[rc-simjp 809] Fwd: [robocup-worldwide] RoboCup 2014 João Pessoa, Brazil [Newsletter #3]

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Hidehisa Akiyama akym****@fukuo*****
2014年 7月 10日 (木) 21:57:55 JST

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: RoboCup 2014 Chairs <chair****@roboc*****>
Date: Thu, Jul 10, 2014 at 7:35 PM
Subject: [robocup-worldwide] RoboCup 2014 João Pessoa, Brazil [Newsletter
To: roboc****@cc*****


RoboCup 2014 - João Pessoa, Brazil - July 19th-25th


1. Shuttle Services
2. Customs
3. Event Schedule
  a. Major leagues
  b. Junior leagues
4. Safety Tips
5. Brazilian Cultural Tips
6. Weather
7. Risk & damages and photograph & video release forms
8. Voltage & Electrical plugs
9. What´s new?
10. Contact

1. Shuttle Services

The organization will provide shuttles from hotels to the venue.
Only participants with RoboCup 2014 badges can use the shuttles. The
organization will also sell SHUTTLE ONLY Badges for parents and companions
of competitors in order to let them use the shuttle during the days of the
event as well. This badge can be bought in the RoboCup Registration desks
at the venue from July 19th for RS 100.00.
Only registered participants can buy SHUTTLE ONLY badges by providing the
names that will be stamped in the badges.

On the first days of the event (July 19th and July 20th), the Shuttles will
be circular. To use the shuttle on these days, you must show the receipt of
your registration or your badge. From July 21st to July 25th the badge will
be mandatory for all.
The routes of the shuttle will be published in the website (
http://www.robocup2014.org/?page_id=141) one week before the event.

2. Customs

When you arrive in Brazil you will be demanded to go to Customs. It is
important to keep some documents and receipts at hand for this procedure:
 - RoboCup 2014 Receipt - The Invitation Letter distributed to all
participants - Your valid Passport (with a valid VISA for countries that
demanded VISA) - E-ticket or another document of your flight back - A copy
of the address and/or receipt of your hotel reservation -  You may bring a
stamped letter declaring that the robots and equipments in your carry-on
luggage belong to your institution / university.
 Are You bringing Robots and Equipments with you ?
Of course you do. And you need to know some important points and guidelines
regarding the Customs for your accompanied luggage.
Brazil does not have ATA CARNET available yet. However, Brazil has
simplified the customs procedure for goods of non-residents that are
travelling to the country.
If everything you are bringing will return with you after the event, they
will be considered as temporary importation. Which means that there is no
tax for them and no limit. However, if the sum of the current values of
your goods (robots, laptop, camera, phone, equipments and others – except
clothes, garments, personal hygienic items and personal objects) exceeds
USD 3000.00 you must declare all of them by listing each item in a form
called DBV. This declaration can be done prior of your departure to Brazil
by an online form or you can bring it in a paperform (2 copies) and it will
be used also for your departure. The link to the online form is
 You must consider the current values of your goods which is usually much
lower than the original value and depends on the age and usage of the item.

If your equipments and goods do not exceed an aggregate value of USD
3000.00, you do not need to declare them, except some exceptional cases
like: - Money in cash of 10 thousand Reais or more (BRL) - Animals, food,
seeds, arms and others - Goods that will remain in Brazil and exceed 10
units or USD 500.00
Please, go to RoboCup website for more information:
http://www.robocup2014.org/?page_id=3029 for the DBV form and for detailed
instructions on Customs.

3. Event Schedule


4. Safety Tips

Joao Pessoa is a beautiful, quiet and pleasant city that invites you to
walk along the seaside and to spend your time comfortably on the beach.
There are plenty of restaurants, shops and other amenities nearby. Just be
aware, while relaxing, not to offer yourself as an easy target for
pickpockets or other robbers. There is a special police force for tourists
in these areas, but it is useful to observe the following tips:
 - In public places, do not leave your luggage, handbags or computers
 - “Dress down" when in public and avoid carrying valuables or wearing
expensive objects. Dark and empty places and streets should be avoided.
 - Take care when going to ATMs to withdraw money. Prefer those ATM´s
located in shopping centers, banks or hotels
 - Do not carry your passport around. You should carry a copy of your
passport while in public and keep your real passport in the hotel or in a
secure place.
 - Joao Pessoa is quite safe on the beach area. We do not recommend walking
away from the beach coast, especially at night.
 - If you intend to go to a specific place, we recommend taking a cab from
your hotel. If you want to visit any touristic place in Paraiba or travel
to other Brazilian states, please contact LUCK VIAGENS, RoboCup 2014
official travel agency.

