[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gtk::Label

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2005年 3月 29日 (火) 19:12:08 JST

REMOTE_USER = ruby-gnome2-hiki        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/cgi-bin/hiki/hiki.cgi?Gtk%3A%3ALabel
@@ -209,7 +209,8 @@
 --- use_underline?
     Returns whether an embedded underline in the label indicates a mnemonic. See Gtk::Label#use_underline=.
-    * Returns: true whether an embedded underline in the label indicates the mnemonic accelerator keys. --- use_underline=(setting)
+    * Returns: true whether an embedded underline in the label indicates the mnemonic accelerator keys.
+--- use_underline=(setting)
     If true, an underline in the text indicates the next character should be used for the mnemonic accelerator key.
     * setting: true if underlines in the text indicate mnemonics 
     * Returns: setting
@@ -230,42 +231,139 @@
     * wrap: the setting
     * Returns: self
+--- ellipsize
+    Returns the ellipsizing position of the label. See Gtk::Label#ellipsize=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * Returns: The preferred place to ellipsize the string, if the label does not have enough room to display the entire string, if at all
+--- ellipsize=(mode)
+    Sets the mode used to ellipsize (add an ellipsis: "...") to the text if there is not enough space to render the entire string. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * mode: a ((<Pango::Layout::EllipsizeMode|Pango::Layout#PangoElipsizeMode>))
+    * Returns: mode
+--- set_ellipsize(mode)
+    Same as ellipsize=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * mode: a ((<Pango::Layout::EllipsizeMode|Pango::Layout#PangoElipsizeMode>))
+    * Returns: self
+--- width_chars
+    Retrieves the desired width of label, in characters. See Gtk::Label#width_chars=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * Returns: The desired width of the label, in characters
+--- width_chars=(n_chars)
+    Sets the desired width in characters of label to n_chars. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * n_chars: the new desired width(Integer), in characters.
+    * Returns: n_chars
+--- set_width_chars(n_chars)
+    Same as width_chars=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * n_chars: the new desired width(Integer), in characters.
+    * Returns: self
+--- max_width_chars
+    Retrieves the desired maximum width of label, in characters. See Gtk::Label#width_chars=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * Returns: the maximum width of the label in characters
+--- max_width_chars=(n_chars)
+    Sets the desired maximum width in characters of label to n_chars. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * n_chars: the new desired maximum width, in characters
+    * Returns: n_chars
+--- set_max_width_chars(n_chars)
+    Same as max_width_chars=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * n_chars: the new desired maximum width, in characters
+    * Returns: self
+--- single_line_mode?
+    Returns whether the label is in single line mode. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * Returns: true when the label is in single line mode
+--- single_line_mode=(single_line_mode)
+    Sets whether the label is in single line mode. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * single_line_mode: true if the label should be in single line mode  
+    * Returns: single_line_mode
+--- set_single_line_mode(single_line_mode)
+    Same as single_line_mode=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * single_line_mode: true if the label should be in single line mode  
+    * Returns: self
+--- angle
+    Gets the angle of rotation for the label. See Gtk::Label#angle=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * Returns: Angle at which the label is rotated
+--- angle=(angle)
+    Sets the angle of rotation for the label. An angle of 90 reads from from bottom to top, an angle of 270, from top to bottom. The angle setting for the label is ignored if the label is selectable, wrapped, or ellipsized. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * angle: the angle(Float) that the baseline of the label makes with the horizontal, in degrees, measured counterclockwise
+    * Returns: angle
+--- set_angle(angle)
+    Same as angle=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * angle: the angle(Float) that the baseline of the label makes with the horizontal, in degrees, measured counterclockwise
+    * Returns: self
 == Properties
