Eloy Duran
Sat Jan 19 11:26:43 JST 2008
Hi, As discussed with Laurent I added a test for a bug, which causes for instance the MailDemoSimple sample to not work, in rev. 2174. The only way I was able to reproduce the problem was by creating a nib and instantiating an object there. Then getting a reference to that object in 2 different ways and compare them (tc_uniqobj.rb): def test_equality_of_a_objc_object_that_has_been_instantiated_from_a_nib # A naive fix for equality. # OSX::NSObject.class_eval do # def ==(other) # __ocid__ == other.__ocid__ # end # end url = OSX::NSURL.fileURLWithPath(File.expand_path('../ TableView.nib', __FILE__)) nib = OSX::NSNib.alloc.initWithContentsOfURL(url) owner = OSX::TableViewNibOwner.alloc.init res, outlets = nib.instantiateNibWithOwner_topLevelObjects(owner) # They are both the same objc objects but referenced in another way, # which seems to return different ruby proxy instances. tableView1 = outlets.select {|obj| obj.is_a? OSX::NSScrollView }.first tableView2 = owner.instance_variable_get(:@tableView) assert tableView1 == tableView2 assert tableView1 === tableView2 assert OSX::NSScrollView === tableView2 end Cheers, Eloy