[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - Gtk::TreeView

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2005年 12月 19日 (月) 00:05:43 JST

REMOTE_USER = ruby-gnome2-hiki
        URL = /hiki.cgi?Gtk%3A%3ATreeView
@@ -374,6 +374,53 @@
       * iter: a Gtk::TreeIter
       * Returns: true to continue, or false to quit(the word is matched).
     * Returns: self
+--- fixed_height_mode?
+    Returns whether fixed height mode is turned on. ((*Since 2.6*))
+    * Returns: true if in fixed height mode.
+--- fixed_height_mode=(enable)
+    Enables or disables the fixed height mode. Fixed height mode speeds up Gtk::TreeView by assuming that all rows have the same height. Only enable this option if all rows are the same height and all columns are of type Gtk::TreeView::COLUMN_FIXED. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * enable: true to enable fixed height mode.
+    * Returns: enable
+--- set_fixed_height_mode(enable)
+    Same as Gtk::TreeView#fixed_height_mode=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * Returns: self
+--- hover_selection?
+    Returns whether hover selection mode is turned on. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * Returns: true if in hover selection mode. 
+--- hover_selection=(hover)
+    Enables of disables the hover selection mode. Hover selection makes the selected row follow the pointer. Currently, this works only for the selection modes Gtk::SELECTION_SINGLE and Gtk::SELECTION_BROWSE. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * hover: true to enable hover selection mode.
+    * Returns: hover
+--- set_hover_selection(hover)
+    Same as Gtk::TreeView#hover_selection=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * Returns: self
+--- hover_expand?
+    Returns whether hover expansion mode is turned on. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * Returns: true if in hover expansion mode. 
+--- hover_expand=(expand)
+    Enables of disables the hover expansion mode. Hover expansion makes rows expand or collaps if the pointer moves over them. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * expand: true to enable hover expansion mode.
+    * Returns: expand
+--- set_hover_expand(expand)
+    Same as Gtk::TreeView#hover_expand=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * Returns: self
+--- set_row_separator_func{|model, iter| ... }
+    Sets the row separator block, which is used to determine whether a row should be drawn as a separator. If the  block separator function is nil, no separators are drawn. This is the default value.  ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * {|model, iter| ... } the decision block 
+     * model: the Gtk::TreeModel
+     * iter: a Gtk::TreeIter pointing at a row in model
+     * Returns: true if this row is a separator
 == Constants
 === GtkTreeViewDropPosition

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