[Scim-imengine-dev 73] scim-wnn-0.1.2 released (was: Japanese SUSE users will...)

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UTUMI Hirosi utuhi****@yahoo*****
2004年 12月 18日 (土) 11:09:02 JST


Tam released scim-wnn-0.1.2.

Some fixes for wnn7sdk


--- Mike FABIAN <mfabi****@suse*****> wrote:
> UTUMI Hirosi <utuhi****@yahoo*****> さんは書きました:
> > I heard SUSE would adopt Wnn7 to SUSE 9.2 (for Japanese only).
> > http://lists.suse.com/archive/suse-linux-ja/2004-Dec/0069.html
> > (Wnn7 is a proprietary Japanese Kana-Kanji conversion engine.)
> >
> > Do you know scim-wnn?
> > Tam is developing scim-wnn. You can use Wnn7 with SCIM.
> > http://nop.net-p.org/modules/pukiwiki/index.php?%5B%5Bscim-wnn%5D%5D
> > http://nop.net-p.org/files/scim-wnn/scim-wnn-0.1.1.tar.gz
> >
> > Maybe Japanese SUSE users will need scim-wnn. :-) 
> Thank you very much for the information!
> I tried to build scim-wnn using
>  ftp://ftp.omronsoft.co.jp/pub/Wnn7/sdk_source/Wnn7SDK.tar.bz2
> I could build it for x86_64 and i386 but it didn't work well.
> On x86_64 I cannot even convert かんじ correctly to 漢字.
> When entering かんじ and pressing the henkan key, all I get is 
>  莞爾
>  候補一覧
>   1. 莞爾 2. 莞爾 3. 莞爾 4. 莞爾 5. 莞爾 6. 莞爾  < >
> I tried on i386 as well, on such a 32 bit platform it worked a bit
> better, I got all the usual candidates for the pronunciation かんじ
> on that platform. Maybe Wnn7SDK is full of 64 bit bugs, I saw many
> suspicious compiler warnings while compiling Wnn7SDK.
> But even on a 32 bit platform, it doesn't work well. When
> trying to convert longer phrases like
>  きしゃのきしゃがきしゃできしゃしました。
> I get junky results on i386 as well.
> I'll try to investigate more when have a bit more time.
> scim-wnn would be really useful if I would work well. 

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