[Sie-announce] SIEコード [2790] 0.81 trunk

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2011年 6月 22日 (水) 20:28:22 JST

Revision: 2790
Author:   dhrname
Date:     2011-06-22 20:28:22 +0900 (Wed, 22 Jun 2011)

Log Message:
0.81 trunk

Modified Paths:

Property Changed:

Modified: trunk/sie.js
--- trunk/sie.js	2011-06-22 11:25:50 UTC (rev 2789)
+++ trunk/sie.js	2011-06-22 11:28:22 UTC (rev 2790)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/*SIE-SVG without Plugin under LGPL2.1 & GPL2.0 & Mozilla Public Lisence
+/*SIE-SVG without Plugin under LGPL2.1 & GPL2.0 & Mozilla Public Lisence
  *公式ページは http://sie.sourceforge.jp/
  *利用方法は <script defer="defer" type="text/javascript" src="sie.js"></script>
@@ -867,7 +867,7 @@
   if (isSpecified) {
-    ele = new (ti[namespaceURI][localName]);
+    ele = new (ti[namespaceURI][localName])(this._document_);
   } else {
     ele = new Element();
@@ -879,6 +879,7 @@
   ti = namespaceURI = qualifiedName = prefix = localName = isSpecified = null;
   return ele;
+Document.prototype._document_ = document
@@ -2449,10 +2450,12 @@
-          degz;
+          degz,
+          etod = evt.target.ownerDocument.documentElement,
+          ttb = tar.transform.baseVal;
       for (var j=0,cli=coma.length;j<cli;j++) {
-        s = evt.target.ownerDocument.documentElement.createSVGTransform();
+        s = etod.createSVGTransform();
         lis = list[j],
         com = coma[j];
         deg = lis.match(degR);
@@ -2484,9 +2487,9 @@
-        tar.transform.baseVal.appendItem(s);
+        ttb.appendItem(s);
-      tft = degR = coma = list = a = b = c = d = e = f = lis = com = deg = rad = degli = s = cm = degz = null;
+      tft = degR = coma = list = a = b = c = d = e = f = lis = com = deg = rad = degli = s = cm = degz = etod = ttb = null;
     } else if (name === "style") {
       var sc = evt.newValue,
           style = tar.style,
@@ -3411,9 +3414,10 @@
-function SVGSVGElement() {
+function SVGSVGElement(_doc) {
   SVGElement.apply(this, arguments);
-  this._tar = document.createElement("v:group");
+  this._tar = _doc.createElement("v:group");
+  _doc = null;
    * Xlink言語が使われていない限り0であり、SVGLoadイベントが発火される*/
   this._svgload_limited = 0;
@@ -3710,9 +3714,10 @@
 SVGViewSpec.constructor = SVGFitToViewBox;
 SVGViewSpec.prototype = new SVGFitToViewBox();
-function SVGGElement() {
+function SVGGElement(_doc) {
-  this._tar = document.createElement("v:group");
+  this._tar = _doc.createElement("v:group");
+  _doc = null;
@@ -3865,9 +3870,10 @@
 /*SVGElementInstance*/ SVGElementInstanceList.prototype.item = function(/*unsigned long*/ index ) {
   return (this[index]);
-function SVGImageElement() {
+function SVGImageElement(_doc) {
   SVGElement.apply(this, arguments);
-  this._tar = document.createElement("v:image");
+  this._tar = _doc.createElement("v:image");
+  _doc = null;
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.x = new SVGAnimatedLength();
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.y = new SVGAnimatedLength();
@@ -3973,17 +3979,17 @@
-    var dsd = new Date();
     var str = this.xmlhttp.responseText,
+        _doc = document,
         objei = this._tar,
         s = DOMImplementation.createDocument("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "svg"),
         tar = s.documentElement,
         tview = tar.viewport,
         objw, objh, fi, n, attr, att,
         sdt = tar._tar,
-        sp = document.createElement("div"),
-        dcp = document.createElement("v:group"),
-        backr = document.createElement("v:rect"),
+        sp = _doc.createElement("div"),
+        dcp = _doc.createElement("v:group"),
+        backr = _doc.createElement("v:rect"),
         style, fontSize, w, h, sw, sh, trstyle, tpstyle, backrs, viewWidth, viewHeight,
         bfl, bft, bl, backright, backdown, text,
         _parseFloat = parseFloat,
@@ -4129,7 +4135,7 @@
