Fóruns: Open Discussion (Thread #42182)

Does license change to BSD apply to old Tera Term 1.4 and Tera Term Pro 2.3? (2020-04-12 15:48 by dcoshea #84737)


I have a query about the change of license to BSD. I understand from https://ttssh2.osdn.jp/manual/4/en/about/foreword.html that a "group of enthusiasts" was able to contact the original author to get permission to distribute Tera Term using that license. Thank you to all involved, it is good to know that we can rely on being able to update Tera Term in the future! My query is related to the past, however: does the license change also apply to the old source code and binaries for versions 1.4 and 2.3 available at http://hp.vector.co.jp/authors/VA002416/teraterm.html, or only to the Tera Term Open Source Project? Did Takashi Teranishi provide any statement about the license change which can be shared?

Thanks in advance!

Re: Does license change to BSD apply to old Tera Term 1.4 and Tera Term Pro 2.3? (2020-04-22 23:08 by zmatsuo #84795)

Tera Term 1.4 and Tera Term Pro 2.3 does not change the license.
TeraTerm Poject Team understanding is so.
Tera Term Home Page(1.4 and 2.3) shows 'last update: Aug. 9, 1999'.
Takashi Teranishi don't say about license from last update.

Tera Term Project started in 2004.
Please refer to the following URL about license
Responder a #84737