return value " +"of any standard C-API function." msgstr "エクスポートされているオブジェクトの新しい参照。参照は消費者によっ て所有され、自動的にデクリメントされ、:c:func:`PyBuffer_Release` によって *NULL* に設定されます。このフィールドは標準的なC-API 関数の戻り値と等価で す。" -# 45a156b28e5647e7995bae9bb2571674 +# 2e527fa8048d4d519bcade074cb0b5fc #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:97 -msgid "As a special case, for *temporary* buffers that are wrapped by :c:func:`PyMemoryView_FromBuffer` or :c:func:`PyBuffer_FillInfo` this field is *NULL*. In general, exporting objects MUST NOT use this scheme." +msgid "" +"As a special case, for *temporary* buffers that are wrapped by " +":c:func:`PyMemoryView_FromBuffer` or :c:func:`PyBuffer_FillInfo` this field " +"is *NULL*. In general, exporting objects MUST NOT use this scheme." msgstr ":c:func:`PyMemoryView_FromBuffer` また は :c:func:`PyBuffer_FillInfo` によってラップされた *一時的な* バッファであ る特別なケースでは、このフィールドは *NULL* です。一般的に、エクスポートオブ ジェクトはこの方式を使用してはなりません。" -# 263996c22a6c4fd8a9483dfdbdb26a77 +# 540368c941374cd98ab3415025ba96f7 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:104 -msgid "A pointer to the start of the logical structure described by the buffer fields. This can be any location within the underlying physical memory block of the exporter. For example, with negative :c:member:`~Py_buffer.strides` the value may point to the end of the memory block." +msgid "" +"A pointer to the start of the logical structure described by the buffer " +"fields. This can be any location within the underlying physical memory block" +" of the exporter. For example, with negative :c:member:`~Py_buffer.strides` " +"the value may point to the end of the memory block." msgstr "バッファフィールドが表している論理構造の先頭を指すポインタ。バッフ ァを提供するオブジェクトの下層物理メモリブロック中のどの位置にもなりえます。 たとえば、たとえば :c:member:`~Py_buffer.strides` が負だと、この値はメモリブ ロックの末尾かもしれません。" -# a2bb0b9cf61d44f98b566a3545d0d5a3 +# d17cf7637fe0468b99c46b4c59beb87b #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:109 -msgid "For contiguous arrays, the value points to the beginning of the memory block." +msgid "" +"For contiguous arrays, the value points to the beginning of the memory " +"block." msgstr "隣接する配列では、この値はメモリブロックの先頭を指します。" -# d86a60dfa6b64a5c916569e93bebc543 +# 59c857c0170441919adbaa0b3eacaecc #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:114 -msgid "``product(shape) * itemsize``. For contiguous arrays, this is the length of the underlying memory block. For non-contiguous arrays, it is the length that the logical structure would have if it were copied to a contiguous representation." +msgid "" +"``product(shape) * itemsize``. For contiguous arrays, this is the length of " +"the underlying memory block. For non-contiguous arrays, it is the length " +"that the logical structure would have if it were copied to a contiguous " +"representation." msgstr "``product(shape) * itemsize`` 。contiguous配列では、下層のメモリブ ロックの長さになります。非contiguous 配列では、contiguous表現にコピーされた 場合に論理構造がもつ長さです。" -# 2d71bfbb7c7546909ae4ce9dc2491a7c +# b57eab7d662548e9b546dd3f0d8a0007 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:119 -msgid "Accessing ``((char *)buf)[0] up to ((char *)buf)[len-1]`` is only valid if the buffer has been obtained by a request that guarantees contiguity. In most cases such a request will be :c:macro:`PyBUF_SIMPLE` or :c:macro:`PyBUF_WRITABLE`." +msgid "" +"Accessing ``((char *)buf)[0] up to ((char *)buf)[len-1]`` is only valid if " +"the buffer has been obtained by a request that guarantees contiguity. In " +"most cases such a request will be :c:macro:`PyBUF_SIMPLE` or " +":c:macro:`PyBUF_WRITABLE`." msgstr "``((char *)buf)[0] up to ((char *)buf)[len-1]`` にアクセスすること は、連続性(contiguity)を保証する要求によって取得されたバッファに対してのみ許 されます。多くのケースではそのような要求は、 :c:macro:`PyBUF_SIMPLE` または `:c:macro:`PyBUF_WRITABLE` です。" -# 99e139f653354dc7b6164076efcf5191 +# 30bdb0b631644d40940437ffccd8f4d4 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:125 -msgid "An indicator of whether the buffer is read-only. This field is controlled by the :c:macro:`PyBUF_WRITABLE` flag." +msgid "" +"An indicator of whether the buffer is read-only. This field is controlled by" +" the :c:macro:`PyBUF_WRITABLE` flag." msgstr "バッファが読み取り専用であるか示します。このフィールド は :c:macro:`PyBUF_WRITABLE` フラグで制御できます。" -# 9ed0b4189ce54d8183680cdbc7cdf0e3 +# 3c7f941777434f83a74debc7a6e64afc #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:130 -msgid "Item size in bytes of a single element. Same as the value of :func:`struct.calcsize` called on non-NULL :c:member:`~Py_buffer.format` values." +msgid "" +"Item size in bytes of a single element. Same as the value of " +":func:`struct.calcsize` called on non-NULL :c:member:`~Py_buffer.format` " +"values." msgstr "要素一つ分のbyte単位のサイズ。 :func:`struct.calcsize` を非 NULLの :c:member:`~Py_buffer.format` 値に対して呼び出した結果と同じです。" -# 675fbaae13734ac9aaac2a28b34a3e71 +# 242cfdb89744409da6cbd81dc516d216 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:133 -msgid "Important exception: If a consumer requests a buffer without the :c:macro:`PyBUF_FORMAT` flag, :c:member:`~Py_Buffer.format` will be set to *NULL*, but :c:member:`~Py_buffer.itemsize` still has the value for the original format." +msgid "" +"Important exception: If a consumer requests a buffer without the " +":c:macro:`PyBUF_FORMAT` flag, :c:member:`~Py_Buffer.format` will be set to " +"*NULL*, but :c:member:`~Py_buffer.itemsize` still has the value for the " +"original format." msgstr "" -# 2a64961d233f48539b122eabe5422f3f +# ee606be6fccb47cb827d64794ba13579 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:138 -msgid "If :c:member:`~Py_Buffer.shape` is present, the equality ``product(shape) * itemsize == len`` still holds and the consumer can use :c:member:`~Py_buffer.itemsize` to navigate the buffer." +msgid "" +"If :c:member:`~Py_Buffer.shape` is present, the equality ``product(shape) * " +"itemsize == len`` still holds and the consumer can use " +":c:member:`~Py_buffer.itemsize` to navigate the buffer." msgstr "" -# b1cb8e82af604c8b837cb44dae632302 +# c5353756b5924268a7620c44e4bb61fa #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:142 -msgid "If :c:member:`~Py_Buffer.shape` is *NULL* as a result of a :c:macro:`PyBUF_SIMPLE` or a :c:macro:`PyBUF_WRITABLE` request, the consumer must disregard :c:member:`~Py_buffer.itemsize` and assume ``itemsize == 1``." +msgid "" +"If :c:member:`~Py_Buffer.shape` is *NULL* as a result of a " +":c:macro:`PyBUF_SIMPLE` or a :c:macro:`PyBUF_WRITABLE` request, the consumer" +" must disregard :c:member:`~Py_buffer.itemsize` and assume ``itemsize == " +"1``." msgstr "" -# ea42576b96c24dd69543a31740134894 +# 0f59fa4cea7c47beac29759bc70415d7 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:148 -msgid "A *NUL* terminated string in :mod:`struct` module style syntax describing the contents of a single item. If this is *NULL*, ``\"B\"`` (unsigned bytes) is assumed." +msgid "" +"A *NUL* terminated string in :mod:`struct` module style syntax describing " +"the contents of a single item. If this is *NULL*, ``\"B\"`` (unsigned bytes)" +" is assumed." msgstr "" -# 1e3620bee0ed45969367acc8861102a3 +# f410438b9cb045958f90c0cef77c3a32 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:152 msgid "This field is controlled by the :c:macro:`PyBUF_FORMAT` flag." msgstr "" -# cdd05f39e41645dc8e3cbbfb36d5b201 +# eb14f0cecf0e4491a1671bae1d2c55ad #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:156 -msgid "The number of dimensions the memory represents as an n-dimensional array. If it is 0, :c:member:`~Py_Buffer.buf` points to a single item representing a scalar. In this case, :c:member:`~Py_buffer.shape`, :c:member:`~Py_buffer.strides` and :c:member:`~Py_buffer.suboffsets` MUST be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"The number of dimensions the memory represents as an n-dimensional array. If" +" it is 0, :c:member:`~Py_Buffer.buf` points to a single item representing a " +"scalar. In this case, :c:member:`~Py_buffer.shape`, " +":c:member:`~Py_buffer.strides` and :c:member:`~Py_buffer.suboffsets` MUST be" +" *NULL*." msgstr "" -# 8669a07f0020484381ced751b485a0e4 +# b437265f8cc24671a20f83c484e88852 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:161 -msgid "The macro :c:macro:`PyBUF_MAX_NDIM` limits the maximum number of dimensions to 64. Exporters MUST respect this limit, consumers of multi-dimensional buffers SHOULD be able to handle up to :c:macro:`PyBUF_MAX_NDIM` dimensions." +msgid "" +"The macro :c:macro:`PyBUF_MAX_NDIM` limits the maximum number of dimensions " +"to 64. Exporters MUST respect this limit, consumers of multi-dimensional " +"buffers SHOULD be able to handle up to :c:macro:`PyBUF_MAX_NDIM` dimensions." msgstr "" -# c882d8ce2ab644eb981371d6e3b5c438 +# 0305d6e7219f471fbc132c0d5c3e5573 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:167 -msgid "An array of :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` of length :c:member:`~Py_buffer.ndim` indicating the shape of the memory as an n-dimensional array. Note that ``shape[0] * ... * shape[ndim-1] * itemsize`` MUST be equal to :c:member:`~Py_buffer.len`." +msgid "" +"An array of :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` of length :c:member:`~Py_buffer.ndim` " +"indicating the shape of the memory as an n-dimensional array. Note that " +"``shape[0] * ... * shape[ndim-1] * itemsize`` MUST be equal to " +":c:member:`~Py_buffer.len`." msgstr "" -# f63076ed33e447e592d2ebbe9bcb583b +# 6073997288f04df1a9b18f62573756ac #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:172 -msgid "Shape values are restricted to ``shape[n] >= 0``. The case ``shape[n] == 0`` requires special attention. See `complex arrays`_ for further information." +msgid "" +"Shape values are restricted to ``shape[n] >= 0``. The case ``shape[n] == 0``" +" requires special attention. See `complex arrays`_ for further information." msgstr "" -# a3fa210a22114de6b047c3ed652db0e0 +# 02e92cb23b8b4035b9f7317b07a866f2 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:176 msgid "The shape array is read-only for the consumer." msgstr "" -# 1dbcd3d7c90f47f2bfa5bf627d4f4154 +# b43fb58993e54426bd23295dfd92c0f6 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:180 -msgid "An array of :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` of length :c:member:`~Py_buffer.ndim` giving the number of bytes to skip to get to a new element in each dimension." +msgid "" +"An array of :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` of length :c:member:`~Py_buffer.ndim` " +"giving the number of bytes to skip to get to a new element in each " +"dimension." msgstr "" -# c0a3ae155f1d4ac5a6e23b76d927eaa7 +# bf3b90ffcd454aa793682648aa5d8933 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:184 -msgid "Stride values can be any integer. For regular arrays, strides are usually positive, but a consumer MUST be able to handle the case ``strides[n] <= 0``. See `complex arrays`_ for further information." +msgid "" +"Stride values can be any integer. For regular arrays, strides are usually " +"positive, but a consumer MUST be able to handle the case ``strides[n] <= " +"0``. See `complex arrays`_ for further information." msgstr "" -# 14c6a844d6384b0c8f5adae7791f1d74 +# 6049ab6cb3d041eeb42731a498134e08 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:188 msgid "The strides array is read-only for the consumer." msgstr "" -# 46f8f03d585f4d3c8aa3ee3d63b26ebe +# 261c8ad7a1564b8380976b47167a435c #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:192 -msgid "An array of :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` of length :c:member:`~Py_buffer.ndim`. If ``suboffsets[n] >= 0``, the values stored along the nth dimension are pointers and the suboffset value dictates how many bytes to add to each pointer after de-referencing. A suboffset value that is negative indicates that no de-referencing should occur (striding in a contiguous memory block)." +msgid "" +"An array of :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` of length :c:member:`~Py_buffer.ndim`. If " +"``suboffsets[n] >= 0``, the values stored along the nth dimension are " +"pointers and the suboffset value dictates how many bytes to add to each " +"pointer after de-referencing. A suboffset value that is negative indicates " +"that no de-referencing should occur (striding in a contiguous memory block)." msgstr "" -# 0cf0f4455fa34b5ca23e64c6eb90757a +# 93ef83e6da6b4feb850e51658a6f3387 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:199 -msgid "This type of array representation is used by the Python Imaging Library (PIL). See `complex arrays`_ for further information how to access elements of such an array." +msgid "" +"This type of array representation is used by the Python Imaging Library " +"(PIL). See `complex arrays`_ for further information how to access elements " +"of such an array." msgstr "" -# f8eb4bd290a743db8f1cc0eadbc9ba3a +# 0e3a7504d65443ddbd7596e2939b996a #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:203 msgid "The suboffsets array is read-only for the consumer." msgstr "" -# aa98b3b09f9f4429aac002e95dde04b4 +# 3cb0f1364e3f4e4d830316e48c241554 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:207 -msgid "This is for use internally by the exporting object. For example, this might be re-cast as an integer by the exporter and used to store flags about whether or not the shape, strides, and suboffsets arrays must be freed when the buffer is released. The consumer MUST NOT alter this value." +msgid "" +"This is for use internally by the exporting object. For example, this might " +"be re-cast as an integer by the exporter and used to store flags about " +"whether or not the shape, strides, and suboffsets arrays must be freed when " +"the buffer is released. The consumer MUST NOT alter this value." msgstr "バッファを提供する側のオブジェクトが内部的に利用するための変数で す。例えば、提供側はこの変数に整数型をキャストして、 shape, strides, suboffsets といった配列をバッファを開放するときに同時に開放するべきかどうか を管理するフラグに使うことができるでしょう。バッファを受け取る側は、この値を 決して変更してはなりません。" -# c4d897c0cb7940dea121e7ddd31cb708 +# d3a17b49b0a247e9be2a3150a17983f7 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:216 msgid "Buffer request types" msgstr "" -# d6b40b6348af4b0eb0cd8d8eb31aaf28 +# 9e33f4e0f4284cdfb469b6581836631b #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:218 -msgid "Buffers are usually obtained by sending a buffer request to an exporting object via :c:func:`PyObject_GetBuffer`. Since the complexity of the logical structure of the memory can vary drastically, the consumer uses the *flags* argument to specify the exact buffer type it can handle." +msgid "" +"Buffers are usually obtained by sending a buffer request to an exporting " +"object via :c:func:`PyObject_GetBuffer`. Since the complexity of the logical" +" structure of the memory can vary drastically, the consumer uses the *flags*" +" argument to specify the exact buffer type it can handle." msgstr "" -# 984888603cec4658b93cb0b0d0275346 +# 98df53955bf8437abb630f64a0136ead #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:223 -msgid "All :c:data:`Py_buffer` fields are unambiguously defined by the request type." +msgid "" +"All :c:data:`Py_buffer` fields are unambiguously defined by the request " +"type." msgstr "" -# 789ea22f7c8c4b4f9e79622b0f336921 +# f7ac8bdf613446a480d24fab47838e26 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:227 msgid "request-independent fields" msgstr "" -# 4922006c9ac84f03b3e8c237e4abf6db +# 3c4226c53d32401690f5afa410960d5a #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:228 -msgid "The following fields are not influenced by *flags* and must always be filled in with the correct values: :c:member:`~Py_buffer.obj`, :c:member:`~Py_buffer.buf`, :c:member:`~Py_buffer.len`, :c:member:`~Py_buffer.itemsize`, :c:member:`~Py_buffer.ndim`." +msgid "" +"The following fields are not influenced by *flags* and must always be filled" +" in with the correct values: :c:member:`~Py_buffer.obj`, " +":c:member:`~Py_buffer.buf`, :c:member:`~Py_buffer.len`, " +":c:member:`~Py_buffer.itemsize`, :c:member:`~Py_buffer.ndim`." msgstr "" -# 33728b0bf8914aed8496fa038a2ba42a +# fc2c7c2e0fab43fe81e356c6ab8cf68c #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:234 msgid "readonly, format" msgstr "" -# c0d20da79ffb4901af54bac4509752ed +# dd95eac86c2a4cd8ac4f06724396ddc4 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:238 -msgid "Controls the :c:member:`~Py_buffer.readonly` field. If set, the exporter MUST provide a writable buffer or else report failure. Otherwise, the exporter MAY provide either a read-only or writable buffer, but the choice MUST be consistent for all consumers." +msgid "" +"Controls the :c:member:`~Py_buffer.readonly` field. If set, the exporter " +"MUST provide a writable buffer or else report failure. Otherwise, the " +"exporter MAY provide either a read-only or writable buffer, but the choice " +"MUST be consistent for all consumers." msgstr "" -# edfb1b735d084f13a28e1d0df652b175 +# 430cd78dcd2742519ca77016a07cc241 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:245 -msgid "Controls the :c:member:`~Py_buffer.format` field. If set, this field MUST be filled in correctly. Otherwise, this field MUST be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Controls the :c:member:`~Py_buffer.format` field. If set, this field MUST be" +" filled in correctly. Otherwise, this field MUST be *NULL*." msgstr "" -# dff92df9de2549da9199711baa7b5f16 +# d4401363158a4c15893387da8a193c36 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:249 -msgid ":c:macro:`PyBUF_WRITABLE` can be \\|'d to any of the flags in the next section. Since :c:macro:`PyBUF_SIMPLE` is defined as 0, :c:macro:`PyBUF_WRITABLE` can be used as a stand-alone flag to request a simple writable buffer." +msgid "" +":c:macro:`PyBUF_WRITABLE` can be \\|'d to any of the flags in the next " +"section. Since :c:macro:`PyBUF_SIMPLE` is defined as 0, " +":c:macro:`PyBUF_WRITABLE` can be used as a stand-alone flag to request a " +"simple writable buffer." msgstr "" -# b84f69f276644483a121490011034567 +# cabd536538ec4079be44d978c3e470d7 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:253 -msgid ":c:macro:`PyBUF_FORMAT` can be \\|'d to any of the flags except :c:macro:`PyBUF_SIMPLE`. The latter already implies format ``B`` (unsigned bytes)." +msgid "" +":c:macro:`PyBUF_FORMAT` can be \\|'d to any of the flags except " +":c:macro:`PyBUF_SIMPLE`. The latter already implies format ``B`` (unsigned " +"bytes)." msgstr "" -# 580daa331e574c5fa575112bce9afbdc +# 76b96a6f361e469fad0f387fb9933a0b #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:258 msgid "shape, strides, suboffsets" msgstr "shape, strides, suboffsets" -# 3c2328feaaf249d6ab36da638ce522f5 +# ad4c12cc2e08428aa15ba5eec06ffa0d #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:260 -msgid "The flags that control the logical structure of the memory are listed in decreasing order of complexity. Note that each flag contains all bits of the flags below it." +msgid "" +"The flags that control the logical structure of the memory are listed in " +"decreasing order of complexity. Note that each flag contains all bits of the" +" flags below it." msgstr "" -# 0fb8cfe8160e43cdbd58eb2a07b14e0b -# d9add4f3be8d4d5494ed458eb35f2407 -# ff70097efc0d47639c08ebb750476286 -#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:266 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:285 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:310 +# 8dcaa62fecb64dd9a5ccc8c11420c40a +# e2a4334841e74473a38f0741cbe64b99 +# 94fd4fa4c34f48d294a8696d5a8beef3 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:266 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:285 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:310 msgid "Request" msgstr "" -# ed26fb737649428088b75a46beb2c629 -# 925f948f46504b7eb84199d69b62d1ef -# eb8d6eebdfad4b69b8c5582a8b58ece9 -#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:266 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:285 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:310 +# 274b46d5593b46bf88dac1acb8a7aa86 +# b6f9e7cd18e949cab83ab0b5e586cf7b +# 5d0f77b864e94f3cb4f5d3013c25170e +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:266 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:285 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:310 msgid "shape" msgstr "shape" -# 8a6930ce20ab495385a4b63832582a4d -# e364776e14b04edcb2a5f98771b9b6e8 -# 29a7711b75d44229b6504d095b092023 -#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:266 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:285 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:310 +# bd980042f97e422db8eea285a3602fd6 +# 5680ae7a2fe8429b9291f4f146dac5bc +# 68347ae629614257924030d2c8c5ecc6 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:266 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:285 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:310 msgid "strides" msgstr "strides" -# 176c6f310fdb47fa9de6bf329f5690b9 -# 0cf3d3cc7d254239bf98ed8045f02d65 -# 5815f6d5e9314efd89b74eb9c58c368d -#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:266 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:285 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:310 +# 91f484b8689047559a68287cce5b7c45 +# 14834728b447442fbb802e0d0c0944f3 +# 004ffe2a3b2f4ce0803b8a2d8fdce2e8 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:266 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:285 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:310 msgid "suboffsets" msgstr "suboffsets" -# 25d38f1a220144f5b0605a7bf2e01df3 -# 3059798a990547638e62d8dfcc9064d0 -# e05d90737b00426b8ffb76ee78eb2a2e -# a342712202494a88ab697aa10f557dd2 -# 416d52c5bed442f4accecaa8c7a5e3ee -# 15c7dcdaeff64318a745e07d6412dff4 -# d4cb624ea94849b5aa3991adb1903940 -# ad5561a488bc4670ba5a2203ea22029c -# 64ca61e49c3540e18b9ebd2481441284 -# 68052c67278c40caa85fef94f36e6797 -# 058fa8ee861b46b58007a8c276580fe7 -# 1dda39ffe2224f6d994e95b55e6e8638 -# dbf5273fdadd4fbba7b1ccb67189f6ea -# 4c49d3874d96440c8bfc5638e85696ed -# e24b5c399cb8423a8466f128568001af -# 1a55bbd9b0c0480eb0ea3d21f64b4747 -# b0b407482b8d433790f0a9615c47015d -# 8ad6296a14964629b45d17da8fcc3ae6 -# 6e790094ea384250a48b9861d535d1ab -# 26b8ad3adaf94cb6af2437a9888008ad -# 3f9de90deb154c359b65ffe779937241 -# c8233795055049c0ba9959177d3f30be -# 3f743c2ad44647b4a496e1471bc5673a -# 96ae149fcfe346c9bb6b966fc8aacbad -# 16c8cb22c81a4ded89f2f1ba159f819e -# 029c80f599544291ad4d7c09c38636cd -# 1201dc0a64164904ba09177dc21103d7 -# 13c6a5deecde4cb396a87e6c4853a8ba -# 017c4ed2db0a40c4b13af6e28eb87739 -# a2faf84353894cad873da38fe54a2a4d -#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:268 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:270 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:272 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:287 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:289 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:291 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:293 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:312 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:314 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:316 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:318 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:320 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:322 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:324 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:326 +# 829cede37c954fc4ba36c0ed0b7957ed +# ac8c4d44b08e4891a1911af1a6ad9b9f +# aa39570783844548bce05887ece5fc78 +# cc35200f156547bfb22df84c10ac3fcd +# 52c8095dab7b4994aafa505ba03aac71 +# 9b68cb2f5c2944d78b1671eea78927bd +# 1c507cb7421b4b32a010ad5d72df10ef +# c6514745e4f04c2b80994c4818ddd3fb +# c2b7b16fa96346c992a084e0c2b30b92 +# a0548b1ff430492c8e185721c181df08 +# 6f9da715b5764e469cf1e53fdb811a7f +# 50bfe523bd3846d990cc990030ee1b51 +# 4b2cc45e9f4a44ed89d17263957e07ee +# 09b0164984bf44b3939876e2353f3e95 +# 7dacea3ffde0478cbd8b03858c4120ab +# b5e6c1b4ada84464abdd0a6a8961a8a1 +# 1a1e0470dcbe4fa7a447a1dcdbce4b6e +# b5ca069b41af4ef1a4f9034e59570937 +# 5f04938e755c495bbb424beb4167a072 +# 3eaf19267ccf444590fee82207ea846e +# 5d7d3c69a9d847a58f3000e07b58d2cb +# 780f7e6c551f486d8c45be4450d73dd3 +# 87e7e4100f294c95a738bd9ac1246571 +# f88faadc31ed42b48f5af6f0c898fba1 +# e208e65e71874b3790d3b44331f0841e +# 338de553e75c44cca0482d574230ba63 +# 2e3a412d45454ee2a875ae1c7f4bff86 +# 29cffb4926774a39b7f4857bb0503526 +# e88cb6c32cfc463c90937ba4447397d2 +# ad6d0a74726848cc974930ce237d91ce +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:268 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:268 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:270 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:270 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:272 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:287 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:287 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:289 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:289 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:291 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:291 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:293 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:312 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:312 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:312 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:314 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:314 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:314 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:316 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:316 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:316 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:318 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:318 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:318 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:320 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:320 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:322 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:322 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:324 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:326 msgid "yes" msgstr "yes" -# 9d0ca782d9df4bf4ae388ea5096055b0 -# 53b283bd63b84a2d9aa81dfe90eb3590 -# ddeafed3339944369a7e0d3a5e107e50 -#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:268 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:312 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:314 +# 53ace5e6bdc34d52a5c4fe3455b17353 +# f6686ed60ea949609ea1abe985f46b8b +# b56c38d5156d42b8a1711bdc0631d9ba +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:268 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:312 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:314 msgid "if needed" msgstr "" -# bd0d67423c6e4156a0d3879ff800e972 -# f8d812d553314e53b6b117b037145ac2 -# d85fd418f48d48b0a9dcffd6c06e6a8a -# 8ea9ae80220940408a6ca8cc5ba35905 -# e35aa3465f1b45a28a5f0086f53c6c56 -# 4af164d1a77041f58f5abd4406428e81 -# da4f9d4e1b29437b990d57524150f59a -# 8f8f513368aa4a308f662484f751e3f4 -# 32c4ffbc8bf04f65a8c47bc4f3272492 -# 017e7603f37f4d7a8cbe8c25886f68a0 -# 13573709bc2543f0b21ef6b2b8b35f19 -# 0cdaa9af965948339b5114b42d4cb68e -# 26fad547258147f2bf0826472f5b30f0 -# 1629dd00d7014db4936a4a535fc29d93 -# 1331ef5e82bf4fb7bb947937dfc9eded -# 8914618be38443bd93f346148b4b204f -# 71ed7850a8164d6a84e5c715f7c7beb3 -# 97d016ec84214e18b51cb3d1ad25a8fe -# e36c931938f148e980a26cde70ae6f5b -# 571a1fb0eb5f451882cffdd77b2e1b59 -# d98eb357773248f089772a8a838ff3da -# 7fe163fe4e8744d9ab43db8832c31860 -# 17642d81d2a64131a0b947276bd664fa -#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:270 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:272 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:274 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:287 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:289 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:291 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:293 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:316 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:318 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:320 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:322 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:324 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:326 +# 812ab28a10c04a6d9248206fb3b3fe4f +# b07da388121e43038a387a615658e125 +# 6023b7fd680c427c8267de4d59adfa26 +# 6d4b1bcc57904977ab941f97f1a7489d +# c338c6b0dd7643969c9e668865ffb6d2 +# 40428182163047efa5bc7ad5f31f6597 +# afc65bce471e45a1b4e3a984e83319b7 +# 27372364d09e4744be3e073a10d2d47d +# 74f7c03cd6d44d94a155f87537e6026b +# a9ec13215df74aacb81bb114b000742d +# ca050429b7954869bbc23cec537fc468 +# 26beb75f32fc41e69b6f3cf5cdcb11c7 +# 81f65e71842f490a93a84e9170125144 +# 6cf60bc689ff44bcb5ed881f0110c731 +# db9fe1dc8dea4158993ec493891f3807 +# c80901da415d42dfad62f9af46bb9df3 +# fae376c693b641e19f8aa4b986516b79 +# 5b0f2b2e5bf64c7d8d2f66a0486ea2d0 +# db86e192e6c04dea8cb7c90f3453ed65 +# 2413c2d4517342a58d3f7148da9c208d +# cb3db5bf674642c69836d9754fa81753 +# 07fbb21ff57d4001bb76ef9dfb5cacfb +# 9337b37a1e7d4b62a75beb8e7712c12a +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:270 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:272 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:272 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:274 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:274 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:274 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:287 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:289 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:291 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:293 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:293 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:316 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:318 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:320 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:320 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:322 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:322 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:324 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:324 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:324 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:326 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:326 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:326 msgid "NULL" msgstr "NULL" -# 64e3a6cf560b471899d75f2981729579 +# 696d215407ed4af0881d51c8d2d6b070 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:279 msgid "contiguity requests" msgstr "" -# e752b634544e4d13b280b4e07e5fa582 +# f6b4efc5b4c94d1580d1b2842134a3eb #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:281 -msgid "C or Fortran contiguity can be explicitly requested, with and without stride information. Without stride information, the buffer must be C-contiguous." +msgid "" +"C or Fortran contiguity can be explicitly requested, with and without stride" +" information. Without stride information, the buffer must be C-contiguous." msgstr "" -# 7e7f72f450584aa39b2a8e8b684d581e -# bf526d1811964f3685aad5809906e151 +# 91e3ba5647f5402e8429f28480b129aa +# 1a7eaddb457e4fa59ecb0398003075b9 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:285 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:310 msgid "contig" msgstr "" -# 42afdf7a84564c1fba1afbdf2adfa603 -# 09485aad235f436aa17e936c672186dc -# d1476b231523410ab67d2583a835b37e -# 6e33ab16122149299c1c8281ae28e0ca -#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:287 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:293 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:324 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:326 +# f7b22005e6bf417a986cc7198bbecc41 +# 510c0153eb2c4f619952e982f0fb58d1 +# ce55f14394a142bc882be535b3143648 +# eef7f6bd66fd4800a5e0b3f24073c3e3 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:287 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:293 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:324 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:326 msgid "C" msgstr "C" -# 435aa5efa60948c3bb25c7ea59fc0480 +# 7cbd3beb77d744ce81eb6f299c147f02 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:289 msgid "F" msgstr "F" -# 71313ec05ef04d57bc1e2eebad144620 +# 33200df9918c418796c0d58aec6e962d #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:291 msgid "C or F" msgstr "" -# ff9f8f3cce2c430aa7a122db0aaf4120 +# a9b2c7c2c4d049f29d1f9f14a5c1aae4 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:298 msgid "compound requests" msgstr "" -# 5b8f3491b569481a912673ff4a867ec6 +# 883b87f0d77648ee80091f6d0f3ea204 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:300 -msgid "All possible requests are fully defined by some combination of the flags in the previous section. For convenience, the buffer protocol provides frequently used combinations as single flags." +msgid "" +"All possible requests are fully defined by some combination of the flags in " +"the previous section. For convenience, the buffer protocol provides " +"frequently used combinations as single flags." msgstr "" -# dee9c10325064dad9161dcafc777bd16 +# 653b9523ae0b4243b4346965d1c7b4de #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:304 -msgid "In the following table *U* stands for undefined contiguity. The consumer would have to call :c:func:`PyBuffer_IsContiguous` to determine contiguity." +msgid "" +"In the following table *U* stands for undefined contiguity. The consumer " +"would have to call :c:func:`PyBuffer_IsContiguous` to determine contiguity." msgstr "" -# 85fc52a6bdb24b23b23334121748dab4 +# 1a8f2806ba774959a133260ab8267def #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:310 msgid "readonly" msgstr "readonly" -# 38cfa172cf59459c82411d4fecfc40c3 +# 922950b8281347d6a44150c01f561e5e #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:310 msgid "format" msgstr "" -# 6b652a3fa1194b85911a3e292b643e9d -# c1c47e422c534b2b8325c5b251f32282 -# b08feeb95c044a19b6256001306cd54b -# 4e5d3ca4ab8c4a1da2d055cae9ad0dbf -# 8576b6a389a84e1c97007eacc866786f -# 9dd59d5d64814421a0a0bba30ab6b140 -#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:312 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:314 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:316 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:318 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:320 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:322 +# 88caafb85b6741ab97dba6501cdfa826 +# 87f5ebdfd9ee43b580673e6f92dba87f +# 3cc49646d89047d7909c459a07318585 +# 6c9f3952bd5d435cb94f0bfdaf67004e +# a7457e759956407d961b895ac67c18fc +# ceeb7a375e524a90a97c22224812e121 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:312 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:314 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:316 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:318 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:320 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:322 msgid "U" msgstr "U" -# 9d317855d05b47138438aa49d39a1747 -# 283914c5bacd4ccab92afbeb4b2e2859 -# 5cc155d2a21f4bc3b13cd114e5aaf7a8 -# 8f47f35b64394220bf29fedcd729f6f0 -# 7f1a7abe1a4743dcbe0fbec6a2d6a7d1 -#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:312 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:316 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:320 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:324 ../../c-api/init.rst:1069 +# 3c475e293b594de1b3e99a2dcdeb4d69 +# 3bf4ca3a7dd644ddbf255695db921b28 +# 2e02caa37bf4409f9f839e99423c8b3b +# 33d89525f0e84f6dae3c8202488dace1 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:312 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:316 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:320 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:324 msgid "0" msgstr "0" -# d8aa1a0b0c5b4a6f9091e78b66a8cb42 -# dc6ed5da6cca41ef8d232ec0fb0640c4 -# 6acd3c26a7b3411d972a4c9fd7853e7b -# 9d286a2311a34cbd9525b64d9aa4c7fe -#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:314 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:318 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:322 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:326 +# 811a101f3ef44ada97baf936f019fe3b +# b231243046c1411d9e6a7f6830f4e43d +# 0bcaea1e653e417780262e037f1e417b +# b2f0e5cf86ee496b9e7f7886c8e8c29e +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:314 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:318 +#: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:322 ../../c-api/buffer.rst:326 msgid "1 or 0" msgstr "" -# b6b3ca8df84c4efaaa2fea7f28195ab8 +# e7447083e3904e7389a4b5100e6ab973 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:331 msgid "Complex arrays" msgstr "" -# aa703f306559483b9ff2b34a6e9bd5d4 +# 44b83e0a29f84559a94d6e36a9f808aa #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:334 msgid "NumPy-style: shape and strides" msgstr "" -# 093937d8c66e45d9a851efb6045589fb +# 4a65a33a85754a36b03adbba843cda4d #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:336 -msgid "The logical structure of NumPy-style arrays is defined by :c:member:`~Py_buffer.itemsize`, :c:member:`~Py_buffer.ndim`, :c:member:`~Py_buffer.shape` and :c:member:`~Py_buffer.strides`." +msgid "" +"The logical structure of NumPy-style arrays is defined by " +":c:member:`~Py_buffer.itemsize`, :c:member:`~Py_buffer.ndim`, " +":c:member:`~Py_buffer.shape` and :c:member:`~Py_buffer.strides`." msgstr "" -# 1f3824d059424e43af1fddb2eafa973c +# 1e6b0bfede2b48c5ba15193173abb212 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:339 -msgid "If ``ndim == 0``, the memory location pointed to by :c:member:`~Py_buffer.buf` is interpreted as a scalar of size :c:member:`~Py_buffer.itemsize`. In that case, both :c:member:`~Py_buffer.shape` and :c:member:`~Py_buffer.strides` are *NULL*." +msgid "" +"If ``ndim == 0``, the memory location pointed to by " +":c:member:`~Py_buffer.buf` is interpreted as a scalar of size " +":c:member:`~Py_buffer.itemsize`. In that case, both " +":c:member:`~Py_buffer.shape` and :c:member:`~Py_buffer.strides` are *NULL*." msgstr "" -# 52e1ce3bc09d4442b49d7c11dc1351e7 +# 351c1b6f886e40fe8d395df8ba489e3d #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:343 -msgid "If :c:member:`~Py_buffer.strides` is *NULL*, the array is interpreted as a standard n-dimensional C-array. Otherwise, the consumer must access an n-dimensional array as follows:" +msgid "" +"If :c:member:`~Py_buffer.strides` is *NULL*, the array is interpreted as a " +"standard n-dimensional C-array. Otherwise, the consumer must access an " +"n-dimensional array as follows:" msgstr "" -# 8e18ce40e2a94b809cf973b00eb72a0e +# 0175fa893c3c4517b6ed2c26cee8f23f #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:347 -msgid "``ptr = (char *)buf + indices[0] * strides[0] + ... + indices[n-1] * strides[n-1]`` ``item = *((typeof(item) *)ptr);``" +msgid "" +"``ptr = (char *)buf + indices[0] * strides[0] + ... + indices[n-1] * " +"strides[n-1]`` ``item = *((typeof(item) *)ptr);``" msgstr "" -# fb2ac365e24d41a0bbb8cde588641649 +# 45f70854246e4aac9c8e1b1890a1524e #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:351 -msgid "As noted above, :c:member:`~Py_buffer.buf` can point to any location within the actual memory block. An exporter can check the validity of a buffer with this function:" +msgid "" +"As noted above, :c:member:`~Py_buffer.buf` can point to any location within " +"the actual memory block. An exporter can check the validity of a buffer with" +" this function:" msgstr "" -# f1e6d1544d8946a69ae853ee827352f6 +# 48719c48ec714a33bd3215c5fc5d125b #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:385 msgid "PIL-style: shape, strides and suboffsets" msgstr "" -# 3f3a84bc78f64a9d98f0cad82a1682ca +# 14745da1d34d4c5e81172414979797e7 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:387 -msgid "In addition to the regular items, PIL-style arrays can contain pointers that must be followed in order to get to the next element in a dimension. For example, the regular three-dimensional C-array ``char v[2][2][3]`` can also be viewed as an array of 2 pointers to 2 two-dimensional arrays: ``char (*v[2])[2][3]``. In suboffsets representation, those two pointers can be embedded at the start of :c:member:`~Py_buffer.buf`, pointing to two ``char x[2][3]`` arrays that can be located anywhere in memory." +msgid "" +"In addition to the regular items, PIL-style arrays can contain pointers that" +" must be followed in order to get to the next element in a dimension. For " +"example, the regular three-dimensional C-array ``char v[2][2][3]`` can also " +"be viewed as an array of 2 pointers to 2 two-dimensional arrays: ``char " +"(*v[2])[2][3]``. In suboffsets representation, those two pointers can be " +"embedded at the start of :c:member:`~Py_buffer.buf`, pointing to two ``char " +"x[2][3]`` arrays that can be located anywhere in memory." msgstr "" -# 7b2086c6599b4775ae88fec49c13de93 +# 6f0847a0299643fbb8b661a9cebe190b #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:396 -msgid "Here is a function that returns a pointer to the element in an N-D array pointed to by an N-dimensional index when there are both non-NULL strides and suboffsets::" +msgid "" +"Here is a function that returns a pointer to the element in an N-D array " +"pointed to by an N-dimensional index when there are both non-NULL strides " +"and suboffsets::" msgstr "" -# cdd38fcb6e0e43b2a73f8dd1b6de6ac4 +# 85102bbeae184264b3440be4536a38de #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:415 msgid "Buffer-related functions" msgstr "" -# c739d2ce7baf40c3bdec389cda6bbb3b +# 85eb1c16f86943bbbd59eed1009b7593 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:419 -msgid "Return 1 if *obj* supports the buffer interface otherwise 0. When 1 is returned, it doesn't guarantee that :c:func:`PyObject_GetBuffer` will succeed." +msgid "" +"Return 1 if *obj* supports the buffer interface otherwise 0. When 1 is " +"returned, it doesn't guarantee that :c:func:`PyObject_GetBuffer` will " +"succeed." msgstr "" -# db5b7e3625fa47459f909153c8e55f7b +# eb257265617d4b1587e333c90d66f5de #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:426 -msgid "Send a request to *exporter* to fill in *view* as specified by *flags*. If the exporter cannot provide a buffer of the exact type, it MUST raise :c:data:`PyExc_BufferError`, set :c:member:`view->obj` to *NULL* and return -1." +msgid "" +"Send a request to *exporter* to fill in *view* as specified by *flags*. If " +"the exporter cannot provide a buffer of the exact type, it MUST raise " +":c:data:`PyExc_BufferError`, set :c:member:`view->obj` to *NULL* and return " +"-1." msgstr "" -# fff0f6bd556b4f63a67de32940137038 +# 6848487a1a4244b19cd6f0571e025571 #: ../../c-api/buffer.rst:431 -msgid "On success, fill in *view*, set :c:member:`view->obj` to a new reference to *exporter* and return 0. In the case of chained buffer providers that redirect requests to a single object, :c:member:`view->obj` MAY refer to this object instead of *exporter* (See :ref:`Buffer Object Structures <buffer-structs>`)." +msgid "" +"On success, fill in *view*, set :c:member:`view->obj` to a new reference to " +"*exporter* and return 0. In the case of chained buffer providers that " +"redirect requests to a single object, :c:member:`view->obj` MAY refer to " +"this object instead of *exporter* (See :ref:`Buffer Object Structures " +"<buffer-structs>`)." msgstr "" ***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.*** ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/bytearray.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/bytearray.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:41+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,87 +17,101 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 5ec3c85ab39143e28bdeb1feb6209c10 +# ab7dd71f2c154191b558419ffc84f2e4 #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:6 msgid "Byte Array Objects" msgstr "bytearray オブジェクト" -# 58c6cfaf7d1941bf90569be0faa49890 +# 49d7f20973db4ea08d084dc68b30a21e #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:13 -msgid "This subtype of :c:type:`PyObject` represents a Python bytearray object." +msgid "" +"This subtype of :c:type:`PyObject` represents a Python bytearray object." msgstr "" -# 0a6aa83fd465489e95b0b42dfc8718cf +# ff66219309b841d1ba908e6e34e35a2e #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:18 -msgid "This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python bytearray type; it is the same object as :class:`bytearray` in the Python layer." +msgid "" +"This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python bytearray " +"type; it is the same object as :class:`bytearray` in the Python layer." msgstr "この :c:type:`PyTypeObject` のインスタンスは、 Python bytearray 型 を示します。 Python レイヤでの :class:`bytearray` と同じオブジェクトです。" -# 474ed640e0fe42aeae81bb2ec9e3b8e6 +# 50d1cdb2d89e44aa9652ba715c788cf9 #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:23 msgid "Type check macros" msgstr "型チェックマクロ" -# 48a2f26e1eb648fcbb571f911858b8ab +# 85686cb15f7f4a66addeeb2fff575669 #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:27 -msgid "Return true if the object *o* is a bytearray object or an instance of a subtype of the bytearray type." +msgid "" +"Return true if the object *o* is a bytearray object or an instance of a " +"subtype of the bytearray type." msgstr "*o* が bytearray かそのサブタイプのインスタンスだった場合に真を返し ます。" -# f4b270cfb4f843e79dd07eb8082c9bc6 +# ed81bfc2fd534793892c35bdcee506af #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:33 -msgid "Return true if the object *o* is a bytearray object, but not an instance of a subtype of the bytearray type." +msgid "" +"Return true if the object *o* is a bytearray object, but not an instance of " +"a subtype of the bytearray type." msgstr "*o* が bytearray オブジェクトで、そのサブタイプのインスタンスでは無 いときに、真を返します。" -# 90499257a80e4dada60cd6ddfd52a54f +# d88172de37914eaa8858c2d2a2c0fbe0 #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:38 msgid "Direct API functions" msgstr "ダイレクト API 関数" -# fe61702ba20542d39ffc47dcf663fa37 +# c93814aa2403498598e74f007fe40a97 #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:42 -msgid "Return a new bytearray object from any object, *o*, that implements the buffer protocol." +msgid "" +"Return a new bytearray object from any object, *o*, that implements the " +"buffer protocol." msgstr "バッファプロトコルを実装している任意のオブジェクト *o* から、新し い bytearray オブジェクトを作成し返します。" -# deddc09fbe1d41e6a0d22a8fc7897bcf +# 9d56de5f11124b75ad1f82105ab32337 #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:50 -msgid "Create a new bytearray object from *string* and its length, *len*. On failure, *NULL* is returned." +msgid "" +"Create a new bytearray object from *string* and its length, *len*. On " +"failure, *NULL* is returned." msgstr "*string* とその長さ *len* から新しい bytearray オブジェクトを返しま す。失敗した場合は *NULL* を返します。" -# 965e35a26c5e4f46ad98b03515899a27 +# ec6a3f1c9fae4b02b435055db9e9f1df #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:56 -msgid "Concat bytearrays *a* and *b* and return a new bytearray with the result." +msgid "" +"Concat bytearrays *a* and *b* and return a new bytearray with the result." msgstr "bytearray *a* と *b* を連結した結果を新しい bytearray として返しま す。" -# 42a306c8a4634fbbbd6b6951a950db44 +# 81744e64d3e345f2a27872c5ed29f024 #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:61 msgid "Return the size of *bytearray* after checking for a *NULL* pointer." msgstr "*NULL* ポインタチェックの後に *bytearray* のサイズを返します。" -# 8b684b64ed6e4437a2b2dd851d1e28d6 +# 43607b9130b0461da3dede26cbe6724e #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:66 -msgid "Return the contents of *bytearray* as a char array after checking for a *NULL* pointer." +msgid "" +"Return the contents of *bytearray* as a char array after checking for a " +"*NULL* pointer." msgstr "*NULL* ポインタチェックの後に *bytearray* の内容を char 配列として 返します。" -# 18d929e2b8224db0a4adf8cd094fe814 +# 52567eb070f5467e939def3cb81924ef #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:72 msgid "Resize the internal buffer of *bytearray* to *len*." msgstr "*bytearray* の内部バッファを *len* へリサイズします。" -# bf0a4db044b34d2b8ba4ec3a7e3b64b2 +# 50523550416d4becb2f52430c98b1f8c #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:75 msgid "Macros" msgstr "マクロ" -# 96a227ea8d5f4853889d3f94859a8f66 +# afe7035f4fc346deaea42085ae355637 #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:77 msgid "These macros trade safety for speed and they don't check pointers." msgstr "以下のマクロは、ポインタのチェックをしないことにより安全性を犠牲に してスピードを優先しています。" -# 347b83aeed94462091435d47610dd3dd +# 090f47fb0bd54eba96cfdc0ac128ab1f #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:81 msgid "Macro version of :c:func:`PyByteArray_AsString`." msgstr ":c:func:`PyByteArray_AsString` のマクロバージョン。" -# a5533031da0b45d7ad3575b09e04724a +# 3d52d937933e4b5995f7ccff784ad2bb #: ../../c-api/bytearray.rst:86 msgid "Macro version of :c:func:`PyByteArray_Size`." msgstr ":c:func:`PyByteArray_Size` のマクロバージョン。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/bytes.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/bytes.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-02 09:40+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,346 +17,359 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 5451c9b53a3446788f41818ef4edd552 +# a4ef6f39a6b54088bbad5fded475d97c #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:6 msgid "Bytes Objects" msgstr "バイトオブジェクト" -# a15bc32087b34876beb9e682f52d9b6a +# 27ab7fade974478aa89598f3702baba5 #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:8 -msgid "These functions raise :exc:`TypeError` when expecting a bytes parameter and are called with a non-bytes parameter." +msgid "" +"These functions raise :exc:`TypeError` when expecting a bytes parameter and " +"are called with a non-bytes parameter." msgstr "下記の関数は、バイトオブジェクトを期待している引数にバイトオブジェ クトでないパラメタを指定して呼び出されると、 :exc:`TypeError` を送出しま す。" -# 24878fa486104328b27f7e45664dce41 +# 1d3e0c7a4fd548fb9478e7e6c17011a0 #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:16 msgid "This subtype of :c:type:`PyObject` represents a Python bytes object." msgstr "この :c:type:`PyObject` のサブタイプは、Python バイトオブジェクトを 表します。" -# 7a7a34f79a4d43b0b1db4b9cd2120f10 +# 0afee64e6bf745ed9cd7e3a0bf787c6a #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:21 -msgid "This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python bytes type; it is the same object as :class:`bytes` in the Python layer." +msgid "" +"This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python bytes type; it" +" is the same object as :class:`bytes` in the Python layer." msgstr "この :c:type:`PyTypeObject` のインスタンスは、Python バイト型を表し ます; Pythonレイヤの :class:`bytes` と同じオブジェクトです。" -# 362b6b62b24a4d40813dccd923ab8eef +# c131beaa47334e1488f970fcdcf43126 #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:27 -msgid "Return true if the object *o* is a bytes object or an instance of a subtype of the bytes type." +msgid "" +"Return true if the object *o* is a bytes object or an instance of a subtype " +"of the bytes type." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* がバイトオブジェクトか、またはbytes型のサブタイプ のインスタンスである場合に真を返します。" -# c80757aee1074237b801b6bc874669b6 +# 8cd82f39c5e34340b4d46d9dfd5a27e2 #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:33 -msgid "Return true if the object *o* is a bytes object, but not an instance of a subtype of the bytes type." +msgid "" +"Return true if the object *o* is a bytes object, but not an instance of a " +"subtype of the bytes type." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* がバイトオブジェクトであり、かつbytes型のサブタイ プのインスタンスでない場合に真を返します。" -# cb738148f78443179c69c091c2c01ddb +# e26b80660003407aac4fa0450304f4fb #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:39 -msgid "Return a new bytes object with a copy of the string *v* as value on success, and *NULL* on failure. The parameter *v* must not be *NULL*; it will not be checked." +msgid "" +"Return a new bytes object with a copy of the string *v* as value on success," +" and *NULL* on failure. The parameter *v* must not be *NULL*; it will not " +"be checked." msgstr "成功時に、文字列 *v* のコピーを値とする新しいバイトオブジェクトを返 し、失敗時に *NULL* を返します引数 *v* は *NULL* であってはなりません; その チェックは行われません。" -# a79251caf6d3414b9cf6e1e3c700881e +# 3640dc37fbae484a8148bb44a868cd97 #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:46 -msgid "Return a new bytes object with a copy of the string *v* as value and length *len* on success, and *NULL* on failure. If *v* is *NULL*, the contents of the bytes object are uninitialized." +msgid "" +"Return a new bytes object with a copy of the string *v* as value and length " +"*len* on success, and *NULL* on failure. If *v* is *NULL*, the contents of " +"the bytes object are uninitialized." msgstr "成功時に、文字列 *v* のコピーを値とする長さ*len*の新しいバイトオブ ジェクトを返し、失敗時に *NULL* を返します。引数 *v* が *NULL* の場合、バイ トオブジェクトの中身は初期化されていません。" -# 43e2614a565e4192b3303eac65bf280a +# 816f39cb19d54c15b10e60813e8f6b5f #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:53 -msgid "Take a C :c:func:`printf`\\ -style *format* string and a variable number of arguments, calculate the size of the resulting Python bytes object and return a bytes object with the values formatted into it. The variable arguments must be C types and must correspond exactly to the format characters in the *format* string. The following format characters are allowed:" +msgid "" +"Take a C :c:func:`printf`\\ -style *format* string and a variable number of " +"arguments, calculate the size of the resulting Python bytes object and " +"return a bytes object with the values formatted into it. The variable " +"arguments must be C types and must correspond exactly to the format " +"characters in the *format* string. The following format characters are " +"allowed:" msgstr "C 関数の:c:func:`printf`\\ スタイルの *format* 文字列と可変長の引数 を取り、結果のPython バイトオブジェクトのサイズを計算し、値を指定した書式に したがって変換したバイトオブジェクトを返します。可変長の引数は C のデータ型 でなければならず、 *format* 文字列中のフォーマット文字と厳密に関連付けられて いなければなりません。下記のフォーマット文字が使用できます:" -# 7285f31b2a5a4a2b8ccb511abe8295ed -# 73a77c94824d40b7af1856ba203aca5c -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:66 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:443 +# b33236ca122d4a3191bedb5c9da3233a +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:66 msgid "Format Characters" msgstr "フォーマット文字" -# fa8b3cdc3f2b4cc8b2e948edebeeacc9 -# 3ebe936a64bb4d2eb2d95c9e533c883b -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:66 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:443 +# 6f5253d27ff5437c882c1c70ee162c57 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:66 msgid "Type" msgstr "Type" -# 8b791e7929844de797032a41253fdaeb -# 4004918d93b1416b9211356bcffabf13 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:66 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:443 +# cb4d47d28b6f4f159dc4f7653e6dd28b +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:66 msgid "Comment" msgstr "コメント" -# 2b174a99d19a47bcb2747e85c88751f0 -# b60146efc90e4da2a0258659f2009b8a -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:68 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:445 +# 84ca66460bad4756a8724dec52236924 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:68 msgid ":attr:`%%`" msgstr ":attr:`%%`" -# 5993abc2364549dc9c1af579b3badd06 -# 75c4d9496b984803a5c9749e5ffebdee -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:68 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:445 +# 50393ecd03a749c1824f8c74f401ce2e +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:68 msgid "*n/a*" msgstr "*n/a*" -# 2631fc1e7b1945adb24c830daaabc983 -# 285c8df26266405f9945ddc2c69fb52d -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:68 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:445 +# c29ea99c476949bc99e3926ad92f6316 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:68 msgid "The literal % character." msgstr "文字 % のリテラル。" -# dfe9efee0c1c46b3addca95ad1dc6da3 -# a9a794eb62b8491db4f62fd64048343b -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:70 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:447 +# 5e872604c594476d8974fe64e817ea48 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:70 msgid ":attr:`%c`" msgstr ":attr:`%c`" -# 06609896e7494c3db074de8f7cb264b7 -# 44f9afc9ed7b4b24bfcbfaf27932326b -# 06c9716cac1e496ea9e2aa4b9fe781a7 -# 76003847d49a4cbbb5f05c0d0d6b0e89 -# 127c869190c643209f81c517e45c9a6c -# e27be9d8d6884128ace8c1afa18ca10d -# 9cc024d94c7d4daea531d66067ee3e1f -# ebf489a095dc4263b821dfe5ddabba81 -# 072b956b5aa04871aa81b2dea3f4560d -# 5ebfbfd5faa745afbd0e21316bac1306 -# a6f0f8f4a7834958af8a546c86c4977b -# 481c9ab24933430ea4a453d01f80daf7 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:70 ../../c-api/bytes.rst:73 ../../c-api/bytes.rst:91 ../../c-api/bytes.rst:94 ../../c-api/structures.rst:123 ../../c-api/structures.rst:232 ../../c-api/structures.rst:239 ../../c-api/structures.rst:255 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:447 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:450 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:483 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:486 +# 550367b31c3844c69fe3cf2501ab02d2 +# 887ccc1b86d64e79aa94b5b5e294cdd6 +# 18867f7d440c4465a3886d54af2c6329 +# 8c09512c5ac9432f98b7f8e8813e70cf +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:70 ../../c-api/bytes.rst:73 ../../c-api/bytes.rst:91 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:94 msgid "int" msgstr "int型" -# 19afaf1bfc354eb6afd53cdfe60fd3a6 -# 011e70eeea16421fac6335c1100a2d64 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:70 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:447 +# 6271463bd0a2424b8245ea3416eba41b +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:70 msgid "A single character, represented as an C int." msgstr "C の整数型で表現される単一の文字。" -# f7a3263b5fc840759f6a85a8fdc09635 -# 6c92a066ca904c0c800a47985def7436 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:73 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:450 +# b98028af8ba54312975edbc4f34a27d4 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:73 msgid ":attr:`%d`" msgstr ":attr:`%d`" -# ab29e5067e1347fb9c3449461c17c3dc -# 5006f392f3e94954abe50aa378769148 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:73 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:450 +# 7871eeff02fa452bbf9796fa71eefc7f +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:73 msgid "Exactly equivalent to ``printf(\"%d\")``." msgstr "C の ``printf(\"%d\")`` と全く同じ。" -# a9d4151816df454f850df56da3414005 -# b13038c6d23c49518dad41d5f36b8059 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:76 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:453 +# 22364256725646418c4b928bc4cbbdf4 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:76 msgid ":attr:`%u`" msgstr ":attr:`%u`" -# 02dbcce80fe14180b0ef3cc92d2a4f3f -# 7292a207f62c4f7c9b156238d2cf20ec -# 9ea630835026481aa7ef4f8aa9269351 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:76 ../../c-api/structures.rst:265 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:453 +# 4cf56cbd6da44265b5669c031aa8227d +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:76 msgid "unsigned int" msgstr "unsigned int" -# c6f35751a2d74b6a8db4820574f4b99f -# baa65c16c3ec47ffa71f1ca85beb295a -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:76 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:453 +# 97deff24d61b42e58e7ff7c92d844675 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:76 msgid "Exactly equivalent to ``printf(\"%u\")``." msgstr "C の ``printf(\"%u\")`` と全く同じ。" -# fdd35091fddb45d4aa1a1bd35b3218bd -# a4273e7a1bf541f8b5fa4920a1fb842c -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:79 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:456 +# 773a9d2ea93c4314985ffd2f242793f2 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:79 msgid ":attr:`%ld`" msgstr ":attr:`%ld`" -# 1fe931e1750242b6a20c91535f8a4d55 -# 8c1b0490f86b43b9a5b9fedf4bdfc01f -# 6e9b02ea981d47669018f7a976d8817a -# 0e6d60150d7f462db405b5ffc8ac03d7 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:79 ../../c-api/structures.rst:256 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:456 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:459 +# 0395c962494a425182ff9fbee115516b +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:79 msgid "long" msgstr "long型" -# def3ee5ae9c4435284b66c1daa13071f -# 3f564425633a43dea0d0698f8f4af042 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:79 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:456 +# b6ae6c0137434d7983316e709d9a7a2f +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:79 msgid "Exactly equivalent to ``printf(\"%ld\")``." msgstr "C の ``printf(\"%ld\")`` と全く同じ。" -# dc942337b66249be9b2a16ed7a660cf5 -# 553f9c6cf9f543d1914ed751c73e9a50 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:82 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:462 +# 4b731d9847b742ce91eb6c06ab033eaf +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:82 msgid ":attr:`%lu`" msgstr ":attr:`%lu`" -# 921cc73785924fbbbdb2e70c1a8f7522 -# dfe474aa78a7481b913bbce6d65d851e -# c30c3fc22e324e278b76606b290bdb18 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:82 ../../c-api/structures.rst:267 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:462 +# 13c9d9de57c943aa8750c8e5d7638432 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:82 msgid "unsigned long" msgstr "unsigned long" -# 6f6c7c226f3a4e738585bdddb689bd3f -# 5a598083c79a47a5aadb3bda5c23aab6 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:82 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:462 +# ac626603c6304192be66681c96373c40 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:82 msgid "Exactly equivalent to ``printf(\"%lu\")``." msgstr "C の ``printf(\"%lu\")`` と全く同じ。" -# 44f0c883f2d6462383d050131bea9d2b -# 775a21dea43c4291855bc0430529876d -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:85 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:474 +# 574c679c03f94483bb44f67dc2aaabe2 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:85 msgid ":attr:`%zd`" msgstr ":attr:`%zd`" -# 6db5b9e56cc64d8b827dddb686a7688e -# 40da61f949544de0a90116d152a318d3 -# f230a59335b7477cab27752174cbc865 -# 5de1352243f54c56b8d20ec50caaf865 -# 2141924270264c76949fdfa6c63a5ed0 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:85 ../../c-api/structures.rst:235 ../../c-api/structures.rst:271 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:474 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:477 +# 6265b020d16b435f8ec71c98269bfac3 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:85 msgid "Py_ssize_t" msgstr "Py_ssize_t" -# 04c7be6485c442aea9c26de681c2034b -# 84b1299995f245199225f4ddb2257b57 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:85 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:474 +# af7e5bb67d454273a14e71faf6e6ff11 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:85 msgid "Exactly equivalent to ``printf(\"%zd\")``." msgstr "C の ``printf(\"%zd\")`` と全く同じ。" -# 584fb7309c0544cd89771a00ddde9f61 -# 7784fca5bb8544a19a9b7f778f7b2b22 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:88 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:480 +# 2e9c464f0cbd4fca977ce9202825a2e1 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:88 msgid ":attr:`%zu`" msgstr ":attr:`%zu`" -# a6e6cffe65144f2a8497d7e0d677155e -# 3278785bceb54865bd58ad370cd93838 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:88 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:480 +# d839e457ecb64e5aa841b1e7327212dd +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:88 msgid "size_t" msgstr "size_t" -# aff400aabbcf49fa96c66867497c9949 -# 5799de9def1744c1a91ff0c5f0ee0450 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:88 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:480 +# faf3a3ceabce4b6db2bcad55f43de85c +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:88 msgid "Exactly equivalent to ``printf(\"%zu\")``." msgstr "C の ``printf(\"%zu\")`` と全く同じ。" -# d0dbc721b6354f59a0e27a4db14b627e -# 8f9d9227a2e24b2aa4782f1ae3dfa6b7 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:91 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:483 +# d84c94c89c20452189f8a431ea2b7cde +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:91 msgid ":attr:`%i`" msgstr ":attr:`%i`" -# 8d0c39cb5ca441e2ac201043e890dfaa -# b15112418d84476b8b6ec23f145c9553 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:91 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:483 +# 10bc09d024174ebd8ffb75cc7ccee2cd +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:91 msgid "Exactly equivalent to ``printf(\"%i\")``." msgstr "C の ``printf(\"%i\")`` と全く同じ。" -# fe50e4e81de84e69851d32c281097078 -# c5ab51bad9d64d61989dc3ab86f579f7 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:94 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:486 +# 84c3497d10624fddbfac771c763b9d22 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:94 msgid ":attr:`%x`" msgstr ":attr:`%x`" -# 06bd35ebaa4c47cbb766ce2d85bdd662 -# df655a95b49f43889d141f1eb209c650 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:94 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:486 +# 4fcaec2526cf4bbfa42745bae9a6c8e2 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:94 msgid "Exactly equivalent to ``printf(\"%x\")``." msgstr "C の ``printf(\"%x\")`` と全く同じ。" -# aea429614944422c9638e84c0f0ba619 -# 1b929178a9494f72b234f88bd980f254 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:97 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:489 +# 72be027d27a1478aa2afda98cd7d9458 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:97 msgid ":attr:`%s`" msgstr ":attr:`%s`" -# 28560c4ad451439a94b9db88392e4446 -# 70c4e1b2443749aeb5cee392f4ef7059 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:97 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:489 +# 2342a564ea2c49afa402d830c42a733a +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:97 msgid "char\\*" msgstr "char\\*" -# c3b9e9b96a2148d8bcc762a835f0e4f9 -# dcf06cdddf9b4963bc7f15fb644b3b65 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:97 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:489 +# 28ffcd5e845345769701e5926fe59e9b +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:97 msgid "A null-terminated C character array." msgstr "null で終端された C の文字列。" -# 07eca71bb4424c41af20684ae2cff96f -# 9aff0bd7ca4f47e3bde3e8be994e6ddf -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:100 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:492 +# ec043c9cd02c4610a6c1106f75a3be1e +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:100 msgid ":attr:`%p`" msgstr ":attr:`%p`" -# 44472e4f25144a018d78e48ac9db46c4 -# 8d46bdb27e914b98809c0bbad8d69536 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:100 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:492 +# 91a2c34880a547e6be61d5a46c2b1e04 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:100 msgid "void\\*" msgstr "void\\*" -# 704de90abf2d4497849345af21ad0d10 -# abf4ffa0947648caaa5a5c26cfea2051 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:100 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:492 -msgid "The hex representation of a C pointer. Mostly equivalent to ``printf(\"%p\")`` except that it is guaranteed to start with the literal ``0x`` regardless of what the platform's ``printf`` yields." +# c06cb916c74e4c018d49eb8c5019b595 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:100 +msgid "" +"The hex representation of a C pointer. Mostly equivalent to " +"``printf(\"%p\")`` except that it is guaranteed to start with the literal " +"``0x`` regardless of what the platform's ``printf`` yields." msgstr "C ポインタの 16 進表記。 ``printf(\"%p\")`` とほとんど同じだが、プ ラットフォームにおける ``printf`` の定義に関わりなく先頭にリテラル ``0x`` が 付きます。" -# c3c3914ffc1f4351ace475e180f8588d -# 0e6f9078b2794fe68ccea921588b6bd9 -#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:109 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:519 -msgid "An unrecognized format character causes all the rest of the format string to be copied as-is to the result string, and any extra arguments discarded." +# 47cb75b0c28c4bb4adc1f9d572e0b4f8 +#: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:109 +msgid "" +"An unrecognized format character causes all the rest of the format string to" +" be copied as-is to the result string, and any extra arguments discarded." msgstr "識別できない書式指定文字があった場合、残りの書式文字列はそのまま出 力文字列にコピーされ、残りの引数は無視されます。" -# 9e40c6b69ed24ad784b1c8f6670ffe49 +# ea26140aecc64202be486faf1b010d2b #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:115 -msgid "Identical to :c:func:`PyBytes_FromFormat` except that it takes exactly two arguments." +msgid "" +"Identical to :c:func:`PyBytes_FromFormat` except that it takes exactly two " +"arguments." msgstr "ちょうど2つの引数を取ることを除い て、 :c:func:`PyBytes_FromFormat` と同じです。" -# dd31f90ab59144a0ab9d590f40cddb92 +# 4d52c37746884b71b4023a761e515e02 #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:121 -msgid "Return the bytes representation of object *o* that implements the buffer protocol." +msgid "" +"Return the bytes representation of object *o* that implements the buffer " +"protocol." msgstr "バッファプロトコルを実装するオブジェクト *o* のバイト表現を返しま す。" -# 22f13c94724a4f43a5a70578ce0268f6 +# f1cb69597d5d4c0eb0e0f2c052f3d13d #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:127 msgid "Return the length of the bytes in bytes object *o*." msgstr "バイトオブジェクト *o* のバイト単位の長さを返します。" -# f75d9cf290014699b34f3b379435099e +# ecb4951593a04a3d92562784c28b591f #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:132 msgid "Macro form of :c:func:`PyBytes_Size` but without error checking." msgstr ":c:func:`PyBytes_Size` をマクロで実装したもので、エラーチェックをを 行いません。" -# 7d00b6750eb14190b0b2bc1cb238a0a4 +# 18ab625b0b2d424e9efbfd4dc212db7f #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:137 -msgid "Return a NUL-terminated representation of the contents of *o*. The pointer refers to the internal buffer of *o*, not a copy. The data must not be modified in any way, unless the string was just created using ``PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, size)``. It must not be deallocated. If *o* is not a string object at all, :c:func:`PyBytes_AsString` returns *NULL* and raises :exc:`TypeError`." +msgid "" +"Return a NUL-terminated representation of the contents of *o*. The pointer " +"refers to the internal buffer of *o*, not a copy. The data must not be " +"modified in any way, unless the string was just created using " +"``PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, size)``. It must not be deallocated. If " +"*o* is not a string object at all, :c:func:`PyBytes_AsString` returns *NULL*" +" and raises :exc:`TypeError`." msgstr "NUL 終端された表現で *o* の中身を返します。ポインタは *o* のコピー ではなく、内部バッファを参照します。 ``PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, size)`` で生成された場合を除いて、データを修正してはなりません。またポインタ を開放(deallocated)してはなりません。もし、 *o* がstringオブジェクトでなけ れば、 :c:func:`PyBytes_AsString` は *NULL* を返し :exc:`TypeError` を送出し ます。" -# d81d926885a948d88ab8620be140f86e +# 3f2fae8ab5f44caaabb317fc87acd5ae #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:147 msgid "Macro form of :c:func:`PyBytes_AsString` but without error checking." msgstr ":c:func:`PyBytes_AsString` をマクロで実装したもので、エラーチェック を行いません。" -# c2cc4c2fb8f5481db234cc6174efecda +# 64f6730fd9044a7f9d0bf713ce939cad #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:152 -msgid "Return a NUL-terminated representation of the contents of the object *obj* through the output variables *buffer* and *length*." +msgid "" +"Return a NUL-terminated representation of the contents of the object *obj* " +"through the output variables *buffer* and *length*." msgstr "*obj* の中身を NUL 文字終端された表現にして、出力用の変数 *buffer* と *length* を使って返します。" -# b0bffe1b3643400ab3e15548360f7434 +# d1f8d00b803d413b8e411e7da1965866 #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:155 -msgid "If *length* is *NULL*, the resulting buffer may not contain NUL characters; if it does, the function returns ``-1`` and a :exc:`TypeError` is raised." +msgid "" +"If *length* is *NULL*, the resulting buffer may not contain NUL characters; " +"if it does, the function returns ``-1`` and a :exc:`TypeError` is raised." msgstr "*length* の値が *NULL* で、結果のバッファに NUL 文字を含まない可能 性があります; その場合、関数は ``-1`` を返し、 :exc:`TypeError` を送出しま す。" -# 6763489d34794d9e863c541b15e172e9 +# d6fd433d42d34a748b46eb8043128a66 #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:158 -msgid "The buffer refers to an internal string buffer of *obj*, not a copy. The data must not be modified in any way, unless the string was just created using ``PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, size)``. It must not be deallocated. If *string* is not a string object at all, :c:func:`PyBytes_AsStringAndSize` returns ``-1`` and raises :exc:`TypeError`." +msgid "" +"The buffer refers to an internal string buffer of *obj*, not a copy. The " +"data must not be modified in any way, unless the string was just created " +"using ``PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, size)``. It must not be " +"deallocated. If *string* is not a string object at all, " +":c:func:`PyBytes_AsStringAndSize` returns ``-1`` and raises " +":exc:`TypeError`." msgstr "buffer は *obj* のコピーではなく、内部文字列バッファを参照します。 ``PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(NULL, size)`` で生成された場合を除いて、データを 修正してはなりません。またポインタを開放(deallocated)してはなりません。も し、 *o* がstringオブジェクトでなければ、 :c:func:`PyBytes_AsString` は *NULL* を返し :exc:`TypeError` を送出します。" -# 5071761047b749f187fd082a91108009 +# ef349046e14e4598988bb97b8491242c #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:167 -msgid "Create a new bytes object in *\\*bytes* containing the contents of *newpart* appended to *bytes*; the caller will own the new reference. The reference to the old value of *bytes* will be stolen. If the new string cannot be created, the old reference to *bytes* will still be discarded and the value of *\\*bytes* will be set to *NULL*; the appropriate exception will be set." +msgid "" +"Create a new bytes object in *\\*bytes* containing the contents of *newpart*" +" appended to *bytes*; the caller will own the new reference. The reference " +"to the old value of *bytes* will be stolen. If the new string cannot be " +"created, the old reference to *bytes* will still be discarded and the value " +"of *\\*bytes* will be set to *NULL*; the appropriate exception will be set." msgstr " *newpart* の内容を *bytes* の後ろに連結した新しいバイトオブジェク トを *\\*bytes* に生成します;呼び出し側は新しい参照を所有します。*bytes* の 古い値の参照は盗まれます。もし新しい文字列が生成できない場合、古い *bytes* の参照は放棄され、 *\\*bytes* の値は *NULL* に設定されます; 適切な例外が設定 されます。" -# 1b5744dffda949d0ac5458d796f570ee +# f2c0a20b9fa74d55bdadbae03b30d387 #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:176 -msgid "Create a new string object in *\\*bytes* containing the contents of *newpart* appended to *bytes*. This version decrements the reference count of *newpart*." +msgid "" +"Create a new string object in *\\*bytes* containing the contents of " +"*newpart* appended to *bytes*. This version decrements the reference count " +"of *newpart*." msgstr " *newpart* の内容を *bytes* の後ろに連結した新しいバイトオブジェク トを *\\*bytes* に生成します; この関数は、 *newpart* の参照カウントをデクリ メントします。" -# df323a8c2ddc48cb95d5515f56841f8a +# 2f15d37dec7940ba969aa4efb1e4179d #: ../../c-api/bytes.rst:183 -msgid "A way to resize a bytes object even though it is \"immutable\". Only use this to build up a brand new bytes object; don't use this if the bytes may already be known in other parts of the code. It is an error to call this function if the refcount on the input bytes object is not one. Pass the address of an existing bytes object as an lvalue (it may be written into), and the new size desired. On success, *\\*bytes* holds the resized bytes object and ``0`` is returned; the address in *\\*bytes* may differ from its input value. If the reallocation fails, the original bytes object at *\\*bytes* is deallocated, *\\*bytes* is set to *NULL*, a memory exception is set, and ``-1`` is returned." +msgid "" +"A way to resize a bytes object even though it is \"immutable\". Only use " +"this to build up a brand new bytes object; don't use this if the bytes may " +"already be known in other parts of the code. It is an error to call this " +"function if the refcount on the input bytes object is not one. Pass the " +"address of an existing bytes object as an lvalue (it may be written into), " +"and the new size desired. On success, *\\*bytes* holds the resized bytes " +"object and ``0`` is returned; the address in *\\*bytes* may differ from its " +"input value. If the reallocation fails, the original bytes object at " +"*\\*bytes* is deallocated, *\\*bytes* is set to *NULL*, a memory exception " +"is set, and ``-1`` is returned." msgstr "本来 \"変更不可能(immutable)\" なバイトオブジェクトをリサイズする方 法です。作成されたばかりのバイトオブジェクトにのみこれをしようしてくださ い;他のコードですでに使用されている可能性のあるバイトオブジェクトに使用して はいけません。入力されたバイトオブジェクトの参照カウントが 1 でない場合、こ の関数はエラーになります。左辺値(書き込める)として存在するバイトオブジェク トのアドレスを受け取り、新しいサイズを要求します。成功時には、 *\\*bytes* は リサイズされたバイトオブジェクトを保持し、 ``0`` が返されます;*\\*bytes* の アドレスは入力された際のアドレスと異なるかもしれません。再割り当て (reallocation)が失敗した場合、*\\*bytes* が元々指してしたバイトオブジェクト は開放され、 *\\*bytes* は *NULL* に設定され、メモリ例外が設定され、そして ``-1`` が返されます。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/capsule.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/capsule.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:41+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,150 +17,215 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 9cb9d7ad2a2d4364bae7ae989e400da3 +# bc54f93c1b944ff8b7d8212269fee4f3 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:6 msgid "Capsules" msgstr "カプセル" -# 9b408d2ee4454a9ba68258a639b831a4 +# 8360ef85082b4436b9fa1505a99724e2 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:10 -msgid "Refer to :ref:`using-capsules` for more information on using these objects." +msgid "" +"Refer to :ref:`using-capsules` for more information on using these objects." msgstr "`using-capsules` 以下のオブジェクトを使う方法について は :ref:`using-capsules` を参照してください。" -# 2aa88a30cc044adaaac5fd2f2a230a81 +# 966eb3621fb4462c90a9eefc63d07052 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:15 -msgid "This subtype of :c:type:`PyObject` represents an opaque value, useful for C extension modules who need to pass an opaque value (as a :c:type:`void\\*` pointer) through Python code to other C code. It is often used to make a C function pointer defined in one module available to other modules, so the regular import mechanism can be used to access C APIs defined in dynamically loaded modules." +msgid "" +"This subtype of :c:type:`PyObject` represents an opaque value, useful for C " +"extension modules who need to pass an opaque value (as a :c:type:`void\\*` " +"pointer) through Python code to other C code. It is often used to make a C " +"function pointer defined in one module available to other modules, so the " +"regular import mechanism can be used to access C APIs defined in dynamically" +" loaded modules." msgstr "この :c:type:`PyObject` のサブタイプは、任意の値を表し、C拡張モジ ュールから Pythonコードを経由して他のC言語のコードに任意の値を (:c:type:`void\\*` ポインタの形で)渡す必要があるときに有用です。あるモジュー ル内で定義されているC言語関数のポインタを、他のモジュールに渡してそこから呼 び出せるようにするためによく使われます。これにより、動的にロードされるモジ ュールの中の C API に通常の import 機構を通してアクセスすることができます。" -# 2e45c1a81a7c47bdbc6eca739df2478b +# e39e5af08496467d901a93926d199996 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:24 msgid "The type of a destructor callback for a capsule. Defined as::" msgstr "カプセルに対するデストラクタコールバック型. 次のように定義されま す::" -# 706c17c28496491e8b1fef54facec1cb +# d6ef1a264a834b9c8c01656abc071fef #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:28 -msgid "See :c:func:`PyCapsule_New` for the semantics of PyCapsule_Destructor callbacks." +msgid "" +"See :c:func:`PyCapsule_New` for the semantics of PyCapsule_Destructor " +"callbacks." msgstr "PyCapsule_Destructor コールバックの動作について は :c:func:`PyCapsule_New` を参照してください。" -# f97046be214b44b5b7f31e95e0b18a8e +# b348764624814f60b8a910f70edfe0af #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:34 msgid "Return true if its argument is a :c:type:`PyCapsule`." msgstr "引数が :c:type:`PyCapsule` だったときに true を返します。" -# 20e171d3c45d4115a4dfdce6e90f1ce8 +# 5be428edad094811b46d5a633aa7ea4e #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:39 -msgid "Create a :c:type:`PyCapsule` encapsulating the *pointer*. The *pointer* argument may not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Create a :c:type:`PyCapsule` encapsulating the *pointer*. The *pointer* " +"argument may not be *NULL*." msgstr "*pointer* を格納する :c:type:`PyCapsule` を作成します。 *pointer* 引数は *NULL* であってはなりません。" -# c9aab30c7f6d46a2b862699b43027fbf +# 061ecf5ded084df3b24691c2746a198b #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:42 msgid "On failure, set an exception and return *NULL*." msgstr "失敗した場合、例外を設定して *NULL* を返します。" -# e958052688e448fd9abf0791ebb9b94a +# 4cff767d62fd44d2929222a0763fb678 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:44 -msgid "The *name* string may either be *NULL* or a pointer to a valid C string. If non-*NULL*, this string must outlive the capsule. (Though it is permitted to free it inside the *destructor*.)" +msgid "" +"The *name* string may either be *NULL* or a pointer to a valid C string. If" +" non-*NULL*, this string must outlive the capsule. (Though it is permitted " +"to free it inside the *destructor*.)" msgstr "*name* 文字列は *NULL* か、有効なC文字列へのポインタです。 *NULL* で無い場合、この文字列は少なくともカプセルより長く生存する必要があります。 (*destructor* の中で解放することは許可されています)" -# 947eb783bf3e4e929470d2f8f0d63f3f +# b4b67ba9598f4091aed436916f30c5b2 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:48 -msgid "If the *destructor* argument is not *NULL*, it will be called with the capsule as its argument when it is destroyed." +msgid "" +"If the *destructor* argument is not *NULL*, it will be called with the " +"capsule as its argument when it is destroyed." msgstr "*destructor* が *NULL* で無い場合、カプセルが削除されるときにそのカ プセルを引数として呼び出されます。" -# da880cc2025e4173aae69ec8644ba63f +# 8921699cad984fa49cb73040d89ce969 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:51 -msgid "If this capsule will be stored as an attribute of a module, the *name* should be specified as ``modulename.attributename``. This will enable other modules to import the capsule using :c:func:`PyCapsule_Import`." +msgid "" +"If this capsule will be stored as an attribute of a module, the *name* " +"should be specified as ``modulename.attributename``. This will enable other" +" modules to import the capsule using :c:func:`PyCapsule_Import`." msgstr "このカプセルがモジュールの属性として保存される場合、 *name* は ``modulename.attributename`` と指定されるべきです。こうすると、他のモジュー ルがそのカプセルを :c:func:`PyCapsule_Import` でインポートすることができま す。" -# 9ad767b02e6f453694868fc614eb63af +# 41d63049ba644c1daf3fb39cb01f3723 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:58 -msgid "Retrieve the *pointer* stored in the capsule. On failure, set an exception and return *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Retrieve the *pointer* stored in the capsule. On failure, set an exception " +"and return *NULL*." msgstr "カプセルに保存されている *pointer* を取り出します。失敗した場合は例 外を設定して *NULL* を返します。" -# 487174211f2e4356b1ab94b475a3904f +# d6f651c26d624972af8fc56f4eac4cfc #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:61 -msgid "The *name* parameter must compare exactly to the name stored in the capsule. If the name stored in the capsule is *NULL*, the *name* passed in must also be *NULL*. Python uses the C function :c:func:`strcmp` to compare capsule names." +msgid "" +"The *name* parameter must compare exactly to the name stored in the capsule." +" If the name stored in the capsule is *NULL*, the *name* passed in must also" +" be *NULL*. Python uses the C function :c:func:`strcmp` to compare capsule " +"names." msgstr "*name* 引数はカプセルに保存されている名前と正確に一致しなければなり ません。もしカプセルに格納されている name が *NULL* なら、この関数の *name* 引数も同じく *NULL* でなければなりません。 Python は C言語 の :c:func:`strcmp` を使ってこの name を比較します。" -# e4d287d5643c4c44a8a649dda57ae94c +# 947d4f777dce4c9da187d536e7312c23 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:69 -msgid "Return the current destructor stored in the capsule. On failure, set an exception and return *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return the current destructor stored in the capsule. On failure, set an " +"exception and return *NULL*." msgstr "カプセルに保存されている現在のデストラクタを返します。失敗した場 合、例外を設定して *NULL* を返します。" -# 84e05dddaf944c33a4f424da2a33a88a +# 9096210f78a84673ab5d99c034844b15 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:72 -msgid "It is legal for a capsule to have a *NULL* destructor. This makes a *NULL* return code somewhat ambiguous; use :c:func:`PyCapsule_IsValid` or :c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` to disambiguate." +msgid "" +"It is legal for a capsule to have a *NULL* destructor. This makes a *NULL* " +"return code somewhat ambiguous; use :c:func:`PyCapsule_IsValid` or " +":c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` to disambiguate." msgstr "カプセルは *NULL* をデストラクタとして持つことができます。従って、 戻り値の *NULL* がエラーを指してない可能性がありま す。 :c:func:`PyCapsule_IsValid` か `PyErr_Occurred` を利用して確認してくだ さい。" -# de37e0486f1f4fed9c51ec247b0e097d +# a83be94d1e6948669278a75638f0d556 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:79 -msgid "Return the current context stored in the capsule. On failure, set an exception and return *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return the current context stored in the capsule. On failure, set an " +"exception and return *NULL*." msgstr "カプセルに保存されている現在のコンテキスト(context)を返します。失敗 した場合、例外を設定して *NULL* を返します。" -# e817ac14561e4964bfd4f6cb586675a7 +# ae3ae28a38934be493dc5109998e7b5f #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:82 -msgid "It is legal for a capsule to have a *NULL* context. This makes a *NULL* return code somewhat ambiguous; use :c:func:`PyCapsule_IsValid` or :c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` to disambiguate." +msgid "" +"It is legal for a capsule to have a *NULL* context. This makes a *NULL* " +"return code somewhat ambiguous; use :c:func:`PyCapsule_IsValid` or " +":c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` to disambiguate." msgstr "カプセルは *NULL* をコンテキストとして持つことができます。従って、 戻り値の *NULL* がエラーを指してない可能性がありま す。 :c:func:`PyCapsule_IsValid` か `PyErr_Occurred` を利用して確認してくだ さい。" -# 0a4573e733cc4cdb8eb7d5404eb3c56c +# 14607f0fe8d54700b596be0a0189677b #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:89 -msgid "Return the current name stored in the capsule. On failure, set an exception and return *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return the current name stored in the capsule. On failure, set an exception" +" and return *NULL*." msgstr "カプセルに保存されている現在の name を返します。失敗した場合、例外 を設定して *NULL* を返します。" -# df31af2b0d4c40e58ea07d9060ee4d74 +# 18b9bb27a36e4da89b7bf4315ab193dd #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:92 -msgid "It is legal for a capsule to have a *NULL* name. This makes a *NULL* return code somewhat ambiguous; use :c:func:`PyCapsule_IsValid` or :c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` to disambiguate." +msgid "" +"It is legal for a capsule to have a *NULL* name. This makes a *NULL* return" +" code somewhat ambiguous; use :c:func:`PyCapsule_IsValid` or " +":c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` to disambiguate." msgstr "カプセルは *NULL* を name として持つことができます。従って、戻り値 の *NULL* がエラーを指してない可能性がありま す。 :c:func:`PyCapsule_IsValid` か `PyErr_Occurred` を利用して確認してくだ さい。" -# b5cbffa5498f45dc8feaa4b0024530c1 +# 56192a9b430248b3a4b427902f5206e5 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:99 -msgid "Import a pointer to a C object from a capsule attribute in a module. The *name* parameter should specify the full name to the attribute, as in ``module.attribute``. The *name* stored in the capsule must match this string exactly. If *no_block* is true, import the module without blocking (using :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock`). If *no_block* is false, import the module conventionally (using :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModule`)." +msgid "" +"Import a pointer to a C object from a capsule attribute in a module. The " +"*name* parameter should specify the full name to the attribute, as in " +"``module.attribute``. The *name* stored in the capsule must match this " +"string exactly. If *no_block* is true, import the module without blocking " +"(using :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModuleNoBlock`). If *no_block* is false, " +"import the module conventionally (using :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModule`)." msgstr "モジュールのカプセル属性から Cオブジェクトへのポインタをインポート します。 *name* 引数はその属性の完全名を ``module.attribute`` のように指定し なければなりません。カプセルに格納されている *name* はこの文字列に正確に一致 しなければなりません。 *no_block* が真の時、モジュールを (:c:func:`PyImport_InportModuleNoBlock` を使って) ブロックせずにインポートし ます。 *no_block* が偽の時、モジュールは (:c:func:`PyImport_ImportModule` を 使って) 通常の方法でインポートされます。" -# be9f6578fde348b7815aca618bcd2eec +# c538e3a3c6284859a3eb351216c383b5 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:106 -msgid "Return the capsule's internal *pointer* on success. On failure, set an exception and return *NULL*. However, if :c:func:`PyCapsule_Import` failed to import the module, and *no_block* was true, no exception is set." +msgid "" +"Return the capsule's internal *pointer* on success. On failure, set an " +"exception and return *NULL*. However, if :c:func:`PyCapsule_Import` failed " +"to import the module, and *no_block* was true, no exception is set." msgstr "成功した場合、カプセル内部の *pointer* を返します。失敗した場合、例 外を設定して *NULL* を返します。ただし、 *no_block* が真だった場合 は、 :c:func:`PyCapsule_Import` はモジュールのインポートに失敗しても例外を設 定しません。" -# 245e3e1625024b82a4e64c3fe27023d6 +# f7cc56b11a9b4ef1b78e6d829abbc081 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:112 -msgid "Determines whether or not *capsule* is a valid capsule. A valid capsule is non-*NULL*, passes :c:func:`PyCapsule_CheckExact`, has a non-*NULL* pointer stored in it, and its internal name matches the *name* parameter. (See :c:func:`PyCapsule_GetPointer` for information on how capsule names are compared.)" +msgid "" +"Determines whether or not *capsule* is a valid capsule. A valid capsule is " +"non-*NULL*, passes :c:func:`PyCapsule_CheckExact`, has a non-*NULL* pointer " +"stored in it, and its internal name matches the *name* parameter. (See " +":c:func:`PyCapsule_GetPointer` for information on how capsule names are " +"compared.)" msgstr "*capsule* が有効なカプセルであるかどうかをチェックします。有効な *capsule* は、非 *NULL* で、 :c:func:`PyCapsule_CheckExact` をパスし、非 *NULL* なポインタを格納していて、内部の name が引数 *name* とマッチします。 (name の比較方法については :c:func:`PyCapsule_GetPointer` を参照)" -# f23bfbae2bcb4efab441d4d8616eec81 +# 7d50b75d1c094c76972a91e8358252f8 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:118 -msgid "In other words, if :c:func:`PyCapsule_IsValid` returns a true value, calls to any of the accessors (any function starting with :c:func:`PyCapsule_Get`) are guaranteed to succeed." +msgid "" +"In other words, if :c:func:`PyCapsule_IsValid` returns a true value, calls " +"to any of the accessors (any function starting with :c:func:`PyCapsule_Get`)" +" are guaranteed to succeed." msgstr "言い換えると、 :c:func:`PyCapsule_IsValid` が真を返す場合、全てのア クセッサ (:c:func:`PyCapsule_Get` で始まる全ての関数) が成功することが保証さ れます。" -# 952a787620304028bd1ec51033e207a6 +# 9ef556eacd4148d2a5e0307abb035902 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:122 -msgid "Return a nonzero value if the object is valid and matches the name passed in. Return 0 otherwise. This function will not fail." +msgid "" +"Return a nonzero value if the object is valid and matches the name passed " +"in. Return 0 otherwise. This function will not fail." msgstr "オブジェクトが有効で name がマッチした場合に非0を、それ以外の場合 に 0 を返します。この関数は絶対に失敗しません。" -# 7f97d3b252fa4fafb5b5f1977abfb1fa +# cdfb56034eaa4e0e8d454bd205b0717c #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:127 msgid "Set the context pointer inside *capsule* to *context*." msgstr "*capsule* 内部のコンテキストポインタを *context* に設定します。" -# 85126fa8c63543ccaa171634b4729b9b -# 3c698d05dc4240a5a651f1e98bfc518f -# db48dd33cf8f4532b57a24b943e6e298 -# 56127e0d0bc747ca848c0b2d15936d00 -#: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:129 ../../c-api/capsule.rst:135 ../../c-api/capsule.rst:143 ../../c-api/capsule.rst:150 +# 7204eb508510404a9b0ceb7697a41472 +# 040a476d95ac4a53aee167458dcd5a35 +# e0f90b9bd740447b82c27a18555ef99e +# ea4bb4185fe94d0bbb549b568825a95c +#: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:129 ../../c-api/capsule.rst:135 +#: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:143 ../../c-api/capsule.rst:150 msgid "Return 0 on success. Return nonzero and set an exception on failure." msgstr "成功したら 0 を、失敗したら例外を設定して非0 を返します。" -# b01c48ffa24c43ce91b1bab8d0035c76 +# 4a1ba581c05e44b5b9b930721509c2b2 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:133 msgid "Set the destructor inside *capsule* to *destructor*." msgstr "*capsule* 内部のデストラクタを *destructor* に設定します。" -# 694d284b0276409db0398f06c7343933 +# 652e94c144c543949064a9921f7f6e57 #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:139 -msgid "Set the name inside *capsule* to *name*. If non-*NULL*, the name must outlive the capsule. If the previous *name* stored in the capsule was not *NULL*, no attempt is made to free it." +msgid "" +"Set the name inside *capsule* to *name*. If non-*NULL*, the name must " +"outlive the capsule. If the previous *name* stored in the capsule was not " +"*NULL*, no attempt is made to free it." msgstr "*capsule* 内部の name を *name* に設定します。 *name* が非 *NULL* のとき、それは *capsule* よりも長い寿命を持つ必要があります。もしすでに *capsule* に非 *NULL* の *name* が保存されていた場合、それに対する開放は行わ れません。" -# b3405738924f4d488cc6766054acf8ae +# 4f3447a1c80e4b28a4af18aebe421bbe #: ../../c-api/capsule.rst:147 -msgid "Set the void pointer inside *capsule* to *pointer*. The pointer may not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Set the void pointer inside *capsule* to *pointer*. The pointer may not be " +"*NULL*." msgstr "*capsule* 内部のポインタを *pointer* に設定します。 *pointer* は *NULL* であってはなりません。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/cell.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/cell.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:41+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,52 +17,72 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 6a7598b310e44db6a29fe603126f4bff +# 2ed841321caf4694a41c1f6b41dd8650 #: ../../c-api/cell.rst:6 msgid "Cell Objects" msgstr "セルオブジェクト (cell object)" -# 6937badc35014663a39ed3ee6e5d4b23 +# d824cab90938433a9781631bd77db518 #: ../../c-api/cell.rst:8 -msgid "\"Cell\" objects are used to implement variables referenced by multiple scopes. For each such variable, a cell object is created to store the value; the local variables of each stack frame that references the value contains a reference to the cells from outer scopes which also use that variable. When the value is accessed, the value contained in the cell is used instead of the cell object itself. This de-referencing of the cell object requires support from the generated byte-code; these are not automatically de-referenced when accessed. Cell objects are not likely to be useful elsewhere." +msgid "" +"\"Cell\" objects are used to implement variables referenced by multiple " +"scopes. For each such variable, a cell object is created to store the value;" +" the local variables of each stack frame that references the value contains " +"a reference to the cells from outer scopes which also use that variable. " +"When the value is accessed, the value contained in the cell is used instead " +"of the cell object itself. This de-referencing of the cell object requires " +"support from the generated byte-code; these are not automatically de-" +"referenced when accessed. Cell objects are not likely to be useful " +"elsewhere." msgstr "\"セル (cell)\" オブジェクトは、複数のスコープから参照される変数群 を実装するために使われます。セルは各変数について作成され、各々の値を記憶しま す; この値を参照する各スタックフレームにおけるローカル変数には、そのスタック フレームの外側で同じ値を参照しているセルに対する参照が入ります。セルで表現さ れた値にアクセスすると、セルオブジェクト自体の代わりにセル内の値が使われま す。このセルオブジェクトを使った間接参照 (dereference) は、インタプリタによ って生成されたバイトコード内でサポートされている必要があります; セルオブジェ クトにアクセスした際に、自動的に間接参照は起こりません。上記以外の状況では、 セルオブジェクトは役に立たないはずです。" -# 6d30b35dafcf4a6396f06fb964d26690 +# 59d39519ef9d4a738041857d560ff48d #: ../../c-api/cell.rst:20 msgid "The C structure used for cell objects." msgstr "セルオブジェクトに使われる C 構造体です。" -# ea50f61cfc894058a4e84ae5c8ce1a22 +# 3c415f3a528b48b7b107e86258cdecd2 #: ../../c-api/cell.rst:25 msgid "The type object corresponding to cell objects." msgstr "セルオブジェクトに対応する型オブジェクトです。" -# 7f1e8483f0a8438683a202c8e60a792d +# b9dfa462397b4ceca723e6dc4cf7b7da #: ../../c-api/cell.rst:30 msgid "Return true if *ob* is a cell object; *ob* must not be *NULL*." msgstr "*ob* がセルオブジェクトの場合に真を返します; *ob* は *NULL* であっ てはなりません。" -# 63cc1984195c44e7b166b33a04f418a4 +# 8549a9eba45e41128d461e15b75ca67b #: ../../c-api/cell.rst:35 -msgid "Create and return a new cell object containing the value *ob*. The parameter may be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Create and return a new cell object containing the value *ob*. The parameter" +" may be *NULL*." msgstr "値 *ob* の入った新たなセルオブジェクトを生成して返します。引数を *NULL* にしてもかまいません。" -# 2fd4cfbdca9445da8a74ac6da07a7683 +# b65085739dca416eb9394022828e9f47 #: ../../c-api/cell.rst:41 msgid "Return the contents of the cell *cell*." msgstr "*cell* の内容を返します。" -# 2d425488705846568ba8e3cd1f836a15 +# 5deff9c013ec4e809dc0e73eeb6e1c33 #: ../../c-api/cell.rst:46 -msgid "Return the contents of the cell *cell*, but without checking that *cell* is non-*NULL* and a cell object." +msgid "" +"Return the contents of the cell *cell*, but without checking that *cell* is " +"non-*NULL* and a cell object." msgstr "*cell* の内容を返しますが、 *cell* が非 *NULL* でかつセルオブジェク トであるかどうかチェックしません。" -# c9d7393c5d5340b79bb46a8599ef1f9b +# 83a56e9e34ea406688eb257bc1c05d44 #: ../../c-api/cell.rst:52 -msgid "Set the contents of the cell object *cell* to *value*. This releases the reference to any current content of the cell. *value* may be *NULL*. *cell* must be non-*NULL*; if it is not a cell object, ``-1`` will be returned. On success, ``0`` will be returned." +msgid "" +"Set the contents of the cell object *cell* to *value*. This releases the " +"reference to any current content of the cell. *value* may be *NULL*. *cell*" +" must be non-*NULL*; if it is not a cell object, ``-1`` will be returned. " +"On success, ``0`` will be returned." msgstr "セルオブジェクト *cell* の内容を *value* に設定します。この関数は現 在のセルの全ての内容に対する参照を解放します。 *value* は *NULL* でもかまい ません。 *cell* は非 *NULL* でなければなりません; もし *cell* がセルオブジェ クトでない場合、 ``-1`` を返します。成功すると ``0`` を返します。" -# 19b97d82f3994ac683b79d68a20a3b7e +# 511c36aedaaa4647a70239fbbfd17dfb #: ../../c-api/cell.rst:60 -msgid "Sets the value of the cell object *cell* to *value*. No reference counts are adjusted, and no checks are made for safety; *cell* must be non-*NULL* and must be a cell object." +msgid "" +"Sets the value of the cell object *cell* to *value*. No reference counts " +"are adjusted, and no checks are made for safety; *cell* must be non-*NULL* " +"and must be a cell object." msgstr "セルオブジェクト *cell* の値を *value* に設定します。参照カウントに 対する変更はなく、安全のためのチェックは何も行いません; *cell* は非 *NULL* でなければならず、かつセルオブジェクトでなければなりません。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/code.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/code.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,10 +1,14 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: # <osamu****@gmail*****>, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:41+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -14,42 +18,56 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# dec081905d8b43eda1f5bb684669a4ed +# 0607c9172f864f339e1e35f5d6606197 #: ../../c-api/code.rst:6 msgid "Code Objects" msgstr "コードオブジェクト" -# 6c1b869e24454889b2c2fcd53affff18 +# 6b90e33e79bd45e9a8aa1497e7e89900 #: ../../c-api/code.rst:14 -msgid "Code objects are a low-level detail of the CPython implementation. Each one represents a chunk of executable code that hasn't yet been bound into a function." +msgid "" +"Code objects are a low-level detail of the CPython implementation. Each one " +"represents a chunk of executable code that hasn't yet been bound into a " +"function." msgstr "コードオブジェクト(Code objects)は CPython 実装の低レベルな詳細部分 です。各オブジェクトは関数に束縛されていない実行可能コードの塊を表現していま す。" -# fd6ebbab9b854323ab039ef415be73b0 +# 59d8015be54b438392df0afe2f75961e #: ../../c-api/code.rst:20 -msgid "The C structure of the objects used to describe code objects. The fields of this type are subject to change at any time." +msgid "" +"The C structure of the objects used to describe code objects. The fields of" +" this type are subject to change at any time." msgstr "コードオブジェクトを表現するために利用されるC構造体。この型のフィー ルドは何時でも変更され得ます。" -# 864111310d58445e9c08ca843ab8d6c2 +# a086a6a48e314d0094ca3d42df7ca346 #: ../../c-api/code.rst:26 -msgid "This is an instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` representing the Python :class:`code` type." +msgid "" +"This is an instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` representing the Python " +":class:`code` type." msgstr "" -# 390c866ee9ee4a55968b9b861c97c3a3 +# 1d7b1d6307fc46a097be637666305e87 #: ../../c-api/code.rst:32 msgid "Return true if *co* is a :class:`code` object" msgstr "*co* が :class:`code` オブジェクトのときに真を返します。" -# 6eea3941d57543fd910b016f63b0866c +# 586c373e1da64a0d83a04722175df430 #: ../../c-api/code.rst:36 msgid "Return the number of free variables in *co*." msgstr "*co* 内の自由変数(free variables)の数を返します。" -# 3b833b02d09d4b81ab31c205e5b2444f +# f43ccbaee6fa473da005e44a1d88f942 #: ../../c-api/code.rst:40 -msgid "Return a new code object. If you need a dummy code object to create a frame, use :c:func:`PyCode_NewEmpty` instead. Calling :c:func:`PyCode_New` directly can bind you to a precise Python version since the definition of the bytecode changes often." +msgid "" +"Return a new code object. If you need a dummy code object to create a " +"frame, use :c:func:`PyCode_NewEmpty` instead. Calling :c:func:`PyCode_New` " +"directly can bind you to a precise Python version since the definition of " +"the bytecode changes often." msgstr "新しいコードオブジェクトを返します。フレームを作成するためにダミー のコードオブジェクトが必要な場合は、代わりに :c:func:`PyCode_NewEmpty` を利 用してください。バイトコードは頻繁に変更されるため、 :c:func:`PyCode_New` を 直接呼び出すと、 Python の詳細バージョンに依存してしまうことがあります。" -# dbd3b05459e44930a211d13654652f89 +# ce87b5fc51e04d49a17cd5400a4853cd #: ../../c-api/code.rst:48 -msgid "Return a new empty code object with the specified filename, function name, and first line number. It is illegal to :func:`exec` or :func:`eval` the resulting code object." +msgid "" +"Return a new empty code object with the specified filename, function name, " +"and first line number. It is illegal to :func:`exec` or :func:`eval` the " +"resulting code object." msgstr "新しい空のコードオブジェクトを、指定されたファイル名、関数名、開始 行番号で作成します。返されたコードオブジェクトに対しての :func:`exec` や :func:`eval` は許されていません。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/codec.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/codec.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:41+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,132 +17,166 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 24d1ba92b0204e419c562c58c56bfde5 +# e1fc27a856434392854d019149df47c6 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:4 msgid "Codec registry and support functions" msgstr "codec レジストリとサポート関数" -# b6417220f796468b836b9f087e1c30cc +# 665320a3a11d421280a20b9332fa0b75 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:8 msgid "Register a new codec search function." msgstr "新しい codec 検索関数を登録します。" -# 8f2e6c3acdb945f9b3ee9b2ef268a674 +# 661461fe5f094d9a819a07feea45b024 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:10 -msgid "As side effect, this tries to load the :mod:`encodings` package, if not yet done, to make sure that it is always first in the list of search functions." +msgid "" +"As side effect, this tries to load the :mod:`encodings` package, if not yet " +"done, to make sure that it is always first in the list of search functions." msgstr "副作用として、この関数は :mod:`encodings` パッケージが常に検索関数 の先頭に来るように、まだロードされていない場合はロードします。" -# 547f418d245746f3904d3ff833c0bf46 +# e334d9e6582c4669bfc8081723ad1433 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:15 -msgid "Return ``1`` or ``0`` depending on whether there is a registered codec for the given *encoding*." +msgid "" +"Return ``1`` or ``0`` depending on whether there is a registered codec for " +"the given *encoding*." msgstr "*encoding* のための登録された codec が存在するかどうかに応じて ``1`` か ``0`` を返します。" -# 8f7d4b9c90b748679cbba1d5f6261891 +# 2bd65d6508ee4ba98fb67c7be348ffa0 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:20 msgid "Generic codec based encoding API." msgstr "汎用の codec ベースの encode API." -# b187a3220cfa49ad828b49c7cdd908d4 +# 4ba3892f309e4f2981979b69afbc8a28 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:22 -msgid "*object* is passed through the encoder function found for the given *encoding* using the error handling method defined by *errors*. *errors* may be *NULL* to use the default method defined for the codec. Raises a :exc:`LookupError` if no encoder can be found." +msgid "" +"*object* is passed through the encoder function found for the given " +"*encoding* using the error handling method defined by *errors*. *errors* " +"may be *NULL* to use the default method defined for the codec. Raises a " +":exc:`LookupError` if no encoder can be found." msgstr "*encoding* に応じて見つかったエンコーダ関数に対して *object* を渡し ます。エラーハンドリングメソッドは *errors* で指定します。 *errors* は *NULL* でもよく、その場合はその codec のデフォルトのメソッドが利用されます。 エンコーダが見つからなかった場合は :exc:`LookupError` を発生させます。" -# 098e2243646343deae2a24fd236235a7 +# 5266cfc905b34280952fafc6629d0643 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:29 msgid "Generic codec based decoding API." msgstr "汎用の codec ベースの dencode API." -# b141690115aa45f7abffece581208b61 +# 19e6b87a428d4a5d8cae6f1b5cfb5e10 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:31 -msgid "*object* is passed through the decoder function found for the given *encoding* using the error handling method defined by *errors*. *errors* may be *NULL* to use the default method defined for the codec. Raises a :exc:`LookupError` if no encoder can be found." +msgid "" +"*object* is passed through the decoder function found for the given " +"*encoding* using the error handling method defined by *errors*. *errors* " +"may be *NULL* to use the default method defined for the codec. Raises a " +":exc:`LookupError` if no encoder can be found." msgstr "*encoding* に応じて見つかったデコーダ関数に対して *object* を渡しま す。エラーハンドリングメソッドは *errors* で指定します。 *errors* は *NULL* でもよく、その場合はその codec のデフォルトのメソッドが利用されます。デコー ダが見つからなかった場合は :exc:`LookupError` を発生させます。" -# 37c8b6682d584421be11188143c12ef0 +# 355e21794ee344ba93e32b1e07768735 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:38 msgid "Codec lookup API" msgstr "コーデック検索API" -# 21474aa969024245b7c8cbc6c29b29db +# 0e979acb5e9c4ca5acc3bf0e42cbf089 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:40 -msgid "In the following functions, the *encoding* string is looked up converted to all lower-case characters, which makes encodings looked up through this mechanism effectively case-insensitive. If no codec is found, a :exc:`KeyError` is set and *NULL* returned." +msgid "" +"In the following functions, the *encoding* string is looked up converted to " +"all lower-case characters, which makes encodings looked up through this " +"mechanism effectively case-insensitive. If no codec is found, a " +":exc:`KeyError` is set and *NULL* returned." msgstr "以下の関数では、文字列 *encoding* は全て小文字に変換することで、効 率的に、大文字小文字を無視した検索をします。コーデックが見つからない場 合、 :exc:`KeyError` を設定して *NULL* を返します。" -# 36b1a666404945d28c000aadbcef741d +# a1cd2fca577743d087b57f76da197a7b #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:47 msgid "Get an encoder function for the given *encoding*." msgstr "*encoding* のエンコーダ関数を返します。" -# 0a262d42932d420f97627feb3b5328e4 +# 7ab3962312d54ae8a74166000550abaa #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:51 msgid "Get a decoder function for the given *encoding*." msgstr "*encoding* のデコーダ関数を返します。" -# 32e9aa937c7c43148a70d1b25cf64261 +# 95d414be0db0497dad6e06233cec8fa7 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:55 msgid "Get an :class:`IncrementalEncoder` object for the given *encoding*." msgstr "*encoding* の :class:`IncrementalEncoder` オブジェクトを返します。" -# 9659e2b237d5488f8c2e87886ec1e99f +# 51fbb1c54ba1466a96c9229b9a0c4998 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:59 msgid "Get an :class:`IncrementalDecoder` object for the given *encoding*." msgstr "*encoding* の :class:`IncrementalDecoder` オブジェクトを返します。" -# 6af2d0aa4ddb42f29743f50b18086354 +# 4168451438f54d63921e0df2bf4690b8 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:63 msgid "Get a :class:`StreamReader` factory function for the given *encoding*." msgstr "*encoding* の :class:`StreamReader` ファクトリ関数を返します。" -# d40d8da85b77429eb161583f517710af +# d5492967f3e44e47a0e7d4cbebccdcdb #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:67 msgid "Get a :class:`StreamWriter` factory function for the given *encoding*." msgstr "*encoding* の :class:`StreamWriter` ファクトリ関数を返します。" -# 514f6d7fee604417ab7da0a1851723c1 +# c7617a6c4d0b49eaaafc86b44b35f8b3 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:71 msgid "Registry API for Unicode encoding error handlers" msgstr "Unicode エラーハンドラ用レジストリ API" -# 4413c3a5c0934e278ccbb3cbeaf87cd6 +# 59920eb6e7f247359b84b2c250f911f6 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:75 -msgid "Register the error handling callback function *error* under the given *name*. This callback function will be called by a codec when it encounters unencodable characters/undecodable bytes and *name* is specified as the error parameter in the call to the encode/decode function." +msgid "" +"Register the error handling callback function *error* under the given " +"*name*. This callback function will be called by a codec when it encounters " +"unencodable characters/undecodable bytes and *name* is specified as the " +"error parameter in the call to the encode/decode function." msgstr "エラーハンドルのためのコールバック関数 *error* を *name* で登録しま す。このコールバック関数は、コーデックがエンコードできない文字/デコードでき ないバイトに遭遇した時に、そのエンコード/デコード関数の呼び出しで *name* が 指定されていたら呼び出されます。" -# e8d3229a13b5479e98e87ecbb7c81a65 +# 42cbbd82dfd142cb90268a3db6ec939d #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:80 -msgid "The callback gets a single argument, an instance of :exc:`UnicodeEncodeError`, :exc:`UnicodeDecodeError` or :exc:`UnicodeTranslateError` that holds information about the problematic sequence of characters or bytes and their offset in the original string (see :ref:`unicodeexceptions` for functions to extract this information). The callback must either raise the given exception, or return a two-item tuple containing the replacement for the problematic sequence, and an integer giving the offset in the original string at which encoding/decoding should be resumed." +msgid "" +"The callback gets a single argument, an instance of " +":exc:`UnicodeEncodeError`, :exc:`UnicodeDecodeError` or " +":exc:`UnicodeTranslateError` that holds information about the problematic " +"sequence of characters or bytes and their offset in the original string (see" +" :ref:`unicodeexceptions` for functions to extract this information). The " +"callback must either raise the given exception, or return a two-item tuple " +"containing the replacement for the problematic sequence, and an integer " +"giving the offset in the original string at which encoding/decoding should " +"be resumed." msgstr "コールバックは1つの引数とし て、 :exc:`UnicodeEncodeError`, :exc:`UnicodeDecodeError`, :exc:`UnicodeTranslateError` のどれかのインスタンスを受け取ります。このインスタンスは問題のある文字列やバ イト列に関する情報と、その元の文字列中のオフセットを持っています。(その情報 を取得するための関数については :ref:`unicodeexceptions` を参照してください。 ) コールバックは渡された例外を発生させるか、2要素のタプルに問題のシーケンス の代替と、 encode/decode を再開する元の文字列中のオフセットとなる整数を格納 して返します。" -# 7822a4f30a934414a8e4ca0625012028 +# 2a505e4079e9460cadfcdce720fe15bb #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:90 msgid "Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on error." msgstr "成功したら ``0`` を、エラー時は ``-1`` を返します。" -# 33a3bfa0cb534c22b5950fc952ce3e18 +# d1ed6bff8b114f40b379bdddb3b05397 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:94 -msgid "Lookup the error handling callback function registered under *name*. As a special case *NULL* can be passed, in which case the error handling callback for \"strict\" will be returned." +msgid "" +"Lookup the error handling callback function registered under *name*. As a " +"special case *NULL* can be passed, in which case the error handling callback" +" for \"strict\" will be returned." msgstr "*name* で登録されたエラーハンドリングコールバック関数を検索します。 特別な場合として、 *NULL* が渡された場合、 \"strict\" のエラーハンドリング コールバック関数を返します。" -# ba865f1c49d94155a53cde1854bf8d7f +# 36a6e03016d3488e910a7268a77d39ed #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:100 msgid "Raise *exc* as an exception." msgstr "*exc* を例外として発生させます。" -# 5812c932901e4413b9b9105e6b93ccd0 +# febda4efd08145fba9425b58c4e77c7d #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:104 msgid "Ignore the unicode error, skipping the faulty input." msgstr "unicode エラーを無視し、問題の入力をスキップします。" -# 9d5002cfd272466f881fbb6f89861603 +# 4d447ff935664024b0af7619376ba515 #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:108 msgid "Replace the unicode encode error with ``?`` or ``U+FFFD``." msgstr "unicode エラーを ``?`` か ``U+FFFD`` で置き換えます。" -# bd78609cf1924e71a3296b94ed174e0c +# 277ac01337674815beabf25e650e1fdb #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:112 msgid "Replace the unicode encode error with XML character references." msgstr "unicode encode エラーを XML文字参照で置き換えます。" -# 6c759256249648549a74ad6c8e816117 +# 325eac4f62984d9dabb1e00ee157290d #: ../../c-api/codec.rst:116 -msgid "Replace the unicode encode error with backslash escapes (``\\x``, ``\\u`` and ``\\U``)." +msgid "" +"Replace the unicode encode error with backslash escapes (``\\x``, ``\\u`` " +"and ``\\U``)." msgstr "unicode encode エラーをバックスラッシュエスケープ (``\\x``, ``\\u``, ``\\U``) で置き換えます。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/complex.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/complex.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:41+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,122 +17,162 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 44e0483716d74ef09f1a57b496f3c795 +# 3b1605dafa1046a280dab86dfc8f5972 #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:6 msgid "Complex Number Objects" msgstr "浮動小数点オブジェクト (complex number object)" -# b6953498ac0e48ff9191544227c4f6c2 +# e89ae9d526c84d4b92adcb9cb11d2473 #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:10 -msgid "Python's complex number objects are implemented as two distinct types when viewed from the C API: one is the Python object exposed to Python programs, and the other is a C structure which represents the actual complex number value. The API provides functions for working with both." +msgid "" +"Python's complex number objects are implemented as two distinct types when " +"viewed from the C API: one is the Python object exposed to Python programs," +" and the other is a C structure which represents the actual complex number " +"value. The API provides functions for working with both." msgstr "Python の複素数オブジェクトは、 C API 側から見ると二つの別個の型と して実装されています: 一方は Python プログラムに対して公開されている Python のオブジェクトで、他方は実際の複素数値を表現する C の構造体です。 API では、 これら双方を扱う関数を提供しています。" -# 15b3605692954c708afb37d205d7a43a +# bb6e72f6b88f4d598838714ca68e55ea #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:17 msgid "Complex Numbers as C Structures" msgstr "C 構造体としての複素数" -# 787907714c864544a83048e5f0c28e6f +# 13f96191bc2a4872ae9f9881619fe161 #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:19 -msgid "Note that the functions which accept these structures as parameters and return them as results do so *by value* rather than dereferencing them through pointers. This is consistent throughout the API." +msgid "" +"Note that the functions which accept these structures as parameters and " +"return them as results do so *by value* rather than dereferencing them " +"through pointers. This is consistent throughout the API." msgstr "複素数の C 構造体を引数として受理したり、戻り値として返したりする関 数は、ポインタ渡しを行うのではなく *値渡し* を行うので注意してください。これ は API 全体を通して一貫しています。" -# 3e949361199d493e94161e028ea5aa9d +# 0e621916cbbd4272ac0f926c19484e0c #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:26 -msgid "The C structure which corresponds to the value portion of a Python complex number object. Most of the functions for dealing with complex number objects use structures of this type as input or output values, as appropriate. It is defined as::" +msgid "" +"The C structure which corresponds to the value portion of a Python complex " +"number object. Most of the functions for dealing with complex number " +"objects use structures of this type as input or output values, as " +"appropriate. It is defined as::" msgstr "Python 複素数オブジェクトの値の部分に対応する C の構造体です。複素 数オブジェクトを扱うほとんどの関数は、この型の構造体を場合に応じて入力や出力 として使います。構造体は以下のように定義されています::" -# d8e528e7b1bd45fa85a7a7a3c8ea568e +# f70fae492ccf45cebbeaa07655174069 #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:39 -msgid "Return the sum of two complex numbers, using the C :c:type:`Py_complex` representation." +msgid "" +"Return the sum of two complex numbers, using the C :c:type:`Py_complex` " +"representation." msgstr "二つの複素数の和を C の :c:type:`Py_complex` 型で返します。" -# 821be887f49c4cf1a5218d6accb5eb66 +# b4539d58da5b4293bffb42afabedff11 #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:45 -msgid "Return the difference between two complex numbers, using the C :c:type:`Py_complex` representation." +msgid "" +"Return the difference between two complex numbers, using the C " +":c:type:`Py_complex` representation." msgstr "二つの複素数の差を C の :c:type:`Py_complex` 型で返します。" -# 4db1290ddc7b44b983a043f99ef3ee01 +# 141243175f5445e58ed6d0085a8d7c9f #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:51 -msgid "Return the negation of the complex number *complex*, using the C :c:type:`Py_complex` representation." +msgid "" +"Return the negation of the complex number *complex*, using the C " +":c:type:`Py_complex` representation." msgstr "複素数 *complex* の符号反転 C の :c:type:`Py_complex` 型で返しま す。" -# 9a6ec1f4f39840bd843b515d80008a9a +# 7f2754445a7749cba0b35e24461a1aa0 #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:57 -msgid "Return the product of two complex numbers, using the C :c:type:`Py_complex` representation." +msgid "" +"Return the product of two complex numbers, using the C :c:type:`Py_complex` " +"representation." msgstr "二つの複素数の積を C の :c:type:`Py_complex` 型で返します。" -# 59811f2f44884b139d0f8ca72df31bed +# 0424fbca9cf1407d9aa575bab294401a #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:63 -msgid "Return the quotient of two complex numbers, using the C :c:type:`Py_complex` representation." +msgid "" +"Return the quotient of two complex numbers, using the C :c:type:`Py_complex`" +" representation." msgstr "二つの複素数の商を C の :c:type:`Py_complex` 型で返します。" -# 2eca180e7ace45fda21b739235c5b983 +# 1cc621a9b469496fa022c07c0435c0dd #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:66 -msgid "If *divisor* is null, this method returns zero and sets :c:data:`errno` to :c:data:`EDOM`." +msgid "" +"If *divisor* is null, this method returns zero and sets :c:data:`errno` to " +":c:data:`EDOM`." msgstr "" -# 81157f39186c4f9bb80af671845341bb +# 03dfc1c65738491d8a17af00ef4751cc #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:72 -msgid "Return the exponentiation of *num* by *exp*, using the C :c:type:`Py_complex` representation." +msgid "" +"Return the exponentiation of *num* by *exp*, using the C " +":c:type:`Py_complex` representation." msgstr "指数 *exp* の *num* 乗を C の :c:type:`Py_complex` 型で返します。" -# 84fbeb6cce434c2f972e0087d7e16d52 +# 799bcae32c3d4a7ea383737b09df1c8c #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:75 -msgid "If *num* is null and *exp* is not a positive real number, this method returns zero and sets :c:data:`errno` to :c:data:`EDOM`." +msgid "" +"If *num* is null and *exp* is not a positive real number, this method " +"returns zero and sets :c:data:`errno` to :c:data:`EDOM`." msgstr "" -# c203e605f3c5421697ea44aaab14c9c8 +# 6de4377f5a104716a199effa5f283bf6 #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:80 msgid "Complex Numbers as Python Objects" msgstr "Python オブジェクトとしての複素数型" -# 97008762192645fbb0fc8c2e681331a1 +# e51ac110e8ef4c29a56bc78ce0e24feb #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:85 -msgid "This subtype of :c:type:`PyObject` represents a Python complex number object." +msgid "" +"This subtype of :c:type:`PyObject` represents a Python complex number " +"object." msgstr "" -# 42a328f03081474c85cb22ea7b275d54 +# d4948bf9248a4d56a9d3bb0d5aa08b55 #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:90 -msgid "This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python complex number type. It is the same object as :class:`complex` in the Python layer." +msgid "" +"This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python complex number" +" type. It is the same object as :class:`complex` in the Python layer." msgstr "この :c:type:`PyTypeObject` のインスタンスは Python の複素数型を表 現します。 Pythonレイヤの :class:`complex` と同じオブジェクトです。" -# fc3a941038f54d9f86706aae933e54d0 +# b83857f2a9bf4ebb93e4c64598879228 #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:96 -msgid "Return true if its argument is a :c:type:`PyComplexObject` or a subtype of :c:type:`PyComplexObject`." +msgid "" +"Return true if its argument is a :c:type:`PyComplexObject` or a subtype of " +":c:type:`PyComplexObject`." msgstr "引数が :c:type:`PyComplexObject` 型か :c:type:`PyComplexObject` 型 のサブタイプのときに真を返します。" -# 61c40ff8bd494adea8c6a7458c8eefcf +# 89e542434e43481dabcc80d55d1d5f6d #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:102 -msgid "Return true if its argument is a :c:type:`PyComplexObject`, but not a subtype of :c:type:`PyComplexObject`." +msgid "" +"Return true if its argument is a :c:type:`PyComplexObject`, but not a " +"subtype of :c:type:`PyComplexObject`." msgstr "引数が :c:type:`PyComplexObject` 型で、か つ :c:type:`PyComplexObject` 型のサブタイプでないときに真を返します。" -# 37e48750d70046f1854c92336c94f5b0 +# 83f41093879348e586ef2588dd05bb14 #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:108 -msgid "Create a new Python complex number object from a C :c:type:`Py_complex` value." +msgid "" +"Create a new Python complex number object from a C :c:type:`Py_complex` " +"value." msgstr "C の :c:type:`Py_complex` 型から Python の複素数値を生成します。" -# b4dfc1a7c1e84d018a18269b55afad4e +# 34af67f8dc0740c6a12820bc12c34e59 #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:113 msgid "Return a new :c:type:`PyComplexObject` object from *real* and *imag*." msgstr "新たな :c:type:`PyComplexObject` オブジェクトを *real* と *imag* か ら生成します。" -# e62b23f579c9480b9fdc45506a2148f0 +# accd1524274a430491af3245f85a257b #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:118 msgid "Return the real part of *op* as a C :c:type:`double`." msgstr "*op* の実数部分を C の :c:type:`double` 型で返します。" -# 7ba4857503be41c0ad5fe46e9a121107 +# aa413776bb054a67a6562821d760202b #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:123 msgid "Return the imaginary part of *op* as a C :c:type:`double`." msgstr "*op* の虚数部分を C の :c:type:`double` 型で返します。" -# 71592bc1db9c460ea84ab3035201819a +# d1b57ee381de4a59a367b550a0581a29 #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:128 msgid "Return the :c:type:`Py_complex` value of the complex number *op*." msgstr "複素数値 *op* から :c:type:`Py_complex` 型を生成します。" -# 85125cd04dd341b686629d19f1417aa0 +# 33657161efce459d81ec61dd1706157c #: ../../c-api/complex.rst:130 -msgid "If *op* is not a Python complex number object but has a :meth:`__complex__` method, this method will first be called to convert *op* to a Python complex number object. Upon failure, this method returns ``-1.0`` as a real value." +msgid "" +"If *op* is not a Python complex number object but has a :meth:`__complex__` " +"method, this method will first be called to convert *op* to a Python complex" +" number object. Upon failure, this method returns ``-1.0`` as a real value." msgstr "" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/concrete.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/concrete.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:41+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,52 +17,67 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 5e8a32da628e4e46a36e1f9965c5748f +# 9a6fdadb980f42149d70505699efb643 #: ../../c-api/concrete.rst:8 msgid "Concrete Objects Layer" msgstr "具象オブジェクト (concrete object) レイヤ" -# ec6167cda7ba4bdab15c90ea952e1634 +# 2ff0a85e69264543ba7752e53ef9fc14 #: ../../c-api/concrete.rst:10 -msgid "The functions in this chapter are specific to certain Python object types. Passing them an object of the wrong type is not a good idea; if you receive an object from a Python program and you are not sure that it has the right type, you must perform a type check first; for example, to check that an object is a dictionary, use :c:func:`PyDict_Check`. The chapter is structured like the \"family tree\" of Python object types." +msgid "" +"The functions in this chapter are specific to certain Python object types. " +"Passing them an object of the wrong type is not a good idea; if you receive " +"an object from a Python program and you are not sure that it has the right " +"type, you must perform a type check first; for example, to check that an " +"object is a dictionary, use :c:func:`PyDict_Check`. The chapter is " +"structured like the \"family tree\" of Python object types." msgstr "この章ではは、特定の Python オブジェクト型固有の関数について述べて います。これらの関数に間違った型のオブジェクトを渡すのは良い考えではありませ ん; Python プログラムから何らかのオブジェクトを受け取ったとき、そのオブジェ クトが正しい型になっているか確信をもてないのなら、まず型チェックを行わなけれ ばなりません; 例えば、あるオブジェクトが辞書型か調べるに は、 :c:func:`PyDict_Check` を使います。この章は Python のオブジェクト型にお ける \"家計図\" に従って構成されています。" -# 75e47bf2f2a94b26ad743e10bc0aea09 +# 638e28f780854a37ab84116c17ea0f8c #: ../../c-api/concrete.rst:19 -msgid "While the functions described in this chapter carefully check the type of the objects which are passed in, many of them do not check for *NULL* being passed instead of a valid object. Allowing *NULL* to be passed in can cause memory access violations and immediate termination of the interpreter." +msgid "" +"While the functions described in this chapter carefully check the type of " +"the objects which are passed in, many of them do not check for *NULL* being " +"passed instead of a valid object. Allowing *NULL* to be passed in can cause" +" memory access violations and immediate termination of the interpreter." msgstr "この章で述べている関数は、渡されたオブジェクトの型を注意深くチェッ クしはするものの、多くの関数は渡されたオブジェクトが有効な *NULL* なのか有効 なオブジェクトなのかをチェックしません。これらの関数に *NULL* を渡させてしま うと、関数はメモリアクセス違反を起こして、インタプリタを即座に終了させてしま うはずです。" -# fd2ef4a8ca9545039d07d1e785272312 +# 6d652a0fdacb4553a592f5a97471cb2f #: ../../c-api/concrete.rst:28 msgid "Fundamental Objects" msgstr "基本オブジェクト (fundamental object)" -# dc4b53c5de5147f1b146614bbbfa3674 +# 874be9f50adf4b87b8b57e68f4b41ee6 #: ../../c-api/concrete.rst:30 -msgid "This section describes Python type objects and the singleton object ``None``." +msgid "" +"This section describes Python type objects and the singleton object " +"``None``." msgstr "この節では、Python の型オブジェクトとシングルトン(singleton)オブジ ェクト ``None`` について述べます。" -# 132eeda19f07419bb13c148b0e785d06 +# f1ec541cfefe425ab63898fe8ac105bb #: ../../c-api/concrete.rst:41 msgid "Numeric Objects" msgstr "数値型オブジェクト (numeric object)" -# d0b17d2011ec49219d5840f3551a523b +# 6f97c9de324e47d3958027f992c89984 #: ../../c-api/concrete.rst:56 msgid "Sequence Objects" msgstr "シーケンスオブジェクト (sequence object)" -# babffc38a9f24228a62a0c7e02571f85 +# 13ce17f9c0ec47428274c6c7d9c41e30 #: ../../c-api/concrete.rst:60 -msgid "Generic operations on sequence objects were discussed in the previous chapter; this section deals with the specific kinds of sequence objects that are intrinsic to the Python language." +msgid "" +"Generic operations on sequence objects were discussed in the previous " +"chapter; this section deals with the specific kinds of sequence objects that" +" are intrinsic to the Python language." msgstr "シーケンスオブジェクトに対する一般的な操作については前の章ですでに 述べました; この節では、Python 言語にもともと備わっている特定のシーケンスオ ブジェクトについて扱います。" -# 050f944c55934bba8877b565cc79302e +# 6aa010f1006147d48b5f4ee25d803854 #: ../../c-api/concrete.rst:78 msgid "Mapping Objects" msgstr "マップ型オブジェクト (mapping object)" -# 652b4aac66904bbab8552e2ba52f1780 +# 7de7631a3c1048a1beabb281c3c37762 #: ../../c-api/concrete.rst:90 msgid "Other Objects" msgstr "その他のオブジェクト" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/conversion.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/conversion.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-02 09:41+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,137 +17,213 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# ee1bf802530c43f588ddd3d90e2f3060 +# 7e9beba1588040f697bc8c164d83ed3b #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:6 msgid "String conversion and formatting" msgstr "文字列の変換と書式化" -# 3e2b86ff91804c219baaa5ae46daa943 +# b0bad5a9438c40a49781c38bfffa906e #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:8 msgid "Functions for number conversion and formatted string output." msgstr "数値変換と、書式化文字列出力のための関数群。" -# 7bb1f8937c1c4fdc9e1564d2ba80fbd8 +# 9c46fe95d6ff45618d7a20dfdae47bac #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:13 -msgid "Output not more than *size* bytes to *str* according to the format string *format* and the extra arguments. See the Unix man page :manpage:`snprintf(2)`." +msgid "" +"Output not more than *size* bytes to *str* according to the format string " +"*format* and the extra arguments. See the Unix man page " +":manpage:`snprintf(2)`." msgstr "書式化文字列 *format* と追加の引数から、 *size* バイトを超えない文 字列を *str* に出力します。 Unix man page の :manpage:`snprintf(2)` を参照し てください。" -# 00c0a0e06fb34af297d1df2aa6df7a71 +# cad74770e0cb453a8fc3a5693dd82194 #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:19 -msgid "Output not more than *size* bytes to *str* according to the format string *format* and the variable argument list *va*. Unix man page :manpage:`vsnprintf(2)`." +msgid "" +"Output not more than *size* bytes to *str* according to the format string " +"*format* and the variable argument list *va*. Unix man page " +":manpage:`vsnprintf(2)`." msgstr "書式化文字列 *format* と可変長引数リスト *va* から、 *size* バイト を超えない文字列を *str* に出力します。 Unix man page の :manpage:`vsnprintf(2)` を参照してください。" -# cbd3dd7975b0438fb2911cc608011cc2 +# cec793ff51324e309f1777192b2a48e8 #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:23 -msgid ":c:func:`PyOS_snprintf` and :c:func:`PyOS_vsnprintf` wrap the Standard C library functions :c:func:`snprintf` and :c:func:`vsnprintf`. Their purpose is to guarantee consistent behavior in corner cases, which the Standard C functions do not." +msgid "" +":c:func:`PyOS_snprintf` and :c:func:`PyOS_vsnprintf` wrap the Standard C " +"library functions :c:func:`snprintf` and :c:func:`vsnprintf`. Their purpose " +"is to guarantee consistent behavior in corner cases, which the Standard C " +"functions do not." msgstr ":c:func:`PyOS_snprintf` と :c:func:`PyOS_vsnprintf` は標準Cライブラ リの :c:func:`snprintf` と :c:func:`vsnprintf` 関数をラップします。これらの 関数の目的は、C標準ライブラリが保証していないコーナーケースでの動作を保証す ることです。" -# 77c36dd1ba074eb494dc29b317395e62 +# a695e3fb77be456eb835baa6e3d2c8e4 #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:28 -msgid "The wrappers ensure that *str*[*size*-1] is always ``'\\0'`` upon return. They never write more than *size* bytes (including the trailing ``'\\0'``) into str. Both functions require that ``str != NULL``, ``size > 0`` and ``format != NULL``." +msgid "" +"The wrappers ensure that *str*[*size*-1] is always ``'\\0'`` upon return. " +"They never write more than *size* bytes (including the trailing ``'\\0'``) " +"into str. Both functions require that ``str != NULL``, ``size > 0`` and " +"``format != NULL``." msgstr "これらのラッパ関数は、戻るときに *str*[*size*-1] が常に ``'\\0'`` であることを保証します。 (str の末尾の ``'\\0'`` を含めて) *size* バイト以上 を書き込みません。 ``str != NULL``, ``size > 0``, ``format != NULL`` を要求 します。" -# 77a1fc85acbb44fd8880984dfb421c03 +# e2a3dd4610224e04a06aedfb7b66bc76 #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:33 -msgid "If the platform doesn't have :c:func:`vsnprintf` and the buffer size needed to avoid truncation exceeds *size* by more than 512 bytes, Python aborts with a *Py_FatalError*." +msgid "" +"If the platform doesn't have :c:func:`vsnprintf` and the buffer size needed " +"to avoid truncation exceeds *size* by more than 512 bytes, Python aborts " +"with a *Py_FatalError*." msgstr "もし :c:func:`vsnprintf` のないプラットフォームで、切り捨てを避ける ために必要なバッファサイズが *size* を512バイトより大きく超過していれば、 Python は *Py_FatalError* で abort します。" -# 31e4a05232d04999beefd8bd53ac5492 +# 608cd1d8550842d0846b860da5bf1254 #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:37 -msgid "The return value (*rv*) for these functions should be interpreted as follows:" +msgid "" +"The return value (*rv*) for these functions should be interpreted as " +"follows:" msgstr "The return value (*rv*) for these functions should be interpreted as follows: これらの関数の戻り値 (*rv*) は次のように解釈されなければなりませ ん:" -# 77c5c2a5f2204fca839e7d4c5dc57d15 +# 425c2f6f3fb84f5eb78bf11d4e11d12a #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:39 -msgid "When ``0 <= rv < size``, the output conversion was successful and *rv* characters were written to *str* (excluding the trailing ``'\\0'`` byte at *str*[*rv*])." +msgid "" +"When ``0 <= rv < size``, the output conversion was successful and *rv* " +"characters were written to *str* (excluding the trailing ``'\\0'`` byte at " +"*str*[*rv*])." msgstr "``0 <= rv < size`` のとき、変換出力は成功して、 (最後の *str*[*rv*] にある ``'\\0'`` を除いて) *rv* 文字が *str* に出力された。" -# 5fd8230c67334fcdb74fac83586ffce3 +# 3c9444c8fcd84f4e884f87b2851852e0 #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:43 -msgid "When ``rv >= size``, the output conversion was truncated and a buffer with ``rv + 1`` bytes would have been needed to succeed. *str*[*size*-1] is ``'\\0'`` in this case." +msgid "" +"When ``rv >= size``, the output conversion was truncated and a buffer with " +"``rv + 1`` bytes would have been needed to succeed. *str*[*size*-1] is " +"``'\\0'`` in this case." msgstr "``rv >= size`` のとき、変換出力は切り詰められており、成功するために は ``rv + 1`` バイトが必要だったことを示します。 *str*[*size*-1] は ``'\\0'`` です。" -# d8964370826a4bd3a26318f7ac997b57 +# 6f135e96d0974b42be7a6eb72b804ca2 #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:47 -msgid "When ``rv < 0``, \"something bad happened.\" *str*[*size*-1] is ``'\\0'`` in this case too, but the rest of *str* is undefined. The exact cause of the error depends on the underlying platform." +msgid "" +"When ``rv < 0``, \"something bad happened.\" *str*[*size*-1] is ``'\\0'`` in" +" this case too, but the rest of *str* is undefined. The exact cause of the " +"error depends on the underlying platform." msgstr "``rv < 0`` のときは、何か悪いことが起こった時です。この場合でも *str*[*size*-1] は ``'\\0'`` ですが、 *str* のそれ以外の部分は未定義です。エ ラーの正確な原因はプラットフォーム依存です。" -# 7ed9139d4ee0455ead81ed98054869c1 +# b7755f399c064fefab2ae84f96fc501d #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:51 -msgid "The following functions provide locale-independent string to number conversions." +msgid "" +"The following functions provide locale-independent string to number " +"conversions." msgstr "以下の関数は locale 非依存な文字列から数値への変換を行ないます。" -# 2b2dde384ace4320ad0d23e605e805db +# 31c9b4853245414ea3274378aaa2039e #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:56 -msgid "Convert a string ``s`` to a :c:type:`double`, raising a Python exception on failure. The set of accepted strings corresponds to the set of strings accepted by Python's :func:`float` constructor, except that ``s`` must not have leading or trailing whitespace. The conversion is independent of the current locale." +msgid "" +"Convert a string ``s`` to a :c:type:`double`, raising a Python exception on " +"failure. The set of accepted strings corresponds to the set of strings " +"accepted by Python's :func:`float` constructor, except that ``s`` must not " +"have leading or trailing whitespace. The conversion is independent of the " +"current locale." msgstr "文字列 ``s`` を :c:type:`double` に変換します。失敗したときは Python の例外を発生させます。受け入れられる文字列は、 Python の :func:`float` コンストラクタが受け付ける文字列に準拠しますが、 ``s`` の先 頭と末尾に空白文字があってはならないという部分が異なります。この変換は現在の ロケールに依存しません。" -# 6858e2e2e571467481fe3c23f82f8241 +# bdb31feaa50f4319a729e92fd4322dfc #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:62 -msgid "If ``endptr`` is ``NULL``, convert the whole string. Raise ValueError and return ``-1.0`` if the string is not a valid representation of a floating-point number." +msgid "" +"If ``endptr`` is ``NULL``, convert the whole string. Raise ValueError and " +"return ``-1.0`` if the string is not a valid representation of a floating-" +"point number." msgstr "``endptr`` が ``NULL`` の場合、変換は文字列全体に対して行われます。 文字列が正しい浮動小数点数の表現になっていない場合は ``-1.0`` を返して ValueError を発生させます。" -# 7a8715dbab544a1e955ae89c805e5c81 +# c9aa120a18a14d239197cef7e70502ab #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:66 -msgid "If endptr is not ``NULL``, convert as much of the string as possible and set ``*endptr`` to point to the first unconverted character. If no initial segment of the string is the valid representation of a floating-point number, set ``*endptr`` to point to the beginning of the string, raise ValueError, and return ``-1.0``." +msgid "" +"If endptr is not ``NULL``, convert as much of the string as possible and set" +" ``*endptr`` to point to the first unconverted character. If no initial " +"segment of the string is the valid representation of a floating-point " +"number, set ``*endptr`` to point to the beginning of the string, raise " +"ValueError, and return ``-1.0``." msgstr "endptr が ``NULL`` で無い場合、文字列を可能な範囲で変換して、 ``*endptr`` に最初の変換されなかった文字へのポインタを格納します。文字列の先 頭に正しい浮動小数点数の表現が無かった場合、 ``*endptr`` を文字列の先頭に設 定して、 ValueError を発生させ、 ``-1.0`` を返します。" -# 210c4eb6f381446192086a90f3c9d4a7 +# c1e7e6969e004ee9a2ba6b6286931d53 #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:73 -msgid "If ``s`` represents a value that is too large to store in a float (for example, ``\"1e500\"`` is such a string on many platforms) then if ``overflow_exception`` is ``NULL`` return ``Py_HUGE_VAL`` (with an appropriate sign) and don't set any exception. Otherwise, ``overflow_exception`` must point to a Python exception object; raise that exception and return ``-1.0``. In both cases, set ``*endptr`` to point to the first character after the converted value." +msgid "" +"If ``s`` represents a value that is too large to store in a float (for " +"example, ``\"1e500\"`` is such a string on many platforms) then if " +"``overflow_exception`` is ``NULL`` return ``Py_HUGE_VAL`` (with an " +"appropriate sign) and don't set any exception. Otherwise, " +"``overflow_exception`` must point to a Python exception object; raise that " +"exception and return ``-1.0``. In both cases, set ``*endptr`` to point to " +"the first character after the converted value." msgstr "``s`` が float に格納し切れないほど大きい値を表現していた場合、 (例 えば、 ``\"1e500\"`` は多くのプラットフォームで表現できません) ``overflow_exception`` が ``NULL`` なら ``Py_HUGE_VAL`` に適切な符号を付けて 返します。他の場合は ``overflow_exception`` は Python の例外オブジェクトへの ポインタでなければならず、その例外を発生させて ``-1.0`` を返します。どちらの 場合でも、 ``*endptr`` には変換された値の直後の最初の文字へのポインタが設定 されます。" -# 252ae28ac09441d6b59850ae44c3c968 +# 40f597a3b476481498610b0e2c807c23 #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:81 -msgid "If any other error occurs during the conversion (for example an out-of-memory error), set the appropriate Python exception and return ``-1.0``." +msgid "" +"If any other error occurs during the conversion (for example an out-of-" +"memory error), set the appropriate Python exception and return ``-1.0``." msgstr "それ以外のエラーが変換中に発生した場合(例えば out-of-memory エラー )、適切な Python の例外を設定して ``-1.0`` を返します。" -# d6f8320855e54f23a71989e60e21b5d6 +# 11df4f97e21046e8a96441412c0f2077 #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:90 -msgid "Convert a :c:type:`double` *val* to a string using supplied *format_code*, *precision*, and *flags*." +msgid "" +"Convert a :c:type:`double` *val* to a string using supplied *format_code*, " +"*precision*, and *flags*." msgstr ":c:type:`double` *val* を指定された *format_code*, *precision*, *flags* に基づいて文字列に変換します。" -# 9b121ea6ee0d4035bebf7f201099b420 +# 56583fd564bb400daae19dd005c09ff6 #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:93 -msgid "*format_code* must be one of ``'e'``, ``'E'``, ``'f'``, ``'F'``, ``'g'``, ``'G'`` or ``'r'``. For ``'r'``, the supplied *precision* must be 0 and is ignored. The ``'r'`` format code specifies the standard :func:`repr` format." +msgid "" +"*format_code* must be one of ``'e'``, ``'E'``, ``'f'``, ``'F'``, ``'g'``, " +"``'G'`` or ``'r'``. For ``'r'``, the supplied *precision* must be 0 and is " +"ignored. The ``'r'`` format code specifies the standard :func:`repr` " +"format." msgstr "*format_code* は ``'e'``, ``'E'``, ``'f'``, ``'F'``, ``'g'``, ``'G'``, ``'r'`` のどれかでなければなりません。 ``'r'`` の場合、 *precision* は 0 でなければならず、無視されます。 ``'r'`` フォーマットコード は標準の :func:`repr` フォーマットを指定しています。" -# 26cac64857c245bda196f82561b781ce +# c66f953f5d3440e7aba998c135a334ff #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:98 -msgid "*flags* can be zero or more of the values *Py_DTSF_SIGN*, *Py_DTSF_ADD_DOT_0*, or *Py_DTSF_ALT*, or-ed together:" +msgid "" +"*flags* can be zero or more of the values *Py_DTSF_SIGN*, " +"*Py_DTSF_ADD_DOT_0*, or *Py_DTSF_ALT*, or-ed together:" msgstr "*flags* は 0 か、 *Py_DTSF_SIGN*, *Py_DTSF_ADD_DOT_0*, *Py_DTSF_ALT* かこれらの or を取ったものです:" -# fa53b13d5f52413aa58479b3cf8f9f08 +# 8223605bc7c949ff96c29552a1a0055e #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:101 -msgid "*Py_DTSF_SIGN* means to always precede the returned string with a sign character, even if *val* is non-negative." +msgid "" +"*Py_DTSF_SIGN* means to always precede the returned string with a sign " +"character, even if *val* is non-negative." msgstr "*Py_DTSF_SIGN* は、 *val* が負で無いときも常に符号文字を先頭につけ ることを意味します。" -# b48996ffc2924b4581413a024b5909ef +# 375625fc3bcc451bae010dd2373da60a #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:104 -msgid "*Py_DTSF_ADD_DOT_0* means to ensure that the returned string will not look like an integer." +msgid "" +"*Py_DTSF_ADD_DOT_0* means to ensure that the returned string will not look " +"like an integer." msgstr "*Py_DTSF_ADD_DOT_0* は文字列が整数のように見えないことを保証しま す。" -# f15db8ac7f5e4eaaa29187089589e317 +# 189612ee4df541d3b22f05590712aed6 #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:107 -msgid "*Py_DTSF_ALT* means to apply \"alternate\" formatting rules. See the documentation for the :c:func:`PyOS_snprintf` ``'#'`` specifier for details." +msgid "" +"*Py_DTSF_ALT* means to apply \"alternate\" formatting rules. See the " +"documentation for the :c:func:`PyOS_snprintf` ``'#'`` specifier for details." msgstr "*Py_DTSF_ALT* は \"alternate\" フォーマットルールを適用することを意 味します。詳細は :c:func:`PyOS_snprintf` の ``'#'`` 指定を参照してくださ い。" -# f4769f9b0ad24f5ea450a1cdee3963ed +# 2ae5ebc8198e4b7196d871da788b1f0a #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:111 -msgid "If *ptype* is non-NULL, then the value it points to will be set to one of *Py_DTST_FINITE*, *Py_DTST_INFINITE*, or *Py_DTST_NAN*, signifying that *val* is a finite number, an infinite number, or not a number, respectively." +msgid "" +"If *ptype* is non-NULL, then the value it points to will be set to one of " +"*Py_DTST_FINITE*, *Py_DTST_INFINITE*, or *Py_DTST_NAN*, signifying that " +"*val* is a finite number, an infinite number, or not a number, respectively." msgstr "*ptype* が NULL で無い場合、 *val* が有限数、無限数、NaNのどれかに 合わせて、 *Py_DTST_FINITE*, *Py_DTST_INFINITE*, *Py_DTST_NAN* のいずれかに 設定されます。" -# 62a82fdd47a245aaac5ef3255fca601d +# 8e165aea049c45358d7f6c1d1fd2749e #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:115 -msgid "The return value is a pointer to *buffer* with the converted string or *NULL* if the conversion failed. The caller is responsible for freeing the returned string by calling :c:func:`PyMem_Free`." +msgid "" +"The return value is a pointer to *buffer* with the converted string or " +"*NULL* if the conversion failed. The caller is responsible for freeing the " +"returned string by calling :c:func:`PyMem_Free`." msgstr "戻り値は変換後の文字列が格納された *buffer* へのポインタか、変換が 失敗した場合は *NULL* です。呼び出し側は、返された文字列 を :c:func:`PyMem_Free` を使って解放する責任があります。" -# 521bece55e4b42b0a0287dd78f78bfbd +# 4f2b6c35dceb42fead72bffdb37e00f9 #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:124 -msgid "Case insensitive comparison of strings. The function works almost identically to :c:func:`strcmp` except that it ignores the case." +msgid "" +"Case insensitive comparison of strings. The function works almost " +"identically to :c:func:`strcmp` except that it ignores the case." msgstr "大文字/小文字を区別しない文字列比較。大文字/小文字を無視する以外 は、 :c:func:`strcmp` と同じ動作をします。" -# 200466344a764ea1a3237d35ce216887 +# 6f81661ea9454ea9b1f93959006bfff8 #: ../../c-api/conversion.rst:130 -msgid "Case insensitive comparison of strings. The function works almost identically to :c:func:`strncmp` except that it ignores the case." +msgid "" +"Case insensitive comparison of strings. The function works almost " +"identically to :c:func:`strncmp` except that it ignores the case." msgstr "大文字/小文字を区別しない文字列比較。大文字/小文字を無視する以外 は、 :c:func:`strncmp` と同じ動作をします。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/datetime.po Tue Nov 6 01:00:41 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/datetime.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-03 12:08+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,181 +17,234 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 6877b73a3e064b808bb0ab2c90b4984c +# cace8940f0494337965fad27f72483fa #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:6 msgid "DateTime Objects" msgstr "DateTime オブジェクト" -# 4fa2fb438a88459d97eaa3b5d7be945e +# 47b7beef89e24924a7088b689a1ed85d #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:8 -msgid "Various date and time objects are supplied by the :mod:`datetime` module. Before using any of these functions, the header file :file:`datetime.h` must be included in your source (note that this is not included by :file:`Python.h`), and the macro :c:macro:`PyDateTime_IMPORT` must be invoked, usually as part of the module initialisation function. The macro puts a pointer to a C structure into a static variable, :c:data:`PyDateTimeAPI`, that is used by the following macros." +msgid "" +"Various date and time objects are supplied by the :mod:`datetime` module. " +"Before using any of these functions, the header file :file:`datetime.h` must" +" be included in your source (note that this is not included by " +":file:`Python.h`), and the macro :c:macro:`PyDateTime_IMPORT` must be " +"invoked, usually as part of the module initialisation function. The macro " +"puts a pointer to a C structure into a static variable, " +":c:data:`PyDateTimeAPI`, that is used by the following macros." msgstr ":mod:`datetime` モジュールでは、様々な日付オブジェクトや時刻オブジ ェクトを提供しています。以下に示す関数を使う場合には、あらかじめヘッダファイ ル :file:`datetime.h` をソースに include し (:file:`Python.h` はこのファイル を include しません)、 :c:macro:`PyDateTime_IMPORT` マクロを、通常はモジュー ル初期化関数から、起動しておく必要があります。このマクロは以下のマクロで使わ れる静的変数 :c:data:`PyDateTimeAPI` に C 構造体へのポインタを入れます。" -# 880bd30c7aee492d88a585825fa989a2 +# ee001b32826545869433b37315e6eeb7 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:16 msgid "Type-check macros:" msgstr "型チェックマクロ:" -# 0214cceef3764f09bc7a98b2eae869ef +# 2c5324bfe73443f6a8453a2d5f1cf081 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:20 -msgid "Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateType` or a subtype of :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateType`. *ob* must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateType` or a subtype of" +" :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateType`. *ob* must not be *NULL*." msgstr "*ob* が :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateType` 型 か :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateType` 型のサブタイプのオブジェクトの場合に真を返 します; *ob* は *NULL* であってはなりません。" -# ae70f92a52d24bfdb5dee641beccbf2a +# 8e29d0a0d1f44cd29a1a66dd9b6abda7 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:26 -msgid "Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateType`. *ob* must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateType`. *ob* must not " +"be *NULL*." msgstr "*ob* が :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateType` 型のオブジェクトの場合に真を 返します; *ob* は *NULL* であってはなりません。" -# 9909753b7776499f8b48fd726a987b80 +# 7b75ee9981ed4bcda102e7d7e5e76344 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:32 -msgid "Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateTimeType` or a subtype of :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateTimeType`. *ob* must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateTimeType` or a " +"subtype of :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateTimeType`. *ob* must not be *NULL*." msgstr "*ob* が :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateTimeType` 型 か :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateTimeType` 型のサブタイプのオブジェクトの場合に真 を返します; *ob* は *NULL* であってはなりません。" -# 6e4984ca3e324041b0006fe5150d9ab5 +# 692e502e93e84e838de133f2719816e3 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:38 -msgid "Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateTimeType`. *ob* must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateTimeType`. *ob* must " +"not be *NULL*." msgstr "*ob* が :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateTimeType` 型のオブジェクトの場合に 真を返します; *ob* は *NULL* であってはなりません。" -# 5c5fc2ace39341bcb0974319c54e757a +# 3317fa7280514e17a9ca4fd158bf1bc1 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:44 -msgid "Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_TimeType` or a subtype of :c:data:`PyDateTime_TimeType`. *ob* must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_TimeType` or a subtype of" +" :c:data:`PyDateTime_TimeType`. *ob* must not be *NULL*." msgstr "*ob* が :c:data:`PyDateTime_TimeType` 型 か :c:data:`PyDateTime_TimeType` 型のサブタイプのオブジェクトの場合に真を返 します; *ob* は *NULL* であってはなりません。" -# 2cba681676ac4526ab2be04fbd5a7e94 +# 87be1260cdf74fb2aef5160bc9093b9d #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:50 -msgid "Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_TimeType`. *ob* must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_TimeType`. *ob* must not " +"be *NULL*." msgstr "*ob* が :c:data:`PyDateTime_TimeType` 型のオブジェクトの場合に真を 返します; *ob* は *NULL* であってはなりません。" -# 073d1a91eade4c35911fc4566b070be0 +# cec083611b8044158ebb57d740e93219 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:56 -msgid "Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_DeltaType` or a subtype of :c:data:`PyDateTime_DeltaType`. *ob* must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_DeltaType` or a subtype " +"of :c:data:`PyDateTime_DeltaType`. *ob* must not be *NULL*." msgstr "*ob* が :c:data:`PyDateTime_DeltaType` 型 か :c:data:`PyDateTime_DeltaType` 型のサブタイプのオブジェクトの場合に真を返 します; *ob* は *NULL* であってはなりません。" -# 3d8db778740b48caafb121f024576e48 +# 8746e04d461e4bd4a17065c526a18c2c #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:62 -msgid "Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_DeltaType`. *ob* must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_DeltaType`. *ob* must not" +" be *NULL*." msgstr "*ob* が :c:data:`PyDateTime_DeltaType` 型のオブジェクトの場合に真を 返します; *ob* は *NULL* であってはなりません。" -# 4d4012140dbc4b47bd6a6bc5237cd640 +# b0886b518b1e4b18ad7be4144805b788 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:68 -msgid "Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_TZInfoType` or a subtype of :c:data:`PyDateTime_TZInfoType`. *ob* must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_TZInfoType` or a subtype " +"of :c:data:`PyDateTime_TZInfoType`. *ob* must not be *NULL*." msgstr "*ob* が :c:data:`PyDateTime_TZInfoType` 型 か :c:data:`PyDateTime_TZInfoType` 型のサブタイプのオブジェクトの場合に真を 返します; *ob* は *NULL* であってはなりません。" -# f861440a48f4492fa816ca40fc8b0d3e +# 465afc74a3244af99602ac6e4f5ffd6a #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:74 -msgid "Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_TZInfoType`. *ob* must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return true if *ob* is of type :c:data:`PyDateTime_TZInfoType`. *ob* must " +"not be *NULL*." msgstr "*ob* が :c:data:`PyDateTime_TZInfoType` 型のオブジェクトの場合に真 を返します; *ob* は *NULL* であってはなりません。" -# bd91185da3e6463cbd9497a10b316e22 +# 07221972d4cc4fb8a870ea13cad65a3e #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:78 msgid "Macros to create objects:" msgstr "以下はオブジェクトを作成するためのマクロです:" -# f0c2e2835c434cb5a8b7d8cbe2597645 +# 4e090d64bee94620914742ac12542682 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:82 -msgid "Return a ```` object with the specified year, month and day." +msgid "" +"Return a ```` object with the specified year, month and day." msgstr "指定された年、月、日の ```` オブジェクトを返します。" -# 64476bf461064fdfa0461c986168d86e +# 02a8d32d3114421ebcf275411f3e1f09 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:87 -msgid "Return a ``datetime.datetime`` object with the specified year, month, day, hour, minute, second and microsecond." +msgid "" +"Return a ``datetime.datetime`` object with the specified year, month, day, " +"hour, minute, second and microsecond." msgstr "指定された年、月、日、時、分、秒、マイクロ秒の ``datetime.datetime`` オブジェクトを返します。" -# c00b41d93f8344cf8a6d4488a715d5b8 +# e3b15748f9e543a6a7c8698e78d6514a #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:93 -msgid "Return a ``datetime.time`` object with the specified hour, minute, second and microsecond." +msgid "" +"Return a ``datetime.time`` object with the specified hour, minute, second " +"and microsecond." msgstr "指定された時、分、秒、マイクロ秒の ``datetime.time`` オブジェクトを 返します。" -# e814acbaf9ac4496be788f1aeaae0b32 +# 8a3210e42a0e4ca58e848e30a8309df8 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:99 -msgid "Return a ``datetime.timedelta`` object representing the given number of days, seconds and microseconds. Normalization is performed so that the resulting number of microseconds and seconds lie in the ranges documented for ``datetime.timedelta`` objects." +msgid "" +"Return a ``datetime.timedelta`` object representing the given number of " +"days, seconds and microseconds. Normalization is performed so that the " +"resulting number of microseconds and seconds lie in the ranges documented " +"for ``datetime.timedelta`` objects." msgstr "指定された日、秒、マイクロ秒の ``datetime.timedelta`` オブジェクト を返します。マイクロ秒と秒が ``datetime.timedelta`` オブジェクトで定義されて いる範囲に入るように正規化を行います。" -# c5724106a7274c698b50bbd029eae334 +# a5fbd714e2754157ace57b0312da0157 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:105 -msgid "Macros to extract fields from date objects. The argument must be an instance of :c:data:`PyDateTime_Date`, including subclasses (such as :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateTime`). The argument must not be *NULL*, and the type is not checked:" +msgid "" +"Macros to extract fields from date objects. The argument must be an " +"instance of :c:data:`PyDateTime_Date`, including subclasses (such as " +":c:data:`PyDateTime_DateTime`). The argument must not be *NULL*, and the " +"type is not checked:" msgstr "以下のマクロは date オブジェクトからフィールド値を取り出すためのも のです。引数は :c:data:`PyDateTime_Date` またはそのサブクラス (例え ば :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateTime`)の インスタンスでなければなりません。引数 を *NULL* にしてはならず、型チェックは行いません:" -# e19160397147446a9edcc00cbc4087a8 +# 8a476f5dafad4cf8b4ed3ee1aa42294d #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:112 msgid "Return the year, as a positive int." msgstr "年を正の整数で返します。" -# e5c28cad82c246fbb952a7b9646570ae +# c1d469b959ea46eb88e638de24c2219a #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:117 msgid "Return the month, as an int from 1 through 12." msgstr "月を 1 から 12 の間の整数で返します。" -# a088316eb5f0458dadf2ff87a273b766 +# 80da58874c3b40ecbb728c3471f32c3f #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:122 msgid "Return the day, as an int from 1 through 31." msgstr "日を 1 から 31 の間の整数で返します。" -# fb7971aeb6b14bb69b1acc785e72a1af +# b6275811f39f4de6af3cec5d87e58745 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:125 -msgid "Macros to extract fields from datetime objects. The argument must be an instance of :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateTime`, including subclasses. The argument must not be *NULL*, and the type is not checked:" +msgid "" +"Macros to extract fields from datetime objects. The argument must be an " +"instance of :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateTime`, including subclasses. The " +"argument must not be *NULL*, and the type is not checked:" msgstr "以下のマクロは datetime オブジェクトからフィールド値を取り出すため のものです。引数は :c:data:`PyDateTime_DateTime` またはそのサブクラスのイン スタンスでなければなりません。引数を *NULL* にしてはならず、型チェックは行い ません:" -# 51c084ff91574cea8892164f9e00a32a -# 1b395284ecd940e4a9518c510e727667 +# 2d2c2846ffb941089512ebac3910873a +# 6a8d1168b861462393b5ee6d52e69be9 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:131 ../../c-api/datetime.rst:155 msgid "Return the hour, as an int from 0 through 23." msgstr "時を 0 から 23 の間の整数で返します。" -# 73cdccb6dbd14b84ad375abdef7f5eb7 -# 5992122c21a840908d98fbeae994f0fb +# eb5f2bbf3a6d45ce80c8d77f0d43f071 +# 28d26d4e92d74ce38cca964372e6958b #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:136 ../../c-api/datetime.rst:160 msgid "Return the minute, as an int from 0 through 59." msgstr "分を 0 から 59 の間の整数で返します。" -# fb28c361215a49cc87563a1fb069c9cf -# 9c0e655cd8b14a36a513b85738711cbd +# fa609c4ab8c24a48bbeb4788ce53b560 +# 6df3545046134cb89ee84679710c8a11 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:141 ../../c-api/datetime.rst:165 msgid "Return the second, as an int from 0 through 59." msgstr "秒を 0 から 59 の間の整数で返します。" -# a300a0e9ba8d43f4a900fa1acf3ef27c -# 4483a9b8849f4671b6a45a5c12ab1517 +# 6c6c30cf3fea4ce0849c13f7f3c8d17e +# bd9e09edd700493eba878caeaa7600cb #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:146 ../../c-api/datetime.rst:170 msgid "Return the microsecond, as an int from 0 through 999999." msgstr "マイクロ秒を 0 から 999999 の間の整数で返します。" -# b4ad561105ce45cabc44025444f18a33 +# df1dbda2c6c447aa8f960e563bb46290 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:149 -msgid "Macros to extract fields from time objects. The argument must be an instance of :c:data:`PyDateTime_Time`, including subclasses. The argument must not be *NULL*, and the type is not checked:" +msgid "" +"Macros to extract fields from time objects. The argument must be an " +"instance of :c:data:`PyDateTime_Time`, including subclasses. The argument " +"must not be *NULL*, and the type is not checked:" msgstr "以下のマクロは time オブジェクトからフィールド値を取り出すためのも のです。引数は :c:data:`PyDateTime_Time` またはそのサブクラスのインスタンス でなければなりません。引数を *NULL* にしてはならず、型チェックは行いません:" -# 2852b10675f6445a99eb72254d99a26c +# ff414d6bb52547e1b270c6e692140579 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:173 -msgid "Macros to extract fields from time delta objects. The argument must be an instance of :c:data:`PyDateTime_Delta`, including subclasses. The argument must not be *NULL*, and the type is not checked:" +msgid "" +"Macros to extract fields from time delta objects. The argument must be an " +"instance of :c:data:`PyDateTime_Delta`, including subclasses. The argument " +"must not be *NULL*, and the type is not checked:" msgstr "以下のマクロは time delta オブジェクトからフィールド値をとりだすた めのものです。引数は :c:data:`PyDateTime_Delta` かそのサブクラスのインスタン スでなければなりません。引数を *NULL* にしてはならず、型チェックは行いませ ん:" -# 1d7b14514776443486fee2d4c3987882 +# 40c2dfbcdf674b5eb86fd177ff929773 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:179 msgid "Return the number of days, as an int from -999999999 to 999999999." msgstr "日数を -999999999 から 999999999 の間の整数で返します。" -# 8ceeb82046154d19919a28d81f8cb55c +# 7e200e0c81ef44eba89420112233b79e #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:186 msgid "Return the number of seconds, as an int from 0 through 86399." msgstr "秒数を 0 から 86399 の間の整数で返します。" -# b0c0d62969f6433489601b7428fb88a7 +# a1b714d81f9946e887c36e349ac7f24b #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:193 msgid "Return the number of microseconds, as an int from 0 through 999999." msgstr "マイクロ秒を 0 から 999999 の間の整数で返します。" -# 97a68ac13aa14c29be41e5b9234629b2 +# a3c9c511cf924f99bad7e98801edd071 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:198 msgid "Macros for the convenience of modules implementing the DB API:" msgstr "以下のマクロは DB API を実装する上での便宜用です:" -# 4a9ad4c05d1d4fc5bedb8a916e391c9a +# bc2b5664e67f4a5c9b013cc9ba59aaa3 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:202 -msgid "Create and return a new ``datetime.datetime`` object given an argument tuple suitable for passing to ``datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp()``." +msgid "" +"Create and return a new ``datetime.datetime`` object given an argument tuple" +" suitable for passing to ``datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp()``." msgstr "``dateitme.datetime.fromtimestamp()`` に渡すのに適した引数タプルか ら新たな ``datetime.datetime`` オブジェクトを生成して返します。" -# bb31d249b80f445398fd088c890cf36d +# 635fab131bb94e99ae150c7737bd8894 #: ../../c-api/datetime.rst:208 -msgid "Create and return a new ```` object given an argument tuple suitable for passing to ````." +msgid "" +"Create and return a new ```` object given an argument tuple " +"suitable for passing to ````." msgstr "```` に渡すのに適した引数タプルから新 たな ```` オブジェクトを生成して返します。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/descriptor.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/descriptor.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:42+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,22 +17,27 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 1327782c82ba40dd8fcaa006549713ed +# 44f07605123b410f858922d368521e9b #: ../../c-api/descriptor.rst:6 msgid "Descriptor Objects" msgstr "デスクリプタオブジェクト (descriptor object)" -# 1fc47f4217ce4379a62450b9d906a16c +# 6e0f771c541142a28a2daf70d82abd2a #: ../../c-api/descriptor.rst:8 -msgid "\"Descriptors\" are objects that describe some attribute of an object. They are found in the dictionary of type objects." +msgid "" +"\"Descriptors\" are objects that describe some attribute of an object. They " +"are found in the dictionary of type objects." msgstr "\"デスクリプタ (descriptor)\" は、あるオブジェクトのいくつかの属性 について記述したオブジェクトです。デスクリプタオブジェクトは型オブジェクトの 辞書内にあります。" -# cedbd48c456449d18e8466a82756d66e +# d249bf7c2f3f47729347c560a802ea34 #: ../../c-api/descriptor.rst:15 msgid "The type object for the built-in descriptor types." msgstr "組み込みデスクリプタ型の型オブジェクトです。" -# b81edf19271f4cc48b0fea0d40e5447c +# 5069cd88ea8a498dbd5d735e0d149c6f #: ../../c-api/descriptor.rst:35 -msgid "Return true if the descriptor objects *descr* describes a data attribute, or false if it describes a method. *descr* must be a descriptor object; there is no error checking." +msgid "" +"Return true if the descriptor objects *descr* describes a data attribute, or" +" false if it describes a method. *descr* must be a descriptor object; there" +" is no error checking." msgstr "デスクリプタオブジェクト *descr* がデータ属性のデスクリプタの場合に は真を、メソッドデスクリプタの場合には偽を返します。 *descr* はデスクリプタ オブジェクトでなければなりません; エラーチェックは行いません。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/dict.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/dict.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-02 09:41+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,147 +17,208 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# e2304745446442459aabc745439f65ed +# 7b11c633c5cf48769480bbcda9bc6f9a #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:6 msgid "Dictionary Objects" msgstr "辞書オブジェクト (dictionary object)" -# 812d700057914846b2adb8228148de12 +# 38486574a7924966855af680e65438ca #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:13 -msgid "This subtype of :c:type:`PyObject` represents a Python dictionary object." +msgid "" +"This subtype of :c:type:`PyObject` represents a Python dictionary object." msgstr "" -# eb6adfb8141c418d9e39583ee68453ea +# 50884e23610a4b36a08f7f1fca5b548a #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:18 -msgid "This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python dictionary type. This is the same object as :class:`dict` in the Python layer." +msgid "" +"This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python dictionary " +"type. This is the same object as :class:`dict` in the Python layer." msgstr "この :c:type:`PyTypeObject` のインスタンスは Python の辞書を表現し ます。このオブジェクトは、Python レイヤにおける :class:`dict` と同じオブジェ クトです。" -# 585e5c46c1f242d1b739d97771f69fa7 +# 5058a4dc48404ddaa04a806123e92a25 #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:24 -msgid "Return true if *p* is a dict object or an instance of a subtype of the dict type." +msgid "" +"Return true if *p* is a dict object or an instance of a subtype of the dict " +"type." msgstr "引数が :c:type:`PyDictObject` のときに真を返します。" -# 09ffffcab80548a1bd4f2a45eadf8eb1 +# 9338b98b76a4461a95528512b8cd6b5b #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:30 -msgid "Return true if *p* is a dict object, but not an instance of a subtype of the dict type." +msgid "" +"Return true if *p* is a dict object, but not an instance of a subtype of the" +" dict type." msgstr "*p* が辞書型オブジェクトであり、かつ辞書型のサブクラスのインスタン スでない場合に真を返します。" -# fa441165eb7742f8b3939b39ffc04a4d +# 3ef298f072e9468b8075eaf896e031d6 #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:36 msgid "Return a new empty dictionary, or *NULL* on failure." msgstr "*p* が辞書型オブジェクトで、かつ辞書型のサブタイプのインスタンスで ない場合に真を返します。" -# 9d041bd0e96f4934ac59b14609bc6c9a +# 94d65f4cb5054a26b96ce711673b98c7 #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:41 -msgid "Return a :class:`types.MappingProxyType` object for a mapping which enforces read-only behavior. This is normally used to create a view to prevent modification of the dictionary for non-dynamic class types." +msgid "" +"Return a :class:`types.MappingProxyType` object for a mapping which enforces" +" read-only behavior. This is normally used to create a view to prevent " +"modification of the dictionary for non-dynamic class types." msgstr "" -# c3a9c30ec07b40bfadae047d670e21dc +# 01fed9a016f3483c8b85374a129d0324 #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:48 msgid "Empty an existing dictionary of all key-value pairs." msgstr "現在辞書に入っている全てのキーと値のペアを除去して空にします。" -# a82bae48c7034e5c9ffc6383eadf3677 +# a1ad34094a644c68b5ca3d10272d1144 #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:53 -msgid "Determine if dictionary *p* contains *key*. If an item in *p* is matches *key*, return ``1``, otherwise return ``0``. On error, return ``-1``. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``key in p``." +msgid "" +"Determine if dictionary *p* contains *key*. If an item in *p* is matches " +"*key*, return ``1``, otherwise return ``0``. On error, return ``-1``. This " +"is equivalent to the Python expression ``key in p``." msgstr "辞書 *p* に *key* が入っているか判定します。 *p* の要素が *key* に 一致した場合は ``1`` を返し、それ以外の場合には ``0`` を返します。エラーの場 合 ``-1`` を返します。この関数は Python の式 ``key in p`` と等価です。" -# 366a7423d70147f587f26f7964489730 +# 1a18c4e04d944f9e837bfb74bd9738fb #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:60 msgid "Return a new dictionary that contains the same key-value pairs as *p*." msgstr "*p* と同じキーと値のペアが入った新たな辞書を返します。" -# 01a0a249d22e48058269556fda53aa65 +# 82270e330d944a27a7874de11b27d3df #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:65 -msgid "Insert *value* into the dictionary *p* with a key of *key*. *key* must be :term:`hashable`; if it isn't, :exc:`TypeError` will be raised. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` on failure." +msgid "" +"Insert *value* into the dictionary *p* with a key of *key*. *key* must be " +":term:`hashable`; if it isn't, :exc:`TypeError` will be raised. Return ``0``" +" on success or ``-1`` on failure." msgstr "辞書 *p* に、 *key* をキーとして値 *value* を挿入します。 *key* は ハッシュ可能(:term:`hashable`)でなければなりません; ハッシュ可能でない場 合、 :exc:`TypeError` を送出します。成功した場合には ``0`` を、失敗した場合 には ``-1`` を返します。" -# c595b2b58ed04aa9888456f06f00fbc3 +# f608783a66a44e9fa282ab4f6eb954b2 #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:74 -msgid "Insert *value* into the dictionary *p* using *key* as a key. *key* should be a :c:type:`char\\*`. The key object is created using ``PyUnicode_FromString(key)``. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` on failure." +msgid "" +"Insert *value* into the dictionary *p* using *key* as a key. *key* should be" +" a :c:type:`char\\*`. The key object is created using " +"``PyUnicode_FromString(key)``. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` on " +"failure." msgstr "辞書 *p* に、 *key* をキーとして値 *value* を挿入します。 *key* は :c:type:`char\\*` 型でなければなりません。キーオブジェクトは ``PyUnicode_FromString(key)`` で生成されます。成功した場合には ``0`` を、失 敗した場合には ``-1`` を返します。" -# fcc1102bab654acfa44f6d1f389f4995 +# 7e8898bce25d4418a4f0bb05ece722e4 #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:82 -msgid "Remove the entry in dictionary *p* with key *key*. *key* must be hashable; if it isn't, :exc:`TypeError` is raised. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` on failure." +msgid "" +"Remove the entry in dictionary *p* with key *key*. *key* must be hashable; " +"if it isn't, :exc:`TypeError` is raised. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` " +"on failure." msgstr "辞書 *p* から *key* をキーとするエントリを除去します。 *key* はハッ シュ可能でなければなりません; ハッシュ可能でない場合、 :exc:`TypeError` を 送出します。成功した場合には ``0`` を、失敗した場合には ``-1`` を返します。" -# 647c91478531413cab3f78ff90b7c430 +# f68ef5c1ad09482eb44951068bc1afdd #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:89 -msgid "Remove the entry in dictionary *p* which has a key specified by the string *key*. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` on failure." +msgid "" +"Remove the entry in dictionary *p* which has a key specified by the string " +"*key*. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` on failure." msgstr "辞書 *p* から文字列 *key* をキーとするエントリを除去します。成功し た場合には ``0`` を、失敗した場合には ``-1`` を返します。" -# 2b79253907e34c16ba082b0999f1ffb4 +# e3d49d4cab614ffa856c6d824827883a #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:95 -msgid "Return the object from dictionary *p* which has a key *key*. Return *NULL* if the key *key* is not present, but *without* setting an exception." +msgid "" +"Return the object from dictionary *p* which has a key *key*. Return *NULL* " +"if the key *key* is not present, but *without* setting an exception." msgstr "辞書 *p* 内で *key* をキーとするオブジェクトを返します。キー *key* が存在しない場合には *NULL* を返しますが、例外をセット *しません* 。" -# f376ec982f6a41aeb5f4fb63d705ed7c +# 011405d2a0b2468986bc0ce6677c8a3f #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:101 -msgid "Variant of :c:func:`PyDict_GetItem` that does not suppress exceptions. Return *NULL* **with** an exception set if an exception occurred. Return *NULL* **without** an exception set if the key wasn't present." +msgid "" +"Variant of :c:func:`PyDict_GetItem` that does not suppress exceptions. " +"Return *NULL* **with** an exception set if an exception occurred. Return " +"*NULL* **without** an exception set if the key wasn't present." msgstr "" -# 44a2df554f574eaf94218c7c8e79e9ba +# 37b5127705ee4a4cba6a02f94ece74d9 #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:109 -msgid "This is the same as :c:func:`PyDict_GetItem`, but *key* is specified as a :c:type:`char\\*`, rather than a :c:type:`PyObject\\*`." +msgid "" +"This is the same as :c:func:`PyDict_GetItem`, but *key* is specified as a " +":c:type:`char\\*`, rather than a :c:type:`PyObject\\*`." msgstr ":c:func:`PyDict_GetItem` と同じですが、 *key* は :c:type:`PyObject\\*` ではなく :c:type:`char\\*` で指定します。" -# 89e6d913d2964240997b415e5d504b7e +# a9fe552bebce4acfabe303f4cc23d94c #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:115 -msgid "Return a :c:type:`PyListObject` containing all the items from the dictionary." +msgid "" +"Return a :c:type:`PyListObject` containing all the items from the " +"dictionary." msgstr "辞書内の全ての要素対が入った :c:type:`PyListObject` を返します。" -# 219250f4f1d8498db886386b506b1fa8 +# d1a6e2bcaa004883a24a7084353e5e5a #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:120 -msgid "Return a :c:type:`PyListObject` containing all the keys from the dictionary." +msgid "" +"Return a :c:type:`PyListObject` containing all the keys from the dictionary." msgstr "辞書内の全てのキーが入った :c:type:`PyListObject` を返します。" -# d28c8035853d47d39e9603bd2e0be55f +# e0f73e5e1c6c4ea9aa3fe0c3267acb2b #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:125 -msgid "Return a :c:type:`PyListObject` containing all the values from the dictionary *p*." +msgid "" +"Return a :c:type:`PyListObject` containing all the values from the " +"dictionary *p*." msgstr "辞書 *p* 内の全ての値が入った :c:type:`PyListObject` を返します。" -# f5f1c51ef9054539adc7bcc2a4ebc24e +# 5c5a045268ad4fbda8e71f71a7f973b1 #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:133 -msgid "Return the number of items in the dictionary. This is equivalent to ``len(p)`` on a dictionary." +msgid "" +"Return the number of items in the dictionary. This is equivalent to " +"``len(p)`` on a dictionary." msgstr "辞書内の要素の数を返します。辞書に対して ``len(p)`` を実行するのと 同じです。" -# 13b6af497e0546f9b81768b8f9aae472 +# 49806a7438b94649807d993b9979db12 #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:139 -msgid "Iterate over all key-value pairs in the dictionary *p*. The :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` referred to by *ppos* must be initialized to ``0`` prior to the first call to this function to start the iteration; the function returns true for each pair in the dictionary, and false once all pairs have been reported. The parameters *pkey* and *pvalue* should either point to :c:type:`PyObject\\*` variables that will be filled in with each key and value, respectively, or may be *NULL*. Any references returned through them are borrowed. *ppos* should not be altered during iteration. Its value represents offsets within the internal dictionary structure, and since the structure is sparse, the offsets are not consecutive." +msgid "" +"Iterate over all key-value pairs in the dictionary *p*. The " +":c:type:`Py_ssize_t` referred to by *ppos* must be initialized to ``0`` " +"prior to the first call to this function to start the iteration; the " +"function returns true for each pair in the dictionary, and false once all " +"pairs have been reported. The parameters *pkey* and *pvalue* should either " +"point to :c:type:`PyObject\\*` variables that will be filled in with each " +"key and value, respectively, or may be *NULL*. Any references returned " +"through them are borrowed. *ppos* should not be altered during iteration. " +"Its value represents offsets within the internal dictionary structure, and " +"since the structure is sparse, the offsets are not consecutive." msgstr "辞書 *p* 内の全てのキー/値のペアにわたる反復処理を行います。 *ppos* が参照している :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` 型は、この関数で反復処理を開始す る際に、最初に関数を呼び出すよりも前に ``0`` に初期化しておかなければなりま せん; この関数は辞書内の各ペアを取り上げるごとに真を返し、全てのペアを取り上 げたことが分かると偽を返します。