     s.defaultView._cache = s.defaultView._cache_ele = null;
-    evt = objei = tar = tview = objw = objh = n = att = sdt = sp = dcp = backr = w = h = sw = sh = style = fontSize = null;
+    evt = _doc = objei = tar = tview = objw = objh = n = att = sdt = sp = dcp = backr = w = h = sw = sh = style = fontSize = null;
     trstyle = tpstyle = backrs = viewWidth = viewHeight = text = texti = i = bfl = bft = bl = bt = backdown = backright = null;
     text = _parseFloat = null;
@@ -4187,7 +4193,7 @@
-function SVGStyleElement() {
+function SVGStyleElement(_doc) {
   /*LinkStyleに関しては、以下の仕様を参照のこと。なお、これはSVG DOMでは継承されていないので要注意。
@@ -4215,13 +4221,13 @@
         sheet = tar.sheet,
         styleText = tar._text,
         tod = tar.ownerDocument,
-        style = document.createElement("style"),
+        style = _doc.createElement("style"),
         ri, rsc, scri, rsi;
     NAIBU._temp_doc = tod;
     sheet = tod.styleSheets[tod.styleSheets.length] = DOMImplementation.createCSSStyleSheet(tar.title, tar.media);
     sheet.ownerNode = tar;
-    document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(style);
+    _doc.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(style);
     style.styleSheet.cssText = styleText;
     for (var i=0, rules=style.styleSheet.rules, rli=rules.length;i<rli;++i) {
       ri = rules[i];
@@ -4765,6 +4771,7 @@
   var tod = tar.ownerDocument,
+      _doc = tod._document_,
       el = tar._tar,
       style = tod.defaultView.getComputedStyle(tar, ""),
       fill = style.getPropertyCSSValue("fill"),
@@ -4885,10 +4892,10 @@
    } else if (disp && !disp._isDefault && (disp.indexOf("inline-block") === -1)) {
     el.style.display = "inline-block";
-  tod = el = fill = stroke = sp = fp = style = cursor = tar = matrix = vis = disp = num = null;
+  tod = _doc = el = fill = stroke = sp = fp = style = cursor = tar = matrix = vis = disp = num = null;
-function SVGPathElement() {
+function SVGPathElement(_doc) {
   this._tar = _doc.createElement("v:shape");
   //interface SVGAnimatedPathData
@@ -5272,7 +5279,8 @@
   tt.path = dat.join(" ");
   tt.coordsize = vi.width.baseVal.value + " " + vi.height.baseVal.value;
   NAIBU._setPaint(tar, matrix);
-  delete tar._cacheMatrix, tar._currentStyle;
+  delete tar._cacheMatrix;
+  delete tar._currentStyle;
   evt = tar = dat = t = tx = ty = matrix = tlist = x = y = _parseInt = ma = mb = mc = md = me = mf = vi = isZ = isC = i = tli = tps = ti = cname = tt = null;
 SVGPathElement.prototype._com = {
@@ -5555,9 +5563,10 @@
   NAIBU.SVGPathElement = SVGPathElement; //IE8では、SVGPathElementはローカル変数
 })(document, parseInt, Math);
-function SVGRectElement() {
+function SVGRectElement(_doc) {
-  this._tar = document.createElement("v:shape");
+  this._tar = _doc.createElement("v:shape");
+  _doc = null;
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.x = new SVGAnimatedLength();
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.y = new SVGAnimatedLength();
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.width = new SVGAnimatedLength();
@@ -5645,7 +5654,8 @@
       ele.path = dat;
       ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
       NAIBU._setPaint(tar, ctm);
-      delete tar._cacheMatrix, tar._currentStyle;
+      delete tar._cacheMatrix;
+      delete tar._currentStyle;
       evt = tar = style = list = dat = ele = vi = fontSize = null;
     }, false);
     evt = tar = null;
@@ -5655,9 +5665,9 @@
 SVGRectElement.constructor = SVGElement;
 SVGRectElement.prototype = new SVGElement();
-function SVGCircleElement() { 
+function SVGCircleElement(_doc) { 
-  this._tar = document.createElement("v:shape");
+  this._tar = _doc.createElement("v:shape");
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.cx = new SVGAnimatedLength();
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.cy = new SVGAnimatedLength();
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.r = new SVGAnimatedLength();
