[xoops-cvslog 3869] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/blocks

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Minahito minah****@users*****
2006年 8月 2日 (水) 18:37:38 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/blocks/legacy_themes.php
diff -u /dev/null xoops2jp/html/modules/base/blocks/legacy_themes.php:
--- /dev/null	Wed Aug  2 18:37:38 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/base/blocks/legacy_themes.php	Wed Aug  2 18:37:38 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+function b_legacy_themes_show($options)
+    global $xoopsConfig;
+    $theme_options = array();
+    foreach ($xoopsConfig['theme_set_allowed'] as $theme) {
+        $theme_option['name'] = $theme;
+        if ($theme == $xoopsConfig['theme_set']) {
+            $theme_option['selected'] = 'selected="selected"';
+        } else {
+            $theme_option['selected'] = '';
+        }
+        $theme_options[] = $theme_option;
+    }
+    $block = array();
+    $block['count'] = count($xoopsConfig['theme_set_allowed']);
+    $block['mode'] = $options[0];
+    $block['width'] = $options[1];
+    $block['theme_options'] = $theme_options;
+    return $block;
+function b_legacy_themes_edit($options)
+    $chk = "";
+    $form = _MB_BASE_LANG_THSHOW."&nbsp;";
+    if ( $options[0] == 1 ) {
+        $chk = ' checked="checked"';
+    }
+    $form .= '<input type="radio" name="options[0]" value="1"'.$chk.' />&nbsp;'._YES;
+    $chk = "";
+    if ( $options[0] == 0 ) {
+        $chk = ' checked="checked"';
+    }
+    $form .= '&nbsp;<input type="radio" name="options[0]" value="0"'.$chk.' />'._NO;
+    $form .= '<br />'._MB_BASE_LANG_THWIDTH.'&nbsp;';
+    $form .= '<input type="text" name="options[1]" value="'.$options[1].'" />';
+    return $form;

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