[Slashdotjp-dev 419] CVS update: slashjp/plugins/Ajax/htdocs

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Tatsuki SUGIURA sugi****@users*****
2006年 7月 12日 (水) 20:41:44 JST

Index: slashjp/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/ajax.pl
diff -u /dev/null slashjp/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/ajax.pl:1.1
--- /dev/null	Wed Jul 12 20:41:44 2006
+++ slashjp/plugins/Ajax/htdocs/ajax.pl	Wed Jul 12 20:41:44 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+# This code is a part of Slash, and is released under the GPL.
+# Copyright 1997-2005 by Open Source Technology Group. See README
+# and COPYING for more information, or see http://slashcode.com/.
+# $Id: ajax.pl,v 1.1 2006/07/12 11:41:44 sugi Exp $
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Slash 2.003;	# require Slash 2.3.x
+use Slash::Display;
+use Slash::Utility;
+use vars qw($VERSION);
+($VERSION) = ' $Revision: 1.1 $ ' =~ /\$Revision:\s+([^\s]+)/;
+sub main {
+	my $slashdb   = getCurrentDB();
+	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
+	my $user      = getCurrentUser();
+	my $form      = getCurrentForm();
+	my $gSkin     = getCurrentSkin();
+	my $ops = getOps();
+	my $op = $form->{op};
+	if (!$ops->{$op}) {
+		errorLog("No Ajax op '$op' found");
+		$op = 'default';
+	}
+	$op = 'default' unless $ops->{$op}{function} || (
+		$ops->{$op}{class} && $ops->{$op}{subroutine}
+	);
+#$Slash::ResKey::DEBUG = 2;
+	$ops->{$op}{function} ||= loadCoderef($ops->{$op}{class}, $ops->{$op}{subroutine});
+	$op = 'default' unless $ops->{$op}{function};
+	$form->{op} = $op;  # save for others to use
+	my $reskey_name = $ops->{$op}{reskey_name} || 'ajax_base';
+	$ops->{$op}{reskey_type} ||= 'use';
+	if ($reskey_name ne 'NA') {
+		my $reskey = getObject('Slash::ResKey');
+		my $rkey = $reskey->key($reskey_name);
+print STDERR scalar(localtime) . " ajax.pl main no rkey for '$reskey_name'\n" if !$rkey;
+		if ($ops->{$op}{reskey_type} eq 'createuse') {
+			return unless $rkey && $rkey->createuse;
+		} else {
+			return unless $rkey && $rkey->use;
+		}
+	}
+	my $options = {};
+	my $retval = $ops->{$op}{function}->(
+		$slashdb, $constants, $user, $form, $options
+	);
+	if ($retval) {
+		header_ajax($options);
+		print $retval;
+	}
+	# XXX: do anything on error?  a standard error dialog?  or fail silently?
+sub getSectionPrefsHTML {
+	my($slashdb, $constants, $user, $form) = @_;
+	my $reader = getObject('Slash::DB', { db_type => 'reader' });
+	sleep 3;
+	my %story023_default = (
+		author	=> { },
+		nexus	=> { },
+		topic	=> { },
+	);
+	my %prefs = ( );
+	for my $field (qw(
+		story_never_nexus 	story_always_nexus	story_brief_always_nexus
+		story_full_brief_nexus	story_full_best_nexus	story_brief_best_nexus
+	)) {
+		for my $id (
+			grep /^\d+$/,
+			split /,/,
+			($user->{$field} || "")
+		) {
+			$prefs{$field}{$id} = 1;
+		}
+	}
+	my $topic_tree = $reader->getTopicTree();
+	my $nexus_tids_ar = $reader->getStorypickableNexusChildren($constants->{mainpage_nexus_tid});
+	my $nexus_hr = { };
+	my $skins = $reader->getSkins();
+	my $hide_nexus;
+	foreach(keys %$skins) {
+		$hide_nexus->{$skins->{$_}->{nexus}} = 1 if $skins->{$_}{skinindex} eq "no";
+	}
+	for my $tid (@$nexus_tids_ar) {
+		$nexus_hr->{$tid} = $topic_tree->{$tid}{textname} if !$hide_nexus->{$tid};
