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Projeto Descrição

QuickViewer is a graphic image viewer for comfortable browsing of many images.

This software performs reading of image data in advance. And drawing the imported image data on the screen with OpenGL. You can browse images with much smoother response than ever before.

QuickViewer is a free software lisenced under GPLv3.

Public Web Site is here:

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Liberado: 2017-11-12 19:33
Windows版zip QuickViewer-1.0.6 (2 files Esconder)

Release Notes

* add 'Fit to width' * bugfixed: There may not be able to open as soon as you try to open the image in the root directory of the Windows drive.

  • 『ウィンドウの幅に合わせる』メニューを追加
  • バグ修正: Windowsのドライブのルートディレクトリにあるファイルを開けない場合があった


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