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2003年 8月 22日 (金) 14:28:06 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?Gtk%3A%3ACellRendererText
  = class Gtk::CellRendererText
  The Gtk::CellRendererText is used for rendering a cell to a Gdk::Drawable with texts. 
- == Super Class
- * Gtk::CellRenderer
+ == Object Hierarchy
+ * Object
+   * GLib::Instantiatable
+     * GLib::Object
+       * Gtk::Object
+         * Gtk::CellRenderer
+           * Gtk::CellRendererText
  == Class Methods
  --- Gtk::CellRendererText.new
      Creates a new Gtk::CellRendererText. Adjust how text is drawn using object properties. Object properties can be set globally (with GLib::Object#set_property). Also, with Gtk::TreeViewColumn, you can bind a property to a value in a Gtk::TreeModel. For example, you can bind the "text" property on the cell renderer to a string value in the model, thus rendering a different string in each row of the Gtk::TreeView.
      * Returns : the new cell renderer  
  == Instance Methods
  --- attributes
      Returns the attribute list.
      * Returns: Pango::AttrList
  --- attributes=(attrlist)
      Sets the attribute list.
      * attrlist: Pango::AttrList
      * Returns: attrlist
  --- set_attributes
      Same as attributes=.
      * attrlist: Pango::AttrList
      * Returns: self
  --- background=(color_name)
      Sets the background color .
      * color_name: The color name like as "red". The color_name can either one of a large set of standard names. (Taken from the X11 rgb.txt file), or it can be a hex value in the form '#rgb' '#rrggbb' '#rrrgggbbb' or '#rrrrggggbbbb' where 'r', 'g' and 'b' are hex digits of the red, green, and blue components of the color, respectively. (White in the four forms is '#fff' '#ffffff' '#fffffffff' and '#ffffffffffff')
      * Returns: color_name
  --- set_background(color_name)
      Same as background=.
      * color_name: The color name.
      * Returns: self
  --- background_gdk
      Returns the background color.
      * Returns: Gdk::Color
  --- background_gdk=(color)
      Sets the background color.
      * color: the new color (Gdk::Color).
      * Returns: color.
  --- set_background_gdk(color)
      Same as background_gdk=.
      * color: the new color (Gdk::Color).
      * Returns: color.
  --- background_set?
      Returns value whether background properties are enabled or not.
      * Returns: true if the background properties are enabled.
  --- background_set=(value)
      Sets value whether background properties are enabled or not.
      * value: true if background properties are enabled.
      * Returns: value
  --- set_background_set(value)
      Same as background_set=.
      * value: true if background properties are enabled.
      * Returns: self
  --- editable?
      Returns the Gtk::CellRendererText is editable or not.
      * Returns: true if editable
  --- editable=(editable)
      Sets value whether the Gtk::CellRenderText is editable or not.
      * editable: true if editable
      * Returns: editable
  --- set_editable(editable)
      Same as editable=.
      * editable: true if editable
      * Returns: self
  --- editable_set?
      Returns the value whether editability are enabled or not.
      * Returns: true if the editability are enabled.
  --- editable_set=(value)
      Sets the value whether editablity are enabled or not.
      * value: true if the editability are enabled.
      * Returns: value
  --- set_editable_set(value)
      Same as editable_set=.
      * value: true if the editability are enabled.
      * Returns: self
  --- family
      Returns the font family name.
      * Returns: the font family name
  --- family=(family)
      Sets the font family name.
      * family: the font family name
      * Returns: the font family name
  --- set_family(family)
      Same as family=.
      * family: the font family name
      * Returns: self
  --- family_set?
      Returns the value whether font family properties are enabled or not.
      * Returns: true if the font family properties are enabled.
  --- family_set=(value)
      Sets the value whether editablity are enabled or not.
      * value: true if the font family properties are enabled.
      * Returns: value
  --- set_family_set(value)
      Same as family_set=.
      * value: true if the font family properties are enabled.
      * Returns: self
  --- fixed_height_from_font=(number_of_rows)
      Sets the height of a renderer to explicitly be determined by the "font" and "y_pad" property set on it. Further changes in these properties do not affect the height, so they must be accompanied by a subsequent call to this method. Using this method is unflexible, and should really only be used if calculating the size of a cell is too slow (ie, a massive number of cells displayed). If number_of_rows is -1, then the fixed height is unset, and the height is determined by the properties again.
      * number_of_rows: Number of rows of text each cell renderer is allocated, or -1  
      * Returns: number_of_rows
  --- set_fixed_height_from_font(number_of_rows)
      Same as fixed_height_from_font=.
