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Projeto Descrição

Tree-View NotesTaker run on Windows/CE. It has encrypt notes and regular expression searching, too.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Liberado: 2006-02-18 00:10
CURRENT 1.17 (7 files Esconder)

Release Notes

* FIX: Some crypted notes are displayed as plain file
* FIX: -root parameter no longer to wok
* FIX: Property dialog is not displayed on some PPC200 devices
* FIX: ABEND when initializing on H/PC devices

* FIX: 暗号化されたファイルがテキストアイコンで表示される
* FIX: -rootパラメータが効かない
* FIX: プロパティダイアログが表示されない
* FIX: H/PCで初期化時に落ちる


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