[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - Gtk::TextTag

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2014年 6月 12日 (木) 10:18:01 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/ja/hiki.cgi?Gtk%3A%3ATextTag
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-= class Gtk::TextTag
+= Gtk::TextTag クラス
 You may wish to begin by reading ((<the text widget conceptual overview>)) which gives an overview of all the objects and data types related to the text widget and how they work together.
 Tags should be in the Gtk::TextTagTable for a given Gtk::TextBuffer before using them with that buffer.
@@ -7,27 +8,66 @@
 The "invisible" property was not implemented for GTK+ 2.0; it's planned to be implemented in future releases.
-== Object Hierarchy
+== オブジェクト階層
 * Object
   * GLib::Instantiatable
     * GLib::Object
       * Gtk::TextTag
-== Class Methods
+== クラスメソッド
 --- Gtk::TextTag.new(name = nil)
     Creates a Gtk::TextTag. Configure the tag using object arguments, 
     * name: tag name, or nil 
     * Returns: a new Gtk::TextTag 
-== Instance Methods
+== インスタンスメソッド
+--- paragraph_background_set=()
+    ((*要編集*))
+--- set_paragraph_background_set()
+    ((*要編集*))
+--- paragraph_background_set?()
+    ((*要編集*))
+--- accumulative_margin=()
+    ((*要編集*))
+--- set_accumulative_margin()
+    ((*要編集*))
+--- accumulative_margin?()
+    ((*要編集*))
+--- paragraph_background_gdk=()
+    ((*要編集*))
+--- set_paragraph_background_gdk()
+    ((*要編集*))
+--- paragraph_background_gdk()
+    ((*要編集*))
+--- paragraph_background=()
+    ((*要編集*))
+--- set_paragraph_background()
+    ((*要編集*))
 --- priority
     Get the tag priority.
     * Returns: The tag's priority. 
 --- priority=(priority)
     Sets the priority of a Gtk::TextTag. Valid priorities are start at 0 and go to one less than Gtk::TextTagTable#size. Each tag in a table has a unique priority; setting the priority of one tag shifts the priorities of all the other tags in the table to maintain a unique priority for each tag. Higher priority tags "win" if two tags both set the same text attribute. When adding a tag to a tag table, it will be assigned the highest priority in the table by default; so normally the precedence of a set of tags is the order in which they were added to the table, or created with Gtk::TextBuffer#create_tag, which adds the tag to the buffer's table automatically.
     * priority: the new priority 
     * Returns: priority
 --- set_priority(priority)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#priority=.
     * priority: the new priority 
@@ -43,11 +82,56 @@
 --- name
     Gets the name of the tag, or nil for anonymous tags. Can only be set when the tag is created.
     * Returns: the name of the tag.
 --- name=(name)
+    ((*存在しない?or上位階層クラスのページに要移動?*))
     Sets the name of the tag, or nil for anonymous tags. Can only be set when the tag is created.
     * name: the name of the tag
     * Returns: self
 --- set_name(name)
+    ((*存在しない?or上位階層クラスのページに要移動?*))
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#name=.
     * name: the name of the tag
     * Returns: self
@@ -56,6 +101,52 @@
     Sets the background color, as a string such as "red" or "FFFFFF"
     * color: a background color
     * Returns: color
 --- set_background(color)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#background=.
     * color: a background color
@@ -65,6 +111,53 @@
     Sets the foreground color, as a string such as "red" or "FFFFFF"
     * color: a foreground color
     * Returns: color
 --- set_foreground(color)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#foreground=.
     * color: a foreground color
@@ -73,10 +120,59 @@
 --- background_gdk
     Gets the background color, as a Gdk::Color. The color need not be allocated.
     * Returns: a Gdk::Color
 --- background_gdk=(color)
     Sets the background color, as a Gdk::Color. The color need not be allocated.
     * color: a Gdk::Color
     * Returns: color
 --- set_background_gdk(color)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#background_gdk=.
     * color: a Gdk::Color
@@ -85,10 +134,61 @@
 --- foreground_gdk
     Gets the foreground color, as a Gdk::Color. The color need not be allocated.
     * Returns: a Gdk::Color
 --- foreground_gdk=(color)
     Sets the foreground color, as a Gdk::Color. The color need not be allocated.