+	}
+	my @nexustid_order = sort {
+		($b == $constants->{mainpage_nexus_tid}) <=> ($a == $constants->{mainpage_nexus_tid})
+		||
+		lc $nexus_hr->{$a} cmp lc $nexus_hr->{$b}
+	} keys %$nexus_hr;
+	my $first_val = "";
+	my $multiple_values = 0;
+	for my $tid (@nexustid_order) {
+		if ($prefs{story_never_nexus}{$tid}) {
+			$story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 0;
+		} elsif ($prefs{story_always_nexus}{$tid}) {
+			$story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 5;
+		} elsif ($prefs{story_full_brief_nexus}{$tid}) {
+			$story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 4;
+		} elsif ($prefs{story_brief_always_nexus}{$tid}) {
+			$story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 3;
+		} elsif ($prefs{story_full_best_nexus}{$tid}) {
+			$story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 2;
+		} elsif ($prefs{story_brief_best_nexus}) {
+			$story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 1;
+		} else {
+			if ($constants->{brief_sectional_mainpage}) {
+				$story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 4;
+			} else {
+				$story023_default{nexus}{$tid} = 2;
+			}
+		}
+		$first_val = $story023_default{nexus}{$tid} if $first_val eq "";
+		$multiple_values = 1 if $story023_default{nexus}{$tid} != $first_val;
+	}
+	my $master_value = !$multiple_values ? $first_val : "";
+	return slashDisplay("sectionpref",
+		{
+			nexusref		=> $nexus_hr,
+			nexustid_order		=> \@nexustid_order,
+			story023_default	=> \%story023_default,
+			multiple_values		=> $multiple_values,
+			master_value		=> $master_value,
+		},
+		{ Return => 1 }
+	);
+sub setSectionNexusPrefs() {
+	my ($slashdb, $constants, $user, $form) = @_;
+	my $nexus_tids_ar = $slashdb->getStorypickableNexusChildren($constants->{mainpage_nexus_tid}, 1);
+	my @story_always_nexus 		= split ",", $user->{story_always_nexus} || "";
+	my @story_full_brief_nexus 	= split ",", $user->{story_full_brief_nexus} || "";
+	my @story_brief_always_nexus 	= split ",", $user->{story_brief_always_nexus} || "";
+	my @story_full_best_nexus 	= split ",", $user->{story_full_best_nexus} || "";
+	my @story_brief_best_nexus 	= split ",", $user->{story_brief_best_nexus} || "";
+	my @story_never_nexus 		= split ",", $user->{story_never_nexus} || "";
+	my $update = {};
+	foreach my $key (keys %$form) {
+		my $value = $form->{$key};
+		if ($key =~ /^nexustid(\d+)$/) {
+			my $tid = $1;
+			if ($value >= 0 && $value <= 5 && $value =~ /^\d+$/) {
+				$update->{$tid} = $value;
+			}
+		} elsif ($key eq "nexus_master") {
+			if ($value >= 1 && $value <= 5 && $value =~ /^\d+$/) {
+				foreach my $tid (@$nexus_tids_ar) {
+					$update->{$tid} = $value;
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	foreach my $tid (keys %$update) {
+		my $value = $update->{$tid};
+		# First remove tid in question from all arrays
+		@story_always_nexus 		= grep { $_ != $tid } @story_always_nexus; 
+		@story_full_brief_nexus 	= grep { $_ != $tid } @story_full_brief_nexus;
+		@story_brief_always_nexus 	= grep { $_ != $tid } @story_brief_always_nexus;
+		@story_full_best_nexus 		= grep { $_ != $tid } @story_full_best_nexus;
+		@story_brief_best_nexus 	= grep { $_ != $tid } @story_brief_best_nexus;
