[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gtk::TearoffMenuItem

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2003年 8月 25日 (月) 10:34:26 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?Gtk%3A%3ATearoffMenuItem
  = class Gtk::TearoffMenuItem
  a Gtk::TearoffMenuItem is a special Gtk::MenuItem which is used to tear off and reattach its menu. 
  When its menu is shown normally, the Gtk::TearoffMenuItem is drawn as a dotted line indicating that the menu can be torn off. Activating it causes its menu to be torn off and displayed in its own window as a tearoff menu. 
  When its menu is shown as a tearoff menu, the Gtk::TearoffMenuItem is drawn as a dotted line which has a left pointing arrow graphic indicating that the tearoff menu can be reattached. Activating it will erase the tearoff menu window. 
- == Super Class
- * Gtk::MenuItem
+ == Object Hierarchy
+ * Object
+   * GLib::Instantiatable
+     * GLib::Object
+       * Gtk::Object
+         * Gtk::Widget
+           * Gtk::Container
+             * Gtk::Bin
+               * Gtk::Item
+                 * Gtk::MenuItem
+                   * Gtk::TearoffMenuItem
  == Class Methods
  --- Gtk::TearoffMenuItem.new
      Creates a new Gtk::TearoffMenuItem. 
      * Returns: a new Gtk::TearoffMenuItem.  
  == See Also
  Gtk::Menu for further discussion of menus in Ruby/GTK.
  - ((<Masao>))

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