[Sie-announce] SIEコード [2681] 0. 77モジュールを結合

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2011年 5月 16日 (月) 19:54:44 JST

Revision: 2681
Author:   dhrname
Date:     2011-05-16 19:54:44 +0900 (Mon, 16 May 2011)

Log Message:

Modified Paths:

Modified: branches/07x/sie.js
--- branches/07x/sie.js	2011-05-16 10:48:12 UTC (rev 2680)
+++ branches/07x/sie.js	2011-05-16 10:54:44 UTC (rev 2681)
@@ -976,7 +976,7 @@
   var s = new EventListener(useCapture, type, listener), //リスナーを作成
       t = type.charAt(0),
-  this._capter[this._capter.length] = s;                 //このノードにリスナーを登録しておく
+  this._capter.push(s);                 //このノードにリスナーを登録しておく
   if ((t !== "D") && (t !== "S") && (type !== "beginEvent") && (type !== "endEvent") && (type !== "repeatEvent")) { //MouseEventsならば
     that = this;
     that._tar && that._tar.attachEvent("on" +type, (function(node) { 
@@ -1024,8 +1024,8 @@
     } else if ((etime - td._limit_time_) > 1000) {
       tob = td.implementation._buffer_ || [];
-      tob[tob.length] = this;
-      tob[tob.length] = evt;
+      tob.push(this);
+      tob.push(evt);
       td.implementation._buffer_ = tob;
       return true;
@@ -1561,7 +1561,7 @@
   this.type = CSSRule.STYLE_RULE;
   this.selectorText = "";
 /*CSSStyleDeclaration*/ this.style = new CSSStyleDeclaration();
-  this.style.parentRule = this;
+  this.style.parentRule = null;
   return this;
 CSSStyleRule.prototype = new CSSRule();
@@ -2120,9 +2120,23 @@
 CSSStyleSheet.prototype = new StyleSheet();
 CSSStyleSheet.constructor = StyleSheet;
 /*long*/  CSSStyleSheet.prototype.insertRule = function( /*string*/ rule, /*long*/ index) {
-  var s = new CSSStyleRule();
+  var s = new CSSStyleRule(), style = s.style, a, sc = rule.match(/\{[\s\S]+\}/), m;
   s.parentStyleSheet = this;
-  s.cssText = rule;
+  style.cssText = rule;
+  //style値の解析;
+  sc = sc.replace(/^[^a-z\-]+/, "")
+         .replace(/\:\s+/g, ":")
+         .replace(/\s*;[^a-z\-]*/g, ";");
+  a = sc.split(";");
+  for (var i=0, ali=a.length;i<ali;++i) {
+      ai = a[i],
+      m = ai.split(":");
+      if (ai !== "") {
+        style.setProperty(m[0], m[1]);
+      }
+      ai = m = null;
+    }
+  a = sc = style = null;
 /*void*/  CSSStyleSheet.prototype.deleteRule = function(/*long*/ index) {
@@ -2162,6 +2176,16 @@
       q[q.length] = easl[i];   //プレゼンテーション属性を結びつける
     estl = easl = null;
+    //スタイルシートのルールを結びつける
+    if (elt._rules) {
+      for (var i=0,eli=elt._rules.length;i<eli;++i) {
+        var ei = elt._rules[i].style._list;
+        for (var j=0,esli=ei.length;j<esli;++j) {
+          q[q.length] = ei[j];
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    //inheritの値があれば、削除しておく
     for (var i=0,qli=q.length;i<qli;++i) {
       if (q[i].cssValueType === csi) {
         q.splice(i, 1);
@@ -2235,7 +2259,7 @@
   s.title = title;
   var nm = new MediaList();
   nm.mediaText = media;
-  if (media !== "") {
+  if (media && (media !== "")) {
     var mes = media.split(",");  //文字列をコンマで区切って配列に
     for (var i=0,mli=mes.length;i<mli;++i) {
       nm.appendMedium(mes[i]);   //メディアリストに値を加えていく
@@ -3362,7 +3386,8 @@
 function SVGDocument(){
-  Document.apply(this, arguments);
+  Document.apply(this);
+  DocumentStyle.apply(this);
   /*readonly DOMString*/     this.title    = "";
   /*readonly DOMString*/     this.referrer = document.referrer;
   /*readonly DOMString*/     this.domain   = document.domain;
@@ -4154,11 +4179,95 @@
 function SVGStyleElement() {
+  LinkStyle.apply(this);
+  /*LinkStyleに関しては、以下の仕様を参照のこと。なお、これはSVG DOMでは継承されていないので要注意。
+   *CSS2 1. Document Object Model Style Sheets
+   * 1.3. Document Extensions
+   *   Interface LinkStyle (introduced in DOM Level 2)
+   * http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/stylesheets.html#StyleSheets-LinkStyle
+   */
   /*DOMString*/ this.xmlspace;
   /*DOMString*/ this.type = "text/css";
   /*DOMString*/ this.media;
   /*DOMString*/ this.title;
+  SVGURIReference.apply(this);
+  this.addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", function(evt){
+    if (evt.attrName === "type") {
+      evt.target.type = evt.newValue;
+    } else if (evt.attrName === "title") {
+      evt.target.title = evt.newValue;
+    }
+    evt = null;
+  }, false);
+  this.addEventListener("SVGLoad", function(evt){
+    var tar = evt.target,
+        sheet = tar.sheet,
+        styleText = tar._text,
+        tod = tar.ownerDocument,
+        style = document.createElement("style"),
+        ri, rsc, scri, rsi;
