[Sie-announce] SIEコード [2818] 0.81 trunk

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2011年 7月 6日 (水) 19:30:39 JST

Revision: 2818
Author:   dhrname
Date:     2011-07-06 19:30:39 +0900 (Wed, 06 Jul 2011)

Log Message:
0.81 trunk

Modified Paths:

Property Changed:

Modified: trunk/sie.js
--- trunk/sie.js	2011-07-05 14:24:12 UTC (rev 2817)
+++ trunk/sie.js	2011-07-06 10:30:39 UTC (rev 2818)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*SIE-SVG without Plugin under LGPL2.1 & GPL2.0 & Mozilla Public Lisence
+/*SIE-SVG without Plugin under LGPL2.1 & GPL2.0 & Mozilla Public Lisence
  *公式ページは http://sie.sourceforge.jp/
  *利用方法は <script defer="defer" type="text/javascript" src="sie.js"></script>
@@ -1909,6 +1909,10 @@
     s = isNaN(s) ? 0 : s;
     if (n >= "0" && n <= "9") {
       type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER*/ 1;
+      if (unitType === 1) {
+        unitType = tc = n = type = null;
+        return s;
+      }
     } else if (n === "%") {
       s *= this._percent;
       type = /*CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_PERCENTAGE*/ 2;
@@ -3979,6 +3983,29 @@
+    var ifr = document.createElement("iframe");
+    ifr.marginWidth = ifr.marginHeight = "0px"; //このマージン設定がないと、全体がずれてしまう
+    ifr.scrolling = "no";
+    ifr.frameBorder = "0";
+    /*iframe要素を使って、描画のプロセスを分離する
+     *したがって、_docはdocumentとは別のオブジェクトとなる
+     */
+    this._tar.parentNode.insertBefore(ifr, this._tar);
+    ifr.contentWindow.screen.updateInterval = 999;
+    var _doc = ifr.contentWindow.document;
+    _doc.write("");
+    _doc.close(); // これがないと document.body は null になる
+    if (("namespaces" in _doc) && !_doc.namespaces["v"]) {
+      _doc.namespaces.add("v","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
+      _doc.namespaces.add("o","urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office");
+      var st = _doc.createStyleSheet(),
+          vmlUrl = "behavior: url(#default#VML);display: inline-block;} "; //inline-blockはIEのバグ対策
+      st.cssText = "v\\:rect{" +vmlUrl+ "v\\:image{" +vmlUrl+ "v\\:fill{" +vmlUrl+ "v\\:stroke{" +vmlUrl+ "o\\:opacity2{" +vmlUrl
+        + "dn\\:defs{display:none}"
+        + "v\\:group{text-indent:0px;position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;" +vmlUrl
+        + "v\\:shape{width:100%;height:100%;" +vmlUrl;
+      st = vmlUrl = null;
+    }
     var str = this.xmlhttp.responseText,
         _doc = document,
         objei = this._tar,
@@ -3993,7 +4020,12 @@
         style, fontSize, w, h, sw, sh, trstyle, tpstyle, backrs, viewWidth, viewHeight,
         bfl, bft, bl, backright, backdown, text,
         _parseFloat = parseFloat,
-        ndoc = NAIBU.doc;
+        ndoc = NAIBU.doc,
+          oba = _doc.createElement("div"); //obaはradialGradient要素で使う
+    oba.setAttribute("id","_NAIBU_outline");
+    _doc.body.appendChild(oba);
+    _doc.body.style.backgroundColor = objei.parentNode.currentStyle.backgroundColor;
+    s._document_ = _doc; //_document_プロパティはradialGradient要素やNAIBU._setPaintなどで使う
     ndoc.async = false;
      *ResolveExternals Property [Second-level DOM]
@@ -4050,11 +4082,13 @@
     str = attr = null;
+    ifr.style.width = tview.width+3+ "px";
+    ifr.style.height = tview.height+3+ "px";
     dcp.style.width = tview.width+ "px";
     dcp.style.height = tview.height+ "px";
     dcp.coordsize = tview.width+ " " +tview.height;
-    objei.parentNode.insertBefore(sp, objei);
+    _doc.body.appendChild(sp);
     while (fi) { //子ノードを検索して、子供がいれば、importNodeメソッドを再帰的に実行する
       n = s.importNode(fi, true);
@@ -4135,13 +4169,14 @@
     s.defaultView._cache = s.defaultView._cache_ele = null;
-    evt = _doc = objei = tar = tview = objw = objh = n = att = sdt = sp = dcp = backr = w = h = sw = sh = style = fontSize = null;
+    oba = _doc = evt = _doc = objei = tar = tview = objw = objh = n = att = sdt = sp = dcp = backr = w = h = sw = sh = style = fontSize = null;
     trstyle = tpstyle = backrs = viewWidth = viewHeight = text = texti = i = bfl = bft = bl = bt = backdown = backright = null;
     text = _parseFloat = null;
     this.xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = NAIBU.emptyFunction;
     if (this._next) {
-      s = null;
+      ifr.contentWindow.screen.updateInterval = 0;
+      ifr = s = null;
     } else {
@@ -4914,7 +4949,8 @@
 SVGPathElement.constructor = SVGElement;
 SVGPathElement.prototype = new SVGElement();
-SVGPathElement.prototype._attrModi = function(evt){
+(function(_sproto) {
+_sproto._attrModi = function(evt){
   var tar = evt.target;
   if (evt.attrName === "d" && evt.newValue !== ""){
     /* d属性の値が空の場合は、描画を行わないようにする
@@ -5207,7 +5243,7 @@
   evt = tar = taco = cx = cy = xn = yn = startx = starty = tnl = tlist = ti = dii = ts = isZ = isM = isL = isC = s = null;
