2003年 8月 25日 (月) 09:35:38 JST
------------------------- REMOTE_ADDR = REMOTE_HOST = URL = ------------------------- = class Gtk::HScale The Gtk::HScale widget is used to allow the user to select a value using a horizontal slider. The position to show the current value, and the number of decimal places shown can be set using the parent Gtk::Scale class's methods. - == Super Class - * Gtk::Scale + == Object Hierarchy + * Object + * GLib::Instantiatable + * GLib::Object + * Gtk::Object + * Gtk::Widget + * Gtk::Range + * Gtk::Scale + * Gtk::HScale == Class Methods --- Creates a new Gtk::HScale. * adj: the Gtk::Adjustment which sets the range of the scale. * Returns: a new Gtk::HScale. ---, max, step) Creates a new horizontal scale widget that lets the user input a number between min and max (including min and max) with the increment step. step must be nonzero; it's the distance the slider moves when using the arrow keys to adjust the scale value. * min: minimum value(Float) * max: maximum value(Float) * step: step increment (tick size) used with keyboard shortcuts(Float) * Returns: a new Gtk::HScale ((<Masao>))