[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gst::EventMask

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 3月 2日 (火) 05:45:47 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?Gst%3A%3AEventMask
  = class Gst::EventMask
  Event mask.
+ == Object Hierarchy
+ * Object
+   * GLib::Boxed
+     * Gst::EventMask
  == Instance Methods
- --- type_flags 
-     Returns all the flags available as an array of Fixnums.
+ --- type_flags
+     This method returns all the flags available as an array of flags (see Gst::EventType::Flags).
+     * Returns: all the flags available as an array of flags (see Gst::EventType::Flags).
- --- type_id 
+ --- type_id
      Gets the type id of the Gst::Event type referred by this
-     event mask, as a Fixnum.
+     event mask.
+     * Returns: the type id (see Gst::EventType::Type).
+ == See Also
+ ((<Gst>)).
  - ((<lrz>))

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