-SVGPathElement.prototype._nodeInsert = function(evt){
+_sproto._nodeInsert = function(evt){
   var tar = evt.target;
   if (evt.eventPhase === /*Event.BUBBLING_PHASE*/ 3) {
     return; //強制終了させる
@@ -5238,7 +5274,7 @@
   tar.addEventListener("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", tar._nodeInsertInto, false);
   evt = tar = null;
-SVGPathElement.prototype._nodeInsertInto = function(evt){
+_sproto._nodeInsertInto = function(evt){
@@ -5283,7 +5319,7 @@
   delete tar._currentStyle;
   evt = tar = dat = t = tx = ty = matrix = tlist = x = y = _parseInt = ma = mb = mc = md = me = mf = vi = isZ = isC = i = tli = tps = ti = cname = tt = null;
-SVGPathElement.prototype._com = {
+_sproto._com = {
   _nameCom : {
     z : " x ",
     Z : " x ",
@@ -5311,7 +5347,7 @@
   isRe : /,/,
   isSp : /\S+/g
-  /*float*/         SVGPathElement.prototype.getTotalLength = function() {
+  /*float*/         _sproto.getTotalLength = function() {
     var s = 0,
         nl = this.normalizedPathSegList;
     for (var i=1,nln=nl.numberOfItems,ms=null;i<nln;++i) {
@@ -5342,7 +5378,7 @@
     this.pathLength.baseVal = s;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPoint*/      SVGPathElement.prototype.getPointAtLength = function(/*float*/ distance ) {
+  /*SVGPoint*/      _sproto.getPointAtLength = function(/*float*/ distance ) {
     var segn = this.getPathSegAtLength(distance),
         x = 0,
         y = 0,
@@ -5390,7 +5426,7 @@
     return s;
-  /*unsigned long*/ SVGPathElement.prototype.getPathSegAtLength = function(/*float*/ distance ) {
+  /*unsigned long*/ _sproto.getPathSegAtLength = function(/*float*/ distance ) {
     var nl = this.normalizedPathSegList; //仕様ではpathSegList
     for (var i=0,nln=nl.numberOfItems,ms=null;i<nln;++i) {
       var seg = nl.getItem(i);
@@ -5422,35 +5458,35 @@
     return (nl.numberOfItems - 1);
-  /*SVGPathSegClosePath*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegClosePath = function() {
+  /*SVGPathSegClosePath*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegClosePath = function() {
     var _SVGPathSegClosePath = SVGPathSegClosePath;
     return (new _SVGPathSegClosePath());
-  /*SVGPathSegMovetoAbs*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegMovetoAbs*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegMovetoAbs = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y ) {
     var _SVGPathSegMovetoAbs = SVGPathSegMovetoAbs, s = new _SVGPathSegMovetoAbs();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = y;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegMovetoRel*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegMovetoRel = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegMovetoRel*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegMovetoRel = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegMovetoRel();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = y;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegLinetoAbs*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegLinetoAbs*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegLinetoAbs = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegLinetoAbs();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = y;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegLinetoRel*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegLinetoRel = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegLinetoRel*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegLinetoRel = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegLinetoRel();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = y;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ x1, /*float*/ y1, /*float*/ x2, /*float*/ y2 ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ x1, /*float*/ y1, /*float*/ x2, /*float*/ y2 ) {
     var _SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs = SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs, s = new _SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicAbs();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = y;
@@ -5460,7 +5496,7 @@
     s.y2 = y2;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ x1, /*float*/ y1, /*float*/ x2, /*float*/ y2 ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ x1, /*float*/ y1, /*float*/ x2, /*float*/ y2 ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicRel();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = y;
@@ -5470,7 +5506,7 @@
     s.y2 = y2;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ x1, /*float*/ y1 ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ x1, /*float*/ y1 ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticAbs();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = y;
@@ -5478,7 +5514,7 @@
