[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gnome::PrintConfig

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2005年 6月 8日 (水) 22:22:21 JST

REMOTE_USER = ruby-gnome2-hiki        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/cgi-bin/hiki/hiki.cgi?Gnome%3A%3APrintConfig
@@ -7,44 +7,76 @@
       * Gnome::PrintConfig
 == Class Methods
 --- Gnome::PrintConfig.default
-     * Returns: the default config, it's Gnome::PrintConfig object.
---- Gnome::PrintConfig.new(string, flags=nil)
-     * string: XML format.
-     * flags: not used.
-     * Returns: a new config from ((|string|)).
-== Instance Methods
+     Creates a Gnome::PrintConfig object with the default
+     printer and settings.
---- dup
-     * Returns: the copy of self.
+     * Returns: Gnome::PrintConfig object with the default
+       settings
---- to_s
-     * Returns: XML representation of self.
+--- Gnome::PrintConfig.new(string, flags)
+     * string: XML format
+     * flags: not used
+     * Returns: a new Gnome::PrintConfig object from ((|string|))
+== Instance Methods
+--- [](key, type=:string)
 --- get(key, type=:string)
---- [](key, type:=string)
-     * key:
+     Gets the value of string ((|key|)) from the
+     Gnome::PrintConfig object.
+     * key: String containing the path of key whose value
+       is to be obtained. Use Gnome::PrintConfig::KEY_*
+       constants.
      * type: type of returned value. The available value is
-       ((':'))string, :boolean, :int, :double, :length, :transform or
-       nil (= :string).
-     * Returns: the value associated by key.
+       :string, :boolean, :int, :double, :length, :transform
+       or nil (= :string)
+     * Returns: The value of the key, nil indicates
+       failure
---- set(key, value)
 --- []=(key, value)
-     * key:
-     * value:
-     * Returns: true on success, false on error.
+--- set(key, value)
+     Sets the value of string ((|key|)) in the Gnome::PrintConfig
+     object to value ((|value|)).
---- page_size
-     * Returns: an array of width and height of page.
+     * key: String containing the path of key whose value
+       is to be set. Use Gnome::PrintConfig::KEY_*
+       constants.
+     * value: String containing the value to set
+     * Returns: (({true})) on success, (({false})) on
+       failure
 --- dump
-    Displays config as tree. For debug.
-     * Returns: nil.
+     Print out the tree structure representing the
+     Gnome::PrintConfig. Output is to (({STDOUT})) and is
+     limited to a depth of 20.
+     * Returns: nil
+--- dup
+     Does a deep copy of self.
+     * Returns: the copy of self.
+--- page_size
+     Get imaging area size available to the application for printing
+     after margins and layouts are applied. Sizes are given in PS
+     points (Gnome::PrintUnit::PS_UNIT)
+     * Returns: Array of width and height of paper of
+       current config on success, (({nil})) on failure
+--- to_s
+     * Returns: XML representation of self.
 == Constants
 keys for get/set/[]/[]=.
@@ -88,4 +120,39 @@
 == ChangeLog
+* 2005-06-08 ((<kou>)): completed.
 - ((<kou>))

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