2003年 8月 25日 (月) 09:30:47 JST
------------------------- REMOTE_ADDR = REMOTE_HOST = URL = ------------------------- = class Gtk::FontSelectionDialog The Gtk::FontSelectionDialog widget is a dialog box for selecting a font. To set the font which is initially selected, use Gtk::FontSelectionDialog#font_name=. To get the selected font use Gtk::FontSelectionDialog#font_name. To change the text which is shown in the preview area, use Gtk::FontSelectionDialog#preview_text=. - == Super Class - * Gtk::Dialog + == Object Hierarchy + * Object + * GLib::Instantiatable + * GLib::Object + * Gtk::Object + * Gtk::Widget + * Gtk::Container + * Gtk::Bin + * Gtk::Window + * Gtk::Dialog + * Gtk::FontSelectionDialog == Class Methods --- Creates a new Gtk::FontSelectionDialog. * Returns: a new Gtk::FontSelectionDialog. == Instance Methods --- font_name Gets the currently-selected font name. * Returns: the currently-selected font name, or nil if no font is selected. --- font_name=(fontname) Sets the currently-selected font. * fontname : a fontname. (String) * Returns: fontname. --- set_font_name(fontname) Same as font_name=. ((*Notice*)): This method returns true or false not self. * fontname : a fontname. (String) * Returns : true if the font was found. --- preview_text Gets the text displayed in the preview area. * Returns: the text displayed in the preview area. --- preview_text=(text) Sets the text displayed in the preview area. * text: the text to display in the preview area. (String) * Returns: text --- set_preview_text(text) Same as preview_text=. * text: the text to display in the preview area. (String) * Returns: text --- apply_button Gets the apply button. * Returns: the apply button(Gtk::Button) --- cancel_button Gets the cancel button. * Returns: the cancel button(Gtk::Button) --- ok_button Gets the ok button. * Returns: the ok button(Gtk::Button) --- font_selection Gets the font_selection. * Returns: the font_selection(Gtk::FontSelection) == See Also Gtk::FontSelection - the underlying widget for selecting fonts. - ((<Masao>))