     * color: a Gdk::Color
     * Returns: color
 --- set_foreground_gdk(color)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#foreground_gdk=.
     * color: a Gdk::Color
@@ -97,10 +148,63 @@
 --- background_stipple
     Gets a Gdk::Pixmap(depth=1) to use for stippling the background color.
     * Returns: a Gdk::Pixmap
 --- background_stipple=(bitmap)
     Sets a Gdk::Pixmap(depth=1) to use for stippling the background color.
     * bitmap: a Gdk::Pixmap(depth=1)
     * Returns: bitmap
 --- set_background_stipple(bitmap)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#background_stipple=.
     * bitmap: a Gdk::Pixmap(depth=1)
@@ -109,10 +162,65 @@
 --- foreground_stipple
     Gets a Gdk::Pixmap(depth=1) to use for stippling the foreground color.
     * Returns: a Gdk::Pixmap
 --- foreground_stipple=(bitmap)
     Sets a Gdk::Pixmap(depth=1) to use for stippling the foreground color.
     * bitmap: a Gdk::Pixmap(depth=1)
     * Returns: bitmap
 --- set_foreground_stipple(bitmap)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#foreground_stipple=.
     * bitmap: a Gdk::Pixmap(depth=1)
@@ -121,10 +176,67 @@
 --- font
     Gets the font as a Pango font name, e.g. "Sans Italic 12"
     * Returns: the font name.
 --- font=(font)
     Sets the font as a Pango font name, e.g. "Sans Italic 12"
     * font: the font name.
     * Returns: font.
 --- set_font(font)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#font=.
     * font: the font name.
@@ -133,10 +190,69 @@
 --- font_desc
     Gets the font as a Pango::FontDescription.
     * Returns: the font description.
 --- font_desc=(desc)
     Sets the font as a Pango::FontDescription.
     * desc: the font description
     * Returns: desc
 --- set_font_desc(desc)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#font_desc=.
     * desc: the font description
@@ -145,10 +204,71 @@
 --- family
     Gets the name of the font family, e.g. Sans, Helvetica, Times, Monospace
     * Returns: the name of the font family
 --- family=(family)
     Sets the name of the font family, e.g. Sans, Helvetica, Times, Monospace
     * family: the name of the font family
     * Returns: family
 --- set_family(family)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#family=.
     * family: the name of the font family
@@ -157,10 +218,73 @@
 --- style
     Gets the font style as a ((<PangoStyle|Pango::FontDescription#PangoStyle>)), e.g. Pango::FontDescription::STYLE_ITALIC
     * Returns: the font style(((<PangoStyle|Pango::FontDescription#PangoStyle>)))
 --- style=(style)
     Sets the font style as a ((<PangoStyle|Pango::FontDescription#PangoStyle>)), e.g. Pango::FontDescription::STYLE_ITALIC
     * style: the font style(((<PangoStyle|Pango::FontDescription#PangoStyle>)))
     * Returns: style
 --- set_style(style)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#style=.
     * style: the font style(((<PangoStyle|Pango::FontDescription#PangoStyle>)))
@@ -169,10 +232,75 @@
 --- variant
     Gets the font variant as a ((<PangoVariant|Pango::FontDescription#PangoVariant>)), e.g. Pango::FontDescription::VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS
     * Returns: the font variant(((<PangoVariant|Pango::FontDescription#PangoVariant>)))
 --- variant=(variant)
     Sets the font variant as a ((<PangoVariant|Pango::FontDescription#PangoVariant>)), e.g. Pango::FontDescription::VARIANT_SMALL_CAPS
     * variant: the font variant(((<PangoVariant|Pango::FontDescription#PangoVariant>)))
     * Returns: variant
 --- set_variant(variant)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#variant=.
     * variant: the font variant(((<PangoVariant|Pango::FontDescription#PangoVariant>)))
@@ -181,10 +246,77 @@
 --- weight
     Gets the font weight as an Integer, see predefined values in ((<PangoWeight|Pango::FontDescription#PangoWeight>)); for example, Pango::FontDescription::WEIGHT_BOLD
     * Returns: the font weight(Integer)
 --- weight=(weight)
     Sets the font weight as an Integer, see predefined values in ((<PangoWeight|Pango::FontDescription#PangoWeight>)); for example, Pango::FontDescription::WEIGHT_BOLD
     * weight: the font weight(Integer) or predefined values in ((<PangoWeight|Pango::FontDescription#PangoWeight>))
     * Returns: weight
 --- set_weight(weight)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#weight=.