パラメタ *pkey* および *pvalue* には、それぞ れ辞書の各々のキーと値を指すポインタか、または *NULL* が入ります。この関数か ら返される参照はすべて借りた参照になります。反復処理中に *ppos* を変更しては なりません。この値は内部的な辞書構造体のオフセットを表現しており、構造体はス パースなので、オフセットの値に一貫性がないためです。" -# d2cea09739d8481d8a62c6d5486fb7dd +# c36aead7538448d09039d1491db096e9 #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:150 msgid "For example::" msgstr "です。例えば、以下のように設定します::" -# df31d2c804b54c5db50d60c9af3b0560 +# f8637993f2a44e1ea3397b47a826054c #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:160 -msgid "The dictionary *p* should not be mutated during iteration. It is safe to modify the values of the keys as you iterate over the dictionary, but only so long as the set of keys does not change. For example::" +msgid "" +"The dictionary *p* should not be mutated during iteration. It is safe to " +"modify the values of the keys as you iterate over the dictionary, but only " +"so long as the set of keys does not change. For example::" msgstr "反復処理中に辞書 *p* を変更してはなりません。辞書を反復処理する際 に、キーに対応する値を変更しても大丈夫になりましたが、キーの集合を変更しない ことが前提です。以下に例を示します::" -# e068a3ddbf07472f9834ed71d1929e58 +# f7ac9a1f981c4492913849b237dd99a8 #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:185 -msgid "Iterate over mapping object *b* adding key-value pairs to dictionary *a*. *b* may be a dictionary, or any object supporting :c:func:`PyMapping_Keys` and :c:func:`PyObject_GetItem`. If *override* is true, existing pairs in *a* will be replaced if a matching key is found in *b*, otherwise pairs will only be added if there is not a matching key in *a*. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` if an exception was raised." +msgid "" +"Iterate over mapping object *b* adding key-value pairs to dictionary *a*. " +"*b* may be a dictionary, or any object supporting :c:func:`PyMapping_Keys` " +"and :c:func:`PyObject_GetItem`. If *override* is true, existing pairs in *a*" +" will be replaced if a matching key is found in *b*, otherwise pairs will " +"only be added if there is not a matching key in *a*. Return ``0`` on success" +" or ``-1`` if an exception was raised." msgstr "マップ型オブジェクト *b* の全ての要素にわたって、反復的にキー/値の ペアを辞書 *a* に追加します。 *b* は辞書か、 :c:func:`PyMapping_Keys` また は :c:func:`PyObject_GetItem` をサポートする何らかのオブジェクトにできま す。 *override* が真ならば、 *a* のキーと一致するキーが *b* にある際に、既存 のペアを置き換えます。それ以外の場合は、 *b* のキーに一致するキーが *a* にな いときのみ追加を行います。成功した場合には ``0`` を返し、例外が送出された場 合には ``-1`` を返します。" -# b9304c79a2654b10a665f5feaa90a2f6 +# f08fc8232fcf49d1947b7d49cdc05ffc #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:195 -msgid "This is the same as ``PyDict_Merge(a, b, 1)`` in C, or ``a.update(b)`` in Python. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` if an exception was raised." +msgid "" +"This is the same as ``PyDict_Merge(a, b, 1)`` in C, or ``a.update(b)`` in " +"Python. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` if an exception was raised." msgstr "C で表せば ``PyDict_Merge(a, b, 1)`` と同じ、 Python で表せば ``a.update(b)`` と同じです。成功した場合には ``0`` を返し、例外が送出された 場合には ``-1`` を返します。" -# d55ac69cebac4ea982e92ae930d8981b +# 53eed7f2abea471eb359b466cbab8367 #: ../../c-api/dict.rst:201 -msgid "Update or merge into dictionary *a*, from the key-value pairs in *seq2*. *seq2* must be an iterable object producing iterable objects of length 2, viewed as key-value pairs. In case of duplicate keys, the last wins if *override* is true, else the first wins. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` if an exception was raised. Equivalent Python (except for the return value)::" +msgid "" +"Update or merge into dictionary *a*, from the key-value pairs in *seq2*. " +"*seq2* must be an iterable object producing iterable objects of length 2, " +"viewed as key-value pairs. In case of duplicate keys, the last wins if " +"*override* is true, else the first wins. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` " +"if an exception was raised. Equivalent Python (except for the return " +"value)::" msgstr "*seq2* 内のキー/値ペアを使って、辞書 *a* の内容を更新したり統合した りします。 *seq2* は、キー/値のペアとみなせる長さ 2 の反復可能オブジェクト (iterable object) を生成する反復可能オブジェクトでなければなりません。重複す るキーが存在する場合、 *override* が真ならば先に出現したキーを使い、そうでな い場合は後に出現したキーを使います。成功した場合には ``0`` を返し、例外が送 出された場合には ``-1`` を返します。(戻り値以外は) 等価な Python コードを書 くと、以下のようになります::" -# b90c0f3a564449dba983a20fe998bde0 -# c2faf817f59e4c109bcc4d84b1f46873 -# 25484cc823364ff2a41425632df93c68 -# 1ea289e13ee14cdeb3e5299ddb25a27a -# 70dbf0b54c2d4587aad4f474f0a32a07 -# 447fa6f1f9f5403dae421b43dccd2262 -#: ../../c-api/dict.rst:216 ../../c-api/list.rst:149 ../../c-api/method.rst:99 ../../c-api/set.rst:164 ../../c-api/tuple.rst:110 ../../c-api/unicode.rst:202 +# 16d9604a729549a18f19f66bb8a6815b +#: ../../c-api/dict.rst:216 msgid "Clear the free list. Return the total number of freed items." msgstr "free list をクリアします。解放された要素数を返します。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/exceptions.po Tue Nov 6 01:00:41 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/exceptions.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-03 12:08+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,913 +17,1231 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# f8999528951f45c3a8c9a213ae70986c +# a17e36d726da4b50a5908d3e23586134 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:8 msgid "Exception Handling" msgstr "例外処理" -# bf0305b319b44a5bb008ab390599a654 +# 23c936486d814536be60685df13d6ef5 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:10 -msgid "The functions described in this chapter will let you handle and raise Python exceptions. It is important to understand some of the basics of Python exception handling. It works somewhat like the Unix :c:data:`errno` variable: there is a global indicator (per thread) of the last error that occurred. Most functions don't clear this on success, but will set it to indicate the cause of the error on failure. Most functions also return an error indicator, usually *NULL* if they are supposed to return a pointer, or ``-1`` if they return an integer (exception: the :c:func:`PyArg_\\*` functions return ``1`` for success and ``0`` for failure)." +msgid "" +"The functions described in this chapter will let you handle and raise Python" +" exceptions. It is important to understand some of the basics of Python " +"exception handling. It works somewhat like the Unix :c:data:`errno` " +"variable: there is a global indicator (per thread) of the last error that " +"occurred. Most functions don't clear this on success, but will set it to " +"indicate the cause of the error on failure. Most functions also return an " +"error indicator, usually *NULL* if they are supposed to return a pointer, or" +" ``-1`` if they return an integer (exception: the :c:func:`PyArg_\\*` " +"functions return ``1`` for success and ``0`` for failure)." msgstr "この章で説明する関数を使うと、 Python の例外の処理や送出ができるよ うになります。 Python の例外処理の基本をいくらか理解することが大切です。例外 は Unix :c:data:`errno` 変数にやや似た機能を果たします: 発生した中で最も新し いエラーの (スレッド毎の) グローバルなインジケータがあります。実行に成功した 場合にはほとんどの関数がこれをクリアしませんが、失敗したときにはエラーの原因 を示すために設定します。ほとんどの関数はエラーインジケータも返し、通常は関数 がポインタを返すことになっている場合は *NULL* であり、関数が整数を返す場合 は ``-1`` です。(例外: :c:func:`PyArg_\\*` 関数は実行に成功したときに ``1`` を返し、失敗したときに ``0`` を返します)." -# 8c1357bc96544390bd81e506a2ac02b9 +# 0d48ab68c1534b469b35274e9b59faee #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:20 -msgid "When a function must fail because some function it called failed, it generally doesn't set the error indicator; the function it called already set it. It is responsible for either handling the error and clearing the exception or returning after cleaning up any resources it holds (such as object references or memory allocations); it should *not* continue normally if it is not prepared to handle the error. If returning due to an error, it is important to indicate to the caller that an error has been set. If the error is not handled or carefully propagated, additional calls into the Python/C API may not behave as intended and may fail in mysterious ways." +msgid "" +"When a function must fail because some function it called failed, it " +"generally doesn't set the error indicator; the function it called already " +"set it. It is responsible for either handling the error and clearing the " +"exception or returning after cleaning up any resources it holds (such as " +"object references or memory allocations); it should *not* continue normally " +"if it is not prepared to handle the error. If returning due to an error, it" +" is important to indicate to the caller that an error has been set. If the " +"error is not handled or carefully propagated, additional calls into the " +"Python/C API may not behave as intended and may fail in mysterious ways." msgstr "ある関数が呼び出した関数がいくつか失敗したために、その関数が失敗し なければならないとき、一般的にエラーインジケータを設定しません。呼び出した関 数がすでに設定しています。エラーを処理して例外をクリアするか、あるいは (オブ ジェクト参照またはメモリ割り当てのような)それが持つどんなリソースも取り除い た後に戻るかのどちらか一方を行う責任があります。エラーを処理する準備をしてい なければ、普通に続けるべきでは *ありません* 。エラーのために戻る場合は、エ ラーが設定されていると呼び出し元に知らせることが大切です。エラーが処理されて いない場合または丁寧に伝えられている場合には、 Python/C APIのさらなる呼び出 しは意図した通りには動かない可能性があり、不可解な形で失敗するかもしれませ ん。" -# 29f04fed31c04f368d2e3a323eb2cb8a +# 9a6ae1cc02ee43dbbbc339f55350848c #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:30 -msgid "The error indicator consists of three Python objects corresponding to the result of ``sys.exc_info()``. API functions exist to interact with the error indicator in various ways. There is a separate error indicator for each thread." +msgid "" +"The error indicator consists of three Python objects corresponding to the " +"result of ``sys.exc_info()``. API functions exist to interact with the " +"error indicator in various ways. There is a separate error indicator for " +"each thread." msgstr "エラーインジケータは ``sys.exc_info()` の結果に対応する三つの Pythonオブジェクトからからなります。いろいろな方法でエラーインジケータとやり とりするためにAPI関数が存在します。各スレッドに別々のエラーインジケータがあ ります。" -# c832e588d2474277ad98306b50e4af59 +# 90534a8401d140189a7e19134abf3a8e #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:40 -msgid "Print a standard traceback to ``sys.stderr`` and clear the error indicator. Call this function only when the error indicator is set. (Otherwise it will cause a fatal error!)" +msgid "" +"Print a standard traceback to ``sys.stderr`` and clear the error indicator. " +"Call this function only when the error indicator is set. (Otherwise it will" +" cause a fatal error!)" msgstr "``sys.stderr`` へ標準トレースバックをプリントし、エラーインジケータ をクリアします。エラーインジケータが設定されているときにだけ、この関数を呼び 出してください。(それ以外の場合、致命的なエラーを引き起こすでしょう!)" -# 8cdd2aff6e064faaaf225e1d0cb3ab4f +# 750d76f98b0846988dda25a7f77d0d6e #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:44 -msgid "If *set_sys_last_vars* is nonzero, the variables :data:`sys.last_type`, :data:`sys.last_value` and :data:`sys.last_traceback` will be set to the type, value and traceback of the printed exception, respectively." +msgid "" +"If *set_sys_last_vars* is nonzero, the variables :data:`sys.last_type`, " +":data:`sys.last_value` and :data:`sys.last_traceback` will be set to the " +"type, value and traceback of the printed exception, respectively." msgstr "*set_sys_last_vars* が非ゼロであれ ば、 :data:`sys.last_type`, :data:`sys.last_value`, :data:`sys.last_traceback` 変数が、表示される例外のタイプ、値、トレースバックそれぞれに反映されます。" -# 9b3fa6dec29d4300a1a30e44063eb817 +# 0830d3814ae7400da1961d4a3354c71f #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:51 msgid "Alias for ``PyErr_PrintEx(1)``." msgstr "``PyErr_PrintEx(1)`` のエイリアス." -# 1ee5d3a61884425583989234a83aaa30 +# 1402f875c0b74d5ea5d4e1361ff46a3b #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:56 -msgid "Test whether the error indicator is set. If set, return the exception *type* (the first argument to the last call to one of the :c:func:`PyErr_Set\\*` functions or to :c:func:`PyErr_Restore`). If not set, return *NULL*. You do not own a reference to the return value, so you do not need to :c:func:`Py_DECREF` it." +msgid "" +"Test whether the error indicator is set. If set, return the exception " +"*type* (the first argument to the last call to one of the " +":c:func:`PyErr_Set\\*` functions or to :c:func:`PyErr_Restore`). If not " +"set, return *NULL*. You do not own a reference to the return value, so you " +"do not need to :c:func:`Py_DECREF` it." msgstr "エラーインジケータが設定されているかテストします。設定されている場 合は、例外の *型* (:c:func:`PyErr_Set\\*` 関数の一つあるい は :c:func:`PyErr_Restore` への最も新しい呼び出しに対する第一引数)を返しま す。設定されていない場合は *NULL* を返します。あなたは戻り値への参照を持って いませんので、それに :c:func:`Py_DECREF` する必要はありません。" -# 7453a371c7d54857ac153eaeda7b7162 +# 4a08d35629a947c18e1997ba7e1f2de1 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:64 -msgid "Do not compare the return value to a specific exception; use :c:func:`PyErr_ExceptionMatches` instead, shown below. (The comparison could easily fail since the exception may be an instance instead of a class, in the case of a class exception, or it may the a subclass of the expected exception.)" +msgid "" +"Do not compare the return value to a specific exception; use " +":c:func:`PyErr_ExceptionMatches` instead, shown below. (The comparison " +"could easily fail since the exception may be an instance instead of a class," +" in the case of a class exception, or it may the a subclass of the expected " +"exception.)" msgstr "戻り値を特定の例外と比較しないでください。その代わり、下に示 す :c:func:`PyErr_ExceptionMatches` を使ってください。(比較は簡単に失敗する でしょう。なぜなら、例外はクラスではなくインスタンスかもしれないし、あるい は、クラス例外の場合は期待される例外のサブクラスかもしれないからです。)" -# 379a293db5bc4d1fae37cea867da927e +# 846b83259a5a420abb1491e46cfa3165 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:72 -msgid "Equivalent to ``PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches(PyErr_Occurred(), exc)``. This should only be called when an exception is actually set; a memory access violation will occur if no exception has been raised." +msgid "" +"Equivalent to ``PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches(PyErr_Occurred(), exc)``. This " +"should only be called when an exception is actually set; a memory access " +"violation will occur if no exception has been raised." msgstr "``PyErr_GivenExceptionMatches(PyErr_Occurred(), exc)`` と同じ。例外 が実際に設定されたときにだけ、これを呼び出だすべきです。例外が発生していない ならば、メモリアクセス違反が起きるでしょう。" -# 2ce17c0ff383408db38a0a918168957f +# 9b04db6f12854e8ebdd048ed6e74a46d #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:79 -msgid "Return true if the *given* exception matches the exception in *exc*. If *exc* is a class object, this also returns true when *given* is an instance of a subclass. If *exc* is a tuple, all exceptions in the tuple (and recursively in subtuples) are searched for a match." +msgid "" +"Return true if the *given* exception matches the exception in *exc*. If " +"*exc* is a class object, this also returns true when *given* is an instance " +"of a subclass. If *exc* is a tuple, all exceptions in the tuple (and " +"recursively in subtuples) are searched for a match." msgstr "*given* 例外が *exc* の例外と一致するなら真を返します。これは *exc* がクラスオブジェクトである場合も真を返します。これは *given* がサブク ラスのインスタンスであるときも真を返します。 *exc* がタプルならば、タプル内 \\ (と再帰的にサブタプル内)のすべての例外が一致するか調べられます。" -# 26d5b78b749642ebbc4d748018551044 +# 0d67aa7cfef34dad94bfef20fc382a2f #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:87 -msgid "Under certain circumstances, the values returned by :c:func:`PyErr_Fetch` below can be \"unnormalized\", meaning that ``*exc`` is a class object but ``*val`` is not an instance of the same class. This function can be used to instantiate the class in that case. If the values are already normalized, nothing happens. The delayed normalization is implemented to improve performance." +msgid "" +"Under certain circumstances, the values returned by :c:func:`PyErr_Fetch` " +"below can be \"unnormalized\", meaning that ``*exc`` is a class object but " +"``*val`` is not an instance of the same class. This function can be used " +"to instantiate the class in that case. If the values are already " +"normalized, nothing happens. The delayed normalization is implemented to " +"improve performance." msgstr "ある状況では、以下の :c:func:`PyErr_Fetch` が返す値は \"正規化され ていない\" 可能性があります。つまり、 ``*exc`` はクラスオブジェクトだが ``*val`` は同じクラスのインスタンスではないという意味です。この関数はそのよ うな場合にそのクラスをインスタンス化するために使われます。その値がすでに正規 化されている場合は何も起きません。遅延正規化はパフォーマンスを改善するために 実装されています。" -# 29ba9ae1d09c40aa946eb1a732101019 +# e5ae542975b5401ca2a3f4fcfaa15904 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:96 -msgid "Clear the error indicator. If the error indicator is not set, there is no effect." +msgid "" +"Clear the error indicator. If the error indicator is not set, there is no " +"effect." msgstr "エラーインジケータをクリアします。エラーインジケータが設定されてい ないならば、効果はありません。" -# 0263b37a47a044cbb3aded2ab5409699 +# 2fecb716f0754fe59a8391b5e7f62ae4 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:102 -msgid "Retrieve the error indicator into three variables whose addresses are passed. If the error indicator is not set, set all three variables to *NULL*. If it is set, it will be cleared and you own a reference to each object retrieved. The value and traceback object may be *NULL* even when the type object is not." +msgid "" +"Retrieve the error indicator into three variables whose addresses are " +"passed. If the error indicator is not set, set all three variables to " +"*NULL*. If it is set, it will be cleared and you own a reference to each " +"object retrieved. The value and traceback object may be *NULL* even when " +"the type object is not." msgstr "エラーインジケータをアドレスを渡す三つの変数の中へ取り出します。エ ラーインジケータが設定されていない場合は、三つすべての変数を *NULL* に設定し ます。エラーインジケータが設定されている場合はクリアされ、あなたは取り出され たそれぞれのオブジェクトへの参照を持つことになります。型オブジェクトが *NULL* でないときでさえ、その値とトレースバックオブジェクトは *NULL* かもし れません。" -# 3aa856a75b6a4218b77f10328df0e7e7 +# a00e8ef9892d4cb0a26443d47d7b392f #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:109 -msgid "This function is normally only used by code that needs to handle exceptions or by code that needs to save and restore the error indicator temporarily." +msgid "" +"This function is normally only used by code that needs to handle exceptions " +"or by code that needs to save and restore the error indicator temporarily." msgstr "通常、この関数は例外を扱う必要のあるコードあるいはエラーインジケー タを一時的に保存して元に戻す必要のあるコードによってのみ使用されます。" -# 28f363175a6c46aeb0d2d78fa00183ee +# 39310de8ce664646a187a9a0ef3f323e #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:115 -msgid "Set the error indicator from the three objects. If the error indicator is already set, it is cleared first. If the objects are *NULL*, the error indicator is cleared. Do not pass a *NULL* type and non-*NULL* value or traceback. The exception type should be a class. Do not pass an invalid exception type or value. (Violating these rules will cause subtle problems later.) This call takes away a reference to each object: you must own a reference to each object before the call and after the call you no longer own these references. (If you don't understand this, don't use this function. I warned you.)" +msgid "" +"Set the error indicator from the three objects. If the error indicator is " +"already set, it is cleared first. If the objects are *NULL*, the error " +"indicator is cleared. Do not pass a *NULL* type and non-*NULL* value or " +"traceback. The exception type should be a class. Do not pass an invalid " +"exception type or value. (Violating these rules will cause subtle problems " +"later.) This call takes away a reference to each object: you must own a " +"reference to each object before the call and after the call you no longer " +"own these references. (If you don't understand this, don't use this " +"function. I warned you.)" msgstr "三つのオブジェクトからエラーインジケータを設定します。エラーインジ ケータがすでに設定されている場合は、最初にクリアされます。オブジェクトが *NULL* ならば、エラーインジケータがクリアされます。 *NULL* のtypeと非 *NULL* のvalueあるいは tracebackを渡してはいけません。例外の型(type)はクラス であるべきです。無効な例外の型(type)あるいは値(value)を渡してはいけません。 (これらの規則を破ると後で気付きにくい問題の原因となるでしょう。) この呼び出 しはそれぞれのオブジェクトへの参照を取り除きます: あなたは呼び出しの前にそれ ぞれのオブジェクトへの参照を持たなければならないのであり、また呼び出しの後に はもはやこれらの参照を持っていません。 (これを理解していない場合は、この関数 を使ってはいけません。注意しておきます。)" -# f152f5c56e4242598c752f6801fdd2f0 +# e08781d47efd4871a6e0b6366552e64a #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:127 -msgid "This function is normally only used by code that needs to save and restore the error indicator temporarily; use :c:func:`PyErr_Fetch` to save the current exception state." +msgid "" +"This function is normally only used by code that needs to save and restore " +"the error indicator temporarily; use :c:func:`PyErr_Fetch` to save the " +"current exception state." msgstr "通常この関数はエラーインジケータを一時的に保存し元に戻す必要のある コードによってのみに使われます。現在の例外状態を保存するために は :c:func:`PyErr_Fetch` を使ってください。" -# 7e34abd838a7430d91863d248710b7e0 +# 29aae232555e48eab4113646a66eb7ac #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:134 -msgid "Retrieve the exception info, as known from ``sys.exc_info()``. This refers to an exception that was already caught, not to an exception that was freshly raised. Returns new references for the three objects, any of which may be *NULL*. Does not modify the exception info state." +msgid "" +"Retrieve the exception info, as known from ``sys.exc_info()``. This refers " +"to an exception that was already caught, not to an exception that was " +"freshly raised. Returns new references for the three objects, any of which " +"may be *NULL*. Does not modify the exception info state." msgstr "" -# a0ef5c55dba84b96aa6ff057409e062c +# 3a588c2082724baea34526881394eccf #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:141 -msgid "This function is not normally used by code that wants to handle exceptions. Rather, it can be used when code needs to save and restore the exception state temporarily. Use :c:func:`PyErr_SetExcInfo` to restore or clear the exception state." +msgid "" +"This function is not normally used by code that wants to handle exceptions. " +"Rather, it can be used when code needs to save and restore the exception " +"state temporarily. Use :c:func:`PyErr_SetExcInfo` to restore or clear the " +"exception state." msgstr "" -# 159ca31d80054f33bc190160ff9178ef +# 2f39bcebdae14860830912d296ac184d #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:151 -msgid "Set the exception info, as known from ``sys.exc_info()``. This refers to an exception that was already caught, not to an exception that was freshly raised. This function steals the references of the arguments. To clear the exception state, pass *NULL* for all three arguments. For general rules about the three arguments, see :c:func:`PyErr_Restore`." +msgid "" +"Set the exception info, as known from ``sys.exc_info()``. This refers to an" +" exception that was already caught, not to an exception that was freshly " +"raised. This function steals the references of the arguments. To clear the " +"exception state, pass *NULL* for all three arguments. For general rules " +"about the three arguments, see :c:func:`PyErr_Restore`." msgstr "" -# 3ac75351afab45e29f0b3669c5890624 +# 1664e4c13d764baa84e2a269a76b7d7e #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:159 -msgid "This function is not normally used by code that wants to handle exceptions. Rather, it can be used when code needs to save and restore the exception state temporarily. Use :c:func:`PyErr_GetExcInfo` to read the exception state." +msgid "" +"This function is not normally used by code that wants to handle exceptions. " +"Rather, it can be used when code needs to save and restore the exception " +"state temporarily. Use :c:func:`PyErr_GetExcInfo` to read the exception " +"state." msgstr "" -# 889b05a7253842d6891c193479366cb8 +# 031723453f834e338f6ed065490eaa61 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:169 -msgid "This is the most common way to set the error indicator. The first argument specifies the exception type; it is normally one of the standard exceptions, e.g. :c:data:`PyExc_RuntimeError`. You need not increment its reference count. The second argument is an error message; it is decoded from ``'utf-8``'." +msgid "" +"This is the most common way to set the error indicator. The first argument " +"specifies the exception type; it is normally one of the standard exceptions," +" e.g. :c:data:`PyExc_RuntimeError`. You need not increment its reference " +"count. The second argument is an error message; it is decoded from " +"``'utf-8``'." msgstr "これはエラーインジケータを設定するための最も一般的な方法です。第一 引数は例外の型を指定します。通常は標準例外の一つ、例え ば :c:data:`PyExc_RuntimeError` です。その参照カウントを増加させる必要はあり ません。第二引数はエラーメッセージで、 ``'utf-8``' からデコードされます。" -# d81ffa1ab3784116a1fcc917105bc3fe +# 9bc7ddbe387742f99ac13aa1c6175d96 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:177 -msgid "This function is similar to :c:func:`PyErr_SetString` but lets you specify an arbitrary Python object for the \"value\" of the exception." +msgid "" +"This function is similar to :c:func:`PyErr_SetString` but lets you specify " +"an arbitrary Python object for the \"value\" of the exception." msgstr "この関数は :c:func:`PyErr_SetString` に似ていますが、例外の\"値 (value)\"として任意のPythonオブジェクトを指定することができます。" -# d98f36bcf9d1444da3d0dfaa02020bb8 +# 32aee43765d7491cac9d1e71cb9f22b2 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:183 -msgid "This function sets the error indicator and returns *NULL*. *exception* should be a Python exception class. The *format* and subsequent parameters help format the error message; they have the same meaning and values as in :c:func:`PyUnicode_FromFormat`. *format* is an ASCII-encoded string." +msgid "" +"This function sets the error indicator and returns *NULL*. *exception* " +"should be a Python exception class. The *format* and subsequent parameters " +"help format the error message; they have the same meaning and values as in " +":c:func:`PyUnicode_FromFormat`. *format* is an ASCII-encoded string." msgstr "この関数はエラーインジケータを設定し *NULL* を返します。 *exception* はPython例外クラスであるべきです。 *format* と以降の引数はエラー メッセージを作るためのもので, :c:func:`PyString_FromFormat` の引数と同じ意味 を持っています。 *format* は ASCII エンコードされた文字列です。" -# f3322976896b410d9caf9ecbc75fe336 +# 7b74111259b94e749d61b2d8431f4e8f #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:192 msgid "This is a shorthand for ``PyErr_SetObject(type, Py_None)``." msgstr "これは ``PyErr_SetObject(type, Py_None)`` を省略したものです。" -# 8cd1150223254aa79850351047a710a7 +# 455813ecf6d5443b92bc357883a0a832 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:197 -msgid "This is a shorthand for ``PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, message)``, where *message* indicates that a built-in operation was invoked with an illegal argument. It is mostly for internal use." +msgid "" +"This is a shorthand for ``PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, message)``, where" +" *message* indicates that a built-in operation was invoked with an illegal " +"argument. It is mostly for internal use." msgstr "これは ``PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, message)`` を省略したもの で、ここで *message* は組み込み操作が不正な引数で呼び出されたということを表 しています。主に内部で使用するためのものです。" -# ae1e17163cf648ff8e4952528389784a +# adb97ff64e7f46859230ebf2bc7d15d8 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:204 -msgid "This is a shorthand for ``PyErr_SetNone(PyExc_MemoryError)``; it returns *NULL* so an object allocation function can write ``return PyErr_NoMemory();`` when it runs out of memory." +msgid "" +"This is a shorthand for ``PyErr_SetNone(PyExc_MemoryError)``; it returns " +"*NULL* so an object allocation function can write ``return " +"PyErr_NoMemory();`` when it runs out of memory." msgstr "これは ``PyErr_SetNone(PyExc_MemoryError)`` を省略したもので、 *NULL* を返します。したがって、メモリ不足になったとき、オブジェクト割り当て 関数は ``return PyErr_NoMemory();`` と書くことができます。" -# 5ed7364e697d4f1c9e5c2b997afafa65 +# 2c33f1d8aa2c40cfbda248e2cc62a04a #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:213 -msgid "This is a convenience function to raise an exception when a C library function has returned an error and set the C variable :c:data:`errno`. It constructs a tuple object whose first item is the integer :c:data:`errno` value and whose second item is the corresponding error message (gotten from :c:func:`strerror`), and then calls ``PyErr_SetObject(type, object)``. On Unix, when the :c:data:`errno` value is :const:`EINTR`, indicating an interrupted system call, this calls :c:func:`PyErr_CheckSignals`, and if that set the error indicator, leaves it set to that. The function always returns *NULL*, so a wrapper function around a system call can write ``return PyErr_SetFromErrno(type);`` when the system call returns an error." +msgid "" +"This is a convenience function to raise an exception when a C library " +"function has returned an error and set the C variable :c:data:`errno`. It " +"constructs a tuple object whose first item is the integer :c:data:`errno` " +"value and whose second item is the corresponding error message (gotten from " +":c:func:`strerror`), and then calls ``PyErr_SetObject(type, object)``. On " +"Unix, when the :c:data:`errno` value is :const:`EINTR`, indicating an " +"interrupted system call, this calls :c:func:`PyErr_CheckSignals`, and if " +"that set the error indicator, leaves it set to that. The function always " +"returns *NULL*, so a wrapper function around a system call can write " +"``return PyErr_SetFromErrno(type);`` when the system call returns an error." msgstr "Cライブラリ関数がエラーを返してC変数 :c:data:`errno` を設定したとき に、これは例外を発生させるために便利な関数です。第一要素が整 数 :c:data:`errno` 値で、第二要素が (:c:func:`strerror` から得られる)対応す るエラーメッセージであるタプルオブジェクトを構成します。それから、 ``PyErr_SetObject(type, object)`` を呼び出します。 Unixで は、 :c:data:`errno` 値が :const:`EINTR` であるとき、すなわち割り込まれたシ ステムコールを表しているとき、これは :c:func:`PyErr_CheckSignals` を呼び出 し、それがエラーインジケータを設定した場合は設定されたままにしておきます。関 数は常に *NULL* を返します。したがって、システムコールがエラーを返したとき、 システムコールのラッパー関数は ``return PyErr_SetFromErrno(type);`` と書くこ とができます。" -# 1fa21ed560b04430a0261a90f8b6a760 +# 76a2eadbb743486ca05c543893d5ceea #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:227 -msgid "Similar to :c:func:`PyErr_SetFromErrno`, with the additional behavior that if *filename* is not *NULL*, it is passed to the constructor of *type* as a third parameter. In the case of exceptions such as :exc:`IOError` and :exc:`OSError`, this is used to define the :attr:`filename` attribute of the exception instance. *filename* is decoded from the filesystem encoding (:func:`sys.getfilesystemencoding`)." +msgid "" +"Similar to :c:func:`PyErr_SetFromErrno`, with the additional behavior that " +"if *filename* is not *NULL*, it is passed to the constructor of *type* as a " +"third parameter. In the case of exceptions such as :exc:`IOError` and " +":exc:`OSError`, this is used to define the :attr:`filename` attribute of the" +" exception instance. *filename* is decoded from the filesystem encoding " +"(:func:`sys.getfilesystemencoding`)." msgstr ":c:func:`PyErr_SetFromErrno` に似ていて、 *filename* が *NULL* でな い場合に、それが *type* のコンストラクタに第三引数として渡されるというふるま いが追加されています。 :exc:`IOError` と :exc:`OSError` のような例外の場合で は、これが例外インスタンスの :attr:`filename` 属性を定義するために使われま す。*filename* は、ファイルシステムエンコーディング (:func:`sys.getfilesystemencoding`) からデコードされます。" -# 11d9a22db28e4e63b34f1e0aeb831607 +# d87152ffd0374d3caf946345207f1479 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:237 -msgid "This is a convenience function to raise :exc:`WindowsError`. If called with *ierr* of :c:data:`0`, the error code returned by a call to :c:func:`GetLastError` is used instead. It calls the Win32 function :c:func:`FormatMessage` to retrieve the Windows description of error code given by *ierr* or :c:func:`GetLastError`, then it constructs a tuple object whose first item is the *ierr* value and whose second item is the corresponding error message (gotten from :c:func:`FormatMessage`), and then calls ``PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_WindowsError, object)``. This function always returns *NULL*. Availability: Windows." +msgid "" +"This is a convenience function to raise :exc:`WindowsError`. If called with " +"*ierr* of :c:data:`0`, the error code returned by a call to " +":c:func:`GetLastError` is used instead. It calls the Win32 function " +":c:func:`FormatMessage` to retrieve the Windows description of error code " +"given by *ierr* or :c:func:`GetLastError`, then it constructs a tuple object" +" whose first item is the *ierr* value and whose second item is the " +"corresponding error message (gotten from :c:func:`FormatMessage`), and then " +"calls ``PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_WindowsError, object)``. This function always " +"returns *NULL*. Availability: Windows." msgstr "これは :exc:`WindowsError` を発生させるために便利な関数で す。 :c:data:`0` の *ierr* とともに呼び出された場 合、 :c:func:`GetLastError` が返すエラーコードが代りに使われます。 *ierr* あ るいは :c:func:`GetLastError` によって与えられるエラーコードのWindows用の説 明を取り出すために、Win32関数 :c:func:`FormatMessage` を呼び出します。それか ら、第一要素が *ierr* 値で第二要素が(:c:func:`FormatMessage` から得られる) 対応するエラーメッセージであるタプルオブジェクトを構成します。そして、 ``PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_WindowsError, object)`` を呼び出します。この関数は常 に *NULL* を返します。利用可能範囲: Windows。" -# 09e0139f51da40b583943f8ce6e57691 +# 4d1d0ba547724b539e4cb6423686fc7a #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:249 -msgid "Similar to :c:func:`PyErr_SetFromWindowsErr`, with an additional parameter specifying the exception type to be raised. Availability: Windows." +msgid "" +"Similar to :c:func:`PyErr_SetFromWindowsErr`, with an additional parameter " +"specifying the exception type to be raised. Availability: Windows." msgstr ":c:func:`PyErr_SetFromWindowsErr` に似ていて、送出する例外の型を指 定する引数が追加されています。利用可能範囲: Windows。" -# cd0dfbc5c2a44771a803b1dcabb89fb1 +# 0f0014a0f0e6439f8f6fdbd49c05e84d #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:255 -msgid "Similar to :c:func:`PyErr_SetFromWindowsErr`, with the additional behavior that if *filename* is not *NULL*, it is passed to the constructor of :exc:`WindowsError` as a third parameter. *filename* is decoded from the filesystem encoding (:func:`sys.getfilesystemencoding`). Availability: Windows." +msgid "" +"Similar to :c:func:`PyErr_SetFromWindowsErr`, with the additional behavior " +"that if *filename* is not *NULL*, it is passed to the constructor of " +":exc:`WindowsError` as a third parameter. *filename* is decoded from the " +"filesystem encoding (:func:`sys.getfilesystemencoding`). Availability: " +"Windows." msgstr ":c:func:`PyErr_SetFromWindowsErr` に似ていて、 *filename* が *NULL* でない場合には :exc:`WindowsError` のコンストラクタへ第三引数として渡 されるという振る舞いが追加されています。 *filename* は、ファイルシステムエン コーディング (:func:`sys.getfilesystemencoding`) からデコードされます。利用 可能範囲: Windows。" -# 254d8200307a47f9a9ce4c86ef1f147e +# 19b386cb8aff4ceb88571d0d1392dcc6 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:264 -msgid "Similar to :c:func:`PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFilename`, with an additional parameter specifying the exception type to be raised. Availability: Windows." +msgid "" +"Similar to :c:func:`PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFilename`, with an additional" +" parameter specifying the exception type to be raised. Availability: " +"Windows." msgstr ":c:func:`PyErr_SetFromWindowsErrWithFilename` に似ていて、発生させ る例外の型を指定する引数が追加されています。利用可能範囲: Windows。" -# 0738696527ad45308f3bff69cfe87a2f +# 27dfb1845bb24996a7a46377765d5ef2 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:270 -msgid "This is a convenience function to raise :exc:`ImportError`. *msg* will be set as the exception's message string. *name* and *path*, both of which can be ``NULL``, will be set as the :exc:`ImportError`'s respective ``name`` and ``path`` attributes." +msgid "" +"This is a convenience function to raise :exc:`ImportError`. *msg* will be " +"set as the exception's message string. *name* and *path*, both of which can " +"be ``NULL``, will be set as the :exc:`ImportError`'s respective ``name`` and" +" ``path`` attributes." msgstr "" -# e3788ddb9eaa4b439aaf2e71bc0fd5ec +# 0134413920334259b3b050c814abc91c #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:280 -msgid "Set file, line, and offset information for the current exception. If the current exception is not a :exc:`SyntaxError`, then it sets additional attributes, which make the exception printing subsystem think the exception is a :exc:`SyntaxError`. *filename* is decoded from the filesystem encoding (:func:`sys.getfilesystemencoding`)." +msgid "" +"Set file, line, and offset information for the current exception. If the " +"current exception is not a :exc:`SyntaxError`, then it sets additional " +"attributes, which make the exception printing subsystem think the exception " +"is a :exc:`SyntaxError`. *filename* is decoded from the filesystem encoding " +"(:func:`sys.getfilesystemencoding`)." msgstr "" -# 720d57c050af444fbdd82368e1677930 +# 2a5a2525fe9444ddb953d1d99660af09 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:291 -msgid "Like :c:func:`PyErr_SyntaxLocationExc`, but the col_offset parameter is omitted." +msgid "" +"Like :c:func:`PyErr_SyntaxLocationExc`, but the col_offset parameter is " +"omitted." msgstr "" -# d84ff0e6d5a0401da22d941d41b1302f +# ece85873a0d84e149c69ff276caac240 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:297 -msgid "This is a shorthand for ``PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, message)``, where *message* indicates that an internal operation (e.g. a Python/C API function) was invoked with an illegal argument. It is mostly for internal use." +msgid "" +"This is a shorthand for ``PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, message)``, " +"where *message* indicates that an internal operation (e.g. a Python/C API " +"function) was invoked with an illegal argument. It is mostly for internal " +"use." msgstr "``PyErr_SetString(PyExc_SystemError, message)`` を省略したもので す。ここで *message* は内部操作(例えば、Python/C API関数)が不正な引数ととも に呼び出されたということを示しています。主に内部で使用するためのものです。" -# 299850dbc89b429f84e201be36d1655f +# 6a9b814d44f94a208912c61c760a6fd7 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:305 -msgid "Issue a warning message. The *category* argument is a warning category (see below) or *NULL*; the *message* argument is an UTF-8 encoded string. *stack_level* is a positive number giving a number of stack frames; the warning will be issued from the currently executing line of code in that stack frame. A *stack_level* of 1 is the function calling :c:func:`PyErr_WarnEx`, 2 is the function above that, and so forth." +msgid "" +"Issue a warning message. The *category* argument is a warning category (see" +" below) or *NULL*; the *message* argument is an UTF-8 encoded string. " +"*stack_level* is a positive number giving a number of stack frames; the " +"warning will be issued from the currently executing line of code in that " +"stack frame. A *stack_level* of 1 is the function calling " +":c:func:`PyErr_WarnEx`, 2 is the function above that, and so forth." msgstr "警告メッセージを出します。 *category* 引数は警告カテゴリ(以下を参照 ) かまたは *NULL* で、 *message* 引数は UTF-8 エンコードされた文字列です。 *stacklevel* はフレームの数を示す正の整数です; 警告はそのスタックフレームの 中の実行している行から発行されます。 *stacklevel* が1だ と、 :c:func:`PyErr_WarnEx` が、2だとその上の関数が、Warningの発行元になりま す。" -# ee1cb66bfab0491eb5ec4d62e41f5346 +# 731321e761c04aa4a385b023a0a2bd73 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:312 -msgid "This function normally prints a warning message to *sys.stderr*; however, it is also possible that the user has specified that warnings are to be turned into errors, and in that case this will raise an exception. It is also possible that the function raises an exception because of a problem with the warning machinery (the implementation imports the :mod:`warnings` module to do the heavy lifting). The return value is ``0`` if no exception is raised, or ``-1`` if an exception is raised. (It is not possible to determine whether a warning message is actually printed, nor what the reason is for the exception; this is intentional.) If an exception is raised, the caller should do its normal exception handling (for example, :c:func:`Py_DECREF` owned references and return an error value)." +msgid "" +"This function normally prints a warning message to *sys.stderr*; however, it" +" is also possible that the user has specified that warnings are to be turned" +" into errors, and in that case this will raise an exception. It is also " +"possible that the function raises an exception because of a problem with the" +" warning machinery (the implementation imports the :mod:`warnings` module to" +" do the heavy lifting). The return value is ``0`` if no exception is raised," +" or ``-1`` if an exception is raised. (It is not possible to determine " +"whether a warning message is actually printed, nor what the reason is for " +"the exception; this is intentional.) If an exception is raised, the caller " +"should do its normal exception handling (for example, :c:func:`Py_DECREF` " +"owned references and return an error value)." msgstr "この関数は通常警告メッセージを *sys.stderr* へプリントします。けれ ども、ユーザが警告をエラーへ変更するように指定することも可能です。そのような 場合には、これは例外を発生させます。警告機構がもつ問題のためにその関数が例外 を発生させるということも可能です。(実装ではその厄介な仕事を行うため に :mod:`warnings` モジュールをインポートします)。例外が発生させられなけれ ば、戻り値は ``0`` です。あるいは、例外が発生させられると ``-1`` です。(警告 メッセージが実際にプリントされるかどうかを決定することはできず、また何がその 例外の原因なのかを決定することもできない。これは意図的なものです。)例外が発 生した場合、呼び出し元は通常の例外処理を行います(例え ば、 :c:func:`Py_DECREF` は参照を持っており、エラー値を返します)。" -# 7f8cba99d2444de88e4d4c82ed8cb048 +# 834e847f506f4ef0a306b2a9ea052014 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:324 -msgid "Warning categories must be subclasses of :c:data:`Warning`; the default warning category is :c:data:`RuntimeWarning`. The standard Python warning categories are available as global variables whose names are ``PyExc_`` followed by the Python exception name. These have the type :c:type:`PyObject\\*`; they are all class objects. Their names are :c:data:`PyExc_Warning`, :c:data:`PyExc_UserWarning`, :c:data:`PyExc_UnicodeWarning`, :c:data:`PyExc_DeprecationWarning`, :c:data:`PyExc_SyntaxWarning`, :c:data:`PyExc_RuntimeWarning`, and :c:data:`PyExc_FutureWarning`. :c:data:`PyExc_Warning` is a subclass of :c:data:`PyExc_Exception`; the other warning categories are subclasses of :c:data:`PyExc_Warning`." +msgid "" +"Warning categories must be subclasses of :c:data:`Warning`; the default " +"warning category is :c:data:`RuntimeWarning`. The standard Python warning " +"categories are available as global variables whose names are ``PyExc_`` " +"followed by the Python exception name. These have the type " +":c:type:`PyObject\\*`; they are all class objects. Their names are " +":c:data:`PyExc_Warning`, :c:data:`PyExc_UserWarning`, " +":c:data:`PyExc_UnicodeWarning`, :c:data:`PyExc_DeprecationWarning`, " +":c:data:`PyExc_SyntaxWarning`, :c:data:`PyExc_RuntimeWarning`, and " +":c:data:`PyExc_FutureWarning`. :c:data:`PyExc_Warning` is a subclass of " +":c:data:`PyExc_Exception`; the other warning categories are subclasses of " +":c:data:`PyExc_Warning`." msgstr "警告カテゴリは :c:data:`Warning` のサブクラスでなければならない。デ フォルト警告カテゴリは :c:data:`RuntimeWarning` です。標準Python警告カテゴリ は ``PyExc_`` にPython例外名が続く名前のグローバル変数を用いて変更できます。 これらは型 :c:type:`PyObject\\*` を持ち、すべてクラスオブジェクトです。それ らの名前 は :c:data:`PyExc_Warning`, :c:data:`PyExc_UserWarning`, :c:data:`PyExc_UnicodeWarning`, :c:data:`PyExc_DeprecationWarning`, :c:data:`PyExc_SyntaxWarning`, :c:data:`PyExc_RuntimeWarning`, :c:data:`PyExc_FutureWarning` です。 :c:data:`PyExc_Warning` は :c:data:`PyExc_Exception` のサブクラスで す。その他の警告カテゴリは :c:data:`PyExc_Warning` のサブクラスです。" -# d684a001dfe147a78a2718dcb4536a2e +# ce3849ea9401456399f592256364c34b #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:335 -msgid "For information about warning control, see the documentation for the :mod:`warnings` module and the :option:`-W` option in the command line documentation. There is no C API for warning control." +msgid "" +"For information about warning control, see the documentation for the " +":mod:`warnings` module and the :option:`-W` option in the command line " +"documentation. There is no C API for warning control." msgstr "警告をコントロールするための情報については、 :mod:`warnings` モジ ュールのドキュメンテーションとコマンドライン・ドキュメンテーション の :option:`-W` オプションを参照してください。警告コントロールのためのC APIはありません。" -# 5c69e0c25e184213a87992e54da4e4eb +# 6464cdcffe1e41d5ae48cfa957c4e05e #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:342 -msgid "Issue a warning message with explicit control over all warning attributes. This is a straightforward wrapper around the Python function :func:`warnings.warn_explicit`, see there for more information. The *module* and *registry* arguments may be set to *NULL* to get the default effect described there. *message* and *module* are UTF-8 encoded strings, *filename* is decoded from the filesystem encoding (:func:`sys.getfilesystemencoding`)." +msgid "" +"Issue a warning message with explicit control over all warning attributes. " +"This is a straightforward wrapper around the Python function " +":func:`warnings.warn_explicit`, see there for more information. The " +"*module* and *registry* arguments may be set to *NULL* to get the default " +"effect described there. *message* and *module* are UTF-8 encoded strings, " +"*filename* is decoded from the filesystem encoding " +"(:func:`sys.getfilesystemencoding`)." msgstr "すべての警告の属性を明示的に制御した警告メッセージを出します。これ はPython関数 :func:`warnings.warn_explicit` の直接的なラッパで、さらに情報を 得るにはそちらを参照してください。そこに説明されているデフォルトの効果を得る ために、 *module* と *registry* 引数は *NULL* に設定することができます。 *message* と *module* は UTF-8 エンコードされた文字列で、 *filename* はファ イルシステムエンコーディング (:func:`sys.getfilesystemencoding`) からデコー ドされます。" -# 399687747d334364adb98cdfb7ff38f3 +# 55ebbfca19c44533ab891ff376daa0a3 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:353 -msgid "Function similar to :c:func:`PyErr_WarnEx`, but use :c:func:`PyUnicode_FromFormat` to format the warning message. *format* is an ASCII-encoded string." +msgid "" +"Function similar to :c:func:`PyErr_WarnEx`, but use " +":c:func:`PyUnicode_FromFormat` to format the warning message. *format* is " +"an ASCII-encoded string." msgstr "" -# ee550d31a8954778bdd4c958551900be +# f3f6638c9b154519913bda5a5e6dc955 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:367 -msgid "This function interacts with Python's signal handling. It checks whether a signal has been sent to the processes and if so, invokes the corresponding signal handler. If the :mod:`signal` module is supported, this can invoke a signal handler written in Python. In all cases, the default effect for :const:`SIGINT` is to raise the :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` exception. If an exception is raised the error indicator is set and the function returns ``-1``; otherwise the function returns ``0``. The error indicator may or may not be cleared if it was previously set." +msgid "" +"This function interacts with Python's signal handling. It checks whether a " +"signal has been sent to the processes and if so, invokes the corresponding " +"signal handler. If the :mod:`signal` module is supported, this can invoke a" +" signal handler written in Python. In all cases, the default effect for " +":const:`SIGINT` is to raise the :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` exception. If an " +"exception is raised the error indicator is set and the function returns " +"``-1``; otherwise the function returns ``0``. The error indicator may or " +"may not be cleared if it was previously set." msgstr "この関数はPythonのシグナル処理とやりとりすることができます。シグナ ルがそのプロセスへ送られたかどうかチェックし、そうならば対応するシグナルハン ドラを呼び出します。 :mod:`signal` モジュールがサポートされている場合は、こ れはPythonで書かれたシグナルハンドラを呼び出せます。すべての場合 で、 :const:`SIGINT` のデフォルトの効果は :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` 例外を発 生させることです。例外が発生した場合、エラーインジケータが設定され、関数は ``-1`` を返します。そうでなければ、関数は ``0`` を返します。エラーインジケー タが以前に設定されている場合は、それがクリアされるかどうかわからない。" -# 157a589744df4fe1a8c2f1d7375c13a5 +# cf1abe740bcc46b6bfd9dc34238981b0 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:383 -msgid "This function simulates the effect of a :const:`SIGINT` signal arriving --- the next time :c:func:`PyErr_CheckSignals` is called, :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` will be raised. It may be called without holding the interpreter lock." +msgid "" +"This function simulates the effect of a :const:`SIGINT` signal arriving --- " +"the next time :c:func:`PyErr_CheckSignals` is called, " +":exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` will be raised. It may be called without holding " +"the interpreter lock." msgstr "この関数は廃止されています。 :const:`SIGINT` シグナルが到達した影響 をシミュレートします --- 次に :c:func:`PyErr_CheckSignals` が呼ばれると き、 :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt` は送出されるでしょう。インタプリタロックを保持 することなく呼び出すことができます。" -# a86b2c1a86cd4bada44d05ba32d400d0 +# 7750e760a6c44d1ba962436cb2c18073 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:393 -msgid "This utility function specifies a file descriptor to which a ``'\\0'`` byte will be written whenever a signal is received. It returns the previous such file descriptor. The value ``-1`` disables the feature; this is the initial state. This is equivalent to :func:`signal.set_wakeup_fd` in Python, but without any error checking. *fd* should be a valid file descriptor. The function should only be called from the main thread." +msgid "" +"This utility function specifies a file descriptor to which a ``'\\0'`` byte " +"will be written whenever a signal is received. It returns the previous such" +" file descriptor. The value ``-1`` disables the feature; this is the " +"initial state. This is equivalent to :func:`signal.set_wakeup_fd` in Python," +" but without any error checking. *fd* should be a valid file descriptor. " +"The function should only be called from the main thread." msgstr "このユーティリティ関数は、シグナルを受信したときに ``'\\0'`` バイト を書き込むファイルディスクリプタを指定します。戻り値は、それまで設定されてい たファイルディスクリプタです。 ``-1`` はこの機能を無効にします。これは初期状 態です。これは Python の :func:`signal.set_wakeup_fd` と同じものですが、エ ラーチェックを行ないません。 *fd* は有効なファイルディスクリプタであるべきで す。この関数の呼び出しはメインスレッドのみから行われるべきです。" -# 91a2d0a7d4fe46d28f17124589c88002 +# 35a76d69ced34a34aae8162f955a3b2a #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:403 -msgid "This utility function creates and returns a new exception class. The *name* argument must be the name of the new exception, a C string of the form ``module.classname``. The *base* and *dict* arguments are normally *NULL*. This creates a class object derived from :exc:`Exception` (accessible in C as :c:data:`PyExc_Exception`)." +msgid "" +"This utility function creates and returns a new exception class. The *name* " +"argument must be the name of the new exception, a C string of the form " +"``module.classname``. The *base* and *dict* arguments are normally *NULL*. " +"This creates a class object derived from :exc:`Exception` (accessible in C " +"as :c:data:`PyExc_Exception`)." msgstr "このユーティリティ関数は新しい例外クラスを作成して返します。 *name* 引数は新しい例外の名前、 ``module.classname`` 形式の C文字列でなけれ ばならない。 *base* と *dict* 引数は通常 *NULL* です。これはすべての例外のた めのルート、組み込み名 :exc:`Exception` (Cでは :c:data:`PyExc_Exception` と してアクセス可能)をルートとして派生したクラスオブジェクトを作成します。" -# b031551a05ed4027a059bf2d7700a5eb +# b63f3188ee5149f192026e0ab3d37431 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:409 -msgid "The :attr:`__module__` attribute of the new class is set to the first part (up to the last dot) of the *name* argument, and the class name is set to the last part (after the last dot). The *base* argument can be used to specify alternate base classes; it can either be only one class or a tuple of classes. The *dict* argument can be used to specify a dictionary of class variables and methods." +msgid "" +"The :attr:`__module__` attribute of the new class is set to the first part " +"(up to the last dot) of the *name* argument, and the class name is set to " +"the last part (after the last dot). The *base* argument can be used to " +"specify alternate base classes; it can either be only one class or a tuple " +"of classes. The *dict* argument can be used to specify a dictionary of class" +" variables and methods." msgstr "新しいクラスの :attr:`__module__` 属性は *name* 引数の前半部分(最後 のドットまで)に設定され、クラス名は後半部分(最後のドットの後)に設定されま す。 *base* 引数は代わりのベースクラスを指定するために使えます; 一つのクラス でも、クラスのタプルでも構いません。 *dict* 引数はクラス変数とメソッドの辞書 を指定するために使えます。" -# 26adc06bfe9342239a9f58afddc3f2e3 +# f2ad7e5178c7432ab0ec543a128e5291 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:418 -msgid "Same as :c:func:`PyErr_NewException`, except that the new exception class can easily be given a docstring: If *doc* is non-*NULL*, it will be used as the docstring for the exception class." +msgid "" +"Same as :c:func:`PyErr_NewException`, except that the new exception class " +"can easily be given a docstring: If *doc* is non-*NULL*, it will be used as " +"the docstring for the exception class." msgstr ":c:func:`PyErr_NewException` とほぼ同じですが、新しい例外クラスに簡 単に docstring を設定できます。 *doc* が *NULL* で無い場合、それが例外クラス の docstring になります。" -# 0e1adda8ac484c8ea5bf8f08cd7e60ec +# c30cc353d34d4a31a6c172a123454fdd #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:427 -msgid "This utility function prints a warning message to ``sys.stderr`` when an exception has been set but it is impossible for the interpreter to actually raise the exception. It is used, for example, when an exception occurs in an :meth:`__del__` method." +msgid "" +"This utility function prints a warning message to ``sys.stderr`` when an " +"exception has been set but it is impossible for the interpreter to actually " +"raise the exception. It is used, for example, when an exception occurs in " +"an :meth:`__del__` method." msgstr "例外が設定されているがインタプリタが実際に例外を発生させることがで きないときに、このユーティリティ関数は警告メッセージを ``sys.stderr`` へプリ ントします。例えば、例外が :meth:`__del__` メソッドで発生したときに使われま す。" -# 9937714670654b9391be760c203e57ed +# e7f738aadff94b6d93a66d068fc8d13b #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:432 -msgid "The function is called with a single argument *obj* that identifies the context in which the unraisable exception occurred. The repr of *obj* will be printed in the warning message." +msgid "" +"The function is called with a single argument *obj* that identifies the " +"context in which the unraisable exception occurred. The repr of *obj* will " +"be printed in the warning message." msgstr "発生させられない例外が生じたコンテキストを特定するための一つの引数 *obj* とともに関数が呼び出されます。 *obj* のreprが警告メッセージにプリント されるでしょう。" -# 9f4a6010f0bb430f8a2c3ab8da69f2ca +# 64cb27ff1b2344b192895586536c7bd4 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:438 msgid "Exception Objects" msgstr "" -# 66974712262a4f96a43ae8016931ce41 +# bfa363b982904e5a81bec8f331228df1 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:442 -msgid "Return the traceback associated with the exception as a new reference, as accessible from Python through :attr:`__traceback__`. If there is no traceback associated, this returns *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return the traceback associated with the exception as a new reference, as " +"accessible from Python through :attr:`__traceback__`. If there is no " +"traceback associated, this returns *NULL*." msgstr "" -# ae73cd496a6b4df1a1085fd3b33b4284 +# d34a85b94819481c9f5e5b19de49f2db #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:449 -msgid "Set the traceback associated with the exception to *tb*. Use ``Py_None`` to clear it." +msgid "" +"Set the traceback associated with the exception to *tb*. Use ``Py_None`` to" +" clear it." msgstr "" -# c679f628bdc84eacbcee40e15e19e0f3 +# 2ce5a79af70d4884a1af06d8bcf39b60 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:455 -msgid "Return the context (another exception instance during whose handling *ex* was raised) associated with the exception as a new reference, as accessible from Python through :attr:`__context__`. If there is no context associated, this returns *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return the context (another exception instance during whose handling *ex* " +"was raised) associated with the exception as a new reference, as accessible " +"from Python through :attr:`__context__`. If there is no context associated," +" this returns *NULL*." msgstr "" -# be2090460cb941fe89bbf1a4bf9215eb +# e7f7585c35a64207b455d86fcd0ccc14 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:463 -msgid "Set the context associated with the exception to *ctx*. Use *NULL* to clear it. There is no type check to make sure that *ctx* is an exception instance. This steals a reference to *ctx*." +msgid "" +"Set the context associated with the exception to *ctx*. Use *NULL* to clear" +" it. There is no type check to make sure that *ctx* is an exception " +"instance. This steals a reference to *ctx*." msgstr "" -# 31e8ffc51b1b4b158518de0118b8d7d8 +# 48065388244347b19570bfd4d5300248 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:470 -msgid "Return the cause (either an exception instance, or :const:`None`, set by ``raise ... from ...``) associated with the exception as a new reference, as accessible from Python through :attr:`__cause__`." +msgid "" +"Return the cause (either an exception instance, or :const:`None`, set by " +"``raise ... from ...``) associated with the exception as a new reference, as" +" accessible from Python through :attr:`__cause__`." msgstr "" -# e7597c3cd71e4faaa7050ea9b53c4ab3 +# 0215b003032941949af8e84742f4296d #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:477 -msgid "Set the cause associated with the exception to *ctx*. Use *NULL* to clear it. There is no type check to make sure that *ctx* is either an exception instance or :const:`None`. This steals a reference to *ctx*." +msgid "" +"Set the cause associated with the exception to *ctx*. Use *NULL* to clear " +"it. There is no type check to make sure that *ctx* is either an exception " +"instance or :const:`None`. This steals a reference to *ctx*." msgstr "" -# 8b67658ea9004ca8b28ce79420adedd6 +# d2232278a5494d949dce202558faae6d #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:481 -msgid ":attr:`__suppress_context__` is implicitly set to ``True`` by this function." +msgid "" +":attr:`__suppress_context__` is implicitly set to ``True`` by this function." msgstr "" -# d7db0f12903645ab83722c722f865404 +# 220bb7375f094e9082054d5432d9a994 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:487 msgid "Unicode Exception Objects" msgstr "Unicode 例外オブジェクト" -# 266bfb8cee9f4fb0a424f82ac11dc2c0 +# 46c356ab2e084d68a02545bfa1cac7be #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:489 -msgid "The following functions are used to create and modify Unicode exceptions from C." +msgid "" +"The following functions are used to create and modify Unicode exceptions " +"from C." msgstr "以下の関数は C言語から Unicode 例外を作ったり修正したりするために利 用します。" -# 23d9ed438c47466b871e0cfa1b87b572 +# 9e3f3327b1704d3ca3fc0f649368ee2b #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:493 -msgid "Create a :class:`UnicodeDecodeError` object with the attributes *encoding*, *object*, *length*, *start*, *end* and *reason*. *encoding* and *reason* are UTF-8 encoded strings." +msgid "" +"Create a :class:`UnicodeDecodeError` object with the attributes *encoding*, " +"*object*, *length*, *start*, *end* and *reason*. *encoding* and *reason* are" +" UTF-8 encoded strings." msgstr "*encoding*, *object*, *length*, *start*, *end*, *reason* 属性をもっ た :class:`UnicodeDecodeError` オブジェクトを作成します。 *encoding* および *reason* は UTF-8 エンコードされた文字列です。" -# fc8416c9211e44dfa218f58d9cc9b49e +# 97719671c240459f930f94e07023ef45 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:499 -msgid "Create a :class:`UnicodeEncodeError` object with the attributes *encoding*, *object*, *length*, *start*, *end* and *reason*. *encoding* and *reason* are UTF-8 encoded strings." +msgid "" +"Create a :class:`UnicodeEncodeError` object with the attributes *encoding*, " +"*object*, *length*, *start*, *end* and *reason*. *encoding* and *reason* are" +" UTF-8 encoded strings." msgstr "*encoding*, *object*, *length*, *start*, *end*, *reason* 属性を持っ た :class:`UnicodeEncodeError` オブジェクトを作成します。 *encoding* および *reason* は UTF-8 エンコードされた文字列です。" -# d502f7b10d824053bd3ba355ce8c7cfd +# 2b9627c96b0142cda47fad57a1752514 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:505 -msgid "Create a :class:`UnicodeTranslateError` object with the attributes *object*, *length*, *start*, *end* and *reason*. *reason* is an UTF-8 encoded string." +msgid "" +"Create a :class:`UnicodeTranslateError` object with the attributes *object*," +" *length*, *start*, *end* and *reason*. *reason* is an UTF-8 encoded string." msgstr "*object*, *length*, *start*, *end*, *reason* 属性を持っ た :class:`UnicodeTranslateError` オブジェクトを作成します。 *reason* は UTF-8 エンコードされた文字列です。" -# 103f92359ead4ec7a44417fe2e9f79ed +# 7e4721532a3044c7a1d6ee3e105328bc #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:511 msgid "Return the *encoding* attribute of the given exception object." msgstr "与えられた例外オブジェクトの *encoding* 属性を返します。" -# 5ef2cc5092c341b7b1cb40a971aedc06 +# 82d0059744e24c7e940f1cf0114396b7 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:517 msgid "Return the *object* attribute of the given exception object." msgstr "与えられた例外オブジェクトの *object* 属性を返します。" -# f158a6ffcdda44b9ab1876bba1a5eba7 +# b904f0a81eca43098f8b17a13bba7922 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:523 -msgid "Get the *start* attribute of the given exception object and place it into *\\*start*. *start* must not be *NULL*. Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on failure." +msgid "" +"Get the *start* attribute of the given exception object and place it into " +"*\\*start*. *start* must not be *NULL*. Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on" +" failure." msgstr "渡された例外オブジェクトから *start* 属性を取得して *\\*start* に格 納します。 *start* は *NULL* であってはなりません。成功したら ``0`` を、失敗 したら ``-1`` を返します。" -# 97c2efd05ce847ef8eaf6f8a59d62dce +# 3f84389a1bb3406783c0341ef7098596 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:531 -msgid "Set the *start* attribute of the given exception object to *start*. Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on failure." +msgid "" +"Set the *start* attribute of the given exception object to *start*. Return " +"``0`` on success, ``-1`` on failure." msgstr "渡された例外オブジェクトの *start* 属性を *start* に設定します。成 功したら ``0`` を、失敗したら ``-1`` を返します。" -# 8aa4b98ad20f4553a679ae87f1443867 +# 04b359eb8dff435f802ebe3fedb14175 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:538 -msgid "Get the *end* attribute of the given exception object and place it into *\\*end*. *end* must not be *NULL*. Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on failure." +msgid "" +"Get the *end* attribute of the given exception object and place it into " +"*\\*end*. *end* must not be *NULL*. Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on " +"failure." msgstr "渡された例外オブジェクトから *end* 属性を取得して *\\*end* に格納し ます。 *end* は *NULL* であってはなりません。成功したら ``0`` を、失敗した ら ``-1`` を返します。" -# 11598b27994d4fd696c8023acd92f7b6 +# 852e595dc1764728a8d076f4dc648595 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:546 -msgid "Set the *end* attribute of the given exception object to *end*. Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on failure." +msgid "" +"Set the *end* attribute of the given exception object to *end*. Return " +"``0`` on success, ``-1`` on failure." msgstr "渡された例外オブジェクトの *end* 属性を *end* に設定します。成功し たら ``0`` を、失敗したら ``-1`` を返します。" -# 72bfd7fb9aac44b89aae1dd775f1a591 +# 035b47941c184eb3916f9126ea6b7cc9 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:553 msgid "Return the *reason* attribute of the given exception object." msgstr "渡された例外オブジェクトの *reason* 属性を返します。" -# 93a7e28fcf7b47de99af9c5d2b50d9f6 +# f60087f45ed2496b9294aadf9bac7685 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:559 -msgid "Set the *reason* attribute of the given exception object to *reason*. Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on failure." +msgid "" +"Set the *reason* attribute of the given exception object to *reason*. " +"Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on failure." msgstr "渡された例外オブジェクトの *reason* 属性を *reason* に設定します。 成功したら ``0`` を、失敗したら ``-1`` を返します。" -# a441e09b0b5e47219159e46ac505be71 +# 5434ce826d444ed9ba5944c6c4968f46 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:564 msgid "Recursion Control" msgstr "再帰の管理" -# 7b84aa3b012b4124a0d7b375a10d55a4 +# 7259cca3c20943c7a056f9adc5de03c2 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:566 -msgid "These two functions provide a way to perform safe recursive calls at the C level, both in the core and in extension modules. They are needed if the recursive code does not necessarily invoke Python code (which tracks its recursion depth automatically)." +msgid "" +"These two functions provide a way to perform safe recursive calls at the C " +"level, both in the core and in extension modules. They are needed if the " +"recursive code does not necessarily invoke Python code (which tracks its " +"recursion depth automatically)." msgstr "これら2つの関数は C レベルの再帰呼び出しを安全に実行する方法を、コ アモジュールにも拡張モジュールにも提供します。再帰を使ったコードが必ずしも Python コードを実行するわけではない場合 (Python コードは再帰の深さを自動的に 追跡します)、これらの関数が必要となります。" -# f7c1a2e547b94c7d83b52fce36c7ef04 +# 2e639c5f47264943ab4e913871c04ee9 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:573 msgid "Marks a point where a recursive C-level call is about to be performed." msgstr "C レベルの再帰呼び出しをしようとしているところに印を付けます。" -# 857f88a9e4a04c84bd97373c2d71effe +# be0b39c1e3f14b48a36e834cb9061413 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:575 -msgid "If :const:`USE_STACKCHECK` is defined, this function checks if the OS stack overflowed using :c:func:`PyOS_CheckStack`. In this is the case, it sets a :exc:`MemoryError` and returns a nonzero value." +msgid "" +"If :const:`USE_STACKCHECK` is defined, this function checks if the OS stack " +"overflowed using :c:func:`PyOS_CheckStack`. In this is the case, it sets a " +":exc:`MemoryError` and returns a nonzero value." msgstr ":const:`USE_STACKCHECK` が定義されている場合、 OS のスタックがオー バーフローがしたかどうかを :c:func:`PyOS_CheckStack` を使ってチェックしま す。もしオーバーフローしているなら、 :exc:`MemoryError` をセットしゼロでない 値を返します。" -# dcfe03ae647442589544218b37bd4d72 +# f32cdefa82974c24bbeac86726e851d4 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:579 -msgid "The function then checks if the recursion limit is reached. If this is the case, a :exc:`RuntimeError` is set and a nonzero value is returned. Otherwise, zero is returned." +msgid "" +"The function then checks if the recursion limit is reached. If this is the " +"case, a :exc:`RuntimeError` is set and a nonzero value is returned. " +"Otherwise, zero is returned." msgstr "次にこの関数は再帰の上限に達していないかをチェックします。上限に達 している場合、 :exc:`RuntimeError` をセットしゼロでない値を返します。そうで ない場合はゼロを返します。" -# 7a9e3a8d02fa4e548880f7ef19850bef +# ddd135eeb2ca4145961ff4ce5283b993 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:583 -msgid "*where* should be a string such as ``\" in instance check\"`` to be concatenated to the :exc:`RuntimeError` message caused by the recursion depth limit." +msgid "" +"*where* should be a string such as ``\" in instance check\"`` to be " +"concatenated to the :exc:`RuntimeError` message caused by the recursion " +"depth limit." msgstr "再帰の深さの上限に達して送出される :exc:`RuntimeError` のメッセージ に連結できるよう *where* は ``\" in instance check\"`` のような文字列にして ください。" -# 1a82b622ef5348808be3d90822a9b5dc +# 46d43f1b6c3a4d37b96b974d43fcbb8f #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:589 -msgid "Ends a :c:func:`Py_EnterRecursiveCall`. Must be called once for each *successful* invocation of :c:func:`Py_EnterRecursiveCall`." +msgid "" +"Ends a :c:func:`Py_EnterRecursiveCall`. Must be called once for each " +"*successful* invocation of :c:func:`Py_EnterRecursiveCall`." msgstr "" -# 5b989712852b4fc38229affe61c588ef +# e7cadbd8308449adb47649653ca48767 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:592 -msgid "Properly implementing :attr:`tp_repr` for container types requires special recursion handling. In addition to protecting the stack, :attr:`tp_repr` also needs to track objects to prevent cycles. The following two functions facilitate this functionality. Effectively, these are the C equivalent to :func:`reprlib.recursive_repr`." +msgid "" +"Properly implementing :attr:`tp_repr` for container types requires special " +"recursion handling. In addition to protecting the stack, :attr:`tp_repr` " +"also needs to track objects to prevent cycles. The following two functions " +"facilitate this functionality. Effectively, these are the C equivalent to " +":func:`reprlib.recursive_repr`." msgstr "" -# 3ed2126c9691499e837579128d92aad0 +# 9eea8390c0484014847e8e5f407d6586 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:600 -msgid "Called at the beginning of the :attr:`tp_repr` implementation to detect cycles." +msgid "" +"Called at the beginning of the :attr:`tp_repr` implementation to detect " +"cycles." msgstr "" -# 18d7ac7fde944f8a90f1be0b7c976ee3 +# c4671fb88141457ba78c9e74a3b806b5 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:603 -msgid "If the object has already been processed, the function returns a positive integer. In that case the :attr:`tp_repr` implementation should return a string object indicating a cycle. As examples, :class:`dict` objects return ``{...}`` and :class:`list` objects return ``[...]``." +msgid "" +"If the object has already been processed, the function returns a positive " +"integer. In that case the :attr:`tp_repr` implementation should return a " +"string object indicating a cycle. As examples, :class:`dict` objects return" +" ``{...}`` and :class:`list` objects return ``[...]``." msgstr "" -# 3182081b0f34497d8c57c5078ffee486 +# a6269e378f2b4e4da6c6c238c1c39706 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:609 -msgid "The function will return a negative integer if the recursion limit is reached. In that case the :attr:`tp_repr` implementation should typically return ``NULL``." +msgid "" +"The function will return a negative integer if the recursion limit is " +"reached. In that case the :attr:`tp_repr` implementation should typically " +"return ``NULL``." msgstr "" -# 26d6322e6e0a4290887afaa1f5bc157c +# f891a6e49bda43f2938a7a2ab8688ccd #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:613 -msgid "Otherwise, the function returns zero and the :attr:`tp_repr` implementation can continue normally." +msgid "" +"Otherwise, the function returns zero and the :attr:`tp_repr` implementation " +"can continue normally." msgstr "" -# 383850366ea64459b03179e2e1771a0f +# 675ea609dd404168838a7aa837b812e7 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:618 -msgid "Ends a :c:func:`Py_ReprEnter`. Must be called once for each invocation of :c:func:`Py_ReprEnter` that returns zero." +msgid "" +"Ends a :c:func:`Py_ReprEnter`. Must be called once for each invocation of " +":c:func:`Py_ReprEnter` that returns zero." msgstr "" -# adf0085fff194c28b7c3129c7783c4f0 +# 4508b26749704f0bad020202698ec01b #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:625 msgid "Standard Exceptions" msgstr "標準例外" -# 9169a32c0fd34b55aaae20e2137298bf +# ff37eef373f24d2a9570019beddad69d #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:627 -msgid "All standard Python exceptions are available as global variables whose names are ``PyExc_`` followed by the Python exception name. These have the type :c:type:`PyObject\\*`; they are all class objects. For completeness, here are all the variables:" +msgid "" +"All standard Python exceptions are available as global variables whose names" +" are ``PyExc_`` followed by the Python exception name. These have the type " +":c:type:`PyObject\\*`; they are all class objects. For completeness, here " +"are all the variables:" msgstr "``PyExc_`` の後ろにPythonの例外名が続く名前をもつグローバル変数とし て、すべての標準Python例外が利用可能です。これらは型 :c:type:`PyObject\\*` を持ち、すべてクラスオブジェクトです。完璧を期するために、すべての変数を以下 に列挙します:" -# 92ef3d4abe2f4b13a5f9ed664d2f7a57 -# 744caf1383f44c34868da062bb81e323 +# 0dff7d09ec7c4755a772c1623afeaf77 +# a30a11531ba74689a840d5566ac28c1a #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:633 ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:730 msgid "C Name" msgstr "C名" -# ba71ca835e8641e2ae33337352b10c56 +# 76a892dfdce644a78c06eb81d605e31b #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:633 msgid "Python Name" msgstr "Python名" -# 7058a55ca30f4c87a60a088a1d5ce9d6 -# 78ad8b03e5474580bd06b7d09617f9fb +# 7a372e931e694b28854ac025145108c4 +# 7bdfab912ac344eab768d422ee8a860b #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:633 ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:730 msgid "Notes" msgstr "Notes" -# 85bdad07fd1b4164a596946551791037 +# 7abacf7b047043af982bf0fdaa05d4a0 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:635 msgid ":c:data:`PyExc_BaseException`" msgstr "" -# 124d3916d6c84f2ba4e1346b012aff34 +# a51e26a6192e4a18aa7053beacb464e2 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:635 msgid ":exc:`BaseException`" msgstr ":exc:`BaseException`" -# c3deb324989947d0b15d5f386a028960 -# acd5dfa49eed4bbe8e322bd40ea63d5c -# 400e32dbcd1c4ecc9b92c783b0229190 -# 2fd697bef810473b9411f06c40d32618 -# daf16d522d054971931b84c8da5fe8bf -#: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:635 ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:637 ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:639 ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:641 ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:689 +# 96da27e7dd2b438a9cdf0b41ac225b8e +# a6c0a1778d4b4ff483f5ec3493be4b9d +# c51ab0ebb69f4001af27f8eb4a6a7411 +# 12c19c4905e14ce881451474074a87af +# bb469294e456432286ea88f2ecc0382e +#: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:635 ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:637 +#: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:639 ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:641 +#: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:689 msgid "\\(1)" msgstr "\\(1)" -# 7c7bf18d5a454ef18079d39791551aa9 +# cb38b97cecd94a27805fcc220761779c #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:637 msgid ":c:data:`PyExc_Exception`" msgstr "" -# 1c8fa49fce6c41a281e8b26c6d023c80 +# ef3bff1bbabd4530b5bec84b2c56d063 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:637 msgid ":exc:`Exception`" msgstr ":exc:`Exception`" -# 52bc2c43f3724df3913ea7736dc12ffd +# 0838b0d7e88146c8a191a6fe4bf7ede5 #: ../../c-api/exceptions.rst:639 msgid ":c:data:`PyExc_ArithmeticError`" msgstr "" ***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.*** ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/file.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/file.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:42+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,42 +17,78 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 08cdbed5d05543c38ede10c975c76971 +# ef6555742abc499e8e9c6bd57939fd4f #: ../../c-api/file.rst:6 msgid "File Objects" msgstr "ファイルオブジェクト" -# 88a29a068c7444509d0145ab0ef7757a +# e00452655a1943258c3a94d944e737c7 #: ../../c-api/file.rst:10 -msgid "These APIs are a minimal emulation of the Python 2 C API for built-in file objects, which used to rely on the buffered I/O (:c:type:`FILE\\*`) support from the C standard library. In Python 3, files and streams use the new :mod:`io` module, which defines several layers over the low-level unbuffered I/O of the operating system. The functions described below are convenience C wrappers over these new APIs, and meant mostly for internal error reporting in the interpreter; third-party code is advised to access the :mod:`io` APIs instead." +msgid "" +"These APIs are a minimal emulation of the Python 2 C API for built-in file " +"objects, which used to rely on the buffered I/O (:c:type:`FILE\\*`) support " +"from the C standard library. In Python 3, files and streams use the new " +":mod:`io` module, which defines several layers over the low-level unbuffered" +" I/O of the operating system. The functions described below are convenience" +" C wrappers over these new APIs, and meant mostly for internal error " +"reporting in the interpreter; third-party code is advised to access the " +":mod:`io` APIs instead." msgstr "" -# 8146455d75c74b879ffc068c8da90df2 +# b301d9fa779b488895dd81559f952b11 #: ../../c-api/file.rst:22 -msgid "Create a Python file object from the file descriptor of an already opened file *fd*. The arguments *name*, *encoding*, *errors* and *newline* can be *NULL* to use the defaults; *buffering* can be *-1* to use the default. *name* is ignored and kept for backward compatibility. Return *NULL* on failure. For a more comprehensive description of the arguments, please refer to the :func:`` function documentation." +msgid "" +"Create a Python file object from the file descriptor of an already opened " +"file *fd*. The arguments *name*, *encoding*, *errors* and *newline* can be " +"*NULL* to use the defaults; *buffering* can be *-1* to use the default. " +"*name* is ignored and kept for backward compatibility. Return *NULL* on " +"failure. For a more comprehensive description of the arguments, please refer" +" to the :func:`` function documentation." msgstr "" -# 40f8ff521945491596d0a2c8f222648a +# def4b1aaab13434a8f06c43e4247945d #: ../../c-api/file.rst:31 -msgid "Since Python streams have their own buffering layer, mixing them with OS-level file descriptors can produce various issues (such as unexpected ordering of data)." +msgid "" +"Since Python streams have their own buffering layer, mixing them with OS-" +"level file descriptors can produce various issues (such as unexpected " +"ordering of data)." msgstr "" -# 99b8be72a23849399bdd9b6408094634 +# 2393d1c9aea547f5b1d800d3c84addf9 #: ../../c-api/file.rst:41 -msgid "Return the file descriptor associated with *p* as an :c:type:`int`. If the object is an integer, its value is returned. If not, the object's :meth:`fileno` method is called if it exists; the method must return an integer, which is returned as the file descriptor value. Sets an exception and returns ``-1`` on failure." +msgid "" +"Return the file descriptor associated with *p* as an :c:type:`int`. If the " +"object is an integer, its value is returned. If not, the object's " +":meth:`fileno` method is called if it exists; the method must return an " +"integer, which is returned as the file descriptor value. Sets an exception " +"and returns ``-1`` on failure." msgstr "" -# e0960906e3a74e30ab1008d3b0b6685c +# 15174a676bdc4953860484f8481caba6 #: ../../c-api/file.rst:52 -msgid "Equivalent to ``p.readline([n])``, this function reads one line from the object *p*. *p* may be a file object or any object with a :meth:`readline` method. If *n* is ``0``, exactly one line is read, regardless of the length of the line. If *n* is greater than ``0``, no more than *n* bytes will be read from the file; a partial line can be returned. In both cases, an empty string is returned if the end of the file is reached immediately. If *n* is less than ``0``, however, one line is read regardless of length, but :exc:`EOFError` is raised if the end of the file is reached immediately." +msgid "" +"Equivalent to ``p.readline([n])``, this function reads one line from the " +"object *p*. *p* may be a file object or any object with a :meth:`readline` " +"method. If *n* is ``0``, exactly one line is read, regardless of the length" +" of the line. If *n* is greater than ``0``, no more than *n* bytes will be " +"read from the file; a partial line can be returned. In both cases, an empty" +" string is returned if the end of the file is reached immediately. If *n* " +"is less than ``0``, however, one line is read regardless of length, but " +":exc:`EOFError` is raised if the end of the file is reached immediately." msgstr "``p.readline([*n*])`` と同じで、この関数はオブジェクト *p* の各行を 読み出します。 *p* はファイルオブジェクトか、 :meth:`readline` メソッドを持 つ何らかのオブジェクトでかまいません。 *n* が ``0`` の場合、行の長さに関係な く正確に 1 行だけ読み出します。 *n* が ``0`` より大きければ、 *n* バイト以上 のデータは読み出しません; 従って、行の一部だけが返される場合があります。どち らの場合でも、読み出し後すぐにファイルの終端に到達した場合には空文字列を返し ます。 *n* が ``0`` より小さければ、長さに関わらず 1 行だけを読み出します が、すぐにファイルの終端に到達した場合には :exc:`EOFError` を送出します。" -# 5a5d21253b06445d94c673a4c3509129 +# 0320bdbe6c284b0aa648bc5fc13e8063 #: ../../c-api/file.rst:66 -msgid "Write object *obj* to file object *p*. The only supported flag for *flags* is :const:`Py_PRINT_RAW`; if given, the :func:`str` of the object is written instead of the :func:`repr`. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` on failure; the appropriate exception will be set." +msgid "" +"Write object *obj* to file object *p*. The only supported flag for *flags* " +"is :const:`Py_PRINT_RAW`; if given, the :func:`str` of the object is written" +" instead of the :func:`repr`. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` on failure;" +" the appropriate exception will be set." msgstr "オブジェクト *obj* をファイルオブジェクト *p* に書き込みます。 *flag* がサポートするフラグは :const:`Py_PRINT_RAW` だけです; このフラグを指 定すると、オブジェクトに :func:`repr` ではなく :func:`str` を適用した結果を ファイルに書き出します。成功した場合には ``0`` を返し、失敗すると ``-1`` を 返して適切な例外をセットします。" -# 60ecb978303e481d91e830a9010fb0e1 +# 0a33513c0b294ad2834c89833e0ea63b #: ../../c-api/file.rst:74 -msgid "Write string *s* to file object *p*. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` on failure; the appropriate exception will be set." +msgid "" +"Write string *s* to file object *p*. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` on " +"failure; the appropriate exception will be set." msgstr "文字列 *s* をファイルオブジェクト *p* に書き出します。成功した場合 には ``0`` を返し、失敗すると ``-1`` を返して適切な例外をセットします。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/float.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/float.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:42+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,67 +17,94 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# d1ba7ec0bca34c0f968cec2b662c1e0f +# da7b64ee55bc428ba53bc5bb1d7168e4 #: ../../c-api/float.rst:6 msgid "Floating Point Objects" msgstr "浮動小数点型オブジェクト (floating point object)" -# 0b0e9fecbbf04663ba921767dd548429 +# 9b9746e6cb524b3a9c98217b41aa550c #: ../../c-api/float.rst:13 -msgid "This subtype of :c:type:`PyObject` represents a Python floating point object." +msgid "" +"This subtype of :c:type:`PyObject` represents a Python floating point " +"object." msgstr "" -# 153774b2734540898810773c5cb1c908 +# 35a489692b044a89b688b685523e348a #: ../../c-api/float.rst:18 -msgid "This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python floating point type. This is the same object as :class:`float` in the Python layer." +msgid "" +"This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python floating point" +" type. This is the same object as :class:`float` in the Python layer." msgstr "この :c:type:`PyTypeObject` のインスタンスは Python 浮動小数点型を 表現します。これは Python レイヤにおける :class:`float` と同じオブジェクトで す。" -# be5c2cab617346e3b0d51239a77a0044 +# b8d84eb4c4e3487595222216723fac2f #: ../../c-api/float.rst:24 -msgid "Return true if its argument is a :c:type:`PyFloatObject` or a subtype of :c:type:`PyFloatObject`." +msgid "" +"Return true if its argument is a :c:type:`PyFloatObject` or a subtype of " +":c:type:`PyFloatObject`." msgstr "引数が :c:type:`PyFloatObject` か :c:type:`PyFloatObject` のサブタ イプのときに真を返します。" -# 8812cdd7d7d84ebc90c140220887ca3f +# 4de50a5dd34645b9a06998f3f450b41c #: ../../c-api/float.rst:30 -msgid "Return true if its argument is a :c:type:`PyFloatObject`, but not a subtype of :c:type:`PyFloatObject`." +msgid "" +"Return true if its argument is a :c:type:`PyFloatObject`, but not a subtype " +"of :c:type:`PyFloatObject`." msgstr "引数が :c:type:`PyFloatObject` 型で、かつ :c:type:`PyFloatObject` 型のサブタイプでないときに真を返します。" -# 0e178c47bee54c9a9df580edbd48b129 +# 917dd7dc5f4b49bea0687f0b1e77c509 #: ../../c-api/float.rst:36 -msgid "Create a :c:type:`PyFloatObject` object based on the string value in *str*, or *NULL* on failure." +msgid "" +"Create a :c:type:`PyFloatObject` object based on the string value in *str*, " +"or *NULL* on failure." msgstr "*str* の文字列値をもとに :c:type:`PyFloatObject` オブジェクトを生成 します。失敗すると *NULL* を返します。" -# 0c5772ccb39e4a718be1b26a37a3ae9a +# 3dbc17e5d7c4452e851b729465d8afe0 #: ../../c-api/float.rst:42 -msgid "Create a :c:type:`PyFloatObject` object from *v*, or *NULL* on failure." +msgid "" +"Create a :c:type:`PyFloatObject` object from *v*, or *NULL* on failure." msgstr "*v* から :c:type:`PyFloatObject` オブジェクトを生成して返します。失 敗すると *NULL* を返します。" -# 77c90e5b63944722b677c6fd7b0724f2 +# 2705f0bbad804d8ca48f1f155a4bcae8 #: ../../c-api/float.rst:47 -msgid "Return a C :c:type:`double` representation of the contents of *pyfloat*. If *pyfloat* is not a Python floating point object but has a :meth:`__float__` method, this method will first be called to convert *pyfloat* into a float. This method returns ``-1.0`` upon failure, so one should call :c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` to check for errors." +msgid "" +"Return a C :c:type:`double` representation of the contents of *pyfloat*. If" +" *pyfloat* is not a Python floating point object but has a :meth:`__float__`" +" method, this method will first be called to convert *pyfloat* into a float." +" This method returns ``-1.0`` upon failure, so one should call " +":c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` to check for errors." msgstr "" -# b759733bfa3c489396c6e85f425259c3 +# 6da2e121fecb4431ae19e380714ddfcc #: ../../c-api/float.rst:56 -msgid "Return a C :c:type:`double` representation of the contents of *pyfloat*, but without error checking." +msgid "" +"Return a C :c:type:`double` representation of the contents of *pyfloat*, but" +" without error checking." msgstr "*pyfloat* の指す値を、 C の :c:type:`double` 型表現で返しますが、エ ラーチェックを行いません。" -# 42982ed31792402390efb729eaa14a16 +# abd30854ca84415599d634ad77f104c7 #: ../../c-api/float.rst:62 -msgid "Return a structseq instance which contains information about the precision, minimum and maximum values of a float. It's a thin wrapper around the header file :file:`float.h`." +msgid "" +"Return a structseq instance which contains information about the precision, " +"minimum and maximum values of a float. It's a thin wrapper around the header" +" file :file:`float.h`." msgstr "float の精度、最小値、最大値に関する情報を含む structseq インスタン スを返します。これは、 :file:`float.h` ファイルの薄いラッパーです。" -# 4c45b7e1f1454ad78ce797b4ae044e92 +# 2c882c3d7b454a87bd93104843b14453 #: ../../c-api/float.rst:69 -msgid "Return the maximum representable finite float *DBL_MAX* as C :c:type:`double`." +msgid "" +"Return the maximum representable finite float *DBL_MAX* as C " +":c:type:`double`." msgstr "float の表現できる最大限解値 *DBL_MAX* を C の :c:type:`double` 型 で返します。" -# 49a56f0fec8840eeb0a5d4afadfc5f20 +# 415cdce2ca864873aad7084fe111f9ce #: ../../c-api/float.rst:74 -msgid "Return the minimum normalized positive float *DBL_MIN* as C :c:type:`double`." +msgid "" +"Return the minimum normalized positive float *DBL_MIN* as C " +":c:type:`double`." msgstr "float の正規化された最小の正の値 *DBL_MIN* を C の :c:type:`double` 型で返します。" -# c84ad67914fd476fab7c671d1d1e6784 +# e7d1b7db757141f9b5574d65004477e3 #: ../../c-api/float.rst:78 -msgid "Clear the float free list. Return the number of items that could not be freed." +msgid "" +"Clear the float free list. Return the number of items that could not be " +"freed." msgstr "float の free list をクリアします。開放できなかったアイテム数を返し ます。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/function.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/function.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-02 09:41+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,94 +17,125 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 7568f8377bd94a78af4236c566dab8a4 +# 73b025cac8a143099417ebb7a2467063 #: ../../c-api/function.rst:6 msgid "Function Objects" msgstr "Function オブジェクト" -# f0e0a6a896394158a60c09e68eec2f18 +# 69c07da549474d229c004bd9c72beef9 #: ../../c-api/function.rst:10 msgid "There are a few functions specific to Python functions." msgstr "Pythonの関数にはいくつかの種類があります。" -# ca92cc2d93024440bf7215309d9fad9c +# 0164d31ec62a49a59a40206966a80683 #: ../../c-api/function.rst:15 msgid "The C structure used for functions." msgstr "関数に使われるCの構造体。" -# 46d5f59be6a641dbaf9477be64f8dbad +# de3d7c0c775b4953acb78f271dbaf4b4 #: ../../c-api/function.rst:22 -msgid "This is an instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` and represents the Python function type. It is exposed to Python programmers as ``types.FunctionType``." +msgid "" +"This is an instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` and represents the Python " +"function type. It is exposed to Python programmers as " +"``types.FunctionType``." msgstr ":c:type:`PyTypeObject` 型のインスタンスで、 Python の関数型を表しま す。