[Sie-announce] SIEコード [2614] SVGColorインターフェースの有効同値クラスのテストを追加

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2011年 4月 19日 (火) 20:59:46 JST

Revision: 2614
Author:   dhrname
Date:     2011-04-19 20:59:46 +0900 (Tue, 19 Apr 2011)

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Modified: trunk/Spec/spec/SvgDomSpec.js
--- trunk/Spec/spec/SvgDomSpec.js	2011-04-19 11:58:15 UTC (rev 2613)
+++ trunk/Spec/spec/SvgDomSpec.js	2011-04-19 11:59:46 UTC (rev 2614)
@@ -1006,17 +1006,64 @@
       t = null;
-  describe("SVG Unit :: SVGColor", function() {
-    var s = [];
+  describe("SVG Unit :: SVGColor (the SVGColor interface is deprecated by W3C)", function() {
+    /*SVGColorインターフェースは廃止予定 (The SVGColor interface is deprecated by W3C.)*/
+    var s;
     beforeEach(function() {
       svg.style.setProperty("stop-color", "white")
-      s[s.length] = svg.style.getPropertyCSSValue("stop-color"); //SVGColor型オブジェクトを返す
+      s = svg.style.getPropertyCSSValue("stop-color"); //stop-colorプロパティはSVGColor型オブジェクトを返す
-    /*デフォルト値かどうかをチェックしていく(Checking the default value of a SVGColor interface.)*/
+    /*デフォルト値かどうかをチェックしていく(Checking the default value of the SVGColor interface.)*/
     it("for the default value on the property of SVGColor", function() {
-      expect(typeof s.rgbColor.red.getFloatValue(2)).toEqual(0);
-      expect(typeof s.rgbColor.green.getFloatValue(2)).toEqual(0);
-      expect(typeof s.rgbColor.blue.getFloatValue(2)).toEqual(0);
+      expect(s.rgbColor.red.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(255);
+      expect(s.rgbColor.green.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(255);
+      expect(s.rgbColor.blue.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(255);
+      expect(s.colorType).toEqual(1);
+    /*境界条件を調べておく (limit value analysis, when it calls a setRGBColor method)*/
+    it("should be this for the value, when it calls a setRGBColor method (limit value analysis)", function() {
+      var cls = ["black", "rgb(0, 0, 0)", "#000000", "#000", "rgb(0%, 0%, 0%)", "white", "rgb(255, 255, 255)", "#ffffff", "#fff", "rgb(100%, 100%, 100%)"];
+      for (var i=0;i<5;++i) {
+        /*すべて黒色を示す値  (All value indicate a black color)*/
+        s.setRGBColor(cls[i]);
+        expect(s.rgbColor.red.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(0);
+        expect(s.rgbColor.green.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(0);
+        expect(s.rgbColor.blue.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(0);
+        expect(s.colorType).toEqual(1);
+      }
+      for (var i=5;i<10;++i) {
+        /*すべて白色を示す値  (All value indicate a white color)*/
+        s.setRGBColor(cls[i]);
+        expect(s.rgbColor.red.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(255);
+        expect(s.rgbColor.green.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(255);
+        expect(s.rgbColor.blue.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(255);
+        expect(s.colorType).toEqual(1);
+      }
+    });
+    /*同値分割をして、有効同値クラスを調べておく (Equivalence partitioning, the following is the valid partion, when it calls a setRGBColor method)*/
+    it("should be this for the value, when it calls a setRGBColor method (the valid partion)", function() {
+      var cls = ["gainsboro", "rgb(220, 220, 220)", "#dcdcdc", "magenta", "rgb(255, 0, 255)", "#ff00ff", "#f0f", "rgb(100%, 0%, 100%)"];
+      for (var i=0;i<3;++i) {
+        /*すべてgainsboro色を示す値  (All value indicate a gainsboro color)*/
+        s.setRGBColor(cls[i]);
+        expect(s.rgbColor.red.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(220);
+        expect(s.rgbColor.green.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(220);
+        expect(s.rgbColor.blue.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(220);
+        expect(s.colorType).toEqual(1);
+      }
+      for (var i=3;i<8;++i) {
+        /*すべてgainsboro色を示す値  (All value indicate a gainsboro color)*/
+        s.setRGBColor(cls[i]);
+        expect(s.rgbColor.red.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(255);
+        expect(s.rgbColor.green.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(0);
+        expect(s.rgbColor.blue.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(255);
+        expect(s.colorType).toEqual(1);
+      }
+      s.setRGBColor("rgb(20%, 40%, 99%)");
+      expect(s.rgbColor.red.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(51);
+      expect(s.rgbColor.green.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(102);
+      expect(s.rgbColor.blue.getFloatValue(1)).toEqual(252);
+      expect(s.colorType).toEqual(1);
+    });
\ No newline at end of file

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