@@ -5721,7 +5731,8 @@
         ele.path = dat;
         ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
         NAIBU._setPaint(tar, ctm);
-        delete tar._cacheMatrix, tar._currentStyle;
+        delete tar._cacheMatrix;
+        delete tar._currentStyle;
         evt = tar = list = style = fontSize = dat = ele = null;
     }, false);
     evt = tar = null;
@@ -5731,9 +5742,10 @@
 SVGCircleElement.constructor = SVGElement;
 SVGCircleElement.prototype = new SVGElement();
-function SVGEllipseElement() { 
+function SVGEllipseElement(_doc) { 
-  this._tar = document.createElement("v:shape");
+  this._tar = _doc.createElement("v:shape");
+  _doc = null;
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.cx = new SVGAnimatedLength();
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.cy = new SVGAnimatedLength();
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.rx = new SVGAnimatedLength();
@@ -5799,7 +5811,8 @@
       ele.path = dat;
       ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
       NAIBU._setPaint(tar, ctm);
-      delete tar._cacheMatrix, tar._currentStyle;
+      delete tar._cacheMatrix;
+      delete tar._currentStyle;
       evt = ele = tar = style = fontSize = dat = list = ctm = w = h = null;
     }, false);
     evt = tar = null;
@@ -5809,9 +5822,10 @@
 SVGEllipseElement.constructor = SVGElement;
 SVGEllipseElement.prototype = new SVGElement();
-function SVGLineElement() { 
+function SVGLineElement(_doc) { 
-  this._tar = document.createElement("v:shape");
+  this._tar = _doc.createElement("v:shape");
+  _doc = null;
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.x1 = new SVGAnimatedLength();
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.y1 = new SVGAnimatedLength();
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.x2 = new SVGAnimatedLength();
@@ -5867,7 +5881,8 @@
       ele.path = dat;
       ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
       NAIBU._setPaint(tar, ctm);
-      delete tar._cacheMatrix, tar._currentStyle;
+      delete tar._cacheMatrix;
+      delete tar._currentStyle;
       evt = ele = tar = style = fontSize = dat = list = ctm = vi = w = h = null;
     }, false);
     evt = tar = null;
@@ -5877,9 +5892,10 @@
 SVGLineElement.constructor = SVGElement;
 SVGLineElement.prototype = new SVGElement();
-function SVGPolylineElement() {
+function SVGPolylineElement(_doc) {
-  this._tar = document.createElement("v:shape");
+  this._tar = _doc.createElement("v:shape");
+  _doc = null;
   //interface SVGAnimatedPoints
   /*readonly SVGPointList*/   this.animatedPoints = this.points = new SVGPointList();
   this.addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", function(evt){
@@ -5945,7 +5961,8 @@
       ele.path = dat;
       ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
       NAIBU._setPaint(tar, ctm);
-      delete tar._cacheMatrix, tar._currentStyle;
+      delete tar._cacheMatrix;
+      delete tar._currentStyle;
       evt = ele = tar = dat = list = ctm = w = h = null;
     }, false);
     evt = tar = null;
@@ -5955,9 +5972,10 @@
 SVGPolylineElement.constructor = SVGElement;
 SVGPolylineElement.prototype = new SVGElement();
-function SVGPolygonElement() {
+function SVGPolygonElement(_doc) {
-  this._tar = document.createElement("v:shape");
+  this._tar = _doc.createElement("v:shape");
+  _doc = null;
   //interface SVGAnimatedPoints
   /*readonly SVGPointList*/   this.animatedPoints = this.points = new SVGPointList();
   this.addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", function(evt){
@@ -6027,7 +6045,8 @@
       ele.path = dat;
       ele.coordsize = w + " " + h;
       NAIBU._setPaint(tar, ctm);
-      delete tar._cacheMatrix, tar._currentStyle;
+      delete tar._cacheMatrix;
+      delete tar._currentStyle;
       evt = ele = tar = dat = list = ctm = w = h = null;
     }, false);
     evt = tar = null;