これは Python プログラムに ``types.FunctionType`` として公開されます。" -# ebdb36942d954be3bf8f1c58bac4ef92 +# dd358f4121e94a659297fe77f05e63f0 #: ../../c-api/function.rst:28 -msgid "Return true if *o* is a function object (has type :c:data:`PyFunction_Type`). The parameter must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return true if *o* is a function object (has type " +":c:data:`PyFunction_Type`). The parameter must not be *NULL*." msgstr "*o* が関数オブジェクト (:c:data:`PyFunction_Type` を持っている) な ら true を返します。引数は *NULL* であってはいけません。" -# 7576ddf6e2d44710abf7a1832050747d +# ef8cb6a3aae9402195a0d31417296563 #: ../../c-api/function.rst:34 -msgid "Return a new function object associated with the code object *code*. *globals* must be a dictionary with the global variables accessible to the function." +msgid "" +"Return a new function object associated with the code object *code*. " +"*globals* must be a dictionary with the global variables accessible to the " +"function." msgstr "コードオブジェクト *code* に関連付けられた新しい関数オブジェクトを 返します。 *globals* はこの関数からアクセスできるグローバル変数の辞書でなけ ればなりません。" -# 788bf7c4f1644e57af51b8734472803c +# 35c48314e908421cb72804f8a00be48f #: ../../c-api/function.rst:37 -msgid "The function's docstring, name and *__module__* are retrieved from the code object, the argument defaults and closure are set to *NULL*." +msgid "" +"The function's docstring, name and *__module__* are retrieved from the code " +"object, the argument defaults and closure are set to *NULL*." msgstr "関数のドキュメント文字列、名前および *__module__* はコードオブジェ クトから取得されます。引数のデフォルト値やクロージャは *NULL* にセットされま す。" -# 4d965696669349449578aecad1e19fb0 +# e6361c6577684cafad32babb3376b6eb #: ../../c-api/function.rst:43 -msgid "As :c:func:`PyFunction_New`, but also allows to set the function object's ``__qualname__`` attribute. *qualname* should be a unicode object or NULL; if NULL, the ``__qualname__`` attribute is set to the same value as its ``__name__`` attribute." +msgid "" +"As :c:func:`PyFunction_New`, but also allows to set the function object's " +"``__qualname__`` attribute. *qualname* should be a unicode object or NULL; " +"if NULL, the ``__qualname__`` attribute is set to the same value as its " +"``__name__`` attribute." msgstr "" -# a4def33e81164a5f81e364c9b0b0b967 +# 63cf0adc5bf640a28f9f95c8fb77b0e8 #: ../../c-api/function.rst:53 msgid "Return the code object associated with the function object *op*." msgstr "関数オブジェクト *op* に関連付けられたコードオブジェクトを返しま す。" -# a3469acfea6e48e88bc4992dfa470776 +# db71f2e2314c4543b9d98f590c546458 #: ../../c-api/function.rst:58 -msgid "Return the globals dictionary associated with the function object *op*." +msgid "" +"Return the globals dictionary associated with the function object *op*." msgstr "関数オブジェクト *op* に関連付けられたglobals辞書を返します。" -# 0e40c2b3b5cf455b8b106f933608b6b6 +# 0f5816cd14f14db4bdf4254c5ecffa39 #: ../../c-api/function.rst:63 -msgid "Return the *__module__* attribute of the function object *op*. This is normally a string containing the module name, but can be set to any other object by Python code." +msgid "" +"Return the *__module__* attribute of the function object *op*. This is " +"normally a string containing the module name, but can be set to any other " +"object by Python code." msgstr "関数オブジェクト *op* の *__module__* 属性を返します。これは普通は モジュール名の文字列が入っていますが、Python コードから他のオブジェクトをセ ットされることもあります。" -# 25cc14fd2e7b48ca881c7755b06eb94e +# 99f980747dce4a4c9755e32c76a8ca0e #: ../../c-api/function.rst:70 -msgid "Return the argument default values of the function object *op*. This can be a tuple of arguments or *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return the argument default values of the function object *op*. This can be " +"a tuple of arguments or *NULL*." msgstr "関数オブジェクト *op* の引数のデフォルト値を返します。引数のタプル か *NULL* になります。" -# d9a315e38bca4684a2fbd5b0ccdd917a +# f063b7402cd14f25b371330e0dd74ef1 #: ../../c-api/function.rst:76 -msgid "Set the argument default values for the function object *op*. *defaults* must be *Py_None* or a tuple." +msgid "" +"Set the argument default values for the function object *op*. *defaults* " +"must be *Py_None* or a tuple." msgstr "関数オブジェクト *op* の引数のデフォルト値を設定します。 *defaults* は *Py_None* かタプルでなければいけません。" -# 5e3a91333f0d452ba1b8affa0dcd8cfe -# 7aa172bf73a94310b53abc00446503a5 -# c6405b65a0174fd18062dd164a2a2445 -#: ../../c-api/function.rst:79 ../../c-api/function.rst:93 ../../c-api/function.rst:107 +# 4000978bcdc84bc0bfe341fe278f4cf6 +# 9eaf4662a1734ecca80157d133018c1c +# a08b0b90a9604db3a2fca7382eac185a +#: ../../c-api/function.rst:79 ../../c-api/function.rst:93 +#: ../../c-api/function.rst:107 msgid "Raises :exc:`SystemError` and returns ``-1`` on failure." msgstr "失敗した時は、 :exc:`SystemError` を発生し、 ``-1`` を返します。" -# 04910b3b2e6546ad8c71c6b7dfb725df +# 07aa020142a14e799d6af3ae978198a1 #: ../../c-api/function.rst:84 -msgid "Return the closure associated with the function object *op*. This can be *NULL* or a tuple of cell objects." +msgid "" +"Return the closure associated with the function object *op*. This can be " +"*NULL* or a tuple of cell objects." msgstr "関数オブジェクト *op* に設定されたクロージャを返します。 *NULL* か cell オブジェクトのタプルです。" -# 20dd5f2190ec40d19a69b211438e7362 +# 7307eb654e954afe8bd08becca78bfca #: ../../c-api/function.rst:90 -msgid "Set the closure associated with the function object *op*. *closure* must be *Py_None* or a tuple of cell objects." +msgid "" +"Set the closure associated with the function object *op*. *closure* must be " +"*Py_None* or a tuple of cell objects." msgstr "関数オブジェクト *op* にクロージャを設定します。 *closure* は、 *Py_None* もしくは cell オブジェクトのタプルでなければなりません。" -# a53aef304cfa4113b4c31bb35bbf7c93 +# 4697f359062b417ea355e1376fb82116 #: ../../c-api/function.rst:98 -msgid "Return the annotations of the function object *op*. This can be a mutable dictionary or *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return the annotations of the function object *op*. This can be a mutable " +"dictionary or *NULL*." msgstr "" -# 00f778e4869942c1b08057cee32d501d +# 3600a7d7449448189c4b1c8d7842505e #: ../../c-api/function.rst:104 -msgid "Set the annotations for the function object *op*. *annotations* must be a dictionary or *Py_None*." +msgid "" +"Set the annotations for the function object *op*. *annotations* must be a " +"dictionary or *Py_None*." msgstr "" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/gcsupport.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/gcsupport.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:42+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,132 +17,202 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# e712b3b0f40b4e68b5ab961d486d8389 +# 4c96c94bc72249f981a746f484976189 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:6 msgid "Supporting Cyclic Garbage Collection" msgstr "循環参照ガベージコレクションをサポートする" -# 9ac216dedcb34c538517e74a323ba2ae +# 2fa08f6b051d41358abaa7f2359acf4d #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:8 -msgid "Python's support for detecting and collecting garbage which involves circular references requires support from object types which are \"containers\" for other objects which may also be containers. Types which do not store references to other objects, or which only store references to atomic types (such as numbers or strings), do not need to provide any explicit support for garbage collection." +msgid "" +"Python's support for detecting and collecting garbage which involves " +"circular references requires support from object types which are " +"\"containers\" for other objects which may also be containers. Types which " +"do not store references to other objects, or which only store references to " +"atomic types (such as numbers or strings), do not need to provide any " +"explicit support for garbage collection." msgstr "Python が循環参照を含むガベージの検出とコレクションをサポートするに は、他のオブジェクトに対する \"コンテナ\" (他のオブジェクトには他のコンテナ も含みます) となるオブジェクト型によるサポートが必要です。他のオブジェクトに 対する参照を記憶しないオブジェクトや、 (数値や文字列のような) アトム型 (atomic type) への参照だけを記憶するような型では、ガベージコレクションに際し て特別これといったサポートを提供する必要はありません。" -# 1a58703d33404da0bdfc6cd3ea1df35e +# b41dabff4a09430285106ea16ff30aab #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:15 -msgid "To create a container type, the :attr:`tp_flags` field of the type object must include the :const:`Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC` and provide an implementation of the :attr:`tp_traverse` handler. If instances of the type are mutable, a :attr:`tp_clear` implementation must also be provided." +msgid "" +"To create a container type, the :attr:`tp_flags` field of the type object " +"must include the :const:`Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC` and provide an implementation " +"of the :attr:`tp_traverse` handler. If instances of the type are mutable, a" +" :attr:`tp_clear` implementation must also be provided." msgstr "コンテナ型を作るには、型オブジェクトの :attr:`tp_flags` フィールド に :const:`Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC` フラグがなくてはならず、 :attr:`tp_traverse` ハンドラの実装を提供しなければなりません。実装する型のインスタンスを変更可能 なオブジェクトにするなら、 :attr:`tp_clear` の実装も提供しなければなりませ ん。" -# 3f8e4e51c5c3475b927e3555b2e97f87 +# 8bdde4d1002649e1a86d034f8dbd0e54 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:24 -msgid "Objects with a type with this flag set must conform with the rules documented here. For convenience these objects will be referred to as container objects." +msgid "" +"Objects with a type with this flag set must conform with the rules " +"documented here. For convenience these objects will be referred to as " +"container objects." msgstr "このフラグをセットした型のオブジェクトは、この節に述べた規則に適合 しなければなりません。簡単のため、このフラグをセットした型のオブジェクトをコ ンテナオブジェクトと呼びます。" -# 974243def6794bb2a0493c7d9ecd9c31 +# 5d682bff8755418fbaaf930f756081d7 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:28 msgid "Constructors for container types must conform to two rules:" msgstr "コンテナ型のコンストラクタは以下の二つの規則に適合しなければなりま せん:" -# c7f530f606f747e4b226e49c0b5544ae +# 0f48a8a2836f44fe8667e32c1397468c #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:30 -msgid "The memory for the object must be allocated using :c:func:`PyObject_GC_New` or :c:func:`PyObject_GC_NewVar`." +msgid "" +"The memory for the object must be allocated using :c:func:`PyObject_GC_New` " +"or :c:func:`PyObject_GC_NewVar`." msgstr "オブジェクトのメモリは :c:func:`PyObject_GC_New` また は :c:func:`PyObject_GC_NewVar` で確保しなければなりません。" -# 073a5dd730a240ffa9d4efeb8cb4d547 +# 77d76923b0654a49bf246a2b50456c8a #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:33 -msgid "Once all the fields which may contain references to other containers are initialized, it must call :c:func:`PyObject_GC_Track`." +msgid "" +"Once all the fields which may contain references to other containers are " +"initialized, it must call :c:func:`PyObject_GC_Track`." msgstr "一度他のコンテナへの参照が入るかもしれないフィールドが全て初期化さ れたら、 :c:func:`PyObject_GC_Track` を呼び出さねばなりません。" -# 88e2dfb30e274fd98b96900013c8b0ea +# 8e1e25c882364d00bde6d9d6b59b4591 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:39 -msgid "Analogous to :c:func:`PyObject_New` but for container objects with the :const:`Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC` flag set." +msgid "" +"Analogous to :c:func:`PyObject_New` but for container objects with the " +":const:`Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC` flag set." msgstr ":c:func:`PyObject_New` に似ています が、 :const:`Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC` のセットされたコンテナオブジェクト用です。" -# 2f1b4e88006f429c8e77b5e1154abe84 +# eb32536f90ce4dc3bea6a1e40b552770 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:45 -msgid "Analogous to :c:func:`PyObject_NewVar` but for container objects with the :const:`Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC` flag set." +msgid "" +"Analogous to :c:func:`PyObject_NewVar` but for container objects with the " +":const:`Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC` flag set." msgstr ":c:func:`PyObject_NewVar` に似ています が、 :const:`Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GC` のセットされたコンテナオブジェクト用です。" -# ac6960c024a94719b37317815249bef7 +# 3cb738bb88aa4202943bdc78bc85a663 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:51 -msgid "Resize an object allocated by :c:func:`PyObject_NewVar`. Returns the resized object or *NULL* on failure." +msgid "" +"Resize an object allocated by :c:func:`PyObject_NewVar`. Returns the " +"resized object or *NULL* on failure." msgstr ":c:func:`PyObject_NewVar` が確保したオブジェクトのメモリをリサイズ します。リサイズされたオブジェクトを返します。失敗すると *NULL* を返しま す。" -# 614cf8451f77454fb4c11fd2b0fda774 +# e8a168ebc70f487884647d97866b0f12 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:57 -msgid "Adds the object *op* to the set of container objects tracked by the collector. The collector can run at unexpected times so objects must be valid while being tracked. This should be called once all the fields followed by the :attr:`tp_traverse` handler become valid, usually near the end of the constructor." +msgid "" +"Adds the object *op* to the set of container objects tracked by the " +"collector. The collector can run at unexpected times so objects must be " +"valid while being tracked. This should be called once all the fields " +"followed by the :attr:`tp_traverse` handler become valid, usually near the " +"end of the constructor." msgstr "ガベージコレクタが追跡しているコンテナオブジェクトの集合にオブジェ クト *op* を追加します。ガベージコレクタの動作する回数は予測不能なので、追加 対象にするオブジェクトは追跡されている間ずっと有効なオブジェクトでなければな りません。この関数は、通常コンストラクタの最後付近で、 :attr:`tp_traverse` ハンドラ以降の全てのフィールドが有効な値になった時点で呼び出さねばなりませ ん。" -# 3d7aa24edd4d49e2a0768f3c5cc64422 +# e3612cbbb1254cf28aecb101a67256a0 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:66 -msgid "A macro version of :c:func:`PyObject_GC_Track`. It should not be used for extension modules." +msgid "" +"A macro version of :c:func:`PyObject_GC_Track`. It should not be used for " +"extension modules." msgstr ":c:func:`PyObject_GC_Track` のマクロ版です。拡張モジュールに使って はなりません。" -# 69aa60f702664edf94f76a1204fcea46 +# 9c7b87060d09453780546f1ca055ab16 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:69 -msgid "Similarly, the deallocator for the object must conform to a similar pair of rules:" +msgid "" +"Similarly, the deallocator for the object must conform to a similar pair of " +"rules:" msgstr "同様に、オブジェクトのメモリ解放関数も以下の二つの規則に適合しなけ ればなりません:" -# 8debc7d322984ea0be7a03a82b15f9d1 +# 310f9d04895c491090420bcc998314c0 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:72 -msgid "Before fields which refer to other containers are invalidated, :c:func:`PyObject_GC_UnTrack` must be called." +msgid "" +"Before fields which refer to other containers are invalidated, " +":c:func:`PyObject_GC_UnTrack` must be called." msgstr "他のコンテナを参照しているフィールドを無効化する前 に、 :c:func:`PyObject_GC_UnTrack` を呼び出さねばなりません。" -# 849a182b60af4f15bd0c9ef7c916bad1 +# 7a56cb17000c4837b4a2f16d5207f7ad #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:75 -msgid "The object's memory must be deallocated using :c:func:`PyObject_GC_Del`." +msgid "" +"The object's memory must be deallocated using :c:func:`PyObject_GC_Del`." msgstr "オブジェクトのメモリは :c:func:`PyObject_GC_Del` で解放しなければな りません。" -# 7dbb41ff78994234b2957c5930d54b3b +# 0a4fc59523c7459995e9267a5b054246 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:80 -msgid "Releases memory allocated to an object using :c:func:`PyObject_GC_New` or :c:func:`PyObject_GC_NewVar`." +msgid "" +"Releases memory allocated to an object using :c:func:`PyObject_GC_New` or " +":c:func:`PyObject_GC_NewVar`." msgstr ":c:func:`PyObject_GC_New` や :c:func:`PyObject_GC_NewVar` を使って 確保されたメモリを解放します。" -# bbb7cf50718141f4a87ef3acc67c0e24 +# 4670b2e7e0dd47858f23cc6873595264 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:86 -msgid "Remove the object *op* from the set of container objects tracked by the collector. Note that :c:func:`PyObject_GC_Track` can be called again on this object to add it back to the set of tracked objects. The deallocator (:attr:`tp_dealloc` handler) should call this for the object before any of the fields used by the :attr:`tp_traverse` handler become invalid." +msgid "" +"Remove the object *op* from the set of container objects tracked by the " +"collector. Note that :c:func:`PyObject_GC_Track` can be called again on " +"this object to add it back to the set of tracked objects. The deallocator " +"(:attr:`tp_dealloc` handler) should call this for the object before any of " +"the fields used by the :attr:`tp_traverse` handler become invalid." msgstr "ガベージコレクタが追跡しているコンテナオブジェクトの集合からオブジ ェクト *op* を除去します。再度 :c:func:`PyObject_GC_Track` を呼び出して、除 去したオブジェクトを追跡対象セットに追加できることに注意してください。メモリ 解放関数 (deallocator, :attr:`tp_dealloc` ハンドラ) は、 :attr:`tp_traverse` ハンドラが使用しているフィールドのいずれかが無効化 されるよりも以前にオブジェクトに対して呼び出されていなければなりません。" -# f21c8dbec88c4c80a04c3031f6274118 +# b9c086dcc3eb4023ab46e4165a94429a #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:95 -msgid "A macro version of :c:func:`PyObject_GC_UnTrack`. It should not be used for extension modules." +msgid "" +"A macro version of :c:func:`PyObject_GC_UnTrack`. It should not be used for" +" extension modules." msgstr ":c:func:`PyObject_GC_UnTrack` のマクロ版です。拡張モジュールに使っ てはなりません。" -# f221729f0cca481ba85ce6db4ac7c754 +# f828c64ae0a041c1a7120fa03426a2ba #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:98 -msgid "The :attr:`tp_traverse` handler accepts a function parameter of this type:" +msgid "" +"The :attr:`tp_traverse` handler accepts a function parameter of this type:" msgstr ":attr:`tp_traverse` ハンドラは以下の型を持つ関数を引数の一つとして とります:" -# a59364b2af844b22b9dd79a2e4197a41 +# 149c49502f424d70b573859a660e5d72 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:103 -msgid "Type of the visitor function passed to the :attr:`tp_traverse` handler. The function should be called with an object to traverse as *object* and the third parameter to the :attr:`tp_traverse` handler as *arg*. The Python core uses several visitor functions to implement cyclic garbage detection; it's not expected that users will need to write their own visitor functions." +msgid "" +"Type of the visitor function passed to the :attr:`tp_traverse` handler. The " +"function should be called with an object to traverse as *object* and the " +"third parameter to the :attr:`tp_traverse` handler as *arg*. The Python " +"core uses several visitor functions to implement cyclic garbage detection; " +"it's not expected that users will need to write their own visitor functions." msgstr ":attr:`tp_traverse` ハンドラに渡すビジタ関数 (visitor function) の 型です。この関数は追跡すべきオブジェクトを *object* に、 :attr:`tp_traverse` ハンドラの第三引数を *arg* にして呼び出されます。 Python のコア部分では、ガベージコレクションの実装に複数のビジタ関数を使って います。ユーザが独自にビジタ関数を書く必要があるとは想定されていません。" -# c0c131df2a304c6c8df623426eef1cb8 +# 036caa28d2b044b98ba13fda7b3ce1e3 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:110 msgid "The :attr:`tp_traverse` handler must have the following type:" msgstr ":attr:`tp_traverse` ハンドラは以下の型でなければなりません:" -# b78cccbd32fe4f62908091c5d999fdc0 +# 705f87c923fb45b78ebc40193c8083a4 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:115 -msgid "Traversal function for a container object. Implementations must call the *visit* function for each object directly contained by *self*, with the parameters to *visit* being the contained object and the *arg* value passed to the handler. The *visit* function must not be called with a *NULL* object argument. If *visit* returns a non-zero value that value should be returned immediately." +msgid "" +"Traversal function for a container object. Implementations must call the " +"*visit* function for each object directly contained by *self*, with the " +"parameters to *visit* being the contained object and the *arg* value passed " +"to the handler. The *visit* function must not be called with a *NULL* " +"object argument. If *visit* returns a non-zero value that value should be " +"returned immediately." msgstr "コンテナオブジェクトのためのトラバーサル関数 (traversal function) です。実装では、 *self* に直接入っている各オブジェクトに対して *visit* 関数 を呼び出さねばなりません。このとき、 *visit* へのパラメタはコンテナに入って いる各オブジェクトと、このハンドラに渡された *arg* の値です。 *visit* 関数 は *NULL* オブジェクトを引数に渡して呼び出してはなりません。 *visit* が非ゼ ロの値を返す場合、エラーが発生し、戻り値をそのまま返すようににしなければなり ません。" -# 778896d36a2c4e57a6dcea0610eb1b32 +# cd5078e2a357415896cb17ddba3dd2df #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:122 -msgid "To simplify writing :attr:`tp_traverse` handlers, a :c:func:`Py_VISIT` macro is provided. In order to use this macro, the :attr:`tp_traverse` implementation must name its arguments exactly *visit* and *arg*:" +msgid "" +"To simplify writing :attr:`tp_traverse` handlers, a :c:func:`Py_VISIT` macro" +" is provided. In order to use this macro, the :attr:`tp_traverse` " +"implementation must name its arguments exactly *visit* and *arg*:" msgstr ":attr:`tp_traverse` ハンドラの作成を単純化するた め、 :c:func:`Py_VISIT` マクロが提供されています。このマクロを使うに は、 :attr:`tp_traverse` の実装で、引数を *visit* および *arg* という名前に しておかねばなりません:" -# f1484a57f260423281eccea70a908226 +# c0bcd8d2de784dd6a40d0646c3868a07 #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:129 -msgid "Call the *visit* callback, with arguments *o* and *arg*. If *visit* returns a non-zero value, then return it. Using this macro, :attr:`tp_traverse` handlers look like::" +msgid "" +"Call the *visit* callback, with arguments *o* and *arg*. If *visit* returns " +"a non-zero value, then return it. Using this macro, :attr:`tp_traverse` " +"handlers look like::" msgstr "引数 *o* および *arg* を使って *visit* コールバックを呼び出しま す。 *visit* が非ゼロの値を返した場合、その値をそのまま返します。このマクロ を使えば、 :attr:`tp_traverse` ハンドラは以下のようになります::" -# 566436b6d7aa42e5b663df5942a916a5 +# 8f72647cee7c43ee9d560e0870a8f69d #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:141 -msgid "The :attr:`tp_clear` handler must be of the :c:type:`inquiry` type, or *NULL* if the object is immutable." +msgid "" +"The :attr:`tp_clear` handler must be of the :c:type:`inquiry` type, or " +"*NULL* if the object is immutable." msgstr ":attr:`tp_clear` ハンドラは :c:type:`inquiry` 型にするか、オブジェ クトが変更不能の場合には *NULL* にしなければなりません。" -# 95feae57485446c19b106cad213add8f +# 47988fc024f94f12962df440989601fd #: ../../c-api/gcsupport.rst:147 -msgid "Drop references that may have created reference cycles. Immutable objects do not have to define this method since they can never directly create reference cycles. Note that the object must still be valid after calling this method (don't just call :c:func:`Py_DECREF` on a reference). The collector will call this method if it detects that this object is involved in a reference cycle." +msgid "" +"Drop references that may have created reference cycles. Immutable objects " +"do not have to define this method since they can never directly create " +"reference cycles. Note that the object must still be valid after calling " +"this method (don't just call :c:func:`Py_DECREF` on a reference). The " +"collector will call this method if it detects that this object is involved " +"in a reference cycle." msgstr "循環参照を形成しているとおぼしき参照群を放棄します。変更不可能なオ ブジェクトは循環参照を直接形成することが決してないので、この関数を定義する必 要はありません。このメソッドを呼び出した後でもオブジェクトは有効なままでなけ ればならないので注意してください (参照に対して :c:func:`Py_DECREF` を呼ぶだ けにしないでください)。ガベージコレクタは、オブジェクトが循環参照を形成して いることを検出した際にこのメソッドを呼び出します。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/gen.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/gen.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:42+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,37 +17,45 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# de407319683c47499f53040d839fe03e +# e937e724568e4f35bb90a1c583931b37 #: ../../c-api/gen.rst:6 msgid "Generator Objects" msgstr "ジェネレータオブジェクト" -# 15231074b5364445a52317659b64eb9d +# c7da54e0ce8e4cf1b53d843a98d8bf6e #: ../../c-api/gen.rst:8 -msgid "Generator objects are what Python uses to implement generator iterators. They are normally created by iterating over a function that yields values, rather than explicitly calling :c:func:`PyGen_New`." +msgid "" +"Generator objects are what Python uses to implement generator iterators. " +"They are normally created by iterating over a function that yields values, " +"rather than explicitly calling :c:func:`PyGen_New`." msgstr "ジェネレータ (generator) オブジェクトは、 Python がジェネレータ型イ テレータを実装するために使っているオブジェクトです。ジェネレータオブジェクト は、通常、 :c:func:`PyGen_New` で明示的に生成されることはなく、値を逐次生成 するような関数に対してイテレーションを行うときに生成されます。" -# af995f6daa6a4744a99ba24e05ce7775 +# df771a2d67824e0591042f84e251c819 #: ../../c-api/gen.rst:15 msgid "The C structure used for generator objects." msgstr "ジェネレータオブジェクトに使われている C 構造体です。" -# 8c7b1b9ff9b049889b29e67791b4343e +# fd22409367a54d9c83f08525c211f50d #: ../../c-api/gen.rst:20 msgid "The type object corresponding to generator objects" msgstr "ジェネレータオブジェクトに対応する型オブジェクトです。" -# 9dc4fa5c7074445cbd817f2098295870 +# 091d2dd8543b4b4ebeb2d6ca47a7d11a #: ../../c-api/gen.rst:25 msgid "Return true if *ob* is a generator object; *ob* must not be *NULL*." msgstr "*ob* がジェネレータオブジェクトの場合に真を返します。 *ob* が *NULL* であってはなりません。" -# 5723366119b643ac97fd7e5fbc0e7ce3 +# 3cab4ecfe4c24a35b868e37e6ecc519b #: ../../c-api/gen.rst:30 -msgid "Return true if *ob*'s type is *PyGen_Type* is a generator object; *ob* must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return true if *ob*'s type is *PyGen_Type* is a generator object; *ob* must " +"not be *NULL*." msgstr "*ob* の型が *PyGen_Type* の場合に真を返します。 *ob* が *NULL* であ ってはなりません。" -# 0c140a8dfbfb41b79c83171c3e794410 +# 233c91dd8ba64bbc8dab3bedbbb03600 #: ../../c-api/gen.rst:36 -msgid "Create and return a new generator object based on the *frame* object. A reference to *frame* is stolen by this function. The parameter must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Create and return a new generator object based on the *frame* object. A " +"reference to *frame* is stolen by this function. The parameter must not be " +"*NULL*." msgstr "*frame* オブジェクトに基づいて新たなジェネレータオブジェクトを生成 して返します。この関数は *frame* への参照を盗みます。パラメタが *NULL* であ ってはなりません。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/import.po Tue Nov 6 01:00:41 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/import.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-03 12:09+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,195 +17,317 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 44c246152aeb4fafb3d148a5a7902eb7 +# ca977996cac0447481b54aa8edc88299 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:6 msgid "Importing Modules" msgstr "モジュールのインポート" -# b0693c8339d24ba1a0a46a8f8ddb9fa1 +# f931e18823b848e3815fbcf1bf9ca514 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:16 -msgid "This is a simplified interface to :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModuleEx` below, leaving the *globals* and *locals* arguments set to *NULL* and *level* set to 0. When the *name* argument contains a dot (when it specifies a submodule of a package), the *fromlist* argument is set to the list ``['*']`` so that the return value is the named module rather than the top-level package containing it as would otherwise be the case. (Unfortunately, this has an additional side effect when *name* in fact specifies a subpackage instead of a submodule: the submodules specified in the package's ``__all__`` variable are loaded.) Return a new reference to the imported module, or *NULL* with an exception set on failure. A failing import of a module doesn't leave the module in :data:`sys.modules`." +msgid "" +"This is a simplified interface to :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModuleEx` below, " +"leaving the *globals* and *locals* arguments set to *NULL* and *level* set " +"to 0. When the *name* argument contains a dot (when it specifies a " +"submodule of a package), the *fromlist* argument is set to the list " +"``['*']`` so that the return value is the named module rather than the top-" +"level package containing it as would otherwise be the case. (Unfortunately," +" this has an additional side effect when *name* in fact specifies a " +"subpackage instead of a submodule: the submodules specified in the package's" +" ``__all__`` variable are loaded.) Return a new reference to the imported " +"module, or *NULL* with an exception set on failure. A failing import of a " +"module doesn't leave the module in :data:`sys.modules`." msgstr "この関数は下で述べる :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModuleEx` を単純化した インタフェースで、 *globals* および *locals* 引数を *NULL* のままにし、 *level* を 0 にしたものです。 *name* 引数にドットが含まれる場合 (あるパッ ケージのサブモジュールを指定している場合)、 *fromlist* 引数がリスト ``['*']`` に追加され、戻り値がモジュールを含むトップレベルパッケージではなく 名前つきモジュール (named module) になるようにします。 (残念ながらこのやり方 には、 *name* が実際にはサブモジュールでなくサブパッケージを指定している場 合、パッケージの ``__all__`` 変数に指定されているサブモジュールがロードさ れてしまうという副作用があります。) import されたモジュールへの新たな参照を 返します。失敗した場合には例外をセットし、 *NULL* を返します。import に失敗 したモジュールは ``sys.modules`` に残りません。" -# d228a300c7624fa2896c9e390e02488e -# 7ba12bbf7d9c48508a58d217344dc521 +# 3e15d71f5a944c8db3c1360eab0fc3d8 +# e0c080e53114457d9081d84bc1d45752 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:28 ../../c-api/import.rst:89 msgid "This function always uses absolute imports." msgstr "" -# 8e0dc1d6a85543fa828565c5a57fcb58 +# d405ceca25764a3da91c03dc3ac0feba #: ../../c-api/import.rst:33 -msgid "This function is a deprecated alias of :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModule`." +msgid "" +"This function is a deprecated alias of :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModule`." msgstr "" -# 83094b9964ce4e0e99a5dc6dea615c11 +# cf03045e49274742af1921ed31736925 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:46 -msgid "Import a module. This is best described by referring to the built-in Python function :func:`__import__`." +msgid "" +"Import a module. This is best described by referring to the built-in Python" +" function :func:`__import__`." msgstr "" -# a48255a6be964e34abbd7f7e662e511f -# 90a2b3f6562b4b8b867381a4311de1f2 +# 0747e2f74d5544cfbe3263de78d17f95 +# 3a4283475f6841e887db7a4af7467e0c #: ../../c-api/import.rst:49 ../../c-api/import.rst:65 -msgid "The return value is a new reference to the imported module or top-level package, or *NULL* with an exception set on failure. Like for :func:`__import__`, the return value when a submodule of a package was requested is normally the top-level package, unless a non-empty *fromlist* was given." +msgid "" +"The return value is a new reference to the imported module or top-level " +"package, or *NULL* with an exception set on failure. Like for " +":func:`__import__`, the return value when a submodule of a package was " +"requested is normally the top-level package, unless a non-empty *fromlist* " +"was given." msgstr "戻り値は、インポートされたモジュールかトップレベルパッケージへの新 しい参照か、失敗した場合は例外を設定して *NULL* を返しま す。 :func:`__import__` と同じように、パッケージのサブモジュールが要求された ときは、空でない *fromlist* を渡された時以外は、トップレベルのパッケージを返 します。" -# fb547a0f74ab47a38f037d1d784f9fd2 +# add12281066d4c3ea7396a3336f93118 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:55 -msgid "Failing imports remove incomplete module objects, like with :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModule`." +msgid "" +"Failing imports remove incomplete module objects, like with " +":c:func:`PyImport_ImportModule`." msgstr "" -# 2bacecf1852244a09d12320c01fa11b2 +# 3fc0df9f989e4643872fb2a560442d16 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:61 -msgid "Import a module. This is best described by referring to the built-in Python function :func:`__import__`, as the standard :func:`__import__` function calls this function directly." +msgid "" +"Import a module. This is best described by referring to the built-in Python" +" function :func:`__import__`, as the standard :func:`__import__` function " +"calls this function directly." msgstr "モジュールを import します。モジュールの import については組み込み の Python 関数 :func:`__import__` を読むとよく分かります。というのも、標準 の :func:`__import__` はこの関数を直接呼び出しているからです。" -# 9d7db0ce403a48d7a698776183c425d7 +# 574022c695f74c5bb333745ba37fb79e #: ../../c-api/import.rst:75 -msgid "Similar to :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModuleLevelObject`, but the name is an UTF-8 encoded string instead of a Unicode object." +msgid "" +"Similar to :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModuleLevelObject`, but the name is an " +"UTF-8 encoded string instead of a Unicode object." msgstr "" -# 716745ba558b420dbac85fab419d8976 +# 3fd5f0607f3b4d4e9eefe2b1a6357d6d #: ../../c-api/import.rst:83 -msgid "This is a higher-level interface that calls the current \"import hook function\" (with an explicit *level* of 0, meaning absolute import). It invokes the :func:`__import__` function from the ``__builtins__`` of the current globals. This means that the import is done using whatever import hooks are installed in the current environment." +msgid "" +"This is a higher-level interface that calls the current \"import hook " +"function\" (with an explicit *level* of 0, meaning absolute import). It " +"invokes the :func:`__import__` function from the ``__builtins__`` of the " +"current globals. This means that the import is done using whatever import " +"hooks are installed in the current environment." msgstr "現在の \"import フック関数\" を呼び出すための高水準のインタフェース です。(*level* に 0 を明示すると、絶対 import を意味します) この関数は現在の グローバル変数辞書内の ``__builtins__`` から :func:`__import__` 関数を呼び出 します。すなわち、現在の環境にインストールされている import フック、例え ば :mod:`rexec` や :mod:`ihooks` を使って import を行います。" -# a9303188ee504bc5b07a80b399465274 +# a26c6a3c1c6143c9afec7a4d0f5b5c60 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:94 -msgid "Reload a module. Return a new reference to the reloaded module, or *NULL* with an exception set on failure (the module still exists in this case)." +msgid "" +"Reload a module. Return a new reference to the reloaded module, or *NULL* " +"with an exception set on failure (the module still exists in this case)." msgstr "モジュールを再ロード (reload) します。戻り値は再ロードしたモジュー ルかトップレベルパッケージへの新たな参照になります。失敗した場合には例外をセ ットし、 *NULL* を返します (その場合でも、モジュールは生成されている場合があ ります)。" -# 47059a36b23742738e2156fa3bf233d7 +# 5470f7c913474ae4b56808d083e32882 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:100 -msgid "Return the module object corresponding to a module name. The *name* argument may be of the form ``package.module``. First check the modules dictionary if there's one there, and if not, create a new one and insert it in the modules dictionary. Return *NULL* with an exception set on failure." +msgid "" +"Return the module object corresponding to a module name. The *name* " +"argument may be of the form ``package.module``. First check the modules " +"dictionary if there's one there, and if not, create a new one and insert it " +"in the modules dictionary. Return *NULL* with an exception set on failure." msgstr "モジュール名に対応するモジュールオブジェクトを返します。 *name* 引 数は ``package.module`` の形式でもかまいません。まずモジュール辞書に該当する モジュールがあるかどうか調べ、なければ新たなモジュールを生成してモジュール辞 書に挿入します。失敗した場合には例外をセットして *NULL* を返します。" -# ca8b87f332e64581bc3cf2690eab3221 +# f276c07455984650990cbf6e5f08ce22 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:107 -msgid "This function does not load or import the module; if the module wasn't already loaded, you will get an empty module object. Use :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModule` or one of its variants to import a module. Package structures implied by a dotted name for *name* are not created if not already present." +msgid "" +"This function does not load or import the module; if the module wasn't " +"already loaded, you will get an empty module object. Use " +":c:func:`PyImport_ImportModule` or one of its variants to import a module. " +"Package structures implied by a dotted name for *name* are not created if " +"not already present." msgstr "この関数はモジュールの import やロードを行いません; モジュールがま だロードされていなければ、空のモジュールオブジェクトを得ることになりま す。 :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModule` やその別形式を使ってモジュールを import してください。ドット名表記で指定した *name* が存在しない場合、パッ ケージ構造は作成されません。" -# 0dc32ce21ede454d99bb145f3b9adcc9 +# e6365c00b80343f0a53d99418616824d #: ../../c-api/import.rst:117 -msgid "Similar to :c:func:`PyImport_AddModuleObject`, but the name is a UTF-8 encoded string instead of a Unicode object." +msgid "" +"Similar to :c:func:`PyImport_AddModuleObject`, but the name is a UTF-8 " +"encoded string instead of a Unicode object." msgstr "" -# 84dacca81e3543728c167c1f41b4832e +# 42d0aae6b0ee4fb595a2e4d17202c112 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:125 -msgid "Given a module name (possibly of the form ``package.module``) and a code object read from a Python bytecode file or obtained from the built-in function :func:`compile`, load the module. Return a new reference to the module object, or *NULL* with an exception set if an error occurred. *name* is removed from :attr:`sys.modules` in error cases, even if *name* was already in :attr:`sys.modules` on entry to :c:func:`PyImport_ExecCodeModule`. Leaving incompletely initialized modules in :attr:`sys.modules` is dangerous, as imports of such modules have no way to know that the module object is an unknown (and probably damaged with respect to the module author's intents) state." +msgid "" +"Given a module name (possibly of the form ``package.module``) and a code " +"object read from a Python bytecode file or obtained from the built-in " +"function :func:`compile`, load the module. Return a new reference to the " +"module object, or *NULL* with an exception set if an error occurred. *name*" +" is removed from :attr:`sys.modules` in error cases, even if *name* was " +"already in :attr:`sys.modules` on entry to " +":c:func:`PyImport_ExecCodeModule`. Leaving incompletely initialized modules" +" in :attr:`sys.modules` is dangerous, as imports of such modules have no way" +" to know that the module object is an unknown (and probably damaged with " +"respect to the module author's intents) state." msgstr "モジュール名 (``package.module`` 形式でもかまいません) および Python のバイトコードファイルや組み込み関数 :func:`compile` で得られたコー ドオブジェクトを元にモジュールをロードします。モジュールオブジェクトへの新た な参照を返します。失敗した場合には例外をセットし、 *NULL* を返します。たと え :c:func:`PyImport_ExecCodeModule` の処理に入った時に *name* が :attr:`sys.modules` に入っていたとしても、 import に失敗したモジュール は :attr:`sys.modules` に残りません。初期化の不完全なモジュール を :attr:`sys.modules` に残すのは危険であり、そのようなモジュールを import するコードにとっては、モジュールの状態がわからない (モジュール作者の意図から 外れた壊れた状態かもしれない) からです。" -# c167c6d2b8874d4d99612e15f9fdf13f +# 229418227d8443a5ad302db334378d67 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:135 -msgid "The module's :attr:`__file__` attribute will be set to the code object's :c:member:`co_filename`." +msgid "" +"The module's :attr:`__file__` attribute will be set to the code object's " +":c:member:`co_filename`." msgstr "モジュールの :attr:`__file__` 属性が、コードオブジェクト の :c:member:`co_filename` に設定されます。" -# 4ee1d07af6e249b7ac03f883354ddf24 +# 18f389497067442ba2a58449133f3f53 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:138 -msgid "This function will reload the module if it was already imported. See :c:func:`PyImport_ReloadModule` for the intended way to reload a module." +msgid "" +"This function will reload the module if it was already imported. See " +":c:func:`PyImport_ReloadModule` for the intended way to reload a module." msgstr "この関数は、すでに import されているモジュールの場合には再ロードを 行います。意図的にモジュールの再ロードを行う方法 は :c:func:`PyImport_ReloadModule` を参照してください。" -# 5c134064198c4ea78f72bf798f852b48 +# 67edf218f3c246bbba44718a77a13189 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:141 -msgid "If *name* points to a dotted name of the form ``package.module``, any package structures not already created will still not be created." +msgid "" +"If *name* points to a dotted name of the form ``package.module``, any " +"package structures not already created will still not be created." msgstr "*name* が ``package.module`` 形式のドット名表記であった場合、まだ作 成されていないパッケージ構造はその作成されないままになります。" -# 687d95fcdbc64560a5be1095ac6aed73 +# eb1b81f27f874a82ba4e55e898c08a3f #: ../../c-api/import.rst:144 -msgid "See also :c:func:`PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx` and :c:func:`PyImport_ExecCodeModuleWithPathnames`." +msgid "" +"See also :c:func:`PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx` and " +":c:func:`PyImport_ExecCodeModuleWithPathnames`." msgstr "" -# 79e708d81efc4d5aa4dfa285019dbcc0 +# 5644d41ed26c46b59988ee8bcf523293 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:150 -msgid "Like :c:func:`PyImport_ExecCodeModule`, but the :attr:`__file__` attribute of the module object is set to *pathname* if it is non-``NULL``." +msgid "" +"Like :c:func:`PyImport_ExecCodeModule`, but the :attr:`__file__` attribute " +"of the module object is set to *pathname* if it is non-``NULL``." msgstr "" -# 3e87c9eba75e4f0eab4096a531e7272d +# a3248aabe48d4606b04adff5746675e2 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:153 msgid "See also :c:func:`PyImport_ExecCodeModuleWithPathnames`." msgstr "" -# 18c97d3774724c33902af3136431fc99 +# cc6e06497cb446539340675519501850 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:158 -msgid "Like :c:func:`PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx`, but the :attr:`__cached__` attribute of the module object is set to *cpathname* if it is non-``NULL``. Of the three functions, this is the preferred one to use." +msgid "" +"Like :c:func:`PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx`, but the :attr:`__cached__` " +"attribute of the module object is set to *cpathname* if it is non-``NULL``." +" Of the three functions, this is the preferred one to use." msgstr "" -# bbf257ea1e494af0afa4190cbaa7953a +# db3cb370c57d4b4792b7c2c9c992b526 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:167 -msgid "Like :c:func:`PyImport_ExecCodeModuleObject`, but *name*, *pathname* and *cpathname* are UTF-8 encoded strings. Attempts are also made to figure out what the value for *pathname* should be from *cpathname* if the former is set to ``NULL``." +msgid "" +"Like :c:func:`PyImport_ExecCodeModuleObject`, but *name*, *pathname* and " +"*cpathname* are UTF-8 encoded strings. Attempts are also made to figure out " +"what the value for *pathname* should be from *cpathname* if the former is " +"set to ``NULL``." msgstr "" -# de7fbca01fbc4453a9be431756f974f0 +# 434b3cf4208f4ef5a173524014146cdd #: ../../c-api/import.rst:180 -msgid "Return the magic number for Python bytecode files (a.k.a. :file:`.pyc` and :file:`.pyo` files). The magic number should be present in the first four bytes of the bytecode file, in little-endian byte order. Returns -1 on error." +msgid "" +"Return the magic number for Python bytecode files (a.k.a. :file:`.pyc` and " +":file:`.pyo` files). The magic number should be present in the first four " +"bytes of the bytecode file, in little-endian byte order. Returns -1 on " +"error." msgstr "" -# 98438ef0343c4871a9ba3fba54e9db2e +# c1a8f645173544a1b84a5c0c75e99ef1 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:190 -msgid "Return the magic tag string for :pep:`3147` format Python bytecode file names. Keep in mind that the value at ``sys.implementation.cache_tag`` is authoritative and should be used instead of this function." +msgid "" +"Return the magic tag string for :pep:`3147` format Python bytecode file " +"names. Keep in mind that the value at ``sys.implementation.cache_tag`` is " +"authoritative and should be used instead of this function." msgstr "" -# 03c49a65a953475788988c8964ba04b4 +# d11ed6f7c14240a7aa18245107055421 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:198 -msgid "Return the dictionary used for the module administration (a.k.a. ``sys.modules``). Note that this is a per-interpreter variable." +msgid "" +"Return the dictionary used for the module administration (a.k.a. " +"``sys.modules``). Note that this is a per-interpreter variable." msgstr "モジュール管理のための辞書 (いわゆる ``sys.modules``)を返します。こ の辞書はインタプリタごとに一つだけある変数なので注意してください。" -# 844cb778732849e38322cc8d9b4c1fdf +# c5c4630c0be44e249ab863b87da8307e #: ../../c-api/import.rst:204 -msgid "Return an importer object for a :data:`sys.path`/:attr:`pkg.__path__` item *path*, possibly by fetching it from the :data:`sys.path_importer_cache` dict. If it wasn't yet cached, traverse :data:`sys.path_hooks` until a hook is found that can handle the path item. Return ``None`` if no hook could; this tells our caller it should fall back to the built-in import mechanism. Cache the result in :data:`sys.path_importer_cache`. Return a new reference to the importer object." +msgid "" +"Return an importer object for a :data:`sys.path`/:attr:`pkg.__path__` item " +"*path*, possibly by fetching it from the :data:`sys.path_importer_cache` " +"dict. If it wasn't yet cached, traverse :data:`sys.path_hooks` until a hook" +" is found that can handle the path item. Return ``None`` if no hook could; " +"this tells our caller it should fall back to the built-in import mechanism. " +"Cache the result in :data:`sys.path_importer_cache`. Return a new reference" +" to the importer object." msgstr ":data:`sys.path`/:attr:`pkg.__path__` の要素 *path* の、 importer オブジェクトを返します。可能なら、 :data:`sys.path_importer_cache` からフェ ッチします。まだキャッシュされていない場合、そのパスを扱える hook が見つかる まで :data:`sys.path_hooks` を巡回します。 hook が見つからない場合、 ``None`` を返します。この場合、呼び出し元はビルトインの import 機構にフォー ルバックします。結果は :data:`sys.path_importer_cache` にキャッシュされま す。 importer オブジェクトへの新しい参照を返します。" -# 8e40f47eeeed41f894d6edb0fb2ee0f2 +# 817873e07ee54f54a8f1dc910ba0c3f0 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:215 msgid "Initialize the import mechanism. For internal use only." msgstr "import 機構を初期化します。内部使用だけのための関数です。" -# e5fb90137f0347c59a5435da139a1a54 +# 97af25e988b34767a34c42ccff3cfc33 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:220 msgid "Empty the module table. For internal use only." msgstr "モジュールテーブルを空にします。内部使用だけのための関数です。" -# e92aeb56d2dc4d2cad860164879ac886 +# 4e9ce49c814e4df0b258d4bb8df7b1c1 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:225 msgid "Finalize the import mechanism. For internal use only." msgstr "import 機構を終了処理します。内部使用だけのための関数です。" -# 19a1037de8d94c049b41d7d2c07d0db7 -# bb9c9609e3e64bebaf82687080e9a86f +# 547d37006ac4409ebf66e9868b2d0372 +# 2fc22cd8b89e49538ebf034999ea16cd #: ../../c-api/import.rst:230 ../../c-api/import.rst:235 msgid "For internal use only." msgstr "内部使用だけのための関数です。" -# 46f45958c6034640aba609f7b942036b +# 31b2ca855f784ef9922ff4421c200b28 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:240 -msgid "Load a frozen module named *name*. Return ``1`` for success, ``0`` if the module is not found, and ``-1`` with an exception set if the initialization failed. To access the imported module on a successful load, use :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModule`. (Note the misnomer --- this function would reload the module if it was already imported.)" +msgid "" +"Load a frozen module named *name*. Return ``1`` for success, ``0`` if the " +"module is not found, and ``-1`` with an exception set if the initialization " +"failed. To access the imported module on a successful load, use " +":c:func:`PyImport_ImportModule`. (Note the misnomer --- this function would" +" reload the module if it was already imported.)" msgstr "*name* という名前のフリーズ (freeze) されたモジュールをロードしま す。成功すると ``1`` を、モジュールが見つからなかった場合には ``0`` を、初期 化が失敗した場合には例外をセットして ``-1`` を返します。ロードに成功したモジ ュールにアクセスするには :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModule` を使ってください。 (Note この関数名はいささか誤称めいています --- この関数はすでに import 済み のモジュールをリロードしてしまいます。)" -# bfaec7e175994672a167ed70bcd4a431 +# d5c3f5e4e2fd401cb71938e6403c1419 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:251 -msgid "Similar to :c:func:`PyImport_ImportFrozenModuleObject`, but the name is a UTF-8 encoded string instead of a Unicode object." +msgid "" +"Similar to :c:func:`PyImport_ImportFrozenModuleObject`, but the name is a " +"UTF-8 encoded string instead of a Unicode object." msgstr "" -# f3f1d34c438d4d26a4b6da7720df9763 +# ffdadcbe27c544d3a0dedc2263acd46e #: ../../c-api/import.rst:259 -msgid "This is the structure type definition for frozen module descriptors, as generated by the :program:`freeze` utility (see :file:`Tools/freeze/` in the Python source distribution). Its definition, found in :file:`Include/import.h`, is::" +msgid "" +"This is the structure type definition for frozen module descriptors, as " +"generated by the :program:`freeze` utility (see :file:`Tools/freeze/` in the" +" Python source distribution). Its definition, found in " +":file:`Include/import.h`, is::" msgstr ":program:`freeze` ユーティリティが生成するようなフリーズ化モジュー ルデスクリプタの構造体型定義です。 (Python ソース配布物 の :file:`Tools/freeze/` を参照してください) この構造体の定義 は :file:`Include/import.h` にあり、以下のようになっています::" -# 9e4845d3ff5b49daaf7c1ff2611f7f71 +# 3f747a4b2ed24f018ce098d549ab9d58 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:273 -msgid "This pointer is initialized to point to an array of :c:type:`struct _frozen` records, terminated by one whose members are all *NULL* or zero. When a frozen module is imported, it is searched in this table. Third-party code could play tricks with this to provide a dynamically created collection of frozen modules." +msgid "" +"This pointer is initialized to point to an array of :c:type:`struct _frozen`" +" records, terminated by one whose members are all *NULL* or zero. When a " +"frozen module is imported, it is searched in this table. Third-party code " +"could play tricks with this to provide a dynamically created collection of " +"frozen modules." msgstr "このポインタは :c:type:`struct _frozen` のレコードからなり、終端の 要素のメンバが *NULL* かゼロになっているような配列を指すよう初期化されます。 フリーズされたモジュールを import するとき、このテーブルを検索します。サード パーティ製のコードからこのポインタに仕掛けを講じて、動的に生成されたフリーズ 化モジュールの集合を提供するようにできます。" -# f10bc892b7d344b4bb9978b981fe796e +# 902c56638e114a699dea6b5847f6319e #: ../../c-api/import.rst:281 -msgid "Add a single module to the existing table of built-in modules. This is a convenience wrapper around :c:func:`PyImport_ExtendInittab`, returning ``-1`` if the table could not be extended. The new module can be imported by the name *name*, and uses the function *initfunc* as the initialization function called on the first attempted import. This should be called before :c:func:`Py_Initialize`." +msgid "" +"Add a single module to the existing table of built-in modules. This is a " +"convenience wrapper around :c:func:`PyImport_ExtendInittab`, returning " +"``-1`` if the table could not be extended. The new module can be imported " +"by the name *name*, and uses the function *initfunc* as the initialization " +"function called on the first attempted import. This should be called before" +" :c:func:`Py_Initialize`." msgstr "既存の組み込みモジュールテーブルに単一のモジュールを追加します。こ の関数は利便性を目的とした :c:func:`PyImport_ExtendInittab` のラッパ関数で、 テーブルが拡張できないときには ``-1`` を返します。新たなモジュールは *name* で import でき、最初に import を試みた際に呼び出される関数として *initfunc* を使います。 :c:func:`Py_Initialize` よりも前に呼び出さねばなりません。" -# abdc8b0188c546d1bccaed4bca6693b6 +# 14496f47f1fa48869ca0032e676b89a9 #: ../../c-api/import.rst:291 -msgid "Structure describing a single entry in the list of built-in modules. Each of these structures gives the name and initialization function for a module built into the interpreter. The name is an ASCII encoded string. Programs which embed Python may use an array of these structures in conjunction with :c:func:`PyImport_ExtendInittab` to provide additional built-in modules. The structure is defined in :file:`Include/import.h` as::" +msgid "" +"Structure describing a single entry in the list of built-in modules. Each " +"of these structures gives the name and initialization function for a module " +"built into the interpreter. The name is an ASCII encoded string. Programs " +"which embed Python may use an array of these structures in conjunction with " +":c:func:`PyImport_ExtendInittab` to provide additional built-in modules. The" +" structure is defined in :file:`Include/import.h` as::" msgstr "組み込みモジュールリスト内の一つのエントリを記述している構造体で す。リスト内の各構造体には、インタプリタ内に組み込まれているモジュールの名前 と初期化関数が指定されています。 Python を埋め込むようなプログラムは、この構 造体の配列と :c:func:`PyImport_ExtendInittab` を組み合わせて、追加の組み込み モジュールを提供できます。構造体は :file:`Include/import.h` で以下のように定 義されています::" -# e0e6e3bcc98a452bb7bb140d5afaec76 +# 2a6883bbfb2a4869a5702d272bb794fd #: ../../c-api/import.rst:306 -msgid "Add a collection of modules to the table of built-in modules. The *newtab* array must end with a sentinel entry which contains *NULL* for the :attr:`name` field; failure to provide the sentinel value can result in a memory fault. Returns ``0`` on success or ``-1`` if insufficient memory could be allocated to extend the internal table. In the event of failure, no modules are added to the internal table. This should be called before :c:func:`Py_Initialize`." +msgid "" +"Add a collection of modules to the table of built-in modules. The *newtab* " +"array must end with a sentinel entry which contains *NULL* for the " +":attr:`name` field; failure to provide the sentinel value can result in a " +"memory fault. Returns ``0`` on success or ``-1`` if insufficient memory " +"could be allocated to extend the internal table. In the event of failure, " +"no modules are added to the internal table. This should be called before " +":c:func:`Py_Initialize`." msgstr "組み込みモジュールのテーブルに一群のモジュールを追加します。配列 *newtab* は :attr:`name` フィールドが *NULL* になっているセンチネル (sentinel) エントリで終端されていなければなりません; センチネル値を与えられ なかった場合にはメモリ違反になるかもしれません。成功すると ``0`` を、内部 テーブルを拡張するのに十分なメモリを確保できなかった場合には ``-1`` を返しま す。操作が失敗した場合、モジュールは一切内部テーブルに追加されませ ん。 :c:func:`Py_Initialize` よりも前に呼び出さねばなりません。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/index.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/index.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:42+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,22 +17,26 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 4dc5ecf159c54cf5b96df43ff0492b51 +# 13a320e05b434ade956ad8793d027e2c #: ../../c-api/index.rst:5 msgid "Python/C API Reference Manual" msgstr "Python/C API リファレンスマニュアル" -# 3f29b9e82d5c4e05bed3bcd73af39e9a +# a70dfe854ad1400d8b92b9086b10abc4 #: ../../c-api/index.rst:7 msgid "|version|" msgstr "|version|" -# df76682387934610a87ca23547fbc086 +# b8b7af627f3447b694c463a5b007a5d9 #: ../../c-api/index.rst:8 msgid "|today|" msgstr "|today|" -# 42d1b742229c49c2a73c90791c4a6c9c +# d0b4416a886047e5a760138694cdc7ef #: ../../c-api/index.rst:10 -msgid "This manual documents the API used by C and C++ programmers who want to write extension modules or embed Python. It is a companion to :ref:`extending-index`, which describes the general principles of extension writing but does not document the API functions in detail." +msgid "" +"This manual documents the API used by C and C++ programmers who want to " +"write extension modules or embed Python. It is a companion to :ref" +":`extending-index`, which describes the general principles of extension " +"writing but does not document the API functions in detail." msgstr "このマニュアルでは、拡張モジュールを書いたり Python インタプリタを アプリケーションに埋め込んだりしたい C/C++ プログラマが利用できる API につい て述べています。 :ref:`extending-index` は拡張モジュールを書く際の一般的な決 まりごとについて記述していますが、 API の詳細までは記述していないので、この ドキュメントが手引きになります。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/init.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/init.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-02 09:42+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-11 09:36+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Naoki INADA <songo****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -13,876 +17,1439 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 1235ca84911d47d7a3e5e635716dc3c6 +# 87a5a9f5594d40188f5bda21698cf127 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:8 msgid "Initialization, Finalization, and Threads" msgstr "初期化 (initialization)、終了処理 (finalization)、スレッド" -# 27b2ad06abad47fcb283d310d0299dcf +# 6dd44e6733c8423eb23efb8a59a65e5b #: ../../c-api/init.rst:12 msgid "Initializing and finalizing the interpreter" msgstr "インタプリタの初期化と終了処理" -# 53e94caf85b64c02b71ced894e8b5de2 +# d4c212b5fe1146c5bd044b6b8a46859e #: ../../c-api/init.rst:30 -msgid "Initialize the Python interpreter. In an application embedding Python, this should be called before using any other Python/C API functions; with the exception of :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName`, :c:func:`Py_SetPythonHome` and :c:func:`Py_SetPath`. This initializes the table of loaded modules (``sys.modules``), and creates the fundamental modules :mod:`builtins`, :mod:`__main__` and :mod:`sys`. It also initializes the module search path (``sys.path``). It does not set ``sys.argv``; use :c:func:`PySys_SetArgvEx` for that. This is a no-op when called for a second time (without calling :c:func:`Py_Finalize` first). There is no return value; it is a fatal error if the initialization fails." +msgid "" +"Initialize the Python interpreter. In an application embedding Python, " +"this should be called before using any other Python/C API functions; with " +"the exception of :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName`, :c:func:`Py_SetPythonHome` and" +" :c:func:`Py_SetPath`. This initializes the table of loaded modules " +"(``sys.modules``), and creates the fundamental modules :mod:`builtins`, " +":mod:`__main__` and :mod:`sys`. It also initializes the module search path " +"(``sys.path``). It does not set ``sys.argv``; use :c:func:`PySys_SetArgvEx` " +"for that. This is a no-op when called for a second time (without calling " +":c:func:`Py_Finalize` first). There is no return value; it is a fatal error" +" if the initialization fails." msgstr "Python インタプリタを初期化します。 Python の埋め込みを行うアプリ ケーションでは、他のあらゆる Python/C API を使用するよりも前にこの関数を呼び 出さねばなりません。ただ し、 :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName`, :c:func:`Py_SetPythonHome`, およ び :c:func:`Py_SetPath` は例外です。この関数はロード済みモジュールのテーブ ル (``sys.modules``) を初期化し、基盤となるモジュール 群、 :mod:`__builtin__`, :mod:`__main__`, :mod:`sys` を生成します。また、モ ジュール検索パス (``sys.path``) も初期化します。 ``sys.argv`` の設定は行い ません。設定するには、 :c:func:`PySys_SetArgvEx` を使ってください。この関数 を (:c:func:`Py_Finalize` を呼ばずに) 再度呼び出しても何も行いません。戻り値 はありません。初期化が失敗すれば、それは致命的なエラーです。" -# fbf08abe4ce548b3af5ea14819fe5c06 +# abdf51ff1b254c7db37fe2ebd897e2d4 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:43 -msgid "This function works like :c:func:`Py_Initialize` if *initsigs* is 1. If *initsigs* is 0, it skips initialization registration of signal handlers, which might be useful when Python is embedded." +msgid "" +"This function works like :c:func:`Py_Initialize` if *initsigs* is 1. If " +"*initsigs* is 0, it skips initialization registration of signal handlers, " +"which might be useful when Python is embedded." msgstr "*initsigs* に1を指定すれば :c:func:`Py_Initialize` と同じ処理を実行 しますが、 Python埋め込みアプリケーションでは *initsigs* を0として初期化時に シグナルハンドラの登録をスキップすることができます。" -# d3f21e2e9a6c44a19a88d3f765eaa124 +# e8ed1de8f35e407988aacb05a27e6ce9 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:50 -msgid "Return true (nonzero) when the Python interpreter has been initialized, false (zero) if not. After :c:func:`Py_Finalize` is called, this returns false until :c:func:`Py_Initialize` is called again." +msgid "" +"Return true (nonzero) when the Python interpreter has been initialized, " +"false (zero) if not. After :c:func:`Py_Finalize` is called, this returns " +"false until :c:func:`Py_Initialize` is called again." msgstr "Python インタプリタがすでに初期化済みの場合に真 (非ゼロ) を返し、そ うでない場合には偽 (ゼロ) を返します。 :c:func:`Py_Finalize` を呼び出すと、 次に :c:func:`Py_Initialize` を呼び出すまでこの関数は偽を返します。" -# f38cfafeb350406e8229d77ea78f9e76 +# 758f086cceac4f98b2108c0a3b7a4640 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:57 -msgid "Undo all initializations made by :c:func:`Py_Initialize` and subsequent use of Python/C API functions, and destroy all sub-interpreters (see :c:func:`Py_NewInterpreter` below) that were created and not yet destroyed since the last call to :c:func:`Py_Initialize`. Ideally, this frees all memory allocated by the Python interpreter. This is a no-op when called for a second time (without calling :c:func:`Py_Initialize` again first). There is no return value; errors during finalization are ignored." +msgid "" +"Undo all initializations made by :c:func:`Py_Initialize` and subsequent use " +"of Python/C API functions, and destroy all sub-interpreters (see " +":c:func:`Py_NewInterpreter` below) that were created and not yet destroyed " +"since the last call to :c:func:`Py_Initialize`. Ideally, this frees all " +"memory allocated by the Python interpreter. This is a no-op when called for" +" a second time (without calling :c:func:`Py_Initialize` again first). There" +" is no return value; errors during finalization are ignored." msgstr ":c:func:`Py_Initialize` とそれ以後の Python/C API 関数で行った全て の初期化処理を取り消し、最後の :c:func:`Py_Initialize` 呼び出し以後に Python インタプリタが生成した全てのサブインタプリタ (sub-interpreter, 下記 の :c:func:`Py_NewInterpreter` を参照) を消去します。理想的な状況では、この 関数によって Python インタプリタが確保したメモリは全て解放されます。この関数 を (:c:func:`Py_Initialize` を呼ばずに) 再度呼び出しても何も行いません。戻り 値はありません。終了処理中のエラーは無視されます。" -# 3b385e6850f84b7093625eed58125c8e +# 3f22c3d2e5804ec093a4a26a5e65646c #: ../../c-api/init.rst:65 -msgid "This function is provided for a number of reasons. An embedding application might want to restart Python without having to restart the application itself. An application that has loaded the Python interpreter from a dynamically loadable library (or DLL) might want to free all memory allocated by Python before unloading the DLL. During a hunt for memory leaks in an application a developer might want to free all memory allocated by Python before exiting from the application." +msgid "" +"This function is provided for a number of reasons. An embedding application" +" might want to restart Python without having to restart the application " +"itself. An application that has loaded the Python interpreter from a " +"dynamically loadable library (or DLL) might want to free all memory " +"allocated by Python before unloading the DLL. During a hunt for memory leaks" +" in an application a developer might want to free all memory allocated by " +"Python before exiting from the application." msgstr "この関数が提供されている理由はいくつかあります。 Python の埋め込み を行っているアプリケーションでは、アプリケーションを再起動することなく Python を再起動したいことがあります。また、動的ロード可能イブラリ (あるいは DLL) から Python インタプリタをロードするアプリケーションでは、DLL をアン ロードする前に Python が確保したメモリを全て解放したいと考えるかもしれませ ん。アプリケーション内で起きているメモリリークを追跡する際に、開発者は Python が確保したメモリをアプリケーションの終了前に解放させたいと思う場合も あります。" -# 444b3804acc1492590a6be4575d77bf4 +# 2326dd9d14ca4421bb9ee9c3e77f7f07 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:73 -msgid "**Bugs and caveats:** The destruction of modules and objects in modules is done in random order; this may cause destructors (:meth:`__del__` methods) to fail when they depend on other objects (even functions) or modules. Dynamically loaded extension modules loaded by Python are not unloaded. Small amounts of memory allocated by the Python interpreter may not be freed (if you find a leak, please report it). Memory tied up in circular references between objects is not freed. Some memory allocated by extension modules may not be freed. Some extensions may not work properly if their initialization routine is called more than once; this can happen if an application calls :c:func:`Py_Initialize` and :c:func:`Py_Finalize` more than once." +msgid "" +"**Bugs and caveats:** The destruction of modules and objects in modules is " +"done in random order; this may cause destructors (:meth:`__del__` methods) " +"to fail when they depend on other objects (even functions) or modules. " +"Dynamically loaded extension modules loaded by Python are not unloaded. " +"Small amounts of memory allocated by the Python interpreter may not be freed" +" (if you find a leak, please report it). Memory tied up in circular " +"references between objects is not freed. Some memory allocated by extension" +" modules may not be freed. Some extensions may not work properly if their " +"initialization routine is called more than once; this can happen if an " +"application calls :c:func:`Py_Initialize` and :c:func:`Py_Finalize` more " +"than once." msgstr "**バグおよび注意事項:** モジュールやモジュール内のオブジェクトはラ ンダムな順番で削除されます。このため、他のオブジェクト(関数オブジェクトも含 みます) やモジュールに依存するデストラクタ (:meth:`__del__` メソッド) が失 敗してしまうことがあります。動的にロードされるようになっている拡張モジュール が Python によってロードされていた場合、アンロードされません。 Python が確保 したメモリがわずかながら解放されないかもしれません (メモリリークを発見した ら、どうか報告してください)。オブジェクト間の循環参照に捕捉されているメモリ は解放されないことがあります。拡張モジュールが確保したメモリは解放されないこ とがあります。拡張モジュールによっては、初期化ルーチンを 2 度以上呼び出すと 正しく動作しないことがあります。こうした状況は、 :c:func:`Py_Initialize` や :c:func:`Py_Finalize` を 2 度以上呼び出すと起こり得ます。" -# ac14358a22eb474c8a44954542ebb3b5 +# f3e39dbedeb44c3680462e69b94d7447 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:86 msgid "Process-wide parameters" msgstr "" -# 64a288a3049846e78d7beca5feca5fa1 +# 900d4e25d19a4f77b507e86fb31d6f43 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:96 -msgid "This function should be called before :c:func:`Py_Initialize` is called for the first time, if it is called at all. It tells the interpreter the value of the ``argv[0]`` argument to the :c:func:`main` function of the program (converted to wide characters). This is used by :c:func:`Py_GetPath` and some other functions below to find the Python run-time libraries relative to the interpreter executable. The default value is ``'python'``. The argument should point to a zero-terminated wide character string in static storage whose contents will not change for the duration of the program's execution. No code in the Python interpreter will change the contents of this storage." +msgid "" +"This function should be called before :c:func:`Py_Initialize` is called for " +"the first time, if it is called at all. It tells the interpreter the value " +"of the ``argv[0]`` argument to the :c:func:`main` function of the program " +"(converted to wide characters). This is used by :c:func:`Py_GetPath` and " +"some other functions below to find the Python run-time libraries relative to" +" the interpreter executable. The default value is ``'python'``. The " +"argument should point to a zero-terminated wide character string in static " +"storage whose contents will not change for the duration of the program's " +"execution. No code in the Python interpreter will change the contents of " +"this storage." msgstr "この関数を呼び出すなら、最初に :c:func:`Py_Initialize` を呼び出すよ りも前に呼び出さねばなりません。この関数はインタプリタにプログラム の :c:func:`main` 関数に指定した ``argv[0]`` 引数の値を教えます (ワイドキャ ラクタに変換されます)。この引数値は、 :c:func:`Py_GetPath` や、以下に示すそ の他の関数が、インタプリタの実行可能形式から Python ランタイムライブラリへの 相対パスを取得するために使われます。デフォルトの値は ``'python'`` です。引数 はゼロ終端されたワイドキャラクタ文字列で、静的な記憶領域に入っていなければな らず、その内容はプログラムの実行中に変更してはなりません。 Python インタプリ タ内のコードで、この記憶領域の内容を変更するものは一切ありません。" -# 1c61f60643124bbaaa092b284ab58851 +# 750159234c474f53b495a291eada4e6c #: ../../c-api/init.rst:112 -msgid "Return the program name set with :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName`, or the default. The returned string points into static storage; the caller should not modify its value." +msgid "" +"Return the program name set with :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName`, or the " +"default. The returned string points into static storage; the caller should " +"not modify its value." msgstr ":c:func:`Py_SetProgramName` で設定されたプログラム名か、デフォルト のプログラム名を返します。関数が返す文字列ポインタは静的な記憶領域を返しま す。関数の呼び出し側はこの値を変更できません。" -# 516e157fa2684ce2a3a194d2147fee0b +# 96ee4c75620b4e879c7729ffb44175c3 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:119 -msgid "Return the *prefix* for installed platform-independent files. This is derived through a number of complicated rules from the program name set with :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName` and some environment variables; for example, if the program name is ``'/usr/local/bin/python'``, the prefix is ``'/usr/local'``. The returned string points into static storage; the caller should not modify its value. This corresponds to the :makevar:`prefix` variable in the top-level :file:`Makefile` and the ``--prefix`` argument to the :program:`configure` script at build time. The value is available to Python code as ``sys.prefix``. It is only useful on Unix. See also the next function." +msgid "" +"Return the *prefix* for installed platform-independent files. This is " +"derived through a number of complicated rules from the program name set with" +" :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName` and some environment variables; for example, if" +" the program name is ``'/usr/local/bin/python'``, the prefix is " +"``'/usr/local'``. The returned string points into static storage; the caller" +" should not modify its value. This corresponds to the :makevar:`prefix` " +"variable in the top-level :file:`Makefile` and the ``--prefix`` argument to " +"the :program:`configure` script at build time. The value is available to " +"Python code as ``sys.prefix``. It is only useful on Unix. See also the next" +" function." msgstr "プラットフォーム非依存のファイル群がインストールされている場所であ る *prefix* を返します。この値は :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName` でセットされた プログラム名やいくつかの環境変数をもとに、数々の複雑な規則から導出されます。 例えば、プログラム名が ``'/usr/local/bin/python'`` の場合、prefix は ``'/usr/local'`` になります。関数が返す文字列ポインタは静的な記憶領域を返し ます; 関数の呼び出し側はこの値を変更できません。この値はトップレベル の :file:`Makefile` に指定されている変数 :makevar:`prefix` や、ビルド値 に :program:`configure` スクリプトに指定した ``--prefix`` 引数に対応していま す。この値は Python コードからは ``sys.prefix`` として利用できます。これは Unixでのみ有用です。次に説明する関数も参照してください。" -# 8c5a28d7b77c40a3a49424ec545906a0 +# 5549fb7a0354401fae9e823e00085ce7 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:132 -msgid "Return the *exec-prefix* for installed platform-*dependent* files. This is derived through a number of complicated rules from the program name set with :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName` and some environment variables; for example, if the program name is ``'/usr/local/bin/python'``, the exec-prefix is ``'/usr/local'``. The returned string points into static storage; the caller should not modify its value. This corresponds to the :makevar:`exec_prefix` variable in the top-level :file:`Makefile` and the ``--exec-prefix`` argument to the :program:`configure` script at build time. The value is available to Python code as ``sys.exec_prefix``. It is only useful on Unix." +msgid "" +"Return the *exec-prefix* for installed platform-*dependent* files. This is " +"derived through a number of complicated rules from the program name set with" +" :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName` and some environment variables; for example, if" +" the program name is ``'/usr/local/bin/python'``, the exec-prefix is " +"``'/usr/local'``. The returned string points into static storage; the " +"caller should not modify its value. This corresponds to the " +":makevar:`exec_prefix` variable in the top-level :file:`Makefile` and the " +"``--exec-prefix`` argument to the :program:`configure` script at build " +"time. The value is available to Python code as ``sys.exec_prefix``. It is " +"only useful on Unix." msgstr "プラットフォーム *依存* のファイルがインストールされている場所であ る *exec-prefix* を返します。この値は :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName` でセットさ れたプログラム名やいくつかの環境変数をもとに、数々の複雑な規則から導出されま す。例えば、プログラム名が ``'/usr/local/bin/python'`` の場合、exec-prefix は ``'/usr/local'`` になります。関数が返す文字列ポインタは静的な記憶領域を返 します; 関数の呼び出し側はこの値を変更できません。この値はトップレベル の :file:`Makefile` に指定されている変数 :makevar:`exec_prefix` や、ビルド値 に :program:`configure` スクリプトに指定した ``--exec-prefix`` 引数に対応し ています。この値は Python コードからは ``sys.exec_prefix`` として利用できま す。 Unixのみで有用です。" -# e4d2efaa0f024b69af0c23f6ba47e1a0 +# f4cd609a6bd94038811b9306a3540bb0 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:142 -msgid "Background: The exec-prefix differs from the prefix when platform dependent files (such as executables and shared libraries) are installed in a different directory tree. In a typical installation, platform dependent files may be installed in the :file:`/usr/local/plat` subtree while platform independent may be installed in :file:`/usr/local`." +msgid "" +"Background: The exec-prefix differs from the prefix when platform dependent " +"files (such as executables and shared libraries) are installed in a " +"different directory tree. In a typical installation, platform dependent " +"files may be installed in the :file:`/usr/local/plat` subtree while platform" +" independent may be installed in :file:`/usr/local`." msgstr "背景: プラットフォーム依存のファイル (実行形式や共有ライブラリ) が 別のディレクトリツリー内にインストールされている場合、 exec-prefix は prefix と異なります。典型的なインストール形態では、プラットフォーム非依存の ファイルが :file:`/usr/local` に収められる一方、プラットフォーム依存のファイ ルは :file:`/usr/local/plat` サブツリーに収められます。" -# ac0b82739ca3486eafe95e6e3590ff8b +# 3cfd07a83a5145feb6dad4e4be87346c #: ../../c-api/init.rst:148 -msgid "Generally speaking, a platform is a combination of hardware and software families, e.g. Sparc machines running the Solaris 2.x operating system are considered the same platform, but Intel machines running Solaris 2.x are another platform, and Intel machines running Linux are yet another platform. Different major revisions of the same operating system generally also form different platforms. Non-Unix operating systems are a different story; the installation strategies on those systems are so different that the prefix and exec-prefix are meaningless, and set to the empty string. Note that compiled Python bytecode files are platform independent (but not independent from the Python version by which they were compiled!)." +msgid "" +"Generally speaking, a platform is a combination of hardware and software " +"families, e.g. Sparc machines running the Solaris 2.x operating system are " +"considered the same platform, but Intel machines running Solaris 2.x are " +"another platform, and Intel machines running Linux are yet another platform." +" Different major revisions of the same operating system generally also form" +" different platforms. Non-Unix operating systems are a different story; the" +" installation strategies on those systems are so different that the prefix " +"and exec-prefix are meaningless, and set to the empty string. Note that " +"compiled Python bytecode files are platform independent (but not independent" +" from the Python version by which they were compiled!)." msgstr "一般的に、プラットフォームとは、ハードウェアとソフトウェアファミリ の組み合わせを指します。例えば、 Solaris 2.x を動作させている Sparc マシンは 全て同じプラットフォームであるとみなしますが、Solaris 2.x を動作させている Intel マシンは違うプラットフォームになりますし、同じ Intel マシンでも Linux を動作させているならまた別のプラットフォームです。一般的には、同じオペレーテ ィングシステムでも、メジャーリビジョンの違うものは異なるプラットフォームで す。非 Unix のオペレーティングシステムの場合は話はまた別です; 非 Unix のシス テムでは、インストール方法はとても異なっていて、 prefix や exec-prefix には 意味がなく、空文字列が設定されています。コンパイル済みの Python バイトコード はプラットフォームに依存しないので注意してください (ただし、どのバージョン の Python でコンパイルされたかには依存します!)。" -# 09f4240064604626bef6b6537530eb7f +# e75c3d262f794fe0b439e75ad22bde34 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:159 -msgid "System administrators will know how to configure the :program:`mount` or :program:`automount` programs to share :file:`/usr/local` between platforms while having :file:`/usr/local/plat` be a different filesystem for each platform." +msgid "" +"System administrators will know how to configure the :program:`mount` or " +":program:`automount` programs to share :file:`/usr/local` between platforms " +"while having :file:`/usr/local/plat` be a different filesystem for each " +"platform." msgstr "システム管理者は、 :program:`mount` や :program:`automount` プログ ラムを使って、各プラットフォーム用の :file:`/usr/local/plat` を異なったファ イルシステムに置き、プラットフォーム間で :file:`/usr/local` を共有するための 設定方法を知っているでしょう。" -# 5a9f636fbb1e4fb9b91fba4dd5939c70 +# 2d0f15598ab7497a9b900bda2d509ca2 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:171 -msgid "Return the full program name of the Python executable; this is computed as a side-effect of deriving the default module search path from the program name (set by :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName` above). The returned string points into static storage; the caller should not modify its value. The value is available to Python code as ``sys.executable``." +msgid "" +"Return the full program name of the Python executable; this is computed as " +"a side-effect of deriving the default module search path from the program " +"name (set by :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName` above). The returned string points " +"into static storage; the caller should not modify its value. The value is " +"available to Python code as ``sys.executable``." msgstr "Python 実行可能形式の完全なプログラム名を返します; この値はデフォル トのモジュール検索パスを (前述の :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName` で設定された) プログラム名から導出する際に副作用的に計算されます。関数が返す文字列ポインタ は静的な記憶領域を返します; 関数の呼び出し側はこの値を変更できません。この値 は Python コードからは ``sys.executable`` として利用できます。" -# f38efdd4722d4455ae6503f7c72c959b +# 80b63f7a59064b419f8c119716d1e581 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:185 -msgid "Return the default module search path; this is computed from the program name (set by :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName` above) and some environment variables. The returned string consists of a series of directory names separated by a platform dependent delimiter character. The delimiter character is ``':'`` on Unix and Mac OS X, ``';'`` on Windows. The returned string points into static storage; the caller should not modify its value. The list :data:`sys.path` is initialized with this value on interpreter startup; it can be (and usually is) modified later to change the search path for loading modules." +msgid "" +"Return the default module search path; this is computed from the program " +"name (set by :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName` above) and some environment " +"variables. The returned string consists of a series of directory names " +"separated by a platform dependent delimiter character. The delimiter " +"character is ``':'`` on Unix and Mac OS X, ``';'`` on Windows. The returned" +" string points into static storage; the caller should not modify its value." +" The list :data:`sys.path` is initialized with this value on interpreter " +"startup; it can be (and usually is) modified later to change the search path" +" for loading modules." msgstr "デフォルトのモジュール検索パスを返します; パスは (上 の :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName` で設定された) プログラム名と、いくつかの環境 変数から計算されます。戻り値となる文字列は、プラットフォーム依存のパス区切り 文字で分割された一連のディレクトリ名からなります。区切り文字は Unix と Mac OS X では ``':'``, Windows では ``';'`` です。関数が返す文字列ポインタは静的 な記憶領域を返します; 関数の呼び出し側はこの値を変更できませ ん。 :data:`sys.path` はインタプリタによってこの値で初期化され、その後にモジ ュールをロードする際の検索パスを変更するために修正することが可能で、たいてい そうされます。" -# cd2b9da70279487d964e05b129bd3f7e +# 9bf4ffc0ef374bebbed659d34f0d0508 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:205 -msgid "Set the default module search path. If this function is called before :c:func:`Py_Initialize`, then :c:func:`Py_GetPath` won't attempt to compute a default search path but uses the one provided instead. This is useful if Python is embedded by an application that has full knowledge of the location of all modules. The path components should be separated by semicolons." +msgid "" +"Set the default module search path. If this function is called before " +":c:func:`Py_Initialize`, then :c:func:`Py_GetPath` won't attempt to compute " +"a default search path but uses the one provided instead. This is useful if " +"Python is embedded by an application that has full knowledge of the location" +" of all modules. The path components should be separated by semicolons." msgstr "" -# 623be048f7e44b4b9c6b8f0c5b016131 +# c0b806f829d940f6b61b31b3c85c8025 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:211 -msgid "This also causes :data:`sys.executable` to be set only to the raw program name (see :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName`) and for :data:`sys.prefix` and :data:`sys.exec_prefix` to be empty. It is up to the caller to modify these if required after calling :c:func:`Py_Initialize`." +msgid "" +"This also causes :data:`sys.executable` to be set only to the raw program " +"name (see :c:func:`Py_SetProgramName`) and for :data:`sys.prefix` and " +":data:`sys.exec_prefix` to be empty. It is up to the caller to modify these" +" if required after calling :c:func:`Py_Initialize`." msgstr "" -# 23e2a49dd9da4abdab65011e688715ec +# 97b8553b757e4d82a1da792409cbe1fa #: ../../c-api/init.rst:219 -msgid "Return the version of this Python interpreter. This is a string that looks something like ::" +msgid "" +"Return the version of this Python interpreter. This is a string that looks " +"something like ::" msgstr "Python インタプリタのバージョンを返します。バージョンは、次のような 形式の文字列です。 ::" -# 53c572255cfa4a1cafb3939040fa79c1 +# 2a7cb840b26f458aa6b07598ee8ef4ab #: ../../c-api/init.rst:226 -msgid "The first word (up to the first space character) is the current Python version; the first three characters are the major and minor version separated by a period. The returned string points into static storage; the caller should not modify its value. The value is available to Python code as :data:`sys.version`." +msgid "" +"The first word (up to the first space character) is the current Python " +"version; the first three characters are the major and minor version " +"separated by a period. The returned string points into static storage; the " +"caller should not modify its value. The value is available to Python code " +"as :data:`sys.version`." msgstr "第一ワード (最初のスペース文字まで) は、現在の Python のバージョン です; 最初の三文字は、ピリオドで区切られたメジャーバージョンとマイナーバージ ョンです。関数が返す文字列ポインタは静的な記憶領域を返します; 関数の呼び出し 側はこの値を変更できません。この値は Python コードから は :data:`sys.version` として利用できます。" -# 4a880712919945d3ac8ddf8f80d7318e +# 313f796d8b834fdc918a907626bd138c #: ../../c-api/init.rst:236 -msgid "Return the platform identifier for the current platform. On Unix, this is formed from the \"official\" name of the operating system, converted to lower case, followed by the major revision number; e.g., for Solaris 2.x, which is also known as SunOS 5.x, the value is ``'sunos5'``. On Mac OS X, it is ``'darwin'``. On Windows, it is ``'win'``. The returned string points into static storage; the caller should not modify its value. The value is available to Python code as ``sys.platform``." +msgid "" +"Return the platform identifier for the current platform. On Unix, this is " +"formed from the \"official\" name of the operating system, converted to " +"lower case, followed by the major revision number; e.g., for Solaris 2.x, " +"which is also known as SunOS 5.x, the value is ``'sunos5'``. On Mac OS X, " +"it is ``'darwin'``. On Windows, it is ``'win'``. The returned string " +"points into static storage; the caller should not modify its value. The " +"value is available to Python code as ``sys.platform``." msgstr "現在のプラットフォームのプラットフォーム識別文字列を返します。 Unixでは、オペレーティングシステムの \"公式の\" 名前を小文字に変換し、後ろに メジャーリビジョン番号を付けた構成になっています。例えば Solaris 2.x は、 SunOS 5.x, としても知られていますが、 ``'sunos5'`` になります。Mac OS X で は ``'darwin'`` です。 Windows では ``'win'`` です。関数が返す文字列ポインタ は静的な記憶領域を返します; 関数の呼び出し側はこの値を変更できません。この値 は Python コードからは ``sys.platform`` として利用できます。" -# fa1a1357238a401dbfd54bf5c3e111f3 +# 8f63c3a2b3a04d7facd73fce62bff34d #: ../../c-api/init.rst:247 -msgid "Return the official copyright string for the current Python version, for example" +msgid "" +"Return the official copyright string for the current Python version, for " +"example" msgstr "現在の Python バージョンに対する公式の著作権表示文字列を返します。 例えば" -# d5ac7e2d851045aeb23dc633dfeb70b2 +# d3d08b1664d742abb4db0238be306765 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:249 msgid "``'Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam'``" msgstr "``'Copyright 1991-1995 Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam'``" -# 5f3c29c3439f49bf9ee779835f48a7f2 +# a7983e29a7df4fa2b24ac6e72e611034 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:253 -msgid "The returned string points into static storage; the caller should not modify its value. The value is available to Python code as ``sys.copyright``." +msgid "" +"The returned string points into static storage; the caller should not modify" +" its value. The value is available to Python code as ``sys.copyright``." msgstr "関数が返す文字列ポインタは静的な記憶領域を返します; 関数の呼び出し 側はこの値を変更できません。この値は Python コードからは ``sys.copyright`` として利用できます。" -# 3db030460c0e4624beebf1082fdb3665 +# 29d5f3ac41884c9b8ef8d9aa91a66a66 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:259 -msgid "Return an indication of the compiler used to build the current Python version, in square brackets, for example::" +msgid "" +"Return an indication of the compiler used to build the current Python " +"version, in square brackets, for example::" msgstr "現在使っているバージョンの Python をビルドする際に用いたコンパイラ を示す文字列を、角括弧で囲った文字列を返します。例えば::" -# f0911eeb45e847058b297bf7868af0e2 -# 40ca0c5934b6401ca6205ad8ff267452 +# 62e9132d9b9449db9d707d76ed6dc5a0 +# 942819eab3b64effa4dcc6b2e85f3d64 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:266 ../../c-api/init.rst:280 -msgid "The returned string points into static storage; the caller should not modify its value. The value is available to Python code as part of the variable ``sys.version``." +msgid "" +"The returned string points into static storage; the caller should not modify" +" its value. The value is available to Python code as part of the variable " +"``sys.version``." msgstr "関数が返す文字列ポインタは静的な記憶領域を返します; 関数の呼び出し 側はこの値を変更できません。この値は Python コードからは ``sys.version`` の 一部として取り出せます。" -# 6b141b4c09114bd5866b7e0a6f706880 +# e0aa6d49b84c40ad9dd652c19070f6e2 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:273 -msgid "Return information about the sequence number and build date and time of the current Python interpreter instance, for example ::" +msgid "" +"Return information about the sequence number and build date and time of the" +" current Python interpreter instance, for example ::" msgstr "現在使っている Python インタプリタインスタンスの、シーケンス番号と ビルド日時に関する情報を返します。例えば ::" -# 5b68cf79ddc24fb19b57aa6da8579ca3 +# 2651351585e14301ae522f73caa6285b #: ../../c-api/init.rst:292 -msgid "Set :data:`sys.argv` based on *argc* and *argv*. These parameters are similar to those passed to the program's :c:func:`main` function with the difference that the first entry should refer to the script file to be executed rather than the executable hosting the Python interpreter. If there isn't a script that will be run, the first entry in *argv* can be an empty string. If this function fails to initialize :data:`sys.argv`, a fatal condition is signalled using :c:func:`Py_FatalError`." +msgid "" +"Set :data:`sys.argv` based on *argc* and *argv*. These parameters are " +"similar to those passed to the program's :c:func:`main` function with the " +"difference that the first entry should refer to the script file to be " +"executed rather than the executable hosting the Python interpreter. If " +"there isn't a script that will be run, the first entry in *argv* can be an " +"empty string. If this function fails to initialize :data:`sys.argv`, a " +"fatal condition is signalled using :c:func:`Py_FatalError`." msgstr "*argc* および *argv* に基づいて :data:`sys.argv` を設定します。これ らの引数はプログラムの :c:func:`main` に渡した引数に似ていますが、最初の要素 が Python インタプリタの宿主となっている実行形式の名前ではなく、実行されるス クリプト名を参照しなければならない点が違います。実行するスクリプトがない場 合、 *argv* の最初の要素は空文字列にしてもかまいません。この関数 が :data:`sys.argv` の初期化に失敗した場合、致命的エラー を :c:func:`Py_FatalError` で知らせます。" -# 8ef8292d6ed74ac99f515fe5649cd5c3 +# b5969a4dafb94ca1a27b58ed37f50086 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:300 -msgid "If *updatepath* is zero, this is all the function does. If *updatepath* is non-zero, the function also modifies :data:`sys.path` according to the following algorithm:" +msgid "" +"If *updatepath* is zero, this is all the function does. If *updatepath* is " +"non-zero, the function also modifies :data:`sys.path` according to the " +"following algorithm:" msgstr "*updatepath* が 0 の場合、ここまでの動作がこの関数がすることの全て です。 *updatepath* が 0 でない場合、この関数は :data:`sys.path` を以下のア ルゴリズムに基づいて修正します:" -# ee6ba1995e854fa0a13ae0e038083a3c +# 2517ab479cb64966b4af059564b8847c #: ../../c-api/init.rst:304 -msgid "If the name of an existing script is passed in ``argv[0]``, the absolute path of the directory where the script is located is prepended to :data:`sys.path`." +msgid "" +"If the name of an existing script is passed in ``argv[0]``, the absolute " +"path of the directory where the script is located is prepended to " +":data:`sys.path`." msgstr "存在するスクリプトの名前が ``argv[0]`` に渡された場合、そのスクリプ トがある場所の絶対パスを :data:`sys.path` の先頭に追加します。" -# bb53ad286ac640b78ba2809acae39fae +# 2185dbe280bb4d9f8e5c7ad4f80d0ed3 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:307 -msgid "Otherwise (that is, if *argc* is 0 or ``argv[0]`` doesn't point to an existing file name), an empty string is prepended to :data:`sys.path`, which is the same as prepending the current working directory (``\".