[Ultrapossum-cvs 692] ultrapossum ...

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Masato Taruishi taru****@users*****
2004年 10月 7日 (木) 16:18:46 JST

RCS file: ultrapossum/Makefile.am,v
retrieving revision 1.19
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -r1.19 -r1.20
--- ultrapossum/Makefile.am	2004/10/06 11:54:00	1.19
+++ ultrapossum/Makefile.am	2004/10/07 07:18:45	1.20
@@ -8,6 +8,16 @@
 pkgdata_SCRIPTS = sshman envexec
+man_MANS = ultrapossum-config.1 update-ultrapossum.8
+POD2MAN := pod2man -c UltraPossum -r @VERSION@
+update-ultrapossum.8: update-ultrapossum
+	$(POD2MAN) --section 8 update-ultrapossum > update-ultrapossum.8
+ultrapossum-config.1: ultrapossum-config
+	$(POD2MAN) --section 1 ultrapossum-config > ultrapossum-config.1
 aclocaldir = @aclocaldir@
 aclocal_DATA = ultrapossum.m4
@@ -19,7 +29,7 @@
 	$(MAKE) -C init.d variable
-CLEANFILES = variable
+CLEANFILES = variable update-ultrapossum.8 ultrapossum-config.1
 CONFIGS = ultrapossum.cf default.cf config.cf
RCS file: ultrapossum/ultrapossum-config.in,v
retrieving revision 1.22
retrieving revision 1.23
diff -u -r1.22 -r1.23
--- ultrapossum/ultrapossum-config.in	2004/10/07 04:03:55	1.22
+++ ultrapossum/ultrapossum-config.in	2004/10/07 07:18:46	1.23
@@ -15,6 +15,92 @@
 #  GNU General Public License for more details.
+: <<POD
+=head1 NAME
+ultrapossum-config - interface to ultrapossum configuration framework
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<ultrapossum-config> argument
+B<ultrapossum-config> provides the interface to UltraPossum configuration
+=head1 ARGUMENT
+=over 4
+=item B<init>
+Prints the bash shell framgment to initialize your bash script for
+UltraPossum. You can initialize your script by evaluating this output.
+=item B<term>
+Prints the bash shell fragment to terminate the UltraPossum environment.
+You must evaluate this output when you have evaluated B<init> in your
+=item B<get> [<variables...>]
+Prints the specified variables in the form VARIABLE=VALUE. Each variable
+is printed in 1 line. If you don't specify B<<variables...>>, all variables
+are printed.
+=item B<set> <module> <variable>=<value>...
+Sets the spcified variable of <module> to the specified value.
+=item B<remove> <variables...>
+Removes the specified variable configuration and make them default value.
+=item B<module>
+Prints all the plugins.
+=item B<variable> [<modules...>]
+Prints variables of the spcified modules. When no <modules..> argument given,
+all variables are printed.
+=item B<status> [<modules...>]
+Prints the status of plugins.
+=head1 EXAMPLE
+To initialize your bash script, put
+  #!/usr/bin/env bash
+  ...
+  eval `ultrapossum-config init`
+  trap "eval `ultrapossum-config term`" 0
+To see the specified variable,
+  ~$ ultrapossum-config get PACKAGE VERSION
+To set the value
+  ~$ ultrapossum-config set server MASTER=master
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Masato Taruishi <taru****@valin*****>
 set -e
 if test "x$ULTRAPOSSUM_DEBUG" != "x"; then
RCS file: ultrapossum/update-ultrapossum,v
retrieving revision 1.19
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -r1.19 -r1.20
--- ultrapossum/update-ultrapossum	2004/09/27 16:27:45	1.19
+++ ultrapossum/update-ultrapossum	2004/10/07 07:18:46	1.20
@@ -21,6 +21,41 @@
 # $Id$
+: <<POD
+=head1 NAME
+update-ultrapossum - configure/remove ultrapossum plugins
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+B<update-ultrapossum> [-f] <configure|reconfigure|sanity|remove>
+B<update-ultrapossum> manages UltraPossum plugins. There are 4
+arguments. B<configure> configures all the plugins. B<reconfigure>
+reconfigures the plugins again which have been already configured.
+B<sanity> checks whether your configuration is right and B<remove>
+removes the plugins from the system management.
+B<configure> tries to configure all the plugins which are unpacked
+in your system, while B<reconfigure> doesn't. So, you can use
+B<configure> argument to install new plugin. B<remove> removes them
+only from the management. So every files have been located yet. You
+can remove these files successfully after calling B<remove>.
+=head1 OPTIONS
+=over 4
+=item B<-f>
+forcibly configures UltraPossum plugins again even if all plugins
+are up-to-date.
 set -e
 eval `ultrapossum-config init`

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