5. Brazilian Cultural Tips

- If you intend to rent a car, it is important to know that the use of seat
belts is mandatory in Brazil for everyone in the car. Pay attention to the
many speed barriers around to avoid fines.
- When in crosswalks, stretch your arm for the cars to stop but make sure
they will. Local drivers usually will stop for you, but there are tourists
who may not do it. Observe the bicycle lanes along the coast. Don’t cross
them without looking at both directions.
- Brazil is a tropical country with medium to high temperatures, with a
great abundance of treated water. Enjoy the experience of having a
refreshing daily bath on a tropical weather.
= Tap water is safe and purified for hand washing and to brush your teeth.
However, it is not proper for drinking.
= Do not expect that most of Brazilians, mainly older people, will
understand or speak English. However, they are very friendly and willingly
to help. Hospitality is a great virtue for Brazilian people. It would be
interesting, if you have a chance, to practice some important words and
sentences in Portuguese.
- You can tip most services if you wish. In restaurants, for example, the
bills usually have a 10% service tip included that you are not obliged to
pay. If you desire to tip someone, you can use 10% as a good orientation.
Remember there is no VAT.

6. Weather

Although you will love the weather in Joao Pessoa and the reflection of
sunrays in the ocean along the paradisiac beach, the sun can be your most
prominent enemy during your stay. To protect yourself from excessive sun
exposure, you should wear sunglasses, sun hat and apply sunscreen with
SPF15 or higher, with both UVA and UVB protection. Remember to bring your
favorite sunscreen with you or buy it in Brazil upon your arrival.
Sunscreen is sold in some hotels and in all supermarkets and drugstores.
In July the weather is hot but also rainy. Although the rain is refreshing
for a hot day, do not forget to bring your umbrella.

7. Risk & damages and photograph & video release forms

On the RoboCup 2014 website you can find an important document regarding
(1) a notice on the risk of bodily or personal injury and/or property loss
or damage and (2) a photograph and videotape release form. These documents
should be signed by all major and junior participants before entering the
To avoid delays in the registration process we kindly ask you to print and
sign both documents before the event and to bring the signed documents
while registering.
If you have booked your hotel with our travel agency, you can collect your
badges on the hotel. However, they will not be available if you do not hand
us the signed forms at this time.
Note: Participants that are under 18 years old should have both documents
signed by a parent or guardian. You can download the form from the RoboCup
2014 website in Notice to participants:

8. Voltage & Electrical plugs

João Pessoa is a 220V @ 60Hz city, and also all the electrical structure in
RoboCup 2014. Please, make sure that your electrical equipments can fit
these electrical specifications.
Each table in the event will have one electrical outlet. Please, make sure
to bring your own extension in order to provide more outlet for your team
Brazil adopted its own electrical plug that is different from plugs in
Europe, USA or Asia. The Electrical outlet that will be used in the event
is depicted below. This model has a limit of 10A and accepts EUROPLUGS.
The specification of electrical plugs and outlets in RoboCup 2014 will
fully attend NBR 14136 (more details on:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IEC_60906-1).  Please, make sure you bring
adapters for your country standard.
  The Electrical Plug in RoboCup 2014

9. What´s new ?

RoboCup 2014 have some news for RoboCuppers:

- In order to reduce the line for registration in the first days of the
event, participants that booked their rooms with LUCK Agency will have a
chance to retrieve their badges in some hotels one day before the event
starts (July 18th for major and July 19th for Junior). After these days,
the badges can only be retrieved in the registration desk located in the
Convention Center. Do not forget to bring the documents of Risk & damages
and photograph & video release forms  of all members. Participants and
teams that will have their badges available in some hotels will be notified
by email.

- A new scoring system totally integrated with the event website. Anyone,
in the world, can check the results in real time. There´s an app for
RoboCup 2014


10. Contact

For questions regarding RoboCup 2014, please contact one of the mail
addresses below.

General: info****@roboc*****
Chairs: chair****@roboc*****
Competitions: please, refer to your league direct email on

Looking forward to seeing you in Brazil!

On behalf of the RoboCup 2014 organization.

Best regards,

Alexandre Simões
Esther Colombini
Flavio Tonidandel
(General RoboCup 2014)
Carmen Faria
(RoboCupJunior 2014 LOC Chair)

Reinaldo Bianchi
(RoboCup 2014 Symposium co-chair)

robocup-worldwide mailing list

秋山 英久 (Hidehisa Akiyama) <akym****@fukuo*****>
〒814-0180 福岡市城南区七隈8-19-1
Tel : 092-871-6631(ext.6413)
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