Win 10 doesn't port connect
Hi rlakin,
I have tested Tera Term 4.90 on Windows10 version 1511. However, I have no problem and the port selection is not grayed out with COM1 serial port. So, the serial console works well.
I think that your problem is not Tera Term's bug.
My computer has Intel i5. Would that be the problem?
Tera Term can work well on Intel i5. I think that your problem does not occur on Windows10.
Re: Tara Term 4.9. I have a Dell series 5000 Inspiration with Win 10. The Port selection is grayed out, therefore can not make connect for a serial interface. Another computer with Win 8.1 doesn't work either. Tera Term only works on my Win 7 computer. Is their another version I should be using?