+		@story_never_nexus 		= grep { $_ != $tid } @story_never_nexus;
+		# Then add it to the correct array
+		if ($value == 5) {
+			push @story_always_nexus, $tid;
+		} elsif ($value == 4) {
+			push @story_full_brief_nexus, $tid;
+		} elsif ($value == 3) {
+			push @story_brief_always_nexus, $tid;
+		} elsif ($value == 2) {
+			push @story_full_best_nexus, $tid;
+		} elsif ($value == 1) {
+			push @story_brief_best_nexus, $tid;
+		} elsif ($value == 0) {
+			push @story_never_nexus, $tid;
+		}
+	}
+	my $story_always_nexus       	= join ",", @story_always_nexus;
+	my $story_full_brief_nexus   	= join ",", @story_full_brief_nexus;
+	my $story_brief_always_nexus 	= join ",", @story_brief_always_nexus;
+	my $story_full_best_nexus	= join ",", @story_full_best_nexus;
+	my $story_brief_best_nexus	= join ",", @story_brief_best_nexus;
+	my $story_never_nexus       	= join ",", @story_never_nexus;
+	$slashdb->setUser($user->{uid}, {
+			story_always_nexus => $story_always_nexus,
+			story_full_brief_nexus => $story_full_brief_nexus,
+			story_brief_always_nexus => $story_brief_always_nexus,
+			story_full_best_nexus	=> $story_full_best_nexus,
+			story_brief_best_nexus	=> $story_brief_best_nexus,
+			story_never_nexus	=> $story_never_nexus
+		}
+	);
+	return getData('set_section_prefs_success_msg');
+sub readRest {
+	my($slashdb, $constants, $user, $form) = @_;
+	my $cid = $form->{cid} or return;
+	my $sid = $form->{sid} or return;
+	my $comment = $slashdb->getComment($cid) or return;
+	return unless $comment->{sid} == $sid;
+	my $texts   = $slashdb->getCommentTextCached(
+		{ $cid => $comment },
+		[ $cid ],
+		{ cid => $cid }
+	) or return;
+	return $texts->{$cid} || '';
+sub default { }
+sub header_ajax {
+	my($options) = @_;
+	my $ct = $options->{content_type} || 'text/plain';
+	my $r = Apache->request;
+	$r->content_type($ct);
+	$r->header_out('Cache-Control', 'no-cache');
+	$r->send_http_header;
+sub getOps {
+	my $slashdb   = getCurrentDB();
+	my $constants = getCurrentStatic();
+	my $table_cache         = "_ajaxops_cache";
+	my $table_cache_time    = "_ajaxops_cache_time";
+	$slashdb->_genericCacheRefresh('ajaxops', $constants->{block_expire});
+	if ($slashdb->{$table_cache_time} && $slashdb->{$table_cache}) {
+		return $slashdb->{$table_cache};
+	}
+	my $ops = $slashdb->sqlSelectAllHashref(
+		'op', 'op, class, subroutine, reskey_name, reskey_type', 'ajax_ops'
+	);
+	my %mainops = (
+		comments_read_rest	=> {
+			function	=> \&readRest,
+			reskey_name	=> 'ajax_base',
+			reskey_type	=> 'createuse',
+		},
+		getSectionPrefsHTML => {
+			function	=> \&getSectionPrefsHTML,
+			reskey_name	=> 'ajax_user',
+			reskey_type	=> 'createuse',
+		},
+		setSectionNexusPrefs => {
+			function	=> \&setSectionNexusPrefs,
+			reskey_name	=> 'ajax_user',
+			reskey_type	=> 'createuse',
+		},
+#		tagsGetUserStory => {
+#			function	=> \&tagsGetUserStory,
+#			reskey_type	=> 'createuse',
+#		},
+#		tagsCreateForStory => {
+#			function	=> \&tagsCreateForStory,
+#			reskey_type	=> 'createuse',
+#		},
+		default	=> {
+			function	=> \&default,		
+		},
+	);
+	for (keys %mainops) {
+		$ops->{$_} ||= $mainops{$_};
+	}
+	if ($slashdb->{$table_cache_time}) {
+		$slashdb->{$table_cache} = $ops;
+	}
+	return $ops;

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