\"``)." +msgid "" +"Otherwise (that is, if *argc* is 0 or ``argv[0]`` doesn't point to an " +"existing file name), an empty string is prepended to :data:`sys.path`, which" +" is the same as prepending the current working directory (``\".\"``)." msgstr "それ以外の場合(*argc* が 0 だったり、 ``argv[0]`` が存在するファイ ル名をさしていない場合)、 :data:`sys.path` の先頭に空の文字列を追加します。 これは現在の作業ディレクトリ (``\".\"``) を先頭に追加するのと同じです。" -# 0da016f859a240cf85c55222210cc6f4 +# dda7a50c0cc7467b96654db178f3abe1 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:313 -msgid "It is recommended that applications embedding the Python interpreter for purposes other than executing a single script pass 0 as *updatepath*, and update :data:`sys.path` themselves if desired. See `CVE-2008-5983 <>`_." +msgid "" +"It is recommended that applications embedding the Python interpreter for " +"purposes other than executing a single script pass 0 as *updatepath*, and " +"update :data:`sys.path` themselves if desired. See `CVE-2008-5983 " +"<>`_." msgstr "It is recommended that applications embedding the Python interpreter for purposes other than executing a single script pass 0 as *updatepath*, and update :data:`sys.path` themselves if desired. See `CVE-2008-5983 <>`_." -# 199483cd8f9a4daba33724119ee75a9e +# 2d09d944b4e9490492d23efea3b3876f #: ../../c-api/init.rst:318 -msgid "On versions before 3.1.3, you can achieve the same effect by manually popping the first :data:`sys.path` element after having called :c:func:`PySys_SetArgv`, for example using::" +msgid "" +"On versions before 3.1.3, you can achieve the same effect by manually " +"popping the first :data:`sys.path` element after having called " +":c:func:`PySys_SetArgv`, for example using::" msgstr "" -# 060e0f60cd4c461b8b1763bbeb573e64 +# 85ca179bc86540c4aa4b9e58c04bed29 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:332 -msgid "This function works like :c:func:`PySys_SetArgvEx` with *updatepath* set to 1." +msgid "" +"This function works like :c:func:`PySys_SetArgvEx` with *updatepath* set to " +"1." msgstr ":c:func:`PySys_SetArgvEx` の *updatepath* に 1 を設定したのと同じよ うに動作します。" -# f446ef2c3c664af88d1bfaed67e2aa17 +# f3a1f1f19a4d4d07b0f1c7a59d814d38 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:337 -msgid "Set the default \"home\" directory, that is, the location of the standard Python libraries. See :envvar:`PYTHONHOME` for the meaning of the argument string." +msgid "" +"Set the default \"home\" directory, that is, the location of the standard " +"Python libraries. See :envvar:`PYTHONHOME` for the meaning of the argument " +"string." msgstr "Python の標準ライブラリがある、デフォルトの \"home\" ディレクトリを 設定します。引数の文字列の意味については :envvar:`PYTHONHOME` を参照してくだ さい。" -# f5a8e914dddf4d76a719ad9436ef8570 +# d12e8e27d49c46d7b04a1dcf6e6383d0 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:341 -msgid "The argument should point to a zero-terminated character string in static storage whose contents will not change for the duration of the program's execution. No code in the Python interpreter will change the contents of this storage." +msgid "" +"The argument should point to a zero-terminated character string in static " +"storage whose contents will not change for the duration of the program's " +"execution. No code in the Python interpreter will change the contents of " +"this storage." msgstr "引数は静的なストレージに置かれてプログラム実行中に書き換えられない ようなゼロ終端の文字列であるべきです。 Python インタプリタはこのストレージの 内容を変更しません。" -# d36262e354634452b3c958414e78a1c0 +# c73ff73994b1459d80230f95d98ed561 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:349 -msgid "Return the default \"home\", that is, the value set by a previous call to :c:func:`Py_SetPythonHome`, or the value of the :envvar:`PYTHONHOME` environment variable if it is set." +msgid "" +"Return the default \"home\", that is, the value set by a previous call to " +":c:func:`Py_SetPythonHome`, or the value of the :envvar:`PYTHONHOME` " +"environment variable if it is set." msgstr "前回の :c:func:`Py_SetPythonHome` 呼び出しで設定されたデフォルトの \"home\" か、 :envvar:`PYTHONHOME` 環境変数が設定されていればその値を返しま す。" -# ec6ac8b1829d4fb2892c9c576725d98d +# 95bdb8e072064251abf6f1f399c3598d #: ../../c-api/init.rst:357 msgid "Thread State and the Global Interpreter Lock" msgstr "スレッド状態 (thread state) とグローバルインタプリタロック (global interpreter lock)" -# d36070a09f8e4d8f8c260165f1d8dd91 +# f6747bac207849a8bd5c5d404ab17d0c #: ../../c-api/init.rst:364 -msgid "The Python interpreter is not fully thread-safe. In order to support multi-threaded Python programs, there's a global lock, called the :term:`global interpreter lock` or :term:`GIL`, that must be held by the current thread before it can safely access Python objects. Without the lock, even the simplest operations could cause problems in a multi-threaded program: for example, when two threads simultaneously increment the reference count of the same object, the reference count could end up being incremented only once instead of twice." +msgid "" +"The Python interpreter is not fully thread-safe. In order to support multi-" +"threaded Python programs, there's a global lock, called the :term:`global " +"interpreter lock` or :term:`GIL`, that must be held by the current thread " +"before it can safely access Python objects. Without the lock, even the " +"simplest operations could cause problems in a multi-threaded program: for " +"example, when two threads simultaneously increment the reference count of " +"the same object, the reference count could end up being incremented only " +"once instead of twice." msgstr "Python インタプリタは完全にはスレッドセーフではありません。マルチス レッドの Python プログラムをサポートするために、グローバルインタプリタロック (:term:`global interpreter lock`, :term:`GIL`) と呼ばれるグローバルなロック が存在していて、現在のスレッドが Python オブジェクトに安全にアクセスする前に 必ずロックを獲得しなければならなくなっています。ロック機構がなければ、単純な 操作でさえ、マルチスレッドプログラムの実行に問題を引き起こす可能性がありま す。たとえば、二つのスレッドが同じオブジェクトの参照カウントを同時にインクリ メントすると、結果的に参照カウントは二回でなく一回だけしかインクリメントされ ないかもしれません。" -# 918c80f2d9c34c32bfeb8cca34c1462e +# fe9eb86dd3444adc8f45ee35118877ec #: ../../c-api/init.rst:374 -msgid "Therefore, the rule exists that only the thread that has acquired the :term:`GIL` may operate on Python objects or call Python/C API functions. In order to emulate concurrency of execution, the interpreter regularly tries to switch threads (see :func:`sys.setswitchinterval`). The lock is also released around potentially blocking I/O operations like reading or writing a file, so that other Python threads can run in the meantime." +msgid "" +"Therefore, the rule exists that only the thread that has acquired the " +":term:`GIL` may operate on Python objects or call Python/C API functions. In" +" order to emulate concurrency of execution, the interpreter regularly tries " +"to switch threads (see :func:`sys.setswitchinterval`). The lock is also " +"released around potentially blocking I/O operations like reading or writing " +"a file, so that other Python threads can run in the meantime." msgstr "このため、 :term:`GIL` を獲得したスレッドだけが Python オブジェクト を操作したり、 Python/C API 関数を呼び出したりできるというルールがあります。 並行処理をエミュレートするために、インタプリタは定期的にロックを解放したり獲 得したりします。 (:func:`sys.setswitchinterval` を参照) このロックはブロック が起こりうる I/O 操作の付近でも解放・獲得され、 I/O を要求するスレッドが I/O 操作の完了を待つ間、他のスレッドが動作できるようにしています。" -# 5df67820ae41402b85ae70eea857c470 +# 208d8e5130f4410294767ceeceae7f60 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:385 -msgid "The Python interpreter keeps some thread-specific bookkeeping information inside a data structure called :c:type:`PyThreadState`. There's also one global variable pointing to the current :c:type:`PyThreadState`: it can be retrieved using :c:func:`PyThreadState_Get`." +msgid "" +"The Python interpreter keeps some thread-specific bookkeeping information " +"inside a data structure called :c:type:`PyThreadState`. There's also one " +"global variable pointing to the current :c:type:`PyThreadState`: it can be " +"retrieved using :c:func:`PyThreadState_Get`." msgstr "Python インタプリタはスレッドごとに必要な情報 を :c:type:`PyThreadState` と呼ばれるデータ構造の中に保存します。そしてグ ローバル変数として現在の :c:type:`PyThreadState` を指すポインタを1つ持ちま す。このグローバル変数は :c:func:`PyThreadState_Get` を使って取得できます。" -# 31cca753b4974a92b86f9122b654e233 +# 0725732bf0c5478cbf8875caffbdb35b #: ../../c-api/init.rst:391 msgid "Releasing the GIL from extension code" msgstr "拡張コード内で GIL を解放する" -# 886ad733a580437a971fb175b8797de1 +# 8583cd2f93934b72a9541ec6264aa423 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:393 -msgid "Most extension code manipulating the :term:`GIL` has the following simple structure::" +msgid "" +"Most extension code manipulating the :term:`GIL` has the following simple " +"structure::" msgstr "GIL を操作するほとんどのコードは、次のような単純な構造になりま す。 ::" -# cd0e8e632a224973902f8c341610de82 +# 11fec619ad4c4a9b884692e5a820d7cc #: ../../c-api/init.rst:402 msgid "This is so common that a pair of macros exists to simplify it::" msgstr "この構造は非常に一般的なので、作業を単純にするために2つのマクロが用 意されています::" -# 487283df0df848cb8ee79ac55f6437b6 +# a01a5dea413e47c587ba70379d5eadab #: ../../c-api/init.rst:412 -msgid "The :c:macro:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS` macro opens a new block and declares a hidden local variable; the :c:macro:`Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS` macro closes the block. These two macros are still available when Python is compiled without thread support (they simply have an empty expansion)." +msgid "" +"The :c:macro:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS` macro opens a new block and declares a" +" hidden local variable; the :c:macro:`Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS` macro closes the" +" block. These two macros are still available when Python is compiled " +"without thread support (they simply have an empty expansion)." msgstr ":c:macro:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS` マクロは新たなブロックを開始し、 隠しローカル変数を宣言します; :c:macro:`Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS` はブロックを閉 じます。 Python をスレッドサポートなしでコンパイルしたときでもこの2つのマク ロは利用可能です (単に、空行に展開されます)。" -# e33154a9108347cfb04ddf0adde48c8e +# dbae727ccb904e35b70735acb5a09524 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:417 -msgid "When thread support is enabled, the block above expands to the following code::" +msgid "" +"When thread support is enabled, the block above expands to the following " +"code::" msgstr "スレッドサポートが有効になっている場合、上記のブロックは以下のよう なコードに展開されます::" -# 2e1721735b68424c9865fe589dd46081 +# 58ef5898537641d58ccd44de9efef5b6 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:429 -msgid "Here is how these functions work: the global interpreter lock is used to protect the pointer to the current thread state. When releasing the lock and saving the thread state, the current thread state pointer must be retrieved before the lock is released (since another thread could immediately acquire the lock and store its own thread state in the global variable). Conversely, when acquiring the lock and restoring the thread state, the lock must be acquired before storing the thread state pointer." +msgid "" +"Here is how these functions work: the global interpreter lock is used to " +"protect the pointer to the current thread state. When releasing the lock " +"and saving the thread state, the current thread state pointer must be " +"retrieved before the lock is released (since another thread could " +"immediately acquire the lock and store its own thread state in the global " +"variable). Conversely, when acquiring the lock and restoring the thread " +"state, the lock must be acquired before storing the thread state pointer." msgstr "これらの関数の動作を説明します。 GIL は現在のスレッド状態を指すポイ ンタを保護するために使われます。ロックを解放してスレッド状態を退避する際、ロ ックを解放する前に現在のスレッド状態ポインタを取得しておかなければなりませ ん (他のスレッドがすぐさまロックを獲得して、自らのスレッド状態をグローバル変 数に保存してしまうかもしれないからです)。逆に、ロックを獲得してスレッド状態 を復帰する際には、グローバル変数にスレッド状態ポインタを保存する前にロックを 獲得しておかなければなりません。" -# 9dd53eb5430e487db952789590300fd8 +# 1706f8ad61db4130b0e0c64b6fac9d1d #: ../../c-api/init.rst:438 -msgid "Calling system I/O functions is the most common use case for releasing the GIL, but it can also be useful before calling long-running computations which don't need access to Python objects, such as compression or cryptographic functions operating over memory buffers. For example, the standard :mod:`zlib` and :mod:`hashlib` modules release the GIL when compressing or hashing data." +msgid "" +"Calling system I/O functions is the most common use case for releasing the " +"GIL, but it can also be useful before calling long-running computations " +"which don't need access to Python objects, such as compression or " +"cryptographic functions operating over memory buffers. For example, the " +"standard :mod:`zlib` and :mod:`hashlib` modules release the GIL when " +"compressing or hashing data." msgstr "GIL を解放するのはほとんどがシステムのI/O関数を呼び出す時ですが、メ モリバッファに対する圧縮や暗号化のように、 Python のオブジェクトにアクセスし ない長時間かかる計算処理を呼び出すときも GIL を解放することは有益です。例え ば、 :mod:`zlib` や :mod:`hashlib` モジュールは圧縮やハッシュ計算の前に GIL を開放します。" -# 37f46bdc000146b1806281e4633fc13e +# cf3c41b1e94341219750aa82db364f50 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:446 msgid "Non-Python created threads" msgstr "Python 以外で作られたスレッド" -# d7f8918b1272401597f8618c082243e2 +# 5ec78cddad2045edb885eeabc4c01081 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:448 -msgid "When threads are created using the dedicated Python APIs (such as the :mod:`threading` module), a thread state is automatically associated to them and the code showed above is therefore correct. However, when threads are created from C (for example by a third-party library with its own thread management), they don't hold the GIL, nor is there a thread state structure for them." +msgid "" +"When threads are created using the dedicated Python APIs (such as the " +":mod:`threading` module), a thread state is automatically associated to them" +" and the code showed above is therefore correct. However, when threads are " +"created from C (for example by a third-party library with its own thread " +"management), they don't hold the GIL, nor is there a thread state structure " +"for them." msgstr "Python API を通して作られたスレッド (:mod:`threading` モジュールな ど) では自動的にスレッド状態が割り当てられて、上記のコードは正しく動きます。 しかし、(自前でスレッド管理を行う外部のライブラリなどにより)C言語でスレッド を生成した場合、そのスレッドには GIL がなく、スレッド状態データ構造体もない ことに注意する必要があります。" -# 0f96fd8467fd4a36a7ceb1122b77d036 +# 6c443fc4727242a592fcb640877b58d7 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:455 -msgid "If you need to call Python code from these threads (often this will be part of a callback API provided by the aforementioned third-party library), you must first register these threads with the interpreter by creating a thread state data structure, then acquiring the GIL, and finally storing their thread state pointer, before you can start using the Python/C API. When you are done, you should reset the thread state pointer, release the GIL, and finally free the thread state data structure." +msgid "" +"If you need to call Python code from these threads (often this will be part " +"of a callback API provided by the aforementioned third-party library), you " +"must first register these threads with the interpreter by creating a thread " +"state data structure, then acquiring the GIL, and finally storing their " +"thread state pointer, before you can start using the Python/C API. When you" +" are done, you should reset the thread state pointer, release the GIL, and " +"finally free the thread state data structure." msgstr "このようなスレッドから Python コードを呼び出す必要がある場合 (外部 のライブラリからコールバックするAPIなどがよくある例です)、 Python/C API を呼 び出す前に、スレッド状態データ構造体を生成し、 GIL を獲得し、スレッド状態ポ インタを保存することで、スレッドをインタプリタに登録しなければなりません。ス レッドが作業を終えたら、スレッド状態ポインタをリセットして、ロックを解放し、 最後にスレッド状態データ構造体のメモリを解放しなければなりません。" -# aacfe50d24f945628e6b4c71795212cd +# b840bd47d86b4f4c87488a111179a857 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:463 -msgid "The :c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` and :c:func:`PyGILState_Release` functions do all of the above automatically. The typical idiom for calling into Python from a C thread is::" +msgid "" +"The :c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` and :c:func:`PyGILState_Release` functions " +"do all of the above automatically. The typical idiom for calling into " +"Python from a C thread is::" msgstr ":c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` と :c:func:`PyGILState_Release` はこの 処理を自動的に行います。 Cのスレッドから Python を呼び出す典型的な方法は以下 のとおりです。 ::" -# f9763690b24446628f619f092988ba9a +# 53783afa4ec94486a2f925cb0fee54fb #: ../../c-api/init.rst:477 -msgid "Note that the :c:func:`PyGILState_\\*` functions assume there is only one global interpreter (created automatically by :c:func:`Py_Initialize`). Python supports the creation of additional interpreters (using :c:func:`Py_NewInterpreter`), but mixing multiple interpreters and the :c:func:`PyGILState_\\*` API is unsupported." +msgid "" +"Note that the :c:func:`PyGILState_\\*` functions assume there is only one " +"global interpreter (created automatically by :c:func:`Py_Initialize`). " +"Python supports the creation of additional interpreters (using " +":c:func:`Py_NewInterpreter`), but mixing multiple interpreters and the " +":c:func:`PyGILState_\\*` API is unsupported." msgstr ":c:func:`PyGILState_\\*` 関数は、(:c:func:`Py_Initialize` によって 自動的に作られる) グローバルインタプリタ1つだけが存在すると仮定する事に気を つけて下さい。 Python は (:c:func:`Py_NewInterpreter` を使って) 追加のインタ プリタを作成できることに変わりはありませんが、複数インタプリタ と :c:func:`PyGILState_\\*` API を混ぜて使うことはサポートされていません。" -# 18462571f1a84c78ac1465cab6166eec +# 066bd67d9e12448d9c31defe2280af36 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:483 -msgid "Another important thing to note about threads is their behaviour in the face of the C :c:func:`fork` call. On most systems with :c:func:`fork`, after a process forks only the thread that issued the fork will exist. That also means any locks held by other threads will never be released. Python solves this for :func:`os.fork` by acquiring the locks it uses internally before the fork, and releasing them afterwards. In addition, it resets any :ref:`lock-objects` in the child. When extending or embedding Python, there is no way to inform Python of additional (non-Python) locks that need to be acquired before or reset after a fork. OS facilities such as :c:func:`pthread_atfork` would need to be used to accomplish the same thing. Additionally, when extending or embedding Python, calling :c:func:`fork` directly rather than through :func:`os.fork` (and returning to or calling into Python) may result in a deadlock by one of Python's internal locks being held by a thread that is defunct after the fork. :c:func:`PyOS_AfterFork` tries to reset the necessary locks, but is not always able to." +msgid "" +"Another important thing to note about threads is their behaviour in the face" +" of the C :c:func:`fork` call. On most systems with :c:func:`fork`, after a " +"process forks only the thread that issued the fork will exist. That also " +"means any locks held by other threads will never be released. Python solves " +"this for :func:`os.fork` by acquiring the locks it uses internally before " +"the fork, and releasing them afterwards. In addition, it resets any :ref" +":`lock-objects` in the child. When extending or embedding Python, there is " +"no way to inform Python of additional (non-Python) locks that need to be " +"acquired before or reset after a fork. OS facilities such as " +":c:func:`pthread_atfork` would need to be used to accomplish the same thing." +" Additionally, when extending or embedding Python, calling :c:func:`fork` " +"directly rather than through :func:`os.fork` (and returning to or calling " +"into Python) may result in a deadlock by one of Python's internal locks " +"being held by a thread that is defunct after the fork. " +":c:func:`PyOS_AfterFork` tries to reset the necessary locks, but is not " +"always able to." msgstr "注意しないといけないもう一つの重要な点は、 C の :c:func:`fork` を呼 び出した時の動作です。ほとんどの :c:func:`fork` を持っているシステムでは、 fork されたプロセスには fork を実行したスレッドしか存在しません。これは、別 のスレッドに取得されたロックがずっと開放されないことを意味します。 Python は fork する前にロックを取得し、その後に fork を開放することでこの問題を解決 しています。加えて、子プロセスではすべての :ref:`lock-objects` をリセットし ます。 Python を拡張したり埋め込んだりしている場合、 Python に fork 前に取得 したり fork 後に開放しなければならない追加の (Python 以外の) ロックを Python に教える手段がありません。 Python と同じことを実現するに は、 :c:func:`posix_atfork` のようなOSの機能を使う必要があります。加えて、 Python を拡張したり埋め込んだりしているときに、 :func:`os.fork` を通してでは なく直接 :c:func:`fork` を呼び出すと、fork後に失われるスレッドに取得されてい た Python の内部ロックのためにデッドロックが発生するかもしれませ ん。 :c:func:`PyOS_AfterFork` は必要なロックのリセットを試みますが、いつでも それが可能とは限りません。" -# f07582a56d9d42fa87f7fa0f78e98647 +# 8e04ca8d72cb4402b2c9706302acdbda #: ../../c-api/init.rst:502 msgid "High-level API" msgstr "" -# 5903b8f67e1448b7838260b40b009c62 +# edcb9a92585f4ad1aafe910e8ed4fa55 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:504 -msgid "These are the most commonly used types and functions when writing C extension code, or when embedding the Python interpreter:" +msgid "" +"These are the most commonly used types and functions when writing C " +"extension code, or when embedding the Python interpreter:" msgstr "C拡張を書いたりPythonインタプリタを埋め込むときに最も一般的に使われ る型や関数は次のとおりです:" -# 264a5d2ffa6f4ee188a72a5048eea070 +# c47e34c934fd4d52b14484aaa2531644 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:509 -msgid "This data structure represents the state shared by a number of cooperating threads. Threads belonging to the same interpreter share their module administration and a few other internal items. There are no public members in this structure." +msgid "" +"This data structure represents the state shared by a number of cooperating " +"threads. Threads belonging to the same interpreter share their module " +"administration and a few other internal items. There are no public members " +"in this structure." msgstr "このデータ構造体は、協調動作する多数のスレッド間で共有されている状 態を表現します。同じインタプリタに属するスレッドはモジュール管理情報やその他 いくつかの内部的な情報を共有しています。この構造体には公開 (public) のメンバ はありません。" -# db8ba88c00074a4ca49ecde41cd1ede7 +# 1d15a712cd944e1babecb9e051772072 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:514 -msgid "Threads belonging to different interpreters initially share nothing, except process state like available memory, open file descriptors and such. The global interpreter lock is also shared by all threads, regardless of to which interpreter they belong." +msgid "" +"Threads belonging to different interpreters initially share nothing, except " +"process state like available memory, open file descriptors and such. The " +"global interpreter lock is also shared by all threads, regardless of to " +"which interpreter they belong." msgstr "異なるインタプリタに属するスレッド間では、利用可能なメモリ、開かれ ているファイルデスクリプタなどといったプロセス状態を除いて、初期状態では何も 共有されていません。 GILもまた、スレッドがどのインタプリタに属しているかに関 わらずすべてのスレッドで共有されています。" -# 89bb95f2e5034b62b4283ac97f83f240 +# ba94da5414c44fa0898d4172a6257551 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:522 -msgid "This data structure represents the state of a single thread. The only public data member is :c:type:`PyInterpreterState \\*`:attr:`interp`, which points to this thread's interpreter state." +msgid "" +"This data structure represents the state of a single thread. The only " +"public data member is :c:type:`PyInterpreterState \\*`:attr:`interp`, which " +"points to this thread's interpreter state." msgstr "単一のスレッドの状態を表現する表現するデータ構造体です。スレッドの インタプリタ状態を指すポインタ :c:type:`PyInterpreterState \\*` :attr:`interp` だけが公開されているデータメンバです。" -# 625f7e34c46c485ab84c8bd306d0c4df +# 0a11dc4cb08c490da55591def50b4ef2 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:535 -msgid "Initialize and acquire the global interpreter lock. It should be called in the main thread before creating a second thread or engaging in any other thread operations such as ``PyEval_ReleaseThread(tstate)``. It is not needed before calling :c:func:`PyEval_SaveThread` or :c:func:`PyEval_RestoreThread`." +msgid "" +"Initialize and acquire the global interpreter lock. It should be called in " +"the main thread before creating a second thread or engaging in any other " +"thread operations such as ``PyEval_ReleaseThread(tstate)``. It is not needed" +" before calling :c:func:`PyEval_SaveThread` or " +":c:func:`PyEval_RestoreThread`." msgstr "GIL を初期化し、獲得します。この関数は、主スレッドが第二のスレッド を生成する以前や、 ``PyEval_ReleaseThread(tstate)`` といった他のスレッド操作 に入るよりも前に呼び出されるようにしておかなければなりませ ん。 :c:func:`PyEval_SaveThread`, :c:func:`PyEval_RestoreThread` の前に呼び 出す必要はありません。" -# 260cb8786f7b46b7a7bf81948adbb05f +# 35854560d47d448f8940cb2d03e969fb #: ../../c-api/init.rst:540 msgid "This is a no-op when called for a second time." msgstr "二度目に呼び出すと何も行いません。" -# e77900b083324a02975820f087e3d933 +# 0e98066da18c46868f0d219128a4b8dc #: ../../c-api/init.rst:548 -msgid "When only the main thread exists, no GIL operations are needed. This is a common situation (most Python programs do not use threads), and the lock operations slow the interpreter down a bit. Therefore, the lock is not created initially. This situation is equivalent to having acquired the lock: when there is only a single thread, all object accesses are safe. Therefore, when this function initializes the global interpreter lock, it also acquires it. Before the Python :mod:`_thread` module creates a new thread, knowing that either it has the lock or the lock hasn't been created yet, it calls :c:func:`PyEval_InitThreads`. When this call returns, it is guaranteed that the lock has been created and that the calling thread has acquired it." +msgid "" +"When only the main thread exists, no GIL operations are needed. This is a " +"common situation (most Python programs do not use threads), and the lock " +"operations slow the interpreter down a bit. Therefore, the lock is not " +"created initially. This situation is equivalent to having acquired the " +"lock: when there is only a single thread, all object accesses are safe. " +"Therefore, when this function initializes the global interpreter lock, it " +"also acquires it. Before the Python :mod:`_thread` module creates a new " +"thread, knowing that either it has the lock or the lock hasn't been created " +"yet, it calls :c:func:`PyEval_InitThreads`. When this call returns, it is " +"guaranteed that the lock has been created and that the calling thread has " +"acquired it." msgstr "" -# fc7f41234a0d489e89435e53733abe99 +# 73dffecb3beb4c568860bf09f9136bda #: ../../c-api/init.rst:559 -msgid "It is **not** safe to call this function when it is unknown which thread (if any) currently has the global interpreter lock." +msgid "" +"It is **not** safe to call this function when it is unknown which thread (if" +" any) currently has the global interpreter lock." msgstr "" -# 8508746598dc480d9023f40e8db07791 +# 9297d963adfe42959cc643790fc84b7a #: ../../c-api/init.rst:562 -msgid "This function is not available when thread support is disabled at compile time." +msgid "" +"This function is not available when thread support is disabled at compile " +"time." msgstr "" -# ef5a99b46e3744e2b895f2dd8468f2a2 +# 9490e7bdbf7a4c6c9f3969537f6b01f8 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:567 -msgid "Returns a non-zero value if :c:func:`PyEval_InitThreads` has been called. This function can be called without holding the GIL, and therefore can be used to avoid calls to the locking API when running single-threaded. This function is not available when thread support is disabled at compile time." +msgid "" +"Returns a non-zero value if :c:func:`PyEval_InitThreads` has been called. " +"This function can be called without holding the GIL, and therefore can be " +"used to avoid calls to the locking API when running single-threaded. This " +"function is not available when thread support is disabled at compile time." msgstr ":c:func:`PyEval_InitThreads` をすでに呼び出している場合は真 (非ゼロ ) を返します。この関数は、GILを獲得せずに呼び出すことができますので、シング ルスレッドで実行している場合にはロック関連のAPI呼び出しを避けるために使うこ とができます。この関数はコンパイル時にスレッドサポートを無効化すると利用でき ません。" -# 68f0cf23b8a047acb26ae4193fcc2112 +# 516d94754e7d48a182e4ae8400dda7d6 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:575 -msgid "Release the global interpreter lock (if it has been created and thread support is enabled) and reset the thread state to *NULL*, returning the previous thread state (which is not *NULL*). If the lock has been created, the current thread must have acquired it. (This function is available even when thread support is disabled at compile time.)" +msgid "" +"Release the global interpreter lock (if it has been created and thread " +"support is enabled) and reset the thread state to *NULL*, returning the " +"previous thread state (which is not *NULL*). If the lock has been created, " +"the current thread must have acquired it. (This function is available even " +"when thread support is disabled at compile time.)" msgstr "(GIL が生成されていて、スレッドサポートが有効の場合) GILを解放し て、スレッド状態を *NULL* にし、以前のスレッド状態 (*NULL* にはなりません) を返します。ロックがすでに生成されている場合、現在のスレッドがロックを獲得し ていなければなりません。 (この関数はコンパイル時にスレッドサポートが無効にさ れていても利用できます。)" -# 030bb07d291e4e6aacce38a159485390 +# 7f153542d35e49d2a4af049cbc1bcd19 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:584 -msgid "Acquire the global interpreter lock (if it has been created and thread support is enabled) and set the thread state to *tstate*, which must not be *NULL*. If the lock has been created, the current thread must not have acquired it, otherwise deadlock ensues. (This function is available even when thread support is disabled at compile time.)" +msgid "" +"Acquire the global interpreter lock (if it has been created and thread " +"support is enabled) and set the thread state to *tstate*, which must not be " +"*NULL*. If the lock has been created, the current thread must not have " +"acquired it, otherwise deadlock ensues. (This function is available even " +"when thread support is disabled at compile time.)" msgstr "(GIL が生成されていて、スレッドサポートが有効の場合) GIL を獲得し て、現在のスレッド状態を *tstate* に設定します。 *tstate* は *NULL* であって はなりません。 GIL が生成されていて、この関数を呼び出したスレッドがすでにロ ックを獲得している場合、デッドロックに陥ります。 (この関数はコンパイル時にス レッドサポートが無効にされていても利用できます。)" -# e278a2efb6d845cb942144950ce2844e +# 758e7ab5609c4215b4c314945b6ecea9 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:593 -msgid "Return the current thread state. The global interpreter lock must be held. When the current thread state is *NULL*, this issues a fatal error (so that the caller needn't check for *NULL*)." +msgid "" +"Return the current thread state. The global interpreter lock must be held. " +"When the current thread state is *NULL*, this issues a fatal error (so that " +"the caller needn't check for *NULL*)." msgstr "現在のスレッド状態を返します。GIL を保持していなければなりません。 現在のスレッド状態が *NULL* なら、(呼び出し側が *NULL* チェックをしなくてす むように) この関数は致命的エラーを起こすようになっています。" -# 50aaffb246184635a14e21be4fb05828 +# 5f2168bfe3924f2aa9b8bd6cf2a722a1 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:600 -msgid "Swap the current thread state with the thread state given by the argument *tstate*, which may be *NULL*. The global interpreter lock must be held and is not released." +msgid "" +"Swap the current thread state with the thread state given by the argument " +"*tstate*, which may be *NULL*. The global interpreter lock must be held and" +" is not released." msgstr "現在のスレッド状態を *tstate* に指定したスレッド状態と入れ変えま す。 *tstate* は *NULL* の場合があります。 GIL を保持していなければならず、 開放しません。" -# acf93050bccc49f2a1dd2f59f9c3218a +# 1fa6e4c37a8a45f98a643a9a8db6935b #: ../../c-api/init.rst:607 -msgid "This function is called from :c:func:`PyOS_AfterFork` to ensure that newly created child processes don't hold locks referring to threads which are not running in the child process." +msgid "" +"This function is called from :c:func:`PyOS_AfterFork` to ensure that newly " +"created child processes don't hold locks referring to threads which are not " +"running in the child process." msgstr "この関数は :c:func:`PyOS_AfterFork` から呼び出され、新しい子プロセ スが、子プロセス内で実行していないスレッドが持っているロックを持たないように します。" -# 7c110ac1472b41f99b0396cc3e1b9566 +# 0a9a4d1818984f778d63907544a531b4 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:612 -msgid "The following functions use thread-local storage, and are not compatible with sub-interpreters:" +msgid "" +"The following functions use thread-local storage, and are not compatible " +"with sub-interpreters:" msgstr "以下の関数はスレッドローカルストレージを利用していて、サブインタプ リタとの互換性がありません:" -# fe68014a039c4590bbf7f6ab7c6eadeb +# c3fa961062b54074811ecf41a9e84767 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:617 -msgid "Ensure that the current thread is ready to call the Python C API regardless of the current state of Python, or of the global interpreter lock. This may be called as many times as desired by a thread as long as each call is matched with a call to :c:func:`PyGILState_Release`. In general, other thread-related APIs may be used between :c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` and :c:func:`PyGILState_Release` calls as long as the thread state is restored to its previous state before the Release(). For example, normal usage of the :c:macro:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS` and :c:macro:`Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS` macros is acceptable." +msgid "" +"Ensure that the current thread is ready to call the Python C API regardless " +"of the current state of Python, or of the global interpreter lock. This may " +"be called as many times as desired by a thread as long as each call is " +"matched with a call to :c:func:`PyGILState_Release`. In general, other " +"thread-related APIs may be used between :c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` and " +":c:func:`PyGILState_Release` calls as long as the thread state is restored " +"to its previous state before the Release(). For example, normal usage of " +"the :c:macro:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS` and :c:macro:`Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS` " +"macros is acceptable." msgstr "Pythonの状態やGILに関わらず、実行中スレッドでPython C APIの呼び出し が可能となるようにします。この関数はスレッド内で何度でも呼び出すことができま すが、必ず全ての呼び出しに対応して :c:func:`PyGILState_Release` を呼び出す必 要があります。通常、 :c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` 呼び出し と :c:func:`PyGILState_Release` 呼び出しの間でこれ以外のスレッド関連API を使 用することができますが、Release()の前にスレッド状態は復元されていなければな りません。例えば、通常の :c:macro:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS` マクロ と :c:macro:`Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS` は使用することができます。" -# 06aa7a2fbe1741ebb344115fea73582f +# 9b7f08ce71904f399c34a4b033b4bc18 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:627 -msgid "The return value is an opaque \"handle\" to the thread state when :c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` was called, and must be passed to :c:func:`PyGILState_Release` to ensure Python is left in the same state. Even though recursive calls are allowed, these handles *cannot* be shared - each unique call to :c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` must save the handle for its call to :c:func:`PyGILState_Release`." +msgid "" +"The return value is an opaque \"handle\" to the thread state when " +":c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` was called, and must be passed to " +":c:func:`PyGILState_Release` to ensure Python is left in the same state. " +"Even though recursive calls are allowed, these handles *cannot* be shared - " +"each unique call to :c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` must save the handle for its" +" call to :c:func:`PyGILState_Release`." msgstr "戻り値は :c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` 呼び出し時のスレッド状態を隠蔽 した\"ハンドル\"で、 :c:func:`PyGILState_Release` に渡してPythonを同じ状態に 保たなければなりません。再起呼び出しも可能ですが、ハンドルを共有することは *できません* - それぞれの :c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` 呼び出しでハンドルを保 存し、対応する :c:func:`PyGILState_Release` 呼び出しで渡してください。" -# 17cd7ac9b13f4cc6ace2dedb68d72241 +# adc3d725f52441919ecc2e3d039b9c1b #: ../../c-api/init.rst:634 -msgid "When the function returns, the current thread will hold the GIL and be able to call arbitrary Python code. Failure is a fatal error." +msgid "" +"When the function returns, the current thread will hold the GIL and be able " +"to call arbitrary Python code. Failure is a fatal error." msgstr "関数から復帰したとき、実行中のスレッドはGILを所有していて、任意の Python コードを実行できます。処理の失敗は致命的なエラーです。" -# f6a6a78728e74dd8964f943d0c2279c3 +# 4fe87ee6563e42279dab5857fd4129ad #: ../../c-api/init.rst:640 -msgid "Release any resources previously acquired. After this call, Python's state will be the same as it was prior to the corresponding :c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` call (but generally this state will be unknown to the caller, hence the use of the GILState API)." +msgid "" +"Release any resources previously acquired. After this call, Python's state " +"will be the same as it was prior to the corresponding " +":c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` call (but generally this state will be unknown " +"to the caller, hence the use of the GILState API)." msgstr "獲得したすべてのリソースを開放します。この関数を呼び出すと、 Pythonの状態は対応する :c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` を呼び出す前と同じとなり ます (通常、この状態は呼び出し元でははわかりませんので、GILState APIを利用す るようにしてください)。" -# b050d40b5f88486b8335eb3e6fb2f140 +# ace6171cd52f4545aec9ff4501838d72 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:645 -msgid "Every call to :c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` must be matched by a call to :c:func:`PyGILState_Release` on the same thread." +msgid "" +"Every call to :c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` must be matched by a call to " +":c:func:`PyGILState_Release` on the same thread." msgstr ":c:func:`PyGILState_Ensure` を呼び出す場合は、必ず同一スレッド内で 対応する :c:func:`PyGILState_Release` を呼び出してください。" -# da53781882ec49a29a3da0a8c4e4011d +# 3fc6b488940742dcae3dc7a7958aae0c #: ../../c-api/init.rst:651 -msgid "Get the current thread state for this thread. May return ``NULL`` if no GILState API has been used on the current thread. Note that the main thread always has such a thread-state, even if no auto-thread-state call has been made on the main thread. This is mainly a helper/diagnostic function." +msgid "" +"Get the current thread state for this thread. May return ``NULL`` if no " +"GILState API has been used on the current thread. Note that the main thread" +" always has such a thread-state, even if no auto-thread-state call has been " +"made on the main thread. This is mainly a helper/diagnostic function." msgstr "" -# b8e029e6b1584e3383d0cf2a7e982fbc +# fc879ab6d73040128fe534232ff647c0 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:657 -msgid "The following macros are normally used without a trailing semicolon; look for example usage in the Python source distribution." +msgid "" +"The following macros are normally used without a trailing semicolon; look " +"for example usage in the Python source distribution." msgstr "以下のマクロは、通常末尾にセミコロンを付けずに使います; Python ソー ス配布物内の使用例を見てください。" -# 9b88c6cb8a084213b41893f0d32268b9 +# e0f9ed08bf8f4590b964e2623465818a #: ../../c-api/init.rst:663 -msgid "This macro expands to ``{ PyThreadState *_save; _save = PyEval_SaveThread();``. Note that it contains an opening brace; it must be matched with a following :c:macro:`Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS` macro. See above for further discussion of this macro. It is a no-op when thread support is disabled at compile time." +msgid "" +"This macro expands to ``{ PyThreadState *_save; _save = " +"PyEval_SaveThread();``. Note that it contains an opening brace; it must be " +"matched with a following :c:macro:`Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS` macro. See above " +"for further discussion of this macro. It is a no-op when thread support is " +"disabled at compile time." msgstr "このマクロを展開すると ``{ PyThreadState *_save; _save = PyEval_SaveThread();`` になります。マクロに開き波括弧が入っていることに注意 してください; この波括弧は後で :c:macro:`Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS` マクロと対応 させなければなりません。マクロについての詳しい議論は上記を参照してください。 コンパイル時にスレッドサポートが無効化されていると何も行いません。" -# 0d036dfbbe4e4816a8203be60963ce24 +# d976d5b77f1f4d158297e0e450d101d1 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:671 -msgid "This macro expands to ``PyEval_RestoreThread(_save); }``. Note that it contains a closing brace; it must be matched with an earlier :c:macro:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS` macro. See above for further discussion of this macro. It is a no-op when thread support is disabled at compile time." +msgid "" +"This macro expands to ``PyEval_RestoreThread(_save); }``. Note that it " +"contains a closing brace; it must be matched with an earlier " +":c:macro:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS` macro. See above for further discussion " +"of this macro. It is a no-op when thread support is disabled at compile " +"time." msgstr "このマクロを展開すると ``PyEval_RestoreThread(_save); }`` になりま す。マクロに開き波括弧が入っていることに注意してください; この波括弧は事前 の :c:macro:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS` マクロと対応していなければなりません。 マクロについての詳しい議論は上記を参照してください。コンパイル時にスレッドサ ポートが無効化されていると何も行いません。" -# c375c78c948f4fc0a97b7d846b8ec502 +# cdedb780bd5d42009a3e63d0bb05f9e5 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:679 -msgid "This macro expands to ``PyEval_RestoreThread(_save);``: it is equivalent to :c:macro:`Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS` without the closing brace. It is a no-op when thread support is disabled at compile time." +msgid "" +"This macro expands to ``PyEval_RestoreThread(_save);``: it is equivalent to " +":c:macro:`Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS` without the closing brace. It is a no-op " +"when thread support is disabled at compile time." msgstr "このマクロを展開すると ``PyEval_RestoreThread(_save);`` になりま す: 閉じ波括弧のない :c:macro:`Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS` と同じです。コンパイル 時にスレッドサポートが無効化されていると何も行いません。" -# 30c206d9082c4cb08d5578b2edbb0f71 +# b33c2f5800574b66926f8a7a33ee9f71 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:686 -msgid "This macro expands to ``_save = PyEval_SaveThread();``: it is equivalent to :c:macro:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS` without the opening brace and variable declaration. It is a no-op when thread support is disabled at compile time." +msgid "" +"This macro expands to ``_save = PyEval_SaveThread();``: it is equivalent to " +":c:macro:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS` without the opening brace and variable " +"declaration. It is a no-op when thread support is disabled at compile time." msgstr "このマクロを展開すると ``_save = PyEval_SaveThread();`` になりま す: 開き波括弧のない :c:macro:`Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS` と同じです。コンパイ ル時にスレッドサポートが無効化されていると何も行いません。" -# b3a8da44dac4474aa9de7cdd8716547e +# d4250e649d04438bbb8c1eaa8532b825 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:692 msgid "Low-level API" msgstr "" -# 8c17a6d72c7b422ab213ceb1e40a7148 +# fe61a7974c7444b2935ca759ca11a551 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:694 -msgid "All of the following functions are only available when thread support is enabled at compile time, and must be called only when the global interpreter lock has been created." +msgid "" +"All of the following functions are only available when thread support is " +"enabled at compile time, and must be called only when the global interpreter" +" lock has been created." msgstr "以下の全ての関数はコンパイル時にスレッドサポートが有効になっている 時だけ利用でき、呼び出すのはGILがすでに作成されている場合だけにしなくてはな りません。" -# 5a25914af8044d6eaa599002c0209a9d +# 96d6d0e6e29846bba3ca510c6603485d #: ../../c-api/init.rst:701 -msgid "Create a new interpreter state object. The global interpreter lock need not be held, but may be held if it is necessary to serialize calls to this function." +msgid "" +"Create a new interpreter state object. The global interpreter lock need not" +" be held, but may be held if it is necessary to serialize calls to this " +"function." msgstr "新しいインタプリタ状態オブジェクトを生成します。 GIL を保持しておく 必要はありませんが、この関数を次々に呼び出す必要がある場合には保持しておいた ほうがよいでしょう。" -# 0e2dd1713725445b9963242a57076c1c +# 4f37969c67c1454694ad3c89bfcec036 #: ../../c-api/init.rst:708 -msgid "Reset all information in an interpreter state object. The global interpreter lock must be held." +msgid "" +"Reset all information in an interpreter state object. The global " +"interpreter lock must be held." msgstr "インタプリタ状態オブジェクト内の全ての情報をリセットします。 GIL を 保持していなければなりません。" -# b3d1b27f2a694404b7aed6ca494a3654 +# fc3f3912dfd242f7be9fe8b819ba8a4b #: ../../c-api/init.rst:714 -msgid "Destroy an interpreter state object. The global interpreter lock need not be held. The interpreter state must have been reset with a previous call to :c:func:`PyInterpreterState_Clear`." +msgid "" +"Destroy an interpreter state object. The global interpreter lock need not " ***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.*** ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/intro.po Tue Nov 6 01:00:41 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/intro.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-03 12:09+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,357 +17,700 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# a1565bcb9c1242d7bd661a02e8747c84 +# 1e1af7be3c204916913bd3d2e0bbc0e4 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:8 msgid "Introduction" msgstr "はじめに" -# 44c5aacc2b5f4a979959af191ecbebca +# 9543458768ea4aee984dac2372b0ac9b #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:10 -msgid "The Application Programmer's Interface to Python gives C and C++ programmers access to the Python interpreter at a variety of levels. The API is equally usable from C++, but for brevity it is generally referred to as the Python/C API. There are two fundamentally different reasons for using the Python/C API. The first reason is to write *extension modules* for specific purposes; these are C modules that extend the Python interpreter. This is probably the most common use. The second reason is to use Python as a component in a larger application; this technique is generally referred to as :dfn:`embedding` Python in an application." +msgid "" +"The Application Programmer's Interface to Python gives C and C++ programmers" +" access to the Python interpreter at a variety of levels. The API is " +"equally usable from C++, but for brevity it is generally referred to as the " +"Python/C API. There are two fundamentally different reasons for using the " +"Python/C API. The first reason is to write *extension modules* for specific " +"purposes; these are C modules that extend the Python interpreter. This is " +"probably the most common use. The second reason is to use Python as a " +"component in a larger application; this technique is generally referred to " +"as :dfn:`embedding` Python in an application." msgstr "Python のアプリケーションプログラマ用インタフェース (Application Programmer's Interface, API) は、 Python インタプリタに対する様々なレベルで のアクセス手段を C や C++ のプログラマに提供しています。この API は通常 C++ からも全く同じように利用できるのですが、簡潔な呼び名にするために Python/C API と名づけられています。根本的に異なる二つの目的から、 Python/C API が用い られます。第一は、特定用途の *拡張モジュール (extention module)* 、すなわち Python インタプリタを拡張する C で書かれたモジュールを記述する、という目的で す。第二は、より大規模なアプリケーション内で Python を構成要素 (component) として利用するという目的です; このテクニックは、一般的にはアプリケーションへ の Python の埋め込み (:dfn:`embedding`) と呼びます。" -# f911a84bc6ac4aac9f9321574377b658 +# 96b523adfed047c0b5fcb9bd0f03cd6e #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:20 -msgid "Writing an extension module is a relatively well-understood process, where a \"cookbook\" approach works well. There are several tools that automate the process to some extent. While people have embedded Python in other applications since its early existence, the process of embedding Python is less straightforward than writing an extension." +msgid "" +"Writing an extension module is a relatively well-understood process, where " +"a \"cookbook\" approach works well. There are several tools that automate " +"the process to some extent. While people have embedded Python in other " +"applications since its early existence, the process of embedding Python is " +"less straightforward than writing an extension." msgstr "拡張モジュールの作成は比較的わかりやすいプロセスで、 \"手引書 (cookbook)\" 的なアプローチでうまく実現できます。作業をある程度まで自動化し てくれるツールもいくつかあります。一方、他のアプリケーションへの Python の埋 め込みは、Python ができてから早い時期から行われてきましたが、拡張モジュール の作成に比べるとやや難解です。" -# a78a6b4be21b4954a7377b0e193269a0 +# 876d4e8e94b34bb487a8505b2d6d1143 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:26 -msgid "Many API functions are useful independent of whether you're embedding or extending Python; moreover, most applications that embed Python will need to provide a custom extension as well, so it's probably a good idea to become familiar with writing an extension before attempting to embed Python in a real application." +msgid "" +"Many API functions are useful independent of whether you're embedding or " +"extending Python; moreover, most applications that embed Python will need " +"to provide a custom extension as well, so it's probably a good idea to " +"become familiar with writing an extension before attempting to embed Python" +" in a real application." msgstr "多くの API 関数は、Python の埋め込みであるか拡張であるかに関わらず 役立ちます; とはいえ、 Python を埋め込んでいるほとんどのアプリケーションは、 同時に自作の拡張モジュールも提供する必要が生じることになるでしょうから、 Python を実際にアプリケーションに埋め込んでみる前に拡張モジュールの書き方に 詳しくなっておくのはよい考えだと思います。" -# d4458dd67dad48c38a50b7b807a19328 +# 73537707da234709bb3f05465dedfe53 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:36 msgid "Include Files" msgstr "インクルードファイル" -# 763f7cd738eb435391b1ad7c72018c38 +# f43d12c05dd747538f983b674f615cac #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:38 -msgid "All function, type and macro definitions needed to use the Python/C API are included in your code by the following line::" +msgid "" +"All function, type and macro definitions needed to use the Python/C API are " +"included in your code by the following line::" msgstr "Python/C API を使うために必要な、関数、型およびマクロの全ての定義を インクルードするには、以下の行::" -# 7c5443f693264ada9db6c451e7f8e3f5 +# e077d91f06984db3bcd2385e5f9ad21a #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:43 -msgid "This implies inclusion of the following standard headers: ``<stdio.h>``, ``<string.h>``, ``<errno.h>``, ``<limits.h>``, ``<assert.h>`` and ``<stdlib.h>`` (if available)." +msgid "" +"This implies inclusion of the following standard headers: ``<stdio.h>``, " +"``<string.h>``, ``<errno.h>``, ``<limits.h>``, ``<assert.h>`` and " +"``<stdlib.h>`` (if available)." msgstr "をソースコードに記述します。この行を記述すると、標準ヘッダ: ``<stdio.h>``, ``<string.h>``, ``<errno.h>``, ``<limits.h>``, ``<assert.h>``, ``<stdlib.h>`` を (利用できれば) インクルードします。" -# 986371764f054759848eae07af45b7f5 +# 5005dc32a28d44b1aecbd17b1c2c1c4b #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:49 -msgid "Since Python may define some pre-processor definitions which affect the standard headers on some systems, you *must* include :file:`Python.h` before any standard headers are included." +msgid "" +"Since Python may define some pre-processor definitions which affect the " +"standard headers on some systems, you *must* include :file:`Python.h` before" +" any standard headers are included." msgstr "システムによっては、Python の定義しているプリプロセッサ定義が標準ヘ ッダに影響をおよぼす可能性があるので、 :file:`Python.h` は他の標準ヘッダファ イルよりも前にインクルードしてください。" -# 402138b81ba54b42a8def82070e4ef57 +# 0271c38af6024dd683af5ec9d74ad3e7 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:53 -msgid "All user visible names defined by Python.h (except those defined by the included standard headers) have one of the prefixes ``Py`` or ``_Py``. Names beginning with ``_Py`` are for internal use by the Python implementation and should not be used by extension writers. Structure member names do not have a reserved prefix." +msgid "" +"All user visible names defined by Python.h (except those defined by the " +"included standard headers) have one of the prefixes ``Py`` or ``_Py``. " +"Names beginning with ``_Py`` are for internal use by the Python " +"implementation and should not be used by extension writers. Structure member" +" names do not have a reserved prefix." msgstr "Python.h で定義されている、ユーザから見える名前全て (Python.h がイ ンクルードしている標準ヘッダの名前は除きます) には、接頭文字列 ``Py`` また は ``_Py`` が付きます。 ``_Py`` で始まる名前は Python 実装で内部使用するため の名前で、拡張モジュールの作者は使ってはなりません。構造体のメンバには予約済 みの接頭文字列はありません。" -# 8d04e7ebac72447dbea435f0774f4c89 +# 5e261d97a9e34179b7f0e333927eba00 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:58 -msgid "**Important:** user code should never define names that begin with ``Py`` or ``_Py``. This confuses the reader, and jeopardizes the portability of the user code to future Python versions, which may define additional names beginning with one of these prefixes." +msgid "" +"**Important:** user code should never define names that begin with ``Py`` or" +" ``_Py``. This confuses the reader, and jeopardizes the portability of the " +"user code to future Python versions, which may define additional names " +"beginning with one of these prefixes." msgstr "**重要:** API のユーザは、 ``Py`` や ``_Py`` で始まる名前を定義する ようなコードを絶対に書いてはなりません。後からコードを読む人を混乱させたり、 将来の Python のバージョンで同じ名前が定義されて、ユーザの書いたコードの可搬 性を危うくする可能性があります。" -# 12a3132a89e7409fb6d67a1c982c0b2d +# e3d6c95c55634f1194af1a84de227aaf #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:63 -msgid "The header files are typically installed with Python. On Unix, these are located in the directories :file:`{prefix}/include/pythonversion/` and :file:`{exec_prefix}/include/pythonversion/`, where :envvar:`prefix` and :envvar:`exec_prefix` are defined by the corresponding parameters to Python's :program:`configure` script and *version* is ``sys.version[:3]``. On Windows, the headers are installed in :file:`{prefix}/include`, where :envvar:`prefix` is the installation directory specified to the installer." +msgid "" +"The header files are typically installed with Python. On Unix, these are " +"located in the directories :file:`{prefix}/include/pythonversion/` and " +":file:`{exec_prefix}/include/pythonversion/`, where :envvar:`prefix` and " +":envvar:`exec_prefix` are defined by the corresponding parameters to " +"Python's :program:`configure` script and *version* is ``sys.version[:3]``. " +"On Windows, the headers are installed in :file:`{prefix}/include`, where " +":envvar:`prefix` is the installation directory specified to the installer." msgstr "ヘッダファイル群は通常 Python と共にインストールされます。 Unixで は :file:`{prefix}/include/pythonversion/` およ び :file:`{exec_prefix}/include/pythonversion/` に置かれま す。 :envvar:`prefix` と :envvar:`exec_prefix` は Python をビルドする際 の :program:`configure` スクリプトに与えたパラメタに対応し、 *version* は ``sys.version[:3]`` に対応します。 Windows では、ヘッダ は :file:`{prefix}/include` に置かれます。 :envvar:`prefix` はインストーラに 指定したインストールディレクトリです。" -# 1bf30a9eb8d0441891340ec5c4d8660a +# d25eb33848a64e85a76d67ba8678b0af #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:71 -msgid "To include the headers, place both directories (if different) on your compiler's search path for includes. Do *not* place the parent directories on the search path and then use ``#include <pythonX.Y/Python.h>``; this will break on multi-platform builds since the platform independent headers under :envvar:`prefix` include the platform specific headers from :envvar:`exec_prefix`." +msgid "" +"To include the headers, place both directories (if different) on your " +"compiler's search path for includes. Do *not* place the parent directories " +"on the search path and then use ``#include <pythonX.Y/Python.h>``; this will" +" break on multi-platform builds since the platform independent headers under" +" :envvar:`prefix` include the platform specific headers from " +":envvar:`exec_prefix`." msgstr "ヘッダをインクルードするには、各ヘッダの入ったディレクトリ (別々の ディレクトリの場合は両方) を、コンパイラがインクルードファイルを検索するため のパスに入れます。親ディレクトリをサーチパスに入れて、 ``#include <pythonX.Y/Python.h>`` のようにしては *なりません* ; :envvar:`prefix` 内のプ ラットフォームに依存しないヘッダは、 :envvar:`exec_prefix` からプラットフ ォーム依存のヘッダをインクルードしているので、このような操作を行うと複数のプ ラットフォームでのビルドができなくなります。" -# 0288e4f245934ed1bfadc20a6bab85d9 +# 4dbae63d5ae54873ad417217f355a623 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:78 -msgid "C++ users should note that though the API is defined entirely using C, the header files do properly declare the entry points to be ``extern \"C\"``, so there is no need to do anything special to use the API from C++." +msgid "" +"C++ users should note that though the API is defined entirely using C, the " +"header files do properly declare the entry points to be ``extern \"C\"``, so" +" there is no need to do anything special to use the API from C++." msgstr "API はすべて C 言語を使って定義していますが、ヘッダファイルはエント リポイントを ``extern \"C\"`` で適切に宣言しているので、 C++ ユーザは、なん の問題もなく C++から API を利用できることに気づくはずです。" -# a5d588958be04c2390cb4be8ded6c5d4 +# b76342f88cc243729bc7d3d7706ef265 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:86 msgid "Objects, Types and Reference Counts" msgstr "オブジェクト、型および参照カウント" -# 007a51082ae84f5ea9d2cca727a4f66c +# 4246c06c45d543a8bae911bb13cca08c #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:90 -msgid "Most Python/C API functions have one or more arguments as well as a return value of type :c:type:`PyObject\\*`. This type is a pointer to an opaque data type representing an arbitrary Python object. Since all Python object types are treated the same way by the Python language in most situations (e.g., assignments, scope rules, and argument passing), it is only fitting that they should be represented by a single C type. Almost all Python objects live on the heap: you never declare an automatic or static variable of type :c:type:`PyObject`, only pointer variables of type :c:type:`PyObject\\*` can be declared. The sole exception are the type objects; since these must never be deallocated, they are typically static :c:type:`PyTypeObject` objects." +msgid "" +"Most Python/C API functions have one or more arguments as well as a return " +"value of type :c:type:`PyObject\\*`. This type is a pointer to an opaque " +"data type representing an arbitrary Python object. Since all Python object " +"types are treated the same way by the Python language in most situations " +"(e.g., assignments, scope rules, and argument passing), it is only fitting " +"that they should be represented by a single C type. Almost all Python " +"objects live on the heap: you never declare an automatic or static variable " +"of type :c:type:`PyObject`, only pointer variables of type " +":c:type:`PyObject\\*` can be declared. The sole exception are the type " +"objects; since these must never be deallocated, they are typically static " +":c:type:`PyTypeObject` objects." msgstr "Python/C API 関数は、 :c:type:`PyObject\\*` 型の一つ以上の引数と戻 り値を持ちます。この型は、任意の Python オブジェクトを表現する不透明 (opaque) なデータ型へのポインタです。 Python 言語は、全ての Python オブジェ クト型をほとんどの状況 (例えば代入、スコープ規則 (scope rule)、引数渡し) で 同様に扱います。ほとんど全ての Python オブジェクトはヒープ (heap) 上に置かれ ます: このため、 :c:type:`PyObject` 型のオブジェクトは、自動記憶 (automatic) としても静的記憶 (static) としても宣言できませ ん。 :c:type:`PyObject\\*` 型のポインタ変数のみ宣言できます。唯一の例外は、 型オブジェクトです; 型オブジェクトはメモリ解放 (deallocate) してはならないの で、通常は静的記憶の :c:type:`PyTypeObject` オブジェクトにします。" -# e36f9a2ed07c4ddc9d96ea718634be2d +# fc6329fb4bb64f5e840d43b2853a658f #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:101 -msgid "All Python objects (even Python integers) have a :dfn:`type` and a :dfn:`reference count`. An object's type determines what kind of object it is (e.g., an integer, a list, or a user-defined function; there are many more as explained in :ref:`types`). For each of the well-known types there is a macro to check whether an object is of that type; for instance, ``PyList_Check(a)`` is true if (and only if) the object pointed to by *a* is a Python list." +msgid "" +"All Python objects (even Python integers) have a :dfn:`type` and a " +":dfn:`reference count`. An object's type determines what kind of object it " +"is (e.g., an integer, a list, or a user-defined function; there are many " +"more as explained in :ref:`types`). For each of the well-known types there " +"is a macro to check whether an object is of that type; for instance, " +"``PyList_Check(a)`` is true if (and only if) the object pointed to by *a* is" +" a Python list." msgstr "全ての Python オブジェクトには (Python 整数型ですら) 型 (:dfn:`type`) と参照カウント (:dfn:`reference count`) があります。あるオブ ジェクトの型は、そのオブジェクトがどの種類のオブジェクトか (例えば整数、リス ト、ユーザ定義関数、など; その他多数については :ref:`types` で説明しています ) を決定します。よく知られている型については、各々マクロが存在して、あるオブ ジェクトがその型かどうか調べられます; 例えば、 ``PyList_Check(a)`` は、 *a* で示されたオブジェクトが Python リスト型のとき (かつそのときに限り) 真値を返 します。" -# f73e7f53d2714227b4010cfbcac0c0b8 +# 9ae5bc61b20940cb919b18f3634944e8 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:112 msgid "Reference Counts" msgstr "参照カウント" -# a5582a488ae5426cbe0ee9b2e6087769 +# e5b836ce9b504e0aa16414fd934bd232 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:114 -msgid "The reference count is important because today's computers have a finite (and often severely limited) memory size; it counts how many different places there are that have a reference to an object. Such a place could be another object, or a global (or static) C variable, or a local variable in some C function. When an object's reference count becomes zero, the object is deallocated. If it contains references to other objects, their reference count is decremented. Those other objects may be deallocated in turn, if this decrement makes their reference count become zero, and so on. (There's an obvious problem with objects that reference each other here; for now, the solution is \"don't do that.\")" +msgid "" +"The reference count is important because today's computers have a finite " +"(and often severely limited) memory size; it counts how many different " +"places there are that have a reference to an object. Such a place could be" +" another object, or a global (or static) C variable, or a local variable in" +" some C function. When an object's reference count becomes zero, the object" +" is deallocated. If it contains references to other objects, their " +"reference count is decremented. Those other objects may be deallocated in " +"turn, if this decrement makes their reference count become zero, and so on." +" (There's an obvious problem with objects that reference each other here; " +"for now, the solution is \"don't do that.\")" msgstr "今日の計算機は有限の (しばしば非常に限られた) メモリサイズしか持た ないので、参照カウントは重要な概念です; 参照カウントは、あるオブジェクトに対 して参照を行っている場所が何箇所あるかを数える値です。参照を行っている場所と は、別のオブジェクトであったり、グローバルな (あるいは静的な) C 変数であった り、何らかの C 関数内にあるローカルな変数だったりします。あるオブジェクトの 参照カウントがゼロになると、そのオブジェクトは解放されます。そのオブジェクト に他のオブジェクトへの参照が入っていれば、他のオブジェクトの参照カウントはデ クリメントされます。デクリメントの結果、他のオブジェクトの参照カウントがゼロ になると、今度はそのオブジェクトが解放される、といった具合に以後続きます。 (言うまでもなく、互いを参照しあうオブジェクトについて問題があります; 現状で は、解決策は \"何もしない\" です。)" -# 393e1bf146df47b6a2b04ca689578857 +# a07d249a70634fd6855a4562e2dbf9d8 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:129 -msgid "Reference counts are always manipulated explicitly. The normal way is to use the macro :c:func:`Py_INCREF` to increment an object's reference count by one, and :c:func:`Py_DECREF` to decrement it by one. The :c:func:`Py_DECREF` macro is considerably more complex than the incref one, since it must check whether the reference count becomes zero and then cause the object's deallocator to be called. The deallocator is a function pointer contained in the object's type structure. The type-specific deallocator takes care of decrementing the reference counts for other objects contained in the object if this is a compound object type, such as a list, as well as performing any additional finalization that's needed. There's no chance that the reference count can overflow; at least as many bits are used to hold the reference count as there are distinct memory locations in virtual memory (assuming ``sizeof(Py_ssize_t) >= sizeof(void*)``). Thus, the reference count increment is a simple operation." +msgid "" +"Reference counts are always manipulated explicitly. The normal way is to " +"use the macro :c:func:`Py_INCREF` to increment an object's reference count " +"by one, and :c:func:`Py_DECREF` to decrement it by one. The " +":c:func:`Py_DECREF` macro is considerably more complex than the incref one, " +"since it must check whether the reference count becomes zero and then cause " +"the object's deallocator to be called. The deallocator is a function pointer" +" contained in the object's type structure. The type-specific deallocator " +"takes care of decrementing the reference counts for other objects contained " +"in the object if this is a compound object type, such as a list, as well as " +"performing any additional finalization that's needed. There's no chance " +"that the reference count can overflow; at least as many bits are used to " +"hold the reference count as there are distinct memory locations in virtual " +"memory (assuming ``sizeof(Py_ssize_t) >= sizeof(void*)``). Thus, the " +"reference count increment is a simple operation." msgstr "参照カウントは、常に明示的なやり方で操作されます。通常の方法で は、 :c:func:`Py_INCREF` でオブジェクトの参照を 1 インクリメント し、 :c:func:`Py_DECREF` で 1 デクリメントします。 :c:func:`Py_DECREF` マク ロは、incref よりもかなり複雑です。というのは、 :c:func:`Py_DECREF` マクロは 参照カウントがゼロになったかどうかを調べて、なった場合にはオブジェクトのデア ロケータ (deallocator) を呼び出さなければならないからです。デアロケータと は、オブジェクトの型を定義している構造体内にある関数へのポインタです。型固有 のデアロケータは、その型が複合オブジェクト (compound object) 型である場合に は、オブジェクト内の他のオブジェクトに対する参照カウントをデクリメントするよ う気を配るとともに、その他の必要なファイナライズ (finalize) 処理を実行しま す。参照カウントがオーバフローすることはありません; というのも、仮想メモリ空 間には、(``sizeof(Py_ssize_t) >= sizeof(char*)`` と仮定した場合) 少なくとも 参照カウントの記憶に使われるビット数と同じだけのメモリ上の位置があるからで す。従って、参照カウントのインクリメントは単純な操作になります。" -# ffbea5f82fee4593913fc2a17b35adc8 +# 9a0778986459453eb360cce71b827ea3 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:143 -msgid "It is not necessary to increment an object's reference count for every local variable that contains a pointer to an object. In theory, the object's reference count goes up by one when the variable is made to point to it and it goes down by one when the variable goes out of scope. However, these two cancel each other out, so at the end the reference count hasn't changed. The only real reason to use the reference count is to prevent the object from being deallocated as long as our variable is pointing to it. If we know that there is at least one other reference to the object that lives at least as long as our variable, there is no need to increment the reference count temporarily. An important situation where this arises is in objects that are passed as arguments to C functions in an extension module that are called from Python; the call mechanism guarantees to hold a reference to every argument for the duration of the call." +msgid "" +"It is not necessary to increment an object's reference count for every " +"local variable that contains a pointer to an object. In theory, the " +"object's reference count goes up by one when the variable is made to point " +"to it and it goes down by one when the variable goes out of scope. " +"However, these two cancel each other out, so at the end the reference count" +" hasn't changed. The only real reason to use the reference count is to " +"prevent the object from being deallocated as long as our variable is " +"pointing to it. If we know that there is at least one other reference to " +"the object that lives at least as long as our variable, there is no need to " +"increment the reference count temporarily. An important situation where " +"this arises is in objects that are passed as arguments to C functions in an" +" extension module that are called from Python; the call mechanism " +"guarantees to hold a reference to every argument for the duration of the " +"call." msgstr "オブジェクトへのポインタが入っているローカルな変数全てについて、オ ブジェクトの参照カウントを必ずインクリメントしなければならないわけではありま せん。理論上は、オブジェクトの参照カウントは、オブジェクトを指し示す変数が生 成されたときに 1 増やされ、その変数がスコープから出て行った際に 1 減らされま す。しかしこの場合、二つの操作は互いに相殺するので、結果的に参照カウントは変 化しません。参照カウントを使う真の意義とは、手持ちの何らかの変数がオブジェク トを指している間はオブジェクトがデアロケートされないようにすることにありま す。オブジェクトに対して、一つでも別の参照が行われていて、その参照が手持ちの 変数と同じ間維持されるのなら、参照カウントを一時的に増やす必要はありません。 参照カウント操作の必要性が浮き彫りになる重要な局面とは、Python から呼び出さ れた拡張モジュール内の C 関数にオブジェクトを引数として渡すときです; 呼び出 しメカニズムは、呼び出しの間全ての引数に対する参照を保証します。" -# 52d5e3fb858d43a19abdcab1fc502c20 +# 42a794c3836a488bab4a357a9b8a3fe4 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:157 -msgid "However, a common pitfall is to extract an object from a list and hold on to it for a while without incrementing its reference count. Some other operation might conceivably remove the object from the list, decrementing its reference count and possible deallocating it. The real danger is that innocent-looking operations may invoke arbitrary Python code which could do this; there is a code path which allows control to flow back to the user from a :c:func:`Py_DECREF`, so almost any operation is potentially dangerous." +msgid "" +"However, a common pitfall is to extract an object from a list and hold on to" +" it for a while without incrementing its reference count. Some other " +"operation might conceivably remove the object from the list, decrementing " +"its reference count and possible deallocating it. The real danger is that " +"innocent-looking operations may invoke arbitrary Python code which could do " +"this; there is a code path which allows control to flow back to the user " +"from a :c:func:`Py_DECREF`, so almost any operation is potentially " +"dangerous." msgstr "しかしながら、よく陥る過ちとして、あるオブジェクトをリストから得た ときに、参照カウントをインクリメントせずにしばらく放っておくというのがありま す。他の操作がオブジェクトをリストから除去してしまい、参照カウントがデクリメ ントされてデアロケートされてしまうことが考えられます。本当に危険なのは、まっ たく無害そうにみえる操作が、上記の動作を引き起こす何らかの Python コードを呼 び出しかねないということです; :c:func:`Py_DECREF` からユーザへ制御を戻せるよ うなコードパスが存在するため、ほとんど全ての操作が潜在的に危険をはらむことに なります。" -# 5d2854b23dff4e98aa585ddb15ef960b +# 910a3b65a20c4088be248a162458f80e #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:165 -msgid "A safe approach is to always use the generic operations (functions whose name begins with ``PyObject_``, ``PyNumber_``, ``PySequence_`` or ``PyMapping_``). These operations always increment the reference count of the object they return. This leaves the caller with the responsibility to call :c:func:`Py_DECREF` when they are done with the result; this soon becomes second nature." +msgid "" +"A safe approach is to always use the generic operations (functions whose " +"name begins with ``PyObject_``, ``PyNumber_``, ``PySequence_`` or " +"``PyMapping_``). These operations always increment the reference count of " +"the object they return. This leaves the caller with the responsibility to " +"call :c:func:`Py_DECREF` when they are done with the result; this soon " +"becomes second nature." msgstr "安全に参照カウントを操作するアプローチは、汎用の操作 (関数名が ``PyObject_``, ``PyNumber_``, ``PySequence_``, および ``PyMapping_`` で始ま る関数) の利用です。これらの操作は常に戻り値となるオブジェクトの参照カウント をインクリメントします。ユーザには戻り値が不要になった ら :c:func:`Py_DECREF` を呼ぶ責任が残されています; とはいえ、すぐにその習慣 は身に付くでしょう。" -# de84348060084997aef1b45be1e62836 +# efd36f9985ee4976b2a6a1ae24f856bd #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:175 msgid "Reference Count Details" msgstr "参照カウントの詳細" -# 096b1a740afe43729f1eb181be4fe0b2 +# 7d51ab941bbb4173b1d96ac3cb1de205 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:177 -msgid "The reference count behavior of functions in the Python/C API is best explained in terms of *ownership of references*. Ownership pertains to references, never to objects (objects are not owned: they are always shared). \"Owning a reference\" means being responsible for calling Py_DECREF on it when the reference is no longer needed. Ownership can also be transferred, meaning that the code that receives ownership of the reference then becomes responsible for eventually decref'ing it by calling :c:func:`Py_DECREF` or :c:func:`Py_XDECREF` when it's no longer needed---or passing on this responsibility (usually to its caller). When a function passes ownership of a reference on to its caller, the caller is said to receive a *new* reference. When no ownership is transferred, the caller is said to *borrow* the reference. Nothing needs to be done for a borrowed reference." +msgid "" +"The reference count behavior of functions in the Python/C API is best " +"explained in terms of *ownership of references*. Ownership pertains to " +"references, never to objects (objects are not owned: they are always " +"shared). \"Owning a reference\" means being responsible for calling " +"Py_DECREF on it when the reference is no longer needed. Ownership can also " +"be transferred, meaning that the code that receives ownership of the " +"reference then becomes responsible for eventually decref'ing it by calling " +":c:func:`Py_DECREF` or :c:func:`Py_XDECREF` when it's no longer needed---or " +"passing on this responsibility (usually to its caller). When a function " +"passes ownership of a reference on to its caller, the caller is said to " +"receive a *new* reference. When no ownership is transferred, the caller is " +"said to *borrow* the reference. Nothing needs to be done for a borrowed " +"reference." msgstr "Python/C API の各関数における参照カウントの振る舞いは、説明するに は、 *参照の所有権 (ownership of references)* という言葉でうまく説明できま す。所有権は参照に対するもので、オブジェクトに対するものではありません (オブ ジェクトは誰にも所有されず、常に共有されています)。ある参照の \"所有\" は、 その参照が必要なくなった時点で :c:func:`Py_DECREF` を呼び出す役割を担うこと を意味します。所有権は委譲でき、あるコードが委譲によって所有権を得ると、今度 はそのコードが参照が必要なくなった際に最終的に :c:func:`Py_DECREF` や :c:func:`Py_XDECREF` を呼び出して decref する役割を担います --- あるい は、その役割を (通常はコードを呼び出した元に) 受け渡します。ある関数が、関数 の呼び出し側に対して参照の所有権を渡すと、呼び出し側は *新たな* 参照 (new reference) を得る、と言います。所有権が渡されない場合、呼び出し側は参照を *借りる* (borrow) といいます。借りた参照に対しては、何もする必要はありませ ん。" -# cb989a9dcc7d4f678d283a64f56ec564 +# 8a33f8c0bb3d43f9ad745f5ea2508a33 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:190 -msgid "Conversely, when a calling function passes in a reference to an object, there are two possibilities: the function *steals* a reference to the object, or it does not. *Stealing a reference* means that when you pass a reference to a function, that function assumes that it now owns that reference, and you are not responsible for it any longer." +msgid "" +"Conversely, when a calling function passes in a reference to an object, " +"there are two possibilities: the function *steals* a reference to the " +"object, or it does not. *Stealing a reference* means that when you pass a " +"reference to a function, that function assumes that it now owns that " +"reference, and you are not responsible for it any longer." msgstr "逆に、ある関数呼び出しで、あるオブジェクトへの参照を呼び出される関 数に渡す際には、二つの可能性: 関数がオブジェクトへの参照を *盗み取る* (steal) 場合と、そうでない場合があります。*参照を盗む* とは、関数に参照を渡 したときに、参照の所有者がその関数になったと仮定し、関数の呼び出し元には所有 権がなくなるということです。" -# f6df2a61862e4e8aa9a5d8f96dfa9818 +# 08236de534bc4d868792dbbfae23363f #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:200 -msgid "Few functions steal references; the two notable exceptions are :c:func:`PyList_SetItem` and :c:func:`PyTuple_SetItem`, which steal a reference to the item (but not to the tuple or list into which the item is put!). These functions were designed to steal a reference because of a common idiom for populating a tuple or list with newly created objects; for example, the code to create the tuple ``(1, 2, \"three\")`` could look like this (forgetting about error handling for the moment; a better way to code this is shown below)::" +msgid "" +"Few functions steal references; the two notable exceptions are " +":c:func:`PyList_SetItem` and :c:func:`PyTuple_SetItem`, which steal a " +"reference to the item (but not to the tuple or list into which the item is " +"put!). These functions were designed to steal a reference because of a " +"common idiom for populating a tuple or list with newly created objects; for " +"example, the code to create the tuple ``(1, 2, \"three\")`` could look like " +"this (forgetting about error handling for the moment; a better way to code " +"this is shown below)::" msgstr "参照を盗み取る関数はほとんどありません; 例外としてよく知られている のは、 :c:func:`PyList_SetItem` と :c:func:`PyTuple_SetItem` で、これらは シーケンスに入れる要素に対する参照を盗み取ります (しかし、要素の入る先のタプ ルやリストの参照は盗み取りません!)。これらの関数は、リストやタプルの中に新た に作成されたオブジェクトを入れていく際の常套的な書き方をしやすくするために、 参照を盗み取るように設計されています; 例えば、 ``(1, 2, \"three\")`` という タプルを生成するコードは以下のようになります (とりあえず例外処理のことは忘れ ておきます; もっとよい書き方を後で示します)::" -# 9c649692c453408f9363cfca69bd5f60 +# f2b63be066b14064b951c7cbc8797cdc #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:215 -msgid "Here, :c:func:`PyLong_FromLong` returns a new reference which is immediately stolen by :c:func:`PyTuple_SetItem`. When you want to keep using an object although the reference to it will be stolen, use :c:func:`Py_INCREF` to grab another reference before calling the reference-stealing function." +msgid "" +"Here, :c:func:`PyLong_FromLong` returns a new reference which is immediately" +" stolen by :c:func:`PyTuple_SetItem`. When you want to keep using an object" +" although the reference to it will be stolen, use :c:func:`Py_INCREF` to " +"grab another reference before calling the reference-stealing function." msgstr "ここで、 :c:func:`PyInt_FromLong` は新しい参照を返し、すぐ に :c:func:`PyTuple_SetItem` に盗まれます。参照が盗まれた後もそのオブジェク トを利用したい場合は、参照盗む関数を呼び出す前に、 :c:func:`Py_INCREF` を利 用してもう一つの参照を取得してください。" -# 2dc7aec3770f4500a65033d4635550f2 +# c4dffbabf82846a9ac615977bc9262d5 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:220 -msgid "Incidentally, :c:func:`PyTuple_SetItem` is the *only* way to set tuple items; :c:func:`PySequence_SetItem` and :c:func:`PyObject_SetItem` refuse to do this since tuples are an immutable data type. You should only use :c:func:`PyTuple_SetItem` for tuples that you are creating yourself." +msgid "" +"Incidentally, :c:func:`PyTuple_SetItem` is the *only* way to set tuple " +"items; :c:func:`PySequence_SetItem` and :c:func:`PyObject_SetItem` refuse to" +" do this since tuples are an immutable data type. You should only use " +":c:func:`PyTuple_SetItem` for tuples that you are creating yourself." msgstr "ちなみに、 :c:func:`PyTuple_SetItem` はタプルに値をセットするため の *唯一の* 方法です; タプルは変更不能なデータ型なの で、 :c:func:`PySequence_SetItem` や :c:func:`PyObject_SetItem` を使うと上の 操作は拒否されてしまいます。自分でタプルの値を入れていくつもりな ら、 :c:func:`PyTuple_SetItem` だけしか使えません。" -# ff4325a093b14c4b8e528ed4430ad572 +# 70db83af1dda4c9fb0d8aa72755124cb #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:225 -msgid "Equivalent code for populating a list can be written using :c:func:`PyList_New` and :c:func:`PyList_SetItem`." +msgid "" +"Equivalent code for populating a list can be written using " +":c:func:`PyList_New` and :c:func:`PyList_SetItem`." msgstr "同じく、リストに値を入れていくコードは :c:func:`PyList_New` と :c:func:`PyList_SetItem` で書けます。" -# 2387047fcb094e3c915922a98c87a09b +# 9c56f9ebd20b4380ad016c5b023d590b #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:228 -msgid "However, in practice, you will rarely use these ways of creating and populating a tuple or list. There's a generic function, :c:func:`Py_BuildValue`, that can create most common objects from C values, directed by a :dfn:`format string`. For example, the above two blocks of code could be replaced by the following (which also takes care of the error checking)::" +msgid "" +"However, in practice, you will rarely use these ways of creating and " +"populating a tuple or list. There's a generic function, " +":c:func:`Py_BuildValue`, that can create most common objects from C values, " +"directed by a :dfn:`format string`. For example, the above two blocks of " +"code could be replaced by the following (which also takes care of the error " +"checking)::" msgstr "しかし実際には、タプルやリストを生成して値を入れる際には、上記のよ うな方法はほとんど使いません。より汎用性のある関 数、 :c:func:`Py_BuildValue` があり、ほとんどの主要なオブジェクトをフォーマ ット文字列 :dfn:`format string` の指定に基づいて C の値から生成できます。例 えば、上の二種類のコードブロックは、以下のように置き換えられます (エラーチェ ックにも配慮しています)::" -# 7b2f61069dba462e964a851ad352b708 +# 5b580a5cd01c4abbbcff488d6572c274 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:239 -msgid "It is much more common to use :c:func:`PyObject_SetItem` and friends with items whose references you are only borrowing, like arguments that were passed in to the function you are writing. In that case, their behaviour regarding reference counts is much saner, since you don't have to increment a reference count so you can give a reference away (\"have it be stolen\"). For example, this function sets all items of a list (actually, any mutable sequence) to a given item::" +msgid "" +"It is much more common to use :c:func:`PyObject_SetItem` and friends with " +"items whose references you are only borrowing, like arguments that were " +"passed in to the function you are writing. In that case, their behaviour " +"regarding reference counts is much saner, since you don't have to increment " +"a reference count so you can give a reference away (\"have it be stolen\")." +" For example, this function sets all items of a list (actually, any mutable" +" sequence) to a given item::" msgstr "自作の関数に渡す引数のように、単に参照を借りるだけの要素に対して は、 :c:func:`PyObject_SetItem` とその仲間を使うのがはるかに一般的です。その 場合、参照カウントをインクリメントする必要がなく、参照を引き渡せる (\"参照を 盗み取らせられる\") ので、参照カウントに関する動作はより健全になります。例え ば、以下の関数は与えられた要素をリスト中の全ての要素の値にセットします::" -# 6251be65574e46e286be0114ceaaaf66 +# f1079320a6654da493aa94d8acb94897 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:269 -msgid "The situation is slightly different for function return values. While passing a reference to most functions does not change your ownership responsibilities for that reference, many functions that return a reference to an object give you ownership of the reference. The reason is simple: in many cases, the returned object is created on the fly, and the reference you get is the only reference to the object. Therefore, the generic functions that return object references, like :c:func:`PyObject_GetItem` and :c:func:`PySequence_GetItem`, always return a new reference (the caller becomes the owner of the reference)." +msgid "" +"The situation is slightly different for function return values. While " +"passing a reference to most functions does not change your ownership " +"responsibilities for that reference, many functions that return a reference" +" to an object give you ownership of the reference. The reason is simple: in " +"many cases, the returned object is created on the fly, and the reference " +"you get is the only reference to the object. Therefore, the generic " +"functions that return object references, like :c:func:`PyObject_GetItem` and" +" :c:func:`PySequence_GetItem`, always return a new reference (the caller " +"becomes the owner of the reference)." msgstr "関数の戻り値の場合には、状況は少し異なります。ほとんどの関数につい ては、参照を渡してもその参照に対する所有権が変わることがない一方で、あるオブ ジェクトに対する参照を返すような多くの関数は、参照に対する所有権を呼び出し側 に与えます。理由は簡単です: 多くの場合、関数が返すオブジェクトはその場で (on the fly) 生成されるため、呼び出し側が得る参照は生成されたオブジェクトに 対する唯一の参照になるからです。従って、 :c:func:`PyObject_GetItem` や :c:func:`PySequence_GetItem` のように、オブジェクトに対する参照を返す汎用 の関数は、常に新たな参照を返します (呼び出し側が参照の所有者になります)。" -# 7054e3c3f5aa40d8a5a463e3d70b1305 +# 3cb57599a90e40b6a4f506d9370cab7e #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:278 -msgid "It is important to realize that whether you own a reference returned by a function depends on which function you call only --- *the plumage* (the type of the object passed as an argument to the function) *doesn't enter into it!* Thus, if you extract an item from a list using :c:func:`PyList_GetItem`, you don't own the reference --- but if you obtain the same item from the same list using :c:func:`PySequence_GetItem` (which happens to take exactly the same arguments), you do own a reference to the returned object." +msgid "" +"It is important to realize that whether you own a reference returned by a " +"function depends on which function you call only --- *the plumage* (the type" +" of the object passed as an argument to the function) *doesn't enter into " +"it!* Thus, if you extract an item from a list using " +":c:func:`PyList_GetItem`, you don't own the reference --- but if you obtain " +"the same item from the same list using :c:func:`PySequence_GetItem` (which " +"happens to take exactly the same arguments), you do own a reference to the " +"returned object." msgstr "重要なのは、関数が返す参照の所有権を持てるかどうかは、どの関数を呼 び出すかだけによる、と理解することです --- 関数呼び出し時の *お飾り* (関数に 引数として渡したオブジェクトの型) は *この問題には関係ありません!* 従っ て、 :c:func:`PyList_GetItem` を使ってリスト内の要素を得た場合には、参照の所 有者にはなりません --- が、同じ要素を同じリストか ら :c:func:`PySequence_GetItem` (図らずもこの関数は全く同じ引数をとります) を使って取り出すと、返されたオブジェクトに対する参照を得ます。" -# 413c9b14f2fa46fb9fe6e87c861247e1 +# ea2d2c7074294b5fbdda148b7013f4e9 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:290 -msgid "Here is an example of how you could write a function that computes the sum of the items in a list of integers; once using :c:func:`PyList_GetItem`, and once using :c:func:`PySequence_GetItem`. ::" +msgid "" +"Here is an example of how you could write a function that computes the sum " +"of the items in a list of integers; once using :c:func:`PyList_GetItem`, " +"and once using :c:func:`PySequence_GetItem`. ::" msgstr "以下は、整数からなるリストに対して各要素の合計を計算する関数をどの ようにして書けるかを示した例です; 一つは :c:func:`PyList_GetItem` を使ってい て、もう一つは :c:func:`PySequence_GetItem` を使っています。 ::" -# 86792806dba5453aab312852dfcab71e +# a49292293c5843768c3451a9bdce291e #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:354 msgid "Types" msgstr "型" -# ebd6be6d9ba4407ca4207da4abcd0fae +# 0599f7713a394928967dc8ac51fdde9a #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:356 -msgid "There are few other data types that play a significant role in the Python/C API; most are simple C types such as :c:type:`int`, :c:type:`long`, :c:type:`double` and :c:type:`char\\*`. A few structure types are used to describe static tables used to list the functions exported by a module or the data attributes of a new object type, and another is used to describe the value of a complex number. These will be discussed together with the functions that use them." +msgid "" +"There are few other data types that play a significant role in the Python/C" +" API; most are simple C types such as :c:type:`int`, :c:type:`long`, " +":c:type:`double` and :c:type:`char\\*`. A few structure types are used to " +"describe static tables used to list the functions exported by a module or " +"the data attributes of a new object type, and another is used to describe " +"the value of a complex number. These will be discussed together with the " +"functions that use them." msgstr "Python/C API において重要な役割を持つデータ型 は、 :c:type:`PyObject` 型の他にもいくつかあります; ほとんど は :c:type:`int`, :c:type:`long`, :c:type:`double`, およ び :c:type:`char\\*` といった、単なる C のデータ型です。また、モジュールで公 開している関数を列挙する際に用いられる静的なテーブルや、新しいオブジェクト型 におけるデータ属性を記述したり、複素数の値を記述したりするために構造体をいく つか使っています。これらの型については、その型を使う関数とともに説明してゆき ます。" -# 89e9c680eacd4700ad90de6292392264 +# 2cc7fcad1c2a490eb8d543fc48307bda #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:368 msgid "Exceptions" msgstr "例外" -# c733ced614d54569abd16430df5e07af +# 8801d4dcefb54f05a5d6664bc5ad910d #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:370 -msgid "The Python programmer only needs to deal with exceptions if specific error handling is required; unhandled exceptions are automatically propagated to the caller, then to the caller's caller, and so on, until they reach the top-level interpreter, where they are reported to the user accompanied by a stack traceback." +msgid "" +"The Python programmer only needs to deal with exceptions if specific error " +"handling is required; unhandled exceptions are automatically propagated to " +"the caller, then to the caller's caller, and so on, until they reach the " +"top-level interpreter, where they are reported to the user accompanied by a" +" stack traceback." msgstr "Python プログラマは、特定のエラー処理が必要なときだけしか例外を扱う 必要はありません; 処理しなかった例外は、処理の呼び出し側、そのまた呼び出し 側、といった具合に、トップレベルのインタプリタ層まで自動的に伝播します。