     * weight: the font weight(Integer) or predefined values in ((<PangoWeight|Pango::FontDescription#PangoWeight>))
@@ -193,10 +260,79 @@
 --- stretch
     Gets the font stretch as a ((<PangoStretch|Pango::FontDescription#PangoStretch>)), e.g. Pango::FontDescription::STRETCH_CONDENSED
     * Returns: the font stretch(((<PangoStretch|Pango::FontDescription#PangoStretch>)))
 --- stretch=(stretch)
     Sets the font stretch as a ((<PangoStretch|Pango::FontDescription#PangoStretch>)), e.g. Pango::FontDescription::STRETCH_CONDENSED
     * stretch: the font stretch(((<PangoStretch|Pango::FontDescription#PangoStretch>)))
     * Returns: stretch
 --- set_stretch(stretch)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#stretch=.
     * Returns: self
@@ -204,10 +273,81 @@
 --- size
     Gets the font size in Pango units.
     * Returns: the font size
 --- size=(size)
     Sets the font size in Pango units.
     * size: the font size
     * Returns: size
 --- set_size(size)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#size=.
     * size: the font size
@@ -216,10 +287,83 @@
 --- size_points
     Gets the font size in points.
     * Returns: the font size in points
 --- size_points=(size_points)
     Sets the font size in points.
     * size_points: the font size in points
     * Returns: size_points
 --- set_size_points(size_points)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#size_points=.
     * size_points: the font size in points
@@ -228,10 +301,85 @@
 --- scale
     Gets the font size as a scale factor relative to the default font size. This properly adapts to theme changes etc. so is recommended. Pango predefines some scales such as Pango::AttrScale::X_LARGE
     * Returns: the font size as a scale factor relative to the default font size
 --- scale=(scale)
     Sets the font size as a scale factor relative to the default font size. This properly adapts to theme changes etc. so is recommended. Pango predefines some scales such as Pango::AttrScale::X_LARGE
     * scale: the font size as a scale factor relative to the default font size
     * Returns: scale
 --- set_scale(scale)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#scale=.
     * scale: the font size as a scale factor relative to the default font size
@@ -240,10 +315,87 @@
 --- pixels_above_lines
     Gets the pixels of blank space above paragraphs.
     * Returns: the pixels of blank space above paragraphs
 --- pixels_above_lines=(pixels)
     Sets the pixels of blank space above paragraphs.
     * pixels: the pixels of blank space above paragraphs
     * Returns: pixels
 --- set_pixels_above_lines(pixels)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#pixels_above_lines=.
     * pixels: the pixels of blank space above paragraphs
@@ -252,10 +329,89 @@
 --- pixels_below_lines
     Gets the pixels of blank space below paragraphs
     * Returns: the pixels of blank space below paragraphs
 --- pixels_below_lines=(pixels)
     Sets the pixels of blank space below paragraphs
     * pixels: the pixels of blank space below paragraphs
     * Returns: pixels
 --- set_pixels_below_lines(pixels)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#pixels_below_lines=.
     * pixels: the pixels of blank space below paragraphs
@@ -264,10 +343,91 @@
 --- pixels_inside_wrap_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the number of pixels between wrapped lines or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the number of pixels between wrapped lines
 --- pixels_inside_wrap_set=(setting)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the number of pixels between wrapped lines or not.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the number of pixels between wrapped lines
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_pixels_inside_wrap_set(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#pixels_inside_wrap_set=.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the number of pixels between wrapped lines
@@ -276,10 +357,93 @@
 --- editable?
     Gets the value whether the text can be modified by the user or not.
     * Returns: true if the text can be modified by the user
 --- editable=(editable)
     Sets the value whether the text can be modified by the user or not.
     * editable: true if the text can be modified by the user
     * Returns: editable
 --- set_editable(editable)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#editable=.