+--- angle: Float (Read/Write)
+    The angle that the baseline of the label makes with the horizontal, in degrees, measured counterclockwise. An angle of 90 reads from from bottom to top, an angle of 270, from top to bottom. Ignored if the label is selectable, wrapped, or ellipsized. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * Allowed values: [0,360]
+    * Default value: 0
 --- attributes: Pango::AttrList (Read/Write)
     A list of style attributes to apply to the text of the label
 --- cursor-position: Integer (Read)
     The current position of the insertion cursor in chars
+    * Allowed values: >= 0
+    * Default value: 0
+--- ellipsize: ((<Pango::Layout::EllipsizeMode|Pango::Layout#PangoEllipsizeMode>)) (Read/Write)
+    The preferred place to ellipsize the string, if the label does not have enough room to display the entire string, specified as a ((<Pango::Layout::EllisizeMode|Pango::Layout#PangoEllipsizeMode>)). 
+    Note that setting this property to a value other than Pango::Layout::ELLIPSIZE_NONE has the side-effect that the label requests only enough space to display the ellipsis "...". In particular, this means that ellipsizing labels don't work well in notebook tabs, unless the tab's ::tab-expand property is set to true. Other means to set a label's width are Gtk::Widget#size_request and Gtk::Label#width_chars=. ((* Since 2.6 *))
+    * Default value: Pango::Layout::ELLIPSIZE_NONE
 --- justify: Integer (Read/Write)
     The alignment of the lines in the text of the label relative to each other. This does NOT affect the alignment of the label within its allocation. See Gtk::Misc::xalign for that
+    * Default value: Gtk::JUSTIFY_LEFT
 --- label: String (Read/Write)
     The text of the label
+    * Default value: nil
+--- max-width-chars: Integer (Read/Write)
+    The desired maximum width of the label, in characters. If this property is set to -1, the width will be calculated automatically, otherwise the label will request space for no more than the requested number of characters. If the width-chars property is set to a positive value, then the max-width-chars property is ignored.  ((*Since 2.6*))
+    * Allowed values: >= -1
+    * Default value: -1
 --- mnemonic-keyval: Integer (Read)
     The mnemonic accelerator key for this label
+    * Default value: 16777215
 --- mnemonic-widget: Gtk::Widget (Read/Write)
     The widget to be activated when the label's mnemonic key is pressed
 --- pattern: String (Write)
     A string with _ characters in positions correspond to characters in the text to underline
+    * Default value: nil
 --- selectable: true or false (Read/Write)
     Whether the label text can be selected with the mouse
+    * Default value: false
 --- selection-bound: Integer (Read)
     The position of the opposite end of the selection from the cursor in chars
+    * Allowed values: >= 0
+    * Default value: 0
+--- single-line-mode: true or false (Read/Write)
+    Whether the label is in single line mode. In single line mode, the height of the label does not depend on the actual text, it is always set to ascent + descent of the font. This can be an advantage in situations where resizing the label because of text changes would be distracting, e.g. in a statusbar. ((*Since 2.6*))
+    * Default value: false
 --- use-markup: true or false (Read/Write)
-    The text of the label includes XML markup. See pango_parse_markup()
+    The text of the label includes XML markup. See Pango.parse_markup.
+    * Default value: false
 --- use-underline: true or false (Read/Write)
     If set, an underline in the text indicates the next character should be used for the mnemonic accelerator key
+    * Default value: false
+--- width-chars: Integer (Read/Write)
+    The desired width of the label, in characters. If this property is set to -1, the width will be calculated automatically, otherwise the label will request either 3 characters or the property value, whichever is greater. If the width-chars property is set to a positive value, then the max-width-chars property is ignored. ((*Since 2.6*))
+    * Allowed values: >= -1
+    * Default value: -1
 --- wrap: true or false (Read/Write)
     If set, wrap lines if the text becomes too wide
+    * Default value: false
 == Signals
 --- copy-clipboard: self
@@ -276,4 +373,103 @@
      * self: Gtk::Label
      * arg1: Gtk::Menu
+== ChangeLog
+* 2005-03-29 Added 2.6 methods, Modified properties. - ((<Masao>))
+* 2003-09-06 Added. - ((<Masao>))

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