イン タプリタ層は、スタックトレースバックと合わせて例外をユーザに報告します。" -# d92f9a13fb8a47ea9f142587d13f67d5 +# 21b76d272e4b4b35856404cb611cab21 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:378 -msgid "For C programmers, however, error checking always has to be explicit. All functions in the Python/C API can raise exceptions, unless an explicit claim is made otherwise in a function's documentation. In general, when a function encounters an error, it sets an exception, discards any object references that it owns, and returns an error indicator. If not documented otherwise, this indicator is either *NULL* or ``-1``, depending on the function's return type. A few functions return a Boolean true/false result, with false indicating an error. Very few functions return no explicit error indicator or have an ambiguous return value, and require explicit testing for errors with :c:func:`PyErr_Occurred`. These exceptions are always explicitly documented." +msgid "" +"For C programmers, however, error checking always has to be explicit. All " +"functions in the Python/C API can raise exceptions, unless an explicit claim" +" is made otherwise in a function's documentation. In general, when a " +"function encounters an error, it sets an exception, discards any object " +"references that it owns, and returns an error indicator. If not documented " +"otherwise, this indicator is either *NULL* or ``-1``, depending on the " +"function's return type. A few functions return a Boolean true/false result, " +"with false indicating an error. Very few functions return no explicit error" +" indicator or have an ambiguous return value, and require explicit testing " +"for errors with :c:func:`PyErr_Occurred`. These exceptions are always " +"explicitly documented." msgstr "ところが、 C プログラマの場合、エラーチェックは常に明示的に行わねば なりません。 Python/C API の全ての関数は、関数のドキュメントで明確に説明がな い限り例外を発行する可能性があります。一般的な話として、ある関数が何らかのエ ラーに遭遇すると、関数は例外を設定して、関数内における参照の所有権を全て放棄 し、エラー値(error indicator)を返します。ドキュメントに書かれてない場合、こ のエラー値は関数の戻り値の型にによって、 *NULL* か ``-1`` のどちらかになりま す。いくつかの関数ではブール型で真/偽を返し、偽はエラーを示します。きわめて 少数の関数では明確なエラー指標を返さなかったり、あいまいな戻り値を返したりす るので、 :c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` で明示的にエラーテストを行う必要がありま す。これらの例外は常に明示的にドキュメント化されます。" -# 4b007ba3f4aa442eb81c2bbe73118af7 +# bfe4aaebc2bb4c679ccdd1386abf35bd #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:393 -msgid "Exception state is maintained in per-thread storage (this is equivalent to using global storage in an unthreaded application). A thread can be in one of two states: an exception has occurred, or not. The function :c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` can be used to check for this: it returns a borrowed reference to the exception type object when an exception has occurred, and *NULL* otherwise. There are a number of functions to set the exception state: :c:func:`PyErr_SetString` is the most common (though not the most general) function to set the exception state, and :c:func:`PyErr_Clear` clears the exception state." +msgid "" +"Exception state is maintained in per-thread storage (this is equivalent to " +"using global storage in an unthreaded application). A thread can be in one" +" of two states: an exception has occurred, or not. The function " +":c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` can be used to check for this: it returns a " +"borrowed reference to the exception type object when an exception has " +"occurred, and *NULL* otherwise. There are a number of functions to set the " +"exception state: :c:func:`PyErr_SetString` is the most common (though not " +"the most general) function to set the exception state, and " +":c:func:`PyErr_Clear` clears the exception state." msgstr "例外時の状態情報 (exception state)は、スレッド単位に用意された記憶 領域 (per-thread storage) 内で管理されます (この記憶領域は、スレッドを使わな いアプリケーションではグローバルな記憶領域と同じです)。一つのスレッドは二つ の状態のどちらか: 例外が発生したか、まだ発生していないか、をとります。関 数 :c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` を使うと、この状態を調べられます: この関数は例外 が発生した際にはその例外型オブジェクトに対する借用参照 (borrowed reference) を返し、そうでないときには *NULL* を返します。例外状態を設定する関数は数多く あります: :c:func:`PyErr_SetString` はもっともよく知られている (が、もっとも 汎用性のない) 例外を設定するための関数で、 :c:func:`PyErr_Clear` は例外状態 情報を消し去る関数です。" -# 34b0567279b64acda53cf02a687ea851 +# 465f443b85004229a52af87ba6cadef1 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:403 -msgid "The full exception state consists of three objects (all of which can be *NULL*): the exception type, the corresponding exception value, and the traceback. These have the same meanings as the Python result of ``sys.exc_info()``; however, they are not the same: the Python objects represent the last exception being handled by a Python :keyword:`try` ... :keyword:`except` statement, while the C level exception state only exists while an exception is being passed on between C functions until it reaches the Python bytecode interpreter's main loop, which takes care of transferring it to ``sys.exc_info()`` and friends." +msgid "" +"The full exception state consists of three objects (all of which can be " +"*NULL*): the exception type, the corresponding exception value, and the " +"traceback. These have the same meanings as the Python result of " +"``sys.exc_info()``; however, they are not the same: the Python objects " +"represent the last exception being handled by a Python :keyword:`try` ... " +":keyword:`except` statement, while the C level exception state only exists " +"while an exception is being passed on between C functions until it reaches " +"the Python bytecode interpreter's main loop, which takes care of " +"transferring it to ``sys.exc_info()`` and friends." msgstr "完全な例外状態情報は、3 つのオブジェクト: 例外の型、例外の値、そし てトレースバック、からなります (どのオブジェクトも *NULL* を取り得ます)。こ れらの情報は、 Python の ``sys.exc_info()`` の結果と同じ意味を持ちます; とは いえ、 C と Python の例外状態情報は全く同じではありません: Python における例 外オブジェクトは、Python の :keyword:`try` ... :keyword:`except` 文で最近処 理したオブジェクトを表す一方、 C レベルの例外状態情報が存続するのは、渡され た例外情報を ``sys.exc_info()`` その他に転送するよう取り計らう Python のバイ トコードインタプリタのメインループに到達するまで、例外が関数の間で受け渡しさ れている間だけです。" -# ccc43e9411544b14b40c0ea0b3077ee9 +# 611df85e1049400aafdbd202e0974537 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:415 -msgid "Note that starting with Python 1.5, the preferred, thread-safe way to access the exception state from Python code is to call the function :func:`sys.exc_info`, which returns the per-thread exception state for Python code. Also, the semantics of both ways to access the exception state have changed so that a function which catches an exception will save and restore its thread's exception state so as to preserve the exception state of its caller. This prevents common bugs in exception handling code caused by an innocent-looking function overwriting the exception being handled; it also reduces the often unwanted lifetime extension for objects that are referenced by the stack frames in the traceback." +msgid "" +"Note that starting with Python 1.5, the preferred, thread-safe way to access" +" the exception state from Python code is to call the function " +":func:`sys.exc_info`, which returns the per-thread exception state for " +"Python code. Also, the semantics of both ways to access the exception state" +" have changed so that a function which catches an exception will save and " +"restore its thread's exception state so as to preserve the exception state " +"of its caller. This prevents common bugs in exception handling code caused " +"by an innocent-looking function overwriting the exception being handled; it " +"also reduces the often unwanted lifetime extension for objects that are " +"referenced by the stack frames in the traceback." msgstr "Python 1.5 からは、Python で書かれたコードから例外状態情報にアクセ スする方法として、推奨されていてスレッドセーフな方法は :func:`sys.exc_info` になっているので注意してください。この関数は Python コードの実行されているス レッドにおける例外状態情報を返します。また、これらの例外状態情報に対するアク セス手段は、両方とも意味づけ (semantics) が変更され、ある関数が例外を捕捉す ると、その関数を実行しているスレッドの例外状態情報を保存して、呼び出し側の呼 び出し側の例外状態情報を維持するようになりました。この変更によって、無害そう に見える関数が現在扱っている例外を上書きすることで引き起こされる、例外処理 コードでよくおきていたバグを抑止しています; また、トレースバック内のスタック フレームで参照されているオブジェクトがしばしば不必要に寿命を永らえていたのを なくしています。" -# 3cdc5bcf6f034190b10008baf89f73f8 +# ed5b65e891074d0384dad9f299aa12ac #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:426 -msgid "As a general principle, a function that calls another function to perform some task should check whether the called function raised an exception, and if so, pass the exception state on to its caller. It should discard any object references that it owns, and return an error indicator, but it should *not* set another exception --- that would overwrite the exception that was just raised, and lose important information about the exact cause of the error." +msgid "" +"As a general principle, a function that calls another function to perform " +"some task should check whether the called function raised an exception, and" +" if so, pass the exception state on to its caller. It should discard any " +"object references that it owns, and return an error indicator, but it " +"should *not* set another exception --- that would overwrite the exception " +"that was just raised, and lose important information about the exact cause " +"of the error." msgstr "一般的な原理として、ある関数が別の関数を呼び出して何らかの作業をさ せるとき、呼び出し先の関数が例外を送出していないか調べなくてはならず、もし送 出していれば、その例外状態情報は呼び出し側に渡されなければなりません。呼び出 し元の関数はオブジェクト参照の所有権をすべて放棄し、エラー指標を返さなくては なりませんが、余計に例外を設定する必要は *ありません* --- そんなことをすれ ば、たった今送出されたばかりの例外を上書きしてしまい、エラーの原因そのものに 関する重要な情報を失うことになります。" -# 493d5fcc69d746a7a0696821d5b4a851 +# 5a61e777eed24f64b54eb0d8bf0a8143 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:435 -msgid "A simple example of detecting exceptions and passing them on is shown in the :c:func:`sum_sequence` example above. It so happens that that example doesn't need to clean up any owned references when it detects an error. The following example function shows some error cleanup. First, to remind you why you like Python, we show the equivalent Python code::" +msgid "" +"A simple example of detecting exceptions and passing them on is shown in the" +" :c:func:`sum_sequence` example above. It so happens that that example " +"doesn't need to clean up any owned references when it detects an error. The" +" following example function shows some error cleanup. First, to remind you " +"why you like Python, we show the equivalent Python code::" msgstr "例外を検出して渡す例は、上の :c:func:`sum_sequence` で示していま す。偶然にも、この例ではエラーを検出した際に何ら参照を放棄する必要がありませ ん。以下の関数の例では、エラーに対する後始末について示しています。まず、どう して Python で書くのが好きか思い出してもらうために、等価な Python コードを示 します::" -# 0cfdf49decb542dba7d9f3fd02e5bafb +# 0ac54b466e6d49fda6399b568e266b34 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:450 msgid "Here is the corresponding C code, in all its glory::" msgstr "以下は対応するコードを C で完璧に書いたものです::" -# 3f4cf91cc9d344c4a2fc232ab18249d2 +# 67bf0038b60e4c1e8f620b1717de97e6 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:502 -msgid "This example represents an endorsed use of the ``goto`` statement in C! It illustrates the use of :c:func:`PyErr_ExceptionMatches` and :c:func:`PyErr_Clear` to handle specific exceptions, and the use of :c:func:`Py_XDECREF` to dispose of owned references that may be *NULL* (note the ``'X'`` in the name; :c:func:`Py_DECREF` would crash when confronted with a *NULL* reference). It is important that the variables used to hold owned references are initialized to *NULL* for this to work; likewise, the proposed return value is initialized to ``-1`` (failure) and only set to success after the final call made is successful." +msgid "" +"This example represents an endorsed use of the ``goto`` statement in C! It " +"illustrates the use of :c:func:`PyErr_ExceptionMatches` and " +":c:func:`PyErr_Clear` to handle specific exceptions, and the use of " +":c:func:`Py_XDECREF` to dispose of owned references that may be *NULL* (note" +" the ``'X'`` in the name; :c:func:`Py_DECREF` would crash when confronted " +"with a *NULL* reference). It is important that the variables used to hold " +"owned references are initialized to *NULL* for this to work; likewise, the " +"proposed return value is initialized to ``-1`` (failure) and only set to " +"success after the final call made is successful." msgstr "なんとこの例は C で ``goto`` 文を使うお勧めの方法まで示しています ね! この例では、特定の例外を処理するため に :c:func:`PyErr_ExceptionMatches` および :c:func:`PyErr_Clear` をどう使う かを示しています。また、所有権を持っている参照で、値が *NULL* になるかもしれ ないものを捨てるために :c:func:`Py_XDECREF` をどう使うかも示しています (関 数名に ``'X'`` が付いていることに注意してください; :c:func:`Py_DECREF` は *NULL* 参照に出くわすとクラッシュします)。正しく動作させるためには、所有権を 持つ参照を保持するための変数を *NULL* で初期化することが重要です; 同様に、あ らかじめ戻り値を定義する際には値を ``-1`` (失敗) で初期化しておいて、最後の 関数呼び出しまでうまくいった場合にのみ ``0`` (成功) に設定します。" -# e3151456ff6c419cad376e6c3ac3d863 +# dd2cbba3ef724565bde39ed8957cbef0 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:516 msgid "Embedding Python" msgstr "Python の埋め込み" -# 72d73eb8ad4c45cdacea69abe85c7948 +# c9e4ebc1d1c24389979a4e6033355a8e #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:518 -msgid "The one important task that only embedders (as opposed to extension writers) of the Python interpreter have to worry about is the initialization, and possibly the finalization, of the Python interpreter. Most functionality of the interpreter can only be used after the interpreter has been initialized." +msgid "" +"The one important task that only embedders (as opposed to extension writers)" +" of the Python interpreter have to worry about is the initialization, and " +"possibly the finalization, of the Python interpreter. Most functionality of" +" the interpreter can only be used after the interpreter has been " +"initialized." msgstr "Python インタプリタの埋め込みを行う人 (いわば拡張モジュールの書き手 の対極) が気にかけなければならない重要なタスクは、 Python インタプリタの初期 化処理 (initialization)、そしておそらくは終了処理 (finalization) です。イン タプリタのほとんどの機能は、インタプリタの起動後しか使えません。" -# 890ec8de17ef4e859f1bf5a704e92a05 +# 73c068ed135842118e12c02798d6ca27 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:531 -msgid "The basic initialization function is :c:func:`Py_Initialize`. This initializes the table of loaded modules, and creates the fundamental modules :mod:`builtins`, :mod:`__main__`, and :mod:`sys`. It also initializes the module search path (``sys.path``)." +msgid "" +"The basic initialization function is :c:func:`Py_Initialize`. This " +"initializes the table of loaded modules, and creates the fundamental modules" +" :mod:`builtins`, :mod:`__main__`, and :mod:`sys`. It also initializes the " +"module search path (``sys.path``)." msgstr "基本的な初期化処理を行う関数は :c:func:`Py_Initialize` です。この関 数はロード済みのモジュールからなるテーブルを作成し、土台となるモジュー ル :mod:`builtins`, :mod:`__main__`, および :mod:`sys` を作成します。また、 モジュール検索パス (``sys.path``) の初期化も行います。" -# b02886a8032b4877943982248517c61e +# 1ea33fc10daa46da81903d8124c344a9 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:538 -msgid ":c:func:`Py_Initialize` does not set the \"script argument list\" (``sys.argv``). If this variable is needed by Python code that will be executed later, it must be set explicitly with a call to ``PySys_SetArgvEx(argc, argv, updatepath)`` after the call to :c:func:`Py_Initialize`." +msgid "" +":c:func:`Py_Initialize` does not set the \"script argument list\" " +"(``sys.argv``). If this variable is needed by Python code that will be " +"executed later, it must be set explicitly with a call to " +"``PySys_SetArgvEx(argc, argv, updatepath)`` after the call to " +":c:func:`Py_Initialize`." msgstr ":c:func:`Py_Initialize` の中では、 \"スクリプトへの引数リスト\" (script argument list, ``sys.argv`` のこと) を設定しません。この変数が後に実 行される Python コード中で必要なら、 :c:func:`Py_Initialize` の後で ``PySys_SetArgvEx(argc, argv, updatepath)`` を呼び出して明示的に設定しなけれ ばなりません。" -# ca2f4070185c49c981c24da2a5124498 +# e0f85d08f1484524be7393bfd243b95f #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:543 -msgid "On most systems (in particular, on Unix and Windows, although the details are slightly different), :c:func:`Py_Initialize` calculates the module search path based upon its best guess for the location of the standard Python interpreter executable, assuming that the Python library is found in a fixed location relative to the Python interpreter executable. In particular, it looks for a directory named :file:`lib/python{X.Y}` relative to the parent directory where the executable named :file:`python` is found on the shell command search path (the environment variable :envvar:`PATH`)." +msgid "" +"On most systems (in particular, on Unix and Windows, although the details " +"are slightly different), :c:func:`Py_Initialize` calculates the module " +"search path based upon its best guess for the location of the standard " +"Python interpreter executable, assuming that the Python library is found in " +"a fixed location relative to the Python interpreter executable. In " +"particular, it looks for a directory named :file:`lib/python{X.Y}` relative " +"to the parent directory where the executable named :file:`python` is found " +"on the shell command search path (the environment variable :envvar:`PATH`)." msgstr "ほとんどのシステムでは (特に Unix と Windows は、詳細がわずかに異な りはしますが)、 :c:func:`Py_Initialize` は標準の Python インタプリタ実行形式 の場所に対する推定結果に基づいて、 Python のライブラリが Python インタプリタ 実行形式からの相対パスで見つかるという仮定の下にモジュール検索パスを計算しま す。とりわけこの検索では、シェルコマンド検索パス (環境変数 :envvar:`PATH`) 上に見つかった :file:`python` という名前の実行ファイルの置かれているディレク トリの親ディレクトリからの相対で、 :file:`lib/python{X.Y}` という名前のディ レクトリを探します。" -# a3b7e772366c470ebcb1f3ba3a7a827a +# 06db71eaeb5b4ee5b61c53ee16853d57 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:552 -msgid "For instance, if the Python executable is found in :file:`/usr/local/bin/python`, it will assume that the libraries are in :file:`/usr/local/lib/python{X.Y}`. (In fact, this particular path is also the \"fallback\" location, used when no executable file named :file:`python` is found along :envvar:`PATH`.) The user can override this behavior by setting the environment variable :envvar:`PYTHONHOME`, or insert additional directories in front of the standard path by setting :envvar:`PYTHONPATH`." +msgid "" +"For instance, if the Python executable is found in " +":file:`/usr/local/bin/python`, it will assume that the libraries are in " +":file:`/usr/local/lib/python{X.Y}`. (In fact, this particular path is also " +"the \"fallback\" location, used when no executable file named :file:`python`" +" is found along :envvar:`PATH`.) The user can override this behavior by " +"setting the environment variable :envvar:`PYTHONHOME`, or insert additional " +"directories in front of the standard path by setting :envvar:`PYTHONPATH`." msgstr "例えば、 Python 実行形式が :file:`/usr/local/bin/python` で見つかっ たとすると、 :c:func:`Py_Initialize` はライブラリ が :file:`/usr/local/lib/python{X.Y}` にあるものと仮定します。 (実際には、こ のパスは \"フォールバック (fallback)\" のライブラリ位置でもあ り、 :file:`python` が :envvar:`PATH` 上にない場合に使われます。) ユーザ は :envvar:`PYTHONHOME` を設定することでこの動作をオーバライドした り、 :envvar:`PYTHONPATH` を設定して追加のディレクトリを標準モジュール検索パ スの前に挿入したりできます。" -# 1668938199f5459fbd1bd77cbd033448 +# 0a9651771cf84d1fa9174eb87d413cc9 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:567 -msgid "The embedding application can steer the search by calling ``Py_SetProgramName(file)`` *before* calling :c:func:`Py_Initialize`. Note that :envvar:`PYTHONHOME` still overrides this and :envvar:`PYTHONPATH` is still inserted in front of the standard path. An application that requires total control has to provide its own implementation of :c:func:`Py_GetPath`, :c:func:`Py_GetPrefix`, :c:func:`Py_GetExecPrefix`, and :c:func:`Py_GetProgramFullPath` (all defined in :file:`Modules/getpath.c`)." +msgid "" +"The embedding application can steer the search by calling " +"``Py_SetProgramName(file)`` *before* calling :c:func:`Py_Initialize`. Note" +" that :envvar:`PYTHONHOME` still overrides this and :envvar:`PYTHONPATH` is " +"still inserted in front of the standard path. An application that requires " +"total control has to provide its own implementation of :c:func:`Py_GetPath`," +" :c:func:`Py_GetPrefix`, :c:func:`Py_GetExecPrefix`, and " +":c:func:`Py_GetProgramFullPath` (all defined in :file:`Modules/getpath.c`)." msgstr "埋め込みを行うアプリケーションでは、 :c:func:`Py_Initialize` を呼び 出す *前に* ``Py_SetProgramName(file)`` を呼び出すことで、上記の検索を操作 できます。この埋め込みアプリケーションでの設定は依然とし て :envvar:`PYTHONHOME` でオーバライドでき、標準のモジュール検索パスの前に は以前として :envvar:`PYTHONPATH` が挿入されるので注意してください。アプリ ケーションでモジュール検索パスを完全に制御したいのなら、独自 に :c:func:`Py_GetPath`, :c:func:`Py_GetPrefix`, :c:func:`Py_GetExecPrefix`, および :c:func:`Py_GetProgramFullPath` の実装を提供しなければなりません (こ れらは全て :file:`Modules/getpath.c` で定義されています)。" -# eeb6f28e84534c019be9e1775c3bf9f0 +# 19c7a36ff2b94f3792ef67b073fe9d98 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:577 -msgid "Sometimes, it is desirable to \"uninitialize\" Python. For instance, the application may want to start over (make another call to :c:func:`Py_Initialize`) or the application is simply done with its use of Python and wants to free memory allocated by Python. This can be accomplished by calling :c:func:`Py_Finalize`. The function :c:func:`Py_IsInitialized` returns true if Python is currently in the initialized state. More information about these functions is given in a later chapter. Notice that :c:func:`Py_Finalize` does *not* free all memory allocated by the Python interpreter, e.g. memory allocated by extension modules currently cannot be released." +msgid "" +"Sometimes, it is desirable to \"uninitialize\" Python. For instance, the " +"application may want to start over (make another call to " +":c:func:`Py_Initialize`) or the application is simply done with its use of " +"Python and wants to free memory allocated by Python. This can be " +"accomplished by calling :c:func:`Py_Finalize`. The function " +":c:func:`Py_IsInitialized` returns true if Python is currently in the " +"initialized state. More information about these functions is given in a " +"later chapter. Notice that :c:func:`Py_Finalize` does *not* free all memory " +"allocated by the Python interpreter, e.g. memory allocated by extension " +"modules currently cannot be released." msgstr "たまに、 Python を \"初期化しない\" ようにしたいことがあります。例 えば、あるアプリケーションでは実行を最初からやりなおし (start over) させる (:c:func:`Py_Initialize` をもう一度呼び出させる) ようにしたいかもしれませ ん。あるいは、アプリケーションが Python を一旦使い終えて、Python が確保した メモリを解放できるようにしたいかもしれません。 :c:func:`Py_Finalize` を使う と、こうした処理を実現できます。また、関数 :c:func:`Py_IsInitialized` は、 Python が現在初期化済みの状態にある場合に真を返します。これらの関数について のさらなる情報は、後の章で説明します。 :c:func:`Py_Finalize` がPythonインタ プリタに確保された全てのメモリを *開放するわけではない* ことに注意してくださ い。例えば、拡張モジュールによって確保されたメモリは、現在のところ開放する事 ができません。" -# 8ff68d302bc44f4bb3f8f38ad61f7dfa +# 1a449020f23c446fb59d52e66dff621c #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:591 msgid "Debugging Builds" msgstr "デバッグ版ビルド (Debugging Builds)" -# 18b710d64feb4c5da073592eec6a8e5e +# 45ce7497d16141ada492b79e00dffb6d #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:593 -msgid "Python can be built with several macros to enable extra checks of the interpreter and extension modules. These checks tend to add a large amount of overhead to the runtime so they are not enabled by default." +msgid "" +"Python can be built with several macros to enable extra checks of the " +"interpreter and extension modules. These checks tend to add a large amount " +"of overhead to the runtime so they are not enabled by default." msgstr "インタプリタと拡張モジュールに対しての追加チェックをするためのいく つかのマクロを有効にしてPythonをビルドすることができます。これらのチェック は、実行時に大きなオーバーヘッドを生じる傾向があります。なので、デフォルトで は有効にされていません。" -# 0d0a434551ee456b943046f4fc10d15e +# 11a1057fa35545fb91ae1918c6d0b525 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:597 -msgid "A full list of the various types of debugging builds is in the file :file:`Misc/SpecialBuilds.txt` in the Python source distribution. Builds are available that support tracing of reference counts, debugging the memory allocator, or low-level profiling of the main interpreter loop. Only the most frequently-used builds will be described in the remainder of this section." +msgid "" +"A full list of the various types of debugging builds is in the file " +":file:`Misc/SpecialBuilds.txt` in the Python source distribution. Builds are" +" available that support tracing of reference counts, debugging the memory " +"allocator, or low-level profiling of the main interpreter loop. Only the " +"most frequently-used builds will be described in the remainder of this " +"section." msgstr "Pythonデバッグ版ビルドの全ての種類のリストが、Pythonソース配布 (source distribution)の中の :file:`Misc/SpecialBuilds.txt` にあります。参照 カウントのトレース、メモリアロケータのデバッグ、インタプリタのメインループの 低レベルプロファイリングが利用可能です。よく使われるビルドについてのみ、この 節の残りの部分で説明します。" -# 26443b9fcb7b49b081bb6b63739a8867 +# dadbab56523d49c89b10db5ae4db8850 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:603 -msgid "Compiling the interpreter with the :c:macro:`Py_DEBUG` macro defined produces what is generally meant by \"a debug build\" of Python. :c:macro:`Py_DEBUG` is enabled in the Unix build by adding ``--with-pydebug`` to the :file:`./configure` command. It is also implied by the presence of the not-Python-specific :c:macro:`_DEBUG` macro. When :c:macro:`Py_DEBUG` is enabled in the Unix build, compiler optimization is disabled." +msgid "" +"Compiling the interpreter with the :c:macro:`Py_DEBUG` macro defined " +"produces what is generally meant by \"a debug build\" of Python. " +":c:macro:`Py_DEBUG` is enabled in the Unix build by adding ``--with-" +"pydebug`` to the :file:`./configure` command. It is also implied by the " +"presence of the not-Python-specific :c:macro:`_DEBUG` macro. When " +":c:macro:`Py_DEBUG` is enabled in the Unix build, compiler optimization is " +"disabled." msgstr "インタプリタを :c:macro:`Py_DEBUG` マクロを有効にしてコンパイルする と、一般的に「デバッグビルド」といわれるPythonができます。 Unix で は、 :file:`configure` コマンドに :option:`--with-pydebug` を追加すること で、 :c:macro:`Py_DEBUG` が有効になります。その場合、暗黙的にPython専用では ない :c:macro:`_DEBUG` も有効になります。 Unix ビルドで は、 :c:macro:`Py_DEBUG` が有効な場合、コンパイラの最適化が無効になります。" -# f68e9b20ff4f4f49b460c76defa806fd +# 2904329ae96a4ffab0eeb24a8b74e73d #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:610 -msgid "In addition to the reference count debugging described below, the following extra checks are performed:" +msgid "" +"In addition to the reference count debugging described below, the following " +"extra checks are performed:" msgstr "あとで説明する参照カウントデバッグの他に、以下の追加チェックも有効 になります:" -# 70553ccb0d024964ae8d93f14cd1cc26 +# 95afb01c6d6448e2b7611aa879eac411 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:613 msgid "Extra checks are added to the object allocator." msgstr "object allocator に対する追加チェック。" -# a4755c476d4a447fbdcf2f75cffb41eb +# de0c4db6531b4fc68d33b9b84e215f4d #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:615 msgid "Extra checks are added to the parser and compiler." msgstr "パーサーとコンパイラに対する追加チェック。" -# 065d6c2aadd9463fb45c1eb116680297 +# 8a95c8cf13584e749bf1564016e38b44 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:617 -msgid "Downcasts from wide types to narrow types are checked for loss of information." +msgid "" +"Downcasts from wide types to narrow types are checked for loss of " +"information." msgstr "情報損失のために、大きい型から小さい型へのダウンキャストに対するチ ェック。" -# ab56679c90cf491da70f01dc1c54f925 +# 829b413afef4418a9d5f0865ed1b10ea #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:619 -msgid "A number of assertions are added to the dictionary and set implementations. In addition, the set object acquires a :meth:`test_c_api` method." +msgid "" +"A number of assertions are added to the dictionary and set implementations. " +"In addition, the set object acquires a :meth:`test_c_api` method." msgstr "辞書(dict)と集合(set)の実装に対する、いくつもの assertion の追加。 加えて、集合オブジェクトに :meth:`test_c_api` メソッドが追加されます。" -# af244e4ddf394ef9ada72f92e4858172 +# 35788f36bc9c4ab0ab0be28614c068c6 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:622 msgid "Sanity checks of the input arguments are added to frame creation." msgstr "フレームを作成する時の、引数の健全性チェック。" -# c92a9aeae34244de8d941f0b2be812aa +# 2eb909b6b0ac424b8e031bfe008cae5f #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:624 -msgid "The storage for ints is initialized with a known invalid pattern to catch reference to uninitialized digits." +msgid "" +"The storage for ints is initialized with a known invalid pattern to catch " +"reference to uninitialized digits." msgstr "初期化されていない数に対する参照を検出するために、整数のストレージ が特定の妥当でないパターンで初期化されます。" -# 84d3581022ca41be9cd57297fe3b71cb +# 938e40b86cfa493d94f92f64ac7104f0 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:627 -msgid "Low-level tracing and extra exception checking are added to the runtime virtual machine." +msgid "" +"Low-level tracing and extra exception checking are added to the runtime " +"virtual machine." msgstr "低レベルトレースと追加例外チェックがVM runtimeに追加されます。" -# b599e92f209c47ba82d7954d9656a900 +# b18ee7319a994f1385db2d51382af4ac #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:630 msgid "Extra checks are added to the memory arena implementation." msgstr "メモリアリーナ(memory arena)の実装に対する追加チェック。" -# 28b020076b564dc4835f843319cebdb3 +# bb789d729ed9490f98758063c809f752 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:632 msgid "Extra debugging is added to the thread module." msgstr "threadモジュールに対する追加デバッグ機能." -# efc4e397f03446bf869f9904b523faf7 +# 02bc715ac1054344a9484204ba94cd36 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:634 msgid "There may be additional checks not mentioned here." msgstr "ここで言及されていない追加チェックもあるでしょう。" -# 792b4014d87a47bf90d30fadc5d5f6d8 +# c4923febea744383a8598e42f417d4cb #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:636 -msgid "Defining :c:macro:`Py_TRACE_REFS` enables reference tracing. When defined, a circular doubly linked list of active objects is maintained by adding two extra fields to every :c:type:`PyObject`. Total allocations are tracked as well. Upon exit, all existing references are printed. (In interactive mode this happens after every statement run by the interpreter.) Implied by :c:macro:`Py_DEBUG`." +msgid "" +"Defining :c:macro:`Py_TRACE_REFS` enables reference tracing. When defined, " +"a circular doubly linked list of active objects is maintained by adding two " +"extra fields to every :c:type:`PyObject`. Total allocations are tracked as " +"well. Upon exit, all existing references are printed. (In interactive mode" +" this happens after every statement run by the interpreter.) Implied by " +":c:macro:`Py_DEBUG`." msgstr ":c:macro:`Py_TRACE_REFS` を宣言すると、参照トレースが有効になりま す。全ての :c:type:`PyObject` に二つのフィールドを追加することで、使用中のオ ブジェクトの循環二重連結リストが管理されます。全ての割り当て(allocation)がト レースされます。終了時に、全ての残っているオブジェクトが表示されます。 (イン タラクティブモードでは、インタプリタによる文の実行のたびに表示されます ) :c:macro:`Py_TRACE_REFS` は :c:macro:`Py_DEBUG` によって暗黙的に有効になり ます。" -# 43381330027b4d5394d609ca40f34226 +# 4bde405bd8b542da94b68f70ad770dc0 #: ../../c-api/intro.rst:642 -msgid "Please refer to :file:`Misc/SpecialBuilds.txt` in the Python source distribution for more detailed information." +msgid "" +"Please refer to :file:`Misc/SpecialBuilds.txt` in the Python source " +"distribution for more detailed information." msgstr "より詳しい情報については、Pythonのソース配布(source distribution)の 中の :file:`Misc/SpecialBuilds.txt` を参照してください。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/iter.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/iter.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:42+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,27 +17,36 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 04687f4d661247b2a06f5c0de29107cd +# b325026ab90b4ff39f09316328ba9c7e #: ../../c-api/iter.rst:6 msgid "Iterator Protocol" msgstr "イテレータプロトコル (iterator protocol)" -# 2472d4d2be954407b8e7949c97773e11 +# c6c92a7b2bbe49908dc7978ce5324847 #: ../../c-api/iter.rst:8 -msgid "There are only a couple of functions specifically for working with iterators." +msgid "" +"There are only a couple of functions specifically for working with " +"iterators." msgstr "イテレータを扱うための固有の関数は二つしかありません。" -# cf856d69061440fb839ae12bd32ef654 +# 2b3da10b53534aefbc8c5d680ac3779f #: ../../c-api/iter.rst:12 msgid "Return true if the object *o* supports the iterator protocol." msgstr "*o* がイテレータプロトコルをサポートする場合に真を返します。" -# d4ec10138f144bd99be951092a9f052e +# 918c8329df0040778eebc5b590c995eb #: ../../c-api/iter.rst:17 -msgid "Return the next value from the iteration *o*. If the object is an iterator, this retrieves the next value from the iteration, and returns *NULL* with no exception set if there are no remaining items. If the object is not an iterator, :exc:`TypeError` is raised, or if there is an error in retrieving the item, returns *NULL* and passes along the exception." +msgid "" +"Return the next value from the iteration *o*. If the object is an iterator," +" this retrieves the next value from the iteration, and returns *NULL* with " +"no exception set if there are no remaining items. If the object is not an " +"iterator, :exc:`TypeError` is raised, or if there is an error in retrieving " +"the item, returns *NULL* and passes along the exception." msgstr "反復処理 *o* における次の値を返します。オブジェクトがイテレータの場 合、この関数は反復処理における次の値を取り出します。要素が何も残っていない場 合には例外がセットされていない状態で *NULL* を返します。オブジェクトがイテ レータでない場合には :exc:`TypeError` を送出します。要素を取り出す際にエラー が生じると *NULL* を返し、発生した例外を送出します。" -# 0251a31fb58549f3aa19f320ae36fbb5 +# 0608e610fd03461dbc5454db0a8d8f4d #: ../../c-api/iter.rst:23 -msgid "To write a loop which iterates over an iterator, the C code should look something like this::" +msgid "" +"To write a loop which iterates over an iterator, the C code should look " +"something like this::" msgstr "イテレータの返す要素にわたって反復処理を行うループを書くと、 C の コードは以下のようになるはずです::" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/iterator.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/iterator.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:43+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,42 +17,59 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 99b6f603900b46b297201c5d7a7dde79 +# 010c0c5b050149b8bd7c4b0afd149738 #: ../../c-api/iterator.rst:6 msgid "Iterator Objects" msgstr "イテレータオブジェクト (iterator object)" -# a3f45bd190a34b0faa34c05301bdd3f5 +# eca10a9628464669a6cc5cda04067c33 #: ../../c-api/iterator.rst:8 -msgid "Python provides two general-purpose iterator objects. The first, a sequence iterator, works with an arbitrary sequence supporting the :meth:`__getitem__` method. The second works with a callable object and a sentinel value, calling the callable for each item in the sequence, and ending the iteration when the sentinel value is returned." +msgid "" +"Python provides two general-purpose iterator objects. The first, a sequence" +" iterator, works with an arbitrary sequence supporting the " +":meth:`__getitem__` method. The second works with a callable object and a " +"sentinel value, calling the callable for each item in the sequence, and " +"ending the iteration when the sentinel value is returned." msgstr "Python では二種類のイテレータオブジェクトを提供しています。一つ目は シーケンスイテレータで、 :meth:`__getitem__` メソッドをサポートする任意の シーケンスを取り扱います。二つ目は呼び出し可能オブジェクトとセンチネル値 (sentinel value) を扱い、シーケンス内の要素ごとに呼び出し可能オブジェクトを 呼び出して、センチネル値が返されたときに反復処理を終了します。" -# bd3a2b519b9d49c1b43889463e40bf41 +# c8ed04a046824fa0b67c6feb5c2f7dc5 #: ../../c-api/iterator.rst:17 -msgid "Type object for iterator objects returned by :c:func:`PySeqIter_New` and the one-argument form of the :func:`iter` built-in function for built-in sequence types." +msgid "" +"Type object for iterator objects returned by :c:func:`PySeqIter_New` and the" +" one-argument form of the :func:`iter` built-in function for built-in " +"sequence types." msgstr ":c:func:`PySeqIter_New` や、組み込みシーケンス型に対して 1 引数形式 の組み込み関数 :func:`iter` を呼び出したときに返される、イテレータオブジェク トの型オブジェクトです。" -# 4c06ca5c7d3e4f269967447f7a3d8520 +# 946552e821304c93b857cd2e6a5582e4 #: ../../c-api/iterator.rst:24 msgid "Return true if the type of *op* is :c:data:`PySeqIter_Type`." msgstr ":c:data:`PySeqIter_Type` の型が *op* のときに真を返します。" -# ccb54f8ba0f747f39a211251c3874b84 +# de0020cbeedd49dba469baaa5a7aab24 #: ../../c-api/iterator.rst:29 -msgid "Return an iterator that works with a general sequence object, *seq*. The iteration ends when the sequence raises :exc:`IndexError` for the subscripting operation." +msgid "" +"Return an iterator that works with a general sequence object, *seq*. The " +"iteration ends when the sequence raises :exc:`IndexError` for the " +"subscripting operation." msgstr "一般的なシーケンスオブジェクト *seq* を扱うイテレータを返します。反 復処理は、シーケンスが添字指定操作の際に :exc:`IndexError` を返したときに終 了します。" -# ab7d3c07bcd1413b9bf7c95e49ca6ac8 +# 4158ea300935418a98b7d2a3553f97df #: ../../c-api/iterator.rst:36 -msgid "Type object for iterator objects returned by :c:func:`PyCallIter_New` and the two-argument form of the :func:`iter` built-in function." +msgid "" +"Type object for iterator objects returned by :c:func:`PyCallIter_New` and " +"the two-argument form of the :func:`iter` built-in function." msgstr ":c:func:`PyCallIter_New` や、組み込み関数 :func:`iter` の 2 引数形 式が返すイテレータオブジェクトの型オブジェクトです。 :func:`iter` built-in function." -# 3519187823af456bb44234db2e454d1e +# e55a6aecc1634ce9959bb08e9d5cf3bd #: ../../c-api/iterator.rst:42 msgid "Return true if the type of *op* is :c:data:`PyCallIter_Type`." msgstr "" -# 55034406e1ab4cd78fc46588b9f844c7 +# 1b59bbc146824371a9ea1169d6eb2f8b #: ../../c-api/iterator.rst:47 -msgid "Return a new iterator. The first parameter, *callable*, can be any Python callable object that can be called with no parameters; each call to it should return the next item in the iteration. When *callable* returns a value equal to *sentinel*, the iteration will be terminated." +msgid "" +"Return a new iterator. The first parameter, *callable*, can be any Python " +"callable object that can be called with no parameters; each call to it " +"should return the next item in the iteration. When *callable* returns a " +"value equal to *sentinel*, the iteration will be terminated." msgstr "新たなイテレータを返します。最初のパラメタ *callable* は引数なしで 呼び出せる Python の呼び出し可能オブジェクトならなんでもかまいません; *callable* は、呼び出されるたびに次の反復処理対象オブジェクトを返さなければ なりません。生成されたイテレータは、 *callable* が *sentinel* に等しい値を返 すと反復処理を終了します。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/list.po Tue Nov 6 01:00:41 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/list.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-03 12:09+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-11 09:37+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Naoki INADA <songo****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -13,112 +17,163 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# e8e5c8d8f85244e0b78c8dec8c079268 +# 0d6c69cc2d8444e5b475d380adcd5ac3 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:6 msgid "List Objects" msgstr "List Objects" -# cd16ece3804a41ef941f0aeab2aba347 +# 2ffc07cd48ce41a688912d21bce70995 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:13 msgid "This subtype of :c:type:`PyObject` represents a Python list object." msgstr "" -# 8ec2c8ed51044baca7f0db0122f26c96 +# 1ad579e0123143f6835e788df884f15d #: ../../c-api/list.rst:18 -msgid "This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python list type. This is the same object as :class:`list` in the Python layer." +msgid "" +"This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python list type. " +"This is the same object as :class:`list` in the Python layer." msgstr "この :c:type:`PyTypeObject` のインスタンスは Python のタプル型を表 現します。これは Python レイヤにおける :class:`list` と同じオブジェクトで す。" -# 17f79e2a5e2a49d28e88cb8143059116 +# 7026c945d5774f11bd5640d386960ca6 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:24 -msgid "Return true if *p* is a list object or an instance of a subtype of the list type." +msgid "" +"Return true if *p* is a list object or an instance of a subtype of the list " +"type." msgstr "Return true if *p* is a list object or an instance of a subtype of the list type." -# 8f46d76d140f48f683890d89df4657fd +# da409c000f7142238652278d4a7b0fc5 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:30 -msgid "Return true if *p* is a list object, but not an instance of a subtype of the list type." +msgid "" +"Return true if *p* is a list object, but not an instance of a subtype of the" +" list type." msgstr "Return true if *p* is a list object, but not an instance of a subtype of the list type." -# c17da2163ca24d1ea7066c7e330e1209 +# b4ed72f0c8bb481f859d172176803ad5 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:36 msgid "Return a new list of length *len* on success, or *NULL* on failure." msgstr "サイズが *len* 新たなリストオブジェクトを返します。失敗すると *NULL* を返します。" -# 8127a76736df41d19beb242857255e6e +# 9c09fd4816b941b8be804839a9c93128 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:40 -msgid "If *len* is greater than zero, the returned list object's items are set to ``NULL``. Thus you cannot use abstract API functions such as :c:func:`PySequence_SetItem` or expose the object to Python code before setting all items to a real object with :c:func:`PyList_SetItem`." +msgid "" +"If *len* is greater than zero, the returned list object's items are set to " +"``NULL``. Thus you cannot use abstract API functions such as " +":c:func:`PySequence_SetItem` or expose the object to Python code before " +"setting all items to a real object with :c:func:`PyList_SetItem`." msgstr "*len* が0より大きいとき、返されるリストオブジェクトの要素には ``NULL`` がセットされています。なので、 :c:func:`PyList_SetItem` で本当にオ ブジェクトをセットするまでは、Pythonコードにこのオブジェクトを渡した り、 :c:func:`PySequence_SetItem` のような抽象APIを利用してはいけません。" -# 0eade07eac5d4a128f7e1bc909b8ee0d +# ab45fb27655f400eb188646754ab3892 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:50 -msgid "Return the length of the list object in *list*; this is equivalent to ``len(list)`` on a list object." +msgid "" +"Return the length of the list object in *list*; this is equivalent to " +"``len(list)`` on a list object." msgstr "リストオブジェクト *list* の長さを返します; リストオブジェクトにお ける ``len(list)`` と同じです。" -# 0e6d416fb131465ba807a52a12c23241 +# b7dfb3a4fcce42c7b4c38f4e74cc5990 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:56 msgid "Macro form of :c:func:`PyList_Size` without error checking." msgstr "マクロ形式でできた :c:func:`PyList_Size` で、エラーチェックをしませ ん。" -# 00ab963143924076a92460b59615440e +# 4e603e99b0884c908d1e944f21ca2bf5 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:61 -msgid "Return the object at position *index* in the list pointed to by *list*. The position must be positive, indexing from the end of the list is not supported. If *index* is out of bounds, return *NULL* and set an :exc:`IndexError` exception." +msgid "" +"Return the object at position *index* in the list pointed to by *list*. The" +" position must be positive, indexing from the end of the list is not " +"supported. If *index* is out of bounds, return *NULL* and set an " +":exc:`IndexError` exception." msgstr "*list* の指すリストオブジェクト内の、位置 *index* にあるオブジェク トを返します。位置は正である必要があり、リスト終端からのインデックスはサポー トされていません。 *index* が範囲を超えている場合、 *NULL* を返し て :exc:`IndexError` 例外をセットします。" -# 86b27b1a823f41b7acf0be3962953c28 +# 14b884ee36ae4bea8d88c6565f54b622 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:69 msgid "Macro form of :c:func:`PyList_GetItem` without error checking." msgstr "マクロ形式でできた :c:func:`PyList_GetItem` で、エラーチェックをし ません。" -# 63908b6efbe64a2283856afa692d7c96 +# 3cf7bbd88d884917bd62108e33b57009 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:74 -msgid "Set the item at index *index* in list to *item*. Return ``0`` on success or ``-1`` on failure." +msgid "" +"Set the item at index *index* in list to *item*. Return ``0`` on success or" +" ``-1`` on failure." msgstr "リストオブジェクト内の位置 *index* に、オブジェクト *item* を挿入し ます。成功した場合には ``0`` を返し、失敗すると ``-1`` を返します。" -# f7f09b24379d41da850fb67836586649 +# 76d1e2afbb3a4fb6a971909dda31e1c9 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:79 -msgid "This function \"steals\" a reference to *item* and discards a reference to an item already in the list at the affected position." +msgid "" +"This function \"steals\" a reference to *item* and discards a reference to " +"an item already in the list at the affected position." msgstr "この関数は *item* への参照を \"盗み取り\" ます。また、変更先のイン デクスにすでに別の要素が入っている場合、その要素に対する参照を放棄します。" -# a997512452a246c1979a82bcfe7f0127 +# 01bfc4224ee64b6c981af57adc0b1b05 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:85 -msgid "Macro form of :c:func:`PyList_SetItem` without error checking. This is normally only used to fill in new lists where there is no previous content." +msgid "" +"Macro form of :c:func:`PyList_SetItem` without error checking. This is " +"normally only used to fill in new lists where there is no previous content." msgstr ":c:func:`PyList_SetItem` をマクロによる実装で、エラーチェックを行い ません。このマクロは、新たなリストのまだ要素を入れたことのない位置に要素を入 れるときにのみ使います。" -# 48ef40f80927422bb4d6a3c20e4a399d +# f5113fd46dc2446eb4aa49a37217c08c #: ../../c-api/list.rst:90 -msgid "This macro \"steals\" a reference to *item*, and, unlike :c:func:`PyList_SetItem`, does *not* discard a reference to any item that is being replaced; any reference in *list* at position *i* will be leaked." +msgid "" +"This macro \"steals\" a reference to *item*, and, unlike " +":c:func:`PyList_SetItem`, does *not* discard a reference to any item that is" +" being replaced; any reference in *list* at position *i* will be leaked." msgstr "このマクロは *item* への参照を \"盗み取り\" ます。ま た、 :c:func:`PyList_SetItem` と違って、要素の置き換えが生じても置き換えられ るオブジェクトへの参照を放棄 *しません* ; その結果、 *list* 中の位置 *i* で 参照されていたオブジェクトがメモリリークを引き起こします。" -# 66d12f0b85c046d0aa1f0195451782c1 +# 2912ccb9281b45af935a51bef5098637 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:98 -msgid "Insert the item *item* into list *list* in front of index *index*. Return ``0`` if successful; return ``-1`` and set an exception if unsuccessful. Analogous to ``list.insert(index, item)``." +msgid "" +"Insert the item *item* into list *list* in front of index *index*. Return " +"``0`` if successful; return ``-1`` and set an exception if unsuccessful. " +"Analogous to ``list.insert(index, item)``." msgstr "要素 *item* をインデックス *index* の前に挿入します。成功すると ``0`` を返します。失敗すると ``-1`` を返し、例外をセットします。 ``list.insert(index, item)`` に類似した機能です。" -# c0951e4019a048ca9f8ef995dc5da0df +# a63f0dc24a7142eab7fac0790dd73e76 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:105 -msgid "Append the object *item* at the end of list *list*. Return ``0`` if successful; return ``-1`` and set an exception if unsuccessful. Analogous to ``list.append(item)``." +msgid "" +"Append the object *item* at the end of list *list*. Return ``0`` if " +"successful; return ``-1`` and set an exception if unsuccessful. Analogous " +"to ``list.append(item)``." msgstr "オブジェクト *item* を *list* の末尾に追加します。成功すると ``0`` を返します; 失敗すると ``-1`` を返し、例外をセットします。 ``list.append(item)`` に類似した機能です。" -# ded15f61d0c145ad91cf3aa9a58ce32d +# 898d8ab499014a1d9f02c42a3ccab65d #: ../../c-api/list.rst:112 -msgid "Return a list of the objects in *list* containing the objects *between* *low* and *high*. Return *NULL* and set an exception if unsuccessful. Analogous to ``list[low:high]``. Negative indices, as when slicing from Python, are not supported." +msgid "" +"Return a list of the objects in *list* containing the objects *between* " +"*low* and *high*. Return *NULL* and set an exception if unsuccessful. " +"Analogous to ``list[low:high]``. Negative indices, as when slicing from " +"Python, are not supported." msgstr "*list* 内の、 *low* から *high* の *間の* オブジェクトからなるリス トを返します。失敗すると *NULL* を返し、例外をセットします。 ``list[low:high]`` に類似した機能です。ただし、 Python のスライスにある負の インデックスはサポートされていません。" -# 17e284fc26294a62873ddd7b00eafc35 +# d19926404bbf45b3a68bf51973f51e1e #: ../../c-api/list.rst:120 -msgid "Set the slice of *list* between *low* and *high* to the contents of *itemlist*. Analogous to ``list[low:high] = itemlist``. The *itemlist* may be *NULL*, indicating the assignment of an empty list (slice deletion). Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on failure. Negative indices, as when slicing from Python, are not supported." +msgid "" +"Set the slice of *list* between *low* and *high* to the contents of " +"*itemlist*. Analogous to ``list[low:high] = itemlist``. The *itemlist* may " +"be *NULL*, indicating the assignment of an empty list (slice deletion). " +"Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on failure. Negative indices, as when " +"slicing from Python, are not supported." msgstr "*list* 内の、 *low* から *high* の間のオブジェクトを、 *itemlist* の内容にします。 ``list[low:high] = itemlist`` と類似の機能です。 *itemlist* は *NULL* でもよく、空リストの代入 (指定スライスの削除) になりま す。成功した場合には ``0`` を、失敗した場合には ``-1`` を返します。 Python のスライスにある負のインデックスはサポートされていません。" -# 3cc8bb025a6f419182875f6a6729acf8 +# 31e524f462a641e5867b934bb5b46162 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:129 -msgid "Sort the items of *list* in place. Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on failure. This is equivalent to ``list.sort()``." +msgid "" +"Sort the items of *list* in place. Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on " +"failure. This is equivalent to ``list.sort()``." msgstr "*list* の内容をインプレースでソートします。成功した場合には ``0`` を、失敗した場合には ``-1`` を返します。 ``list.sort()`` と同じです。" -# 64fba5f9c3d6465bbb7500f196efeb87 +# 5f0e3d7a4185466bb2083e623e438150 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:135 -msgid "Reverse the items of *list* in place. Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on failure. This is the equivalent of ``list.reverse()``." +msgid "" +"Reverse the items of *list* in place. Return ``0`` on success, ``-1`` on " +"failure. This is the equivalent of ``list.reverse()``." msgstr "*list* の要素をインプレースで反転します。成功した場合には ``0`` を、失敗した場合には ``-1`` を返します。 ``list.reverse()`` と同じです。" -# ecee3b9a78194bf4a299b105832926b4 +# b6a68175d7464c4199cb01feb08d5c95 #: ../../c-api/list.rst:143 -msgid "Return a new tuple object containing the contents of *list*; equivalent to ``tuple(list)``." +msgid "" +"Return a new tuple object containing the contents of *list*; equivalent to " +"``tuple(list)``." msgstr "*list* の内容が入った新たなタプルオブジェクトを返します; ``tuple(list)`` と同じです。" + +# 80350852e256489e8e92ceb95c39ab22 +#: ../../c-api/list.rst:149 +msgid "Clear the free list. Return the total number of freed items." +msgstr "" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/long.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/long.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:43+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,195 +17,291 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# e869ab7e300647f6997052f08da62cd9 +# 8595f49d81684d098f3841ea98b3f81b #: ../../c-api/long.rst:6 msgid "Integer Objects" msgstr "整数型オブジェクト (integer object)" -# a3d7d603e7bf45119fdda5223cbc76ea +# 378b12dd30f6446880b3ad22c5ce29e2 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:11 -msgid "All integers are implemented as \"long\" integer objects of arbitrary size." +msgid "" +"All integers are implemented as \"long\" integer objects of arbitrary size." msgstr "" -# e369c1df89104b6dab6ae72013a1aad4 +# aad1445d85ff49e8ad7b553c0c476fd3 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:15 msgid "This subtype of :c:type:`PyObject` represents a Python integer object." msgstr "" -# b2d7699a095741e79e4296ba17712e30 +# f9fb7ccd4d324f2aab925e22ca45e4da #: ../../c-api/long.rst:20 -msgid "This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python integer type. This is the same object as :class:`int` in the Python layer." +msgid "" +"This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python integer type. " +"This is the same object as :class:`int` in the Python layer." msgstr "この :c:type:`PyTypeObject` のインスタンスは Python 整数型を表現し ます。これは Python レイヤにおける :class:`int` と同じオブジェクトです。" -# 2261acbf486c410b88224b42baeaedd8 +# 9d72dade05124aa4addf0ff5c08ecc03 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:26 -msgid "Return true if its argument is a :c:type:`PyLongObject` or a subtype of :c:type:`PyLongObject`." +msgid "" +"Return true if its argument is a :c:type:`PyLongObject` or a subtype of " +":c:type:`PyLongObject`." msgstr "" -# ac969e4420a841019fee3e7b90a3b039 +# 180b83289f1a4d10a495b9d570a391ef #: ../../c-api/long.rst:32 -msgid "Return true if its argument is a :c:type:`PyLongObject`, but not a subtype of :c:type:`PyLongObject`." +msgid "" +"Return true if its argument is a :c:type:`PyLongObject`, but not a subtype " +"of :c:type:`PyLongObject`." msgstr "" -# 4718472ea00f450ea05b691e38bc4a4a +# 2f41a33d687940f9be9341e896972f04 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:38 -msgid "Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` object from *v*, or *NULL* on failure." +msgid "" +"Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` object from *v*, or *NULL* on failure." msgstr "*v* から新たな :c:type:`PyLongObject` オブジェクトを生成して返しま す。失敗のときには *NULL* を返します。" -# b57c1022243e4ebd8d511f4f1535de71 +# 6123c50900c1473a905eb12a3a44a0d2 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:40 -msgid "The current implementation keeps an array of integer objects for all integers between ``-5`` and ``256``, when you create an int in that range you actually just get back a reference to the existing object. So it should be possible to change the value of ``1``. I suspect the behaviour of Python in this case is undefined. :-)" +msgid "" +"The current implementation keeps an array of integer objects for all " +"integers between ``-5`` and ``256``, when you create an int in that range " +"you actually just get back a reference to the existing object. So it should " +"be possible to change the value of ``1``. I suspect the behaviour of Python" +" in this case is undefined. :-)" msgstr "現在の実装では、 ``-5`` から ``256`` までの全ての整数に対する整数オ ブジェクトの配列を保持するようにしており、この範囲の数を生成すると、実際には 既存のオブジェクトに対する参照が返るようになっています。従って、 ``1`` の値 を変えることすら可能です。変えてしまった場合の Python の挙動は未定義で す :-)" -# 8031e7d5cf954730af855523a8c66973 +# 35e198f5450f4158aaa6cfe2a5db7aef #: ../../c-api/long.rst:49 -msgid "Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` object from a C :c:type:`unsigned long`, or *NULL* on failure." +msgid "" +"Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` object from a C :c:type:`unsigned long`," +" or *NULL* on failure." msgstr "" -# ab4921a078ee4b449bd6109308a26456 +# f8f9e1f677cc4654b93256107d29c2c7 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:55 -msgid "Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` object from a C :c:type:`Py_ssize_t`, or *NULL* on failure." +msgid "" +"Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` object from a C :c:type:`Py_ssize_t`, or" +" *NULL* on failure." msgstr "" -# 77ab960d6611429ab23e11704d5b57ae +# e6161c5a1c1c4d9b840f200020f01084 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:61 -msgid "Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` object from a C :c:type:`size_t`, or *NULL* on failure." +msgid "" +"Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` object from a C :c:type:`size_t`, or " +"*NULL* on failure." msgstr "" -# 1bd5e433b5b8458fb43751b013524d0b +# 0a027ffdc0bd47609aedfbfed6423dbd #: ../../c-api/long.rst:67 -msgid "Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` object from a C :c:type:`long long`, or *NULL* on failure." +msgid "" +"Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` object from a C :c:type:`long long`, or " +"*NULL* on failure." msgstr "" -# 0fde3a36997b4b1aa4f642694d24a892 +# 659c624bf16e4044b1e9388687d38d51 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:73 -msgid "Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` object from a C :c:type:`unsigned long long`, or *NULL* on failure." +msgid "" +"Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` object from a C :c:type:`unsigned long " +"long`, or *NULL* on failure." msgstr "" -# 5d89b876f4cc48c6a5dc7613e2f0548d +# bb3c09415add47f2a4809decb8a7e908 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:79 -msgid "Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` object from the integer part of *v*, or *NULL* on failure." +msgid "" +"Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` object from the integer part of *v*, or " +"*NULL* on failure." msgstr "*v* の整数部から新たな :c:type:`PyLongObject` オブジェクトを生成し て返します。失敗のときには *NULL* を返します。" -# 14e9b123ea974149b738f3edbd1c7401 +# 0f98d234bcf24d9b8ac858c99b729bbb #: ../../c-api/long.rst:85 -msgid "Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` based on the string value in *str*, which is interpreted according to the radix in *base*. If *pend* is non-*NULL*, *\\*pend* will point to the first character in *str* which follows the representation of the number. If *base* is ``0``, the radix will be determined based on the leading characters of *str*: if *str* starts with ``'0x'`` or ``'0X'``, radix 16 will be used; if *str* starts with ``'0o'`` or ``'0O'``, radix 8 will be used; if *str* starts with ``'0b'`` or ``'0B'``, radix 2 will be used; otherwise radix 10 will be used. If *base* is not ``0``, it must be between ``2`` and ``36``, inclusive. Leading spaces are ignored. If there are no digits, :exc:`ValueError` will be raised." +msgid "" +"Return a new :c:type:`PyLongObject` based on the string value in *str*, " +"which is interpreted according to the radix in *base*. If *pend* is " +"non-*NULL*, *\\*pend* will point to the first character in *str* which " +"follows the representation of the number. If *base* is ``0``, the radix " +"will be determined based on the leading characters of *str*: if *str* starts" +" with ``'0x'`` or ``'0X'``, radix 16 will be used; if *str* starts with " +"``'0o'`` or ``'0O'``, radix 8 will be used; if *str* starts with ``'0b'`` or" +" ``'0B'``, radix 2 will be used; otherwise radix 10 will be used. If *base*" +" is not ``0``, it must be between ``2`` and ``36``, inclusive. Leading " +"spaces are ignored. If there are no digits, :exc:`ValueError` will be " +"raised." msgstr "*str* の文字列値に基づいて、新たな :c:type:`PyLongObject` を返しま す。このとき *base* を基数として文字列を解釈します。 *pend* が *NULL* でなけ れば、 *\\*pend* は *str* 中で数が表現されている部分以後の先頭の文字のアドレ スを指しています。 *base* が ``0`` ならば、 *str* の先頭の文字列に基づいて基 数を決定します: もし *str* が ``'0x'`` または ``'0X'`` で始まっていれば、基 数に 16 を使います; *str* が ``'0o'`` または ``'0O'`` で始まっていれば、基数 に 8 を使います; その他の場合には基数に 10 を使います。 *base* が ``0`` でな ければ、 *base* は ``2`` 以上 ``36`` 以下の数でなければなりません。先頭に空 白がある場合は無視されます。数字が全くない場合、 :exc:`ValueError` が送出さ れます。" -# a78098004c1d42dfbef60f0a2a35d1a4 +# def1f8d2971a4cc29a20a7fafdd2249e #: ../../c-api/long.rst:99 -msgid "Convert a sequence of Unicode digits to a Python integer value. The Unicode string is first encoded to a byte string using :c:func:`PyUnicode_EncodeDecimal` and then converted using :c:func:`PyLong_FromString`." +msgid "" +"Convert a sequence of Unicode digits to a Python integer value. The Unicode" +" string is first encoded to a byte string using " +":c:func:`PyUnicode_EncodeDecimal` and then converted using " +":c:func:`PyLong_FromString`." msgstr "" -# d36b2ce6db044474881c15a1485c4beb +# ac8242c96fd74a3bafc83725223d6733 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:110 -msgid "Convert a sequence of Unicode digits in the string *u* to a Python integer value. The Unicode string is first encoded to a byte string using :c:func:`PyUnicode_EncodeDecimal` and then converted using :c:func:`PyLong_FromString`." +msgid "" +"Convert a sequence of Unicode digits in the string *u* to a Python integer " +"value. The Unicode string is first encoded to a byte string using " +":c:func:`PyUnicode_EncodeDecimal` and then converted using " +":c:func:`PyLong_FromString`." msgstr "" -# b00e944c50944ea5b29497a245ff8bce +# 857f6b650a434e37b91784db7aaac127 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:120 -msgid "Create a Python integer from the pointer *p*. The pointer value can be retrieved from the resulting value using :c:func:`PyLong_AsVoidPtr`." +msgid "" +"Create a Python integer from the pointer *p*. The pointer value can be " +"retrieved from the resulting value using :c:func:`PyLong_AsVoidPtr`." msgstr "" -# c4f251ea28cb41dbad5f4b643fbed9f8 -# eb9256a78bbd4c9caf62881887bb9810 +# f631232fc6524dd0bba32763c5f31d7a +# 160a17e913a74ee5ac85c165000e9fa4 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:131 ../../c-api/long.rst:141 -msgid "Return a C :c:type:`long` representation of *obj*. If *obj* is not an instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`, first call its :meth:`__int__` method (if present) to convert it to a :c:type:`PyLongObject`." +msgid "" +"Return a C :c:type:`long` representation of *obj*. If *obj* is not an " +"instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`, first call its :meth:`__int__` method " +"(if present) to convert it to a :c:type:`PyLongObject`." msgstr "" -# a1d3b5ea893046e4a1f9f83c9744b552 -# 07654710b5774a1c85ff34a91015c772 +# 39a3f9f4cd564299898f52ea1a77ae22 +# 4df088d7e47f4ec19e95432527d15fbc #: ../../c-api/long.rst:135 ../../c-api/long.rst:160 -msgid "Raise :exc:`OverflowError` if the value of *obj* is out of range for a :c:type:`long`." +msgid "" +"Raise :exc:`OverflowError` if the value of *obj* is out of range for a " +":c:type:`long`." msgstr "" -# ca89bd0f1ad641a5a52d6870a6a64f67 +# 9c1f6a12adb448c49fe78bcf3221c7b2 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:145 -msgid "If the value of *obj* is greater than :const:`LONG_MAX` or less than :const:`LONG_MIN`, set *\\*overflow* to ``1`` or ``-1``, respectively, and return ``-1``; otherwise, set *\\*overflow* to ``0``. If any other exception occurs set *\\*overflow* to ``0`` and return ``-1`` as usual." +msgid "" +"If the value of *obj* is greater than :const:`LONG_MAX` or less than " +":const:`LONG_MIN`, set *\\*overflow* to ``1`` or ``-1``, respectively, and " +"return ``-1``; otherwise, set *\\*overflow* to ``0``. If any other " +"exception occurs set *\\*overflow* to ``0`` and return ``-1`` as usual." msgstr "" -# b784f4fd3aea4f2190268e43b67070ab -# 7a4290529c4a4999ac5f109577362061 +# 289d397da26e4ea8a3a68942fc29fc86 +# 20b5e03c3a4c4a96b780cd0baef64f90 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:156 ../../c-api/long.rst:166 -msgid "Return a C :c:type:`long long` representation of *obj*. If *obj* is not an instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`, first call its :meth:`__int__` method (if present) to convert it to a :c:type:`PyLongObject`." +msgid "" +"Return a C :c:type:`long long` representation of *obj*. If *obj* is not an " +"instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`, first call its :meth:`__int__` method " +"(if present) to convert it to a :c:type:`PyLongObject`." msgstr "" -# 53e0eb70a886418a82e6893c7568dc6e +# 84e65245a40f4a91b9c1a2e211c88ade #: ../../c-api/long.rst:170 -msgid "If the value of *obj* is greater than :const:`PY_LLONG_MAX` or less than :const:`PY_LLONG_MIN`, set *\\*overflow* to ``1`` or ``-1``, respectively, and return ``-1``; otherwise, set *\\*overflow* to ``0``. If any other exception occurs set *\\*overflow* to ``0`` and return ``-1`` as usual." +msgid "" +"If the value of *obj* is greater than :const:`PY_LLONG_MAX` or less than " +":const:`PY_LLONG_MIN`, set *\\*overflow* to ``1`` or ``-1``, respectively, " +"and return ``-1``; otherwise, set *\\*overflow* to ``0``. If any other " +"exception occurs set *\\*overflow* to ``0`` and return ``-1`` as usual." msgstr "" -# d28bfc1d72b145968ce7b72da9e124d0 +# 546a91ff93f646b184553e59c185b3ef #: ../../c-api/long.rst:184 -msgid "Return a C :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` representation of *pylong*. *pylong* must be an instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`." +msgid "" +"Return a C :c:type:`Py_ssize_t` representation of *pylong*. *pylong* must " +"be an instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`." msgstr "" -# e92488503ed246bf9d99dce282fcb3b8 +# 63175c34251d4ccdac09c8dfaa7490bb #: ../../c-api/long.rst:187 -msgid "Raise :exc:`OverflowError` if the value of *pylong* is out of range for a :c:type:`Py_ssize_t`." +msgid "" +"Raise :exc:`OverflowError` if the value of *pylong* is out of range for a " +":c:type:`Py_ssize_t`." msgstr "" -# 2365cb0174814aab95d9fc52ef7bdcc2 +# 596b1b916f4040709bd8518144107903 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:197 -msgid "Return a C :c:type:`unsigned long` representation of *pylong*. *pylong* must be an instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`." +msgid "" +"Return a C :c:type:`unsigned long` representation of *pylong*. *pylong* " +"must be an instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`." msgstr "" -# a881e9410e6d4b249890b21098040c80 +# 43f40a78b3244490ac7579fa0b8798f6 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:200 -msgid "Raise :exc:`OverflowError` if the value of *pylong* is out of range for a :c:type:`unsigned long`." +msgid "" +"Raise :exc:`OverflowError` if the value of *pylong* is out of range for a " +":c:type:`unsigned long`." msgstr "" -# 3fded117a8f2412a8b506e44fc1b9939 +# 8b649b102d0e4f488ef7893791fb2df3 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:206 -msgid "Return a C :c:type:`size_t` representation of of *pylong*. *pylong* must be an instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`." +msgid "" +"Return a C :c:type:`size_t` representation of of *pylong*. *pylong* must be" +" an instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`." msgstr "" -# 51f6067d50a14624bf98eb9b6e4b7cd8 +# 996145e5e40444269b05d8c4dc7a7530 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:209 -msgid "Raise :exc:`OverflowError` if the value of *pylong* is out of range for a :c:type:`size_t`." +msgid "" +"Raise :exc:`OverflowError` if the value of *pylong* is out of range for a " +":c:type:`size_t`." msgstr "" -# 43f17f0eb6e74c85b1d0a83d1452a890 +# 5f3294f1e1194d1d8b03de7782cc570a #: ../../c-api/long.rst:218 -msgid "Return a C :c:type:`unsigned PY_LONG_LONG` representation of of *pylong*. *pylong* must be an instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`." +msgid "" +"Return a C :c:type:`unsigned PY_LONG_LONG` representation of of *pylong*. " +"*pylong* must be an instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`." msgstr "" -# 3804514579a34a8cb19fee10e075819e +# 900b60651003499abfd2b058298a6c68 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:221 -msgid "Raise :exc:`OverflowError` if the value of *pylong* is out of range for an :c:type:`unsigned PY_LONG_LONG`." +msgid "" +"Raise :exc:`OverflowError` if the value of *pylong* is out of range for an " +":c:type:`unsigned PY_LONG_LONG`." msgstr "" -# 83cafd19cadd4f66a61562266e3b8d5e +# 974b2b6decf4482787a6b5fce0028fdc #: ../../c-api/long.rst:230 -msgid "Return a C :c:type:`unsigned long` representation of *obj*. If *obj* is not an instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`, first call its :meth:`__int__` method (if present) to convert it to a :c:type:`PyLongObject`." +msgid "" +"Return a C :c:type:`unsigned long` representation of *obj*. If *obj* is not" +" an instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`, first call its :meth:`__int__` " +"method (if present) to convert it to a :c:type:`PyLongObject`." msgstr "" -# 23d9778334f94c9ab90c236bfe59a4d9 +# d40a3496cb9a4426b0d1cd99dd8c704b #: ../../c-api/long.rst:234 -msgid "If the value of *obj* is out of range for an :c:type:`unsigned long`, return the reduction of that value modulo :const:`ULONG_MAX + 1`." +msgid "" +"If the value of *obj* is out of range for an :c:type:`unsigned long`, return" +" the reduction of that value modulo :const:`ULONG_MAX + 1`." msgstr "" -# 359ce787dc754b8396fb81fed6b886a3 +# 99f38e2bb8dc4597851a7d5929d46178 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:240 -msgid "Return a C :c:type:`unsigned long long` representation of *obj*. If *obj* is not an instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`, first call its :meth:`__int__` method (if present) to convert it to a :c:type:`PyLongObject`." +msgid "" +"Return a C :c:type:`unsigned long long` representation of *obj*. If *obj* " +"is not an instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`, first call its :meth:`__int__`" +" method (if present) to convert it to a :c:type:`PyLongObject`." msgstr "" -# 61ec2c6ebe454142b5f2434fc9f07883 +# 3814c5f2be2344d6aa7c836aff984889 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:244 -msgid "If the value of *obj* is out of range for an :c:type:`unsigned long long`, return the reduction of that value modulo :const:`PY_ULLONG_MAX + 1`." +msgid "" +"If the value of *obj* is out of range for an :c:type:`unsigned long long`, " +"return the reduction of that value modulo :const:`PY_ULLONG_MAX + 1`." msgstr "" -# 96a71d426b244bdc9156bb473ca5f893 +# 6839f48d861a4f0ba1af415a5f249b31 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:250 -msgid "Return a C :c:type:`double` representation of *pylong*. *pylong* must be an instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`." +msgid "" +"Return a C :c:type:`double` representation of *pylong*. *pylong* must be an" +" instance of :c:type:`PyLongObject`." msgstr "" -# 0fbf6fd6fe7f46239c30219b9e7116a7 +# ebb6218258da4a808391ae6005f9d142 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:253 -msgid "Raise :exc:`OverflowError` if the value of *pylong* is out of range for a :c:type:`double`." +msgid "" +"Raise :exc:`OverflowError` if the value of *pylong* is out of range for a " +":c:type:`double`." msgstr "" -# e1d3fc57819346e6b5872b806940bdc2 +# 980056bf8acc492f8a43491db80183a7 #: ../../c-api/long.rst:259 -msgid "Convert a Python integer *pylong* to a C :c:type:`void` pointer. If *pylong* cannot be converted, an :exc:`OverflowError` will be raised. This is only assured to produce a usable :c:type:`void` pointer for values created with :c:func:`PyLong_FromVoidPtr`." +msgid "" +"Convert a Python integer *pylong* to a C :c:type:`void` pointer. If *pylong*" +" cannot be converted, an :exc:`OverflowError` will be raised. This is only " +"assured to produce a usable :c:type:`void` pointer for values created with " +":c:func:`PyLong_FromVoidPtr`." msgstr "Python の整数型を指す *pylong* を、 C の :c:type:`void` ポインタに 変換します。 *pylong* を変換できなければ、 :exc:`OverflowError` を送出しま す。この関数は :c:func:`PyLong_FromVoidPtr` で値を生成するときに使うよう な :c:type:`void` ポインタ型を生成できるだけです。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/mapping.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/mapping.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:43+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,59 +17,82 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# aa4d0779411344ed97b6854bd1cc16bc +# 57bf0b9cfbcd4231ae4a4d5cb094c495 #: ../../c-api/mapping.rst:6 msgid "Mapping Protocol" msgstr "マップ型プロトコル (mapping protocol)" -# 2cd0932221894342a89f614037c71161 +# 7e5d37262c13492d8b7899918ab1ccfd #: ../../c-api/mapping.rst:11 -msgid "Return ``1`` if the object provides mapping protocol, and ``0`` otherwise. This function always succeeds." +msgid "" +"Return ``1`` if the object provides mapping protocol, and ``0`` otherwise. " +"This function always succeeds." msgstr "オブジェクトがマップ型プロトコルを提供している場合に ``1`` を返し、 そうでないときには ``0`` を返します。この関数呼び出しは常に成功します。" -# 99a593f37d7947ee85e92b0046a46997 +# dce9bcd086dc4766a05e0553ea079476 #: ../../c-api/mapping.rst:20 -msgid "Returns the number of keys in object *o* on success, and ``-1`` on failure. For objects that do not provide mapping protocol, this is equivalent to the Python expression ``len(o)``." +msgid "" +"Returns the number of keys in object *o* on success, and ``-1`` on failure." +" For objects that do not provide mapping protocol, this is equivalent to " +"the Python expression ``len(o)``." msgstr "成功するとオブジェクト *o* 中のキーの数を返し、失敗すると ``-1`` を 返します。マップ型プロトコルを提供していないオブジェクトに対しては、 Python の式 ``len(o)`` と同じになります。" -# 6f47177200634f84a83b15798397d19c -# 91c2fa198cd64faf8926e56167f6be6f +# 48aaa0b223ff4c4294a2c2da96bf0068 +# 033d4e39010144bd83b88884506e7a3d #: ../../c-api/mapping.rst:27 ../../c-api/mapping.rst:33 -msgid "Remove the mapping for object *key* from the object *o*. Return ``-1`` on failure. This is equivalent to the Python statement ``del o[key]``." +msgid "" +"Remove the mapping for object *key* from the object *o*. Return ``-1`` on " +"failure. This is equivalent to the Python statement ``del o[key]``." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* から *key* に関する対応付けを削除します。失敗する と ``-1`` を返します。 Python の文 ``del o[key]`` と同じです。" -# d7324ebf7eab449ca2ae4ca474740b67 +# 577417ba91274a09a843120950ae3960 #: ../../c-api/mapping.rst:39 -msgid "On success, return ``1`` if the mapping object has the key *key* and ``0`` otherwise. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``key in o``. This function always succeeds." +msgid "" +"On success, return ``1`` if the mapping object has the key *key* and ``0`` " +"otherwise. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``key in o``. This " +"function always succeeds." msgstr "成功すると、マップ型オブジェクトがキー *key* を持つ場合に ``1`` を 返し、そうでないときには ``0`` を返します。これは、Python 式 ``key in o`` と 等価です。この関数呼び出しは常に成功します。" -# 06c4f299783c4747b595b498a149068e +# 687adba19f4247e9b5562a65f56c48a7 #: ../../c-api/mapping.rst:46 -msgid "Return ``1`` if the mapping object has the key *key* and ``0`` otherwise. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``key in o``. This function always succeeds." +msgid "" +"Return ``1`` if the mapping object has the key *key* and ``0`` otherwise. " +"This is equivalent to the Python expression ``key in o``. This function " +"always succeeds." msgstr "マップ型オブジェクトがキー *key* を持つ場合に ``1`` を返し、そうで ないときには ``0`` を返します。これは、 Python 式 ``key in o`` と等価です。 この関数呼び出しは常に成功します。" -# 9c25a1c7e2f147a19fab0334b9cb377f +# 754758adc7fc4706a08dbf751d264c70 #: ../../c-api/mapping.rst:53 -msgid "On success, return a list of the keys in object *o*. On failure, return *NULL*. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``list(o.keys())``." +msgid "" +"On success, return a list of the keys in object *o*. On failure, return " +"*NULL*. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``list(o.keys())``." msgstr "成功するとオブジェクト *o* のキーからなるリストを返します。失敗する と *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``list(o.keys())`` と同じです。" -# cc56a9fa4d5946f4ac772269d81ae8c7 +# 99ee342f64814bec971dc1fb06ff2d65 #: ../../c-api/mapping.rst:59 -msgid "On success, return a list of the values in object *o*. On failure, return *NULL*. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``list(o.values())``." +msgid "" +"On success, return a list of the values in object *o*. On failure, return " +"*NULL*. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``list(o.values())``." msgstr "成功するとオブジェクト *o* のキーに対応する値からなるリストを返しま す。失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``list(o.values())`` と同じで す。" -# 177095b065794727a505e1290e5c2742 +# 61df2dcba8b14a6994d886bd16cc65b4 #: ../../c-api/mapping.rst:65 -msgid "On success, return a list of the items in object *o*, where each item is a tuple containing a key-value pair. On failure, return *NULL*. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``list(o.items())``." +msgid "" +"On success, return a list of the items in object *o*, where each item is a " +"tuple containing a key-value pair. On failure, return *NULL*. This is " +"equivalent to the Python expression ``list(o.items())``." msgstr "成功するとオブジェクト *o* の要素対、すなわちキーと値のペアが入った タプルからなるリストを返します。失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``list(o.items())`` と同じです。" -# a0e711a3f14c41bc933f3504eb4aa040 -# b569e3dc2b3c405783da79f57be807b8 -#: ../../c-api/mapping.rst:72 ../../c-api/object.rst:347 -msgid "Return element of *o* corresponding to the object *key* or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o[key]``." +# 2b2f3f9f2ce54e4f93f8b0766a13708e +#: ../../c-api/mapping.rst:72 +msgid "" +"Return element of *o* corresponding to the object *key* or *NULL* on " +"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o[key]``." msgstr "オブジェクト *key* に対応する *o* の要素を返します。失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``o[key]`` と同じです。" -# ecebb5937a3149b78a0effaf29e0c876 +# 81c53fcb821a415192f193a10fee2a72 #: ../../c-api/mapping.rst:78 -msgid "Map the object *key* to the value *v* in object *o*. Returns ``-1`` on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o[key] = v``." +msgid "" +"Map the object *key* to the value *v* in object *o*. Returns ``-1`` on " +"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o[key] = v``." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* で *key* を値 *v* に対応付けます。失敗すると ``-1`` を返します。 Python の文 ``o[key] = v`` と同じです。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/marshal.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/marshal.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:43+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,72 +17,113 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# fdab572d7c544a2abff75f683637eac0 +# c5c3254eeda24149a680593a6c462ae2 #: ../../c-api/marshal.rst:6 msgid "Data marshalling support" msgstr "データ整列化 (data marshalling) のサポート" -# de16f99b4c6f42fea4a218978380550d +# a53877e6cb524c00901c7cd7ef20b8c5 #: ../../c-api/marshal.rst:8 -msgid "These routines allow C code to work with serialized objects using the same data format as the :mod:`marshal` module. There are functions to write data into the serialization format, and additional functions that can be used to read the data back. Files used to store marshalled data must be opened in binary mode." +msgid "" +"These routines allow C code to work with serialized objects using the same " +"data format as the :mod:`marshal` module. There are functions to write data" +" into the serialization format, and additional functions that can be used to" +" read the data back. Files used to store marshalled data must be opened in " +"binary mode." msgstr "以下のルーチン群は、 :mod:`marshal` モジュールと同じ形式を使った整 列化オブジェクトを C コードから使えるようにします。整列化形式でデータを書き 出す関数に加えて、データを読み戻す関数もあります。整列化されたデータを記録す るファイルはバイナリモードで開かれていなければなりません。" -# 783b15d4f5fa424dbdddc9170651120e +# 233e344ab9be4674b1eef18a681e48ef #: ../../c-api/marshal.rst:14 msgid "Numeric values are stored with the least significant byte first." msgstr "数値は最小桁が先にくるように記録されます。" -# e21283bf82d04841a5c8f08e50135cee +# aa072ce90f0f4d68b2c487d66d5f6c31 #: ../../c-api/marshal.rst:16 -msgid "The module supports two versions of the data format: version 0 is the historical version, version 1 shares interned strings in the file, and upon unmarshalling. Version 2 uses a binary format for floating point numbers. *Py_MARSHAL_VERSION* indicates the current file format (currently 2)." +msgid "" +"The module supports two versions of the data format: version 0 is the " +"historical version, version 1 shares interned strings in the file, and upon " +"unmarshalling. Version 2 uses a binary format for floating point numbers. " +"*Py_MARSHAL_VERSION* indicates the current file format (currently 2)." msgstr "このモジュールでは、3つのバージョンのデータ形式をサポートしていま す。バージョン 0 は従来のもので、バージョン 1 は intern 化された文字列をフ ァイル内で共有し、逆マーシャル化の時にも共有されるようにします。バージョン 2は、浮動小数点数に対してバイナリフォーマットを利用します。 *PY_MARSHAL_VERSION* は現在のバージョン (バージョン 2) を示します。" -# 8f062dde068742eba22716c02d78f4ff +# af85965c6e224322bec6292624195f9d #: ../../c-api/marshal.rst:24 -msgid "Marshal a :c:type:`long` integer, *value*, to *file*. This will only write the least-significant 32 bits of *value*; regardless of the size of the native :c:type:`long` type. *version* indicates the file format." +msgid "" +"Marshal a :c:type:`long` integer, *value*, to *file*. This will only write " +"the least-significant 32 bits of *value*; regardless of the size of the " +"native :c:type:`long` type. *version* indicates the file format." msgstr ":c:type:`long` 型の整数値 *value* を *file* へ整列化します。この関 数は *value* の下桁 32 ビットを書き込むだけです; ネイティブ の :c:type:`long` 型サイズには関知しません。 *version* はファイルフォーマッ トを示します。" -# c30f3b0815a64d5f87f3bd0f94e649c5 +# c6f728c44f3e415aa7499b060fd3637f #: ../../c-api/marshal.rst:31 -msgid "Marshal a Python object, *value*, to *file*. *version* indicates the file format." +msgid "" +"Marshal a Python object, *value*, to *file*. *version* indicates the file " +"format." msgstr "Python オブジェクト *value* を *file* へ整列化します。 *version* は ファイルフォーマットを示します。" -# 0ab3e969b58c45d78c04cdb8cc3ab911 +# fc07ab1269fb43c2929198297927f2a0 #: ../../c-api/marshal.rst:37 -msgid "Return a string object containing the marshalled representation of *value*. *version* indicates the file format." +msgid "" +"Return a string object containing the marshalled representation of *value*. " +"*version* indicates the file format." msgstr "*value* の整列化表現が入った文字列オブジェクトを返します。 *version* はファイルフォーマットを示します。" -# 4fd2be19d5a6471b9be92968c30586ca +# 88078d942c974c3b8de8f85a8165f88d #: ../../c-api/marshal.rst:41 msgid "The following functions allow marshalled values to be read back in." msgstr "以下の関数を使うと、整列化された値を読み戻せます。" -# b743b9e8a27c4a0b96f9c4c33cf20417 +# 5a4f81e72c9341acb5f6807c65b1cd10 #: ../../c-api/marshal.rst:43 -msgid "XXX What about error detection? It appears that reading past the end of the file will always result in a negative numeric value (where that's relevant), but it's not clear that negative values won't be handled properly when there's no error. What's the right way to tell? Should only non-negative values be written using these routines?" +msgid "" +"XXX What about error detection? It appears that reading past the end of the" +" file will always result in a negative numeric value (where that's " +"relevant), but it's not clear that negative values won't be handled properly" +" when there's no error. What's the right way to tell? Should only non-" +"negative values be written using these routines?" msgstr "XXX What about error detection? It appears that reading past the end of the file will always result in a negative numeric value (where that's relevant), but it's not clear that negative values won't be handled properly when there's no error. What's the right way to tell? Should only non-negative values be written using these routines?" -# 2f4e7aa77cd744159ac2812f1ca8041b +# 6aed41c02db84bd4b6639afbc30386cd #: ../../c-api/marshal.rst:52 -msgid "Return a C :c:type:`long` from the data stream in a :c:type:`FILE\\*` opened for reading. Only a 32-bit value can be read in using this function, regardless of the native size of :c:type:`long`." +msgid "" +"Return a C :c:type:`long` from the data stream in a :c:type:`FILE\\*` opened" +" for reading. Only a 32-bit value can be read in using this function, " +"regardless of the native size of :c:type:`long`." msgstr "読み出し用に開かれた :c:type:`FILE\\*` 内のデータストリームから、 C の :c:type:`long` 型データを読み出して返します。この関数は、ネイティブ の :c:type:`long` のサイズに関係なく、 32 ビットの値だけを読み出せます。" -# 9b77c6ff9a4148c5acef5158ec1218a4 +# 2397fcf8caaa43cd99ab28730f2827a2 #: ../../c-api/marshal.rst:59 -msgid "Return a C :c:type:`short` from the data stream in a :c:type:`FILE\\*` opened for reading. Only a 16-bit value can be read in using this function, regardless of the native size of :c:type:`short`." +msgid "" +"Return a C :c:type:`short` from the data stream in a :c:type:`FILE\\*` " +"opened for reading. Only a 16-bit value can be read in using this function," +" regardless of the native size of :c:type:`short`." msgstr "読み出し用に開かれた :c:type:`FILE\\*` 内のデータストリームから、 C の :c:type:`short` 型データを読み出して返します。この関数は、ネイティブ の :c:type:`short` のサイズに関係なく、 16 ビットの値だけを読み出せます。" -# 6fec07d615734562b0efedc05e472a09 +# ac5e5852e0e64c9b994a1c1f37841ebd #: ../../c-api/marshal.rst:66 -msgid "Return a Python object from the data stream in a :c:type:`FILE\\*` opened for reading. On error, sets the appropriate exception (:exc:`EOFError` or :exc:`TypeError`) and returns *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return a Python object from the data stream in a :c:type:`FILE\\*` opened " +"for reading. On error, sets the appropriate exception (:exc:`EOFError` or " +":exc:`TypeError`) and returns *NULL*." msgstr "読み出し用に開かれた :c:type:`FILE\\*` 内のデータストリームから、 Python オブジェクトを読み出して返します。エラーが生じた場合、適切な例外 (:exc:`EOFError` または :exc:`TypeError`) を送出して *NULL* を返します。" -# ae8a4ff01dcd424f8ca9203d9575cafd +# 6c01e19e932d4b53907257ca001d3a7f #: ../../c-api/marshal.rst:73 -msgid "Return a Python object from the data stream in a :c:type:`FILE\\*` opened for reading. Unlike :c:func:`PyMarshal_ReadObjectFromFile`, this function assumes that no further objects will be read from the file, allowing it to aggressively load file data into memory so that the de-serialization can operate from data in memory rather than reading a byte at a time from the file. Only use these variant if you are certain that you won't be reading anything else from the file. On error, sets the appropriate exception (:exc:`EOFError` or :exc:`TypeError`) and returns *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return a Python object from the data stream in a :c:type:`FILE\\*` opened " +"for reading. Unlike :c:func:`PyMarshal_ReadObjectFromFile`, this function " +"assumes that no further objects will be read from the file, allowing it to " +"aggressively load file data into memory so that the de-serialization can " +"operate from data in memory rather than reading a byte at a time from the " +"file. Only use these variant if you are certain that you won't be reading " +"anything else from the file. On error, sets the appropriate exception " +"(:exc:`EOFError` or :exc:`TypeError`) and returns *NULL*." msgstr "読み出し用に開かれた :c:type:`FILE\\*` 内のデータストリームから、 Python オブジェクトを読み出して返しま す。 :c:func:`PyMarshal_ReadObjectFromFile` と違い、この関数はファイル中に後 続のオブジェクトが存在しないと仮定し、ファイルからメモリ上にファイルデータを 一気にメモリにロードして、逆整列化機構がファイルから一バイトづつ読み出す代わ りにメモリ上のデータを操作できるようにします。対象のファイルから他に何も読み 出さないと分かっている場合にのみ、この関数を使ってください。エラーが生じた場 合、適切な例外 (:exc:`EOFError` または :exc:`TypeError`) を送出して *NULL* を返します。" -# b1476f70e9f641b78b7e634bbe1182a9 +# 3af9f56792034e9e95329287c8b85b1a #: ../../c-api/marshal.rst:85 -msgid "Return a Python object from the data stream in a character buffer containing *len* bytes pointed to by *string*. On error, sets the appropriate exception (:exc:`EOFError` or :exc:`TypeError`) and returns *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return a Python object from the data stream in a character buffer containing" +" *len* bytes pointed to by *string*. On error, sets the appropriate " +"exception (:exc:`EOFError` or :exc:`TypeError`) and returns *NULL*." msgstr "*string* が指している *len* バイトの文字列バッファに納められたデー タストリームから Python オブジェクトを読み出して返します。エラーが生じた場 合、適切な例外 (:exc:`EOFError` または :exc:`TypeError`) を送出して *NULL* を返します。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/memory.po Tue Nov 6 01:00:41 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/memory.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-03 12:10+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,132 +17,227 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# d29c2b357f6248f89c04b6f6d7900647 +# 3dc8f7a6237b412f99e209c75505538e #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:8 msgid "Memory Management" msgstr "メモリ管理" -# a4879b97e54549359b31479e47e1d163 +# aa07182843414cf5b5e96260bedd4ab3 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:17 msgid "Overview" msgstr "概要" -# f43fb8dce906475b98915661226f8dd8 +# 849fbb73ae9b4c8db2746eebf251d279 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:19 -msgid "Memory management in Python involves a private heap containing all Python objects and data structures. The management of this private heap is ensured internally by the *Python memory manager*. The Python memory manager has different components which deal with various dynamic storage management aspects, like sharing, segmentation, preallocation or caching." +msgid "" +"Memory management in Python involves a private heap containing all Python " +"objects and data structures. The management of this private heap is ensured " +"internally by the *Python memory manager*. The Python memory manager has " +"different components which deal with various dynamic storage management " +"aspects, like sharing, segmentation, preallocation or caching." msgstr "Python におけるメモリ管理には、全ての Python オブジェクトとデータ構 造が入ったプライベートヒープ (private heap) が必須です。プライベートヒープの 管理は、内部的には *Python メモリマネージャ (Python memory manager)* が確実 に行います。Python メモリマネージャには、共有 (sharing)、セグメント分割 (segmentation)、事前割り当て (preallocation)、キャッシュ化 (caching) といっ た、様々な動的記憶管理の側面を扱うために、個別のコンポーネントがあります。" -# 846aec5b4edc4ec1a5ade44d2121e6dc +# f2957ed213e347498140802b7a1a3385 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:25 -msgid "At the lowest level, a raw memory allocator ensures that there is enough room in the private heap for storing all Python-related data by interacting with the memory manager of the operating system. On top of the raw memory allocator, several object-specific allocators operate on the same heap and implement distinct memory management policies adapted to the peculiarities of every object type. For example, integer objects are managed differently within the heap than strings, tuples or dictionaries because integers imply different storage requirements and speed/space tradeoffs. The Python memory manager thus delegates some of the work to the object-specific allocators, but ensures that the latter operate within the bounds of the private heap." +msgid "" +"At the lowest level, a raw memory allocator ensures that there is enough " +"room in the private heap for storing all Python-related data by interacting " +"with the memory manager of the operating system. On top of the raw memory " +"allocator, several object-specific allocators operate on the same heap and " +"implement distinct memory management policies adapted to the peculiarities " +"of every object type. For example, integer objects are managed differently " +"within the heap than strings, tuples or dictionaries because integers imply " +"different storage requirements and speed/space tradeoffs. The Python memory " +"manager thus delegates some of the work to the object-specific allocators, " +"but ensures that the latter operate within the bounds of the private heap." msgstr "最低水準層では、素のメモリ操作関数 (raw memory allocator) がオペ レーティングシステムのメモリ管理機構とやりとりして、プライベートヒープ内に Python 関連の全てのデータを記憶するのに十分な空きがあるかどうか確認します。 