      * number_of_rows: Number of rows of text each cell renderer is allocated, or -1  
      * Returns: self
  --- font
      Returns the string representation of a font description. The family list in the string description will only have a terminating comma if the last word of the list is a valid style option.
      * Returns: The string representation of a font description.
  --- font=(font)
      Set the font description from a string representation in the form "[FAMILY-LIST] [STYLE-OPTIONS] [SIZE]", where FAMILY-LIST is a comma separated list of families optionally terminated by a comma, STYLE_OPTIONS is a whitespace separated list of words where each WORD describes one of style, variant, weight, or stretch, and SIZE is an decimal number (size in points). Any one of the options may be absent. If FAMILY-LIST is absent, then the family_name field of the resulting font description will be initialized to nil. If STYLE-OPTIONS is missing, then all style options will be set to the default values. If SIZE is missing, the size in the resulting font description will be set to 0.
      * font: string representation of a font description. 
      * Returns: font
  --- set_font(font)
      Same as font=.
      * font: string representation of a font description. 
      * Returns: self
  --- font_desc
      Returns the Pango::FontDescription.
      * Returns: Pango::FontDescription
  --- font_desc=(font_desc)
      Sets the Pango::FontDescription
      * font_desc: the Pango::FontDescription
      * Returns: font_desc
  --- set_font_desc
      Same as font_desc=.
      * font_desc: the Pango::FontDescription
      * Returns: self
  --- foreground=(color_name)
      Sets the foreground color.
      * color_name: The color name like as "red". See background=.
      * Returns: color_name
  --- set_foreground(color_name)
      Same as foreground=.
      * color_name: The color name.
      * Returns: self
  --- foreground_gdk
      Returns the foreground color.
      * Returns: Gdk::Color
  --- foreground_gdk=(color)
      Sets the foreground color.
      * color: the new color (Gdk::Color).
      * Returns: color.
  --- set_foreground_gdk(color)
      Same as foreground_gdk=.
      * color: the new color (Gdk::Color).
      * Returns: color.
  --- foreground_set?
      Returns the value whether foreground properties are enabled or not.
      * Returns: true if the foreground properties are enabled.
  --- foreground_set=(value)
      Sets the value whether foreground properties are enabled or not.
      * value: true if foreground properties are enabled.
      * Returns: value
  --- set_foreground_set(value)
      Same as foreground_set=.
      * value: true if foreground properties are enabled.
      * Returns: self
  --- markup=(text)
      Set the marked up text to render.
      * text: the marked up text
      * Returns: text
  --- set_markup(text)
      Same as markup=.
      * text: the marked up text
      * Returns: self
  --- rise
      Returns the offset of text above the baseline (below the baseline if rise is negative).
      * Returns: the offset of text above the baseline
  --- rise=(offset)
      Sets the offset of text above the baseline.
      * offset: the offset of text above the baseline
      * Returns: offset
  --- set_rise(offset)
      Same as rise=.
      * offset: the offset of text above the baseline
      * Returns: self
  --- rise_set?
      Returns value whether rise property is enabled or not.
      * Returns: true if the rise property is enabled.
  --- rise_set=(value)
      Sets the value whether rise property is enabled or not.
      * value: true if rise property is enabled.
      * Returns: value
  --- set_rise_set(value)
      Same as rise_set=.
      * value: true if rise property is enabled.
      * Returns: self
  --- scale
      Returns the font scaling factor.
      * Returns: the font scaling factor.
  --- scale=(scale)
      Sets the font scaling factor.
      * scale: the font scaling factor.
      * Returns: scale
  --- set_scale(scale)
      Same as scale=.
      * scale: the font scaling factor.
      * Returns: self
  --- scale_set?
      Returns the value whether scale property is enabled or not.
      * Returns: true if the scale property is enabled.
  --- scale_set=(value)
      Sets the value whether scale property is enabled or not.
      * value: true if scale property is enabled.
      * Returns: value
  --- set_scale_set(value)
      Same as scale_set=.
      * value: true if scale property is enabled.
      * Returns: self
  --- size
      Returns the font size.
      * Returns: the font size
  --- size=(size)
      Sets the font size.
      * size: the font size
      * Returns: size
  --- set_size(size)
      Same as size=.
      * size: the font size
      * Returns: self
  --- size_points
      Returns the font size in points.
      * Returns: the font size in points
  --- size_points=(size)
      Sets the font size in points.