@@ -6037,7 +6056,7 @@
 SVGPolygonElement.constructor = SVGElement;
 SVGPolygonElement.prototype = new SVGElement();
-function SVGTextContentElement() { 
+function SVGTextContentElement(_doc) { 
   this._list = null;         //文字の位置を格納しておくリストのキャッシュ
   this._length = 0;          //全文字数
@@ -6062,13 +6081,13 @@
       tar.data = data;
       data = data.split('');
       for (var i=0, tdli=data.length;i<tdli;++i) {
-        var d = document.createElement("div"), dstyle = d.style;
+        var d = _doc.createElement("div"), dstyle = d.style;
         dstyle.position = "absolute";
         dstyle.marginLeft = dstyle.marginRight = dstyle.marginTop = "0px";
         dstyle.paddingTop = dstyle.paddingLeft = "0px";
         dstyle.whiteSpace = "nowrap";
         dstyle.textIndent = "0px";
-        d.appendChild(document.createTextNode(data[i]));
+        d.appendChild(_doc.createTextNode(data[i]));
         tar._tars[tar._tars.length] = d;
       data = null;
@@ -6298,8 +6317,8 @@
-function SVGTextPositioningElement() { 
-  SVGTextContentElement.apply(this);
+function SVGTextPositioningElement(_doc) { 
+  SVGTextContentElement.apply(this, arguments);
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLengthList*/ this.x = new SVGAnimatedLengthList();
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLengthList*/ this.y = new SVGAnimatedLengthList();
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLengthList*/ this.dx = new SVGAnimatedLengthList();
@@ -6369,9 +6388,9 @@
 SVGTextPositioningElement.constructor = SVGTextContentElement;
 SVGTextPositioningElement.prototype = new SVGTextContentElement();
-function SVGTextElement() {
-  SVGTextPositioningElement.apply(this);
-  this._tar = document.createElement("v:group");
+function SVGTextElement(_doc) {
+  SVGTextPositioningElement.apply(this, arguments);
+  this._tar = _doc.createElement("v:group");
   this.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", function(evt){
     if (evt.eventPhase === /*Event.BUBBLING_PHASE*/ 3) {
       return; //強制終了させる
@@ -6482,7 +6501,7 @@
         isRect = false;
       if (!isRect) {
-        var backr = document.createElement("v:rect");
+        var backr = _doc.createElement("v:rect");
         var backrs = backr.style; //ずれを修正するためのもの
         backrs.width = "1px";
         backrs.height = "1px";
@@ -6492,7 +6511,8 @@
         backr.filled = "false";
-      delete tar._cacheMatrix, tar._currentStyle;
+      delete tar._cacheMatrix;
+      delete tar._currentStyle;
       isRect = evt = tar = style = tpp = ttpc = null;
     }, false);
     evt = tar = null;
@@ -6765,7 +6785,7 @@
 SVGLinearGradientElement.constructor = SVGGradientElement;
 SVGLinearGradientElement.prototype = new SVGGradientElement();
-function SVGRadialGradientElement() { 
+function SVGRadialGradientElement(_doc) { 
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.cx = new SVGAnimatedLength();
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedLength*/ this.cy = new SVGAnimatedLength();
@@ -6831,8 +6851,8 @@
         p = pmt = null;
       var ellipse = list.join(" ");
-      var outline = document.getElementById("_NAIBU_outline");
-      var background = document.createElement("div"), bstyle = background.style;
+      var outline = _doc.getElementById("_NAIBU_outline");
+      var background = _doc.createElement("div"), bstyle = background.style;
       bstyle.position = "absolute";
       bstyle.display = "inline-block";
       var w = vi.width, h = vi.height;
@@ -6984,9 +7004,10 @@
 SVGCursorElement.constructor = SVGElement;
 SVGCursorElement.prototype = new SVGElement();
-function SVGAElement() {
+function SVGAElement(_doc) {
-  this._tar = document.createElement("a");
+  this._tar = _doc.createElement("a");
+  _doc = null;
   /*readonly SVGAnimatedString*/ this.target = new SVGAnimatedString();
   this.addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", function(evt){