     * editable: true if the text can be modified by the user
@@ -288,10 +371,95 @@
 --- wrap_mode
     Gets the value whether to wrap lines never, at word boundaries, or at character boundaries or not.
     * Returns: true if to wrap lines never, at word boundaries, or at character boundaries
 --- wrap_mode=(wrap_mode)
     Sets the value whether to wrap lines never, at word boundaries, or at character boundaries or not.
     * wrap_mode: true if to wrap lines never, at word boundaries, or at character boundaries
     * Returns: wrap_mode
 --- set_wrap_mode(wrap_mode)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#wrap_mode=.
     * wrap_mode: true if to wrap lines never, at word boundaries, or at character boundaries
@@ -300,10 +385,97 @@
 --- justification
     Gets the Left, right, or center justification.
     * Returns: Left, right, or center justification (((<GtkJustification|Gtk#GtkJustification>)))
 --- justification=(setting)
     Sets the Left, right, or center justification.
     * setting: Left, right, or center justification (((<GtkJustification|Gtk#GtkJustification>)))
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_justification(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#justification=.
     * setting: Left, right, or center justification (((<GtkJustification|Gtk#GtkJustification>)))
@@ -312,10 +399,99 @@
 --- direction
     Gets the Text direction, e.g. right-to-left or left-to-right.
     * Returns: Text direction, e.g. right-to-left or left-to-right (((<GtkTextDirection|Gtk::Widget#GtkTextDirection>)))
 --- direction=(direction)
     Sets the Text direction, e.g. right-to-left or left-to-right.
     * direction: Text direction, e.g. right-to-left or left-to-right (((<GtkTextDirection|Gtk::Widget#GtkTextDirection>)))
     * Returns: direction
 --- set_direction(direction)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#direction=.
     * direction: Text direction, e.g. right-to-left or left-to-right (((<GtkTextDirection|Gtk::Widget#GtkTextDirection>)))
@@ -324,10 +413,101 @@
 --- left_margin
     Gets the Width of the left margin in pixels.
     * Returns: Width of the left margin in pixels
 --- left_margin=(pixels)
     Sets the Width of the left margin in pixels.
     * pixels: Width of the left margin in pixels
     * Returns: pixels
 --- set_left_margin(pixels)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#left_margin=.
     * pixels: Width of the left margin in pixels
@@ -336,10 +427,103 @@
 --- indent
     Gets the Amount to indent the paragraph, in pixels.
     * Returns: Amount to indent the paragraph, in pixels
 --- indent=(pixels)
     Sets the Amount to indent the paragraph, in pixels.
     * pixels: Amount to indent the paragraph, in pixels
     * Returns: pixels
 --- set_indent(pixels)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#indent=.
     * pixels: Amount to indent the paragraph, in pixels
@@ -348,10 +441,105 @@
 --- strikethrough?
     Gets the value whether to strike through the text or not.
     * Returns: true if to strike through the text
 --- strikethrough=(strikethrough)
     Sets the value whether to strike through the text or not.
     * strikethrough: true if to strike through the text
     * Returns: strikethrough
 --- set_strikethrough(strikethrough)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#strikethrough=.
     * strikethrough: true if to strike through the text
@@ -360,10 +455,107 @@
 --- right_margin
     Gets the Width of the right margin in pixels.
     * Returns: Width of the right margin in pixels
 --- right_margin=(margin)
     Sets the Width of the right margin in pixels.
     * margin: Width of the right margin in pixels
     * Returns: margin
 --- set_right_margin(margin)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#right_margin=.
     * margin: Width of the right margin in pixels
@@ -372,10 +469,109 @@
 --- underline
     Gets the style of underline for this text.
     * Returns: Style of underline for this text (((<PangoUnderline|Pango::AttrUnderline#PangoUnderline>)))
 --- underline=(underline)
     Sets the style of underline for this text.
     * underline: Style of underline for this text (((<PangoUnderline|Pango::AttrUnderline#PangoUnderline>)))
     * Returns: underline
 --- set_underline(underline)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#underline=.
     * underline: Style of underline for this text (((<PangoUnderline|Pango::AttrUnderline#PangoUnderline>)))
@@ -384,10 +483,111 @@
 --- rise
     Gets the offset of text above the baseline (below the baseline if rise is negative) in pixels.
