2013年 3月 29日 (金) 05:54:21 JST
------------------------- REMOTE_ADDR = REMOTE_HOST = URL = ------------------------- @@ -460,7 +460,7 @@"textextents-pure-cr.png") - This code snippet written in non-GUI environment, produces the output png image file, shown above on the right. Note, that the letter is printed on transparent surface. Indeed, to view the output of this program we have to write the contents of the surface to a file utilizing surface's write-to file method. Note, that the surface written to a file here is saved in "cairo context's target attribute". + This code snippet, written in non-GUI environment, produces the output png image file, shown above on the right. Note, that the letter is printed on transparent surface. Indeed, to view the output of this program we have to write the contents of the surface to a file utilizing surface's write-to file method. Note, that the surface written to a file here is saved in "cairo context's target attribute". Now, lets look at the same cairo drawing as we would write it in a Ruby Gtk/Cairo version of the "Show Text / Glyphs" example program. I took liberty to add and change a few things. If you'd like to write the contents of the cairo drawing area to a file, of course, you should employ Ruby Gtk's file manipulation behaviour, explained in section 12.2 "((<Writing the Image Of a Drawing Area Into a Pixbuf File|tut-gtk2-dancr-wr-dapxb2file>))".