[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gtk::ItemFactory

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2003年 8月 25日 (月) 09:48:22 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?Gtk%3A%3AItemFactory
  = class Gtk::ItemFactory
  A factory for menus.
- == Super Class
- * Gtk::Object
+ == Object Hierarchy
+ * Object
+   * GLib::Instantiatable
+     * GLib::Object
+       * Gtk::Object
+         * Gtk::ItemFactory
  == Class Methods
  --- Gtk::ItemFactory.new(container_type, path, accel_group = nil)
      Creates a new Gtk::ItemFactory.
      * container_type: the kind of menu to create; can be Gtk::ItemFactory::TYPE_MENU_BAR, Gtk::ItemFactory::TYPE_MENU or Gtk::ItemFactory::TYPE_OPTION_MENU  
      * path: the factory path of the new item factory, a string of the form "<name>"  
      * accel_group: a Gtk::AccelGroup to which the accelerators for the menu items will be added, or nil to create a new one  
      * Returns: a new Gtk::ItemFactory  
  --- Gtk::ItemFactory.from_widget(widget)
      Obtains the item factory from which a widget was created.
      * widget: a Gtk::Widget  
      * Returns: the item factory from which widget was created, or nil  
  --- Gtk::ItemFactory.path_from_widget(widget)
      If widget has been created by an item factory, returns the full path to it. (The full path of a widget is the concatenation of the factory path specified in Gtk::ItemFactory.new with the path specified in the array from which the widget was created.)
      * widget: a Gtk::Widget  
      * Returns: the full path to widget if it has been created by an item factory, nil otherwise. This value is owned by GTK+ and must not be modified or freed.  
      * Returns: self
  == Instance Methods
  --- construct(container_type, path, accel_group = nil)
      Initializes an item factory.
      * container_type : the kind of menu to create; can be Gtk::ItemFactory::TYPE_MENU_BAR, Gtk::ItemFactory::TYPE_MENU or Gtk::ItemFactory::TYPE_OPTION_MENU
      * path : the factory path of ifactory, a string of the form "<name>"  
      * accel_group : a Gtk::AccelGroup to which the accelerators for the menu items will be added, or nil to create a new one  
      * Returns: self
  --- get_item(path)
      Obtains the menu item which corresponds to path. 
      If the widget corresponding to path is a menu item which opens a submenu, then the item is returned. If you are interested in the submenu, use Gtk::ItemFactory#get_widget instead.
      * path: the path to the menu item  
      * Returns: the menu item for the given path, or nil if path doesn't lead to a menu item  
  --- get_widget(path)
      Obtains the widget which corresponds to path. 
      If the widget corresponding to path is a menu item which opens a submenu, then the submenu is returned. If you are interested in the menu item, use Gtk::ItemFactory#get_item instead.
      * path: the path to the widget
      * Returns: the widget for the given path, or nil if path doesn't lead to a widget  
  --- create_item(path, item_type = nil, accelerator = nil, extdata = nil, data = nil){|data, item| ... }
      Creates an item for entry.
      * path: the path to the menu item
      * item_type: ((<GtkItemType|Gtk::ItemFactroy#GtkItemType>)). A simple item when nil is given. If it is set path, it is for a radio item to link against.
      * accelerator: the accelerator for the item or nil. e.g. "<Control>q", "<Shift>s". See Gtk::Accelerator.parse for more details.
      * extdata: extra data for some item types:
         * Gtk::ItemFactroy::IMAGE_ITEM  -> Gdk::Pixbuf
         * Gtk::ItemFactroy::STOCK_ITEM  -> Stock item(constants of Gtk::Stock)
      * data: the data passed to the block.
      * {|data, item| ... }: the callback block.
      * Returns: self
  --- create_items(entries)
      Creates the menu items from the entries.
      * entries: array of item entries([item1, item2, ... ]).
        an item is [path, item_type = nil, accelerator = nil, extdata = nil, proc = nil, data = nil]
         * path: the path to the menu item
         * item_type: ((<GtkItemType|Gtk::ItemFactroy#GtkItemType>)). A simple item when nil is given. If it is set path, it is for a radio item to link against.
         * accelerator: the accelerator for the item or nil. e.g. "<Control>q", "<Shift>s". See Gtk::Accelerator.parse for more details.
         * extdata: extra data for some item types:
            * Gtk::ItemFactroy::IMAGE_ITEM  -> Gdk::Pixbuf
            * Gtk::ItemFactroy::STOCK_ITEM  -> Stock item(constants of Gtk::Stock)
         * proc: the callback block.
         * data: the data passed to the block.
      * Returns: self
  --- delete_item(path)
      Deletes the menu item which was created for path by the given item factory.
      * path: a path 
      * Returns: self
  --- popup(x, y, mouse_button, time)
      Pops up the menu constructed from the item factory at (x, y). This method is for Gtk::ItemFactory::TYPE_MENU only.
      * x: the x position(Number)
      * y: the y position(Number)
      * mouse_button: the mouse button which was pressed to initiate this action(Number)
      * time: a timestamp for this action(Number)
      * Returns: self
  == Constants
  === GtkItemType
  GtkItemTypes are original constants for Ruby/GTK2. 
  --- TITLE
      <Title> - a title item.
  --- ITEM
      <Item> - a simple item.
      <ImageItem> - an item holding an image(Gdk::Pixbuf)
      <StockItem> - an item holding a stock image 
      <CheckItem> - a check item
      <ToggleItem> - a toggle item
      <RadioItem> - a radio item
      <Separator> - a separator
      <Tearoff> - a tearoff separator
  --- BRANCH
      <Branch> - an item to hold sub items
      <LastBranch> - a right justified item to hold sub items
      You shouldn't use this for "help" menu. See Gtk::MenuItem#right_justified.
  === GtkContainerType
  GtkContainerTypes are original constants for Ruby/GTK2. 
      As Gtk::Menu
      As Gtk::MenuBar
      As Gtk::OptionMenu
  - ((<Masao>))

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