      * size: the font size in points
      * Returns: size
  --- set_size_points(size)
      Same as size_points=.
      * size: the font size in points
      * Returns: self
  --- size_set?
      Returns the value whether size properties are enabled or not.
      * Returns: true if the size properties are enabled.
  --- size_set=(value)
      Sets the value whether size properties are enabled or not.
      * value: true if size properties are enabled.
      * Returns: value
  --- set_size_set(value)
      Same as size_set=.
      * value: true if size properties are enabled.
      * Returns: self
  --- stretch
      Returns the width of the font relative to other designs within a family. 
      * Returns: the width of the font relative (((<PangoStretch|Pango::FontDescription#PangoStretch>)))
  --- stretch=(stretch)
      Sets the width of the font relative to other designs within a family.
      * stretch: the width of the font relative (((<PangoStretch|Pango::FontDescription#PangoStretch>)))
      * Returns: stretch
  --- set_stretch(stretch)
      Same as stretch=.
      * stretch: the width of the font relative (((<PangoStretch|Pango::FontDescription#PangoStretch>)))
      * Returns: self
  --- stretch_set?
      Returns the value whether stretch property is enabled or not.
      * Returns: true if the stretch property is enabled.
  --- stretch_set=(value)
      Sets the value whether stretch property is enabled or not.
      * value: true if stretch property is enabled.
      * Returns: value
  --- set_stretch_set(value)
      Same as stretch_set=.
      * value: true if stretch property is enabled.
      * Returns: self
  --- strikethrough?
      Returns whether to strike through the text or not.
      * Returns: true if the Gtk::CellRendererText is striked through.
  --- strikethrough=(strikethrough)
      Sets whether to strike through the text or not.
      * strikethrough: true if the Gtk::CellRendererText is striked through.
      * Returns: strikethrough
  --- set_strikethrough(strikethrough)
      Same as strikethrough=.
      * strikethrough: true if the Gtk::CellRendererText is striked through.
      * Returns: self
  --- strikethrough_set?
      Returns the value whether strikethrough property is enabled or not.
      * Returns: true if the strikethrough property is enabled.
  --- strikethrough_set=(value)
      Sets the value whether strikethrough property is enabled or not.
      * value: true if strikethrough property is enabled.
      * Returns: value
  --- set_strikethrough_set(value)
      Same as strikethrough_set=.
      * value: true if strikethrough property is enabled.
      * Returns: self
  --- style
      Returns the font style.
      * Returns: the font style (((<PangoStyle|Pango::FontDescription#PangoStyle>)))
  --- style=(style)
      Sets the font style.
      * style: the font style (((<PangoStyle|Pango::FontDescription#PangoStyle>)))
      * Returns: style
  --- set_style(style)
      Same as style=.
      * style: the font style (((<PangoStyle|Pango::FontDescription#PangoStyle>)))
      * Returns: self
  --- style_set?
      Returns the value whether style property is enabled or not.
      * Returns: true if the style property is enabled.
  --- style_set=(value)
      Sets the value whether style property is enabled or not.
      * value: true if style property is enabled.
      * Returns: value
  --- set_style_set(value)
      Same as style_set=.
      * value: true if style property is enabled.
      * Returns: self
  --- text
      Returns the text to render.
      * Returns: the text to render.
  --- text=(text)
      Sets the text to render.
      * text: the text to render.
      * Returns: text
  --- set_text(text)
      Same as text=.
      * text: the text to render.
      * Returns: self
  --- underline
      Returns the style of underline for this text.
      * Returns: the style of underline (((<PangoUnderline|Pango::AttrUnderline#PangoUnderline>)))
  --- underline=(underline)
      Sets the style of underline.
      * underline: the style of underline (((<PangoUnderline|Pango::AttrUnderline#PangoUnderline>)))
      * Returns: underline
  --- set_underline(underline)
      Same as underline=.
      * underline: the style of underline (((<PangoUnderline|Pango::AttrUnderline#PangoUnderline>)))
      * Returns: self
  --- variant
      Returns the specifying capitalization variant of the font.
      * Returns: the specifying capitalization variant of the font (((<PangoVariant|Pango::FontDescription#PangoVariant>))).
  --- variant=(variant)
      Sets the style of variant.
      * variant: the specifying capitalization variant of the font (((<PangoVariant|Pango::FontDescription#PangoVariant>))).
      * Returns: variant
  --- set_variant(variant)
      Sets the style of variant.
      * variant: the specifying capitalization variant of the font (((<PangoVariant|Pango::FontDescription#PangoVariant>))).
