[xoops-cvslog 172] CVS update: xoops2jp/docs

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onokazu onoka****@users*****
2005年 6月 15日 (水) 23:33:11 JST

Index: xoops2jp/docs/CHANGES.txt
diff -u xoops2jp/docs/CHANGES.txt: xoops2jp/docs/CHANGES.txt:
--- xoops2jp/docs/CHANGES.txt:	Sat Jun 11 11:50:09 2005
+++ xoops2jp/docs/CHANGES.txt	Wed Jun 15 23:33:10 2005
@@ -1,6 +1,15 @@
 XOOPS v2 Changelog
+2005/ 6/15: Version 2.0.11 JP Beta
+- Fixed parse error in the sections module
+- Fixed incorrect use of anonpost option variable in the news module
+- Fixed bug not being able to add users to group when active users over 200
+- Fixed bug not being able to add user from the user admin page
+- Fixed bug not being able to delete posts in the newbb module
 2005/ 6/10: Version 2.0.10 JP
 - Added fix for better module version number handling
@@ -26,7 +35,7 @@
 2005/ 5/28: Version 2.0.10 JP RC1
 - Temporarily disabled showing XOOPS News on admin top page
-- Changed the name of XoopsMediaUploader::checkFileType() to its original XoopsMediaUploader::checkMimeType() to maintain compatibility
+- Changed the name of XoopsMediaUploader::checkFileType() to its original XoopsMediaUploader::checkFileType() to maintain compatibility
 - Fixed group name not showing in group admin error message
 - Fixed typo in /kernel/object.php, modules/system/admin/smiles/main.php, include/xoopscodes.php, class/xoopsform/dhtmltextarea.php
 - Changed token lifetime from 900 seconds to unlimited
@@ -48,8 +57,8 @@
 - Implemented new token system for validating form origination and increased protection against CSRF
 - Security fix to avoid the usage of fopen and unlink when preview/debug
 - Fixed bug in header.php, assign $xoops_lblocks
-- Fixed sf.net bug #1157029 - Bug in include/checklogin.php
-- Fixed sf.net bug #1060061 - renderValidationJS showing htmlentities instead of intended characters
+- Fixed bug #1157029 - Bug in include/checklogin.php
+- Fixed bug #1060061 - renderValidationJS showing htmlentities instead of intended characters
 - Removed <code>foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {${$k} = $v;}</code> and similar ones which can be insecure under certain circumstances
 - Fixed CSRF vulnerability in block/template preview
 - Fixed CSRF vulnerability in news/newbb preview

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