素のメモリ操作関数の上には、いくつかのオブジェクト固有のメモリ操作関数があり ます。これらは同じヒープを操作し、各オブジェクト型固有の事情に合ったメモリ管 理ポリシを実装しています。例えば、整数オブジェクトは文字列やタプル、辞書とは 違ったやり方でヒープ内で管理されます。というのも、整数には値を記憶する上で特 別な要件があり、速度/容量のトレードオフが存在するからです。このように、 Python メモリマネジャは作業のいくつかをオブジェクト固有のメモリ操作関数に委 譲しますが、これらの関数がプライベートヒープからはみ出してメモリ管理を行わな いようにしています。" -# 0791cac6c8044642bf4be0a4a32df891 +# f2d31fa9a4f0413a815ce79bd9c840f1 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:36 -msgid "It is important to understand that the management of the Python heap is performed by the interpreter itself and that the user has no control over it, even if she regularly manipulates object pointers to memory blocks inside that heap. The allocation of heap space for Python objects and other internal buffers is performed on demand by the Python memory manager through the Python/C API functions listed in this document." +msgid "" +"It is important to understand that the management of the Python heap is " +"performed by the interpreter itself and that the user has no control over " +"it, even if she regularly manipulates object pointers to memory blocks " +"inside that heap. The allocation of heap space for Python objects and other" +" internal buffers is performed on demand by the Python memory manager " +"through the Python/C API functions listed in this document." msgstr "重要なのは、たとえユーザがいつもヒープ内のメモリブロックを指すよう なオブジェクトポインタを操作しているとしても、Python 用ヒープの管理はインタ プリタ自体が行うもので、ユーザがそれを制御する余地はないと理解することです。 Python オブジェクトや内部使用されるバッファを入れるためのヒープ空間のメモリ 確保は、必要に応じて、Python メモリマネージャがこのドキュメント内で列挙して いるPython/C API 関数群を介して行います。" -# 57496a66f15241dba9df2e3225a512e2 +# 050ce902bedd4e99808f35a7413b0440 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:49 -msgid "To avoid memory corruption, extension writers should never try to operate on Python objects with the functions exported by the C library: :c:func:`malloc`, :c:func:`calloc`, :c:func:`realloc` and :c:func:`free`. This will result in mixed calls between the C allocator and the Python memory manager with fatal consequences, because they implement different algorithms and operate on different heaps. However, one may safely allocate and release memory blocks with the C library allocator for individual purposes, as shown in the following example::" +msgid "" +"To avoid memory corruption, extension writers should never try to operate on" +" Python objects with the functions exported by the C library: " +":c:func:`malloc`, :c:func:`calloc`, :c:func:`realloc` and :c:func:`free`. " +"This will result in mixed calls between the C allocator and the Python " +"memory manager with fatal consequences, because they implement different " +"algorithms and operate on different heaps. However, one may safely allocate" +" and release memory blocks with the C library allocator for individual " +"purposes, as shown in the following example::" msgstr "メモリ管理の崩壊を避けるため、拡張モジュールの作者は決して Python オブジェクトを C ライブラリが公開している関 数: :c:func:`malloc` 、 :c:func:`calloc` 、 :c:func:`realloc` およ び :c:func:`free` で操作しようとしてはなりません。こうした関数を使うと、C の メモリ操作関数と Python メモリマネージャとの間で関数呼び出しが交錯します。 C のメモリ操作関数とPython メモリマネージャは異なるアルゴリズムで実装されて いて、異なるヒープを操作するため、呼び出しの交錯は致命的な結果を招きます。と はいえ、個別の目的のためなら、 C ライブラリのメモリ操作関数を使って安全にメ モリを確保したり解放したりできます。例えば、以下がそのような例です::" -# 3262aaed2d7e4054a3742f792dda9894 +# 8bd4137fff794565ba408444f2c85e12 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:68 -msgid "In this example, the memory request for the I/O buffer is handled by the C library allocator. The Python memory manager is involved only in the allocation of the string object returned as a result." +msgid "" +"In this example, the memory request for the I/O buffer is handled by the C " +"library allocator. The Python memory manager is involved only in the " +"allocation of the string object returned as a result." msgstr "この例では、I/O バッファに対するメモリ要求は C ライブラリのメモリ操 作関数を使っています。 Python メモリマネジャは戻り値として返される文字列オブ ジェクトを確保する時にだけ必要です。" -# c530dc6e2ae3462cae8672b7fd7d8f57 +# d76eb5e262c34211b85f0083eaa78cb2 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:72 -msgid "In most situations, however, it is recommended to allocate memory from the Python heap specifically because the latter is under control of the Python memory manager. For example, this is required when the interpreter is extended with new object types written in C. Another reason for using the Python heap is the desire to *inform* the Python memory manager about the memory needs of the extension module. Even when the requested memory is used exclusively for internal, highly-specific purposes, delegating all memory requests to the Python memory manager causes the interpreter to have a more accurate image of its memory footprint as a whole. Consequently, under certain circumstances, the Python memory manager may or may not trigger appropriate actions, like garbage collection, memory compaction or other preventive procedures. Note that by using the C library allocator as shown in the previous example, the allocated memory for the I/O buffer escapes completely the Python memory manager." +msgid "" +"In most situations, however, it is recommended to allocate memory from the " +"Python heap specifically because the latter is under control of the Python " +"memory manager. For example, this is required when the interpreter is " +"extended with new object types written in C. Another reason for using the " +"Python heap is the desire to *inform* the Python memory manager about the " +"memory needs of the extension module. Even when the requested memory is used" +" exclusively for internal, highly-specific purposes, delegating all memory " +"requests to the Python memory manager causes the interpreter to have a more " +"accurate image of its memory footprint as a whole. Consequently, under " +"certain circumstances, the Python memory manager may or may not trigger " +"appropriate actions, like garbage collection, memory compaction or other " +"preventive procedures. Note that by using the C library allocator as shown " +"in the previous example, the allocated memory for the I/O buffer escapes " +"completely the Python memory manager." msgstr "とはいえ、ほとんどの状況では、メモリの操作は Python ヒープに固定し て行うよう勧めます。なぜなら、Python ヒープは Python メモリマネジャの管理下 にあるからです。例えば、インタプリタを C で書かれた新たなオブジェクト型で拡 張する際には、ヒープでのメモリ管理が必要です。 Python ヒープを使った方がよい もう一つの理由として、拡張モジュールが必要としているメモリについて Python メ モリマネージャに *情報を提供* してほしいということがあります。たとえ必要なメ モリが内部的かつ非常に特化した用途に対して排他的に用いられるものだとしても、 全てのメモリ操作要求を Python メモリマネージャに委譲すれば、インタプリタはよ り正確なメモリフットプリント (memory footprint) の全体像を把握できます。その 結果、特定の状況では、 Python メモリマネージャがガベージコレクションやメモリ のコンパクト化、その他何らかの予防措置といった、適切な動作をトリガできること があります。上の例で示したように C ライブラリのメモリ操作関数を使うと、 I/O バッファ用に確保したメモリは Python メモリマネージャの管理から完全に外れるこ とに注意してください。" -# 3f00a7fff89a44bdbd8e92aba7d5bb07 +# 94a8b3548e1d43b9b61ea90fcb6a3e3d #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:90 msgid "Memory Interface" msgstr "メモリインタフェース" -# 426300d407994c9f8761dcbd5ca84b03 +# 18a332cd18764409a5efbd9b84f9cd0f #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:92 -msgid "The following function sets, modeled after the ANSI C standard, but specifying behavior when requesting zero bytes, are available for allocating and releasing memory from the Python heap:" +msgid "" +"The following function sets, modeled after the ANSI C standard, but " +"specifying behavior when requesting zero bytes, are available for allocating" +" and releasing memory from the Python heap:" msgstr "Python ヒープに対してメモリを確保したり解放したりするために、以下の 関数セットが利用できます。これらの関数は ANSI C 標準に従ってモデル化されてい ますが、0 バイトの領域を要求した際の動作についても定義しています:" -# 9229c8223bf246dc942d38ebe0082fb2 +# effcf2de8e09445c8f1e49d9c4b5851b #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:99 -msgid "Allocates *n* bytes and returns a pointer of type :c:type:`void\\*` to the allocated memory, or *NULL* if the request fails. Requesting zero bytes returns a distinct non-*NULL* pointer if possible, as if ``PyMem_Malloc(1)`` had been called instead. The memory will not have been initialized in any way." +msgid "" +"Allocates *n* bytes and returns a pointer of type :c:type:`void\\*` to the " +"allocated memory, or *NULL* if the request fails. Requesting zero bytes " +"returns a distinct non-*NULL* pointer if possible, as if ``PyMem_Malloc(1)``" +" had been called instead. The memory will not have been initialized in any " +"way." msgstr "" -# cc2ff0ac3d744f96b75ad5bd063214eb +# 195073e75a7a4653bebf3b0d5765a816 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:107 -msgid "Resizes the memory block pointed to by *p* to *n* bytes. The contents will be unchanged to the minimum of the old and the new sizes. If *p* is *NULL*, the call is equivalent to ``PyMem_Malloc(n)``; else if *n* is equal to zero, the memory block is resized but is not freed, and the returned pointer is non-*NULL*. Unless *p* is *NULL*, it must have been returned by a previous call to :c:func:`PyMem_Malloc` or :c:func:`PyMem_Realloc`. If the request fails, :c:func:`PyMem_Realloc` returns *NULL* and *p* remains a valid pointer to the previous memory area." +msgid "" +"Resizes the memory block pointed to by *p* to *n* bytes. The contents will " +"be unchanged to the minimum of the old and the new sizes. If *p* is *NULL*, " +"the call is equivalent to ``PyMem_Malloc(n)``; else if *n* is equal to zero," +" the memory block is resized but is not freed, and the returned pointer is " +"non-*NULL*. Unless *p* is *NULL*, it must have been returned by a previous " +"call to :c:func:`PyMem_Malloc` or :c:func:`PyMem_Realloc`. If the request " +"fails, :c:func:`PyMem_Realloc` returns *NULL* and *p* remains a valid " +"pointer to the previous memory area." msgstr "" -# 18b9c0b369ca4e7ebe5cb19f2601f779 +# 053b6f963af64a15b11f5b537bcb0cd6 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:119 -msgid "Frees the memory block pointed to by *p*, which must have been returned by a previous call to :c:func:`PyMem_Malloc` or :c:func:`PyMem_Realloc`. Otherwise, or if ``PyMem_Free(p)`` has been called before, undefined behavior occurs. If *p* is *NULL*, no operation is performed." +msgid "" +"Frees the memory block pointed to by *p*, which must have been returned by a" +" previous call to :c:func:`PyMem_Malloc` or :c:func:`PyMem_Realloc`. " +"Otherwise, or if ``PyMem_Free(p)`` has been called before, undefined " +"behavior occurs. If *p* is *NULL*, no operation is performed." msgstr "" -# c5aab786a54e4810b900b61da29eb082 +# 67aa80a9490a4ce8862a0d2e3924ac09 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:124 -msgid "The following type-oriented macros are provided for convenience. Note that *TYPE* refers to any C type." +msgid "" +"The following type-oriented macros are provided for convenience. Note that" +" *TYPE* refers to any C type." msgstr "以下に挙げる型対象のマクロは利便性のために提供されているものです。 *TYPE* は任意の C の型を表します。" -# b418a039825a4c5e930ed659002b1e55 +# 883a0686b05c4053bf3706b326489197 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:130 -msgid "Same as :c:func:`PyMem_Malloc`, but allocates ``(n * sizeof(TYPE))`` bytes of memory. Returns a pointer cast to :c:type:`TYPE\\*`. The memory will not have been initialized in any way." +msgid "" +"Same as :c:func:`PyMem_Malloc`, but allocates ``(n * sizeof(TYPE))`` bytes " +"of memory. Returns a pointer cast to :c:type:`TYPE\\*`. The memory will " +"not have been initialized in any way." msgstr ":c:func:`PyMem_Malloc` と同じですが、 ``(n * sizeof(TYPE))`` バイト のメモリを確保します。 :c:type:`TYPE\\*` に型キャストされたポインタを返しま す。メモリには何の初期化も行われていません。" -# adf8bf479a9e4435b086d16743df4ad0 +# 50e8f99e85c34970892a9f0fa1fcee60 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:137 -msgid "Same as :c:func:`PyMem_Realloc`, but the memory block is resized to ``(n * sizeof(TYPE))`` bytes. Returns a pointer cast to :c:type:`TYPE\\*`. On return, *p* will be a pointer to the new memory area, or *NULL* in the event of failure. This is a C preprocessor macro; p is always reassigned. Save the original value of p to avoid losing memory when handling errors." +msgid "" +"Same as :c:func:`PyMem_Realloc`, but the memory block is resized to ``(n * " +"sizeof(TYPE))`` bytes. Returns a pointer cast to :c:type:`TYPE\\*`. On " +"return, *p* will be a pointer to the new memory area, or *NULL* in the event" +" of failure. This is a C preprocessor macro; p is always reassigned. Save " +"the original value of p to avoid losing memory when handling errors." msgstr ":c:func:`PyMem_Realloc` と同じですが、 ``(n * sizeof(TYPE))`` バイ トにサイズ変更されたメモリを確保します。 :c:type:`TYPE\\*` に型キャストされ たポインタを返します。関数が終わったとき、 *p* は新しいメモリ領域のポインタ か、失敗した場合は *NULL* になります。これは C プリプロセッサのマクロで、 p は常に上書きされます。エラーを処理するときにメモリを失う事を避けるには、 p の元の値を保存しておいてください。" -# 054fa7b2ebd949b3a32564303c0200c9 +# d0e6b2c502d24984af8f856fb1622ece #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:146 msgid "Same as :c:func:`PyMem_Free`." msgstr "" -# 17f6ee0deeb94b9da2932c5695ec710e +# 51d634fd2f0d4ede88fcbc071dfc6d7b #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:148 -msgid "In addition, the following macro sets are provided for calling the Python memory allocator directly, without involving the C API functions listed above. However, note that their use does not preserve binary compatibility across Python versions and is therefore deprecated in extension modules." +msgid "" +"In addition, the following macro sets are provided for calling the Python " +"memory allocator directly, without involving the C API functions listed " +"above. However, note that their use does not preserve binary compatibility " +"across Python versions and is therefore deprecated in extension modules." msgstr "上記に加えて、C API 関数を介することなく Python メモリ操作関数を直 接呼び出すための以下のマクロセットが提供されています。ただし、これらのマクロ は Python バージョン間でのバイナリ互換性を保てず、それゆえに拡張モジュールで は撤廃されているので注意してください。" -# 1363d0e6cfc945a89dd268c2575f738e +# 85c1f1b63a954c6cb028ce1d19072f2d #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:153 msgid ":c:func:`PyMem_MALLOC`, :c:func:`PyMem_REALLOC`, :c:func:`PyMem_FREE`." msgstr "" -# b8919e49f6b14ca28bf6d76d33ff3219 +# d61f3cfbbce947108eee7064d488c8ab #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:155 msgid ":c:func:`PyMem_NEW`, :c:func:`PyMem_RESIZE`, :c:func:`PyMem_DEL`." msgstr "" -# 0b2e94f4830644e9bd6e7e836d988fea +# a176defb3f544bea8506ee655ba0f6f2 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:161 msgid "Examples" msgstr "例" -# dffb5cd05b5148469a51cc830e39cdf6 +# 4ffad11cab5f45489b616b8c015d1547 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:163 -msgid "Here is the example from section :ref:`memoryoverview`, rewritten so that the I/O buffer is allocated from the Python heap by using the first function set::" +msgid "" +"Here is the example from section :ref:`memoryoverview`, rewritten so that " +"the I/O buffer is allocated from the Python heap by using the first function" +" set::" msgstr "最初に述べた関数セットを使って、 :ref:`memoryoverview` 節の例を Python ヒープに I/O バッファをメモリ確保するように書き換えたものを以下に示し ます::" -# 8bf0b14b30ce463e99bde4c2a57e67b2 +# 11f297c24e894564818e5265c9183487 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:176 msgid "The same code using the type-oriented function set::" msgstr "同じコードを型対象の関数セットで書いたものを以下に示します::" -# b61643e558bf404e9a38207e462fbf35 +# abb882620a2b403c994e56b8207cc959 #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:188 -msgid "Note that in the two examples above, the buffer is always manipulated via functions belonging to the same set. Indeed, it is required to use the same memory API family for a given memory block, so that the risk of mixing different allocators is reduced to a minimum. The following code sequence contains two errors, one of which is labeled as *fatal* because it mixes two different allocators operating on different heaps. ::" +msgid "" +"Note that in the two examples above, the buffer is always manipulated via " +"functions belonging to the same set. Indeed, it is required to use the same " +"memory API family for a given memory block, so that the risk of mixing " +"different allocators is reduced to a minimum. The following code sequence " +"contains two errors, one of which is labeled as *fatal* because it mixes two" +" different allocators operating on different heaps. ::" msgstr "上の二つの例では、バッファを常に同じ関数セットに属する関数で操作し ていることに注意してください。実際、あるメモリブロックに対する操作は、異なる メモリ操作機構を混用する危険を減らすために、同じメモリ API ファミリを使って 行うことが必要です。以下のコードには二つのエラーがあり、そのうちの一つには異 なるヒープを操作する別のメモリ操作関数を混用しているので *致命的 (Fatal)* と ラベルづけをしています。 ::" -# 4e6d179c653c4deda7011d928204d4e6 +# 4d1caee0bfcb40cb956d038ce9fd699b #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:203 -msgid "In addition to the functions aimed at handling raw memory blocks from the Python heap, objects in Python are allocated and released with :c:func:`PyObject_New`, :c:func:`PyObject_NewVar` and :c:func:`PyObject_Del`." +msgid "" +"In addition to the functions aimed at handling raw memory blocks from the " +"Python heap, objects in Python are allocated and released with " +":c:func:`PyObject_New`, :c:func:`PyObject_NewVar` and " +":c:func:`PyObject_Del`." msgstr "素のメモリブロックを Python ヒープ上で操作する関数に加 え、 :c:func:`PyObject_New` 、 :c:func:`PyObject_NewVar` 、およ び :c:func:`PyObject_Del` を使うと、 Python におけるオブジェクトをメモリ確保 したり解放したりできます。" -# bff93de8866e47bcbb94c91fd2270d0a +# 7bc8c1b22d6e416e809b644146238eef #: ../../c-api/memory.rst:207 -msgid "These will be explained in the next chapter on defining and implementing new object types in C." +msgid "" +"These will be explained in the next chapter on defining and implementing new" +" object types in C." msgstr "これらの関数については、次章の C による新しいオブジェクト型の定義や 実装に関する記述の中で説明します。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/memoryview.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/memoryview.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:43+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,47 +17,72 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# ef4310aca505473e83c7275642a7fac9 +# cc1a1ef7c84c45dab299b1ac2188bfd3 #: ../../c-api/memoryview.rst:9 msgid "MemoryView objects" msgstr "memoryview オブジェクト" -# 6d2d2e3262a445c89b8efb4d10c4de31 +# a3e8b8661fd743608fd465ef6deccf41 #: ../../c-api/memoryview.rst:11 -msgid "A :class:`memoryview` object exposes the C level :ref:`buffer interface <bufferobjects>` as a Python object which can then be passed around like any other object." +msgid "" +"A :class:`memoryview` object exposes the C level :ref:`buffer interface " +"<bufferobjects>` as a Python object which can then be passed around like any" +" other object." msgstr "" -# a2f3358a841d4e4c934a12c4159e1ff0 +# d717836e7ebe4dac839a456d021b8787 #: ../../c-api/memoryview.rst:18 -msgid "Create a memoryview object from an object that provides the buffer interface. If *obj* supports writable buffer exports, the memoryview object will be read/write, otherwise it may be either read-only or read/write at the discretion of the exporter." +msgid "" +"Create a memoryview object from an object that provides the buffer " +"interface. If *obj* supports writable buffer exports, the memoryview object " +"will be read/write, otherwise it may be either read-only or read/write at " +"the discretion of the exporter." msgstr "" -# 9a218ba28e484fc3b4b48a1f79facc42 +# 2f358e3224734d198124e728b83dccd6 #: ../../c-api/memoryview.rst:25 -msgid "Create a memoryview object using *mem* as the underlying buffer. *flags* can be one of :c:macro:`PyBUF_READ` or :c:macro:`PyBUF_WRITE`." +msgid "" +"Create a memoryview object using *mem* as the underlying buffer. *flags* can" +" be one of :c:macro:`PyBUF_READ` or :c:macro:`PyBUF_WRITE`." msgstr "" -# c41924e5ba18431793d6059567fd6461 +# 99c564bdad94422385e03b053a5d8c79 #: ../../c-api/memoryview.rst:32 -msgid "Create a memoryview object wrapping the given buffer structure *view*. For simple byte buffers, :c:func:`PyMemoryView_FromMemory` is the preferred function." +msgid "" +"Create a memoryview object wrapping the given buffer structure *view*. For " +"simple byte buffers, :c:func:`PyMemoryView_FromMemory` is the preferred " +"function." msgstr "" -# a8ab352540af4734ac3e5173cf616e57 +# 21f4becfa624496cad180c5da3c89e49 #: ../../c-api/memoryview.rst:38 -msgid "Create a memoryview object to a contiguous chunk of memory (in either 'C' or 'F'ortran *order*) from an object that defines the buffer interface. If memory is contiguous, the memoryview object points to the original memory. Otherwise, a copy is made and the memoryview points to a new bytes object." +msgid "" +"Create a memoryview object to a contiguous chunk of memory (in either 'C' or" +" 'F'ortran *order*) from an object that defines the buffer interface. If " +"memory is contiguous, the memoryview object points to the original memory. " +"Otherwise, a copy is made and the memoryview points to a new bytes object." msgstr "" -# 32b76ac2487b463684efba7d5e24c2ef +# b20b3cab06dc4d11821a7136fdec372c #: ../../c-api/memoryview.rst:47 -msgid "Return true if the object *obj* is a memoryview object. It is not currently allowed to create subclasses of :class:`memoryview`." +msgid "" +"Return true if the object *obj* is a memoryview object. It is not currently" +" allowed to create subclasses of :class:`memoryview`." msgstr "*obj* が memoryview オブジェクトの場合に真を返します。現在のとこ ろ、 :class:`memoryview` のサブクラスの作成は許可されていません。" -# 074282416e27404ab0207dcceb735c76 +# 809b462927f542c1bb40b0efe329fca8 #: ../../c-api/memoryview.rst:53 -msgid "Return a pointer to the memoryview's private copy of the exporter's buffer. *mview* **must** be a memoryview instance; this macro doesn't check its type, you must do it yourself or you will risk crashes." +msgid "" +"Return a pointer to the memoryview's private copy of the exporter's buffer. " +"*mview* **must** be a memoryview instance; this macro doesn't check its " +"type, you must do it yourself or you will risk crashes." msgstr "" -# 6aa257af1d1349fdad87de0fb3102b65 +# fc7af166d8d949869ae298da52ff0145 #: ../../c-api/memoryview.rst:59 -msgid "Return either a pointer to the exporting object that the memoryview is based on or *NULL* if the memoryview has been created by one of the functions :c:func:`PyMemoryView_FromMemory` or :c:func:`PyMemoryView_FromBuffer`. *mview* **must** be a memoryview instance." +msgid "" +"Return either a pointer to the exporting object that the memoryview is based" +" on or *NULL* if the memoryview has been created by one of the functions " +":c:func:`PyMemoryView_FromMemory` or :c:func:`PyMemoryView_FromBuffer`. " +"*mview* **must** be a memoryview instance." msgstr "" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/method.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/method.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-11 09:37+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Naoki INADA <songo****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -13,82 +17,110 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 5fc6ca367f2746ef96bb91fddf41a5e4 +# 82618b52e7c04d53a21762a180919c9a #: ../../c-api/method.rst:6 msgid "Instance Method Objects" msgstr "インスタンスメソッドオブジェクト(Instance Method Objects)" -# 1311ecaa79284565bb6b3acbca90a41a +# 076ea5c87c2b44afaa209bd91cb5416a #: ../../c-api/method.rst:10 -msgid "An instance method is a wrapper for a :c:data:`PyCFunction` and the new way to bind a :c:data:`PyCFunction` to a class object. It replaces the former call ``PyMethod_New(func, NULL, class)``." +msgid "" +"An instance method is a wrapper for a :c:data:`PyCFunction` and the new way " +"to bind a :c:data:`PyCFunction` to a class object. It replaces the former " +"call ``PyMethod_New(func, NULL, class)``." msgstr "インスタンスメソッドとは:c:data:`PyCFunction`のためのラッパーであ り、:c:data:`PyCFunction`をクラスオブジェクトにバインドするための新しいやり 方なのです。これは以前の`PyMethod_New(func, NULL, class)``の呼び出しを置き換 えます。" -# f72c16f05c8f42f9bf7eeb47c0213b5e +# 673e550a4af54e13947b7d446c47f556 #: ../../c-api/method.rst:17 -msgid "This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python instance method type. It is not exposed to Python programs." +msgid "" +"This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python instance " +"method type. It is not exposed to Python programs." msgstr ":c:type:`PyTypeObject`のインスタンスはpythonのインスタンスメソッド の型を表現します。これはpythonのプログラムに公開されません。" -# f142fcb998e940eab9f516ba432f8d8e +# 3f6a41e08b674c32adb9de1ede334cf9 #: ../../c-api/method.rst:23 -msgid "Return true if *o* is an instance method object (has type :c:data:`PyInstanceMethod_Type`). The parameter must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return true if *o* is an instance method object (has type " +":c:data:`PyInstanceMethod_Type`). The parameter must not be *NULL*." msgstr "*o* がインスタンスメソッドオブジェクト (:c:data:`PyInstanceMethod_Type` 型である) 場合に真を返します。パラメータは *NULL* にできません。" -# 451137a2b6734e0f8fc7fe2e0018b960 +# 826ac83e85874643b990160ad1dc3eb7 #: ../../c-api/method.rst:29 -msgid "Return a new instance method object, with *func* being any callable object *func* is the function that will be called when the instance method is called." +msgid "" +"Return a new instance method object, with *func* being any callable object " +"*func* is the function that will be called when the instance method is " +"called." msgstr "任意の呼び出し可能オブジェクト*func*を使った新たなメソッドオブジェ クトを返します。関数*func*はメソッドが呼び出されたときに呼び出されるオブジェ クトです。" -# 3fe1ee45dd624363b0bbf963e2277719 +# 340cd89356974e71be84591cf2cef794 #: ../../c-api/method.rst:36 msgid "Return the function object associated with the instance method *im*." msgstr "インスタンスメソッド*im*に関連付けられた関数オブジェクトを返しま す。" -# 054342eb4f1f4b3480acc7b2ed239754 +# e4982e8448324ba48593cfffa688bf49 #: ../../c-api/method.rst:41 -msgid "Macro version of :c:func:`PyInstanceMethod_Function` which avoids error checking." +msgid "" +"Macro version of :c:func:`PyInstanceMethod_Function` which avoids error " +"checking." msgstr ":c:func:`PyInstanceMethod_Function`のマクロ版で、エラーチェックを行 いません。" -# fe87eabe763f418c8693fa5de7102274 +# 07e0cdfde38b46259a6840392d19f3d2 #: ../../c-api/method.rst:47 msgid "Method Objects" msgstr "メソッドオブジェクト" -# 61d51f9f891140f7bb2fcaca1f35ee52 +# 9c230aa20f1f4f3aa5541667acfd6bd2 #: ../../c-api/method.rst:51 -msgid "Methods are bound function objects. Methods are always bound to an instance of an user-defined class. Unbound methods (methods bound to a class object) are no longer available." +msgid "" +"Methods are bound function objects. Methods are always bound to an instance " +"of an user-defined class. Unbound methods (methods bound to a class object) " +"are no longer available." msgstr "メソッドは関数オブジェクトに束縛されています。メソッドは常にある ユーザー定義のクラスに束縛されているのです。束縛されていないメソッド(クラス オブジェクトに束縛されたメソッド)は利用することができません。" -# b9bcb3ab442144bc8199f56c27a6988c +# 1323887310f6456aa369816dac0f42f3 #: ../../c-api/method.rst:60 -msgid "This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python method type. This is exposed to Python programs as ``types.MethodType``." +msgid "" +"This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python method type. " +"This is exposed to Python programs as ``types.MethodType``." msgstr "この :c:type:`PyTypeObject` のインスタンスは Python のメソッド型を 表現します。このオブジェクトは、 ``types.MethodType`` として Python プログ ラムに公開されています。" -# be556e444b3041cba26391c943f7e2da +# 6fe45db7daec4ceca610d15f8f993810 #: ../../c-api/method.rst:66 -msgid "Return true if *o* is a method object (has type :c:data:`PyMethod_Type`). The parameter must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return true if *o* is a method object (has type :c:data:`PyMethod_Type`). " +"The parameter must not be *NULL*." msgstr "*o* がメソッドオブジェクト (:c:data:`PyMethod_Type` 型である) 場合 に真を返します。パラメータは *NULL* にできません。" -# 90fd0cac9fb747dd9a35988efbc30d96 +# cac621a063de45bf933461a4a95d24c9 #: ../../c-api/method.rst:72 -msgid "Return a new method object, with *func* being any callable object and *self* the instance the method should be bound. *func* is the function that will be called when the method is called. *self* must not be *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return a new method object, with *func* being any callable object and *self*" +" the instance the method should be bound. *func* is the function that will " +"be called when the method is called. *self* must not be *NULL*." msgstr "任意の呼び出し可能オブジェクト *func*とメソッドが束縛されるべきイン スタンス*self* を使った新たなメソッドオブジェクトを返します; 関数 func は、 メソッドが呼び出された時に呼び出されるオブジェクトです。*self*は*NULL*にでき ません。" -# 4c7f96206f9a44a6ac66aa9d81386e82 +# 9ede81299bc947db9b014c023701cae3 #: ../../c-api/method.rst:79 msgid "Return the function object associated with the method *meth*." msgstr "メソッド *meth* に関連付けられている関数オブジェクトを返します。" -# 3839890845be487d84ea8e12a9ae191e +# 54e6128b3b6741b18b4dabaa73cf071c #: ../../c-api/method.rst:84 -msgid "Macro version of :c:func:`PyMethod_Function` which avoids error checking." +msgid "" +"Macro version of :c:func:`PyMethod_Function` which avoids error checking." msgstr ":c:func:`PyMethod_Function` のマクロ版で、エラーチェックを行いませ ん。" -# 9dadead7a0da4e76a62b1af4fe953719 +# d0ed5c538a084d68a89d388af7d3c3bd #: ../../c-api/method.rst:89 msgid "Return the instance associated with the method *meth*." msgstr "メソッド*meth*に関連付けられたインスタンスを返します。" -# 0721ae981f094363a49c94ac991d3e27 +# fc278d53f70e49e9a45938c51ee5c323 #: ../../c-api/method.rst:94 msgid "Macro version of :c:func:`PyMethod_Self` which avoids error checking." msgstr ":c:func:`PyMethod_Self` のマクロ版で、エラーチェックを行いません。" + +# 984e4a25caab4beda6e5a3436a93a649 +#: ../../c-api/method.rst:99 +msgid "Clear the free list. Return the total number of freed items." +msgstr "" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/module.po Tue Nov 6 01:00:41 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/module.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,10 +1,14 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: # Naoki INADA <songo****@gmail*****>, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-03 12:10+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -14,194 +18,278 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 5585d10872de4061a36aecc23a526681 +# 4f8e66b2e0de4a549267fc6d204a05f7 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:6 msgid "Module Objects" msgstr "モジュールオブジェクト (module object)" -# 1907230c1cb14f4bb9106d0c1685da88 +# 0c0a16ae378d4cbb81c60a8537149bfc #: ../../c-api/module.rst:10 msgid "There are only a few functions special to module objects." msgstr "モジュールオブジェクト固有の関数は数個しかありません。" -# 1c45bea729304d84ae6d8a1ae970abce +# 34ef8f8e27e94d3eb31c2e7f2e6226ce #: ../../c-api/module.rst:17 -msgid "This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python module type. This is exposed to Python programs as ``types.ModuleType``." +msgid "" +"This instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` represents the Python module type. " +"This is exposed to Python programs as ``types.ModuleType``." msgstr "この :c:type:`PyTypeObject` のインスタンスは Python のモジュールオ ブジェクト型を表現します。このオブジェクトは、Python プログラムには ``types.ModuleType`` として公開されています。" -# 9d0e3556a0d94890b635e60a1ae14db3 +# e151505e88cf4f5697c82ffe520d29f0 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:23 -msgid "Return true if *p* is a module object, or a subtype of a module object." +msgid "" +"Return true if *p* is a module object, or a subtype of a module object." msgstr "*o* がモジュールオブジェクトかモジュールオブジェクトのサブタイプで あるときに真を返します。" -# 744d813079944af1b4b6a7a54647e4de +# 8db048bd8cb847bab2b4877fccc7e82b #: ../../c-api/module.rst:28 -msgid "Return true if *p* is a module object, but not a subtype of :c:data:`PyModule_Type`." +msgid "" +"Return true if *p* is a module object, but not a subtype of " +":c:data:`PyModule_Type`." msgstr "*o* がモジュールオブジェクトで、かつモジュールオブジェクトのサブタ イプでないときに真を返します。 :c:data:`PyModule_Type`." -# 60c77e2b89b74ad2ac12c2724747e854 +# a716604440fc4e8ba2e7bd093b6bb1c4 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:39 -msgid "Return a new module object with the :attr:`__name__` attribute set to *name*. Only the module's :attr:`__doc__` and :attr:`__name__` attributes are filled in; the caller is responsible for providing a :attr:`__file__` attribute." +msgid "" +"Return a new module object with the :attr:`__name__` attribute set to " +"*name*. Only the module's :attr:`__doc__` and :attr:`__name__` attributes " +"are filled in; the caller is responsible for providing a :attr:`__file__` " +"attribute." msgstr ":attr:`__name__` 属性が *name* に設定された新たなモジュールオブジェ クトを返します。モジュールの :attr:`__doc__` および :attr:`__name__` 属性だ けに値が入っています; :attr:`__file__` 属性に値を入れるのは呼び出し側の責任 です。" -# ee5364f753474995a32cc2e805c77d55 +# 7fdb11ce673e47df9afeaae3fdc2d2cd #: ../../c-api/module.rst:48 -msgid "Similar to :c:func:`PyImport_NewObject`, but the name is an UTF-8 encoded string instead of a Unicode object." +msgid "" +"Similar to :c:func:`PyImport_NewObject`, but the name is an UTF-8 encoded " +"string instead of a Unicode object." msgstr ":c:func:`PyImport_NewObject` に似ていますが、 name は Unicode オブ ジェクトではなく UTF-8 でエンコードされた文字列です。" -# f7449ac4e69f413c8c357859e6bcf9a4 +# 4f309f562f8c4a0d85b7d3cabcb755d2 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:56 -msgid "Return the dictionary object that implements *module*'s namespace; this object is the same as the :attr:`__dict__` attribute of the module object. This function never fails. It is recommended extensions use other :c:func:`PyModule_\\*` and :c:func:`PyObject_\\*` functions rather than directly manipulate a module's :attr:`__dict__`." +msgid "" +"Return the dictionary object that implements *module*'s namespace; this " +"object is the same as the :attr:`__dict__` attribute of the module object. " +"This function never fails. It is recommended extensions use other " +":c:func:`PyModule_\\*` and :c:func:`PyObject_\\*` functions rather than " +"directly manipulate a module's :attr:`__dict__`." msgstr "*module* の名前空間を実現する辞書オブジェクトを返します; このオブジ ェクトはモジュールオブジェクトの :attr:`__dict__` と同じです。この関数が失敗 することはありません。 拡張モジュールでは、この関数で得たモジュール の :attr:`__dict__` を直接いじるより、他の :c:func:`PyModule_\\*` およ び :c:func:`PyObject_\\*` 関数を使うよう勧めます。" -# c706be9100dd41fba312a7cba3e6e0c2 +# 61457cf477594880b78143037a370e61 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:69 -msgid "Return *module*'s :attr:`__name__` value. If the module does not provide one, or if it is not a string, :exc:`SystemError` is raised and *NULL* is returned." +msgid "" +"Return *module*'s :attr:`__name__` value. If the module does not provide " +"one, or if it is not a string, :exc:`SystemError` is raised and *NULL* is " +"returned." msgstr "*module* の :attr:`__name__` の値を返します。モジュールがこの属性を 提供していない場合や文字列型でない場合、 :exc:`SystemError` を送出して *NULL* を返します。" -# cf06236954d043e9903e0bffda680887 +# e8da047d65f940a48d2f8b14035ae44c #: ../../c-api/module.rst:77 -msgid "Similar to :c:func:`PyModule_GetNameObject` but return the name encoded to ``'utf-8'``." +msgid "" +"Similar to :c:func:`PyModule_GetNameObject` but return the name encoded to " +"``'utf-8'``." msgstr ":c:func:`PyModule_GetNameObject` に似ていますが、 ``'utf-8'`` でエ ンコードされた name を返します。" -# 3db2536373d04ecf89ebe26daebb147f +# 4c7e9353bcd14cbe9e6f5ebd72f90fd8 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:87 -msgid "Return the name of the file from which *module* was loaded using *module*'s :attr:`__file__` attribute. If this is not defined, or if it is not a unicode string, raise :exc:`SystemError` and return *NULL*; otherwise return a reference to a Unicode object." +msgid "" +"Return the name of the file from which *module* was loaded using *module*'s " +":attr:`__file__` attribute. If this is not defined, or if it is not a " +"unicode string, raise :exc:`SystemError` and return *NULL*; otherwise return" +" a reference to a Unicode object." msgstr "*module* の :attr:`__file__` 属性をもとに *module* がロードされたも とのファイル名を返します。もしファイル名が定義されていない場合や、 Unicode 文字列ではない場合、 :exc:`SystemError` を発生させて *NULL* を返します。それ 以外の場合は Unicode オブジェクトへの参照を返します。" -# f9be852a985f424c933ba2e90def1e6f +# d11e0f4bfc6145f9b72f20034bef8f34 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:97 -msgid "Similar to :c:func:`PyModule_GetFilenameObject` but return the filename encoded to 'utf-8'." +msgid "" +"Similar to :c:func:`PyModule_GetFilenameObject` but return the filename " +"encoded to 'utf-8'." msgstr ":c:func:`PyModule_GetFilenameObject` と似ていますが、 'utf-8' でエ ンコードされたファイル名を返します。" -# e78f5a0e947e4c5fb32e329a65e5d5c1 +# 68757813147840beb55109ecd00d7f25 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:107 -msgid "Return the \"state\" of the module, that is, a pointer to the block of memory allocated at module creation time, or *NULL*. See :c:member:`PyModuleDef.m_size`." -msgstr "" -"モジュールの \"state\"(モジュールを生成したタイミングで確保されるメモリブ ロックへのポインター) か、なければ *NULL* を返します。\n" -":c:member:`PyModuleDef.m_size` を参照してください。" +msgid "" +"Return the \"state\" of the module, that is, a pointer to the block of " +"memory allocated at module creation time, or *NULL*. See " +":c:member:`PyModuleDef.m_size`." +msgstr "モジュールの \"state\"(モジュールを生成したタイミングで確保されるメ モリブロックへのポインター) か、なければ *NULL* を返します。 \n:c:member:`PyModuleDef.m_size` を参照してください。" -# 429c45786c2f4efaa7f062a7e520d3d8 +# 862b8db3cf654104975c99e9586b86aa #: ../../c-api/module.rst:114 -msgid "Return a pointer to the :c:type:`PyModuleDef` struct from which the module was created, or *NULL* if the module wasn't created with :c:func:`PyModule_Create`.i" +msgid "" +"Return a pointer to the :c:type:`PyModuleDef` struct from which the module " +"was created, or *NULL* if the module wasn't created with " +":c:func:`PyModule_Create`.i" msgstr "" -# cfc49e8a43dc46dca7c02ba3b203eb60 +# 72bb78edb36a4ae2bbf8d695f9e067cd #: ../../c-api/module.rst:120 -msgid "Returns the module object that was created from *def* for the current interpreter. This method requires that the module object has been attached to the interpreter state with :c:func:`PyState_AddModule` beforehand. In case the corresponding module object is not found or has not been attached to the interpreter state yet, it returns NULL." +msgid "" +"Returns the module object that was created from *def* for the current " +"interpreter. This method requires that the module object has been attached " +"to the interpreter state with :c:func:`PyState_AddModule` beforehand. In " +"case the corresponding module object is not found or has not been attached " +"to the interpreter state yet, it returns NULL." msgstr "" -# f3cb9a7a3435420e9e78e0f4c5a96707 +# bfded33b5155402aa74c94d33438bf25 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:127 -msgid "Attaches the module object passed to the function to the interpreter state. This allows the module object to be accessible via :c:func:`PyState_FindModule`." +msgid "" +"Attaches the module object passed to the function to the interpreter state. " +"This allows the module object to be accessible via " +":c:func:`PyState_FindModule`." msgstr "" -# de2c3569975b4c409f2a2eeb53ede298 +# 8ea783c6a39447d18a848dcf0ee8c697 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:135 -msgid "Removes the module object created from *def* from the interpreter state." +msgid "" +"Removes the module object created from *def* from the interpreter state." msgstr "" -# 86fea543bf1a4129aef061bade69924a +# 150dd769369e4636b1d3cc069933ec0c #: ../../c-api/module.rst:140 msgid "Initializing C modules" msgstr "Cモジュールの初期化" -# 2f1ac257690243f09419ce3d9a275fc6 +# 4bae0564b7744c9d8284519ea640075e #: ../../c-api/module.rst:142 -msgid "These functions are usually used in the module initialization function." +msgid "" +"These functions are usually used in the module initialization function." msgstr "以下の関数はたいていモジュールの初期化関数で利用されます。" -# 25044695370b45949a3826e44579ae66 +# 67d822061f624ee1a1720becb94ad15b #: ../../c-api/module.rst:146 -msgid "Create a new module object, given the definition in *module*. This behaves like :c:func:`PyModule_Create2` with *module_api_version* set to :const:`PYTHON_API_VERSION`." +msgid "" +"Create a new module object, given the definition in *module*. This behaves " +"like :c:func:`PyModule_Create2` with *module_api_version* set to " +":const:`PYTHON_API_VERSION`." msgstr "*module* で定義されたとおりに新しいモジュールオブジェクトを生成しま す。この関数は :c:func:`PyModule_Create2` 関数を *module_api_version* に :const:`PYTHON_API_VERSION` を指定した時とおなじようにふるまいます。" -# f6db26b84f9840109efbc0c59f3de3d4 +# 2f191d977b04460cbac16eadb8259502 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:153 -msgid "Create a new module object, given the definition in *module*, assuming the API version *module_api_version*. If that version does not match the version of the running interpreter, a :exc:`RuntimeWarning` is emitted." +msgid "" +"Create a new module object, given the definition in *module*, assuming the " +"API version *module_api_version*. If that version does not match the " +"version of the running interpreter, a :exc:`RuntimeWarning` is emitted." msgstr "APIバージョンを *module_api_version* として *module* で定義されたと おりに新しいモジュールオブジェクトを生成します。もし指定されたバージョンが実 行しているインタープリターのバージョンと異なる場合 は、 :exc:`RuntimeWarning` を発生させます。" -# 61ba53ee59334b7d9af6f99445249ad6 +# 97af53faf2a442ea96ee6da32ef96327 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:159 -msgid "Most uses of this function should be using :c:func:`PyModule_Create` instead; only use this if you are sure you need it." +msgid "" +"Most uses of this function should be using :c:func:`PyModule_Create` " +"instead; only use this if you are sure you need it." msgstr "ほとんどの場合、この関数ではなく :c:func:`PyModule_Create` を利用す るべきです。この関数は、この関数の必要性を理解しているときにだけ利用してくだ さい。" -# 08828a93084c4ff79a486296d4133206 +# 5af4caff62c94d53a0849b1a0b1b022d #: ../../c-api/module.rst:165 -msgid "This struct holds all information that is needed to create a module object. There is usually only one static variable of that type for each module, which is statically initialized and then passed to :c:func:`PyModule_Create` in the module initialization function." +msgid "" +"This struct holds all information that is needed to create a module object. " +"There is usually only one static variable of that type for each module, " +"which is statically initialized and then passed to :c:func:`PyModule_Create`" +" in the module initialization function." msgstr "この構造体は module オブジェクトを生成するのに必要なすべての情報を 格納します。たいていモジュールごとにこの型の static 変数が1つだけ存在し、静 的に初期化されてからモジュールの初期化関数で :c:func:`PyModule_Create` に渡 されます。" -# 031fb8449b0d45ccb51e62f3c4fda467 +# d083d0d8bcf34c4ca76679955b80dcdc #: ../../c-api/module.rst:172 msgid "Always initialize this member to :const:`PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT`." msgstr "このメンバーは常に :const:`PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT` で初期化してくだ さい。" -# 52de4e26ff484d35a2e61bffd5ec1e04 +# e29f5f147fe74f35b3d410b05d417a9a #: ../../c-api/module.rst:176 msgid "Name for the new module." msgstr "新しいモジュールの名前。" -# bb2abdbbd955461d85d34ebf9b77400e +# f41938de6ed64757a195a7edbbeb1104 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:180 -msgid "Docstring for the module; usually a docstring variable created with :c:func:`PyDoc_STRVAR` is used." +msgid "" +"Docstring for the module; usually a docstring variable created with " +":c:func:`PyDoc_STRVAR` is used." msgstr "モジュールの docstring. たいてい docstring は :c:func:`PyDoc_STRVAR` を利用して生成されます。" -# 34fd94a24b4b43d8aab12aed68886b9b +# f7ff76e4b52243c889bd0db8cc9791d5 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:185 -msgid "If the module object needs additional memory, this should be set to the number of bytes to allocate; a pointer to the block of memory can be retrieved with :c:func:`PyModule_GetState`. If no memory is needed, set this to ``-1``." +msgid "" +"If the module object needs additional memory, this should be set to the " +"number of bytes to allocate; a pointer to the block of memory can be " +"retrieved with :c:func:`PyModule_GetState`. If no memory is needed, set " +"this to ``-1``." msgstr "モジュールオブジェクトが追加のメモリーを必要とする場合、この変数に はアロケートするメモリーのバイト数を設定します。アロケートされたメモリーブロ ックのポインターは :c:func:`PyModule_GetState` で取得できます。追加のメモ リーが必要ない場合は、この変数に ``-1`` を設定します。" -# 00e7c334b476480ba88abfab9d5e9bef +# d695f136510a4e8d86265915ffc5ddd0 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:190 -msgid "This memory should be used, rather than static globals, to hold per-module state, since it is then safe for use in multiple sub-interpreters. It is freed when the module object is deallocated, after the :c:member:`m_free` function has been called, if present." +msgid "" +"This memory should be used, rather than static globals, to hold per-module " +"state, since it is then safe for use in multiple sub-interpreters. It is " +"freed when the module object is deallocated, after the :c:member:`m_free` " +"function has been called, if present." msgstr "複数のサブ・インタープリターから安全にモジュールを利用できるよう に、モジュールごとの状態を格納するためには static なグローバル変数ではなくこ のメモリーを利用するべきです。このメモリーは、モジュールオブジェクトが開放さ れる際、 :c:member:`m_free` 関数が存在している場合はそれを呼び出してから、開 放されます。" -# 489984f186b347d2ae9f35b5e64d82b6 +# 4853deb6a1244e799d253e9d1b33817a #: ../../c-api/module.rst:197 -msgid "A pointer to a table of module-level functions, described by :c:type:`PyMethodDef` values. Can be *NULL* if no functions are present." +msgid "" +"A pointer to a table of module-level functions, described by " +":c:type:`PyMethodDef` values. Can be *NULL* if no functions are present." msgstr ":c:type:`PyMethodDef` で定義される、モジュールレベル関数のテーブル へのポインター。関数が存在しない場合は *NULL* を設定することが可能。" -# 7a4f0cf4de2b4a4887786b44a15ebcf6 +# 3e2ea77e16704d92bf99e8755bbbf68a #: ../../c-api/module.rst:202 msgid "Currently unused, should be *NULL*." msgstr "現在利用されていません。 *NULL* を設定しなければなりません。" -# 933c89fe4f9749e5bc29d918c44e5aec +# cb59ee6f395f475b9b8864a29e961759 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:206 -msgid "A traversal function to call during GC traversal of the module object, or *NULL* if not needed." +msgid "" +"A traversal function to call during GC traversal of the module object, or " +"*NULL* if not needed." msgstr "GC走査がモジュールオブジェクトを走査する際に呼び出される走査関数。 必要ない場合は *NULL*." -# f1875e2dfbe740b7a653dd0d208f8018 +# 2d528e5c1fa1433f906a3966c40d99cd #: ../../c-api/module.rst:211 -msgid "A clear function to call during GC clearing of the module object, or *NULL* if not needed." +msgid "" +"A clear function to call during GC clearing of the module object, or *NULL* " +"if not needed." msgstr "GCがこのモジュールオブジェクトをクリアーする時に呼び出されるクリ アー関数。必要ない場合は、 *NULL*." -# 43867ac38c394447858d1aa4628e7134 +# 60575b15d6764d6dba2d1d31782ab16a #: ../../c-api/module.rst:216 -msgid "A function to call during deallocation of the module object, or *NULL* if not needed." +msgid "" +"A function to call during deallocation of the module object, or *NULL* if " +"not needed." msgstr "GCがこのモジュールオブジェクトを開放するときに呼び出される関数。必 要ない場合は *NULL*." -# 281e68025ece45a898e2fbadd894b388 +# 9baae6477d09462e8a267b887df15622 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:222 -msgid "Add an object to *module* as *name*. This is a convenience function which can be used from the module's initialization function. This steals a reference to *value*. Return ``-1`` on error, ``0`` on success." +msgid "" +"Add an object to *module* as *name*. This is a convenience function which " +"can be used from the module's initialization function. This steals a " +"reference to *value*. Return ``-1`` on error, ``0`` on success." msgstr "*module* にオブジェクトを *name* として追加します。この関数はモジ ュールの初期化関数から利用される便宜関数です。エラーのときには ``-1`` を、成 功したときには ``0`` を返します。" -# 09dcefcc0c6940dabcbd6cb7832a3382 +# 1b948f1396fd4745a3af26c53d482a2c #: ../../c-api/module.rst:229 -msgid "Add an integer constant to *module* as *name*. This convenience function can be used from the module's initialization function. Return ``-1`` on error, ``0`` on success." +msgid "" +"Add an integer constant to *module* as *name*. This convenience function " +"can be used from the module's initialization function. Return ``-1`` on " +"error, ``0`` on success." msgstr "*module* に整数定数を *name* として追加します。この便宜関数はモジ ュールの初期化関数から利用されています。エラーのときには ``-1`` を、成功した ときには ``0`` を返します。" -# f4bb8be33a7b42fa8874a466eb505a63 +# 35dc1ee7e20b44349a9838034fef534d #: ../../c-api/module.rst:236 -msgid "Add a string constant to *module* as *name*. This convenience function can be used from the module's initialization function. The string *value* must be null-terminated. Return ``-1`` on error, ``0`` on success." +msgid "" +"Add a string constant to *module* as *name*. This convenience function can " +"be used from the module's initialization function. The string *value* must " +"be null-terminated. Return ``-1`` on error, ``0`` on success." msgstr "*module* に文字列定数を *name* として追加します。この便宜関数はモジ ュールの初期化関数から利用されています。文字列 *value* は null 終端されてい なければなりません。エラーのときには ``-1`` を、成功したときには ``0`` を返 します。" -# eaa2e03584854371b3755686aa4becf8 +# 5a20b79638b04701969d031eb937a09a #: ../../c-api/module.rst:243 -msgid "Add an int constant to *module*. The name and the value are taken from *macro*. For example ``PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, AF_INET)`` adds the int constant *AF_INET* with the value of *AF_INET* to *module*. Return ``-1`` on error, ``0`` on success." +msgid "" +"Add an int constant to *module*. The name and the value are taken from " +"*macro*. For example ``PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, AF_INET)`` adds the int " +"constant *AF_INET* with the value of *AF_INET* to *module*. Return ``-1`` on" +" error, ``0`` on success." msgstr "*module* に int 定数を追加します。名前と値は *macro* から取得されま す。例えば、 ``PyModule_AddIntMacro(module, AF_INTE)`` とすると、 *AF_INET* という名前の int 型定数を *AF_INET* の値で *module* に追加します。エラー時に は ``-1`` を、成功時には ``0`` を返します。" -# 24650abc48934c6b9be17be4b82731f5 +# d88ea93ca5f14d54b7474c990a948b79 #: ../../c-api/module.rst:251 msgid "Add a string constant to *module*." msgstr "文字列定数を *module* に追加します。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/none.po Fri Oct 26 04:45:32 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/none.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-14 16:52+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Osamu NAKAMURA <osamu****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,22 +17,31 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 6d9a3d997abb48bca6f689918f10c543 +# 8585e5fda1fe44a8885f7d6f1dd4c72c #: ../../c-api/none.rst:6 msgid "The None Object" msgstr "None オブジェクト" -# 1a10e79bfe764d97a915c0ef46c7568a +# 04a7aaaa91a04f2c883f2cdd199fdacf #: ../../c-api/none.rst:10 -msgid "Note that the :c:type:`PyTypeObject` for ``None`` is not directly exposed in the Python/C API. Since ``None`` is a singleton, testing for object identity (using ``==`` in C) is sufficient. There is no :c:func:`PyNone_Check` function for the same reason." +msgid "" +"Note that the :c:type:`PyTypeObject` for ``None`` is not directly exposed in" +" the Python/C API. Since ``None`` is a singleton, testing for object " +"identity (using ``==`` in C) is sufficient. There is no " +":c:func:`PyNone_Check` function for the same reason." msgstr "``None`` に対する :c:type:`PyTypeObject` は、 Python/C API では直接 公開されていないので注意してください。 ``None`` は単量子 (singleton) なの で、オブジェクトの同一性テスト (C では ``==``) を使うだけで十分だからです。 同じ理由から、 :c:func:`PyNone_Check` 関数はありません。" -# 644372f87f754c78b5e505f102fc4177 +# c429967ee19c44e5ba439805705726d1 #: ../../c-api/none.rst:18 -msgid "The Python ``None`` object, denoting lack of value. This object has no methods. It needs to be treated just like any other object with respect to reference counts." +msgid "" +"The Python ``None`` object, denoting lack of value. This object has no " +"methods. It needs to be treated just like any other object with respect to " +"reference counts." msgstr "Python における ``None`` オブジェクトで、値がないことを表します。こ のオブジェクトにはメソッドがありません。参照カウントについては、このオブジェ クトも他のオブジェクトと同様に扱う必要があります。" -# ffe5bdcc727f4d9890b2c43be9776e53 +# 7513b4353fd048cb8d5973e25641673a #: ../../c-api/none.rst:25 -msgid "Properly handle returning :c:data:`Py_None` from within a C function (that is, increment the reference count of None and return it.)" +msgid "" +"Properly handle returning :c:data:`Py_None` from within a C function (that " +"is, increment the reference count of None and return it.)" msgstr "のC 関数からの :c:data:`Py_None` の返却を適切に扱います。(これは Noneの参照カウントをインクリメントして返します。)" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/number.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/number.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,10 +1,14 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: # <osamu****@gmail*****>, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-02 09:43+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -14,192 +18,296 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 4bb415baca00434ea08ad223618172d5 +# e3e43052cbfe4cb9920090cd531c29cf #: ../../c-api/number.rst:6 msgid "Number Protocol" msgstr "数値型プロトコル (number protocol)" -# 9d0900ad867b4018bb3fde2283634acc +# ff3bb055cb424d989f8c1d0067cb2a49 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:11 -msgid "Returns ``1`` if the object *o* provides numeric protocols, and false otherwise. This function always succeeds." +msgid "" +"Returns ``1`` if the object *o* provides numeric protocols, and false " +"otherwise. This function always succeeds." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* が数値型プロトコルを提供している場合に ``1`` を返 し、そうでないときには偽を返します。この関数呼び出しは常に成功します。" -# 97518147e7db4b688f9bfa8d08f50356 +# b5909c7a799043d19e5c99b9517d9e76 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:17 -msgid "Returns the result of adding *o1* and *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 + o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the result of adding *o1* and *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. This is " +"the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 + o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* と *o2* を加算した結果を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を 返します。 Python の式 ``o1 + o2`` と同じです。" -# 4bcd00de27fa4909b69911320fded5c9 +# e5a4b3f1c5074ef899e39413e7f580a5 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:23 -msgid "Returns the result of subtracting *o2* from *o1*, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 - o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the result of subtracting *o2* from *o1*, or *NULL* on failure. " +"This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 - o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* から *o2* を減算した結果を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``o1 - o2`` と同じです。" -# d86e8c337fcb4f96a785cef064eda753 +# c7396a180c884affa4f26ff2790859c1 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:29 -msgid "Returns the result of multiplying *o1* and *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 * o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the result of multiplying *o1* and *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. This" +" is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 * o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* と *o2* を乗算した結果を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を 返します。 Python の式 ``o1 * o2`` と同じです。" -# 440aa9ef20a34b30b0c8143c873d8f5f +# c2ec5fd85ce544a5b7b9b9bc5161b1bf #: ../../c-api/number.rst:35 -msgid "Return the floor of *o1* divided by *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. This is equivalent to the \"classic\" division of integers." +msgid "" +"Return the floor of *o1* divided by *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. This is " +"equivalent to the \"classic\" division of integers." msgstr "成功すると *o1* を *o2* で除算した切捨て値を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 \"旧仕様の\" 整数間での除算と同じです。" -# 0df2a8dd040843aa8295c39afc7756a3 +# f4cf3f0044124d05a37aa61fb2b931fc #: ../../c-api/number.rst:41 -msgid "Return a reasonable approximation for the mathematical value of *o1* divided by *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. The return value is \"approximate\" because binary floating point numbers are approximate; it is not possible to represent all real numbers in base two. This function can return a floating point value when passed two integers." +msgid "" +"Return a reasonable approximation for the mathematical value of *o1* divided" +" by *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. The return value is \"approximate\" because" +" binary floating point numbers are approximate; it is not possible to " +"represent all real numbers in base two. This function can return a floating" +" point value when passed two integers." msgstr "成功すると、数学的な *o1* の *o2* による除算値に対する妥当な近似 (reasonable approximation) を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。全ての実数 を 2 を基数として表現するのは不可能なため、二進の浮動小数点数は \"近似値\" しか表現できません。このため、戻り値も近似になります。この関数に二つの整数を 渡した際、浮動小数点の値を返すことがあります。" -# 97044be6dbff44aabc020320c52ddc78 +# a052cf9b7ba8449ab785fe3a4e13a2cb #: ../../c-api/number.rst:50 -msgid "Returns the remainder of dividing *o1* by *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 % o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the remainder of dividing *o1* by *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. This " +"is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 % o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* を *o2* で除算した剰余を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を 返します。 Python の式 ``o1 % o2`` と同じです。" -# c66872746f3e4f14b134610b96d60cd5 +# b8edf99fe93c43a59d3c7d5abb8e811a #: ../../c-api/number.rst:58 -msgid "See the built-in function :func:`divmod`. Returns *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``divmod(o1, o2)``." +msgid "" +"See the built-in function :func:`divmod`. Returns *NULL* on failure. This " +"is the equivalent of the Python expression ``divmod(o1, o2)``." msgstr "組み込み関数 :func:`divmod` を参照してください。失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``divmod(o1, o2)`` と同じです。" -# 503e0edbfa4247e6a3b6b38ccee759bf +# 40aed2a948c545ab804032f92b42ab49 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:66 -msgid "See the built-in function :func:`pow`. Returns *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``pow(o1, o2, o3)``, where *o3* is optional. If *o3* is to be ignored, pass :c:data:`Py_None` in its place (passing *NULL* for *o3* would cause an illegal memory access)." +msgid "" +"See the built-in function :func:`pow`. Returns *NULL* on failure. This is " +"the equivalent of the Python expression ``pow(o1, o2, o3)``, where *o3* is " +"optional. If *o3* is to be ignored, pass :c:data:`Py_None` in its place " +"(passing *NULL* for *o3* would cause an illegal memory access)." msgstr "組み込み関数 :func:`pow` を参照してください。失敗すると *NULL* を返 します。 Python の式 ``pow(o1, o2, o3)`` と同じです。 *o3* はオプションで す。 *o3* を無視させたいなら、 :c:data:`Py_None` を入れてください (*o3* に *NULL* を渡すと、不正なメモリアクセスを引き起こすことがあります)。" -# 829c02ba402e451cae0f531944863477 +# d693a74886744f32bb38e7a2c518505b #: ../../c-api/number.rst:74 -msgid "Returns the negation of *o* on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``-o``." +msgid "" +"Returns the negation of *o* on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the " +"equivalent of the Python expression ``-o``." msgstr "成功すると *o* の符号反転を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``-o`` と同じです。" -# 98ef14e35da946fbb200faa7d8b45f97 +# 7319a8506a8c42fe8e22c58845a455b5 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:80 -msgid "Returns *o* on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``+o``." +msgid "" +"Returns *o* on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the" +" Python expression ``+o``." msgstr "成功すると *o* を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``+o`` と同じです。" -# c16a1a1ee112494ea4fa7c7f68de6892 +# f990c32d6aea4623a26081ac9a59b7fe #: ../../c-api/number.rst:88 -msgid "Returns the absolute value of *o*, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``abs(o)``." +msgid "" +"Returns the absolute value of *o*, or *NULL* on failure. This is the " +"equivalent of the Python expression ``abs(o)``." msgstr "成功すると *o* の絶対値を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``abs(o)`` と同じです。" -# 62b62ee8bcf24d00b8b4ebd30b7c5606 +# 36daf926a7184716ac1f214722711daf #: ../../c-api/number.rst:94 -msgid "Returns the bitwise negation of *o* on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``~o``." +msgid "" +"Returns the bitwise negation of *o* on success, or *NULL* on failure. This " +"is the equivalent of the Python expression ``~o``." msgstr "成功すると *o* のビット単位反転 (bitwise negation) を返し、失敗する と *NULL* を返します。Python の式 ``~o`` と同じです。" -# 4adef8ac58a94a75b272f0138f757c0f +# dc879c2237d34ecd87d56db7cd40454b #: ../../c-api/number.rst:100 -msgid "Returns the result of left shifting *o1* by *o2* on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 << o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the result of left shifting *o1* by *o2* on success, or *NULL* on " +"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 << o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* を *o2* だけ左シフトした結果を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``o1 << o2`` と同じです。" -# 8abdb612cfa842588b95b5e712f03ef0 +# 59da4add42fe462e8c67cacef415672c #: ../../c-api/number.rst:106 -msgid "Returns the result of right shifting *o1* by *o2* on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 >> o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the result of right shifting *o1* by *o2* on success, or *NULL* on " +"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 >> o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* を *o2* だけ右シフトした結果を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``o1 >> o2`` と同じです。" -# 3d039e2aae1349c9acbd6647fca09cff +# 69d1126b53b541258eb8f227015980c7 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:112 -msgid "Returns the \"bitwise and\" of *o1* and *o2* on success and *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 & o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the \"bitwise and\" of *o1* and *o2* on success and *NULL* on " +"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 & o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* と *o2* の \"ビット単位論理積 (bitwise and)\" を返 し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``o1 & o2`` と同じです。" -# b0068d61de524ca3854a7336e63caf97 +# 3798c0e0b6114c669102ff317c25c4a9 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:118 -msgid "Returns the \"bitwise exclusive or\" of *o1* by *o2* on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 ^ o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the \"bitwise exclusive or\" of *o1* by *o2* on success, or *NULL* " +"on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 ^ o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* と *o2* の \"ビット単位排他的論理和 (bitwise exclusive or)\" を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``o1 ^ o2`` と同じです。" -# 23f4df5267c7439fbdcd24e43308c14f +# cc00e84bfb334f87840c627efb247cf8 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:124 -msgid "Returns the \"bitwise or\" of *o1* and *o2* on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 | o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the \"bitwise or\" of *o1* and *o2* on success, or *NULL* on " +"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 | o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* と *o2* の \"ビット単位論理和 (bitwise or)\" を返し 失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``o1 | o2`` と同じです。" -# 32be1592da294bc9b8b55b7e5a344d38 +# 9b2981868570490691f58e4abea881d2 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:130 -msgid "Returns the result of adding *o1* and *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 += o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the result of adding *o1* and *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. The " +"operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent " +"of the Python statement ``o1 += o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* と *o2* を加算した結果を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を 返します。 *o1* が *in-place* 演算をサポートする場合、in-place 演算を行いま す。 Python の文 ``o1 += o2`` と同じです。" -# 6c33cae50abe47dcb03d3912e8b6b11e +# 2a72d616170347138ece36cff944aa0e #: ../../c-api/number.rst:137 -msgid "Returns the result of subtracting *o2* from *o1*, or *NULL* on failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 -= o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the result of subtracting *o2* from *o1*, or *NULL* on failure. The" +" operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent" +" of the Python statement ``o1 -= o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* から *o2* を減算した結果を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 *o1* が *in-place* 演算をサポートする場合、in-place 演算を行い ます。 Python の文 ``o1 -= o2`` と同じです。" -# c23cae69c1db46919fb47cc88a5c5e7a +# a9d30ccb6d574764941ffacf3f1430fc #: ../../c-api/number.rst:144 -msgid "Returns the result of multiplying *o1* and *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 *= o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the result of multiplying *o1* and *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. The " +"operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent " +"of the Python statement ``o1 *= o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* と *o2* を乗算した結果を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を 返します。 *o1* が *in-place* 演算をサポートする場合、in-place 演算を行いま す。 Python の文 ``o1 *= o2`` と同じです。" -# ffb9e52f0fda436680f030522679825d +# d336a37da6b845ad9151934b28f3432d #: ../../c-api/number.rst:151 -msgid "Returns the mathematical floor of dividing *o1* by *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 //= o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the mathematical floor of dividing *o1* by *o2*, or *NULL* on " +"failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is " +"the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 //= o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* を *o2* で除算した切捨て値を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 *o1* が *in-place* 演算をサポートする場合、in-place 演算 を行います。 Python の文 ``o1 //= o2`` と同じです。" -# f5ac9857cf534c66b3bd099a19a5385e +# eca2c30c19844c4cade87fc64681f44c #: ../../c-api/number.rst:158 -msgid "Return a reasonable approximation for the mathematical value of *o1* divided by *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. The return value is \"approximate\" because binary floating point numbers are approximate; it is not possible to represent all real numbers in base two. This function can return a floating point value when passed two integers. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it." +msgid "" +"Return a reasonable approximation for the mathematical value of *o1* divided" +" by *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. The return value is \"approximate\" because" +" binary floating point numbers are approximate; it is not possible to " +"represent all real numbers in base two. This function can return a floating" +" point value when passed two integers. The operation is done *in-place* " +"when *o1* supports it." msgstr "成功すると、数学的な *o1* の *o2* による除算値に対する妥当な近似 (reasonable approximation) を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。全ての実数 を 2 を基数として表現するのは不可能なため、二進の浮動小数点数は \"近似値\" しか表現できません。このため、戻り値も近似になります。この関数に二つの整数を 渡した際、浮動小数点の値を返すことがあります。 *o1* が *in-place* 演算をサ ポートする場合、in-place 演算を行います。" -# daa23b7887d3496aa521956e7e444aa4 +# af64082b116f4430987126420ff669af #: ../../c-api/number.rst:167 -msgid "Returns the remainder of dividing *o1* by *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 %= o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the remainder of dividing *o1* by *o2*, or *NULL* on failure. The " +"operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent " +"of the Python statement ``o1 %= o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* を *o2* で除算した剰余を返し、 , 失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 *o1* が *in-place* 演算をサポートする場合、in-place 演算を行い ます。 Python の文 ``o1 %= o2`` と同じです。" -# 37fd85bc698441ed9cd99aa2c2b09a4c +# 4c3c4466b57d410986e32dfe468b40d5 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:176 -msgid "See the built-in function :func:`pow`. Returns *NULL* on failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 **= o2`` when o3 is :c:data:`Py_None`, or an in-place variant of ``pow(o1, o2, o3)`` otherwise. If *o3* is to be ignored, pass :c:data:`Py_None` in its place (passing *NULL* for *o3* would cause an illegal memory access)." +msgid "" +"See the built-in function :func:`pow`. Returns *NULL* on failure. The " +"operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent " +"of the Python statement ``o1 **= o2`` when o3 is :c:data:`Py_None`, or an " +"in-place variant of ``pow(o1, o2, o3)`` otherwise. If *o3* is to be ignored," +" pass :c:data:`Py_None` in its place (passing *NULL* for *o3* would cause an" +" illegal memory access)." msgstr "組み込み関数 :func:`pow` を参照してください。失敗すると *NULL* を返 します。 *o1* が *in-place* 演算をサポートする場合、in-place 演算を行いま す。この関数は *o3* が :c:data:`Py_None` の場合は Python 文 ``o1 **= o2`` と 同じで、それ以外の場合は ``pow(o1, o2, o3)`` の in-place 版です。 *o3* を無 視させたいなら、 :c:data:`Py_None` を入れてください (*o3* に *NULL* を渡す と、不正なメモリアクセスを引き起こすことがあります)。" -# 306b1b042a564de0a6e2cf9acee013ad +# 9eb123c42ef94b0db033fe813c7921fb #: ../../c-api/number.rst:185 -msgid "Returns the result of left shifting *o1* by *o2* on success, or *NULL* on failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 <<= o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the result of left shifting *o1* by *o2* on success, or *NULL* on " +"failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is " +"the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 <<= o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* を *o2* だけ左シフトした結果を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 *o1* が *in-place* 演算をサポートする場合、in-place 演算 を行います。 Python の文 ``o1 <<= o2`` と同じです。" -# 4af88d7ec99b441eac2f585672edba0b +# 68a33593a0724f85a57dd1f64adc1301 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:192 -msgid "Returns the result of right shifting *o1* by *o2* on success, or *NULL* on failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 >>= o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the result of right shifting *o1* by *o2* on success, or *NULL* on " +"failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is " +"the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 >>= o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* を *o2* だけ右シフトした結果を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 *o1* が *in-place* 演算をサポートする場合、in-place 演算 を行います。 Python の文 ``o1 >>= o2`` と同じです。" -# 89d614e726c445559a589e3af2f44a51 +# db6492a495494e3c83721e824fdaf8e8 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:199 -msgid "Returns the \"bitwise and\" of *o1* and *o2* on success and *NULL* on failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 &= o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the \"bitwise and\" of *o1* and *o2* on success and *NULL* on " +"failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is " +"the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 &= o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* と *o2* の \"ビット単位論理積 (bitwise and)\" を返 し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 *o1* が *in-place* 演算をサポートする場 合、in-place 演算を行います。 Python の文 ``o1 &= o2`` と同じです。" -# 22978753caf144aab5ab809067c61f74 +# 72707ebd82144aee95000975f00f9ca7 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:206 -msgid "Returns the \"bitwise exclusive or\" of *o1* by *o2* on success, or *NULL* on failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 ^= o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the \"bitwise exclusive or\" of *o1* by *o2* on success, or *NULL* " +"on failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This " +"is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 ^= o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* と *o2* の \"ビット単位排他的論理和 (bitwise exclusive or)\" を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 *o1* が *in-place* 演算をサポートする場合、in-place 演算を行います。 Python の文 ``o1 ^= o2`` と同じです。" -# a1db45de57a5429bb97144dd93547aed +# c4643748356142fb8c38792d3c162fd6 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:213 -msgid "Returns the \"bitwise or\" of *o1* and *o2* on success, or *NULL* on failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 |= o2``." +msgid "" +"Returns the \"bitwise or\" of *o1* and *o2* on success, or *NULL* on " +"failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is " +"the equivalent of the Python statement ``o1 |= o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* と *o2* の \"ビット単位論理和 (bitwise or)\" を返し 失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 *o1* が *in-place* 演算をサポートする場合、 in-place 演算を行います。 Python の文 ``o1 |= o2`` と同じです。" -# 590f2a46bfc14b43aebd2c955fbb95a4 +# 20591f53075a4a55a0c7467112bfe00a #: ../../c-api/number.rst:222 -msgid "Returns the *o* converted to an integer object on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``int(o)``." +msgid "" +"Returns the *o* converted to an integer object on success, or *NULL* on " +"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``int(o)``." msgstr "成功すると *o* を整数に変換したものを返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返し ます。Python の式 ``int(o)`` と同じです。" -# fc784db4b4354875ae6ea48130521cf8 +# 57dab5b5a8334ab0948a9ee5038c68bd #: ../../c-api/number.rst:230 -msgid "Returns the *o* converted to a float object on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``float(o)``." +msgid "" +"Returns the *o* converted to a float object on success, or *NULL* on " +"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``float(o)``." msgstr "成功すると *o* を浮動小数点数に変換したものを返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``float(o)`` と同じです。" -# 0876384b3ba84bb2a3f7e5aa3bbf540c +# 4103e246424b4e918e622f96a22598bf #: ../../c-api/number.rst:236 -msgid "Returns the *o* converted to a Python int on success or *NULL* with a :exc:`TypeError` exception raised on failure." +msgid "" +"Returns the *o* converted to a Python int on success or *NULL* with a " +":exc:`TypeError` exception raised on failure." msgstr "*o* をPythonのint型に変換し、成功したらその値を返します。失敗した ら *NULL* が返され、 :exc:`TypeError` 例外が送出されます。" -# 89d8758f8a5642b897d9fe71e331adab +# 7ba9ab7f72424b698c7a38819fdbc57c #: ../../c-api/number.rst:242 -msgid "Returns the integer *n* converted to base *base* as a string. The *base* argument must be one of 2, 8, 10, or 16. For base 2, 8, or 16, the returned string is prefixed with a base marker of ``'0b'``, ``'0o'``, or ``'0x'``, respectively. If *n* is not a Python int, it is converted with :c:func:`PyNumber_Index` first." +msgid "" +"Returns the integer *n* converted to base *base* as a string. The *base* " +"argument must be one of 2, 8, 10, or 16. For base 2, 8, or 16, the returned" +" string is prefixed with a base marker of ``'0b'``, ``'0o'``, or ``'0x'``, " +"respectively. If *n* is not a Python int, it is converted with " +":c:func:`PyNumber_Index` first." msgstr "*base* 進数に変換された整数 *n* を文字列として返します。 *base* 引 数は2, 8, 10または16のいずれかでなければなりません。 基数2、8、16について、 返される文字列の先頭には基数マーカー ``'0b'`` 、 ``'0o'`` または ``'0x'`` が、それぞれ付与されます。 もし *n* が Python のint型でなければ、まず `PyNumber_Index` で変換されます。" -# cceed63453ae49cfbc9613eaf6a0bfec +# 27b4b08964ad4717a81e270d964f6664 #: ../../c-api/number.rst:251 -msgid "Returns *o* converted to a Py_ssize_t value if *o* can be interpreted as an integer. If the call fails, an exception is raised and -1 is returned." +msgid "" +"Returns *o* converted to a Py_ssize_t value if *o* can be interpreted as an " +"integer. If the call fails, an exception is raised and -1 is returned." msgstr "*o* を整数として解釈可能だった場合、Py_ssize_t型の値に変換して返し ます。呼び出しが失敗したら、例外が送出され、-1 が返されます。" -# 85eba23c316b4794ad9cef25648558cb +# d6f5a4b6373e496ca4d49fc07374439f #: ../../c-api/number.rst:254 -msgid "If *o* can be converted to a Python int but the attempt to convert to a Py_ssize_t value would raise an :exc:`OverflowError`, then the *exc* argument is the type of exception that will be raised (usually :exc:`IndexError` or :exc:`OverflowError`). If *exc* is *NULL*, then the exception is cleared and the value is clipped to *PY_SSIZE_T_MIN* for a negative integer or *PY_SSIZE_T_MAX* for a positive integer." +msgid "" +"If *o* can be converted to a Python int but the attempt to convert to a " +"Py_ssize_t value would raise an :exc:`OverflowError`, then the *exc* " +"argument is the type of exception that will be raised (usually " +":exc:`IndexError` or :exc:`OverflowError`). If *exc* is *NULL*, then the " +"exception is cleared and the value is clipped to *PY_SSIZE_T_MIN* for a " +"negative integer or *PY_SSIZE_T_MAX* for a positive integer." msgstr "もし *o* がPythonのintに変換できたのに、Py_ssize_tへの変換 が :exc:`OverflowError` になる場合は、 *exc* 引数で渡された型 (普通 は :exc:`IndexError` か :exc:`OverflowError`) の例外を送出します。もし、 *exc* が *NULL* なら、例外はクリアされて、値が負の場合は *PY_SSIZE_T_MIN* へ、正の場合は *PY_SSIZE_T_MAX* へと制限されます。" -# 6ba2612dbc9047ee8076b61622622955 +# edb08b3111664a0fbe0c81406777f6cd #: ../../c-api/number.rst:264 -msgid "Returns True if *o* is an index integer (has the nb_index slot of the tp_as_number structure filled in)." +msgid "" +"Returns True if *o* is an index integer (has the nb_index slot of the " +"tp_as_number structure filled in)." msgstr "*o* がインデックス整数であるときにTrueを返します (tp_as_number構造 体のnb_indexスロットが埋まっている場合)。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/objbuffer.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/objbuffer.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:43+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,37 +17,64 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 3025421d233c427397483f148b304942 +# 6bfda37101444421b7eafe060ef55bf9 #: ../../c-api/objbuffer.rst:4 msgid "Old Buffer Protocol" msgstr "古いバッファプロトコル" -# 13569d0b72e14d65abf08a61a7880708 +# 66f2f71f2deb4cfbb5eedba04f7e4d35 #: ../../c-api/objbuffer.rst:8 -msgid "These functions were part of the \"old buffer protocol\" API in Python 2. In Python 3, this protocol doesn't exist anymore but the functions are still exposed to ease porting 2.x code. They act as a compatibility wrapper around the :ref:`new buffer protocol <bufferobjects>`, but they don't give you control over the lifetime of the resources acquired when a buffer is exported." +msgid "" +"These functions were part of the \"old buffer protocol\" API in Python 2. In" +" Python 3, this protocol doesn't exist anymore but the functions are still " +"exposed to ease porting 2.x code. They act as a compatibility wrapper " +"around the :ref:`new buffer protocol <bufferobjects>`, but they don't give " +"you control over the lifetime of the resources acquired when a buffer is " +"exported." msgstr "" -# 502394656a394f21a62beeac85aa51a9 +# 2ac6222734094e4986c5c459c58aa5c8 #: ../../c-api/objbuffer.rst:15 -msgid "Therefore, it is recommended that you call :c:func:`PyObject_GetBuffer` (or the ``y*`` or ``w*`` :ref:`format codes <arg-parsing>` with the :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` family of functions) to get a buffer view over an object, and :c:func:`PyBuffer_Release` when the buffer view can be released." +msgid "" +"Therefore, it is recommended that you call :c:func:`PyObject_GetBuffer` (or " +"the ``y*`` or ``w*`` :ref:`format codes <arg-parsing>` with the " +":c:func:`PyArg_ParseTuple` family of functions) to get a buffer view over an" +" object, and :c:func:`PyBuffer_Release` when the buffer view can be " +"released." msgstr "" -# d8674d1215d249f6bb2cfe3cb75a6c9d +# d01c5501b1ab48f68cb58cd8d20fa802 #: ../../c-api/objbuffer.rst:23 -msgid "Returns a pointer to a read-only memory location usable as character-based input. The *obj* argument must support the single-segment character buffer interface. On success, returns ``0``, sets *buffer* to the memory location and *buffer_len* to the buffer length. Returns ``-1`` and sets a :exc:`TypeError` on error." +msgid "" +"Returns a pointer to a read-only memory location usable as character-based " +"input. The *obj* argument must support the single-segment character buffer " +"interface. On success, returns ``0``, sets *buffer* to the memory location " +"and *buffer_len* to the buffer length. Returns ``-1`` and sets a " +":exc:`TypeError` on error." msgstr "文字ベースの入力として使える読み出し専用メモリ上の位置へのポインタ を返します。 *obj* 引数は単一セグメントからなる文字バッファインタフェースを サポートしていなければなりません。成功すると ``0`` を返し、 *buffer* をメモ リの位置に、 *buffer_len* をバッファの長さに設定します。エラーの際には ``-1`` を返し、 :exc:`TypeError` をセットします。" -# a6635a5bef0a44f69b452e1d273ab004 +# 1b20b0f8fac440e694072e6457212fa8 #: ../../c-api/objbuffer.rst:32 -msgid "Returns a pointer to a read-only memory location containing arbitrary data. The *obj* argument must support the single-segment readable buffer interface. On success, returns ``0``, sets *buffer* to the memory location and *buffer_len* to the buffer length. Returns ``-1`` and sets a :exc:`TypeError` on error." +msgid "" +"Returns a pointer to a read-only memory location containing arbitrary data. " +"The *obj* argument must support the single-segment readable buffer " +"interface. On success, returns ``0``, sets *buffer* to the memory location " +"and *buffer_len* to the buffer length. Returns ``-1`` and sets a " +":exc:`TypeError` on error." msgstr "任意のデータを収めた読み出し専用のメモリ上の位置へのポインタを返し ます。 *obj* 引数は単一セグメントからなる読み出し可能バッファインタフェース をサポートしていなければなりません。成功すると ``0`` を返し、 *buffer* をメ モリの位置に、 *buffer_len* をバッファの長さに設定します。エラーの際には ``-1`` を返し、 :exc:`TypeError` をセットします。" -# d092b402f1964d30bce745ebbf93fa87 +# 31df2613e4b8479198b8bd2f39003436 #: ../../c-api/objbuffer.rst:41 -msgid "Returns ``1`` if *o* supports the single-segment readable buffer interface. Otherwise returns ``0``." +msgid "" +"Returns ``1`` if *o* supports the single-segment readable buffer interface. " +"Otherwise returns ``0``." msgstr "*o* が単一セグメントからなる読み出し可能バッファインタフェースをサ ポートしている場合に ``1`` を返します。それ以外の場合には ``0`` を返しま す。" -# 8a591d119b014567b36a39405ef87a3b +# 96c1b80ae31c44dd9560366d8a6faf3d #: ../../c-api/objbuffer.rst:47 -msgid "Returns a pointer to a writable memory location. The *obj* argument must support the single-segment, character buffer interface. On success, returns ``0``, sets *buffer* to the memory location and *buffer_len* to the buffer length. Returns ``-1`` and sets a :exc:`TypeError` on error." +msgid "" +"Returns a pointer to a writable memory location. The *obj* argument must " +"support the single-segment, character buffer interface. On success, returns" +" ``0``, sets *buffer* to the memory location and *buffer_len* to the buffer " +"length. Returns ``-1`` and sets a :exc:`TypeError` on error." msgstr "書き込み可能なメモリ上の位置へのポインタを返します。 *obj* 引数は 単一セグメントからなる文字バッファインタフェースをサポートしていなければなり ません。成功すると ``0`` を返し、 *buffer* をメモリの位置に、 *buffer_len* をバッファの長さに設定します。エラーの際には ``-1`` を返 し、 :exc:`TypeError` をセットします。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/object.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/object.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:43+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-11 09:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Naoki INADA <songo****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -13,210 +17,392 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 9fc517816d454c56991fee1beb7a9786 +# 40e10892f3bf461ebf2037a798bd3ee3 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:6 msgid "Object Protocol" msgstr "オブジェクトプロトコル (object protocol)" -# a8d7925215614b39998b63745a59bd4a +# 1cd3d890796841dd9ba0c0e2f1fd91c8 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:11 -msgid "The ``NotImplemented`` singleton, used to signal that an operation is not implemented for the given type combination." +msgid "" +"The ``NotImplemented`` singleton, used to signal that an operation is not " +"implemented for the given type combination." msgstr "" -# 2a361d715bd24b8d8196e3026824a48f +# e9180d260d0c4589ba612b2cf79cb400 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:17 -msgid "Properly handle returning :c:data:`Py_NotImplemented` from within a C function (that is, increment the reference count of NotImplemented and return it)." +msgid "" +"Properly handle returning :c:data:`Py_NotImplemented` from within a C " +"function (that is, increment the reference count of NotImplemented and " +"return it)." msgstr "" -# c33deacad3874f5eafb2cc37eeb5fe46 +# 5ac174633803433a86c662fbb3f53c41 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:24 -msgid "Print an object *o*, on file *fp*. Returns ``-1`` on error. The flags argument is used to enable certain printing options. The only option currently supported is :const:`Py_PRINT_RAW`; if given, the :func:`str` of the object is written instead of the :func:`repr`." +msgid "" +"Print an object *o*, on file *fp*. Returns ``-1`` on error. The flags " +"argument is used to enable certain printing options. The only option " +"currently supported is :const:`Py_PRINT_RAW`; if given, the :func:`str` of " +"the object is written instead of the :func:`repr`." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* をファイル *fp* に出力します。失敗すると ``-1`` を 返します。 *flags* 引数は何らかの出力オプションを有効にする際に使います。現 在サポートされている唯一のオプションは :const:`Py_PRINT_RAW` です; このオプ ションを指定すると、 :func:`repr` の代わりに :func:`str` を使ってオブジェク トを書き込みます。" -# b478ee5d5e834812ba6235570f728270 -# 7fc22be48cee42dda6850279e24b2dce +# 3e38f1a4a2d54a5989fcd779801b26a4 +# a7cbfea5ecf547ca8c06e9e332bc2526 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:32 ../../c-api/object.rst:39 -msgid "Returns ``1`` if *o* has the attribute *attr_name*, and ``0`` otherwise. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``hasattr(o, attr_name)``. This function always succeeds." +msgid "" +"Returns ``1`` if *o* has the attribute *attr_name*, and ``0`` otherwise. " +"This is equivalent to the Python expression ``hasattr(o, attr_name)``. This" +" function always succeeds." msgstr "*o* が属性 *attr_name* を持つときに ``1`` を、それ以外のときに ``0`` を返します。この関数は Python の式 ``hasattr(o, attr_name)`` と同じで す。この関数は常に成功します。" -# 437d4f340fc3488a9c37ee2c57c4deeb +# c9d882b8482340fca642075c75792cac #: ../../c-api/object.rst:46 -msgid "Retrieve an attribute named *attr_name* from object *o*. Returns the attribute value on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o.attr_name``." +msgid "" +"Retrieve an attribute named *attr_name* from object *o*. Returns the " +"attribute value on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of" +" the Python expression ``o.attr_name``." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* から、名前 *attr_name* の属性を取得します。成功す ると属性値を返し失敗すると *NULL* を返します。この関数は Python の式 ``o.attr_name`` と同じです。" -# ddeae303ad0c4e859f72fdb8bcd7c98c +# 6c9b071479ca4daea2edd93edc29b078 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:53 -msgid "Retrieve an attribute named *attr_name* from object *o*. Returns the attribute value on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o.attr_name``." +msgid "" +"Retrieve an attribute named *attr_name* from object *o*. Returns the " +"attribute value on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of " +"the Python expression ``o.attr_name``." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* から、名前 *attr_name* の属性を取得します。成功す ると属性値を返し失敗すると *NULL* を返します。