Tenfourbird es la acumulación no oficial de Mozilla Thunderbird para PowerPC Mac OS X.
Tenfourbird utiliza conjuntos de cambios de TenFourFox.
La última versión es 38.9.0.
También hay un langpack portugués.
You can check integrity of files by SHA1 hashes. It also signed by OpenPGP key of t_mrc-ct[at]users.sourceforge.jp. The public key could get from here or OpenPGP Keysever.
Langpacks for Tenfourbird are not updated since 17.0.
<h1>Tenfourbird 17.0.2</h2>
<li>Update codebase to Thunderbird 17.0.2esr and TenFourFox 17.0.2</li>
<li>Update codebase to Thunderbird 17.0 and TenFourFox 17.0</li>
<li>Enigmail will be provide separately from Tenfourbird.</li>
<li>Add Tenfourbird specific langpack support</li>
<li>Update codebase to Thunderbird 17.0b2 and TenFourFox 17.0b2</li>
<li>Update codebase to Thunderbird 10.0.10 and TenFourFox 10.0.10</li>
<li>'Open Message...', 'Page Setup...' and 'Print...' dialogs are localized (Dialog window only).</li>
<li>Update codebase to Thunderbird 10.0.9 and TenFourFox 10.0.9</li>
<li>Update codebase to Thunderbird 10.0.7 and TenFourFox 10.0.7</li>
<li>Update Checker is re-enabled. (auto update does not supported. you should download and install manually.)</li>
<li>Update codebase to Thunderbird 10.0.6 and TenFourFox 10.0.6</li>
<li>Update codebase to Thunderbird 10.0.5 and TenFourFox 10.0.5</li>
<li>Update codebase to Thunderbird 10.0.4 and TenFourFox 10.0.4</li>
<li>Display Tenfourbird tuning Info (CPU name) on About dialog and Finder's 'Get Info' dialog.</li>
<li>Disable Updater (Updater does not work properly).</li>
<li>fix startup crash on 10.4.</li>
<li>fix build errors.</li>
<li>brandname and artwork changes.</li>