[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gtk::VButtonBox

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ruby-****@lists***** ruby-****@lists*****
2003年 4月 7日 (月) 17:59:09 JST


= Gtk::VButtonBox

A button box should be used to provide a consistent layout of buttons throughout your application. The layout/spacing can be altered by the programmer, or if desired, by the user to alter the 'feel' of a program to a small degree. 

== super class
* Gtk::ButtonBox

== class methods
--- Gtk::VButtonBox.new
    Creates a new vertical button box. 
    Returns: a new button box.

== See Also
* Gtk::Box - Used to pack widgets into button boxes. 
* Gtk::ButtonBox - Provides functions for controlling button boxes.
* Gtk::HButtonBox - Pack buttons horizontally
- ((<Masao>))

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