     var tar = evt.target;
@@ -7710,46 +7731,108 @@
       d = null;
   }, false);
+  this.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", function(evt){
+    if (evt.eventPhase === /*Event.BUBBLING_PHASE*/ 3) {
+      return; //強制終了させる
+    }
+    var tar = evt.target;
+    tar.addEventListener("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", function(evt){
+      var vlist = [],
+          ti;
+      if (tar._values) {
+        for (var i=0, tav=tar._values, tvli=tav.length;i<tvli;++i) {
+          ti = tav[i];
+          ti = ti.split(",");
+          vlist[i] = [+ti[0], +ti[1]];
+        }
+        tar._valueList = vlist;
+      }
+    }, false);
+  }, false);
   this.addEventListener("beginEvent", function(evt) {
-    var tar = evt.target, trans = tar.targetElement.transform;
+    var tar = evt.target,
+        trans = tar.targetElement.transform;
     trans.animVal = new SVGTransformList();
     if (trans.baseVal.numberOfItems !== 0) {
+      trans.baseVal.consolidate();
-      }
-    trans.animVal.appendItem(tar.ownerDocument.documentElement.createSVGTransform());
+      } else {
+      trans.animVal.appendItem(tar.ownerDocument.documentElement.createSVGTransform());
+    }
     tar._frame = function() {
-      var _tar = tar, tpn = _tar._path;
-      if (!!tpn) { //path属性が指定されていた場合、tpnは属性値となる
-        var tgsd = _tar.getSimpleDuration();
-        if (tgsd === 0) {
-          tgsd = null;
+      var _tar = tar,
+          tpn = _tar._path,
+          tgsd = _tar.getSimpleDuration(),
+          d = tgsd * 0.8,
+          tg = _tar.getCurrentTime(),
+          ii;
+      if (tgsd === 0) {
+         tgsd = null;
+         return;
+      }
+      if (tpn) { //path属性が指定されていた場合、tpnは属性値となる
+        var st = tpn.getTotalLength() * tg / d, //stは現在に至るまでの距離
+            p = tpn.getPointAtLength(st),
+            trans = _tar.targetElement.transform;
+        trans.animVal.getItem(trans.animVal.numberOfItems-1).setTranslate(p.x, p.y);
+        var base = trans.baseVal;
+        trans.baseVal = trans.animVal;
+        _tar.targetElement._cacheMatrix = null;
+        var evtt = _tar.ownerDocument.createEvent("MutationEvents");
+        evtt.initMutationEvent("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", false, false, null, null, null, null, null);
+        _tar.targetElement.dispatchEvent(evtt);
+        trans.baseVal = base;
+        evtt = base = trans = st = p = null;
+      } else if (tar._valueList) {
+        var total = 0, //totalは総距離
+            st = 0,    //stは現在にいたるまでの距離
+            tav = tar._valueList,
+            n = tav.length - 1;
+        if ((n !== -1) && (d !== 0) && (tg <= d)) {
+          ii = Math.floor((tg*n) / d);
+          if (ii === n) { //iiが境い目のときは、n-2を適用
+            ii -= 1;
+          }
+        } else {
-        var st = (tpn.getTotalLength() / tgsd) * _tar.getCurrentTime() / 125 * 0.8;
-        var p = tpn.getPointAtLength(st), trans = _tar.targetElement.transform;
-        p = p.matrixTransform(_tar.targetElement.getScreenCTM());
+        for (var i=1, tvli=tav.length;i<tvli;i+=2) {
+          total += Math.sqrt(Math.pow(tav[i][1] - tav[i-1][1], 2) + Math.pow(tav[i][0] - tav[i-1][0], 2));
+        }
+        for (var i=1;i<ii;i+=2) {
+          st += Math.sqrt(Math.pow(tav[i][1] - tav[i-1][1], 2) + Math.pow(tav[i][0] - tav[i-1][0], 2));
+        }
+        var p = tar.ownerDocument.documentElement.createSVGPoint(),
+            trans = _tar.targetElement.transform;
+        st = (st / total) * d;
+        p.x = tav[ii][0] + (tav[ii+1][0] - tav[ii][0]) * (tg - st) / d;
+        p.y = tav[ii][1] + (tav[ii+1][1] - tav[ii][1]) * (tg - st) / d;
         trans.animVal.getItem(trans.animVal.numberOfItems-1).setTranslate(p.x, p.y);
         var base = trans.baseVal;
         trans.baseVal = trans.animVal;
+        _tar.targetElement._cacheMatrix = null;
