[Rubycocoa-devel 240] Re: Single RBObject per Ruby Object

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Jonathan Paisley jp-ww****@dcs*****
Fri Mar 24 19:03:44 JST 2006

On 24 Mar 2006, at 9:48, kimura wataru wrote:

> I wrote simple tests for [Rubycocoa-devel 195]. I cannnot decide
> to use OCUnit and otest tests of Objective-C side.

Since the tests are quite small, it's probably easiest to stick with  
wrapping in Test::Unit for now. However, I've not used OCUnit so I  
don't know much about it -- perhaps it is very easy too!

A couple of comments (I've snipped the code to show the relevant lines):

+- (BOOL) assertIDFromSameObjectWithInit
+  rbobj_a = rb_str_new2("test");
+  ocobj_a = [[[RBObject alloc] initWithRubyObject:rbobj_a]  
+  rbobj_b = rb_str_dup(rbobj_a);
+  ocobj_b = [[[RBObject alloc] initWithRubyObject:rbobj_b]  
+  ret = (ocobj_a != ocobj_b) ? YES : NO;

rbobj_a and rbobj_b are different Ruby objects, so perhaps the method  
should be called 'assertIDFromDifferentObjectWithInit'?

+- (BOOL) assertIDFromOtherObject
+  BOOL ret;
+  VALUE rbobj_a, rbobj_b;
+  id ocobj_a, ocobj_b;
+  id pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
+  rbobj_a = rb_str_new2("test");
+  ocobj_a = [RBObject RBObjectWithRubyObject:rbobj_a];
+  ocobj_b = [RBObject RBObjectWithRubyObject:rbobj_b];
+  ret = (ocobj_a != ocobj_b) ? YES : NO;

rbobj_b is not initialized in this function.

It seems that there should be two sets of tests: one that uses alloc/ 
init, the other uses the RBObjectWithRubyObject class method. For  
each set, there should be a test that ensures that the same RBObject  
is returned for the same VALUE, and the other should ensure that  
different RBObjects are returned for different VALUEs.

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