この関数は Python の式 ``o.attr_name`` と同じです。" -# 8a75488d9cb6495d83ee68f31a8ce394 +# c5f2775f0c7f43c190f1817be5527cbe #: ../../c-api/object.rst:60 -msgid "Generic attribute getter function that is meant to be put into a type object's ``tp_getattro`` slot. It looks for a descriptor in the dictionary of classes in the object's MRO as well as an attribute in the object's :attr:`__dict__` (if present). As outlined in :ref:`descriptors`, data descriptors take preference over instance attributes, while non-data descriptors don't. Otherwise, an :exc:`AttributeError` is raised." +msgid "" +"Generic attribute getter function that is meant to be put into a type " +"object's ``tp_getattro`` slot. It looks for a descriptor in the dictionary " +"of classes in the object's MRO as well as an attribute in the object's " +":attr:`__dict__` (if present). As outlined in :ref:`descriptors`, data " +"descriptors take preference over instance attributes, while non-data " +"descriptors don't. Otherwise, an :exc:`AttributeError` is raised." msgstr "汎用の属性取得関数で、 type オブジェクトの ``tp_getattro`` スロット に置かれることを意図されています。この関数は、オブジェクトのMRO中のクラスの 辞書にあるディスクリプタと、オブジェクトの :attr:`__dict__` (があれば)に格納 されている属性を検索します。 :ref:`descriptors` で説明されているように、デー タディスクリプタはインスタンス属性より優先され、非データディスクリプタは後回 しにされます。見つからなかった場合は :exc:`AttributeError` を発生させます。" -# e6f0e593bf99443ab5e8d7c9067216df -# 3b75f6fb46e745e38f0eb639657b11b7 +# 050df03ea97e4c03889a5f245ca9470b +# 136a9af91e5b420a9a4b391db7e1b8f4 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:70 ../../c-api/object.rst:77 -msgid "Set the value of the attribute named *attr_name*, for object *o*, to the value *v*. Returns ``-1`` on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o.attr_name = v``." +msgid "" +"Set the value of the attribute named *attr_name*, for object *o*, to the " +"value *v*. Returns ``-1`` on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python " +"statement ``o.attr_name = v``." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* の *attr_name* という名の属性に、値 *v* を設定しま す。失敗すると ``-1`` を返します。この関数は Python の式 ``o.attr_name = v`` と同じです。" -# adb0ad200e274a4abcac3dcc2ffd342b +# c887c3793a4b4c0da7d75ea06c371539 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:84 -msgid "Generic attribute setter function that is meant to be put into a type object's ``tp_setattro`` slot. It looks for a data descriptor in the dictionary of classes in the object's MRO, and if found it takes preference over setting the attribute in the instance dictionary. Otherwise, the attribute is set in the object's :attr:`__dict__` (if present). Otherwise, an :exc:`AttributeError` is raised and ``-1`` is returned." +msgid "" +"Generic attribute setter function that is meant to be put into a type " +"object's ``tp_setattro`` slot. It looks for a data descriptor in the " +"dictionary of classes in the object's MRO, and if found it takes preference " +"over setting the attribute in the instance dictionary. Otherwise, the " +"attribute is set in the object's :attr:`__dict__` (if present). Otherwise, " +"an :exc:`AttributeError` is raised and ``-1`` is returned." msgstr "汎用の属性設定関数で、typeオブジェクトの ``tp_setattro`` スロットに 置かれることを意図しています。オブジェクトのMROにあるクラス列の辞書からデー タディスクリプタを探し、見つかればインスタンス辞書への格納よりもデータディス クリプタを優先します。見つからなければ、オブジェクトの :attr:`__dict__` (が あれば) に属性を設定します。失敗した場合、 :exc:`AttributeError` を発生させ て ``-1`` を返します。" -# 861a8065dce34dd68bb0db68f14b693f -# edcd105f854d42659eec1d5c0b35cd32 +# fb58dfabfd9543bb83f9f5938fcec135 +# c22783f72f4f4ba68105907aede9d75b #: ../../c-api/object.rst:94 ../../c-api/object.rst:100 -msgid "Delete attribute named *attr_name*, for object *o*. Returns ``-1`` on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``del o.attr_name``." +msgid "" +"Delete attribute named *attr_name*, for object *o*. Returns ``-1`` on " +"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``del o.attr_name``." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* の *attr_name* という名の属性を削除します。失敗す ると ``-1`` を返します。この関数は Python の文 ``del o.attr_name`` と同じで す。" -# db599681ae1045e1955f5b99aa83117b +# 79e93e8056c2407eb621a6f63ac42bac #: ../../c-api/object.rst:106 -msgid "A generic implementation for the getter of a ``__dict__`` descriptor. It creates the dictionary if necessary." +msgid "" +"A generic implementation for the getter of a ``__dict__`` descriptor. It " +"creates the dictionary if necessary." msgstr "" -# a4b53654ab194df0939b0f50cd8f3ff0 +# d35b10fc77764cce8024573fd5d06bc6 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:114 -msgid "A generic implementation for the setter of a ``__dict__`` descriptor. This implementation does not allow the dictionary to be deleted." +msgid "" +"A generic implementation for the setter of a ``__dict__`` descriptor. This " +"implementation does not allow the dictionary to be deleted." msgstr "" -# 3ff18e21b32a42c49517f44556468eca +# b2ca604e800b46c196e623445956c7f2 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:122 -msgid "Compare the values of *o1* and *o2* using the operation specified by *opid*, which must be one of :const:`Py_LT`, :const:`Py_LE`, :const:`Py_EQ`, :const:`Py_NE`, :const:`Py_GT`, or :const:`Py_GE`, corresponding to ``<``, ``<=``, ``==``, ``!=``, ``>``, or ``>=`` respectively. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 op o2``, where ``op`` is the operator corresponding to *opid*. Returns the value of the comparison on success, or *NULL* on failure." +msgid "" +"Compare the values of *o1* and *o2* using the operation specified by *opid*," +" which must be one of :const:`Py_LT`, :const:`Py_LE`, :const:`Py_EQ`, " +":const:`Py_NE`, :const:`Py_GT`, or :const:`Py_GE`, corresponding to ``<``, " +"``<=``, ``==``, ``!=``, ``>``, or ``>=`` respectively. This is the " +"equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 op o2``, where ``op`` is the " +"operator corresponding to *opid*. Returns the value of the comparison on " +"success, or *NULL* on failure." msgstr "*o1* と *o2* を *opid* に指定した演算によって比較します。 *opid* は :const:`Py_LT`, :const:`Py_LE`, :const:`Py_EQ`, :const:`Py_NE`, :const:`Py_GT`, または :const:`Py_GE`, のいずれかでなければならず、それぞれ ``<``, ``<=``, ``==``, ``!=``, ``>``, および ``>=`` に対応します。この関数は Python の式 ``o1 op o2`` と同じで、 ``op`` が *opid* に対応する演算子です。成功すると比 較結果の値を返し失敗すると *NULL* を返します。" -# a4f1d5e2ef2f461f9c7710ebe1bb344b +# cb89070c951941ba922cfb0999ed3c55 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:132 -msgid "Compare the values of *o1* and *o2* using the operation specified by *opid*, which must be one of :const:`Py_LT`, :const:`Py_LE`, :const:`Py_EQ`, :const:`Py_NE`, :const:`Py_GT`, or :const:`Py_GE`, corresponding to ``<``, ``<=``, ``==``, ``!=``, ``>``, or ``>=`` respectively. Returns ``-1`` on error, ``0`` if the result is false, ``1`` otherwise. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 op o2``, where ``op`` is the operator corresponding to *opid*." +msgid "" +"Compare the values of *o1* and *o2* using the operation specified by *opid*," +" which must be one of :const:`Py_LT`, :const:`Py_LE`, :const:`Py_EQ`, " +":const:`Py_NE`, :const:`Py_GT`, or :const:`Py_GE`, corresponding to ``<``, " +"``<=``, ``==``, ``!=``, ``>``, or ``>=`` respectively. Returns ``-1`` on " +"error, ``0`` if the result is false, ``1`` otherwise. This is the equivalent" +" of the Python expression ``o1 op o2``, where ``op`` is the operator " +"corresponding to *opid*." msgstr "*o1* と *o2* を *opid* に指定した演算によって比較します。 *opid* は :const:`Py_LT`, :const:`Py_LE`, :const:`Py_EQ`, :const:`Py_NE`, :const:`Py_GT`, または :const:`Py_GE`, のいずれかでなければならず、それぞれ ``<``, ``<=``, ``==``, ``!=``, ``>``, および ``>=`` に対応します。比較結果が真ならば ``1`` を、偽ならば ``0`` を、エラーが発生すると ``-1`` を返します。この関数は Python の式 ``o1 op o2`` と同じで、 ``op`` が *opid* に対応する演算子です。" -# 861c92f93d864432a839a87bff54bcbc +# 565cd4a4e7b5494ab34587c2507515ad #: ../../c-api/object.rst:141 -msgid "If *o1* and *o2* are the same object, :c:func:`PyObject_RichCompareBool` will always return ``1`` for :const:`Py_EQ` and ``0`` for :const:`Py_NE`." +msgid "" +"If *o1* and *o2* are the same object, :c:func:`PyObject_RichCompareBool` " +"will always return ``1`` for :const:`Py_EQ` and ``0`` for :const:`Py_NE`." msgstr "*o1* と *o2* が同一のオブジェクトである場 合、 :c:func:`PyObject_RichCompareBool` は :const:`Py_EQ` に対して常に ``1`` を返し、 :const:`Py_NE` に対して常に ``0`` を返します。" -# dc5a6e22d99f4ac7900aa7cf36b01c10 +# 3ad57a7dfc9247a38a5a945ae7c518df #: ../../c-api/object.rst:148 -msgid "Compute a string representation of object *o*. Returns the string representation on success, *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``repr(o)``. Called by the :func:`repr` built-in function." +msgid "" +"Compute a string representation of object *o*. Returns the string " +"representation on success, *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the" +" Python expression ``repr(o)``. Called by the :func:`repr` built-in " +"function." msgstr "*o* の文字列表現を計算します。成功すると文字列表現を返し、失敗する と *NULL* を返します。Python 式 ``repr(o)`` と同じです。この関数は組み込み関 数 :func:`repr` の処理で呼び出されます。" -# 213381e7945c48a793d15eefbf16505e +# 0e0de81cc7b045bdb86684508feadc2f #: ../../c-api/object.rst:157 -msgid "As :c:func:`PyObject_Repr`, compute a string representation of object *o*, but escape the non-ASCII characters in the string returned by :c:func:`PyObject_Repr` with ``\\x``, ``\\u`` or ``\\U`` escapes. This generates a string similar to that returned by :c:func:`PyObject_Repr` in Python 2. Called by the :func:`ascii` built-in function." +msgid "" +"As :c:func:`PyObject_Repr`, compute a string representation of object *o*, " +"but escape the non-ASCII characters in the string returned by " +":c:func:`PyObject_Repr` with ``\\x``, ``\\u`` or ``\\U`` escapes. This " +"generates a string similar to that returned by :c:func:`PyObject_Repr` in " +"Python 2. Called by the :func:`ascii` built-in function." msgstr "" -# d123398cdef348659089c699a7921f0b +# dd8d1ea97a5749269490d3da095e9d1a #: ../../c-api/object.rst:168 -msgid "Compute a string representation of object *o*. Returns the string representation on success, *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``str(o)``. Called by the :func:`str` built-in function and, therefore, by the :func:`print` function." +msgid "" +"Compute a string representation of object *o*. Returns the string " +"representation on success, *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the" +" Python expression ``str(o)``. Called by the :func:`str` built-in function " +"and, therefore, by the :func:`print` function." msgstr "*o* の文字列表現を計算します。成功すると文字列表現を返し、失敗する と *NULL* を返します。Python 式 ``str(o)`` と同じです。この関数は組み込み関 数 :func:`str` や、 :func:`print` 関数の処理で呼び出されます。" -# a3c8e41132804739b03236aed9f3b9c6 +# 8e9966f85e784b929971fd3dcd32d53f #: ../../c-api/object.rst:177 -msgid "Compute a bytes representation of object *o*. *NULL* is returned on failure and a bytes object on success. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``bytes(o)``, when *o* is not an integer. Unlike ``bytes(o)``, a TypeError is raised when *o* is an integer instead of a zero-initialized bytes object." +msgid "" +"Compute a bytes representation of object *o*. *NULL* is returned on failure" +" and a bytes object on success. This is equivalent to the Python expression" +" ``bytes(o)``, when *o* is not an integer. Unlike ``bytes(o)``, a TypeError" +" is raised when *o* is an integer instead of a zero-initialized bytes " +"object." msgstr "" -# 82e87efcfcda4372834dada961487087 +# 88ad86c8873f43b0ae8c1828f7b21791 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:185 -msgid "Returns ``1`` if *inst* is an instance of the class *cls* or a subclass of *cls*, or ``0`` if not. On error, returns ``-1`` and sets an exception. If *cls* is a type object rather than a class object, :c:func:`PyObject_IsInstance` returns ``1`` if *inst* is of type *cls*. If *cls* is a tuple, the check will be done against every entry in *cls*. The result will be ``1`` when at least one of the checks returns ``1``, otherwise it will be ``0``. If *inst* is not a class instance and *cls* is neither a type object, nor a class object, nor a tuple, *inst* must have a :attr:`__class__` attribute --- the class relationship of the value of that attribute with *cls* will be used to determine the result of this function." +msgid "" +"Returns ``1`` if *inst* is an instance of the class *cls* or a subclass of " +"*cls*, or ``0`` if not. On error, returns ``-1`` and sets an exception. If" +" *cls* is a type object rather than a class object, " +":c:func:`PyObject_IsInstance` returns ``1`` if *inst* is of type *cls*. If " +"*cls* is a tuple, the check will be done against every entry in *cls*. The " +"result will be ``1`` when at least one of the checks returns ``1``, " +"otherwise it will be ``0``. If *inst* is not a class instance and *cls* is " +"neither a type object, nor a class object, nor a tuple, *inst* must have a " +":attr:`__class__` attribute --- the class relationship of the value of that " +"attribute with *cls* will be used to determine the result of this function." msgstr "*inst* が *cls* のインスタンスか、 *cls* のサブクラスのインスタンス の場合に ``1`` を返し、そうでなければ ``0`` を返します。エラーの時には ``-1`` を返し、例外をセットします。 *cls* がクラスオブジェクトではなく型オブ ジェクトの場合、 :c:func:`PyObject_IsInstance` は *inst* が *cls* であるとき に ``1`` を返します。 *cls* をタプルで指定した場合、 *cls* に指定した全ての エントリについてチェックを行います。少なくとも一つのエントリに対するチェック が ``1`` を返せば結果は ``1`` になり、そうでなければ ``0`` になります。 *inst* がクラスインスタンスでなく、かつ *cls* が型オブジェクトでもクラスオブ ジェクトでもタプルでもない場合、 *inst* には :attr:`__class__` 属性がなくて はなりません --- この場合、 :attr:`__class__` 属性の値と、 *cls* の値の間の クラス関係を、関数の戻り値を決定するのに使います。" -# e14522e6829a4e6aa5a08880101c0a40 +# 858082a84a3b4972b6477dd645486635 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:197 -msgid "Subclass determination is done in a fairly straightforward way, but includes a wrinkle that implementors of extensions to the class system may want to be aware of. If :class:`A` and :class:`B` are class objects, :class:`B` is a subclass of :class:`A` if it inherits from :class:`A` either directly or indirectly. If either is not a class object, a more general mechanism is used to determine the class relationship of the two objects. When testing if *B* is a subclass of *A*, if *A* is *B*, :c:func:`PyObject_IsSubclass` returns true. If *A* and *B* are different objects, *B*'s :attr:`__bases__` attribute is searched in a depth-first fashion for *A* --- the presence of the :attr:`__bases__` attribute is considered sufficient for this determination." +msgid "" +"Subclass determination is done in a fairly straightforward way, but includes" +" a wrinkle that implementors of extensions to the class system may want to " +"be aware of. If :class:`A` and :class:`B` are class objects, :class:`B` is " +"a subclass of :class:`A` if it inherits from :class:`A` either directly or " +"indirectly. If either is not a class object, a more general mechanism is " +"used to determine the class relationship of the two objects. When testing " +"if *B* is a subclass of *A*, if *A* is *B*, :c:func:`PyObject_IsSubclass` " +"returns true. If *A* and *B* are different objects, *B*'s :attr:`__bases__`" +" attribute is searched in a depth-first fashion for *A* --- the presence of " +"the :attr:`__bases__` attribute is considered sufficient for this " +"determination." msgstr "サブクラスの決定はかなり正攻法で行いますが、クラスシステムの拡張を 実装する人たちに知っておいて欲しいちょっとした問題点があります。 :class:`A` と :class:`B` がクラスオブジェクトの場合、 :class:`B` が :class:`A` のサブク ラスとなるのは、 :class:`B` が :class:`A` を直接的あるいは間接的に継承 (inherit) している場合です。両方がクラスオブジェクトでない場合、二つのオブジ ェクト間のクラス関係を決めるには、より汎用の機構を使います。 *B* が *A* のサ ブクラスであるか調べたとき、 *A* が *B* と等しけれ ば、 :c:func:`PyObject_IsSubclass` は真を返します。 *A* および *B* が異なる オブジェクトなら、 *B* の :attr:`__bases__` 属性から深さ優先探索 (depth-first search)で *A* を探索します --- オブジェクト に :attr:`__bases__` があるだけで、この決定法を適用する条件を満たしていると みなされます。" -# 489d741a1be746f7960d15a91545d881 +# 2dfccdba89fe4f7996941372d05ebf2a #: ../../c-api/object.rst:211 -msgid "Returns ``1`` if the class *derived* is identical to or derived from the class *cls*, otherwise returns ``0``. In case of an error, returns ``-1``. If *cls* is a tuple, the check will be done against every entry in *cls*. The result will be ``1`` when at least one of the checks returns ``1``, otherwise it will be ``0``. If either *derived* or *cls* is not an actual class object (or tuple), this function uses the generic algorithm described above." +msgid "" +"Returns ``1`` if the class *derived* is identical to or derived from the " +"class *cls*, otherwise returns ``0``. In case of an error, returns ``-1``. " +"If *cls* is a tuple, the check will be done against every entry in *cls*. " +"The result will be ``1`` when at least one of the checks returns ``1``, " +"otherwise it will be ``0``. If either *derived* or *cls* is not an actual " +"class object (or tuple), this function uses the generic algorithm described " +"above." msgstr "クラス *derived* が *cls* と同じクラスか、 *cls* の派生クラスの場合 に ``1`` を返し、それ以外の場合には ``0`` を返します。エラーが生じると ``-1`` を返します。 *cls* をタプルで指定した場合、 *cls* に指定した全てのエ ントリについてチェックを行います。少なくとも一つのエントリに対するチェック が ``1`` を返せば結果は ``1`` になり、そうでなければ ``0`` になります。 *derived* または *cls* のいずれかが実際のクラスオブジェクト (あるいはタプル ) でない場合、上で述べた汎用アルゴリズムを使います。" -# f58362093d7c4b368f1e5ec4cfeb31ae +# 0e3c79ce55ab426d8e7cff1b01af70d4 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:221 -msgid "Determine if the object *o* is callable. Return ``1`` if the object is callable and ``0`` otherwise. This function always succeeds." +msgid "" +"Determine if the object *o* is callable. Return ``1`` if the object is " +"callable and ``0`` otherwise. This function always succeeds." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* が呼び出し可能オブジェクトかどうか調べます。オブジ ェクトが呼び出し可能であるときに ``1`` を返し、そうでないときには ``0`` を返 します。この関数呼び出しは常に成功します。" -# e84372be7a944d89aa0e3d85d14e8745 +# 54830b2534bc42fd9001a59329f6c283 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:227 -msgid "Call a callable Python object *callable_object*, with arguments given by the tuple *args*, and named arguments given by the dictionary *kw*. If no named arguments are needed, *kw* may be *NULL*. *args* must not be *NULL*, use an empty tuple if no arguments are needed. Returns the result of the call on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``callable_object(*args, **kw)``." +msgid "" +"Call a callable Python object *callable_object*, with arguments given by the" +" tuple *args*, and named arguments given by the dictionary *kw*. If no named" +" arguments are needed, *kw* may be *NULL*. *args* must not be *NULL*, use an" +" empty tuple if no arguments are needed. Returns the result of the call on " +"success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python " +"expression ``callable_object(*args, **kw)``." msgstr "呼び出し可能な Python オブジェクト *callable_object* をタプルで指定 された引数 *args* および辞書で指定された名前つき引数 (named argument) *kw* とともに呼び出します。名前つき引数を必要としない場合、 *kw* を *NULL* にして もかまいません。 *args* は *NULL* であってはなりません。引数が全く必要ない場 合には空のタプルを使ってください。成功すると呼び出し結果として得られたオブジ ェクトを返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``callable_object(*args, **kw)`` と同じです。" -# c8daa08d1cd24ec185d6cec9db94b19b +# ce0a8574d9ee4d03b43df8451650ca5f #: ../../c-api/object.rst:237 -msgid "Call a callable Python object *callable_object*, with arguments given by the tuple *args*. If no arguments are needed, then *args* may be *NULL*. Returns the result of the call on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``callable_object(*args)``." +msgid "" +"Call a callable Python object *callable_object*, with arguments given by the" +" tuple *args*. If no arguments are needed, then *args* may be *NULL*. " +"Returns the result of the call on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is " +"the equivalent of the Python expression ``callable_object(*args)``." msgstr "呼び出し可能な Python オブジェクト *callable_object* をタプルで指定 された引数 *args* とともに呼び出します。 引数を必要としない場合、 *args* を *NULL* にしてもかまいません。成功すると呼び出し結果として得られたオブジェ クトを返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``callable_object(*args)`` と同じです。" -# d696ce386a544924b596ec1bd1115a95 +# a40529ec27aa4bd5a58128cb37c978c6 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:245 -msgid "Call a callable Python object *callable*, with a variable number of C arguments. The C arguments are described using a :c:func:`Py_BuildValue` style format string. The format may be *NULL*, indicating that no arguments are provided. Returns the result of the call on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``callable(*args)``. Note that if you only pass :c:type:`PyObject \\*` args, :c:func:`PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs` is a faster alternative." +msgid "" +"Call a callable Python object *callable*, with a variable number of C " +"arguments. The C arguments are described using a :c:func:`Py_BuildValue` " +"style format string. The format may be *NULL*, indicating that no arguments" +" are provided. Returns the result of the call on success, or *NULL* on " +"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression " +"``callable(*args)``. Note that if you only pass :c:type:`PyObject \\*` args," +" :c:func:`PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs` is a faster alternative." msgstr "呼び出し可能な Python オブジェクト *callable_object* を可変数個の C 引数とともに呼び出します。C 引数は :c:func:`Py_BuildValue` 形式のフォーマ ット文字列を使って記述します。 *format* は *NULL* にしてもよく、与える引数が ないことを表します。成功すると呼び出し結果として得られたオブジェクトを返し、 失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``callable(*args)`` と同じです。 もしも、 :c:type:`PyObject \\*` args だけを引数に渡す場合 は、 :c:func:`PyObject_CallFunctionObjArgs` がより速い方法であることを覚えて おいてください。" -# cac3f0452cb741f783996e6a5087e60a +# 6e6997e6e0564267915cf23455a098d4 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:256 -msgid "Call the method named *method* of object *o* with a variable number of C arguments. The C arguments are described by a :c:func:`Py_BuildValue` format string that should produce a tuple. The format may be *NULL*, indicating that no arguments are provided. Returns the result of the call on success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o.method(args)``. Note that if you only pass :c:type:`PyObject \\*` args, :c:func:`PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs` is a faster alternative." +msgid "" +"Call the method named *method* of object *o* with a variable number of C " +"arguments. The C arguments are described by a :c:func:`Py_BuildValue` " +"format string that should produce a tuple. The format may be *NULL*, " +"indicating that no arguments are provided. Returns the result of the call on" +" success, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python " +"expression ``o.method(args)``. Note that if you only pass :c:type:`PyObject " +"\\*` args, :c:func:`PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs` is a faster alternative." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* の *method* という名前のメソッドを、可変数個の C 引数とともに呼び出します。C 引数はタプルを生成するよう な :c:func:`Py_BuildValue` 形式のフォーマット文字列を使って記述します。 *format* は *NULL* にしてもよく、与える引数がないことを表します。成功すると 呼び出し結果として得られたオブジェクトを返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返しま す。 Python の式 ``o.method(args)`` と同じです。もしも、 :c:type:`PyObject \\*` args だけを引数に渡す場合は、 :c:func:`PyObject_CallMethodObjArgs` がよ り速い方法であることを覚えておいてください。" -# 1651f66ef44f41789591a93c40ce535f +# a7f00751a5ba4b1b9e0d360a48b01211 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:267 -msgid "Call a callable Python object *callable*, with a variable number of :c:type:`PyObject\\*` arguments. The arguments are provided as a variable number of parameters followed by *NULL*. Returns the result of the call on success, or *NULL* on failure." +msgid "" +"Call a callable Python object *callable*, with a variable number of " +":c:type:`PyObject\\*` arguments. The arguments are provided as a variable " +"number of parameters followed by *NULL*. Returns the result of the call on " +"success, or *NULL* on failure." msgstr "呼び出し可能な Python オブジェクト *callable_object* を可変数個 の :c:type:`PyObject\\*` 引数とともに呼び出します。引数列は末尾に *NULL* が ついた可変数個のパラメタとして与えます。成功すると呼び出し結果として得られた オブジェクトを返し失敗すると *NULL* を返します。" -# cbb7f2bed59646e7b9b361803ee58579 +# dac66d2c96b34bc88fe870a908a07cf4 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:275 -msgid "Calls a method of the object *o*, where the name of the method is given as a Python string object in *name*. It is called with a variable number of :c:type:`PyObject\\*` arguments. The arguments are provided as a variable number of parameters followed by *NULL*. Returns the result of the call on success, or *NULL* on failure." +msgid "" +"Calls a method of the object *o*, where the name of the method is given as a" +" Python string object in *name*. It is called with a variable number of " +":c:type:`PyObject\\*` arguments. The arguments are provided as a variable " +"number of parameters followed by *NULL*. Returns the result of the call on " +"success, or *NULL* on failure." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* のメソッドを呼び出します、メソッド名は Python 文字 列オブジェクト *name* で与えます。可変数個の :c:type:`PyObject\\*` 引数と共 に呼び出されます. 引数列は末尾に *NULL* がついた可変数個のパラメタとして与え ます。成功すると呼び出し結果として得られたオブジェクトを返し失敗すると *NULL* を返します。" -# d76a1a6cb938470b8c4d153f0a063b94 +# bdf52396f11c46cd8f4776ef18f8e6b0 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:286 -msgid "Compute and return the hash value of an object *o*. On failure, return ``-1``. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``hash(o)``." +msgid "" +"Compute and return the hash value of an object *o*. On failure, return " +"``-1``. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``hash(o)``." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* のハッシュ値を計算して返します。失敗すると ``-1`` を返します。 Python の式 ``hash(o)`` と同じです。" -# 2fddcda06ed14626800529837f50fca2 +# 3c087573ba104eb5a8eca97c992625ba #: ../../c-api/object.rst:296 -msgid "Set a :exc:`TypeError` indicating that ``type(o)`` is not hashable and return ``-1``. This function receives special treatment when stored in a ``tp_hash`` slot, allowing a type to explicitly indicate to the interpreter that it is not hashable." +msgid "" +"Set a :exc:`TypeError` indicating that ``type(o)`` is not hashable and " +"return ``-1``. This function receives special treatment when stored in a " +"``tp_hash`` slot, allowing a type to explicitly indicate to the interpreter " +"that it is not hashable." msgstr "``type(o)`` がハッシュ不可能であることを示す :exc:`TypeError` を設 定し、 ``-1`` を返します。この関数は ``tp_hash`` スロットに格納されたときに は特別な扱いを受け、その type がハッシュ不可能であることをインタプリタに明示 的に示します。" -# bcb9941305874934ace622fb9c8a7f1f +# 74e2822eebfe423aa8fee69e0dde025d #: ../../c-api/object.rst:304 -msgid "Returns ``1`` if the object *o* is considered to be true, and ``0`` otherwise. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``not not o``. On failure, return ``-1``." +msgid "" +"Returns ``1`` if the object *o* is considered to be true, and ``0`` " +"otherwise. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``not not o``. On " +"failure, return ``-1``." msgstr "*o* が真を表すとみなせる場合には ``1`` を、そうでないときには ``0`` を返します。 Python の式 ``not not o`` と同じです。失敗すると ``-1`` を返します。" -# a8800d37df54424a9077f685789ce4d0 +# 7431f7a6854a4ee8b068d8e9de32cda0 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:311 -msgid "Returns ``0`` if the object *o* is considered to be true, and ``1`` otherwise. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``not o``. On failure, return ``-1``." +msgid "" +"Returns ``0`` if the object *o* is considered to be true, and ``1`` " +"otherwise. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``not o``. On " +"failure, return ``-1``." msgstr "*o* が真を表すとみなせる場合には ``0`` を、そうでないときには ``1`` を返します。 Python の式 ``not o`` と同じです。失敗すると ``-1`` を 返します。" -# 2ff7364accba419ea1091df11fbfdc18 +# a9216debafd840c489d0fd42024cb5cb #: ../../c-api/object.rst:320 -msgid "When *o* is non-*NULL*, returns a type object corresponding to the object type of object *o*. On failure, raises :exc:`SystemError` and returns *NULL*. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``type(o)``. This function increments the reference count of the return value. There's really no reason to use this function instead of the common expression ``o->ob_type``, which returns a pointer of type :c:type:`PyTypeObject\\*`, except when the incremented reference count is needed." +msgid "" +"When *o* is non-*NULL*, returns a type object corresponding to the object " +"type of object *o*. On failure, raises :exc:`SystemError` and returns " +"*NULL*. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``type(o)``. This " +"function increments the reference count of the return value. There's really " +"no reason to use this function instead of the common expression " +"``o->ob_type``, which returns a pointer of type :c:type:`PyTypeObject\\*`, " +"except when the incremented reference count is needed." msgstr "*o* が *NULL* でない場合、オブジェクト *o* のオブジェクト型に相当す る型オブジェクトを返します。失敗すると :exc:`SystemError` を送出して *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``type(o)`` と同じです。 この関数は戻り値の参照カ ウントをインクリメントします。参照カウントのインクリメントが必要でない限り、 広く使われていて :c:type:`PyTypeObject\\*` 型のポインタを返す表記法 ``o->ob_type`` の代わりに使う理由は全くありません。" -# b453e5d8b2c4448a9ed441dcd6a25512 +# 524fadca80454962948218f473a50907 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:331 -msgid "Return true if the object *o* is of type *type* or a subtype of *type*. Both parameters must be non-*NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return true if the object *o* is of type *type* or a subtype of *type*. " +"Both parameters must be non-*NULL*." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* が、 *type* か *type* のサブタイプであるときに真を 返します。どちらのパラメタも *NULL* であってはなりません。" -# b65168bd5aa840b9911012e36a70a943 +# b6ba5b9c456242f58944a93b01b9c3ce #: ../../c-api/object.rst:340 -msgid "Return the length of object *o*. If the object *o* provides either the sequence and mapping protocols, the sequence length is returned. On error, ``-1`` is returned. This is the equivalent to the Python expression ``len(o)``." +msgid "" +"Return the length of object *o*. If the object *o* provides either the " +"sequence and mapping protocols, the sequence length is returned. On error, " +"``-1`` is returned. This is the equivalent to the Python expression " +"``len(o)``." msgstr "*o* の長さを返します。オブジェクト *o* がシーケンス型プロトコルとマ ップ型プロトコルの両方を提供している場合、シーケンスとしての長さを返します。 エラーが生じると ``-1`` を返します。 Python の式 ``len(o)`` と同じです。" -# 12dee34675614877a3c8645e152fd005 +# 90493e73201d4834995b0b784f2ed31a +#: ../../c-api/object.rst:347 +msgid "" +"Return element of *o* corresponding to the object *key* or *NULL* on " +"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o[key]``." +msgstr "" + +# ab751726bab849d8b5db516ad0df9311 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:353 -msgid "Map the object *key* to the value *v*. Returns ``-1`` on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o[key] = v``." +msgid "" +"Map the object *key* to the value *v*. Returns ``-1`` on failure. This is " +"the equivalent of the Python statement ``o[key] = v``." msgstr "成功するとオブジェクト *key* に対応する *o* の要素を返し、失敗する と *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``o[key]`` と同じです。" -# cd1972911e684728ab830a7b2264607b +# f7cd03373d664c80b41a1d25c820a14a #: ../../c-api/object.rst:359 -msgid "Delete the mapping for *key* from *o*. Returns ``-1`` on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``del o[key]``." +msgid "" +"Delete the mapping for *key* from *o*. Returns ``-1`` on failure. This is " +"the equivalent of the Python statement ``del o[key]``." msgstr "オブジェクト *key* を値 *v* に対応付けます。失敗すると ``-1`` を返 します。 Python の文 ``o[key] = v`` と同じです。" -# b9b67d76c34f4901baddb61e78edb820 +# 2e92e7fdaaa44123815114ce074ecd98 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:365 -msgid "This is equivalent to the Python expression ``dir(o)``, returning a (possibly empty) list of strings appropriate for the object argument, or *NULL* if there was an error. If the argument is *NULL*, this is like the Python ``dir()``, returning the names of the current locals; in this case, if no execution frame is active then *NULL* is returned but :c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` will return false." +msgid "" +"This is equivalent to the Python expression ``dir(o)``, returning a " +"(possibly empty) list of strings appropriate for the object argument, or " +"*NULL* if there was an error. If the argument is *NULL*, this is like the " +"Python ``dir()``, returning the names of the current locals; in this case, " +"if no execution frame is active then *NULL* is returned but " +":c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` will return false." msgstr "この関数は Python の式 ``dir(o)`` と同じで、オブジェクトの変数名に 割り当てている文字列からなるリスト (空の場合もあります) を返します。エラーの 場合には *NULL* を返します。引数を *NULL* にすると、Python における ``dir()`` と同様に、現在のローカルな名前を返します; この場合、アクティブな実 行フレームがなければ *NULL* を返しますが、 :c:func:`PyErr_Occurred` は偽を返 します。" -# 526926711bab4400b8f33d8926926413 +# 63741dc9fe404c489f41fb8135a74769 #: ../../c-api/object.rst:374 -msgid "This is equivalent to the Python expression ``iter(o)``. It returns a new iterator for the object argument, or the object itself if the object is already an iterator. Raises :exc:`TypeError` and returns *NULL* if the object cannot be iterated." +msgid "" +"This is equivalent to the Python expression ``iter(o)``. It returns a new " +"iterator for the object argument, or the object itself if the object is " +"already an iterator. Raises :exc:`TypeError` and returns *NULL* if the " +"object cannot be iterated." msgstr "Python の式 ``iter(o)`` と同じです。引数にとったオブジェクトに対す る新たなイテレータか、オブジェクトがすでにイテレータの場合にはオブジェクト自 身を返します。オブジェクトが反復処理不可能であった場合には :exc:`TypeError` を送出して *NULL* を返します。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/objimpl.po Fri Oct 26 04:45:32 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/objimpl.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:02+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" +"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL @ ADDRESS>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -13,12 +17,14 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# c95b80fd3267405d858f52fc18d26b59 +# 01bbf7cf1df549d8b6e8d9fbdfc632fa #: ../../c-api/objimpl.rst:7 msgid "Object Implementation Support" msgstr "オブジェクト実装サポート (object implementation support)" -# a647df6146464b6aaa15c0d0e2f8d339 +# 0ea08378366043d285d1692034097762 #: ../../c-api/objimpl.rst:9 -msgid "This chapter describes the functions, types, and macros used when defining new object types." +msgid "" +"This chapter describes the functions, types, and macros used when defining " +"new object types." msgstr "この章では、新しいオブジェクト型 (new object type) を定義する際に使 われる関数、型、およびマクロについて説明します。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/refcounting.po Tue Nov 6 01:00:41 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/refcounting.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-03 12:11+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,57 +17,95 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 7493aed4ab544242b77c9c4f14ae504f +# 92427e4d5c4449578054091d64674818 #: ../../c-api/refcounting.rst:8 msgid "Reference Counting" msgstr "Reference Counting" -# 457075718d4c459699ec6480814f5a91 +# 7b77dd15c4a44148b6a86300874a864c #: ../../c-api/refcounting.rst:10 -msgid "The macros in this section are used for managing reference counts of Python objects." +msgid "" +"The macros in this section are used for managing reference counts of Python " +"objects." msgstr "この節のマクロはPythonオブジェクトの参照カウントを管理するために使 われます。" -# 3a00e2f1c52346f695c6d21a5bc6c899 +# bff6b79b4f554255b4a8a730d94606e6 #: ../../c-api/refcounting.rst:16 -msgid "Increment the reference count for object *o*. The object must not be *NULL*; if you aren't sure that it isn't *NULL*, use :c:func:`Py_XINCREF`." +msgid "" +"Increment the reference count for object *o*. The object must not be " +"*NULL*; if you aren't sure that it isn't *NULL*, use :c:func:`Py_XINCREF`." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* に対する参照カウントを一つ増やします。オブジェクト が *NULL* であってはいけません。それが *NULL* ではないと確信が持てないなら ば、 :c:func:`Py_XINCREF` を使ってください。" -# 58c487e053854c64898504ce02bbe540 +# efd50ef57f2048aea2b8bc9927a6fe43 #: ../../c-api/refcounting.rst:22 -msgid "Increment the reference count for object *o*. The object may be *NULL*, in which case the macro has no effect." +msgid "" +"Increment the reference count for object *o*. The object may be *NULL*, in " +"which case the macro has no effect." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* に対する参照カウントを一つ増やします。オブジェクト が *NULL* であってもよく、その場合マクロは何の影響も与えません。" -# 74bc930c1b114c36b78bf000b754ffd1 +# 6497d96f7343434eab7a38f90ef689fb #: ../../c-api/refcounting.rst:28 -msgid "Decrement the reference count for object *o*. The object must not be *NULL*; if you aren't sure that it isn't *NULL*, use :c:func:`Py_XDECREF`. If the reference count reaches zero, the object's type's deallocation function (which must not be *NULL*) is invoked." +msgid "" +"Decrement the reference count for object *o*. The object must not be " +"*NULL*; if you aren't sure that it isn't *NULL*, use :c:func:`Py_XDECREF`. " +"If the reference count reaches zero, the object's type's deallocation " +"function (which must not be *NULL*) is invoked." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* に対する参照カウントを一つ減らします。オブジェクト が *NULL* であってはいけません。それが *NULL* ではないと確信が持てないなら ば、 :c:func:`Py_XDECREF` を使ってください。参照カウントがゼロになったら、オ ブジェクトの型のメモリ解放関数(*NULL* であってはならない)が呼ばれます。" -# 077fa4bf2d8644a89d255b24d99296d4 +# 27bc539d43c24a5bb4115cf238d7e49a #: ../../c-api/refcounting.rst:35 -msgid "The deallocation function can cause arbitrary Python code to be invoked (e.g. when a class instance with a :meth:`__del__` method is deallocated). While exceptions in such code are not propagated, the executed code has free access to all Python global variables. This means that any object that is reachable from a global variable should be in a consistent state before :c:func:`Py_DECREF` is invoked. For example, code to delete an object from a list should copy a reference to the deleted object in a temporary variable, update the list data structure, and then call :c:func:`Py_DECREF` for the temporary variable." +msgid "" +"The deallocation function can cause arbitrary Python code to be invoked " +"(e.g. when a class instance with a :meth:`__del__` method is deallocated). " +"While exceptions in such code are not propagated, the executed code has free" +" access to all Python global variables. This means that any object that is " +"reachable from a global variable should be in a consistent state before " +":c:func:`Py_DECREF` is invoked. For example, code to delete an object from " +"a list should copy a reference to the deleted object in a temporary " +"variable, update the list data structure, and then call :c:func:`Py_DECREF` " +"for the temporary variable." msgstr "(例えば :meth:`__del__` メソッドをもつクラスインスタンスがメモリ解 放されたときに)メモリ解放関数は任意のPythonコードを呼び出すことができます。 このようなコードでは例外は伝播しませんが、実行されたコードはすべてのPythonグ ローバル変数に自由にアクセスできます。これが意味するの は、 :c:func:`Py_DECREF` が呼び出されるより前では、グローバル変数から到達可 能などんなオブジェクトも一貫した状態にあるべきであるということです。例えば、 リストからオブジェクトを削除するコードは削除するオブジェクトへの参照を一時変 数にコピーし、リストデータ構造を更新し、それから一時変数に対し て :c:func:`Py_DECREF` を呼び出すべきです。" -# bc675a8895884d4486b7c923343c6ca4 +# 7eddef74c1db4d59862a52287ee40e7d #: ../../c-api/refcounting.rst:47 -msgid "Decrement the reference count for object *o*. The object may be *NULL*, in which case the macro has no effect; otherwise the effect is the same as for :c:func:`Py_DECREF`, and the same warning applies." +msgid "" +"Decrement the reference count for object *o*. The object may be *NULL*, in " +"which case the macro has no effect; otherwise the effect is the same as for " +":c:func:`Py_DECREF`, and the same warning applies." msgstr "オブジェクト *o* への参照カウントを一つ減らします。オブジェクトは *NULL* でもかまいませんが、その場合マクロは何の影響も与えません。それ以外の 場合、結果は :c:func:`Py_DECREF` と同じです。また、注意すべきことも同じで す。" -# 01858096b6b04e148c18fe4b053097fe +# 26336464af2b4c3f99c15f94d608a225 #: ../../c-api/refcounting.rst:54 -msgid "Decrement the reference count for object *o*. The object may be *NULL*, in which case the macro has no effect; otherwise the effect is the same as for :c:func:`Py_DECREF`, except that the argument is also set to *NULL*. The warning for :c:func:`Py_DECREF` does not apply with respect to the object passed because the macro carefully uses a temporary variable and sets the argument to *NULL* before decrementing its reference count." +msgid "" +"Decrement the reference count for object *o*. The object may be *NULL*, in " +"which case the macro has no effect; otherwise the effect is the same as for " +":c:func:`Py_DECREF`, except that the argument is also set to *NULL*. The " +"warning for :c:func:`Py_DECREF` does not apply with respect to the object " +"passed because the macro carefully uses a temporary variable and sets the " +"argument to *NULL* before decrementing its reference count." msgstr "*o* の参照カウントを減らします。オブジェクトは *NULL* でもよく、そ の場合このマクロは何も行いません。オブジェクトが *NULL* でなければ、引数を *NULL* にした :c:func:`Py_DECREF` と同じ効果をもたらします。このマクロは一時 変数を使って、参照カウントをデクリメントする前に引数を *NULL* にセットしてく れるので、 :c:func:`Py_DECREF` に使うときの警告を気にしなくてすみます。" -# b5214c0edbf0496b8e0698dadbef451c +# 43e4fe084000488ba4ea7d67c6fdfa65 #: ../../c-api/refcounting.rst:61 -msgid "It is a good idea to use this macro whenever decrementing the value of a variable that might be traversed during garbage collection." +msgid "" +"It is a good idea to use this macro whenever decrementing the value of a " +"variable that might be traversed during garbage collection." msgstr "ガベージコレクション中に追跡される可能性のある変数の参照デクリメン トを行うには、このマクロを使うのがよいでしょう。" -# f02ef0bb11c54895bb54e0eb0f9e5f01 +# 25c494adb552413b904a02d91e441427 #: ../../c-api/refcounting.rst:65 -msgid "The following functions are for runtime dynamic embedding of Python: ``Py_IncRef(PyObject *o)``, ``Py_DecRef(PyObject *o)``. They are simply exported function versions of :c:func:`Py_XINCREF` and :c:func:`Py_XDECREF`, respectively." +msgid "" +"The following functions are for runtime dynamic embedding of Python: " +"``Py_IncRef(PyObject *o)``, ``Py_DecRef(PyObject *o)``. They are simply " +"exported function versions of :c:func:`Py_XINCREF` and :c:func:`Py_XDECREF`," +" respectively." msgstr "以下の関数: ``Py_IncRef(PyObject *o)``, ``Py_DecRef(PyObject *o)``, は、実行時の動的な Python 埋め込みで使われる関数です。これらの関数は それぞれ :c:func:`Py_XINCREF` および :c:func:`Py_XDECREF` をエクスポートした だけです。" -# 25cb75523a2343feb3400f8d83b11621 +# a2550abd8bbe4e55b77316f10a6627bc #: ../../c-api/refcounting.rst:70 -msgid "The following functions or macros are only for use within the interpreter core: :c:func:`_Py_Dealloc`, :c:func:`_Py_ForgetReference`, :c:func:`_Py_NewReference`, as well as the global variable :c:data:`_Py_RefTotal`." +msgid "" +"The following functions or macros are only for use within the interpreter " +"core: :c:func:`_Py_Dealloc`, :c:func:`_Py_ForgetReference`, " +":c:func:`_Py_NewReference`, as well as the global variable " +":c:data:`_Py_RefTotal`." msgstr "以下の関数やマク ロ: :c:func:`_Py_Dealloc`, :c:func:`_Py_ForgetReference`, :c:func:`_Py_NewReference` は、インタプリタのコアの内部においてのみ使用するためのものです。また、グロー バル変数 :c:data:`_Py_RefTotal` も同様です。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/reflection.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/reflection.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-25 23:44+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,42 +17,56 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 44db771266e445a7accfaea1d024a159 +# 23d8da96f154477c82c6316258d61370 #: ../../c-api/reflection.rst:6 msgid "Reflection" msgstr "リフレクション" -# df741710730c4973a2ea47536e2de1c9 +# 70df56517a0f495d817bb243f14bdf38 #: ../../c-api/reflection.rst:10 -msgid "Return a dictionary of the builtins in the current execution frame, or the interpreter of the thread state if no frame is currently executing." +msgid "" +"Return a dictionary of the builtins in the current execution frame, or the " +"interpreter of the thread state if no frame is currently executing." msgstr "現在の実行フレーム内のビルトインの辞書か、もし実行中のフレームがな ければスレッド状態のインタプリタのビルトイン辞書を返します。" -# 07bded0cff2546b4a8d640677efdd39c +# 6b3198d36712458f8bf1a1e0b1b58bd4 #: ../../c-api/reflection.rst:16 -msgid "Return a dictionary of the local variables in the current execution frame, or *NULL* if no frame is currently executing." +msgid "" +"Return a dictionary of the local variables in the current execution frame, " +"or *NULL* if no frame is currently executing." msgstr "現在の実行フレーム内のローカル変数の辞書か、実行中のフレームがなけ れば *NULL* を返します。" -# 5a677c8a5a774c419a39c143c02f6cba +# 0b40d449998a40f9a86d1844d9ac6179 #: ../../c-api/reflection.rst:22 -msgid "Return a dictionary of the global variables in the current execution frame, or *NULL* if no frame is currently executing." +msgid "" +"Return a dictionary of the global variables in the current execution frame, " +"or *NULL* if no frame is currently executing." msgstr "現在の実行フレームのグローバル変数の辞書か、実行中のフレームがなけ れば *NULL* を返します。" -# 4aaa1733c010424e8ce5d2e93a842e01 +# 33e249a21c3f466da5d4824ceb1fb067 #: ../../c-api/reflection.rst:28 -msgid "Return the current thread state's frame, which is *NULL* if no frame is currently executing." +msgid "" +"Return the current thread state's frame, which is *NULL* if no frame is " +"currently executing." msgstr "現在のスレッド状態のフレームを返します。現在実行中のフレームがなけ れば *NULL* を返します。" -# 9b34c3ae9be64c3480eb14698f189605 +# 2ff1c2f673184ec48b4adb5571a7d58f #: ../../c-api/reflection.rst:34 msgid "Return the line number that *frame* is currently executing." msgstr "*frame* が現在実行している行番号を返します。" -# 207046d5756647b8a80f713183730cd0 +# e2bbdc0256d94e9ba6c4a673205505f7 #: ../../c-api/reflection.rst:39 -msgid "Return the name of *func* if it is a function, class or instance object, else the name of *func*\\s type." +msgid "" +"Return the name of *func* if it is a function, class or instance object, " +"else the name of *func*\\s type." msgstr "*func* が関数、クラス、インスタンスオブジェクトであればその名前を、 そうでなければ *func* の型を返します。" -# e72b423922214d3f8a8bb2d45638b9f9 +# 0132e2149a944a8db1e382ad9d4ee976 #: ../../c-api/reflection.rst:45 -msgid "Return a description string, depending on the type of *func*. Return values include \"()\" for functions and methods, \" constructor\", \" instance\", and \" object\". Concatenated with the result of :c:func:`PyEval_GetFuncName`, the result will be a description of *func*." +msgid "" +"Return a description string, depending on the type of *func*. Return values " +"include \"()\" for functions and methods, \" constructor\", \" instance\", " +"and \" object\". Concatenated with the result of " +":c:func:`PyEval_GetFuncName`, the result will be a description of *func*." msgstr "*func* の型に依存する、解説文字列(description string)を返します。戻 り値は、関数とメソッドに対しては \"()\", \" constructor\", \" instance\", \" object\" です。 :c:func:`PyEval_GetFuncName` と連結された結果、 *func* の 解説になります。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/sequence.po Sat Nov 3 06:46:10 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/sequence.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-02 09:44+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,122 +17,185 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 3ac3cc695eb044e7b2e4e982def613e6 +# dd4555de8c7e463dbabe6a53073977be #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:6 msgid "Sequence Protocol" msgstr "シーケンス型プロトコル (sequence protocol)" -# 66c0821f85d249449a64065aea1dff20 +# 8fca256f57fd42488d24682d5a37fdc5 #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:11 -msgid "Return ``1`` if the object provides sequence protocol, and ``0`` otherwise. This function always succeeds." +msgid "" +"Return ``1`` if the object provides sequence protocol, and ``0`` otherwise. " +"This function always succeeds." msgstr "オブジェクトがシーケンス型プロトコルを提供している場合に ``1`` を返 し、そうでないときには ``0`` を返します。この関数呼び出しは常に成功します。" -# e962241c0ab441fd8f7f3a0eaaea8be6 +# b4892596577b45e1844417f5de678eaa #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:20 -msgid "Returns the number of objects in sequence *o* on success, and ``-1`` on failure. For objects that do not provide sequence protocol, this is equivalent to the Python expression ``len(o)``." +msgid "" +"Returns the number of objects in sequence *o* on success, and ``-1`` on " +"failure. For objects that do not provide sequence protocol, this is " +"equivalent to the Python expression ``len(o)``." msgstr "成功するとシーケンス *o* 中のオブジェクトの数を返し、失敗すると ``-1`` を返します。シーケンス型プロトコルをサポートしないオブジェクトに対し ては、 Python の式 ``len(o)`` と同じになります。" -# 34bf94c0c3f1403c8d732e6e8a697a65 +# dcdfde9022754470b2acba6d0bf5388a #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:27 -msgid "Return the concatenation of *o1* and *o2* on success, and *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 + o2``." +msgid "" +"Return the concatenation of *o1* and *o2* on success, and *NULL* on failure." +" This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 + o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* と *o2* の連結 (concatenation) を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``o1 + o2`` と同じです。" -# 54ecd7f6dbe44df4a46ae086d7ba2657 +# 21a17b28c85849ebbc95d8344b9e061f #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:33 -msgid "Return the result of repeating sequence object *o* *count* times, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o * count``." +msgid "" +"Return the result of repeating sequence object *o* *count* times, or *NULL* " +"on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o * count``." msgstr "成功するとオブジェクト *o* の *count* 回繰り返しを返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``o * count`` と同じです。" -# 62456aeb999d429ab767857b6c47b7aa +# 427b2e2b5641447f82c4916d74c42e1b #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:39 -msgid "Return the concatenation of *o1* and *o2* on success, and *NULL* on failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 += o2``." +msgid "" +"Return the concatenation of *o1* and *o2* on success, and *NULL* on failure." +" The operation is done *in-place* when *o1* supports it. This is the " +"equivalent of the Python expression ``o1 += o2``." msgstr "成功すると *o1* と *o2* の連結 (concatenation) を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 *o1* が *in-place* 演算をサポートする場合、in-place 演算 を行います。 Python の式 ``o1 += o2`` と同じです。" -# 9855264b50384939832666d3cf296f67 +# c4f94d06176e4ffab3547dc386a46ce1 #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:46 -msgid "Return the result of repeating sequence object *o* *count* times, or *NULL* on failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o* supports it. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o *= count``." +msgid "" +"Return the result of repeating sequence object *o* *count* times, or *NULL* " +"on failure. The operation is done *in-place* when *o* supports it. This is" +" the equivalent of the Python expression ``o *= count``." msgstr "成功するとオブジェクト *o* の *count* 回繰り返しを返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返します。 *o1* が *in-place* 演算をサポートする場合、in-place 演算 を行います。 Python の式 ``o *= count`` と同じです。" -# 57f4c9f77e7541f59a33558a8646d4a1 +# 1c83c42f4b55405cb392c60772644030 #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:53 -msgid "Return the *i*\\ th element of *o*, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o[i]``." +msgid "" +"Return the *i*\\ th element of *o*, or *NULL* on failure. This is the " +"equivalent of the Python expression ``o[i]``." msgstr "成功すると *o* の *i* 番目の要素を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返しま す。 Python の式 ``o[i]`` と同じです。" -# c507e6880c224161b49b8e0d4ecd1467 +# 68d320aec49642948309b6119cdf3868 #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:59 -msgid "Return the slice of sequence object *o* between *i1* and *i2*, or *NULL* on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o[i1:i2]``." +msgid "" +"Return the slice of sequence object *o* between *i1* and *i2*, or *NULL* on " +"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python expression ``o[i1:i2]``." msgstr "成功すると *o* の *i1* から *i2* までの間のスライスを返し、失敗する と *NULL* を返します。 Python の式 ``o[i1:i2]`` と同じです。" -# 76b8ec1e79ce46138ce9ff3f64b68c54 +# 67c917f5e5cd4f4f896f8bcd1e39d6a8 #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:65 -msgid "Assign object *v* to the *i*\\ th element of *o*. Returns ``-1`` on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o[i] = v``. This function *does not* steal a reference to *v*." +msgid "" +"Assign object *v* to the *i*\\ th element of *o*. Returns ``-1`` on " +"failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o[i] = v``. This" +" function *does not* steal a reference to *v*." msgstr "*o* の *i* 番目の要素に *v* を代入します。失敗すると ``-1`` を返し ます。 Python の文 ``o[i] = v`` と同じです。この関数は *v* への参照を盗み取 り *ません* 。" -# f6f18532825344ad8348b14f2f0d5e9a +# 5b5ceb2c9e464dbbb80e8487a0204ed8 #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:72 -msgid "Delete the *i*\\ th element of object *o*. Returns ``-1`` on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``del o[i]``." +msgid "" +"Delete the *i*\\ th element of object *o*. Returns ``-1`` on failure. This" +" is the equivalent of the Python statement ``del o[i]``." msgstr "*o* の *i* 番目の要素を削除します。失敗すると ``-1`` を返します。 Python の文 ``del o[i]`` と同じです。" -# cce1d69c997848bea27890023ae8bc43 +# f68a953534db4a8e9415006b26cf0ee0 #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:78 -msgid "Assign the sequence object *v* to the slice in sequence object *o* from *i1* to *i2*. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o[i1:i2] = v``." +msgid "" +"Assign the sequence object *v* to the slice in sequence object *o* from *i1*" +" to *i2*. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``o[i1:i2] = v``." msgstr "*o* の *i1* から *i2* までの間のスライスに *v* を代入します。 Python の文 ``o[i1:i2] = v`` と同じです。" -# c20c833459c548078a6fa596003dfbde +# 71af4ae44812498ca178b614eb2155bb #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:84 -msgid "Delete the slice in sequence object *o* from *i1* to *i2*. Returns ``-1`` on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``del o[i1:i2]``." +msgid "" +"Delete the slice in sequence object *o* from *i1* to *i2*. Returns ``-1`` " +"on failure. This is the equivalent of the Python statement ``del " +"o[i1:i2]``." msgstr "シーケンスオブジェクト *o* の *i1* から *i2* までの間のスライスを削 除します。失敗すると ``-1`` を返します。 Python の文 ``del o[i1:i2]`` と同じ です。" -# 21c3c0afa71949a385cb1d5ce6f83480 +# d5326205735b4f1785cef7e04afe5a02 #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:90 -msgid "Return the number of occurrences of *value* in *o*, that is, return the number of keys for which ``o[key] == value``. On failure, return ``-1``. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``o.count(value)``." +msgid "" +"Return the number of occurrences of *value* in *o*, that is, return the " +"number of keys for which ``o[key] == value``. On failure, return ``-1``. " +"This is equivalent to the Python expression ``o.count(value)``." msgstr "*o* における *value* の出現回数、すなわち ``o[key] == value`` とな る *key* の個数を返します。失敗すると ``-1`` を返します。 Python の式 ``o.count(value)`` と同じです。" -# 386be903d362476194c91162ae46e423 +# 81a1107ff039415c90172f178c7e3daf #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:97 -msgid "Determine if *o* contains *value*. If an item in *o* is equal to *value*, return ``1``, otherwise return ``0``. On error, return ``-1``. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``value in o``." +msgid "" +"Determine if *o* contains *value*. If an item in *o* is equal to *value*, " +"return ``1``, otherwise return ``0``. On error, return ``-1``. This is " +"equivalent to the Python expression ``value in o``." msgstr "*o* に *value* が入っているか判定します。 *o* のある要素が *value* と等価 (equal) ならば ``1`` を返し、それ以外の場合には ``0`` を返します。エ ラーが発生すると ``-1`` を返します。 Python の式 ``value in o`` と同じで す。" -# 13a0e4b764f04e329f96c2787d59d474 +# 07f9f07f59234341a818153d6a5495c9 #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:104 -msgid "Return the first index *i* for which ``o[i] == value``. On error, return ``-1``. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``o.index(value)``." +msgid "" +"Return the first index *i* for which ``o[i] == value``. On error, return " +"``-1``. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``o.index(value)``." msgstr "``o[i] == value`` となる最初に見つかったインデクス *i* を返します。 エラーが発生すると ``-1`` を返します。 Python の式 ``o.index(value)`` と同じ です。" -# 38e2f5b5c78642cdb21796cf2e24b9dd +# bffcbbbe5363469ba7d3d14406be5bbe #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:110 -msgid "Return a list object with the same contents as the arbitrary sequence *o*. The returned list is guaranteed to be new." +msgid "" +"Return a list object with the same contents as the arbitrary sequence *o*. " +"The returned list is guaranteed to be new." msgstr "任意のシーケンス *o* と同じ内容を持つリストオブジェクトを返します。 返されるリストは必ず新しいリストオブジェクトになります。" -# 00e823b3738e4edfae4de6dbd1ef63a3 +# b4defaf2c45c4179a8321b28cd56cada #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:118 -msgid "Return a tuple object with the same contents as the arbitrary sequence *o* or *NULL* on failure. If *o* is a tuple, a new reference will be returned, otherwise a tuple will be constructed with the appropriate contents. This is equivalent to the Python expression ``tuple(o)``." +msgid "" +"Return a tuple object with the same contents as the arbitrary sequence *o* " +"or *NULL* on failure. If *o* is a tuple, a new reference will be returned, " +"otherwise a tuple will be constructed with the appropriate contents. This " +"is equivalent to the Python expression ``tuple(o)``." msgstr "任意のシーケンス *o* と同じ内容を持つタプルオブジェクトを返します。 失敗したら *NULL* を返します。 *o* がタプルの場合、新たな参照を返します。そ れ以外の場合、適切な内容が入ったタプルを構築して返します。 Pythonの式 ``tuple(o)`` と同じです。" -# 3858b88bbdcc4be9983e8539668a4aec +# 99371d2245be407fad2b3366505b9eec #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:126 -msgid "Returns the sequence *o* as a tuple, unless it is already a tuple or list, in which case *o* is returned. Use :c:func:`PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM` to access the members of the result. Returns *NULL* on failure. If the object is not a sequence, raises :exc:`TypeError` with *m* as the message text." +msgid "" +"Returns the sequence *o* as a tuple, unless it is already a tuple or list, " +"in which case *o* is returned. Use :c:func:`PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM` to " +"access the members of the result. Returns *NULL* on failure. If the object" +" is not a sequence, raises :exc:`TypeError` with *m* as the message text." msgstr "シーケンス *o* がすでにタプルやリストであれば *o* を返し、そうでな ければ *o* をタプルで返します。返されるタプルのメンバにアクセスするに は :c:func:`PySequence_Fast_GET_ITEM` を使ってください。失敗すると *NULL* を 返します。オブジェクトがシーケンスでなければ、 *m* がメッセージテキストにな っている :exc:`TypeError` を送出します。" -# 13a00ed837b543f69b1ad2ad5d7900a3 +# 70065412e1c2474a9e7c6f35f880d50a #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:134 -msgid "Return the *i*\\ th element of *o*, assuming that *o* was returned by :c:func:`PySequence_Fast`, *o* is not *NULL*, and that *i* is within bounds." +msgid "" +"Return the *i*\\ th element of *o*, assuming that *o* was returned by " +":c:func:`PySequence_Fast`, *o* is not *NULL*, and that *i* is within bounds." msgstr "*o* が *NULL* でなく、 :c:func:`PySequence_Fast` が返したオブジェク トであり、かつ *i* がインデクスの範囲内にあると仮定して、 *o* の *i* 番目の 要素を返します。" -# 32b25b428ba94d68abeadbf6c396adda +# c752a4c130d742bbb2485d442e946373 #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:140 -msgid "Return the underlying array of PyObject pointers. Assumes that *o* was returned by :c:func:`PySequence_Fast` and *o* is not *NULL*." +msgid "" +"Return the underlying array of PyObject pointers. Assumes that *o* was " +"returned by :c:func:`PySequence_Fast` and *o* is not *NULL*." msgstr "PyObject ポインタの背後にあるアレイを返します。この関数では、 *o* は :c:func:`PySequence_Fast` の返したオブジェクトであり、 *NULL* でないもの と仮定しています。" -# d13fd6dd84e844d789e5ec366f81908a +# 33bf77859f7d4e51bed703390a8596ec #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:143 -msgid "Note, if a list gets resized, the reallocation may relocate the items array. So, only use the underlying array pointer in contexts where the sequence cannot change." +msgid "" +"Note, if a list gets resized, the reallocation may relocate the items array." +" So, only use the underlying array pointer in contexts where the sequence " +"cannot change." msgstr "リストのサイズが変更されるとき、メモリ再確保が要素の配列を再配置す るかもしれないことに注意してください。そのため、シーケンスの変更が発生しない コンテキストでのみ背後にあるポインタを使ってください。" -# e5e883ef2e334620ad6db7394c8f556a +# 05ee8dbdd0ff4779a6f6b70924ed3e75 #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:150 -msgid "Return the *i*\\ th element of *o* or *NULL* on failure. Macro form of :c:func:`PySequence_GetItem` but without checking that :c:func:`PySequence_Check` on *o* is true and without adjustment for negative indices." +msgid "" +"Return the *i*\\ th element of *o* or *NULL* on failure. Macro form of " +":c:func:`PySequence_GetItem` but without checking that " +":c:func:`PySequence_Check` on *o* is true and without adjustment for " +"negative indices." msgstr "成功すると *o* の *i* 番目の要素を返し、失敗すると *NULL* を返しま す。 :c:func:`PySequence_GetItem` ですが、 *o* へ の :c:func:`PySequence_Check` が真になるかチェックせず、負のインデクスに対す る調整を行いません。" -# 3e61bd12e5ff4750b86754f246ac5a0d +# 8b723446998040fbb86b1a8c70842af7 #: ../../c-api/sequence.rst:158 -msgid "Returns the length of *o*, assuming that *o* was returned by :c:func:`PySequence_Fast` and that *o* is not *NULL*. The size can also be gotten by calling :c:func:`PySequence_Size` on *o*, but :c:func:`PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE` is faster because it can assume *o* is a list or tuple." +msgid "" +"Returns the length of *o*, assuming that *o* was returned by " +":c:func:`PySequence_Fast` and that *o* is not *NULL*. The size can also be " +"gotten by calling :c:func:`PySequence_Size` on *o*, but " +":c:func:`PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE` is faster because it can assume *o* is a " +"list or tuple." msgstr "*o* が *NULL* でなく、 :c:func:`PySequence_Fast` が返したオブジェク トであると仮定して、 *o* の長さを返します。 *o* のサイズ は :c:func:`PySequence_Size` を呼び出しても得られます が、 :c:func:`PySequence_Fast_GET_SIZE` の方が *o* をリストかタプルであると 仮定して処理するため、より高速です。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/set.po Tue Nov 6 01:00:41 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/set.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,11 +1,15 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-03 12:11+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-11 09:40+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Naoki INADA <songo****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" @@ -13,112 +17,189 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# f1248aeca1d24a9686732083b18464eb +# 28596910e8484d5ea939f90433884db4 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:6 msgid "Set Objects" msgstr "Set オブジェクト" -# a05ebc93563d4499b663d4ca1093ce1d +# 04aefc62780949f4874460a732337fc5 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:15 -msgid "This section details the public API for :class:`set` and :class:`frozenset` objects. Any functionality not listed below is best accessed using the either the abstract object protocol (including :c:func:`PyObject_CallMethod`, :c:func:`PyObject_RichCompareBool`, :c:func:`PyObject_Hash`, :c:func:`PyObject_Repr`, :c:func:`PyObject_IsTrue`, :c:func:`PyObject_Print`, and :c:func:`PyObject_GetIter`) or the abstract number protocol (including :c:func:`PyNumber_And`, :c:func:`PyNumber_Subtract`, :c:func:`PyNumber_Or`, :c:func:`PyNumber_Xor`, :c:func:`PyNumber_InPlaceAnd`, :c:func:`PyNumber_InPlaceSubtract`, :c:func:`PyNumber_InPlaceOr`, and :c:func:`PyNumber_InPlaceXor`)." +msgid "" +"This section details the public API for :class:`set` and :class:`frozenset` " +"objects. Any functionality not listed below is best accessed using the " +"either the abstract object protocol (including " +":c:func:`PyObject_CallMethod`, :c:func:`PyObject_RichCompareBool`, " +":c:func:`PyObject_Hash`, :c:func:`PyObject_Repr`, :c:func:`PyObject_IsTrue`," +" :c:func:`PyObject_Print`, and :c:func:`PyObject_GetIter`) or the abstract " +"number protocol (including :c:func:`PyNumber_And`, " +":c:func:`PyNumber_Subtract`, :c:func:`PyNumber_Or`, :c:func:`PyNumber_Xor`, " +":c:func:`PyNumber_InPlaceAnd`, :c:func:`PyNumber_InPlaceSubtract`, " +":c:func:`PyNumber_InPlaceOr`, and :c:func:`PyNumber_InPlaceXor`)." msgstr "このセクションでは :class:`set` と :class:`frozenset` の公開 API に ついて詳しく述べます。以降で説明していない機能は、抽象オブジェクトプロトコ ル (:c:func:`PyObject_CallMethod`, :c:func:`PyObject_RichCompareBool`, :c:func:`PyObject_Hash`, :c:func:`PyObject_Repr`, :c:func:`PyObject_IsTrue`, :c:func:`PyObject_Print`, :c:func:`PyObject_GetIter` を含む) か抽象数値プロトコル (:c:func:`PyNumber_Add`, :c:func:`PyNumber_Subtract`, :c:func:`PyNumber_Or`, :c:func:`PyNumber_Xor`, :c:func:`PyNumber_InPlaceAdd`, :c:func:`PyNumber_InPlaceSubtract`, :c:func:`PyNumber_InPlaceOr`, :c:func:`PyNumber_InPlaceXor` を含む) を使って利用できます。" -# 686298b1b2a34ac7b9ddc02d4c811418 +# cfc510f3f5eb464da40314c56e6a73a2 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:29 -msgid "This subtype of :c:type:`PyObject` is used to hold the internal data for both :class:`set` and :class:`frozenset` objects. It is like a :c:type:`PyDictObject` in that it is a fixed size for small sets (much like tuple storage) and will point to a separate, variable sized block of memory for medium and large sized sets (much like list storage). None of the fields of this structure should be considered public and are subject to change. All access should be done through the documented API rather than by manipulating the values in the structure." +msgid "" +"This subtype of :c:type:`PyObject` is used to hold the internal data for " +"both :class:`set` and :class:`frozenset` objects. It is like a " +":c:type:`PyDictObject` in that it is a fixed size for small sets (much like " +"tuple storage) and will point to a separate, variable sized block of memory " +"for medium and large sized sets (much like list storage). None of the fields" +" of this structure should be considered public and are subject to change. " +"All access should be done through the documented API rather than by " +"manipulating the values in the structure." msgstr "この :c:type:`PyObject` を継承した型は、 :class:`set` と :class:`frozenset` 両方の内部データを保存するのに用いられま す。 :c:type:`PyDictObject` と同じように、小さい集合(set)に対しては(タプルの ように)固定サイズであり、そうでない集合に対しては(リストと同じように)可変長 のメモリブロックを用います。この構造体のどのフィールドも、非公開で変更される 可能性があると考えて下さい。すべてのアクセスは、構造体の中の値を直接操作する のではなく、ドキュメントされた API を用いて行うべきです。" -# 559c86a06bd048a7aa419b8a8c1e66d7 +# 136b365a11ea4951bd2db508d4862907 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:40 -msgid "This is an instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` representing the Python :class:`set` type." +msgid "" +"This is an instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` representing the Python " +":class:`set` type." msgstr "" -# fb4bd45e3b77484fb800417fa77d91d3 +# 724b38e74ab240c39017814923f5c674 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:46 -msgid "This is an instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` representing the Python :class:`frozenset` type." +msgid "" +"This is an instance of :c:type:`PyTypeObject` representing the Python " +":class:`frozenset` type." msgstr "" -# 540fddbad6fc4f708399f77257655b61 +# 0b0b4b142f714af9929861b7dbc2726b #: ../../c-api/set.rst:49 -msgid "The following type check macros work on pointers to any Python object. Likewise, the constructor functions work with any iterable Python object." +msgid "" +"The following type check macros work on pointers to any Python object. " +"Likewise, the constructor functions work with any iterable Python object." msgstr "以降の型チェックマクロはすべての Python オブジェクトに対するポイン タに対して動作します。同様に、コンストラクタはすべてのイテレート可能な Python オブジェクトに対して動作します。" -# 919266a8a0024736a0197f7b2613cdb5 +# 24680ac61147419d80be11d8c6ca81a1 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:55 -msgid "Return true if *p* is a :class:`set` object or an instance of a subtype." +msgid "" +"Return true if *p* is a :class:`set` object or an instance of a subtype." msgstr "*p* が :class:`set` かそのサブタイプのオブジェクトであるときに真を 返します。" -# 1e377529c23d44e8ba5e6b71ff229f2e +# a8144bc4cb0949afa941aa20140099c6 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:59 -msgid "Return true if *p* is a :class:`frozenset` object or an instance of a subtype." +msgid "" +"Return true if *p* is a :class:`frozenset` object or an instance of a " +"subtype." msgstr "*p* が :class:`frozenset` かそのサブタイプのオブジェクトであるとき に真を返します。" -# 292024aa17cc44bea5490761ffffd5d9 +# 68952addd77040e2af00ceb97667ca60 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:64 -msgid "Return true if *p* is a :class:`set` object, a :class:`frozenset` object, or an instance of a subtype." +msgid "" +"Return true if *p* is a :class:`set` object, a :class:`frozenset` object, or" +" an instance of a subtype." msgstr "*p* が :class:`set` か :class:`frozenset` 、あるいはそのサブタイプ のオブジェクトであれば、true を返します。" -# 5d5439b6e95c46999fcc57ace2ec2896 +# 25553a48dd6e4d0f901161cbda24ebfb #: ../../c-api/set.rst:70 -msgid "Return true if *p* is a :class:`set` object or a :class:`frozenset` object but not an instance of a subtype." +msgid "" +"Return true if *p* is a :class:`set` object or a :class:`frozenset` object " +"but not an instance of a subtype." msgstr "*p* が :class:`set` か :class:`frozenset` のどちらかのオブジェクト であるときに true を返します。サブタイプのオブジェクトは含みません。" -# f422ee62c14542888642a6b867a1f8da +# d181ff9bf4c441dc876ea34cd71f2032 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:76 -msgid "Return true if *p* is a :class:`frozenset` object but not an instance of a subtype." +msgid "" +"Return true if *p* is a :class:`frozenset` object but not an instance of a " +"subtype." msgstr "*p* が :class:`frozenset` のオブジェクトであるときに true を返しま す。サブタイプのオブジェクトは含みません。" -# 17c6e546a8b147a788b422fb181762bd +# 29b962626ef84318b6a73a92159600ce #: ../../c-api/set.rst:82 -msgid "Return a new :class:`set` containing objects returned by the *iterable*. The *iterable* may be *NULL* to create a new empty set. Return the new set on success or *NULL* on failure. Raise :exc:`TypeError` if *iterable* is not actually iterable. The constructor is also useful for copying a set (``c=set(s)``)." +msgid "" +"Return a new :class:`set` containing objects returned by the *iterable*. " +"The *iterable* may be *NULL* to create a new empty set. Return the new set " +"on success or *NULL* on failure. Raise :exc:`TypeError` if *iterable* is " +"not actually iterable. The constructor is also useful for copying a set " +"(``c=set(s)``)." msgstr "*iterable* が返すオブジェクトを含む新しい :class:`set` を返しま す。 *iterable* が *NULL* のときは、空の set を返します。成功したら新しい set を、失敗したら *NULL* を返します。 *iterable* がイテレート可能で無い場合 は、 :exc:`TypeError` を送出します。このコンストラクタは set をコピーすると きにも使えます (``c=set(s)``)。" -# 2dd4a787d9c24880b140f703f71ae000 +# 305035056ab046549bf245490c75ab01 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:91 -msgid "Return a new :class:`frozenset` containing objects returned by the *iterable*. The *iterable* may be *NULL* to create a new empty frozenset. Return the new set on success or *NULL* on failure. Raise :exc:`TypeError` if *iterable* is not actually iterable." +msgid "" +"Return a new :class:`frozenset` containing objects returned by the " +"*iterable*. The *iterable* may be *NULL* to create a new empty frozenset. " +"Return the new set on success or *NULL* on failure. Raise :exc:`TypeError` " +"if *iterable* is not actually iterable." msgstr "*iterable* が返すオブジェクトを含む新しい :class:`frozenset` を返し ます。 *iterable* が *NULL* のときは、空の frozenset を返します。 *iterable* がイテレート可能で無い場合は、 :exc:`TypeError` を送出します。" -# 153fda942e6f45a08dd2547eb453df4c +# e0c425aa2a82451886d314a61e95bce7 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:97 -msgid "The following functions and macros are available for instances of :class:`set` or :class:`frozenset` or instances of their subtypes." +msgid "" +"The following functions and macros are available for instances of " +":class:`set` or :class:`frozenset` or instances of their subtypes." msgstr "以降の関数やマクロは、 :class:`set` と :class:`frozenset` とそのサ ブタイプのインスタンスに対して利用できます。" -# 1ebbb742c9054aadb69638fc4f182248 +# c4702ebdb654454f8f4b61380fa9e3a3 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:105 -msgid "Return the length of a :class:`set` or :class:`frozenset` object. Equivalent to ``len(anyset)``. Raises a :exc:`PyExc_SystemError` if *anyset* is not a :class:`set`, :class:`frozenset`, or an instance of a subtype." +msgid "" +"Return the length of a :class:`set` or :class:`frozenset` object. Equivalent" +" to ``len(anyset)``. Raises a :exc:`PyExc_SystemError` if *anyset* is not a" +" :class:`set`, :class:`frozenset`, or an instance of a subtype." msgstr ":class:`set` や :class:`frozenset` のオブジェクトの長さを返しま す。 ``len(anyset)`` と同じです。 *anyset* が :class:`set` 、 :class:`frozenset` 及びそのサブタイプのオブジェクトで無い 場合は、 :exc:`PyExc_SystemError` を送出します。" -# 047e29ab994b4fd2bc3bacd7b8e0c0f9 +# e1b74fbfedb3487ebdcb61d41fd54ce2 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:112 msgid "Macro form of :c:func:`PySet_Size` without error checking." msgstr "" -# c42e14d58bb348549117b5bc09131f97 +# 9993a124efc040afa49786ec2608b8e3 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:117 -msgid "Return 1 if found, 0 if not found, and -1 if an error is encountered. Unlike the Python :meth:`__contains__` method, this function does not automatically convert unhashable sets into temporary frozensets. Raise a :exc:`TypeError` if the *key* is unhashable. Raise :exc:`PyExc_SystemError` if *anyset* is not a :class:`set`, :class:`frozenset`, or an instance of a subtype." +msgid "" +"Return 1 if found, 0 if not found, and -1 if an error is encountered. " +"Unlike the Python :meth:`__contains__` method, this function does not " +"automatically convert unhashable sets into temporary frozensets. Raise a " +":exc:`TypeError` if the *key* is unhashable. Raise :exc:`PyExc_SystemError` " +"if *anyset* is not a :class:`set`, :class:`frozenset`, or an instance of a " +"subtype." msgstr "見つかったら 1 を、見つからなかったら 0 を、エラーが発生したときは -1 を返します。 Python の :meth:`__contains__` メソッドと違って、この関数は 非ハッシュ set を一時 frozenset に自動で変換しません。 *key* がハッシュ可能 で無い場合、 :exc:`TypeError` を送出します。 *anyset* が :class:`set`, :class:`frozenset` 及びそのサブタイプのオブジェクトで無い場 合は :exc:`PyExc_SystemError` を送出します。" -# 8c8d269b3f8540c6b34cc1d113409913 +# 2c9987427fdc448d90b612c4f0e4d2ef #: ../../c-api/set.rst:126 -msgid "Add *key* to a :class:`set` instance. Also works with :class:`frozenset` instances (like :c:func:`PyTuple_SetItem` it can be used to fill-in the values of brand new frozensets before they are exposed to other code). Return 0 on success or -1 on failure. Raise a :exc:`TypeError` if the *key* is unhashable. Raise a :exc:`MemoryError` if there is no room to grow. Raise a :exc:`SystemError` if *set* is an not an instance of :class:`set` or its subtype." +msgid "" +"Add *key* to a :class:`set` instance. Also works with :class:`frozenset` " +"instances (like :c:func:`PyTuple_SetItem` it can be used to fill-in the " +"values of brand new frozensets before they are exposed to other code). " +"Return 0 on success or -1 on failure. Raise a :exc:`TypeError` if the *key* " +"is unhashable. Raise a :exc:`MemoryError` if there is no room to grow. " +"Raise a :exc:`SystemError` if *set* is an not an instance of :class:`set` or" +" its subtype." msgstr "" -# 96aa69d7774144fbb05678329f69138a +# ad4d0952893f4021893f1a062ea40c58 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:135 -msgid "The following functions are available for instances of :class:`set` or its subtypes but not for instances of :class:`frozenset` or its subtypes." +msgid "" +"The following functions are available for instances of :class:`set` or its " +"subtypes but not for instances of :class:`frozenset` or its subtypes." msgstr "以降の関数は、 :class:`set` とそのサブタイプに対して利用可能で す。 :class:`frozenset` とそのサブタイプには利用できません。" -# 29fe532969cd4be49b8c1933577e8a7f +# 983842cd492c44a9a2d76048fd38f7a5 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:141 -msgid "Return 1 if found and removed, 0 if not found (no action taken), and -1 if an error is encountered. Does not raise :exc:`KeyError` for missing keys. Raise a :exc:`TypeError` if the *key* is unhashable. Unlike the Python :meth:`discard` method, this function does not automatically convert unhashable sets into temporary frozensets. Raise :exc:`PyExc_SystemError` if *set* is an not an instance of :class:`set` or its subtype." +msgid "" +"Return 1 if found and removed, 0 if not found (no action taken), and -1 if " +"an error is encountered. Does not raise :exc:`KeyError` for missing keys. " +"Raise a :exc:`TypeError` if the *key* is unhashable. Unlike the Python " +":meth:`discard` method, this function does not automatically convert " +"unhashable sets into temporary frozensets. Raise :exc:`PyExc_SystemError` if" +" *set* is an not an instance of :class:`set` or its subtype." msgstr "見つかって削除したら 1 を返します。見つからなかったら何もせずに 0 を返します。エラーが発生したら -1 を返します。 key が無くて も :exc:`KeyError` を送出しません。 *key* がハッシュ不可能であれ ば :exc:`TypeError` を送出します。 Python の :meth:`discard` メソッドと違っ て、この関数は非ハッシュ set を一時 frozenset に変換しません。 *set* が :class:`set` とそのサブタイプのインスタンスで無いとき は、 :exc:`PyExc_SystemError` を送出します。" -# bc90f46988ac480bb53ef8eed1f017a9 +# c7c8a983c91f494ea4599faa60568f8b #: ../../c-api/set.rst:151 -msgid "Return a new reference to an arbitrary object in the *set*, and removes the object from the *set*. Return *NULL* on failure. Raise :exc:`KeyError` if the set is empty. Raise a :exc:`SystemError` if *set* is an not an instance of :class:`set` or its subtype." +msgid "" +"Return a new reference to an arbitrary object in the *set*, and removes the " +"object from the *set*. Return *NULL* on failure. Raise :exc:`KeyError` if " +"the set is empty. Raise a :exc:`SystemError` if *set* is an not an instance " +"of :class:`set` or its subtype." msgstr "*set* の中の要素のどれかに対する新しい参照を返し、そのオブジェクト を *set* から削除します。失敗したら *NULL* を返します。 set が空の場合に は :exc:`KeyError` を送出します。 *set* が :class:`set` とそのサブタイプのイ ンスタンスで無い場合は、 :exc:`SystemError` を送出します。" -# 99d310de264f4869a3945b352fa35a0e +# bafa053baa3246ba912cb6d9eae12075 #: ../../c-api/set.rst:159 msgid "Empty an existing set of all elements." msgstr "set を空にします。" + +# 6a4c7a44a4b44790a6561175244ec5e1 +#: ../../c-api/set.rst:164 +msgid "Clear the free list. Return the total number of freed items." +msgstr "" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/slice.po Tue Nov 6 01:00:41 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/slice.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,9 +1,13 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-11-03 12:11+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Arihiro TAKASE <hinac****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -13,47 +17,65 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# b71918fc23094f7a841f6d0bc32fb45d +# 957f15471dee4d048ec8c080c7748ff4 #: ../../c-api/slice.rst:6 msgid "Slice Objects" msgstr "スライスオブジェクト (slice object)" -# 5ad037159f5a4702b7afa29a59ea4a25 +# 9f28efe708d9436d81b80547924cd8b2 #: ../../c-api/slice.rst:11 -msgid "The type object for slice objects. This is the same as :class:`slice` in the Python layer." +msgid "" +"The type object for slice objects. This is the same as :class:`slice` in " +"the Python layer." msgstr "" -# af3492bc8c3444adb08ad1f381424a39 +# 9c3c83ee0e8e4fb7a9a405f5fcde8ef3 #: ../../c-api/slice.rst:17 msgid "Return true if *ob* is a slice object; *ob* must not be *NULL*." msgstr "*ob* がスライスオブジェクトの場合に真を返します; *ob* は *NULL* で あってはなりません。" -# a7a498f545d14d119ed93a33810746ee +# 696508ae60734530a5c51792cebbc7a1 #: ../../c-api/slice.rst:22 -msgid "Return a new slice object with the given values. The *start*, *stop*, and *step* parameters are used as the values of the slice object attributes of the same names. Any of the values may be *NULL*, in which case the ``None`` will be used for the corresponding attribute. Return *NULL* if the new object could not be allocated." +msgid "" +"Return a new slice object with the given values. The *start*, *stop*, and " +"*step* parameters are used as the values of the slice object attributes of " +"the same names. Any of the values may be *NULL*, in which case the ``None``" +" will be used for the corresponding attribute. Return *NULL* if the new " +"object could not be allocated." msgstr "指定した値から新たなスライスオブジェクトを返します。パラメタ *start*, *stop*, および *step* はスライスオブジェクトにおける同名の属性とし て用いられます。これらの値はいずれも *NULL* にでき、対応する値には ``None`` が使われます。新たなオブジェクトをアロケーションできない場合には *NULL* を返 します。" -# 6ec590d54af843dea77a3cfea895d95a +# b5b5e662c69348539462dffb4d7e6ac1 #: ../../c-api/slice.rst:31 -msgid "Retrieve the start, stop and step indices from the slice object *slice*, assuming a sequence of length *length*. Treats indices greater than *length* as errors." +msgid "" +"Retrieve the start, stop and step indices from the slice object *slice*, " +"assuming a sequence of length *length*. Treats indices greater than *length*" +" as errors." msgstr "スライスオブジェクト *slice* における *start*, *stop*, および *step* のインデクス値を取得します。このときシーケンスの長さを *length* と仮 定します。 *length* よりも大きなインデクスになるとエラーとして扱います。" -# a3ac17433e62415dac44303d0fe4faff +# ce3d83482ea9411ca71b5de782475b17 #: ../../c-api/slice.rst:35 -msgid "Returns 0 on success and -1 on error with no exception set (unless one of the indices was not :const:`None` and failed to be converted to an integer, in which case -1 is returned with an exception set)." +msgid "" +"Returns 0 on success and -1 on error with no exception set (unless one of " +"the indices was not :const:`None` and failed to be converted to an integer, " +"in which case -1 is returned with an exception set)." msgstr "成功のときには ``0`` を、エラーのときには例外をセットせずに ``-1`` を返します (ただし、指定インデクスのいずれか一つが :const:`None` ではなく、 かつ整数に変換できなかった場合を除きます。この場合、 ``-1`` を返して例外をセ ットします)。" -# f389634f0c7843319082d8407a26d4a1 +# 3c9d3d3675684425bb5b2b13a1a92ab3 #: ../../c-api/slice.rst:39 msgid "You probably do not want to use this function." msgstr "" -# b849efefcc7f4ab29eb276696ba424b1 +# 293363fe37544889bbe63c537dd7446d #: ../../c-api/slice.rst:48 -msgid "Usable replacement for :c:func:`PySlice_GetIndices`. Retrieve the start, stop, and step indices from the slice object *slice* assuming a sequence of length *length*, and store the length of the slice in *slicelength*. Out of bounds indices are clipped in a manner consistent with the handling of normal slices." +msgid "" +"Usable replacement for :c:func:`PySlice_GetIndices`. Retrieve the start, " +"stop, and step indices from the slice object *slice* assuming a sequence of " +"length *length*, and store the length of the slice in *slicelength*. Out of" +" bounds indices are clipped in a manner consistent with the handling of " +"normal slices." msgstr "" -# 1cb57d7ab3144c59b4d3dc7e889a921a +# d12c18c3be5f44dda02788782d0ee447 #: ../../c-api/slice.rst:54 msgid "Returns 0 on success and -1 on error with exception set." msgstr "成功のときには ``0`` を、エラーのときには例外をセットして ``-1`` を 返します。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/stable.po Fri Oct 26 04:45:32 2012 +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/c-api/stable.po Sun Nov 11 02:49:31 2012 @@ -1,10 +1,14 @@ +# SOME DESCRIPTIVE TITLE. +# Copyright (C) 1990-2012, Python Software Foundation +# This file is distributed under the same license as the Python package. +# # Translators: # Yoshikazu KARASAWA <gymno****@gmail*****>, 2012. msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-11-11 17:57\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-22 16:48+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Yoshikazu KARASAWA <gymno****@gmail*****>\n" "Language-Team: Japanese (\n" @@ -14,27 +18,51 @@ "Language: ja\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" -# 4a91a39bb04e4662bc279dd2f4ef341e +# cde3866e47244dbd8524e32c884d8bc3 #: ../../c-api/stable.rst:7 msgid "Stable Appliction Binary Interface" msgstr "ステーブルABI(Stable Appliction Binary Interface)" -# 6d240484354944019aaf64bc3c02913b +# c5aaba4c52d34ae8b3ba2ceee99c0bdd #: ../../c-api/stable.rst:9 -msgid "Traditionally, the C API of Python will change with every release. Most changes will be source-compatible, typically by only adding API, rather than changing existing API or removing API (although some interfaces do get removed after being deprecated first)." +msgid "" +"Traditionally, the C API of Python will change with every release. Most " +"changes will be source-compatible, typically by only adding API, rather than" +" changing existing API or removing API (although some interfaces do get " +"removed after being deprecated first)." msgstr "伝統的にPythonのC APIはリリース毎に変更されます。多くの変更はソース 互換性を保っていて、既存のAPIを変更したり取り除いたりすることはありません(た だしAPIによっては一旦非推奨指定されたあと除去されます)。" -# 42c7a83fd4224748875412a0eca86362 +# 700db206150b46fdbec9f809407c0d4c #: ../../c-api/stable.rst:14 -msgid "Unfortunately, the API compatibility does not extend to binary compatibility (the ABI). The reason is primarily the evolution of struct definitions, where addition of a new field, or changing the type of a field, might not break the API, but can break the ABI. As a consequence, extension modules need to be recompiled for every Python release (although an exception is possible on Unix when none of the affected interfaces are used). In addition, on Windows, extension modules link with a specific pythonXY.dll and need to be recompiled to link with a newer one." +msgid "" +"Unfortunately, the API compatibility does not extend to binary compatibility" +" (the ABI). The reason is primarily the evolution of struct definitions, " +"where addition of a new field, or changing the type of a field, might not " +"break the API, but can break the ABI. As a consequence, extension modules " +"need to be recompiled for every Python release (although an exception is " +"possible on Unix when none of the affected interfaces are used). In " +"addition, on Windows, extension modules link with a specific pythonXY.dll " +"and need to be recompiled to link with a newer one." msgstr "残念ながらAPIの互換性はバイナリレベル(ABI)の互換性までは適用され ません。その理由は主に、フィールドの新規追加や型の変更によってたとえAPIは崩 れなくてもABIは崩れてしまうからです。その結果として、拡張モジュールは Pythonのリリース毎に毎回再コンパイルされる必要があります(Unixでその影響を受 けるインターフェイスが使用されていない場合は例外かもしれませんが)。また、 Windowsでは、何らかのpythonXY.dllとリンクしている拡張モジュールは、新しいも のと再コンパイルしてリンクし直す必要があります。" -# 2b9cc14fefbd4e2482b04101d01574bd +# 977a9422f3524245ae71c729111dedd8 #: ../../c-api/stable.rst:24 -msgid "Since Python 3.2, a subset of the API has been declared to guarantee a stable ABI. Extension modules wishing to use this API need to define Py_LIMITED_API. A number of interpreter details then become hidden from the extension module; in return, a module is built that works on any 3.x version (x>=2) without recompilation. In some cases, the stable ABI needs to be extended with new functions. Extensions modules wishing to use these new APIs need to set Py_LIMITED_API to the PY_VERSION_HEX value of the minimum Python version they want to support (e.g. 0x03030000 for Python 3.3). Such modules will work on all subsequent Python releases, but fail to load (because of missing symbols) on the older releases." +msgid "" +"Since Python 3.2, a subset of the API has been declared to guarantee a " +"stable ABI. Extension modules wishing to use this API need to define " +"Py_LIMITED_API. A number of interpreter details then become hidden from the " +"extension module; in return, a module is built that works on any 3.x version" +" (x>=2) without recompilation. In some cases, the stable ABI needs to be " +"extended with new functions. Extensions modules wishing to use these new " +"APIs need to set Py_LIMITED_API to the PY_VERSION_HEX value of the minimum " +"Python version they want to support (e.g. 0x03030000 for Python 3.3). Such " +"modules will work on all subsequent Python releases, but fail to load " +"(because of missing symbols) on the older releases." msgstr "Python 3.2からは安定したABIを保証するためのAPIサブセットが宣言され ています。拡張モジュールでこのAPIを使うにはPy_LIMITED_APIを定義してくださ い。拡張モジュールの細部は大部分隠蔽され、代わりに再コンパイルなしにバージョ ン3.x(x>=2)上で動くモジュールがビルドされます。場合によっては安定したABIを得 るために新しい関数が必要になります。拡張モジュールでそういった新しいAPIを使 う時は、Py_LIMITED_API にサポートしたい最小のPyhonのバージョン PY_VERSION_HEXを設定してください(例えばPython 3.3なら0x03030000)。そうして作 ったモジュールは後続の全てのPythonリリースで動きますが、(シンボルが存在しな いため)古いリリースに対しては動作しません。" -# ece22426bdcd430c90a45c1fbd1245ec +# 87afae20000349fa9291518cf95ae2a4 #: ../../c-api/stable.rst:36 -msgid "As of Python 3.2, the set of functions available to the limited API is documented in PEP 384." +msgid "" +"As of Python 3.2, the set of functions available to the limited API is " +"documented in PEP 384." msgstr "Python 3.2の時のように、この限定APIはPEP 384に文書化されています。" ======================================= ***Additional files exist in this changeset.***