sagcad: bus error under os x (2004-07-23 21:18 by Anônimo #10315)
this is mainly a message for the sagcad developers. Maybe they know how to solve this problem. sagcad configures and compiles fine under os x 10.3 but produces a bus error:
(gdb) backtrace
#0 0x00000000 in ?? ()
Cannot access memory at address 0x0
Cannot access memory at address 0x0
#1 0x00030518 in getFileName (lpszPath=0x8d7e0 "normal.cxf") at etc.c:343
#2 0x00040a44 in font_open (font_file=0x8d7e0 "normal.cxf") at List_font.c:550
#3 0x000598e0 in main (argc=1, argv=0xbffffce0) at sagcad.c:297
I had a brief look at the file but really don't understand what the line 343 is for:
if((WHAT_KANJI((unsigned char *) lpszPtr) & charset) == charset )
RE: sagcad: bus error under os x (2004-07-23 22:31 by Anônimo #10316)
Hi again,
meanwhile I was able to get sagcad running by blocking the rest of the annoying function:
char *getFileName(char *lpszPath)
char *lpszPtr = lpszPath;
int charset = 0, Ret;
int (*WHAT_KANJI)(/* unsigned */ char *str) = 0;
-> return lpszPath; }<-
My feeling is the function is related to japanese typing only, right?
I have not tested the program thoroughly but everythings seems to work. Congratulations for the software. I makes a good impression and you can claim that it's even running on the mac;-)