+    NAIBU._temp_doc = tod;
+    sheet = tod.styleSheets[tod.styleSheets.length] = DOMImplementation.createCSSStyleSheet(tar.title, tar.media);
+    sheet.ownerNode = tar;
+    /*以下は、IEのCSSパーサを使って、スタイルシートのルールを実装していく*/
+    document.documentElement.firstChild.appendChild(style);
+    style.styleSheet.cssText = styleText;
+    for (var i=0, rules=style.styleSheet.rules, rli=rules.length;i<rli;++i) {
+      ri = rules[i];
+      scri = new CSSStyleRule();
+      scri.selectorText = ri.selectorText;
+      scri.style.cssText = ri.style.cssText;
+      rsc = scri.style.cssText.split(";");
+      for (var j=0, rsli=rsc.length;j<rsli;++j) {
+        rsi = rsc[j].split(": ");
+        scri.style.setProperty(rsi[0], rsi[1]);
+      }
+      sheet.cssRules[sheet.cssRules.length] = scri;
+    }
+    tod.documentElement._svgload_limited--;
+    tod.documentElement.addEventListener("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", function(evt) {
+      var tar = evt.target,
+          doc = tar.ownerDocument,
+          rules = doc.styleSheets[0] ? doc.styleSheets[0].cssRules : [],
+          selector, ru, tcb = tar.className.baseVal || ".,.";
+      for (var i=0, rli=rules.length;i<rli;++i) {
+        selector = rules[i].selectorText;
+        /*_rulesプロパティはCSSモジュールのgetCoumputedStyleメソッドで使う*/
+        ru = tar._rules || [];
+        if ((selector.indexOf("." +tcb) > -1) || (selector.indexOf("#" +tar.id) > -1)
+            || (tar.nodeName === selector)) {
+          ru[ru.length] = rules[i];
+        }
+        tar._rules = ru;
+      }
+      tar = doc = rules = null;
+    }, true);
+    if (tod.documentElement._svgload_limited < 0) {
+      evt = tod.createEvent("SVGEvents");
+      evt.initEvent("SVGLoad", false, false);
+      tod.documentElement.dispatchEvent(evt);
+    }
+    tar = evt = style = sheet = styleText = tod = i = rules = rli = null;
+  }, false);
+  this.addEventListener("DOMNodeInserted", function(evt){
+    var tar = evt.target;
+    if (evt.eventPhase === /*Event.BUBBLING_PHASE*/ 3) {
+      if (tar.nodeName === "#cdata-section") {
+        evt.currentTarget._text = tar.data;
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    tar.addEventListener("DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument", function(evt){
+      var tar = evt.target;
+      if ((evt.eventPhase === Event.AT_TARGET) && !tar.getAttributeNodeNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", "xlink:href")) {
+        var evtt = tar.ownerDocument.createEvent("SVGEvents");
+        evtt.initEvent("SVGLoad", false, false);
+        evt.currentTarget.dispatchEvent(evtt);
+      }
+      tar = evt = null;
+    }, false);
+  }, false);
   return this;
 SVGStyleElement.constructor = SVGElement;
@@ -5150,30 +5259,30 @@
       isZ = tar._com._isZ, isC = tar._com._isC;
   for (var i=0, tli=tlist.numberOfItems;i<tli;++i) {
     var ti = tlist[i],
-        tps = ti.pathSegTypeAsLetter,
-        t = cname[tps];
+        tps = ti.pathSegTypeAsLetter;
+    dat.push(cname[tps]);
     if (isC[tps]) {
       /*CTM(mx)の行列と座標(x, y)の積を算出する。数学における表現は以下のとおり
        *[ma mc me]   [x]
        *[mb md mf] * [y]
        *[0  0  1 ]   [1]
-      t += ([_parseInt(ma*ti.x1 + mc*ti.y1 + me, 10),
-             _parseInt(mb*ti.x1 + md*ti.y1 + mf, 10),
-             _parseInt(ma*ti.x2 + mc*ti.y2 + me, 10),
-             _parseInt(mb*ti.x2 + md*ti.y2 + mf, 10),
-             _parseInt(ma*ti.x + mc*ti.y + me, 10),
-             _parseInt(mb*ti.x + md*ti.y + mf, 10)]).join(" ");
+      dat.push(_parseInt(ma*ti.x1 + mc*ti.y1 + me, 10));
+      dat.push(_parseInt(mb*ti.x1 + md*ti.y1 + mf, 10));
+      dat.push(_parseInt(ma*ti.x2 + mc*ti.y2 + me, 10));
+      dat.push(_parseInt(mb*ti.x2 + md*ti.y2 + mf, 10));
+      dat.push(_parseInt(ma*ti.x + mc*ti.y + me, 10));
+      dat.push(_parseInt(mb*ti.x + md*ti.y + mf, 10));
     } else if (!isZ[tps]) {
-      t += _parseInt(ma*ti.x + mc*ti.y + me, 10)+ " " +_parseInt(mb*ti.x + md*ti.y + mf, 10);
+      dat.push(_parseInt(ma*ti.x + mc*ti.y + me, 10));
+      dat.push(_parseInt(mb*ti.x + md*ti.y + mf, 10));
-    dat[i] = t;
   var vi = tar.ownerDocument.documentElement,
       w = vi.width.baseVal.value,
       h = vi.height.baseVal.value,
       tt = tar._tar;
-  dat[dat.length] = " e";
+  dat.push(" e");
   tt.path = dat.join(" ");
   tt.coordsize = w + " " + h;
   NAIBU._setPaint(tar, matrix);

Sie-announce メーリングリストの案内
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