Laurent Sansonetti
Wed Jun 21 07:58:04 JST 2006
Hi, We just discussed this topic Jonathan and I, and here are what we propose. First, new public APIs: OSX.relaxed_syntax = true|false This flag would enable or not the relaxed/friendly/cool syntaxes. It could be enabled according to a flag in the install.rb config phase, and the default could be true. OSX.register_syntax_mapper { |receiver, message, args | ... } # -> id OSX.unregister_syntax_mapper(id) The first method would register a new mapper in the system, as a Proc object. The block will be called at runtime with the receiver object, message and arguments from the context. The block can return a selector value (a String), or nil if it cannot do the mapping. The second method can be used to unregister a mapper, given its ID. The ID is returned by the first method. Internally, mappers would just be added in an internal Array. By default, we would propose 3 mappers: - one for removing the trailing '_' if necessary ; - one for the symbol/value... syntax - one for the inline Hash syntax Additional mappers would be stacked in an Array. #analyze_method would be modified to: - remove oc_ prefix and check predicate - consult additional mappers if OSX.relaxed_syntax is true - if mappers return nil (or OSX.relaxed_syntax is false), do the default mapper - return the translated selector Ideas? Cheers, Laurent