2010年 2月 17日 (水) 15:29:38 JST
大阪府立大学の中邨です. RoboCup3DのQuarification締切りが延長されたようです. Quarification Materialが揃っていないチームも 今から頑張れば間に合いそうな感じです. 情報提供まで -- 以下転送 -- I participate in reviewing some of the 3D qualification materials. Thanks for submitting your qualification materials and a brief test shows your binaries work appropriately. Well done! But surprisingly, four Japanese teams have not submitted the materials yet which is listed as follows. As an Asian OC member I am looking forward to seeing more Asian teams participate in RoboCup and so I've already asked Sander to slightly extend the deadline (by 2-3 days) -- announcement will be made very shortly. I've already send them an email but got no response. I am wondering if you have personal connection with them (particularly we have 3 teams from Osaka :-) ), could you help me to remind them to submit the materials please? Tsubamegaeshi 3D Takenori KUBO Hillstone United Nao Matsumura NomoFC Takeshi Uchitane ODENS Hiroki Tajika ありがとうございます! Regards, Jie