         var evtt = _tar.ownerDocument.createEvent("MutationEvents");
         evtt.initMutationEvent("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", false, false, null, null, null, null, null);
         trans.baseVal = base;
-        evtt = base = trans = st = tgsd = p = null;
-      } else {
+        evtt = base = trans = st = p = null;
-    evt = trans = null;
+    evt = trans = tpn = tgsd = null;
   }, false);
   this.addEventListener("endEvent", function(evt) {
-    var tar = evt.target, trans = tar.targetElement.transform;
-    trans.animVal = trans.baseVal;
-    var evtt = tar.ownerDocument.createEvent("MutationEvents");
-    evtt.initMutationEvent("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", false, false, null, null, null, null, null);
-    tar.targetElement.dispatchEvent(evtt);
+    var tar = evt.target,
+        trans = tar.targetElement.transform,
+        fill = tar.getAttributeNS(null, "fill");
+    if (!fill || (fill === "remove")) {
+      trans.animVal = trans.baseVal;
+      var evtt = tar.ownerDocument.createEvent("MutationEvents");
+      evtt.initMutationEvent("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", false, false, null, null, null, null, null);
+      tar.targetElement.dispatchEvent(evtt);
+    }
     tar._frame = evt = evtt = null;
   }, false);
   this.addEventListener("repeatEvent", function(evt) {
@@ -7818,9 +7901,10 @@
       var d = _tar.getSimpleDuration() * 0.8,
           n = _tar._valueList.length - 1,
-          tg = _tar.getCurrentTime();
+          tg = _tar.getCurrentTime(),
+          ii, di, ti;
       if ((n !== -1) && (d !== 0) && (tg <= d)) {
-        var ii = Math.floor((tg*n) / d);
+        ii = Math.floor((tg*n) / d);
         if (ii === n) { //iiが境い目のときは、n-2を適用
           ii -= 1;
@@ -7828,17 +7912,22 @@
       if (tar._keyTimes) {
-        var di = (tar._keyTimes[ii+1] - tar._keyTimes[ii]) * d;
-        var ti = tar._keyTimes[ii];
+        di = (tar._keyTimes[ii+1] - tar._keyTimes[ii]) * d;
+        ti = tar._keyTimes[ii];
       } else {
-        var di = d / n; //keyTimesがなければ均等に時間を配分しておく
-        var ti = ii / n;
+        di = d / n; //keyTimesがなければ均等に時間を配分しておく
+        ti = ii / n;
-      var fc = _tar._valueList[ii].rgbColor, tc = _tar._valueList[ii+1].rgbColor, durd = (tg-ti*d) / di, num = CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER;
-      var fr = fc.red.getFloatValue(num), fg = fc.green.getFloatValue(num), fb = fc.blue.getFloatValue(num);
-      var r = fr + (tc.red.getFloatValue(num) - fr) * durd;
-      var g = fg + (tc.green.getFloatValue(num) - fg) * durd;
-      var b = fb + (tc.blue.getFloatValue(num) - fb) * durd;
+      var fc = _tar._valueList[ii].rgbColor,
+          tc = _tar._valueList[ii+1].rgbColor,
+          durd = (tg-ti*d) / di,
+          num = CSSPrimitiveValue.CSS_NUMBER,
+          fr = fc.red.getFloatValue(num),
+          fg = fc.green.getFloatValue(num),
+          fb = fc.blue.getFloatValue(num),
+          r = fr + (tc.red.getFloatValue(num) - fr) * durd,
+          g = fg + (tc.green.getFloatValue(num) - fg) * durd,
+          b = fb + (tc.blue.getFloatValue(num) - fb) * durd;
       style.setProperty(attrName, "rgb(" +Math.ceil(r)+ "," +Math.ceil(g)+ "," +Math.ceil(b)+ ")", null);
       _tar = d = n = tg = fc = tc = fr = fg = fb = num = r = g = b = null;
@@ -8171,7 +8260,7 @@
   if (isMSIE) {
     var rand = "n" +Math.random();
     ti._tar.firstChild.setAttribute("id", rand);
-    var titf = document.getElementById(rand);
+    var titf = ti.ownerDocument._document_.getElementById(rand);
     fontSize = parseFloat(titf.currentStyle.fontSize);
     fe = fontSize / em;

Property changes on: trunk/sie.js
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   - /branches/04x/040/sie.js:812-829
   + /branches/04x/040/sie.js:812-829

Sie-announce メーリングリストの案内
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