     s.y1 = y1;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ x1, /*float*/ y1 ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ x1, /*float*/ y1 ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticRel();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = y;
@@ -5486,7 +5522,7 @@
     s.y1 = y1;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegArcAbs*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegArcAbs = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ r1, /*float*/ r2, /*float*/ angle, /*boolean*/ largeArcFlag, /*boolean*/ sweepFlag ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegArcAbs*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegArcAbs = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ r1, /*float*/ r2, /*float*/ angle, /*boolean*/ largeArcFlag, /*boolean*/ sweepFlag ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegArcAbs();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = y;
@@ -5497,7 +5533,7 @@
     s.sweepFlag = sweepFlag;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegArcRel*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegArcRel = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ r1, /*float*/ r2, /*float*/ angle, /*boolean*/ largeArcFlag, /*boolean*/ sweepFlag ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegArcRel*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegArcRel = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ r1, /*float*/ r2, /*float*/ angle, /*boolean*/ largeArcFlag, /*boolean*/ sweepFlag ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegArcRel();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = y;
@@ -5508,31 +5544,31 @@
     s.sweepFlag = sweepFlag;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs = function(/*float*/ x ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs = function(/*float*/ x ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalAbs();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = 0; //DOMでは指定されていないが、変換処理が楽なので用いる
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel = function(/*float*/ x ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel = function(/*float*/ x ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegLinetoHorizontalRel();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = 0;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs = function(/*float*/ y ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs = function(/*float*/ y ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalAbs();
     s.x = 0;
     s.y = y;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel = function(/*float*/ y ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel = function(/*float*/ y ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegLinetoVerticalRel();
     s.x = 0;
     s.y = y;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ x2, /*float*/ y2 ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ x2, /*float*/ y2 ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothAbs();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = y;
@@ -5540,7 +5576,7 @@
     s.y2 = y2;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ x2, /*float*/ y2 ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y, /*float*/ x2, /*float*/ y2 ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegCurvetoCubicSmoothRel();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = y;
@@ -5548,18 +5584,19 @@
     s.y2 = y2;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothAbs();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = y;
     return s;
-  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel*/    SVGPathElement.prototype.createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y ) {
+  /*SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel*/    _sproto.createSVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel = function(/*float*/ x, /*float*/ y ) {
     var s = new SVGPathSegCurvetoQuadraticSmoothRel();
     s.x = x;
     s.y = y;
     return s;
   NAIBU.SVGPathElement = SVGPathElement; //IE8では、SVGPathElementはローカル変数
 })(document, parseInt, Math);
@@ -5574,11 +5611,13 @@
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.rx = new SVGAnimatedLength();
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.ry = new SVGAnimatedLength();
   this.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", function(evt){
-    var tar = evt.target;
     if (evt.eventPhase === /*Event.BUBBLING_PHASE*/ 3) {
       return; //強制終了させる
-    var tnext = tar.nextSibling, tpar = tar.parentNode, isLast = true;
+    var tar = evt.target,
+        tnext = tar.nextSibling,
+        tpar = tar.parentNode,
+        isLast = true;
     if (tnext && tnext._tar && tpar._tar && (tnext._tar.parentNode === tpar._tar)) {