     * Returns: Offset of text above the baseline (below the baseline if rise is negative) in pixels
 --- rise=(pixel)
     Sets the offset of text above the baseline (below the baseline if rise is negative) in pixels.
     * pixel: Offset of text above the baseline (below the baseline if rise is negative) in pixels
     * Returns: pixel
 --- set_rise(pixel)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#rise=.
     * pixel: Offset of text above the baseline (below the baseline if rise is negative) in pixels
@@ -396,10 +497,113 @@
 --- background_full_height?
     Gets the value whether the background color fills the entire line height or only the height of the tagged characters or not.
     * Returns: true if the background color fills the entire line height or only the height of the tagged characters
 --- background_full_height=(setting)
     Sets the value whether the background color fills the entire line height or only the height of the tagged characters or not.
     * setting: true if the background color fills the entire line height or only the height of the tagged characters
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_background_full_height(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#background_full_height=.
     * setting: true if the background color fills the entire line height or only the height of the tagged characters
@@ -408,10 +511,115 @@
 --- language
     Gets the language this text is in, as an ISO code. Pango can use this as a hint when rendering the text. If you don't understand this parameter, you probably don't need it.
     * Returns: The language this text is in, as an ISO code. Pango can use this as a hint when rendering the text. If you don't understand this parameter, you probably don't need it
 --- language=(language)
     Sets the language this text is in, as an ISO code. Pango can use this as a hint when rendering the text. If you don't understand this parameter, you probably don't need it.
     * language: The language this text is in, as an ISO code. Pango can use this as a hint when rendering the text. If you don't understand this parameter, you probably don't need it
     * Returns: language
 --- set_language(language)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#language=.
     * language: The language this text is in, as an ISO code. Pango can use this as a hint when rendering the text. If you don't understand this parameter, you probably don't need it
@@ -420,10 +525,117 @@
 --- tabs
     Gets the custom tabs for this text.
     * Returns: custom tabs for this text
 --- tabs=(tabs)
     Sets the custom tabs for this text.
     * tabs: custom tabs for this text
     * Returns: tabs
 --- set_tabs(tabs)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#tabs=.
     * tabs: custom tabs for this text
@@ -432,10 +539,119 @@
 --- invisible?
     Gets the value whether this text is hidden. Not implemented in GTK 2.0.
     * Returns: true if this text is hidden
 --- invisible=(invisible)
     Sets the value whether this text is hidden. Not implemented in GTK 2.0.
     * invisible: true if this text is hidden
     * Returns: invisible
 --- set_invisible(invisible)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#invisible=. Not implemented in GTK 2.0.
     * invisible: true if this text is hidden
@@ -444,10 +553,121 @@
 --- background_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the background color or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the background color
 --- background_set=(setting)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the background color or not.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the background color
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_background_set(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#background_set=.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the background color
@@ -456,10 +567,123 @@
 --- foreground_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the foreground color or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the foreground color
 --- foreground_set=(setting)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the foreground color or not.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the foreground color
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_foreground_set(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#foreground_set=.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the foreground color
@@ -468,10 +581,125 @@
 --- background_stipple_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the background stipple or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the background stipple
 --- background_stipple_set=(setting)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the background stipple or not.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the background stipple
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_background_stipple_set(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#background_stipple_set=.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the background stipple
@@ -480,10 +595,127 @@
 --- foreground_stipple_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the foreground stipple or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the foreground stipple
 --- foreground_stipple_set=(setting)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the foreground stipple or not.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the foreground stipple
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_foreground_stipple_set(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#foreground_stipple_set=.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the foreground stipple
@@ -492,10 +609,129 @@
 --- family_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the font family or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the font family
 --- family_set=(family_set)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the font family or not.
     * family_set: true if this tag affects the font family
     * Returns: family_set
 --- set_family_set(family_set)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#family_set=.
     * family_set: true if this tag affects the font family
@@ -504,10 +623,131 @@
 --- style_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the font style or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the font style
 --- style_set=(style_set)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the font style or not.
     * style_set: true if this tag affects the font style
     * Returns: style_set
 --- set_style_set(style_set)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#style_set=.
