[Pythonjp-checkins] [py33.python-doc-ja] push by nozom****@gmail***** - Add custom Transform to make versionmodified nodes translatable. on 2012-11-23 19:03 GMT

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pytho****@googl***** pytho****@googl*****
2012年 11月 24日 (土) 04:03:45 JST

Revision: 95017eba852f
Branch:   default
Author:   Nozomu Kaneko <nozom****@gmail*****>
Date:     Fri Nov 23 10:41:20 2012
Log:      Add custom Transform to make versionmodified nodes translatable.


--- /tools/sphinxext/jpsupport.py	Fri Nov 16 13:01:43 2012
+++ /tools/sphinxext/jpsupport.py	Fri Nov 23 10:41:20 2012
@@ -77,6 +77,39 @@
                  node += nodes.Text("#")

+from docutils.transforms import Transform
+class I18nDoctreeFixer(Transform):
+    # make sure be higher than Locale transformer
+    default_priority = -1
+    def apply(self):
+        from docutils import nodes
+        from sphinx import addnodes
+        # Note: node that has following criteria is basically translatable:
+        #
+        # 1. instance of docutils.nodes.TextElement
+        # 2. not a kind of the "ignored" nodes
+        # 3. has source attribute
+        # 4. has non-empty rawsource attribute
+        #
+        # See :func:`extract_messages` in :mod:`shpinx.util.nodes` for  
+        # versionmodified
+        for node in self.document.traverse(addnodes.versionmodified):
+            rawsource = "".join([c.rawsource for c in node.children])
+            if not rawsource:
+                continue
+            para = nodes.paragraph()
+            for child in node.children:
+                para += child
+            para.source = node.source
+            para.line = node.line
+            para.rawsource = rawsource
+            node.clear()
+            node += para
  def setup(app):
      app.add_config_value('japanesesupport_trunc_whitespace', True, True)
      app.add_config_value('japanesesupport_separate_markup', True, True)
@@ -86,3 +119,6 @@
      app.connect("source-read", separate_markup)
      # app.connect("source-read", hash_after)
      app.connect("doctree-resolved", fix_reference)
+    from sphinx.environment import SphinxStandaloneReader
+    SphinxStandaloneReader.transforms.append(I18nDoctreeFixer)

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