       tpar._tar.insertBefore(tar._tar, tnext._tar);
     } else if (tnext && !tnext._tar && tpar._tar) {
@@ -5600,57 +5639,73 @@
     tnext = tpar = isLast = null;
     tar.addEventListener("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", function(evt) {
-      var tar = evt.target, style = tar.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(tar, "");
-      var fontSize = parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue("font-size"));
+      var tar = evt.target,
+          style = tar.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(tar, ""),
+          fontSize = parseFloat(style.getPropertyValue("font-size"));
-      var rx = tar.getAttributeNS(null, "rx"), ry = tar.getAttributeNS(null, "ry");
-      var x = tar.x.baseVal.value, y = tar.y.baseVal.value, xw = x + tar.width.baseVal.value, yh = y + tar.height.baseVal.value;
-      var list;
+      var rx = tar.getAttributeNS(null, "rx"),
+          ry = tar.getAttributeNS(null, "ry"),
+          x = tar.x.baseVal.value,
+          y = tar.y.baseVal.value,
+          xw = x + tar.width.baseVal.value,
+          yh = y + tar.height.baseVal.value,
+          list;
       if ((rx || ry) && (rx !== "0") && (ry !== "0")) {
-        var thrx = tar.rx.baseVal, thry = tar.ry.baseVal;
+        var thrx = tar.rx.baseVal,
+            thry = tar.ry.baseVal,
+            twidth = tar.width.baseVal.value,
+            theight = tar.height.baseVal.value;
         thrx.value = rx ? thrx.value : thry.value;
         thry.value = ry ? thry.value : thrx.value;
-        var twidth = tar.width.baseVal.value, theight = tar.height.baseVal.value;
         if (thrx.value > twidth / 2) {
           thrx.value = twidth / 2;
         if (thry.value > theight / 2) {
           thry.value = theight / 2;
-        var rxv = thrx.value, ryv = thry.value;
-        var rrx = rxv * 0.55228, rry = ryv * 0.55228;
-        var a = xw - rxv, b = x + rxv, c = y + ryv, d = yh - ryv;
+        var rxv = thrx.value,
+            ryv = thry.value,
+            rrx = rxv * 0.55228,
+            rry = ryv * 0.55228,
+            a = xw - rxv,
+            b = x + rxv,
+            c = y + ryv,
+            d = yh - ryv;
         list = ["m",b,y, "l",a,y, "c",a+rrx,y,xw,c-rry,xw,c, "l",xw,d, "c",xw,d+rry,a+rrx,yh,a,yh, "l",b,yh, "c",b-rrx,yh,x,d+rry,x,d, "l",x,c, "c",x,c-rry,b-rrx,y,b,y];
       } else {
         list = ["m",x,y, "l",x,yh, xw,yh, xw,y, "x e"];
-      var par = tar.ownerDocument.documentElement, ctm = tar.getScreenCTM();
+      var par = tar.ownerDocument.documentElement,
+          ctm = tar.getScreenCTM(),
+          dat, p, pmt,
+          ele = tar._tar,
+          vi = tar.ownerDocument.documentElement,
+          w = vi.width.baseVal.value,
+          h = vi.height.baseVal.value;
       for (var i=0, lili=list.length;i<lili;) {
         if (isNaN(list[i])) { //コマンド文字は読み飛ばす
-        var p = par.createSVGPoint();
+        p = par.createSVGPoint();
         p.x = list[i];
         p.y = list[i+1];
-        var pmt = p.matrixTransform(ctm);
+        pmt = p.matrixTransform(ctm);
         list[i] = pmt.x;
         list[i] = pmt.y;
         p = pmt = null;
-      var dat = list.join(" ");
+      dat = list.join(" ");
-      var ele = tar._tar, vi = tar.ownerDocument.documentElement;
-      var w = vi.width.baseVal.value, h = vi.height.baseVal.value;
       ele.path = dat;
       ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
       NAIBU._setPaint(tar, ctm);
@@ -7009,6 +7064,7 @@
   this._tar = _doc.createElement("a");
   _doc = null;
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedString*/ this.target = new SVGAnimatedString();
+  this.target.baseVal = "_self";
   this.addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", function(evt){
     var tar = evt.target;
     if (evt.eventPhase === /*Event.BUBBLING_PHASE*/ 3) {
@@ -7073,6 +7129,11 @@
     tar = evt = null;
     return; //強制終了させる
   }, true);
+  this.addEventListener("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", function(evt){
+    var tar = evt.target;
+    tar._tar.setAttribute("target", tar.target.baseVal);
+    tar = null;
+  }, false);
   SVGURIReference.apply(this, arguments);
   return this;
@@ -7438,9 +7499,7 @@
             if (nci._end && (nci._end <= s) && (nci.getCurrentTime() !== 0)) {
-              if (!!nci._frame) {
-                nci._frame();
-              }
+              nci._frame && nci._frame();
               nci._currentFrame = 0;
               delete nci._begin;
               nci._end = null;

Property changes on: trunk/sie.js
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/04x/040/sie.js:812-829
   + /branches/04x/040/sie.js:812-829

Sie-announce メーリングリストの案内
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