     * style_set: true if this tag affects the font style
@@ -516,10 +637,133 @@
 --- variant_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the font variant or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the font variant
 --- variant_set=(variant_set)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the font variant or not.
     * variant_set: true if this tag affects the font variant
     * Returns: variant_set
 --- set_variant_set(variant_set)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#variant_set=.
     * variant_set: true if this tag affects the font variant
@@ -528,10 +651,135 @@
 --- weight_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the font weight or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the font weight
 --- weight_set=(weight_set)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the font weight or not.
     * weight_set: true if this tag affects the font weight
     * Returns: weight_set
 --- set_weight_set(weight_set)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#weight_set=.
     * weight_set: true if this tag affects the font weight
@@ -540,10 +665,137 @@
 --- stretch_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the font stretch or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the font stretch
 --- stretch_set=(stretch_set)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the font stretch or not.
     * stretch_set: true if this tag affects the font stretch
     * Returns: stretch_set
 --- set_stretch_set(stretch_set)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#stretch_set=.
     * stretch_set: true if this tag affects the font stretch
@@ -552,10 +679,139 @@
 --- size_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the font size or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the font size
 --- size_set=(size_set)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the font size or not.
     * size_set: true if this tag affects the font size
     * Returns: size_set
 --- set_size_set(size_set)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#size_set=.
     * size_set: true if this tag affects the font size
@@ -564,10 +693,141 @@
 --- scale_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag scales the font size by a factor or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag scales the font size by a factor
 --- scale_set=(scale_set)
     Sets the value whether this tag scales the font size by a factor or not.
     * scale_set: true if this tag scales the font size by a factor
     * Returns: scale_set
 --- set_scale_set(scale_set)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#scale_set=.
     * scale_set: true if this tag scales the font size by a factor
@@ -576,10 +707,143 @@
 --- pixels_above_lines_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the number of pixels above lines or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the number of pixels above lines
 --- pixels_above_lines_set=(setting)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the number of pixels above lines or not.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the number of pixels above lines
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_pixels_above_lines_set(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#pixels_above_lines_set=.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the number of pixels above lines
@@ -588,10 +721,145 @@
 --- pixels_below_lines_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the number of pixels above lines or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the number of pixels above lines
 --- pixels_below_lines_set=(setting)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the number of pixels above lines or not.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the number of pixels above lines
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_pixels_below_lines_set(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#pixels_below_lines_set=.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the number of pixels above lines
@@ -600,10 +735,147 @@
 --- pixels_inside_wrap
     Gets the Pixels of blank space between wrapped lines in a paragraph.
     * Returns: Pixels of blank space between wrapped lines in a paragraph
 --- pixels_inside_wrap=(setting)
     Sets the Pixels of blank space between wrapped lines in a paragraph.
     * setting: Pixels of blank space between wrapped lines in a paragraph
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_pixels_inside_wrap(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#pixels_inside_wrap=.
     * setting: Pixels of blank space between wrapped lines in a paragraph
@@ -612,10 +749,149 @@
 --- editable_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects text editability or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects text editability
 --- editable_set=(editable_set)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects text editability or not.
     * editable_set: true if this tag affects text editability
     * Returns: editable_set
 --- set_editable_set(editable_set)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#editable_set=.
     * editable_set: true if this tag affects text editability
@@ -624,10 +763,151 @@
 --- wrap_mode_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects line wrap mode or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects line wrap mode
 --- wrap_mode_set=(wrap_mode_set)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects line wrap mode or not.
     * wrap_mode_set: true if this tag affects line wrap mode
     * Returns: wrap_mode_set
 --- set_wrap_mode_set(wrap_mode_set)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#wrap_mode_set=.
     * wrap_mode_set: true if this tag affects line wrap mode
@@ -636,10 +777,153 @@
 --- justification_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects paragraph justification or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects paragraph justification
 --- justification_set=(setting)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects paragraph justification or not.
     * setting: true if this tag affects paragraph justification
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_justification_set(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#justification_set=.
     * setting: true if this tag affects paragraph justification
@@ -648,10 +791,155 @@
 --- left_margin_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the left margin or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the left margin
 --- left_margin_set=(setting)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the left margin or not.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the left margin
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_left_margin_set(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#left_margin_set=.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the left margin
@@ -660,10 +805,157 @@
 --- indent_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects indentation or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects indentation
 --- indent_set=(indent_set)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects indentation or not.
