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Projeto Descrição

XooNIps is Neuroinformatics Platform Base System based on the XOOPS.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

Liberado: 2007-07-02 15:08
XooNIps 3.30 (2 files Esconder)

Release Notes

xoonips version 3.30 released


* initial release from RIKEN BSI Neuroinformatics Japan Center.
* revised the user registration work flow.
* revised the XooNIps administration pages.
* implemented OAI-PMH verb 'ListSets' response.
* implemented graph plotting of the access logs for the site statistics.
* implemented item management pages into XooNIps administration page.
* modified the download process of the attachment file.
* modified the item detail page for the access URL fixation.
* enabled to use proxy connection for the access to external web sites.
* showed index tree node into the item listing page.
* added SEO code for the browser title and the attachment file downloading.
* implemented XML-RPC API for the client applications.
* updated logo icons.
* fixed many invalid HTML grammars.
* fixed many bugs and serious security problems.