      * Returns: self
  --- variant_set?
      Returns the value whether variant property is enabled or not.
      * Returns: true if the variant property is enabled.
  --- variant_set=(value)
      Sets the value whether variant property is enabled or not.
      * value: true if variant property is enabled.
      * Returns: value
  --- set_variant_set(value)
      Same as variant_set=.
      * value: true if variant property is enabled.
      * Returns: self
  --- weight
      Returns specifying the weight (boldness) of a font. 
      * Returns: specifying the weight (boldness) of a font. This is a numerical value ranging from 100 to 900, but there are some predefined values (((<PangoWeight|Pango::FontDescription#PangoWeight>))).
  --- weight=(weight)
      Sets specifying the weight (boldness) of a font. 
      * weight: This is a numerical value ranging from 100 to 900, but there are some predefined values (((<PangoWeight|Pango::FontDescription#PangoWeight>))).
      * Returns: weight
  --- set_weight(weight)
      Same as weight=.
      * weight: This is a numerical value ranging from 100 to 900, but there are some predefined values (((<PangoWeight|Pango::FontDescription#PangoWeight>))).
      * Returns: self
  --- weight_set?
      Returns the value whether weight property is enabled or not.
      * Returns: true if the weight property is enabled.
  --- weight_set=(value)
      Sets the value whether weight property is enabled or not.
      * value: true if weight property is enabled.
      * Returns: value
  --- set_weight_set(value)
      Same as weight_set=.
      * value: true if weight property is enabled.
      * Returns: self
+ == Properties
+ --- attributes: Pango::AttrList (Read/Write)
+     A list of style attributes to apply to the text of the renderer
+ --- background: String (Write)
+     Background color as a string
+ --- background-gdk: Gdk::Color (Read/Write)
+     Background color as a Gdk::Color
+ --- background-set: true or false (Read/Write)
+     Whether this tag affects the background color
+ --- editable: true or false (Read/Write)
+     Whether the text can be modified by the user
+ --- editable-set: true or false (Read/Write)
+     Whether this tag affects text editability
+ --- family: String (Read/Write)
+     Name of the font family, e.g. Sans, Helvetica, Times, Monospace
+ --- family-set: true or false (Read/Write)
+     Whether this tag affects the font family
+ --- font: String (Read/Write)
+     Font description as a string
+ --- font-desc: Pango::FontDescription (Read/Write)
+     Font description as a PangoFontDescription struct
+ --- foreground: String (Write)
+     Foreground color as a string
+ --- foreground-gdk: Gdk::Color (Read/Write)
+     Foreground color as a Gdk::Color
+ --- foreground-set: true or false (Read/Write)
+     Whether this tag affects the foreground color
+ --- markup: String (Write)
+     Marked up text to render
+ --- rise: Integer (Read/Write)
+     Offset of text above the baseline (below the baseline if rise is negative)
+ --- rise-set: true or false (Read/Write)
+     Whether this tag affects the rise
+ --- scale: Float (Read/Write)
+     Font scaling factor
+ --- scale-set: true or false (Read/Write)
+     Whether this tag scales the font size by a factor
+ --- size: Integer (Read/Write)
+     Font size
+ --- size-points: Float (Read/Write)
+     Font size in points
+ --- size-set: true or false (Read/Write)
+     Whether this tag affects the font size
+ --- stretch: Integer (Read/Write)
+     Font stretch
+ --- stretch-set: true or false (Read/Write)
+     Whether this tag affects the font stretch
+ --- strikethrough: true or false (Read/Write)
+     Whether to strike through the text
+ --- strikethrough-set: true or false (Read/Write)
+     Whether this tag affects strikethrough
+ --- style: Integer (Read/Write)
+     Font style
+ --- style-set: true or false (Read/Write)
+     Whether this tag affects the font style
+ --- text: String (Read/Write)
+     Text to render
+ --- underline: Integer (Read/Write)
+     Style of underline for this text
+ --- underline-set: true or false (Read/Write)
+     Whether this tag affects underlining
+ --- variant: Integer (Read/Write)
+     Font variant
+ --- variant-set: true or false (Read/Write)
+     Whether this tag affects the font variant
+ --- weight: Integer (Read/Write)
+     Font weight
+ --- weight-set: true or false (Read/Write)
+     Whether this tag affects the font weight
+ == Signals
+ --- edited: self
+      * self: Gtk::CellRendererText
  == See Also
  Pango::FontDescription, Pango::Font
  - ((<Masao>))

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