     * indent_set: true if this tag affects indentation
     * Returns: indent_set
 --- set_indent_set(indent_set)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#indent_set=.
     * indent_set: true if this tag affects indentation
@@ -672,10 +819,159 @@
 --- strikethrough_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects strikethrough or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects strikethrough
 --- strikethrough_set=(setting)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects strikethrough or not.
     * setting: true if this tag affects strikethrough
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_strikethrough_set(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#strikethrough_set=.
     * setting: true if this tag affects strikethrough
@@ -684,10 +833,161 @@
 --- right_margin_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the right margin or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the right margin
 --- right_margin_set=(setting)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the right margin or not.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the right margin
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_right_margin_set(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#right_margin_set=.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the right margin
@@ -696,10 +847,163 @@
 --- underline_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects underlining or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects underlining
 --- underline_set=(setting)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects underlining or not.
     * setting: true if this tag affects underlining
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_underline_set(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#underline_set=.
     * setting: true if this tag affects underlining
@@ -708,10 +861,165 @@
 --- rise_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the rise or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the rise
 --- rise_set=(rise_set)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the rise or not.
     * rise_set: true if this tag affects the rise
     * Returns: rise_set
 --- set_rise_set(rise_set)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#rise_set=.
     * rise_set: true if this tag affects the rise
@@ -720,10 +875,167 @@
 --- background_full_height_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects background height or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects background height
 --- background_full_height_set=(setting)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects background height or not.
     * setting: true if this tag affects background height
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_background_full_height_set(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#background_full_height_set=.
     * setting: true if this tag affects background height
@@ -732,10 +889,169 @@
 --- language_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects the language the text is rendered as or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects the language the text is rendered as
 --- language_set=(setting)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects the language the text is rendered as or not.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the language the text is rendered as
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_language_set(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#language_set=.
     * setting: true if this tag affects the language the text is rendered as
@@ -744,10 +903,171 @@
 --- tabs_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects tabs or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects tabs
 --- tabs_set=(tabs_set)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects tabs or not.
     * tabs_set: true if this tag affects tabs
     * Returns: tabs_set
 --- set_tabs_set(tabs_set)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#tabs_set=.
     * tabs_set: true if this tag affects tabs
@@ -756,26 +917,209 @@
 --- invisible_set?
     Gets the value whether this tag affects text visibility or not.
     * Returns: true if this tag affects text visibility
 --- invisible_set=(setting)
     Sets the value whether this tag affects text visibility or not.
     * setting: true if this tag affects text visibility
     * Returns: setting
 --- set_invisible_set(setting)
     Same as Gtk::TextTag#invisible_set=.
     * setting: true if this tag affects text visibility
     * Returns: self
-== Constants
+== 定数
+--- WRAP_WORD_CHAR (Gtk::TextTag::WrapMode)
+    ((*要編集*))
 === GtkWrapMode
 Describes a type of line wrapping.
     do not wrap lines; just make the text area wider.
     wrap text, breaking lines anywhere the cursor can appear (between characters, usually - if you want to be technical, between graphemes, see Pango.get_log_attrs).
     wrap text, breaking lines in between words.
-== Properties
+== プロパティ
+--- paragraph-background-set:
+    ((*要編集*))
+--- accumulative-margin:
+    ((*要編集*))
+--- paragraph-background-gdk:
+    ((*要編集*))
+--- paragraph-background:
+    ((*要編集*))
 --- background: String (Write)
     Background color as a string
@@ -958,12 +1141,198 @@
 --- wrap-mode-set: true or false (Read/Write)
     Whether this tag affects line wrap mode
+== シグナル
-== Signals
 --- event: self
      * self: 
-== See Also
+== 関連ページ
-- ((<Masao>))
+== 更新履歴
+* 2014-06-12 クラスのメンバ項目の存在チェック("存在しない?or上位階層クラスのページに要移動?"とマーク)。リストから漏れているものを追加。 - ((<きたがわ>))
+* - ((<Masao>))

ruby-gnome2-cvs メーリングリストの案内
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